Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 3-A, Image 3

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    llli; OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: MARCH 12, 101G.
Fetitioni Asking waine Be Placed on
Nebraska Primary Ballot Filed
with His Consent.
From a Stuff Correspondent.)
(From a Raff Corespondent.)
LINCOLN, March 11. Speral.)-OoY-I
tmor John If. Morrhead I now a full
fledfted -candidate fur the democratic
nomination tor vice president, two peti
tions having been filed In his behalf thl
morning. The frst one was placed on the
" hook" by Secretary of State Pool after
receiving It from the hand of Food Com
missioner llarman and the second came
In by mail a little Inter.
, To newspaper men Governor Morehead
stated that he would accept the petitions
and would endeavor to put up as (rood
a llxht as he could. Tie hellaCes that No-
braska Is entitled to something at the
hands of the national democratic conven
tion and he feels that the place Is worth
going after.
Other filings will be made In all states
which cast a preferential primary vote
and assurances have ben received from
some of the nearby states that the gov
ernor's candidacy will be a live for
the voters there.
Hperlal Train to St. I. on l.
One of the Innovations of the governor's
ampaign will be a special train JLa the
St. I.ouls convention filled with Nebraska
boosters and headquarters will be main
tained in connection with the Nebraska
delegation which will make democrats
from the effete east sit up and talte
v notice.
Names on the Lincoln petition were as
follows: V. If. Smith, state auditor;
Charles W. Pool, secretary of state; C.
E. llarman, food commissioner; Dexter
T. Barrett, deputy attorney general; Fred
C. Ayers, deputy state auditor; Dr. P. U,
Hall, national committeeman; W. T. Ken
ton, warden state penitentiary; Henry
Oerdes nnd S. A. Holcomb, Board of
Control; Charles V. Bryan, mayor of
Lincoln; T. S. Allen, United States dis
trict attorney; A. M. Morrlsfey, chief Ju
tlce supreme court und several other
state house employes and Lincoln demo
On the Omaha petition were Arthur F,
Mullen, Henry C. Richmond, H. K. New-
branch, E. K. Howell, Richard Kitchen,
Henry R. Gerlng. Thomas C. Byrne, L.
P. Utterha'ck, John Lav Hie, T. E. Kern,
W. J. Hostettler, T. J. Tuinesky, P. A.
Brennan, R. A. Marshall, Thomas G.
Qutnland, Thomas Flynn. P. H. Johnson,
W. M. Kellcy. J. P. O Dohcrty, H. M.
Barlow, T. A. Donohoe, John J. Sullivan,
and a few others.
v '
. (From a Staff Correspondents r
LINCOLN. March 11. (Special.) Oil In
spector Harman has sent a communica
tion to the democratic members of con
gress asking that tneyuse their Influence
with congress to have an embargo placed
on exportation of oil and gasoline) to
other countries.
He gives as his reasons for such action
that on account of the large amount of
gasoline and other oils going to other
countries and the Increased used made
of it In this country that the price of
gasoline has gone from 10 cents a year
ago to 20 cents at the prestnt time. In
1911 the exportations of gasoline were
15,000.000 gallons, but the 1915 exportations
Increased to about 28.COO.O0O gallons.
He believes that It will be necessary for
the United States to conserve its output
of gasoline or it will find itself up against
a practically prohibitive price. He calls
attention to several states In the south
where, owners have had to store their
cars because the price of gasoline has
gone up to 40 cents a gallon.
Commissioner Harman says that ship
builders are now getting ready to build
twenty-nine new chips of an especial type
for the carrying of gasoline and he be
lieves that some active measures should
be taken for the protection of the oil
STROMSBURQ. JTeb., March ll.-r(Spe-cial.)
Mayor Madgett of Hastings, can
didate for nomination for governor, de
livered an address to a large crowd at a
dinner given by the Commercial club.
Mr. Madgett said what the people need
today is statesme. not politicians; lead
ers, no bosses statesmen and leader
who are men among men and In whom
the people can safely put their trust.
He also said that the words politics and
politicians may live, but politics as a
business must surely die. He closed with
a tribute to temperance.
NORTH PLATTE, Neb., March 11.
(Special Telegram.) Andrew Liddell, for
twenty years a passenger on the Union
Pacific between Grand Island and North
Platte, died suddenly last night at a lo
cal hospital. Funeral services will be
held at the Christian church in this city
at 2: Sunday afternoon. The body will
be taken to the Cole Ac McKak undertak
ing parlors In Omaha. Sunday night
from where short services will be held
Monday at 2 o'clock.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., March 11. (Special
Telegram.) Lieutenant I W. Stoll, who
has been Instructor of the Nebraska. Na
tional Uuard for the last two years, re.
reived orders today to report to his regl
ment. the Twenty-ninth Infantry, at Oal
veston. Tex. This is one of the regiments
reported to have been assigned to service
on tne Al.xlcau frontier.
Trackers at orlh Platte.
DTI - a . - . .
.xwiwii 'uiiiB, JNeb., March 11.
(Speclal.)-The West Central Nebraska
"KMr association will meet in North
riaue on April . T and I. A large num
ber of teachers will be here at that time
s well as some of the foremost educators
v. vuiurnuo. Anion
yon the program are: Ifciry C. Br
jkjr state superintendent Colorado;
Jipr O. Thomas, statf superintendent
braftka; I r. A. V. Monahan, fr
'.ojoraao. Among those
ton tne program are: Mbry C. Bradford
Dr. A.
of Ne-
from the
federal bureau of education at Washing
ton; i ror. r ream a a. Stuff of the Uni
versity of Nebraska, and Prof. Iavldson
f the Curtis Agricultural school.
Widows to Organize
Help Widows
'Why shouldn't the widows orrnle?
Every other class of people, religious sect
or political affiliation Is organlied for
protection and the benefits to be gotten
by co-operation. Why shouldn't the wid
ows, who need protection and assistance
the most, follow their example?"
With this Idea In Mind Mrs. Bessie C.
Turpln, a widow with three children.
whom she hss supported, by her employ
ment as bookkeeper In local business
houses for nine years, has Issued an ap
peal to all widows :n meet with her at
the Toung Men's Christian association
Tuesday afternoon at I o'clock to organ
ise "The Society of American Widows."
Mrs. Turpln has had the Idea In mind
for several years and has been quietly
presenting her views to local business
men since October. The first gun In the
csmpalgn for widows' rights was fired
when Mrs. Turpln addressed a communi
cation to the Associated Retailers this
week setting forth the aims of the So
ciety of American Widows and asking
that a discount be made on all purchases
by widows In stores which are members
o! the association. Mis. Turpln has given
up her position and expects to employ all
of her time now to furthering the suc
cess tf her project.
"At the end of the European war there
will be a great Influx of widows Into this
country. This will be a great problem
for Us to solve, and we believe In pre
paredness. Another necessity for our or
ganizing Is the Inability of the mothers'
pension to come to the aid of widows.
Some are Ineligible and others. If they
receive a pension which Is not sufficient
for them to live on, are not able to go
out and work to make some additional
money. By means of the employment bu
reau and sewing department which we
will establish we hope to be able to pro
vide work In their own homes for the
"This Is not a charitable organisation.
Charity only pauperlies, but our aim is
to do a great, lasting good before the
case Is turned over to the charities. 'Help
the widows to help themselves," Is our
Mrs. Turpln plans to present her Idea
to all the women's organizations of the
city and to enlist the co-operation of
local business men. She contemplates
opening a local office and organizing a
widows' stock company. The widow's
dues will be S3, honorary members $5 per
year. Interested persons will be sold
large blocks of stock 11 they will buy.
The S. A. W.'s will limit their organlza-
Sears, Troup and Leslie Submit
Names for Judicial Nomi
(From a Staff Correspondent.) '
LINCOLN, March 11. (Special.) DIs-
trit judges from the Omaha district filed
petitions this morning with the secretary
of state. Willis O. Sears, A. C. Troup
and Charles Leslie were he men who de
sire to fill the judicial positions.
James T. Begley from the Second Judi
cial district also filed his petition, doing
so in person.
F. A. Relsner, who served In the lower
house of the last legislature, and had at
one time sorlous designs on the lieuten
ant governorship, has filed for renomlna-
tlon for the legislature from the Seventy
first representative district. This la one
of the big districts of the state as re
gards size, and represents the counties of
Loup, Blaine, Grant, Hooker, Thomas,
Logan, McPherson and Arthur. Mr.
Relsner was one of the orators of the
last session, and the bitter enmity be
tween himself and W. J. Taylor of Cus
ter wss one of the marked characteristics
of the session.
Krrnas of SpaJdlasr.
M J. Keenan of Spalding has filed for
te democratic nomination from the Fifty-
second district for representative, repre
sented In the last session by Thomas
Thomss Lanlgan of Greeley, a democrat.
This district comprises the counties of
Greeley. Wheeler and Garfield.
Jay Oliver of Seneca files for the demo
cratic nomination from the Seventy-first
district, represented in the last session by
Mr. Relsner of Thomas county.
John C. Harris of Greeley flies for the
democratic nomination for representa
tive from the Fifty-second district, rep
resented In the last session by Thomas
Otto J. Bauman' of Omaha files as a
candidate for presidential elector on the
democratic ticket from the Second dis
trict. N
I. J. Dunn sends in a filing for the
Democratic nomination for the United
States senate. Mr. Dunn hails from
John Swanson of Columbus desires the
nomination for the state seate on the
democratic ticket from the Kleventh dis
trict, composed of Platte. Polk and Mer
rick counties, represented In the last ses
sion by Senator Krumback of Polk.
Mattley of Ord Files.
"W. S. Mattley of Ord files for the re
publican nomination for the senste from
the Twenty-third district, composed of
the counties of Custer, Valley, Blaine and
Loup, represented In the last session by
Charles W. Real of Custer, a democrat.
Robert W. Sabine of Beatrice visited
the secretary of state's office this after
noon and filed his petition as a candi
date for the district judgeship of the
Eighteenth judicial district.
George J. frpoohn of Superior files for
the democratic nomination for the senste
from the Twentieth district, composed of
the counties of Nuckolls, Webster and
Furnaa. represented In the last session by
W. L. Weesner, a democrat.
(Krom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March U.-(8neclal.)-El.
ward O. Maggl, chairman of the State
Board of Pardons, has received notice of
his appointment as a member of the ex
ecutive council of the Italian-American
Citlsens' association, representing Ne
braska. The object .f the association Is
to study the Italian emigrant and Im
prove and better his condition. It Is un
derstood that the Italian government la
back of the association.
'inlar to Hare Ikoe More.
AUBURN. Neb., March It. (Special.)
A. O. Pearson of Omaha is making ar
rangements to open an exclusive shoe
store In Auburn. He has rented the Mor
genstern building snd is having It re
modeled to suit his convenience. The store
will be open for business In a few weeks.
Society to
Help Themselves
tlon to Nebraska and Iowa for the pres.
ent, other states to be added as the or
ganization grows. Among the alms of
the society are these:
To endeavor to enroll- every widow In
the two slates.
To establish a sewing department, for
Industrial sn.l educational purposes.
To emnlov a professional shopper to do
I purchasing for out-of-town members.
To maintain an employment uepartmeni
with fiee service to members.
To establish a lunch, rest and reading
room down town, for Its members. ,
To encourage needle and homecraft arts
and create a market for the products.
To have a current magazine, free li
brary for Its members.
To furnish mueio and entertainment for
ita members.
To provide care and medical attention
for the sick.
To advise and assist In any way pos
sible, those who are In difficulty or In
need of a fried.
To publish a monthly paper.
To solicit the co-operation of every bus
iness man In Omaha (some of tho ways
In which this co-operation can be made
effective). 1. To allow the association a
discount on gnods purchased by Its mem
bers and on purchases made by the sseo
clatlon's professional shopper, for out-of-town
members. 2. To assist the employ
ment department In finding situations for
widows. 3. To Influence and help widows
who are In their employ to become mem-
hers of this orsanizatloti
T V. i . 1 1 A ,tu r m.k.t VinH.d whlltll mill
be rented at reasonable rates to widow.
Attempt at Suicide
Proves Merely Ruse
SUPERIOR. Neb., arch 11. (Special
Telegram.) Marshals Gates and Gotirlay
captured August Potthast, who Is wanted
in Thayer county on a statutory charge
against a 14-year-old girl. He was sup
posed to have committed suicide, as his
clothing and personal effects were scat
tered along the banks of a creek. He
was about to leave on a freight when
the officers caught and held hi mbere
for the Thayer county sheriff.
Grand Master at Auburn. '
AVBl'RN, Neb... March 11. (Special.)
Grsnd Master Samuel Whiting and Rev.
C. M. Shepherd, grand chaplain of the
Masonic order In Nebraska, both of Lin
coln, visited the Auburn lodge Wednes
day and Thursday, and a large reception
was given In their honor and was at
tended by members of the Masonic lodge
and Eastern Star. A special program
was rendered during the evening and re
freshments were served.
Factory to Open Week.
AUBURN. Neb.. March 11. (Special.)
The Nebraska Cedar Moss compsny is
receiving machinery and supplies prepara
tory to opening the plant. The manage
ment states that It will be ready to com
mence" operations within the next m-eek
or ten days. When the plant . Is com- i
pleted It will employ from thirty to forty i
people. J
" ' War I'pos Pain. I
Sloan s Liniment prepares you for ev
ery emergency. Keep it handy It's the
greatest pain killer ever discovered. At
all druggists, 25c. Advertisement. '
Spohn Files for Senator.
SUPERIOR, Neb., March ll.-(Speclal
Telegram.) George J. Spohn of Superior
has filed for the democratic nomination
for state senator from this district, which
Includes Uuckolls, Webster and Franklin
counties. Mr, Spohn has served one term
In the senate from this district and files
at the request of numerous friends and
Itiousands Recommend This
Reliable Kidney Medicine
I wish to state that In the seven yesrs
that I have sold Dr. Kilmers Swsmp
Root I have never known of a single cus
tomer who did not feel satisfied with the
results obtained from Its uee and speak
very favorably regarding Swamp-Root.
They always come back and ask for It
and that In Itself Is a sufficient guarantee
of the value of the preparation In the
troubles for which it Is Intended. It Is a
splendid kidney medicine and I take hap
piness In handling and selling same.
Very truly yours,
C. J. Lien hart, Prop.,
Dec. 24th. 1515. Norman. Neb.
Setter to
Xr. Kilmer ft Co..
BlagnamtoB, sT. T.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do for You
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer c Co..
Blnghamton, N. T.. for a sample size
bottle. It will convince anyone. You will
also receive a booklet of valuable in
formation, telling about the kidneys and
bladder. When writing, be sure and men
tion The Omaha Sunday Bee. Regular
fifty-cent and one-dollar sire .bottles for
sale at all drug stores.
State Board of Control Members
May Send Warden to Wash
ington Hearing.
(From a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN. March 1 1. Special -The
State Board of Control Is Considering
sending Warden Fenton of tho state pen
itentiary to ashlngton to attend a meet
ing of the senate committee on commerce
and ' labor, which will hold a hearing
next Wednesday for the purpose of con
sidering what Is known as the Hughes
An effort Is being made to get through
congress a measure which wlllp rohlhlt
convict-made goods from being shipped
from one state to another. This bill If It
becomes a law will greatly affect the
plant at the state penitentiary recently
put in for the manufacture of reed furni
ture, and Nebraska with afout fifteen
other states Is directly affected by the
bill and will register a vigorous kick
against Its passage.
De France Checks Office.
Charles Q. DeFrance. who steps into the
Insurance department In the position of
actuary, to which he has been appointed
to till the vacancy caused by the resig
nation of II. S. Wiggins, Is busily at
work checking up the Insurance depart
ment before going In. Mr. DeFrance has
been Iflllng the position of state ac
countant since the advent of the demo
cratic calamity In the state.
Want Dake at Memphis.
R. II. Duke, who broke Into the state
penitentiary because of his ability to
draw checks and sign other people's
names to them, will not be a free man
when he steps out of the Nebraska home,
for an application has reached the office
of the governor from 'Memphis, Tenn.,
asking that a requisition be granted to
take him back to that city on the charge
of attempting to cash a S300 check which
had no backing. Duke was sent up from
Omaha, where he attempted to secure
money by the check system, claiming to
bo a son of the man who makes "Duke's
York Treasurer Obeys.
The county treasurer of York county,
who refused to obey the request of State
Treasurer Hall to send in remittances
monthly of funds collected belonging to
the state, came across this morning with
a remittance for January and February
irmountlng to (12.300.
(ilfford Rets C. A. It. Place.
William M. Glfford of Lincoln, has boeti
sppolnted assistant Inspector general for
the Nebraska department of the Grand
Army of the Republic by the national In
spector general.
Books to Assessors.
Secretary Mellor of the state fair board
and his assistants are busily engaged
today It) sending out the blank books
to county assessors, necessary for each
precinct assessor that he may make a
careful report on crop, statutes for this
I year. Mr. Mellor says that much of the
success of the work and the correctness
of the reports depend upon the precinct
assessor and without their hearty co
operation the work may be a partial
failure. Two thousand five hundred books
Better Take
A Great Odd
$(J4.75 Fumed Oak Buffet, like
cut, C feet long; quality and
construction unexcelled; sale
Monday. . . . $75.00
ass- - - -j ....
$49.75 Colonial Davenport lied, sim
ilar to cut, quartered golden oak
frame, Spanish fabrleold upholstery;
vale price
only ......
$100.00 Tapestry
tale price
Davenport Hd,
The Ancient Order of Hibernians of llils
city will observe the feast of Ireland's
patron eslnt, Friday. There wl'.l be a
high mass at St. Patrick's church at
which the members and their families will
be present. A special sermon will be
presched by Rev. Hugh Orely of St.
Cecilia's pro-cathedral.
In the evening a big program will be
given at Crelghton auditorium, commenc
ing at 8:30 o'clock sharp. Patrick O'Nell,
the great Irish tenor, will contribute
several numbers on the program. Mies
loretta De lone will render some num
bers on the harp. W. C. Fraser, attorney,
will give the principal address of tho
evening, diaries McLaughlin, lawyer,
will he chairman of the evening's pro
gram. are required to supply the counties of the
Booze Ads Cut Out
Of Magazines Sent
Into Wyoming
CHEYENNE. Wyo.. March 11. (Spe
cial.) Because of Colorado's statewide
prohibition law many Wyomlngltee, who
enjoy "reading the advertisements" of
populsr msgasines, have been curtailed
In that privilege and are grumbling
loudly. The Colorado law forbids the
sale in that ststs of any publication con
taining a liquor advertisement. There
fore In magaslnea sent to Colorado for
sale, the liquor advertisements are de
leted, blank spaces or facetious plotures
appearing where tho liquor advertise
ments appear In the Issues distributed In
other states. Denver Is a clearing house
for "news stand" magartnea of this
region and virtually all of the news
stands of southern Wyoming sre supplied
fro mthat city.. Consequently Wyomlng
Ites who obtain their magazines at news
stands are receiving the Colorado edition,
with liquor advertisement deleted,
Department Orders.
WASHINGTON, March 11 (Speglal Tel
egram. ) Thomas K. Cushman, appointed
rural letter carrier at Hook Rapids.
Civil service examination will he held
on Oprll ft, for postmaster at Llaco, Neb.
Good News
,s and Ends Clearance Sale
Unparalleled Money Saving Opportunities
a Little Journey
from brokt'ii and mismatched HuiUs patterns tlint hava not moved lis nuieklv as thfv
should others that are being
rpace ior tne largest firing purchases jn Iteaton & Laier history. All Kales will be final; no
exchanges allowed 011 goods sold at sale prices. Only a few representative values listed here.
Scores of Unrivaled Snaps in Quality Furniture
als Price.
$87.50 Mahogany Davenport ... $65.C0
$105.00 Harewood Sofa $75.00
$72. CO Mahogany Arm Chair. . .$35.00
$61.50 Mahogany Settee $38.50
$44X0 Arm Chair to match $27.50
$26.50 Chair to match $16.50
$59.75 Leather Chair $37.50
$33.75 Mahogany Settee $20.CO
$32.50 Oak Princess Dresser. . .$20.00
$38.50 Ivory Bed, full size. . . . .$24.75
$35.03 Brass Bed, full size $25.00
$15.75 Brown Fiber Chair .$10.00
Don't Let Germs of Disease
Work havoc In your Teeth, for thoy will work
havoc with your Kyes, K.nrs, Nose, Throat, Stom
ach, Llrer and a hundred other things, whlca
torrtilnato In a dan jrcroua, load for your body to
I am Introducing to your notice the newest
and moot valunblo addition to my office known
to Ifc.ntal Science. The X-Ilay for Dental pur
poses. It will detect disorders of concealed con
ditions In and around the teeth and ttum that
the naked rye. with the use of Instruments cannot
find. H la moat nlmple In Its operation, taking
a picture ot any Riven pnrt. and completed tor
j our view In a short space of time.
Como t me with your pains, and 1 11 show
you the real Inside conditions and treat you with
a know!edK" that only the X-Uay can give.
Send for booklet on unusual Dentlntry.
A quality Dentist for alt Tooth and Gam
trouble without the pain.
(Jrow With Orovdng Omaha,
v .. ? f
.27 Yearn In Omaha.
021-22 Woodmen of the World IlldK. rhone T. 1750.
1 Ith and Parnam HH., Omaha. Hour H to ft; Sunday, 10 to 12.
Await Your Inspection
Classy Spring Millinery st Popular Prices
S5 31 00 a
1417 Douglas Street
For Largest and Quickest Results, You Should Always Place
Your Classified Advertising in The Bee Results Tell the Talq
For Furniture Buyers
... t
Through This
at Savings
discontinued, etc., and principally to gain needed display
lale rloe.
$21.00 Brown Fiber Settee $13.50
$44.00 Old English China Closet $30.00
$88.00 Old English Sofa. $56.50
$69.50 Old English Console Table $50.00
$105.00 Old English Library Table $70.00
$67.50 Mahogany Tea Wagon .$50.00
$58.50 Mahogany Bed, full size $40.00
$62.C0 Tuna Mahogany Chiffonier $47.50
$68 50 Colonial Mahogany Chiffonier. .$45.00
$42.50 Mahogany Twin Bed $27.50
$79.50 Colonial Davenport..; $60.00
$68.75 Ivory Chiffonier ;. $39.75
I ' ' ' v. 1
of from
Store Monday
Ml l