it HIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: ilARCTl 12, 1916. 4B HOMAL BABY Children Take Part in "The The Purpose of Baby Week is to Reduce the Death Rate Among the Infants MA r Mothers Is it a question with you what you ought to do to protect your babies from the danger of Scarlet Fever CONTAGION that lurks in raw milk? There is one safe way. Ixt the ba bies have Pasteurized Milk Its Safe ASK voun TMKTOIt UK KNOWS 0 J- 11 We Furnish All the milk that is used nt the Baby Saving Institute mentioned In the page- story la thin luue of Tho Omaha Bee. WHY? Simply bocauae tha doc tors In charge, know our milk In all w claim for It SAKE. WHOLESOME, NOURtSHlNO. Visit Our Display at the BABY SA VING EXHIBIT At the Court II out ThU Week Alqmito Thm "Milk. Whit" Dairy XKmfflaa 40. Mta ut XOTnwortfc traote. What do you want to know about bablea? A life-time's study of babies would b a small estimate of ht can be learned by a visit to tha baby health exhibit opened at the court house Saturday for a rli-Omhn'i observance of the nation wide) Uaby Health week advocated ty the federal children's bureau In conjunc tion with the General Federation of Women's Clubs. Why do bablea cry? One of the striking charta hung on the walla of tho exhibit tella you: Pecsuse he ta tired of lying on ono Ida too Ion. Turn lilm over on the other aide. I'.crauae he la thlraty. Hera u no he Is warm or irritated by prickly heat. Because ha la sleepy. Rei-auae the air In the rooms l foul and ameily. Bablea need lota of fresh air. Kerauae hla clothes are tight or a pin ofK'r Babies and Children 1 Parents, do you know that one In every four school children haa defective stsht? 2 Do you know that 75 of tho back ward school children In one city , have tle- roctlve) eight? . 3 Do you know that In one city in the backward achool children Teran proTo when fitted with glasses? 4 Do you know whether your boy or girl has normal eyesight? We can tell you. 6 Do you know that lack of proper glasses may seriously handi cap your child's future? 6 Do you know that we fit glasses to children with scientific accuracy? 7 Globe Glasses NOW may save your child years of needless discomfort and change Its whole career. .WE MAKE Ta, A. - m Bring Your ( Willi Our Experts ' OPTICAL CO. ft. I CORNER 'FARNAM AT It TM Douglas 2141. FLOWER FAIRIES Reading, left to right: Flora Shukert, a rose; Angeline Rush, a carnation; Marguerite Carnal, a sunflower; Bernice Wilcox, a poppy. f a13I 1 V iewr' J No Charge for Consultation fT ft :. Js d Bmmm .a, i aaaHaHanaaHHaMMaaaMh . naHdaanaawaaHaaaa v INMSHMasaaaMaaaaaani t-mA r:..,. J :A - 3 4 - - ,'-'k ft -s v.n-;ai i)M4)feai.!ajV4Mi4'aiw'if tf. n r"" Ai'''l-'""" iAxii!i J5?.5. W,5 1 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtam i mi ""'CV 11 iawiiiwawMiiwiiiaaaiiiaililililiallll?L n iiujii : , l BABY DENTISTRY Will Have One Room For Specializing on BABY CARRIAGES Special for Baby Week Wo manufacture a com plete line of Baby Furni ture In 'alT feizoa and styles. Prices from $1.50 up. We make 'reed pieces to order, repair your reed rockers, recane seat bot toms. Will call and give prices. Now in now location. . Omaha Reed & Rattan Co. 040 S. ICth, Castle Hotel Bldg. Douglas 2043. &ZrCan of Baby's Teeth We will soon be In our beautiful new quarters In the Rose building, where one room will be used to specialise on children's teeth only. Honesty Built Our Business Our Treatment Is simple, . easy, and pleasant, Desldes It Is painless and can not possibly barm you In any way. to one of tha largest prnctloes la Nebraska. PADfLESS KXTOAOTION BY VITALIZED AIR. TAFT DENTAL ROOMS 1517 Douglas Street atlcka him. Because crying la the only way he ha of telling you something la wrong with him. What la Bad for Baby. What thlnga are bad for bablea? Well. pacifiers are the worc$; but another chart tella you a great many things to avoid for babies. Keep baby'a milk clean and col. This point la emphasised by one booth In atalled by a local dairy, with Mra. Har riet MacMurphy, food expert. In charge. Here la an exhibit of modified milk and fioda for bablea, with menua for the dtf- fent ages of children and lnatructlon on tho atandardliatlon of milk. Merton Wright of tha department of dairy hus bandry of the University of- Wlaeonaln anawera all question and Mlaa Renee MrKensle of the ChlM Bavlng Institute, representing the Nebraska Aaaoclatlon of Graduate Nurses, Is la attendance to ad viae mothers. i Imfaat Mortality. Efforts to decrease Infant ' mortality and Its relation to feeding, tha food of the mother during pregnancy and during the nursing period, consideration of the digestive syatem of tha child, the Impor tance of breast feeding and under sub stitutes for mothers' milk, the importance of safeguarding its purity by the use of certified and pasteurised milk; the modi fication to suit tha special needs of the OULLb furnished. Dolls enam- UoIlV HOSPltal . eled. Wigs made from rv FPAl a VAJ your own combings. Room 52 Douglas Bldg. Cor. Dodge St. MM a. '("' nt'" n-)Wiiil:!itt,:rl(liHIH!t"l,hti,t' I - 25 Years a Successful PHOTOGRAPHER 14 Years of Success in Omaha Baby Pictures Arc something you will want when your child grows to manhood or womanhood. We arc Specialists on Baby Pictures And our prices are reasonable. i y i i! f YpA9 a BABY WEEK SPECIAL A 1 ZkZmmmm we wm ve to every mother with her baby visiting the Studio during this week a beautiful large picture of BABY. u iJ Reistmm Studio 1811 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 5622 is Si n w f : lo Our Havvv m m mr B Children est Boosters They Have Sent Many of Their Little Friends The two children faces v in this ad tell the story of how we can satisfy the youngsters and cause no pain or illness after extraction and other dental work needed. Many Parents Neglect Their Duty and we find when children come to us the pain from decayed teeth is very intense. It often keeps the children from progressing in school studies and longer neglected, the more it will cost to fix. Specialize in Children Dentistry One of our experts lias Miulied the care of Children's Teeth for several years and takes great care and pleasure in this line. His ability to gain the confidence of children i marvelous and we surest you send your boy or girl to him. Omaha Owned Institution .'.EaVS AH our dentists are residents of Omaha, also the nurse is a resident. All money is spent in Omaha not sent to some home office in another city. r"! TEETH I TEE1"? urf$ Modern Methods of Dentistry' rc Aro not to bo dreaded, our oil ice is equipped with all ap pliances for alleviating pain. Otfl.e lluurs, ti-.SO Ut a. Wednesday and Saturday to 8 V. M. Sundays, 10 to 1:30. DENTISTS i McKENNEY, Tlu Man Tlat Tut T-KET In TI'.KTH. Illh and I'Mriuiui Bta., i'ariian). rtutne !Mig1s 2A72. LKT ua talk the matter of yovr teeth ovc-r with you. All wort guaranteed 19 years. Bee our Price List anj compare It :ih price you have j aid f r work lsewhere. Uv.r milngs SCO WtUte Otewas I4.CO Best ta-k. Gold Crowns 4.C0 Brtdr Work, pet toots H O) Best rutee ta, as an HQ Traatmaat Sl.CO W give mileage for BO miles ob Oat-of-Towm Cvatraots for $10 o mora. PIXIES Reading, left to right: Evelyn Lowe, Blutb-riy; Madeline Lowe, Burr; Dorothy Norton, Eramfcls; 3Jy .TiiTifi T.nwp. Earth Babv. r ; (mm0 0V:" V:--.u,V,.)k-.: f :-f:-:;;V?.'.;v Syy.A - .! - AA--y'A-.A.. a- . 1 -.,,'.'. ......:A,: SnaMaaaami. - - - mabiaoMSeaaaM . Infant all these topics receive special consideration in the exhibit. The display of baby's garments, pre pared by Mrs. Emma Reed Davisaon of the extenalon work, department of agri culture. University of Nebraaka, ta one of the attractive features of the exhibit. The essentials In clothing, that the ma terial should be soft, light and porous; that the garments fit so that they allow freedom of movement and unrestricted flow of the blood, and the necessity for cleanliness to prevent Infection are among the points emphasised. Complete Baby'a Iayoat. A complete baby's layett ta on dlsplsy and some motherly soul Is hovering about who tells you the number, kinds and car of the garments, proper methods of put ting them on and when to use the first short clothes. An illustrated dental exhibit by an eastern dental achool occupies a promi nent place in the exhibit for the welfare of baby's teeth wss judged of so much Importance that the whole of Saturday evening's program was devoted to this subject alone. home c-onniiii qucnfi tw4 hit Don't, cam- In connection with tho aspect of the baby health bl'nhAna V. . a dci.n W lift the domestic aclence department ulrla oil ths Omaha High school. One of the. kitchens, an orderly. Spick and roan, up-l to-date kitchen, Is one In tho home off Mrs. Do Care, while the other, a JIs-4 orderly, unkempt kitchen, is Mra Csre's. Aatl-Splt Campalarn. Mrs.' XI. C. Humoey's antl-pU palgn la emphasized at the baby health exhibit by the large green placards which' have become ao familiar about town in the last few weeks, and the dis plays of the Anti-Tuberculosis society,! of which Mrs. Kdholm la pn-Mldcnt, alscf occupy a prominent place, lioth afenoiei, are working for baby health, tou. ..Mrs. Edholin, who, as the federal children's bureau representative in Nebraska, haa taken up the matter of birth registration, haa a chart which demonstrate that In the alxteen communltiea where the feat haa been completed one of fourth n births ars unregistered, it has btea found. Of almost uncanny Interest Is the eleo- FRIES LAI .-. CERTIFI IS I A W V Dist-ibii! Ill j3i " Y -, , 11 c! St pi u a.. . a W i