he Omaha Sunday PART TWO SOCIETY PAGES ONE TO EIGHT PART TWO SOCIETY PAGES ONE TO EIGHT VOL. XLV NO. 39. OMAIIA, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 12, 1 0 1 ('. SINGIJE COPY FIVE CENTS. Omaha Girl Proves Angel of Mercy in War 4,1 , ; r Bee CLUBDOM Calendar of Club Doings Monday Omaha Woman's club. Y. W. C. A.. 2:30 p. m.; open program by oratory depart ment, 3:30 p. m. Sacred Heart Alumnae, lecture by Loula II. Wetmore, at convent, 3:30 p. ta. Drama league, city hall, 4 p. m. City Federation of Child Conservation league, Dundee and North Side circles. Chautauqua circle, Tennyson chapter, Mrs. A. E. Mack, hostess, 2:30 p. m. Baby Health week exhibit, court house, 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Tuesday Omaha Society of Fine Arts, Hotel Fon tenelle, 4 p. m. Business Women's club, Y. W. c. A., 7 p. m. South Omaha Woman's club, literature de partment. Library hall, 2:30 p. m. Business Girls' council, luncheon and prayer meeting, court house, 11 to 2 p. m. Baby Health week exhibit, court house, 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. D. A. R., Omaha chapter, Mrs. W. A.Smith, hostess, 2:30 p. m. Wednesday Dundee Woman's club, Mrs. Allen Koch, hos tess, 2:30 p. m. Association of Collegiate Alumnae, story tell ers' section, Miss Elizabeth Mitchell, hos tess, 4 p. m. Omaha Woman's club literature department, Y. W. c. A., 10 a. m. Visiting Nurse directors, city hall, 10:30 a. m. Clio club, Mrs. E. McEachron, hostess, 2:30 p. m. Social Settlement, annual election. Settle ment house, 3 p. m. Woman's Club of Railway Mail Service,' Miss Nora Frltchoff, hostess, 2:30 p. m. Mu Sigma, Mrs. Walte Squler, hostess, 9:30 a, m. Miller Park Mothers' circle, Mm. A. Qulsen- berry, hostess. ) Spanish War Veterans, Lawton auxiliary, Memorial hall, 2:30 p. m. Baby Health exhibit, court house, 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. D.'A. R. state conference, Lincoln hotel, Lin-, coin. Thursday Omaha Society" of Fine Arts, annual election. Hotel Fontenelle, 4 p. m. Omaha Story Tellers' league, public library, .4:16 p. m. . P. E. O. Sisterhood, chapter E, Mrs. Thomas H. Matters, hostess, 1 p. m. Benson Baptist Missionary circle, Mm. C. E. Bur rill, hostess. P. E. O. Statehood, chapter B. N., Mrs. J. C. Buffington, hostess, 2:80 p. m. Baby Health exhibit, court house, 10 a. m to 10 p. m. Friday Child Conservation league, North Side circle, Mrs. C. J. Wonder, hostess, 2 p. m. W. C. T. U. of Benson, Mrs. E. C. Hodder, hostess. Close of Baby Health exhibit, court house, 10 p. m. Saturday Association of Collegiate Alumnae, Commer cial club, 2:30 p. m.; open program by story tellers' section. D IVIDINO Interest with the Omaha Woman's club big project, the baby health exhibit at the court house this week, Is the pre Btntatlon of two Irish plays, "The Land of Heart's Desire," by William Butler Yeats, and "Spreading the News," by Lady Gregory, to be given for the open program of the oratory department, following the business meeting Monday. Special enthusiasm has been aroused for the performance, because the state president, Mrs. J. N. Paul of St. Paul, will be the guest of the club Monday, and for the reception which follows the plays; and also because the author of "Spreading the News" was so recently a guest In Omaha, hav ing lectured here under the auspices of the Drama league. Mrs. W. C. Lambert is leader for the ora tory department, wbcue open programs are always a Bource of great pleasure to the club and bring out the largest audiences. Another feature of the . program win uo me group oi man songs 10 D8 . sung by Miss Gladys Louise Chambers. The fourteenth annual conference of the Ne braska Daughters of the American Revolution, to be held In Lincoln Wednesday to Friday of this week is of state-wide importance. Omaha boasts two officers on the state board, the president, Mrs. II. Aull and the corresponding secretary, Mrs. R. E. McKelvey, and aside from these two, will send a large delegation Wednesday from the two local chapters, Omaha and Major Isaac Sadler. Wednesday evening the two Lincoln chapters, Deborah Avery and 8t. Leger Cowley, give a ban quet for the Daughters and Thursday evening there will be a musicale at the governor's mansion. Govenor John H. Morehead and Mayor C. W. Bryan will give the addresses of welcome Thurs dap morning, the response to be made by Mrs. E. G. Drake of Beatrice, state vice regent. Greetings will then be extended by Herbert BuBhnell of the Sons of the Revolution, Mrs. Josle C. Bennett for the Woman's Relief corps, and Mrs. Max Hostetler of Bhelton for the United States Daughters of 1812. The Omaha delegation includes Mesdamea Aull. McKelvey, F. R. Straight. W. L. Selby, J. B. ADm, muiam Arcnioaid Smitn, Ira W. Porter, Edgar Allen and John Speedie. Mrs. J. L. Baker, one of the elected delegates, is ill at Excelsior Springs and unable to attend. Additional Club ewg ou Pago 10igh Mrs. Irving Stern-Who Was Ruth Brandeis Whose Home is Now in Paris, is Bringing Com fort and Joy to French Soldiers in the Trenches T .: vv t jy I f ' J v. -X . 1:. 1-: . .... 1 i V r . ' - 1 y f o 1 y. . V ' t ?i f- - jf Jit, 1 -- iff iK-- -n'h-fM'Vi' w - '4 " 1 "J l""-r"" '' i . Mralwing Stepn. K sweep of sentiment nrounod locally by the appeal In rhalf of wnr orphans has been reinforced by a movement to adopt French soldiers, real heroes of the war. An Omnha plrl now living In Purls, Mrs. Irving Stem (nee Uuth Brandcls), is one of the most enthuMsstlc workers In the cause. Through her earnest solicitation Mr. and Mrs. George Hrandcis have adopted three soldiers and Mrs. Herman Cohn, too, is fairy godmother to a hero of the trenches. Mrs. Stern's letters breathe the pathos, the hopelessness, the crushing 'pressure of the great world drama going on about her. "It's a marvelous experlenre being over here In war time but I've Rrown ten years older, I think. Everything and everybody Is so very serious and grave. We go to the theater once a week Just to keep human, although It's so dark near our apartment (being within the Kiffel Tower district) we never know whether we'll find our way home or get lost. When I read of the gaiety and extravagance In New York I feel as though I'm living In Mara. "The papers speak of Germany's food riots. Believe me, we'll see them In France before many months, although bread and vege tables are still normal. Imagine cooking eggs at 60 cents a dosen; cooking butter, 64 rents a pound; table butter at 80 cents a pound. It can't be much worse In Germany and they are blockaded. "Evidently there's very heavy fighting going on, as the official news Is entirely cut out of the newspapers. Today the forts around Paris had cannon practice nd It was quite alarming to hear the fir ing," writes Mrs. Stern under date of January 24. Mrs. Stern enclosed a batch of letters she had received front nine soldiers, for whom sho Is caring, expressing their deepest thanks for the comforts furnished them by members of tho Brandels family. valentine offering was also enclosed, the figure of a soldier em broidered on a Hllk handkerchief, with reference to which Mrs. Stern comments: "St. Valentine Isn't known here, but soldiers are. The navy blue man is a Chasseur Alpln, known as the Blue Devils." The handkerchief was embroidered by one of the French soldiers. The former Omaha girl Is kept exceedingly busy taking care of the nine adopted godsons of the family. Added to the package of warm things and two letters a month which the godparent sends, Mrs. Stern forwards a package of eatables to each soldier each month. Raincoats, pyjamas, socks, cigarettes, writing paper and pencils, stamps, chocolates, rum, Jam, helmets and picture puiales are Just a few of the things Included .In the packages. "This organisation Is the pnly one I know of that really puts you directly In touch with the soldier who "receives your knitting and letters tho letter being Just as Important as the former, as only men who have no one In tho world ,are( - chosen. Many of the men com from the north of France and have families In the Germans' hands. Their letters of thanks are pitiful, none of them having, had letters or comforts since the beginning . of the war. There are still 9,000 soldiers waiting for fairy godmothers." When the soldier adopted by Mrs. Her man Cohn was dis charged from the hospital be obtained leave of absence and came on foot to Paris to thank Mrs. Stern for her kindnesses to him. Mrs. Stern Was so touched by his plight that aha housed him at her apartment In tho Avenue du Troca dero for five days. In enclosing the letters of their three adopted godsons to Mr. and Mrs. George Brandels . Mrs. Stern writes: . "Here are the letters of Augustine Vaftse, who Is a cor poral; Jules Bula Ipne, who is wounded In the right leg and Is in a hogpltalin tho north, and, lastly, Jules Lefevre, who had been reported killed, but turned up at last badly wounded, but alive. In a hospital In the south of France "Corporal Vaase's family is here In Paris." Thirteen months ago the Germans entered their village, Wailly-near-Anas, and burned down their home. The wife with her five children, ages 3, 10, 11, 13 and 14, walked to Paris! Sleeping In the fields at night, the youngest child died of cold and starvation! They lived at a home for refugees the convent of St. Vincent de Paul but the wife Is now at the maternity hospital awaiting another member of the family. She has also Just been operated on for tumor and dropsy, but, being a French peasant. Is not dying at all. In fact, I found be.' eating a pork chop and drinking a glass of wine six days after being operated on. All this story Is absolutely true I've been to aee her and also the children, and the Sisters corroborated the story. But It's only one of a thousand all alike. "Formerly the soldiers received J cents per day and all necessi ties, including a pint of wine a day. candles at night In the trenches, etc. The water Is all poisoned and they are forbidden to drink It. Lately the government generously increased their allowance to 5 centa a day and suppressed light, butter and half of the wine supply. Consequently they all ask for a little money, and I shall send them their packages and 5 francs each month." A number of family friends of the Brandelses have become Inter ested In the relief work of the young Omaha woman, who Is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brandels. Her marrlaga to Irving Stern of New York was celebrated several years ago, sine which time she has lived In New York, and mpre reoently in Paris, bocause of Mr. Stern's business connection SOCIETY Social Calendar Monday Comus club entertainment, Mr. and Mrs. Bea Marti and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hood, hosts and hostesses. Luncheon for Mrs. J. W. Paul a,t University club. , White Shrine Whist club at Masonlo temple, Mrs. N. J. Slckler, hostess. Tuesday Needlecraft club, Prairie Park club house. Luncheon for Mr. Lorado Taft, given by board of directors of Omaha Fine Arts' society. Symposia club, leap year and masquerade danoe, Prairie Park club house. Monmouth Park Mothers' club, Mrs. Frances Kerrigan, hostess. Thimble club, Mrs. Russell Harris, hostess. Luncheon to Mr. Lorado Taft at Omaha club, given by board of directors of Omaha Fine Arts society. Dinner to Mr. Lorado Taft, given by Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Summers. Friday Tourney at Clark's Indoor Golf school be tween Field club. Woman's Golf club and Prettiest Mile Golf club. Thursday Clnonam dance, Scottish Rite cathedral. Swastika Card club, Mrs. E. W. Vanhawsen, hostess. Wednesday St. Patrick's party at Y. W. C. A. St. Patrick's dance at Turpln'i hall, given by Le Mars club, hi Saturday Week-End Dancing club dance at Chambers' academy. Buchanan-Adams wedding In Chicago. LENT launches Into Us second week with everything In fitting decorum with the season. Of the week Just passed, Mon day and Tuesday were most gay, and Ash Wednesday dawned upon many a pair of tired heels and toes wearied Into willingness for rest and abstalnence. Of course, luncheons, teas and dinner are an other matter. It would be hard to. find anything In the writing and admonitions of the early Chrts taln Fathers directly treating upon these subjects. For one thing, the holy men knew nothing about tea, i luncheons were not . yet in vogue the master mlud that devised the game of bridge was still many centuries unborn. There Is no real reason, canonical or ethi cal, why a hostess should be timid In owning an aft ernoon affair between now and Easter, Many affairs of religious and phllanthropla concern are on the calendar. A retreat begins Mon day among a circle of women, who will meet for meditation and prayer at the Sacred Heart convent. A few of the number will retire for the whlla from all worldly Influences by taking up their abode at tho convent. Among the more active Interests will bo tha lecture Monday afternoon at tha Sacred Heart, un der the auspices of the alumnae by Prof. Loula H. Wetmore, on "The Heresy and Orthodoxy of Literature." , ' In Episcopalian circles the forming; of atudy classes is a pronounced feature of Lenten piety. This study is under the leadership of Mra. Philip Potter, president of the Woman's Auxiliary of tha Episcopal church for Nebraska. Mrs. Chartea Tur ner of Lincoln, educational secretary of the society, outlines the course for each week. For tha coming week, the classes will take up "Missions In Mexico." Other Omaha women actively interested and lead ers in these elapses are: Mrs. Oscar Wllllama, Mra. S. D. Barkalow and Mrs. Albert Noe. Current topics In the mission field and tha study of tha business of missions will constitute tha course of all the Lenten classes. It will be some two weeks and more before the younger set begin coming home for their spring vacations. From letters received In Omaha by par ents It would seem that an unusual number of young people are coming home this spring. Not a few Omaha students in eastern schools and col leges did not come home at the Christmas vaca tion, because of their parents' fear of the scarlet fver contagion. Now, with that danger past, the youn? people may be expected, all the keener for a stfrht of home for the mld-wlnter exile for safety take. A social meeting will follow the business sea slon of tho Omaha Fine Arts society Thursday aft ernoon at the Fontenelle. Mrs. Leonard Everett of Council Bluffs will give a reading on the "Five Young American Poets." presented earlier In tha season to the society by Mr. Alfred Noyee and Dr. John Cowper Powys. Mrs. Everett has made a special study of modern American verse writers this winter and the members of the Fine Arts society wish to get the viewpoint of a crltlo and student and fellow countrywoman. Mrs. Ludorla F. Crofoot will give several piano solos. The last meeting of the Fine Arts society thl season in April will not be held at the Fontenelle. The meeting place has been changed to the homo or Mrs. Charles Thomas Kountze, ' One of the delightful promises of the week, ani , coming much as a surprise, Is the social meeting ' to follow the business session of the Fine Arts so- t clety at the Fontenelle Thursday afternoon. Mra. Leonard Everett of Council Bluffs will give a read- ! ing on the American poets that English critics, lm. ported for the occasion, bave been explaining to Omaha audiences this winter. Following Dr, Powys. Mrs. Everett, with her beauty and rare , charm of personality and cultured Intellectuality, comes to the society as water from a mountain brook after a noisome seepage from dark and mya- ! terlous caverns. Additional Society Kews on Next rag, " i v