THE OMAHA . SUNDAY BEE: MAKCII 12, 101G. 12 A OIIAHA AUTO CLUB IS FOR ROAD BONDS Sett Forth Benioni for the Fauago of the Bondi at the Coming Election. MEJL2TS HELP TO EVERYONE Salesroom Along Auto Row The OmtU Automobile club I esm palgnlnff along with many other rran InUoni for the road Improvement bonds which will be presented for rote at the coming election. The club has set forth the following arguments ae to the reason for the passage of the bondi : "The tax levy will be email, the au thortUea etatlng that It will be from 40 to M eenta on the $1,000 valuation. A tax that low should not keep any P"b-lle-splrlted cltlsen from voting for the most progressive step Douglas county haa ever taken. "A permanent road Is not an expense. Misinformed and unenlightened cltlxens persist In considering It as such. A per manent road Is a sterling business In vestment and It cannot he considered In any other light And furthermore, the interest derived from a general business standpoint aa a result of a system of X day roads, will more than balance the small tax investment to build It. 'Termanrnt roads are not an expense, but it Is an unpardonable expense to the cltlsens of Douglas county to throw their good, money away on repairs on macadam roads that are beyond repair, and In yearly grading, ditching and dragging dirt roads when a small per cent more in tax wilt give the county a system of highways the upkeep of which will be practically nothing. Reasons far the Roads. "Why should the Omaha cltlsen vote for the road bond issuer "Because every city dweller la a con sumer. Bring the consumer and the pro ducer closer and quicker together by means of a fx day road and both profit in many ways. "Because high produce prices are rare when the farmer can go to town in any kind of weather. II cannot in Douglas county, "Because the city man can extend Ma field of trade. "Because property values rise with the advent of permanent roads. Government statistics In hundreds of cases substanti ate this fact. "Because hard roads bring new resi dents of the county and the city, with a resultant Increase In property values and a Ilka decrease In tax. "Because hard roads bring a general prosperity which helps every cltiaen, from truck driver to banker. "Because every dUr in the United States which has a system of hard roads reach ing out Into the country haa felt the added prosperity, been benefited by the lower produce and food prices, and In creased lta trade territory. "Because every county that has passed a road bond Issue for highway building is now mighty glad they did." ' m - - , I "I -nr. ; k XL i - r Every Third Car ToBeEquipped With Goodyear Tires Afl of the district managers of the sales organisation of the Ooodyear Tire and Rubber company, Including Joe Ml Dine, Omaha branch manager, spent the week at the general offices of the company at Akron, O., reviewing the remarkable strides Ooodyear haa been making, and planning for the future. Men In close contact with trade condi tions from coast to const and front the lakes to the gulf exchanged experiences and ideas, and the consensus of reports Is that Ooodyear Is welt embarked on the most successful manufacturing and aaJes year In Ooodyear history. An Interesting development of the con ference is the remarkable Increase in sales and popularity of uoodyear cord tires. Figures and contracts were shown proving that of the new cars for 19U which manufacturers are equipping with cord tires, a great many wilt be equipped with Ooodyear cords, fiuch manufac turers as rackard. Locomobile and Franklin already use Ooodyear cords as standard tire equipment, and other con tracts, already obtained, are shortly to be announced. .. . s , This announcement roused the greatest of enthusiasm among the Ooodyear hust lers, as it represented eiven a greater proportion of the manufacturers' bus iness. In the cord tire field, than the proportion earlier announced aa Oood year' ahare of all manufacturers' busi ness for 1911 Ooodyear tires of fabric or cord construction, will equip one of every three new ears made this year. Auto Owners to Be Protected from - Fraud Schemes INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., March ll-With a. view of helping to eliminate fraudulent schemes devised to mulct owners of airto mobllea through misleading dlrrct-bywnall advertising, the National Vigilance com mittee of the Associated Adverlls'nt Clubs of the World has announced at national headquarters here that It will co operate With the American Automobile association which ha started a crusade against such practices, i Investigations by Kichard H. Iee of Cleveland, chairman of the legislative committee of the American Automobile association, have disclosed a number of co-operative"' organisations which offer members automobile accessories, supplies, and tires at ridiculously low price. Kvaalon la one of the principal assets of these organizations, according to the In formation given Air. Lee. ."The man who advertises a standard make of tire," said Mr. Lee, "to he de livered at a price leas than the cost of manufacture is ssfe if he can and does deliver; but the man we are looking for is the fellow who advertises a standard tire at a reduced price and then by a subterfuge, by an evasion, by reference to an unread contract or, any other means, delivers something cle, the value of which la questionable." The National Vigilance committee of the Associated Advertising clubs wtll be aided la this work by the vigilance com mittees of approximately 140 local ad vertising clubs In all parts of the United btAte and Canada. "The National Vigilance committee of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the ( World." said Merle Sldener, chairman of the committee, "is interested In build- 'in greater confidence In all advertising. Now that the fraud and the faker have ' neon barred from the columns of respect able newspapers and other periodicals, these schemers are using the accom modating postage stamp to circulate their misleading literature, . This ia an abuse of advertising and an abuse of public ; confidence which csnnot be tolerated. Our committee is glad to join hands with the American Automobile association In jtha suppression of frauds practiced on (automobile owners which have their In ception in false and deceptive advertising." Exposition Chassis is On Display in Omaha The Cadillac cut-open chassis now on exhibition at the show rooms bf the Cadillao company of Nebraska, la counterpart of the one displayed at the Kan Francisco exposition, where the com pany was awarded the medal of honor the cadlllao being the only car exhlb.ted witn a V-tyn motor. ;. jbs cnaenia proved one of the most attractive features of the automobile di vision. It was widely commended because of Its unusual educational value; afford ing as It does, an Insight Into the Inter nal mechanism and Its workings some thing which the average motorists seldom has the opportunity to see so clearly demonstrated. Metallurgy Plays . Big Part in the Motor Industry As the result of Its power to attract the highest-priced talent in all lines of endeavor, the automobile Industry h developed many branches of production science to a far greater degree than had ever been deemed possible. Metallurgy, a science practiced by every village bleacksmith for centuries, has been especially advanced. Many of the hardening and othee heat treatments of steel have been brought to a state of versatility and exactness new to , all former exponenta of the science.. Automobile metallurgists have been able to turn out steel so tough that it could be tied Into knots. They have made It so hard that It can be used to cut glass. They have combined a tough core with a hard surface. Now one of them cornea forward with a series or opera' tlons which make possible a piece of steel tough within and on both sides, but hard on a series of point definitely placed. The presence In the Maxwell plants of a copper plating device is the key to this situation. The piece on which the operation Is performed Is the large ring gear which transmits power from the main shaft to the rear wheels. The ring gear comes to the copper plating bath, forged and machined. Before the bath, a workman covers the face of the teeth with a coating of wax. The copper is therefore deposited over the whole gear except the teeth. GRANT "Sir MAKES LONG TRIP OVER MOUNTAIN ROADS The Grant "Six" recently figured In sensational 245-mile trip over snow- covered mountain i roads in Colorado In order that a woman might be at the bed vide of her dying hunband. Mrs. May Ralllngcr, accompanied her brother and the driver of the car, made the dash from Longmont to Victor over the worst kind of roads In about ten hours. The Orant "Six" suffered no ill effects from . lt severe test. MAKERS ARE RUSHED TO : MEET DEMANDS OF BUYERS ' "This season probably more than ever .before a problem , which will confront 'automobile buyers ., and . dculcra more Btrongly than any other la the question of deliveries from csr manufacturers. jBaslng our. Judgment .on .the. conditions iof last fall aa well as Indications of early winter, there ' Is 'going to be a hujre d mand for care this spring." says F. A. Habrock, sales manager of the Empire Automobile company. "Months ago we realised what this con dition would bo and In order that our dealers might he taken care of and de liveries assured In spring, placed all con tracts for materials for immediate delivery." Mitchell Engineer Is Pioneer in the . Automobile Game Many marvelous stories are weaved iround anctnnt automobiles, those of the earlier days, that have survived the ears, the Wear ' and tear of hard usage vnd, not the least by any means, the ever chanting modification in construction and tvle. After all. It isn't so much a survival of the fittest Insofar art construction and durability Is Concerned, as It is surviving the ever changing body styles, slses, power modification and equipment In the form of conveniences. It Is always a son re ot greet grati ,'lcatlon to the creator of that which Is enduring, and the reputation that John V. Bate, chief engineer, and an extcu llve official of the Mitchell-Lewi Motor company of Haelne, Wis., haa made for himself In the past Is being enhanced each ensuing year by the performance ef the cars that he brought out for the Mitchell company at the Inception ef the automobile Industry m the early .00' s. Around New York City almost any day one will see one of his esrllest cars In every-day service. This Mitchell was built early In IWfl, and a conservative; estimate of Its mileage is I'O.OX) miles. ' It la interesting to know that the now anions new Mitchell model. "The filx if 'l," Is the evolution of this old 9ii Mitchell In which John Bate Incorporated his famous "Bate two-unit, three-Tolnt suspension" construction, and the life of this car, as well as of succeeding Mitchell models of his design, la due In a large port to this form of construction. ill Wmwm l -,mV i2W'-,'fayrwA V ii S3 II fJI 0 "? -'0 Ag o is No Bar to Darts of Cupid (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) BERLIN, reb. .-Age plays little part In the matrimonial plans of a good many Jicrllncrs, according to statistics of the last fiscal year just mad public Eleven f tha bridegrooms bad not completed helr nineteenth year. The oldest brids groom was 83; a widow who gave her age as "over 70" took as husband a man of 40; one of tl found her fats In a man ot !. and another of 40 married a man of H. One bridegroom of 3 took a bride of V; another c f 72 found a lT-yer-old wlfo and a gray beard of 7 married a girl ot tl years. The youngest widow entering vpon her second wifehood was Just Is )ears old. Appended to the report regarding mar jiagea are reporta about divorce and birth. Hxteen marriages were dissolved In lee ttian a year: seventy-four ia less thsn I o years and 134 In the third year. Four teen couple who had already celebrated I heir silver weddings were parted: two couples were divorced after forty years f married lit and one couple after 1orty-one year. Tho surprising feature of the birth r--oid Is the large proportion, almost t.v ivr cent, ct illegitimate children A Proven Success The Buick 1916 Six is not only a success in theory, but has proven a success in practical use. There are now over 40,000 in the hands of satisfied owners. Buick valve-in-head construction is not merely an idea, but it is a time tried principle, perfected and refined by the world's greatest automobile engineers until today it is conceded the most powerful, flexible, economical and perfectly balanced six cylinder motor ever produced, i , .' ' The remainder of the car is correspondingly good. Nothing has been left undone to make it the best automobile value on' the market. - Satisfy yourself it is the car you want and " buy it early.' YALVE-IN-HEAD MOTOR CARS "SIXES EXCLUSIVELY" N eorasisa OMAHA, Lee Huff, Mgr. met- - LINCOLN II.' E. Sidles, Gen. Mgr. Roadsters and Touring Cars, $950 to $1,483, f. o. b. Flint. tO XeOo SIOUX CITY, S. 0. Douglas,' Mgr. $1,485 f., o. b. Factory v