Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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    iHK I IKK: OMAHA, SATl'KDAV. MAISt'll tK l!M.
Indications that Great Offensive
Movement Will Start Early
in May.
(Correspondence of the AsvocIstPd Press)
SALONIKI, March 1. The great
Balkan offensive of the allied armies
Is believed to be arranged for the
first week In May. Should weather
conditions prove exceptionally favor
able, It may occur even earlier. That
It will take place noon no one In
Salonlkl doubts for a moment. The
only thing that can atop It Is for the
' Germans and tbe Bulgarians to move
first and there Is little belief In
x this contingency.
The Increasing stores of munitions
and eupplles a!riving In this port In
' an unending stream, the constant
s hard work of General Sarrall and bis
staff, the activity of the allied scouts
and aeroplanes and the cheery
' features and high spirits of tbe
'French aqd British soldiers, and the
. eagerness of the Serbs to get them
, selves'into the fighting again at the
earliest possible, moment, add to the
conviction that an attack on Salon
lkl in tbe spring Is a certainty.
There ere today Home 95,001) French anil
130,000 British troops here, which is about
a man to every foot and a half of defen
sive line to be held Besides tho British
j and French, there are some l,ono Serbs
; in SuJonLkr and along the Oreelc frontier.
There are also said to be some 1?,000 more
French en their way from Marseilles,
making a total of 236,000 allied troops as
a garrison for Salonlkl, not counting tho
. personnel of tho warship stationed In the
Macedonia er Eirypt.
. Military crltlfcs ' consider this figure far
' In excess of .defensive necessity, particu
larly when tHe physical defense works of
the place to be ield by them are aa plan
ned as those' which have been constructed
aroand Salonikl. ;Bitt In addition to these
forces actually available, or soon to he
available In Macedonia, there are the re
mainder of the French and British troops
withdrawn Crom Galllpoli, still at Mudroa
. and generally scattered about islands of
Ijtamioa. Tehedos. ' Imbros 1 and Mytilene.
There are probably more.-but assuming
that there are only 100.00 of these, ready
to be dispatched to Macedonia or Eirypt.
as occasion may require, this would bring
- the, fltrure of those available for Instant
use lit Salonlkl up to 336,000 men by spring.
There are also 25,000 Serbs in America and
elsewhere whom have only recently been
called to the colors wnd some of whom
are arriving every few days at' SalonlW.
which brings the figure 'up to 361,000 men.
' Laree Amy tor Albania. y
Meanwhile In; Corfu'-, there are soir. '
134.000 Serbs refitting, and at Blierta some
.2."),000 more, making a total of 159,000 Serbs
.available1 for work ' In .' Albania, to. be
padded je, mhatever; force; the Italians de
,,'rlde ta xuicentfate ai'.Avlona. 'Cohald
Verti flaurM, the hkii Impres
sion, herd -ji , the; tj they, Indicate, elthef a.
? wasteful lexrM of force pattered H and
'.aboMXtha Balkan or that a general Bal
kan offensrv ts 'planned.
';' In the cVent of' such an offensive being
successfully ,beguu it .will, be Impossible
for the king of the Hellenes or anyone
Mels to hold the Greek army back from
.'troing on to Sofia with the allied powers.
.In this event, to the 5M.000 men available
'.for. a Balkan offensive In the spring.
' may be, added J00.O0O ffreeks,. making a
total of 730.000 mep operating In. the Bal
kan by midsummer against a maximum
of COO.OOO Germans. Austrian. Bulgarian
and Turk. , ' .
Col. Mailer Would
Go After Villa, tut
; He Has Not the Time
"TV should go Into Mexico and make
them behave. That la the only solution of
th situation." Colonel John G. Maher
of Lincoln.
The colonel came to Omaha for a short
visit. Ma said he felt pugilistic when he
read th reports of Villa' activities on
- "If I Just could spar the time I would
organise a regiment end go down to the
border myself, .but I can't oare the time
Just now ,r added the Lincoln man.
During ills stay her the colenel looked
at a new typewriters which he wa. con
sidering. He aaid he would take a new .the front If he ahould go.
) "I met Villa many time "when. I 'was
in Mexico. , He, 1 , nothing more than
a bandit. He ha shot at least fifteen
men In other than so-called ..military en
gagement. ' He shoul be run down. I
would ilk to get after hlra myself. Wish
I had th time," contiued the colonel.
Fine Eats at tho
: Federal Pen, Says
4. Marshal Quinley
"HomeN Sweet Horn," wa one of the
tunes theVrchestra played In the federal
fionitentiary .at Leavenworth while the
1.700 prisoners were at' dinner Thursday.
Ieputy Marshal E. J. Quinley of Omaha
was an onlooker, having gone down to
deliver a prisoner.
"Everything moves like clockwork," he
aid. "The men march In and you hardly
hear a sound till the signal is given, and
then they fall to and make the victuals
In fact, some of the prisoners live so
jnucb better In Uncle Sum' prison than
'when they are managing their own' live
that they don't like t- leave when their
lime is up. Just the other day a fellow
was released and Immediately broke Into
a street mall box as the easiest and sim
llest y of getting sent back.
K. A. Jtuff, treasurer of Sarpy county,
accompaaied Quinley.
TOLtPO, O., . March lO.-Two 1 M0
counts showed up in the doubles ef the
American Bowling congress on the early
shift In action today. GranH i. ...
- " fwnK into nr1
Od aepond place. Hunter and Hend
ricks topped the field with 1.252. Hend
ricks showed fTS in the middle came. Hi
big count wa followed by a shaky 146.
two errors and three splits coming in the
on gam. UelUr and Urlokl of th
am town got 1,28.
Friday, March 10, 1916.
Phone D. 137.
MS MAJESTY, "THE BABY," HIS WEEK, March 11 to 18
Baby's Health
Nation's Wealth
TNi connection with Omaha's participation
J. In the Baby Week program, which be
gins at the Court Hour. Saturday, March 11th
and continue for the weak, th Burgess
Naah Baby Corner have arrangod for a
aeries of
Instructive Lectures
By Prominent Omaha Specialists
In Connection with the American Medical Association.
Thee lectures will be found very Instructive; you are invited to
Monday, March 18th
Infant Feeding " Dr. H. M. McClanahai
Tvewday, March 14th
Practical Hints for the Care of Infanta Dr. J. C. lwersea
Wednesday, March lJMh
What Wa Can do to Prevent lllneaa In Children Dr. F. 8. Clarke
Thursday, March 10th
Proper Foods for Infanta and Children Dr. Newell Jonei
Tickets for the lectures can be secured KKKK OK
CHA1MJK at our Baby Corner Second Floor.
Progra m
Cricket Room. 3 to 5 P. M.
1 Omaha High School Choral Union
Music by Omaha's most talented artists and a dainty luncheon
served amid refined surroundings, characterlee these popular Raturd.iy
afternoon musicals.
Bargees -, Co. Crlckt Boom. Main tfoor.
New Spring BLOUSES
in the New Spring Shades
THEY come In crepe de chine, pussy willow, Habutai wash taffeU,
radium, La Jerz and georgette crepe in a variety of smart de
signs, very moderately priced at $3.00, $5.00, fA.Oft, SS.50 and S7.60.
Smart Tub Silk Sport Blouses, $2.95, $3.95 and $5.00
In new satin striped silks of extra heavy quality, in wide assort
ment of handsome colors.
Clearing of Lace Blouses, $4.95 -
An assortment of filet, shadow, Turkish and radium lace blouse
that were offered earlier in the season for $5.95, $6.50 and $8.50.
Crepe de Chine Blouses, $1.95
A choice of extra values in crepe de chene and Jap silk blouses In
flesh and white, all sizes, 91.09.
Bnrfress-BTssh Oo. Second Floor.
The Newest Ideas Enter Into
at $5.00
COLLECTION of new spring mil
linery so varied that every woman
is sure to find the hat particularly be
coming to her type.
There are the stunning large sailors
with small turned-up brims for the
woman who can wear them.
Then there is a good assort-
; ment of the stylish small turbans, so fetching on some wom
en. Some are faced with colored silks, others with stylo
: touches of plaited ribbon, flowers and feathers.
Hats that can be worn with propriety right now. Price' $5.03
nrsjrah Oo. ooa rioori
, Unusual Values at $12.95
SOLID sold case and bracelet, small size, 7 -Jewel movement, bracelet
Is detachable, gilt dial, an unusual value and special price, 912.1KI
Silver Bracelet Watches at 91.05
Small silver bracelet watch. 7-Jewel movement, enamel bejel with
bracelet enameled to match; silver dial. An unusual value at $4.05.
Gold Plated Bracelet Watch, 9105
Gold plated bracelet watch, good movement, white dials, special,
it 94.95. .
New Large Trimming Hat Tins, 60c to 91.25
You'll surely want one of these nobby large pearl or cut Jet hat
pins, several patterns to choose from. Very new and chic, 9c to B1.23,
nxr-sh Oo Mai Tloor.
4711 White
glycerin soap,
at, rake . . Vie
Pebeco toottt
, paste, 50c U
ror '".s
Llsterlne, 60c
Bite 81c
Llsterlne, 15o
size . . . 11c
Imported bay
rum, H-pt. S.V
Tap Rose soap,
rake 5o
One lot of flex
ible nail (ilea,
to 25c, at . .10c
Honey and Al
mond cream, at,
bottle 25c
Uamsdells cold
cream, 3 5c size
for lc
Oreen soap, for
shampoo, 8-os.
Jar 2c
William'a shav
ing ' soap, cake
for 8o
White Ivory
?owder boxes,
$1.75 values,
for UHc
Kmery boards,
pkg 10c
Colgate's tooth
paste, 1 Oo, 20c
S a 1 Hepatic,
50c size ..Sc
Barf ess-aTssb Co
Colgate's easte
rn e r e boquet
toap 10c
Syrup of fig 3,
Tor 41c
Duffy' pure
malt, $1.00 size
for 7!o
Wyeth' saga
and sulphur, ft
size 79c
Peruna, $1.00
size for . . . TBfi
Beef, wine and
iron, 1-qt. ,8ie
Danderlns, Jt
size for . . .7c
Whisk brooms,
1 a rge assort
ment, 25c to UOc
i. K&in rioor. t,
Canthrox, D0o
size for . . . 20c
Germozone, 50c
size for . . ,33c
Automobile cha
mois 91-20
Con bl nation
fountain syrlnga
and hot water
bottle, 3-q.uart
size 08o
Kver-Ready saf
ety razor, com
plete with 12
blades .... 75c
Liquid veneer,
2 5c si ze . . 1 Ho
Household am
monia. 1-quart
for 13c
SHOE SHOP on the Second Floor
TUB new Spring footwear demands your
attention and we doubt very much if you
can find a better selection than here at
Shoes for Boys and Girls.
Dugan and Hudson iron clad shoes
for girls, $2.25 to $4.00.
Alden's and our own ppecial make for
boys, none better made, $2.50 to $4.00.
Shoes for Women.
Our model for women are made (specially for us. Th
styles are the same as shown in the beet Shops in the Ea&t,
and shown by us exclusively in Omaha; pair, $3.60 to $10.
arraaa-Jraah O. ascoa rloor.
Prizes Awarded
THE prize will be awarded In
the Bird Houso Contest Sat
urday afternoon. If you are a
participant In the Contest, seo
that your house Is at the Store and
on display before 10 a. m. Satur
day. Borresa.irash Co. Fourth Floor.
Special Saturday Evening,
Cricket Room 5:30 to 8:30
Appetlftng foods, cooked home
style and served In a dainty way.
Cream of Pe Soup
Ktpo Olives
Puked TTm. Fnure Vatural
Creamed Ma.-hrd Potatoes
Whlitxd Spinach
Arp'e or I.enion Pie
Jo Cream and Cake
Tea Coffee Milk
Bnrgs.Tah Co. Pricket Boesa,
CANDY Specials
JTS pure, that'a aure." if it
comes from Durgess-Nash.
lUack walnut fudre, fresh made,
lb. for UOc.
Whipped cream chocolates, fraidi
made, lb. for 3.V.
Burg -IT, Co. Crioket Boom.
VIOLETS at 15c
FRESH Violets, large bunches.
Saturday, at 15c. Tulip, Sweet
Peas, Rosea, Carnations, etc., at
special prices.
Burg -Bash Co. Mla Tloor.
Just received
Two -Clasp Double
TJEnB for your inspection.
Handsome embroidered backs
in. an assortment of new color
ings, Including pongee, chamois,
silver, nayy and French gray; also
black and white. The price, 3",
79i 41.13 and $1.35 tho pair.
Burgess-Bash Co. Mala Tloor.
"p'OR1 Saturday a very special of-
fering. Bordered calf leather
bags, wlda set-in gathered bottom,
half leather covered frames, fancy
linings, fitted with coin purs and
mirror. In brown, navy, gray an !
black. A splendid opportunity t.i
buy a new Spring hand bag, $1.0'
Burg.Wash Co. Main Tloor.
Fascinating Spring DRESSES
$16.50, $19.50, $25.00, and $29.50
THR woll dnnsel woman who must "mnuajre" is as much at homo
at ltiirs-Nash a thofoof our clientele whoso clothes allowance
admits an unlimited exMiditune. That makes our store a very
attractive buying plAc you can pet smart dresses with exclusive
stylo touches at very modest prices.
Correctness of style is carried out to t ho smallest detail in
our drosses. Ueorgetlo com lunation, crepe do cbine, plaid
combination and pussy willow taffetas make an unusually com
pleto line for both women and misses.
"A collection of marvelous values
at $19-50 and $25.00.
"Chic" Spring Suits,
$25.00 and $29.50
WF exercised extreme care in selection our aim has
been to ive you the utmost in style, fabrio and tail
oring. Many of them are the kind you would expect to,
pay more for, because the materials and workmanship
are so good.
Here are man-tailored styles of men's wear serge and gabardines
all handsomely silk lined; new check Suits in the new volour and
worsted check. The new Bominerang Hox Coat Suit copied from an
expensive model. New Norfolk styles and new ripple peplums.
Suits of black and navy taffct, beautifully trimmed with laces and
self material; new combinations of taffeta'and serge.
We Also Have Suits For Lartre Women, Sixes 42 to 52.
Women's Outing and Street Coats
$10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $19.50 and Up
fP Bolivia cloth, English Guernsy, chin-
chilla, vicuna, volour cloth, poplin,
serge, worsted chocks, covert and tweed
r i rnir iiinwu)
Showing the newest ideas iu top coats,
travel coats and wraps for street, dress and
evening wear.
New. Spring Skirts
$4.95, $5.95, $6.95 and Up
A SPLENDID range of styles, a most fin.
ished lino of materials, serge, poplin,
gabardine, novelty stripes and checks; taf
fetas in plain and stripe effects, faille silks,
satins, golfines, corduroys and wool velour
Clearaway of Corsets
to $10.00, at $3.00
IN this sale of high grade corset
are dosena of models to select
from. Front or back laee effect,
high, medium, low and topless;
made of Imported coutil, very fin.
silk, batiste and Grecian treco.
Models suited for every type of
figure, slsea IS to 36.
Barvss.xrah O. ' .saoad Tloor.
Women's and Misses' New Spring
SUITS at $12.95 to $19.50
THH newest Spring models In serges, poplins, gabardine,
checks and novelty cloths. In green, nary, Copenhagen, old
rose, gray, tan and black.
New Spring: Coats, $5.05 to $19.50
For women and raUaea, made of tba most favorably fabric la
all the Spring shades aa well aa checks and plaids.
Women's New Silk Dresses, $5.95
New silk poplin drceses In tha favored new shades for Pprinx.
Very special. Bnifs-wh Co. amt.
Charming Selection of Trimmed
Hats, Usually $7.50, Saturday, $4.75
WIDE variety of pretty new effects
in mllan hemps, with aoft rrepe
facings, trimmed with dainty wreath
of French flower and ribbon. Tho
usual 7.50 values, at $1.7f.
f.1.f8 Vntrlmmed Shape. fl.M)
Kvery Imaginable ahape and color is
represented In this lot. Good quality
mllan hemp, $3.68 values for $1.00.
Children's Hat. Sl.OO to 92.50
Dainty hand made hats of hemps and
mllans, trimmed with flowers, laces
and ribbons.
Bwr.aTB Co. JBusrasat-
"Wirthmor" Waists at $1.00 Sold Here
Exclusively Always Worth More
THE frequent arrival of these waist Insures the latest and most
wanted styles. Kour new models on sal Saturday. ' Wlrlh.
Dior" waists are decidedly superior to all other Inexpensive waist
and host of women are reluming here repeatedly to buy these
splendid walHts. anrrss.TaB Co-aamnt.
$2.50 Wallace
Electric Lamps $1.95
rPHB Wal
lace pat
ented a d
lustable elec
tric lamp Is
the handloHt
In tbe world
and the only
one whlcn
can be col
lapsed and
carried in a
Exactly as
I 1 1 u strafed
Saturday this $1.60 lamp,
V.jTasa Co. ats.m.nt.
Seeds that Grow
Sow them Now
COMPLETE assortment of
lawn and garden aaeds. All
freeb stock best grade to
choose from.
Blue Grass Seed, lb., 5r.
Trana-MlBsisslppt mixed gra
seed, lb., B5c.
White Clover Grass Seed, lb. ."ie
Lwn Seed, mixed, pkg., Ifte
and 25c.
Flower and Vegetable Seeds,
large full package, 4c.
Sarr-sTak O. Baa.
More than a thousand smart skirts, secured by
early orders, before th sudden advance in mater
ials an4 Hvai
BURGESS-NASH $3.50 and $4.00
SKO ESFOR" ME N Fourth Floor
WK claim are the best values at the price to be found In men's
. k The Burnasco $9.00 Shoe
are Just one step better, shown la all leather, and a big variety e( lasts
from which to select.
' , . Jam" A. llanWer'a Shoe
We are the exclusive telling agents for these shoes for Omaha.. None
better made.
-arash Oo Tonrth rioor.
Men Splendid White Coat Style
Shirts Recluced Saturday to $1.00
T,IB h,rt either negligee or plaited style, made of extra strong
u.t "J? "trlal. For men so situated that It Is necessary to wsar
whlto shirts, this Is a rare opportunity. Special, at Sl.OO. ,
Men's New Spring' Neckwear.
An exceptionally attractive gad tempting display three big group
for Saturday:
Reversible 4-ln-hands and large flowing end scarfs, BOc.
Kxtra quality silk, mad la full flowing end searts, WV.
Heavy iliks, full shapes, wide selection of bow rich colorings, St.OO,
Men's New Silk Gloves, $1.00
The "Kayser" make. Extra quality, double tipped whltt. tray and
tan; self and black stitched backs. '
Men's Outing Ptyjainu, 63c
"Odd"' lots, broken lines and mussed outing flannel pajamas, Uft
from the season's selling. About H reduction. .
Brre-Tah Cv SCaU rteer.
There's a Certtio Satisfaction About a Burgesi-Naih
Suit For Men
at $25.00
That you fteldora ever eccure in Merchant tailored gsnnents.
llirrps everything about them
tho material the fit the
htylo the jattenis that mean
satisfaction to you and, above
all, a Burgess-Nash reception,
whifh means genuine service
when you buy and money back
Hieerfully .if you'ro not
pleaded. Strictly hand-tailored
throughout to conform with
of quality, which means th best pos- t
slble at the price.
Nw double breasted, S-buttoa. sott
roll collar, high waist line.
New Pinch back, belted waist
Una, plain or slide pockets. Very dis
tinctive ur own creation.
Nw one, two and three-button
aacks, form tracing, well defined
lines, semi-box back or long vent.
Other Suits, $13.65 to $40.00
The New Top Coats
for Men and Young Men at $25.00
Other Top Coats, $13.65 to $10.03
Bars-. Oe-fearth I!.