6 THK liKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY,' MARCH 11, lOlfi. New Books THK 8TORT OP THK SUBMARINE. By Kurehim Bishop. Nf York City. fl. The Century Company. A full account of the history and achievement of the most spectacular war machine of modern times the aub martne. The author recount the roman tic labors of Robert Fulton, who w prouder of hi submarine flantlng lni than of hie ateamboat; and of Simon Lake, David Bushnell. John P. Holland end others. TTTB MARTTRS RKTfRV. Ry Perrlral XV. AVella. Nerw York City. Bartlett Publishing; Company. 11.00. Mr. Well ha here given tie much to think of. A a-roat amount of thought ta condensed Into a hundred pate. Pe-K-rtbee a conversation between Lincoln and General Hasard, a veteran of the civil war. The author la sever on aome phase of the aoclal question, but endea vors to cover the (-round broadly. THf? ABTBS. Pr Nathan Kusay. New York. The MacMIUan Company. Being the adrenturea from childhood to manhood, allowing the misfortunes and temptatlnna which befell the hero, all dragginr Mm down into the abyss. Thla la the accond volume' of the eple of the at recta entitled "Children of the Abyea." DRTTTINO WATERS. By Rachel Swete Mr.Namara. Kew York. $1.26. U. P. Put mm'i Bona The rebellion of a youn girl, buddlnf into womanhood, aaalnat the Jealous pro pretorahlp of a mother's love. The daugh ter' a fancy ta In time raucht In the meshe of love, and the clandestine ex preaalon of her attachment, which the clrcumaUneea demand. Involve develop ment of far reaching: Intercut to the enfolding of the atory. The arena la I part ' England and In part Eirypt the haunting, glowing, throbbing Egypt that the author haa again made o real. GRETRTJDa ANT I. Trenalated by Adele Jewlaohn from the German of Herman Hesse. New York. The International Monthly. $1.00 net. Thla book doea not deal with the war and ta a charming and pimple tale of musical Germany. It contalna a fine love story and reveala a phase of modern German Ufa absolutely unknown to moat Americana THB IRON BTAIR. Bv Rita" (Mm. ' Pesmond Humphrev. New Nork: G. P. Putnam' Bona. .1.86 net. A powerful love story, full of charm, complexity and daring unfolded In the freah gore and heathef-atrewn Devon shire moors and agalnat the dark back ground of frowning prison wall. i A atory full of exciting Incident, but also evoking aerloue thought at a time when the prison reform movement la on ef th absorbing topic of the day. ROerc rOTTINOHAM. By Netta Syrett. New York: O. P. Putnam Bona. 1.35. not. Th making of a modern woman. Th story open In 1883 when Rose la 1 9 years old. and carries the rehclllou pre cocious little heroine through that ban ner period of social, literary and artistic tmreat. punctuated by the "Savoy," "Th Yellow Book," Oscar Wilde and Aubrey Beardsley, th esthetic and earlier o clallatto movenment. A vivid and force ful picture true to the period. PERSUASrVTO PKOOT. Thompson. New York: Stoke Company. 11.25 net. 7. Maravrn redrlck A. Peggy, pretty, wilful, with a persis tence tn getting her own way against all obstacle, married Big Ed. "the catch of three countries," whoae Inherent stub bornness la thus brought Into dally con flict with Peggy's dainty, but none th leaa determined, will. Peggy believes In progress. But Ed's conservatism flnda Itself toppling before th persuasions of the adorable Peggy. Where another woman would cry and nag, Peggy smile and everlastingly hustles. And ahe get what she want. THK HERMIT OF THB AIM HON PAOKR. By Helia Tromr.lv. Huston: feheniian. t rench as Co. 11.2 net. On, of the moat Interesting books re ceived from the pre. Th book I human and clean and Introduce people that on la glad to meet. In ahort. a clever story of the mountains that will captivate th Interest of th moat exact ing. ONESIMUS THB It.' IloyL Hon ton; Co. 11.25 net. fUVE. Pr Laurel feherman, French A A romance of th day of Nero. Blood Urrtng, primitive barbarism and herolo aeed characterised the time and career cf Oneslmus. a commanding figure In sacred history. Th actual record of hta UXe, which ar th baala of thla nar rative, furnish a plot more exciting than eould be Invented. Tit! OAKT.ETTTES. By K. T. Renaon. ffJew York: George II. Doran Company. II . net Th story of a larg-ouled woman In ft little, quaint town of rigid opinion and conventions Th town la charming; there la humor and grace In tha oddltiea and whimsies of th Inhabitant; there t a strong, deep Interest In th some what belated love-affair of the splendid heroine. All those whd have read "Dodo" and "Arundel" will be glad to get hold ef this new novel. Mr. Benson comes of famous family and stand in th first rank of th great realist. t POSB. By Stella Benson. New Tork: The Macmlllan Company. 1 36. . . Tha gardener lovea the auf tragettel To gether they start out on a remarkable Journey, th on posing as a vagabond, tha other a a desperate woman. The people they meet and the experience they have ar described In a wholly original way and with a delightful humor.. Th adventure of these two taa them In time to Jamaica, with Its coooanut palm and Its flaming orchlda. ft background against which ther la dis played with - much effectiveness the author's power to tell a good story and lo creat unusual character. n-TTVED WINQ8. Py Rupert Hughe. IS'ew Yors; Harper A Brothers. II. Si net In thla dw novel Rupert Hughe has entered quit a new field. Its boundaries ar wider than those of hi atorle of metropolitan society, alnc they embrace tha life of a genius. He ha written a colorful, absorbing story of an unusual personality, a woman of great charm. who, loving both her career and her hus band, had to adjust "her life to their different claims. HANPLB WITH CARE. By Margaret -lurnDuii. jsew lorK: Harper A Dixjlh ar. U-X net An engaging atory of a woman who dared take hold of a man' life in spite of warning that It wa explosive. Full cf tha warm human interest that charac terized th author' earlier novel, "Look After Eandy." TO ONE FROSI ARf'AIY AWTI rriJiFK PUKMH. Hy Theodore: F. Hta l-riiuiis. Boston: fclieiuuin. Krpnch A, to. (1 net Tha poems ar dlvidod Into two groups: First, tlie lyrics and sonnets, which ar alua!y word-painting of moods, such YOUNO OREGON BEAUTY INAUGURATES NEW FAD It is wearing stockings rolled to the ankle. Other beauties at Palm Beach, where the picture was made, have enthusiastically adopted the idea. I JMAD&L 1 Ja) I El RICH. J syyA i-, ) CP " ' (J '"7ilr'v.- '' - sfl? 2v- v ' V V" .?!: y-: v-.'"4,v liMi'i TftZU.. ' . lii m" !t J Vi .. ' ' ' A- ftl i 2&i2t&!l 1 " 1 1 vr ' " ' VV' " ' L.. AA.., .x? "The Sea Enchanted" and "Moon- magic;" and second, metaphyseal poems, in which the spirit la more Important than tha form, a In "The ITnaeen Sculp tor, ' 'Tha Trayer to Brahm," and the short poem entltlod "Fate." Thii are found the two great factors hich are essential to real poetry. In spiration and Interpretation. ' WAT.T, STREET 8TORIRS. Rv Edwin efevre. New York: Harper A Brother. 1.00 nee In theaa ' Intimate atorle of "the street," the author, like a keen-eyed, experienced showman, point out to the spectator the bull and bears, and telle Strang tale of their habit and cus toms. Mr. Lefevre' trenchant pen draw the different type that fill the noisy, traglo world of apeculatlon. Thla la a hook which, every man who ever fol lowed stock quotation will find of ab sorbing Interest, and perahps he may recognise well known Wall atreet charac ter beneath their disguise. TUB HOUSB OF MT DRKAMfl. Anonymou. , Boston: Sherman, French .- Co. 1. Collection of short poem. Th delicate touch of the poet Is discerned through these poema. They will delight nd brins; you face to face with the wider optimism. - . ZORRA. By -William M.1 Campbell. Boston: Sherman, French A Co. l not. A pootlo narrative, well done. A people o remarkable a the Scots for.plctur sque history, rugged good enaa and character, and poetic temper, well de serve such a setting as till for th pres- Eat Big Meals! No Indigestion Or Bad Stomach 'Tape's Diapepsin" makes weak stomachs strong and healthy at once. ' Instantly stops sourness, gases, heartburn, acidity, dyspepsia. . . There would not b a case of - Indi gestion or dyapepala here If readers who are aubject to stomach trouble knew the tremendous antl-fermer.t and duteatlv virtu contained in Pape'a piapepaln. Thla harmleaa preparation will digest a heavy meal without ' the ellghteat' fuea or discomfort, and 1 relieve tha aourest acid stomach ' In five minute, beside overcoming' all foul nauseous odor from th breath. Ak your pharmacist to show you th formula plainly printed on each 10-cent caa of rape a I)lapepsln. then yon will readily understand why this promptly overcome Indigestion and remove such symptoms as heartburn, a feeling Ilk a lump of lead In the stomach, belching of gas a nit eructations of undigested food. water brash, acidity, nausea, headache, blllousneaa and many other bad symp toms; and. besides you will not need laxatives to keep your stomach, liver and Intestines clean and freah. If your stomach la aour and full of gaa or your food doean t dlgeat, and your meals don't eem to fit. why not get a 6-cent case from your druggist and make Ufa worth living? Abaolute relief from atomach mlaery and perfect diges tion of anything you eat I sure to fol low five minute after, and besides, one case 1 aufrlc.tent to rid a whole family of auch trouble. Surely, a harmleaa. Inexpensive prepara tion, like Piapepaln, which will always. either at daytime or during night, re lieve your stomach mlaery and digest your meala, ta about as handy and valu able a thing a you could have In th house. Advertisement. PILLS Aa EfWtl Purely' Aa Eoactrr Laxativ Purely Vagetabl Constipation, Indignation, DakTatoesa,. OR O QttMs Cwooolata Ooasa ar tala 13, mmm inon lncrMea atranf th o A Uoat. a r v u a. ruu-towa peottle t Pr eant In tn day In many lnatano I1M forfeit If i fail as par full aa- plsnatloa la lars article oon to twwr in thl mmh a your socmt a Irugglst about It. rmu A alcCunneU Hill)" i - - prv stores ai way carr tt la stock. ervatlon of old ways now fast declining. The purely mechanical point of diction and rhythm are exeellent.and the Fcofh dialect, which la used to some extent, in admirably handled, adding for many a permanent valu to tha book for "atild lang syne." THE FONfl OP HIT. If OI.AR8. By John O. Nelhardt. 'Tbe Alacmlllan com pany, isew York. 11.25. A long poem of epic nature dealing with the pioneer life of the northwestern United Statea. especially with the fur trade and celebrating the herolo quali ties In the live and character of, those, who laid th foundation of the country. THB LORD OF MISRITMQ A Nil OTHER I'OKMS. By Alfred Noyea. Frederick A. tttoke compny. $1.80 net. Th. new volume contain everything Mr. Noyea haa written (except "The Wine Pre" and "A Belgian Chrlatma Kvo") They're Here! AtBeddeo's The New Spring Styles in UliE' SB Never before has there been such a wonder ful variety of mod- els to choose from; THE HEV7 SUITS THAT I1AUE BEEjl decreed for this seasoh Will be sura to please you If you but com to Beddeo'a and look over hla assortment. ' Don't wait until you have all th ready cash. Buy now w will aladly extend our libera credit term to you. Every new and conceivable slylo and color combination 1 shown at Omaha's largest .credit ator this season. They 1 are priced al- V X JSK ill Ar V?, rPirPF QPT ' fiV -JN $1 ga Men's New Spring Suits lowing ail the new model ami materials for Bprlns and Sui r vr. Thejr re rlcel sit $15, $18.00, $24.50 'Pul? T A "THE BUSY STORE" 1417 Douglas Street E PubnV alnce tne publication of the "Collected Poema" In WIS. The title poem treats of the author' best lyric style of an old English May . day custom. Among the other poem in th volume are "The Phi Beta Kappa Poem" (Harvard, 1916,). "The Searchlights," "A Salute t. the Fleet," "The Trumpet Call." The same lmpllclty, rich lmgery. and splendid rhythm that distinguished Mr. Noye' earlier vere are evident in thla new volume. THB DRRAMRR AND OTHER POF.MS. Hy Kenneth Rand. Sherman, Krem-h Co., Boston. $1 net. This, the author' third volume, fulfills tho promise of hi earlier work. There are still the dominant qualities of buoy ancy, nopefulneea, chivalry. fresh-air vigor; hypocrisy, cant, any conception of a God les human than humanity, is In tolerable. But there 1 also greater ten derness, more thoughtfulness; In their philosophy of Uf I 1 P'1 nd mor 0TS,:eOAT! Beautiful Spring UJeeli 9 Pr (I A I- prT-v Elegant ' ' 'A iP'W " " 1 1 Upholstered 'i ROGICER ii . .v-A. oin i i r .r. - r -';',."."; tb oam tbo l -ii jt T V DHBt . a ' v v I ur" ruu steel rf.-A D 1 l": i" i ,'luraa arms. ll , i"! . V 1 M Pfv 1w --''i 'ilmadt of solid h-L 1 V-'A JA I V"f ! Hwji-----c-kML t f i .ak. 1 1 n 1 h e d '"'Vass, ym- y n I I 'jJif If0"! rume. Very ma- 111 .V., B B AWVvw.Oa1 . v . . j h , at lYiaiiress x-ij- SIR -MMgM.llll ,,, -, prrc" . B tympsfhy. The vIMon la more certain, ho touch deefrvedly anatired. Although here r fewer poems In the collection, he variety of veree form a well a Me range of subject haa widened. PHEf AND SPARKS. Py Richard Wight man. New .York: The Century company. fl.SS net Poema tf the prairie, poema of the for est, of the open air. Of youth and middle age and old age, of winter and summer, of adventure and heroism, of great men and men who have only great feelings, and especially poems of everyday people and everyday Uvea. These make for the book what one of the author' critic haa aid, "a live wire for live people." THE SEA WIND. Py William Col bum Himtad. Boston: Sherman, French A Co. II net. , A bonk of verse.' It 1 In the many, the great army of men and women rub bing shoulder In the work of the world careless, perhaps, of It dramatic fire, but quick to respond to the expressed beauty of common thlpgs and experiences that this author will find his most apprecia tive audience. LYRICS OF WAR AMD PEACE. By Paul Williamson. Sherman, French A Co.. Boston. 11.25 net. The title of this collection of poem hardly gives an adequate Idea of the va riety of subject touched upon. To be sure there are war poem "War Bells." "Valediction Mllitaris." "The Modem War Machine" and also poems of peace; but In addition there are verses descrip tive of the festivals of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year, of the beauties of nature' and the joys of bob-slcQding,' a number of hymns and religious verse, as well as In memoriam stansas. All are written .with th assurance of one who has experienced Tnuch In the realm of mind fcnd spirit. Spring, Mattress 1 jfT rx I I II 51 II Willi WuPiJ . II . 'JLZ" u k. n ull li a usar-j m m m &w mm i i tia ii t m mm l i muivs.A v!cvH " J' ill v r III Mf ' lT I TERMS, tlJOCuk . I ! I W V . V .ZSMonth. CiS I 111 Hi r I u 11 I ' T.Hmininiun.ii;u T H U I V . J ' ' ' Uft Allll lllllllllllllllrll II LARGE HANPROMEU PESIUNED TWO-INCH fflNTINl'Ol'8 KeiT ALL BTKEL BED OUTFIT Ilvavy an;l iron wire fabrlo avrlnar. aund a well mad sanitary soft top mattress. Complete outfit at only.. 1414- Gasoline Prices Up Another Cent More grief for motorists. Gasoline price climned up another notch, the 1-cent advance being general all over the United States. The advance went Into effect Thursday. The grade known a "high test" now sell at Jl4 cent and "dry test" at 19 cents. Fine Healthy Child .Convincing Evidence Simple Inexpentive Remedy Checks Early Tendency to Constipation ' . About the first thing Impressed on the young Mother Is the neoeselty for regu larity In her baby, which bring up the question of the most desirable laxative for children' use. Mr. Jesse Richardson. Phil pot, Ky., say she has uaed Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for the past year and that there Is no medicine In the world like It. She writes, "My little son, William. Jr.. Just loved It because It so pleasant to take, and everybody talks about his being such a fine healthy boy." Dr. Caldwell' Syrup Pepsin 1 a com pound of simple laxative herb, free from any opiate or narcotic drug, and is the standard remedy for . constipation in thousand of home throughout the land. Drug Store everywhere sell It for fifty cents a bottle. Oct a bottle of this ex cellent remedy, and have it In the house. A trial bottle, free of - charge, can be I I 1 I Ml 1 I aiiiliilliilsiaflinsi W aaaai An Exceptional Bargain in a Wardrobe CHIFFONIER Terms $1 dash, $1 a Month. TOTS MASSIVE dllFFOROBE Made of selected wood, richly grained in Ameri can quarter sawed imitation . oak. Has large wardrobe section, fitted with pat ented sliding nickel coat hangers, trouser hangers on door. Conveniently ' arranged collar and tie compartment,' six roomy drawers, all fitted with wood pulls. Suit-' able for lady or gentleman. Special5 for Saturday, only. .$11.93 A Very Special DRESSER VALUE $8.59 GREAT ' A LARGK ONIAL D R K 8 8 B R Made entirely of Ameri can quarter sawed Imita tion ouM.. LrfLTae elje French beveled plate minor. Two larere and two small drawers. An exceptional bargain al this low price. a Monti Xtt ELEGANT DESIGN NEW BTYLE LIERa... TABLE Heavy plank top. $9.99 enda, eupporiea on neavr wjiuniw lurusu feet. 1niahed rolden in American quarter aawed Imitation oak. Hpecially priced at only, Aaaarioa's QrutMl Soma rralhra. . k mr aw a tw s a a AVIATOR GETS A FORMAL INVITATION TO STOP HERE AvIatnrV Acting Mayor Butler ha sent Lewis . formal Invitation to stop at Omaha on hla transcontinental f Uht, starting April 1. Lewis expects to tarl from San Diego and make a stop here; at the Field club grounds. Barring acci dents, he will be here on April 5. A flock of Omaha aviator expect ta meet Lewi and escort him In. WM. J. RICHARDSON. JR. obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. CalV welt. 464 "Washington St. Montlcello. 111. ONLY Month BARGAIN SIZE COU Solid Oak Library , Set $15.75' F IT M E II OAK MIPSIOM LIBRARY SUITE UphoU atered In iruaranteed tipan lHh imitation leather.' Has larare arm chair and rocker, upholstered over steel spring construction. Table is fitted tilth roomy sta tionery drawer and masru slno compartments. Entire set of three pieces at thla low price $18.73 has secret drawer, massive panel $8.98 1414- 40 aL AO-AO Douglas St. V i .... 1 T (D0 ii o& ' ti m r Mm r Pi.f 28x42 Inch i1! ) )