THE UEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, PJlfi 10 1 tV?.1 FOR 1ENT-ROOMS KaralsSed Booms. ATTENTION, ItUO.M lirXTEIlS: If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads. rail t The Bee offko f'ir a Room List -gives complete ' detailed descrip tion of vacant room In all pans of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad IVpt. and five, your name and address, and a list will be mailed to you at once. New lift a are Issued every week. fTrNIKIIF-D room to let; east front; two windows; something shove the . average: reesonahla rent. 10 N. U1 fit. TePuj!l". J!- . 54 DoixlHa've four new housekeep ing mm on flrat floor; will rent rea sonable; Jatindryj'rlvl lege. JTe. I JJII.'. 71 KM MKT Private family would rent two furnished rooms to desirable pco Slr:' Call Webster S.'13 for Information. Tlf Fft'FFJNbTbN-rH Harney Kt .'. r-rootu apartment, well quipped, water ' In. kitchen, janitor service. molern. ' W- S.- TH ST. Fir.--class rooma; all modern; private family; walking dla- titnce. Phone Harney IMfi. S'TH ST, 812 N Two well furnished rpoma In a nice home. Kverything iolern. Call iHnigln.a . MODERN beautiful room In West Far tiein district for rent to buaineaa gen tleman. Harney 1M. FOR RKiiT 2 modern rooma, reasonable; Private family. Meals next door. iOl tleorgla Ave. Harney NICELY furnished room: private family. gKa ft. Mary's. Tt L.AKOB modern room, private Anlly. Two gentlemen preferred. Harney 1W. 'iff DODiK Nloely furnished rooms, In -.private family; close In. KiCKLY furnished room, does in; all modern.. Ml P. 28 Pt. M BO. - KTTf AV FX Nicely furnished room, Iviuglne tH74. ;. Jloosekeeplag; Koorni. rOlTTH UTH. liW. Two east front rooma. New.' modern, complete $4. Oas. electric, light, water paid. Walk ing" distance, on car Una. PouglaaTW I.IOHT, clean, whole top floor, furnished, housekeeping. Sink In kitchen, closets; S rooma and hath. Stove heat; $14. 2..K ' N: mat St. Webster f30. NMVVLY furnished modern housekeeping V moms, on car line. In fine noiichhor- v 'h nnh v-r vree aorta bl;H J-1---?. IRiX)DOEBulte of light houaekepelng rroomar aouth front, walkln distance. Beaaonahle rate. Harney EWC, Si as-N, 7 Two pleasant south rooms ror nouseaeepinK. nwrnev 'i. l'TRNlSliF.n Jlsht housekeeping rooms: modern. 3010 Thivennort wit n 1 ,1 HAnm. KARNAM ST., first class board and room within walking distance. Men preferred. 5 tH)iUK Front room, modern, board; walkln d!tnce. ONK large room, suitable for two, with , hoard., 1,22 N. Iffth. Pntig. V-fi. ,-Y . VafwrnUheal Rooa. 'FOR RENT Three rooms and bath; up- alalas: $10. W)W Leavenworth. Hooaaa Wanted. TOL' PEOPLE WHO RK NT ROOM. CALL THK HER WANT AP 1EPT. and find out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. ' Jt a a plan that la helping many peopl rent their rooms. FOR RENT-FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. i ' . ; h N1CETLY furnished 5-rooni house, modern except heat. 4752 S. 15th. Tel. So. . Itt ; STRICTLY jnodem 4-ioom. urnished, $M, : ' at 2411 South 24ih. U ti i ii . HOTELS IfoTCL flAK'FOftC, fadTELriAR-iV. J$thad Farnam. ' 20th and Farnam. Hpotlal Rates to Permanent Queata. : FOR RENT-HOUSES .: .. : -Wtm. ' BUT don't expect too much from a house when you don't know what la between the walls. I don't build all the well- ' bnllt homce. but all 1 do build are well built, i'hone Henson lil F. B. Trul- linger. l-'ltOOM house; two bath rooms; hot ; water heat; newly papered: $10. 43 Park Ave, Phone Harney 4. StM .LINCOLN- uTJVli, U-room houae, strictly modern, with hot water boat. y Price $W. Douglas 1818, hZt f. m AVID., rooms; i baths; April iw: $C0. . Doug. SHI. Xortk, . 4-ROOM"mod. flat, M6 X. 16th St.. $17. a S627 Cumins fcl., 5-rcom mouoru txcept hpftt. . , i J. B. ROBINSON. - ' 43 flw Ridg. CLEAX, newly decorated, t rooms, mod- era. except neat: Kood neighborhood; .ypqnceti to XAV I'oroy Ht. wen. $U", toltitiie, nfewiy papered, lt) Brixtoi. ,'$2V; modern cottage, IHli Mandarson. JHTHl'H CHASK. Ree Bldg. Doug. 1533. tbJi fciEWARD St.. 8 rooms, modern, to; -jrood luwn and shade. Phone Doualaa iUi GRANT ST. 7-r. com., modern, $-. . .. X.F. Hall. M Ramge Bidg. Doug. 7c. ' SfiyOMcoVtage. 2auVs Daveoport. Pnon-; Jarrrey3l$. - t-'ltOOM modern house. 11.15 N. 40tn. hono Walnut M14. : , rt. mod.,'26J2'Mandei-on. Webster $i-li. ta. W 3. 19TH ST. K-roorr. modern house; barn; rent reasonable. Inquire 30ft l us tun block. Phone ltug. )m. a '' ' -ROOM"coitage. strictly modern; nearly new; oak finish. 7J17 Alartba. Call liar- ; ' ny litot. ' ' -R 'house, sleeping porch; Fle d Club . . jiau jw o. ou.n naruey aa4. .,: Jse-Ai; Mwm iiiaf lacing boulevard. ;14. Innulra 2411 S. jUh Hi. -UOOJt. Juth. niviUern bouse, big yard. ililS. UlareJlaDeeaa. liOl btj AND t UTl'AOLS. PARTLY MODERN. r., l1t Orand Ave $14.00 4- r., 5;il No. J))th St u.w MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 3- r., 5"1 .Martha ft $12.W 6-r;'. ISIS No. Klh SI li.Jo Tr... bvS Martha St &.in) .'i-l'., 4il No. 2fth St...... IK. (JO 5- r., ill) No. 17th St 2o.(() i-n, 2tl7 Ellison Av 13. VU -r..-32J0 so. th St W.UU STHlt TLY MODEPN. 6- 1., 41!$ No. 17th fit $25.00 5-r.. 1 No. th St ift.iio 5- r., 1V So. Mil St ;' 6- r.w Mil t'orby Sk. tnewj '.T.uO r.. ;,3 Fort fct 27. art 7- r., :17 DoJge St... 40 ,i !-r., 2i Park Ave 2.5o 8- r., 414 No. list St 21.00 -r., K.'3 Park Ave 30. Ou b-r . 2h.i0 Dewey Ave S.jO FLATS STRICTLY MODERN. -r.. Dodgo St. (choice) J55.W HEATED APARTMENTS. 4- r., la Ohio St $15. (Ki and $U.00 4-r , hJb g. 241 h St $.'3.00 and $10 W Vve have otheis. See our complete list oefoie renting AMERICAN SECI'ItlTY COMPANY, Cor. 17th and Louglas Sts. Phone DoulyaH o)3. Jfc'ii Harney to-r.. all mod., $u. s. St., 7-r.. all mod.. $32.40. 4"b I. ath St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $il.60. " Chicago St.. 6-r., mod. e. ht. , J0. isj itnrop bi.. -r., all mod., imo Pacific St., 4-r.. nrt mod.. . 118. 4-r.. nrt mod., $11. 1012 Pacific St.. -r.. mod. ex. ht.. $15. BIRKETT at COMPANY. 43 Bee Bids.. Dona .!! Ill V FOK UAKDENINO AM I Mr e-r., downtown, colore L m. jf f "nd ike bun. ale . f a OROUND, H and V. j I , V L fornia bungalow and I S i .u tvn- Ev"f""- wi FOK UAKDENIN'6 AND POULTRY. " jioi-so; Also a unaalow) and At RK t7. Also &-r fym H. foinia bungalow and acre. 114. Tai. D ti n Eveninita. Wal. 2M7. $13 THREE-R iijM COTTTTTk $ll-THREE-ROO.U BRICK FLATS Separate entrances, one story, gas, elec. It., sink, toilet, water pd. Very neat, clean, quiet, respectable; lawns garbage, etc. eared for. awe i. ldth $ blka. i. Vinton on lfclb. Red 43u2. FOR RENT HOUSES Mlaeellawrwae. e NuKTU ;fMli Ht.. lira. modern. 7 room residence; rent very reasonable to rlahl partv. 13JI S. Stat VI.. Hanfom park; rent cheap; now ready for tenants. I'hone Harney 41S. i'.KST value, ti-r., mod., ir:f 8. 7th. 119; 7-r. mod . l.".l S. ;mIi. $:: i-r.. MB A. J3d. $1.1; 4 r . .I7 S. $41 h. l: 4-r.. 1415 Phelps, ff.: five ,,them l 14T Tv. ?14A-J. t-'nlin S. 57th.' rooma. all modem. l ITanklin. i" rooms, bath. It (nf Franklin. j rooma, bath.' Call Douelas t!. HOfSES FOR RF;N"T. CHKIllH. HONS CO SCS BEE BLDU. DOUQ. mo. FOR RENT AP'TS AMD FLATS West. FLAT. r.-r., si is Ieavenworth St., mod. ex. heat. $1. PKT r.Rff TRUST t O. Poiig W. VERY choice or s-roem steam heated apartment, on West Farnam St. JOHN W. ROB BINS, IOC FARNAM ST. ilODF.RN 6-room apurtment. Iticliiiling sleeping porch. W,ll located. Harney lt North. 2212 NICHt)LAS St.. 4-r.. mod. flat, steel range, gas stove, kltcnen cabinet, water paid. $10. HAJSP PROS. POUO. 1M. FOR RENT April 1. thoroughly modern apartment. 5 rooms rnd maid s room. In best neighborhood. Phone Walnut 74. MoDKIlN. steam-heated apartment, near i . u.; upwards. t. p. Hteohin FI vi3-ROOM steam peateu a tartment.' very desirable: the Chula Vista, loth and Poppleton Ave., f 42 $21 Brao- oeis Tnester Hid, notit. mn. IMAN.I: llT.rnnm la f tm W20 Leavenworth St. Rent, t Conrad Young. 32t Brandela Thea. Bldg., I. 157t. ST. CLAIRE :4th and Ilarney, 3-room apartreent. Hsrcey 47. 9tath. APARTMENT. S-r., Georgia, vmo Oeorgla Ave., $.T7.W. PBTKRK TRl'ST CO. TVug. , MUrrJIssress. MONTH FREE RENT. CLOSE-IN APARTMENT. J-r. and bath apartment, brick, rood, except heat: good neighborhood: $12. M. D. E. BUCK. 13 Omaha Nat. D. $228. MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Store, moves. Parka. atilDe: I-horse van and 2 men, $1.26 per hour; storage. : per montn. Matisracuon guaranteed. ouriss 4 and Tvier zm. FIREPROOF WAkEHOUSE. Separate, locked rjoms, for household tooa- and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. .OMAHA VAX AND STORAGE CO.. iW B. :tth S. Douglas 4jq. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mov ing. fl. N. 11th St. Phone Douglas H94 or Harney 137. MOVING AND STORAOK. PACKING. SHIPPING AND FURNITURE REPAIRING. PIANO MOVING A SPECIALTY. CENTRAL FURNITURE STORE. Douglas 7785. OMAHA Truck, Van and Storage Co., moving, pacsing, storage ana snipping. Phone Douglas 149. FIDELITY &vricE tfEE Phone Douglas 28S for complete list of Vacant houses and apartments; also for storage, moving, istn and jaeason ts. TtERRIN VAN & STORAGE" Packing; storage, 15 Cap. Ave. Tyler tlV). I l"1 R.lOTril Expreaa Co. Moving", J. Vj. pJ;klna .nd .toraae. 1JW7 Farnam St. Douglas $146. FOR RENT BUSINESS PR'PTY tares. STOREROOMS. ' Three dandy fine storerooms at 24th and Leavenworth; one of the best loca tions In city: rent very reasonable.. ' ' CA LklNS CO.. Douglaa 1813 City Nat. Rank Bldg. V'URY desirable stores in Grain Exchange building, fire proof. In line with growta of business center. Make a selection to day. F. D. WEAD. tlit . lath St. Wead Bldg. . STORE HUOMy at Ifwe-UU Farnam t-L Thos. V. Hall. 43 Rsmge Bldg. I. 740H. HToRE, modern: low rent; near poat- omce. o. P. Btehhlns. 1IO Chicago, is i ORE building, living rooma In rear. 200 N. 201 h. Douglas 13. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished llosjeea and Flats. PROPERTY OWNERS ATTENTION. We have had 300 calls for rentals since Sunday, and must have houses for our clients; let tis know what you have va cant. Call Douglas 4246. Bhopen 4k Com pany. 234 Keeline Building. WE HAVE titty calls to your one. List your vacant property wltn us. Personal attention given to all listings. Do It now. Thos. L. McOarry, Keeline Bldg. Red 4344. WANTED TO RENT. 7 or l-room house In Dundee or West Farnajn $5n or more. W. L. MELBY KON'S. Douclas 1510. W E tan find you- a renter, no ruaiter where your property may be. Try ns. Bed fori, Dotiglus 3'2. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Wfil, THIS PROPOSITION 100 IJDTS.. 100 HOMES WILL BEAR CLOHLVT INVESTIGATION. I can build to onler for yoj on either of close to 1 lots. These lota are In all parts of Omaha and Dundee. All are well located. Will help finance. InvestiKate thoroughly the houses I built lust year, then knuw this, I WILL NOT build for you unloas I Bl'l LD WELL. If you fall down on your payments at end of 2. i or more vears. I Insist on still having a GOOD house to offer at resale. TH INK-THINK HARD. Doug. 20S1; after . Wal. 2M2. C. E. ROLEN. Farnam St. Lot For Sale 48. t feet front, with valuable Im provements on Farnam tit., near Kth 1st. Price $21,000. J. II. Dumont & Co., 416-U Keeline Bldg. TeL Doug. 6S0. Will bay a brard new all modern busy salow. Just flnlsbet1. at litb and liew ard 8ts. H. A, WOLF. F14 Ware Blk Doug. MOitg. W 11 A f be had to sell. Aa autornoMi. a motorcycle, a summer cottage, a Morris chair. And he sold 'Keraj Ihreush THr RER Want Jts eltirnaav REAL ESTATE. Fire and General In siranre. Art Thatcher, 1117-U Cuy National bank Bldg. Douglas SW. W. L. SELBY ft SONS. INSURANCE. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED NovtB). Gotxl Home Wry Little Cash Five-room rottnse with hath; Urge lot: fine shruhhrry and fruit trees. Price $2.:tA located 4lr North rth Si. Norris & Norris, 4QOBeeHldg. Phone Douglas CT". Romis Park District no N. .-!lfh 5t. Here Is an orPAR TCNITY If there ever w aa one. A aood S-room house, living room and dlidna room finished In oak; fine lighting tlx t'lres; full bssentent. furnace heat, two hedrooms and bath; stalrwav to attic that could be finished Into two more rooms; east front on paved street; lot S2V feet. A BARGAIN; t!.H Can make terms. D. V. Slides Co., $eoo cash. tM.: rr.n month, win buy a dandy new hunaalow. C larpe room first floor, $ rooms unfinished on 2d floor; oak finish, beam celling, and many other special features, screens, window shades, cemented basement, furnace heat; paved street, east froot lot, one block to car. Just north of Kountie Park. Price $J,7fo. RAM BROS.. Imug. W. A REAL BAR( J ALNT. $1,'?n0 will buy the J-room modern house at 2f California St. Hot water heat; close to Crelghton college ant eas walking distance. Splendid loca tion for renting rooms. $A down, bal ance at $W per month. A real bargain. Benson A Myers Co., 424 Omaha Nafl Hank Bldg 4217 KOW LER AVE.. $l..TuO. I.KAI cash. bsl. $ yrs.. $ per cent; full lot; close to car and school. This Is a 4-room brick. 4230 Larlmore Ave., $I.!W; $K0 cash. hal. to suit; 4 rooms; full lot; p blocks school and car. W. COLFAX 70$ Keeline. Doug IMS, -R.. nearly new cottaae. mod. ex. heat, full alte lot, full basement. $ large cherry trees, grapes, all cement walks; owner left dty. said to sell; $2,tVH). $3W down. 2S1$ Ruggles. Cheap at $1.0i. TOI'NOMAV. 301 om. Nat. Bank. D. 147 RABLB rroil"E w-rooinsi T)a"th. down; two rooms upstairs. Strictly mod ern, lot 40xl2g. on easy terms. 210 Hug glcs street. tnly $2.7(. R. Ii. UANDKRYOU. P. $7B. jot Neville Blk. .-w. cor. Hth and'tarker, lyOT bt67, $L8&0. W. H. GATES. Boy Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. P. IJH. CHEAP ACRri" Fortieth and Kansna Ave., acre, with small building, only $900; chance for a cheap home. QKORGB G, WALT.ACK. 14 Keeline. ll-Room house and barn on a lot iSiix 1HJ feet, paved alleys; all modern except electric lights. 1908 Webster St. Call Doug. 7231. DECATi'R St.. hetWeen Mth and 27th. -room house; will sell cheap: pnrt cash, baUnce, pM nients monthly. Call Owner. Webster 2fsi. GOOD HOME, ft-room bungalow; all modern. 410 N. 21st. Phone ownerlC'olf.- 22W1. BUNGAUVV-"ner Allllcr I'aik: must hn sold: easy terms. Colfax Wl or D. MM. W t-XT Farnam home, X-r., 2 baths; value W.flOO; will sell for t.(A. Doua. 2M7. oath. Happy Hollow Blvd. New Brick Residence $8,500 Just built by the owner for a home when he was transferred to another western city and must sell this week. This price Is considerably leas than the house cost; has never been occupied: la a two-story brick and stucco, oak finished: hot water heated home, with beautiful brick fireplace, sun room, ' Bleeping porch, garage and every mod ern Improvement, it can't be beat at the money; $3,000 cash will hsntle It. ' and balance can be paid monthly. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 16M. Keeline Bldg. FIVE women solicitors for ladies' auila, coat and dresses; must be hustlers and nave experience and furnish refer ences; salary and commission. Apply rimef, mm ionyiaa nil. 2M 8. 2TH 7-roo.n modern except heat; Price cut t: owner must sell; want offer ht once. . FF.TtKA it MUfllL. P. 5W7. i-RoOU houae. electric llxht and aaa rent $12. 1124 8. Slat. C-vll Harney 251H or 1023 8. 41st. ((-ROOM house, modern except furnace. iW7 H. tth Ht. Douglas 4E4. 9fUeI1aaeaa. Improved and Vacant Acreage Near Omaha 10 acres, all In full beating fruit; 3 .nilea west of Benson; high and sightly; gr.iO: has small houe and other outbuildings. 1$ acres on Main St. paved road; weat of Benson; some fruit and alfal fa: t-room house, barn and other outbuildings. $,&U0. 9 acrest west of Ber.ton on paved stret. strictly motlern fc-room house, larg' barn, chicken and hog hoi's, s, $lu,n). Vm acres In Keystone Park. N. W. of Benson; high ground; S-ronm house. One acre close to Benton, 4-rnom, new house, fine for bins 1 1 chickens and garden; one block lo paved rood. Price $2,A 4 acres, fine level land, rich soil, west of Benson. Price. Il,7'0. acres, fine level land, just a UttTe slop. Out Benson Wsy. Price $3.73. 94 acres, nearly level Land; h run ning water, some alfalfa and Inrgn trees. Price $3,126. $.44 acres level land, running water. Out BetuKu Way. PiiJe -V40. J acres fine level land, close to paved road. Price 1.S. A number of these choice science tricts can be had on the easy pwy nwul pLan. Now is the time to buy acres, aa you never will be able to buy th m aa cheap aa you ran now. HaMinffs & Heyden, 114 Harney S. UNUSUAL BARGAIN PRICE REDUCED. For quick sal. (Ur. strictly mod. house, havinif reception hall. Ilviaa room, dln- 1 Ing room, kitchen, pantry and entry I way. on 1st floor; $ large bedrooms and bath room on in iur. iMauuruuy decorated, combination lighting fixtures. Brick foundation, full basement re mained, cement walks; guaranteed f "mare. Full sir.e lol. east front, paved street, also a good anted chicken lioue. Regular price $4., reduced prh e $... rte us at ore-e tn regard to this place aa It will go quick. SCOTT & HILL CO. Iniiglas W. Ground PI., Mcf'ague Hill ( HOMES o, C, 7 ROOMS All of these new or leas than 2 years old. modern In every particular, well located in different parts of the city. Each and every one worth more money then price at whk h I am selling them. Kor further Information and full par ticulars call Mr. Boien. Doug. ftal. after g Wsl. MIX. S A FKT f FIRAT. FOR RELIABLE AND SArp; FIRE AND TORNADO INbURANCT. JBE E frVKTTYH H K. I. AOr7CT. &3t Brandels Theater Bldg. Tyler 1024. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED MUrrUsarnsa. t-RixiM HAM.IA IN NEW, -RtO.M, FTOltY IIOI'SK. NEAR CAR. A SNAP AT IJ.400. REASONABLE PAYMENTS. BENSON' A CARM1CHAF.U rouoiji" its. m; taxtov blk. FiR SALE 4-room lumse aniTlot on i.mJ B-rry Ave. Electric llch's and water. REA1 ESTATE UNfMPftOVED Knrih. Come Out to Minno Lusn and sea the wonderful development go ing en there. You will find the best lots offered In Omaha at $M0 to $VV Sewer mains, water mains, walks, grading and seed ing all paid for. Easy terms. CHARLES V. MARTIN CO. Owner Four 1arge l.ot!. Making nearly one acre, loca'ed north, near :nd St. car line. Only for the whole: $J0i cash, balance easy terms This Is a close In bargain. SUTLER &CARY. Phone Doug. 4.m. ?4 Keeline Bldg. vviLL BI1LD 2:il i AND MAPLE. Have two fine south front lots on Msple St.. ner on which will build cottages to suit purtiuiser and aell on tern is. W. T. GRAHAM. BRF m.PG. J At'KKH 2S miles N. W. P. O.. $l.?u0. H cash; cost $i,4. other acreage, near ear:chesp. I ouk i4. 46TH AND 7 H ABLE. lot3xU. alllm provements In, at a bargain price. $.&). half cash. Call Red 11. loath. fl.VE let on Bancroft, near Bixth, close to schoop, only 1 mile from Union depot; owner. Mrs. H. L. Ilawtrr. a'J4 Graml Ave. Tel. CoHn.7j'2. f NICE Tots," Wx"l2t each, near Mlh and Pine ts., .1 blocks from car line, for $"; a snap. Tebbens, filG Omaha Nat Phone D. 21H2. M lucrllsneous. Will You Build Tliis Spring? !" you want a well hullt home? Do you want a home you can point to with admiration to your friends? Our facilities for buying material; our experienced crew of carpenters give you the advantage of getting the best for the least money. We can furnish vou the best refer enoes HATISFl ED CUSTOMKMK. I,et u help you work out your Ideas and furnish you an estimate. Can help you finance the building of your homo. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. Omnha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. Dong. 4W. RICHARD EVERETT. ARCHITECT, 10$ No. Dth t. I'hone Douglas lOuO. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. Good Dundee Bungalow At Right Price $4.fX buys a well built, 7-room house, bungalow style, located on north front lot Mxl:lf ft.; nice shads trees; one-half block from car line, having living room with large fireplace, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, laboratory and toilet all on first floor; also 3 bedrooms and bathroom on second floor; finished In oak and white enamel with oak doors: plenty of closet room. This Is a well built home, not too large, with plenty of room and la priced rtxht. Part cusn, balance monthly Ilka rent. George & Company, Doug. HA. W. City Nat. Bank Bldg. Dundee $6,000 Attractive modern home, well lo cated; built for a home: has living room arrangement, with fireplace; din ing room, sun room, kitrhen snd break fast room first floor; three very good bedrooms and sleeping porch on second floor; oak floors and oak and birch finish; excellent condition throughout; full south front lot. with cement drive way, and garage for two cars; $1,600 cash will handle. Glover & Spain, W City National. Doug. SWi2. DUNDEE BARGAIN. Why pay $g,0iio or $7.0n0 for a Dundee home when you can buy this one for K.'i'O. rooms, strictly modern, oak finish on first, floor, white enamel sec ond floor, with oak floors throughout, dandy sleeping porch or sun room, full cement basement; lot UhtlbO feet, and a dandy at that. House is nearly new. Owner Is sacrificing this on account of leaving the city. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, D 1781. 6th Ft. Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg MeBsosw START YOl'R HOME IN BENSON! BUY TlllH LOT! $10 00 down and $1o.ou per month: price) $150.00; slxe. &xl2S; located on Locust ht. between Clark and burnham; not far from school and car line. Geo. R. Wright. B-e office, Omoha. South Side. FOR SALE CHEAP e-roum house, mod ern, east front, sewer and paved; terms; near 2IH h and O. Owner. So. Mil. Mlsei-Jlnueeus. FOR any and all kinds of acreage located n or near car line, csll C. R. Combs. kit B:-aiKia Thoatee Hide. Dour. sl. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Flat or Apartment Site We hare 110 feet south front on Cali fornia, between .lid and 34ih. This Is an exceptionally good location for either flats or a small apartment house. Prlre only $3,000. Terms If desired. A. P. Tukey & Son, Pnone Doug. 502.. 1.77.g W. O. W. Bldg. GOOD INVESTMENT-' New brlcs; store building, near 24th and Lake tits., leased to mercantile bus iness for three yearn at Vt a month; east front; being offered at only $6,200. C. G. CARLBERG, 12 Brandels Theater Bldg. CORNER, close In, rem $0u. Price, (IM 8. P. BOSTWK'K SON, X0 Bee Bidg. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES OWNER WANTS LARGER PROPERTY". We have a client who has a brand new five-room bungalow that ha will exchange for a good six or seven-room house, or will sell 011 easy psymenta. This bungalow la finished In oak, with nwk floors In three rooms. Won t con sider anything but a strictly modern house. If your home is too large, see us at once. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, D. 17X1. Mh F1. Omaha Ns. Bk. Illdg. o CLEAR OMAHA- $l.iJ. $4.i). $.ono up to flfi.fxi for OMAHA Eyl'ITY or EAKT NEB. FARM LA ND. Give full Ul'a in 'I'S letter 1. (mtaha Bee. lio A(TB B4 western land." clear, 'join! wf Kcod town ard cash difference for resi lience, TIIOMAH 'AM Pi; ELL. Dougl'ia 4rx Keeline lliilldliig. c'oll (4 ALE or exih.uij.-e, 11 acres In Mellette county, Komh fiakota, for Omaha property Phone Bed i'A 81 X houses and farr.i lo xi huiige Neb. funn Toland Tnimhult. Hee Bldg. CAN sell er exchange auytliing you uavs to offer, -. J. I'mian. Mrt.'ugue Blilg FlNlilot. oorlh side, ft horavsT or what have eu? D. 'i'.A. REAL ESTATE-BUS- PROPTY fb FEET. lth aH.. I bike, from viaduct. $6,6o0. McCague Inv. Co., McCague Bldg. REAL ESTAJfc-WANTED I will buv vnur resl estate for cssh If von will sell it si a haigaln figure. Nothing rise cotiHtderod. I 'lose -lu property, single collages or rowH of cotiHgc preferred Address L $4, rare Bee WAN"TElk To hiir'on n'oiilhU paymen'a small store room, with living rooms abovs. In Central school district. Phone Prd 'KA FINANCIAL Real Ksae, Loans, Mortgaatea. t-OAN.e, ON OMAHA REAL FTATR. QUICK PKRV1CE. PAYNE 1NVEPTMKNT COMPANY, Omaha National Bank Building. WD are ready at all (lot to mak to.tnt on flrgt-claag city property and taitern Nebruka farms. Rales on roquest. UNITED STATES TRUST CO. tit Bo. 17th 8L SECOND mortgage on t acres Klmhsll county Improvei land for sale; $.'001 bearing $ per cent, $ years, good ns gold Write R. D. Wilson, Kimball, Neb., for particulars. P ARTY with $!.:. can get?irst morT gage on acreage worth double, and In terest in manufacturing buslneeg. Want I per cent. Address M Wt, Bee. RTTtPTii lor loans on isl class city residences in amounts $2,000 up: farm loans. Rsasonabie commissions. PETERS TRCHT Ot.. 1 Farnam Ht. KO DK.f.AYr W. T. G It All AM. PEK BLDG. OMAHA homes. East NsDrssNa fa ma O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO., j1 Omwba National. Phone Douglas 171$ MONEY TO LOAN, for i years, en Improved croDertlaa. BHUPEN A CO.. Doug. 4i'44. MON EY on hand for cliy and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City National Hsnk Hldg. llAl?VTMHnSJ $46 omaba u'"" ' Natl Bk. Bids $ltj TO $10,000 made nromply. F, D. vf, vveaq nuig . mn r rarnam eia. CITY property. Large luaus a specialty. W. if. ThomasJ-'HJltate Bank Bldg. iRCi. CITY LOANS. C. G. CartbeTiTCF n 12 Brandeis Theater Bldg. CITY and farm loans, u. i . t per cent. .1, H. pumont a Co., 4 1 Keeline B d(f, K( MONEY. HARRISON A aiORTON. u I0 Omaha Nt. Bunk Bldg. Stocks end Bonds. WANTED About four young men to take some stock, and active manage ment In manufacturing company; brains and energy required more than capital. Manufacturer, 81ft Mass.. Wloux City. In. $l.fio0 FARM mortgage bearing 1 per cent, secured by 040 acres of land. Talmage loomls 1 nv. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. "HOME ML'ILDEKH' I 'referred Mhares gtiarantees you 7 per cent and pays more. You have mortgage security and builder's profits. Investigate. Our books are open to you. Ask for our No. B, "New Way" for full Information. I'hone or write for It. AMERICAN BECTRITY CO., (Fiscal Agts.,1 B. W, Cor. 17th and Doug. Sta., Omhaa. HAVE two $I.IM) mortgages drawing per cent interest; secured on Tennessee land; due In I and 4 years; will trade for good automobile, or what have you',' aonrees f in, ima:ia nee, $3700. 1-year, $'1 per rent mortaagi on 77 acres uougiaa county land worth $7,700. For sale at par and Interest. J. H. DI'MONT CO. 4lfl-l Keeline Bldg MORTGAGE Have for sale $4,000 Mtge. on 140 acre farm In Nebraska. C. A. Grlmmel. S4 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Abstract of Title, Guarantee "JJ J.?!" brtn5 uuwii jwu, ."nil,. . snort nottce. h. (. r-atterson mog, ti awi, tv TO Wli Title guarantee and Abstract modern abstract offloa. 1M 8. 17th HI. Tel. D. MtC. tlEKD A Bm ACT CO.. oldest abstract office in Nebraska. S Brandela Thea. FARM LAND FOR RENT CLOSE-IN FARM FOR RENT. 80 acres north of Krug park on paved road: JO acres alfalfa. 20 acres fine hay Isnd, good orchard and vineyard and balance plow land; -room strictly modern houae, excellent water system, electric light, bath, etc.; good barn, chicken houae, etc. A first-class place; rental $1,100 per year. Immediate possession. GEORGE & COMPANY. Phone D. 71. 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg. FOB. REN 1' lOiv-aore farm; aeneraT store (has postoffloei; big chtince for man with fimlly. WVsion, N. D.. tl.nou py rent and stock: Investigate. Postmaster, Hndlard. N. P. FOR RENT or sate, ! acres of Im proved Innd, $ miles from Calhoun, Neb. Inquire T. F. Uulnlun. care Brandels Stores. FARM LAND WANTED HAVE cash buyers for Iowa or eastern Nebraska Improved farms. W. K. CRAIG. .1117 City Nat. Tyler Mi. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Misnriots l.sns. 240 ACRKH, 4fc miles from Minneapolis, near two good railroad towns; one half tinder cultivation, balance uae for past ore and hay; ran practically all be rutlvsted. good soil, good set of buildings: this Isnd will produce 10 bushels of corn D-r acre: country Is 1 thlctly settled; complete set of ma chinery: 77 hesd or slock, consisting of 11 cows, balance 1 and $-year-olds; 4 good horses, 'la hogs, chickens and everything on the fsrm goes at $S per acre. Immediate possession can be had. SCHWAB BROS.. 102S Plymouth Bldg. Minneapolis. Minn. MUxsrl LslBde. 160-ACRE tarin. Dent Co.. Mlo.; 1 tnL vil lage, 12 ml. frutu alem; highly Im proved; fine barn and silo, good Build ings meadow, wheat, plenty water; 110 cultivated, all tillable; price $30 per acre; terms W. 8. FRANK. ) Neville Block. Omaha. Kebrailis Lands. Northern Nebraska Farm for Sale. in) acres, rich black soli with clay-siin-aotl. lays almost level. S miles from live H. R. town, good Improvements, 13 acres under ruliivallon. Prloa IV per acre. A very low price and In a location where prlrea are advancing. Ask us for full particulars. ALFALFA AND GRAIN FARM 1 Vg MILKS FROM R. R. TOWN. in) acres, black soil with clay-eiib-sntl. tt) seres cultivated. M acres native hay. sO acres pasture fenced and crosa fenceil; no biiUdtng This land bt suitable for alfalfa ail It la only IS miiaa from market, which Is a tremeadous advan tage to a hav fsrm. Price $6,oa You can make it worth three t lei as the price In a few vears. J. H. Dumont & Co. 41 H Keeline Bldg. PUmie teiig. . foii WALIv at ree of choice farm land. uuimiMrvved, Ivtng alongside city limits of Osceola. Polk counir. Neb., within 4 red o4 I'. I. depot; forty acres Uavel, undur cultivation: twenty acree lolling, aavded lit alfalfa and pas in re; no better farming country anywhere; no crop failures for twenty years; price 16S per acre If taken within thirty dsvs; easy terms; possession April I, 11. J. P, Brch, Osceola. Neb, FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Leads. nothing hi.tteu in n. v. nek i.oto acres, 4t cultivated. SO alfalfa. wri locntrd. extensively Improved; $1 p'r wner desires to retire. Relyea A Gifford. ,11.: Il imnf Bldg . Omaha, Neb. foil hALK. V,-s'i..ii. V-Tnlla west of Clarke, Net : good Improvements; 0 seres In wheat, balance pasturn and hay meadow, $17, Owner, W. D. Aliel, fiarks, Nsh HISHEI.H W H i'.AT IAND, t FEI acre. t. neenne co.. rest small grain to. In state, few snaps for early buy. era. Live agents wanted. Writ Fund Ingsland Inv. Co.. Kidney. Ne Three i us iters, mm unproved, bsl anee hnylnnd south of Lynch. Nsb. Might consider tMde. General Merean tlls Co , Omaha. Neb oath Dakota Unili, il ACR fcS7"lmprovedT "Hyde county, A. IV. good well, house, barn. Nnap If taken at ence. M. G. Welch, Monona, la. l ock Box !7. Witromln j4, Ck I'kh rtlsciiAai.-i;tm dairy aai general erop stale In the union; settlers wanted: lands tor sale at lew nrtaae aa easy terms Ask for booklet M en Wis consin Central Land Grant. F.acellenl lands for stock raising If Interested l rrun lanas k ror dookii on apple erohards. Address I .and and Industrial Dept.. boo Line Hallway, silnneapella, Minn. Mleeellaaeeas. Have iui a r Ai foH aCET Write a good description of your land and sen ilt to the sloux Citv (la Jour, pal. "losras Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening. Saturday morning and very Saturday evening and Sunday for ane month, giving sixteen ada on twelre different dag for $2; or M words. $4. er ,i words, $4. largest circulation et any town aewa paper: 160. 000 readers dally in four great states. FVTFR WITH THII MONEY TO lNVBfT. Farm land ada placed In these onl umiis reaoh the kind of people all ever the west who have ample funds with which to Invest In lands Quality and quantity are both found In TDK DUE'S country circulation. Although the S'lbectiptlnn rate Is higher, TUB BKS has a greater coun try circulation dally and Hunday than Its nearest Omaba oompethor. Send In your ad and reach some real huyors. "Notice TonbAWERa. When In heed of help of any kind write, telephone or call on us. CUNNINGHAM LABOR ACHCNCT. Ill . 12th St.- Omaha. Nsb, HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES "iTonteTle. MUST SELL HARNESS. $2,700 worth of double harness to close out at a discount of one-third from reg ular price; $1,010 worth of single har ness to close out at one-hslf regular price. Harness shipped subject to In spection. If not satisfied, money will be refunded. JOHNHON-DANFORTH CO.. ir.39-ai-S.VN. lth Ht., Near Clark Pt. ONK seven-year-old mare wt. I.4A1; one five-year-old mare, wl. I,i0; best farm team In the country. Also one ulue-inonth-old mare colt. Forest Fsrm, two miles west, hslf mile south of Heiisou. Call Douglaa HHW or Benson t JO, harneSh; saddles and TRUNnTiT We make thoin oureelvea and sell them direct to the consumer. Why pay two profits for Inferior goods whsn you caa get hlgh-grsdo goods at first ooatt ALFRED CORNISH 4k CO, ixiu rarnam hu. umana. INTELLIGENT and persistent advertla Ing will "sell" any salable real estate, and the largest number of prospective buyers nan te reached through the Real Estate and Wsnt-Ad Quid to all of Grea ter Omnha THE BM. TEN DuroC-Jersey sows for sals; also i fresh wl and t springers. Colfax 1IM TVg well-bred"Jei sey cows, both fresh. . 4-'d Wt. Wal. law. HAY-47.00 ton. A. W. Wagner, lot K. 14. POULTRY AND PET STOCK MONEY In chickens; write for Johnson's free catalogue. Pou try Know-How. about the pay-for-ltseir Old Trusty In cubator. M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Cen ter, pieo. Jt?tT received1 small shipment '"Chines Canaries," K tor slnaer. M AX OEiai.ER BIRD CO., 117 Fgmam, UXD grain. 109 lbs.. a.7. Wagner, MN.U AUTOMOBILESFOR SALE C'LAbSY CARS. ' Chalmers Roadster. Enger "," practically new. $ M Maxwell touring cars, slightly used, at a bargain. 11)16 Ford, s if-starlcr, slip covers food as new bargain. 1914 Ford touring, good shape, C. W. FHANCld AUTO CO.. J21 Farnam. Douglas $TA. into DULillK touting ...,..$'inO ll Monitor touring, brand new tnUj Kissel Kar speedster, fast, a bargain. 1U14 Ford dellvory enclosed body... .lx) Overland touring, eloctrlu,'S 1tU Cadillac touring, perfect i74 Auto Clearing Hoiiso, .'Oj Farnam. t, yip Industrial Qarags Co., nh Jk Hamey eta. Alls iCepalrlng wait Patalj. h'-i rewartl fcr magneto we can't rspalri tjons repaireu. ray sooner, lie rt. lata. NEB. Auto Kadi a 101 Repair Hervtue, and rtces rignt. ins n. itn Bt. u. two. t MljRPHV-Auto reparlng.'lli I. IT la Pt. Tyler $07, nlaht, Red fiH Omaha Rad stor Rep Co . fi-jg Far. D. L Asia 'I Ires and applies. TIRES. HOME MORE i-'AROAINS. 0-S$-$ fl. S. casings, complete with tubes, $17.14. Standard make. Uuaraa- U4' DUPIKX. 1$ Faraam. Douglas 4g,t AUTO TIRES HATi PRlCii Homer Hill. 1M1 Chicago gt. tlectrle A a to mo fcl Is 'Walter Anderson, exp't re;i'g siectrlcs A I batteries. Htorage. ti'n Farnam. D. 417. Mlaella.auaa. lNBI'ME your car with an eaciuslve au tomobile Insurance company; full value. Rates very reasonable. Insure now and ue protected against loss by fire, theft and collision. AUTOMOBILE INStTRANCB CO., avr7 Onuiha Nat. Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. AUTOMOBILE INSVRANCIJ. Firs Theft. Liability and Property Damage at Lowest Kate. killy. Ellis Thompson, m-14 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. lilt. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES iiAMLv.i-DAViuON si OTU KJ YC LEA Bargain la usd machinee. Victor Heee. "The Muloreycle Man.'' ting LeavtiawerUa, 4 1 ton Market. NEW YORK. March 10.-COTTON-Spot. steady: ptlddllng uplands, ll.tec; sales. bales. Futuree opened steady: May, 11$0c; July. 12.10c; October, IJ.:c; Iecember, 12 44c, January. 12 .Vic. The cot Urn market closed steady at a ikft decline of I to 4 points. Kuiurea closed sttadv; May. 11 Mc; July, ll.Mc; October. UPt; December, lr Jse; jsnuary, 12 LIVERPOtlU March 10. fViTTON Bpot steady; good middling, Md; mid dling. 7 aid; low mtddilng, T Jld. Halea 4.UNW bales. Metal Market. NEW YORK, March 10. MBTATJS lad, $ kO bid. Bnelter, not isstd. f we per, steady; electrolytic nearny. $JK.og Jui us and later, til .'SJ'Sl .'A. Iren. firm and unchanged. Tin, strong; spot. $4. 10 Md At London: Heat enpuer, 4tle$; fat area, Clul; electrolytic, We. Spot tin. ,!". futures. i;i1. I-sd. kU 10s. Speiior. J:i3. NEW YORK MOCK MARKET Mexican Situation Loomi Lary on Financial Horiion, Cans in f Marked Halt. ftUOTATIOITS SHAHED OFT Tork Msreh W.-Th Mslean slttistlon loomed large on the horlton to day, more than neutrsllslng the feeling of quiet confidence crested by the recent t''rn of sffslrs across the water. News that the government had decided to snd a punitive force Into Mexican territory caused a marked halt tn the strength anil activity of the forenoon. Quotations of Important stock shaded one to twn points from their best, but share of com panies having Interests screen the south ern border, notably fVtuthern Pacific, Mexican retroleum and American Bmelt Inr, rnse smartly. nnspicuous among the strong feature nf the first half of the session wars Butte "in euperinr. Hni American Zinc, at the rT n,Ch r-eord of and m. respect !v'f ..""tte sold minus its reguisr and extra dividend nf in, per rent. Cop- Pers In aeneral were modsratelv higher. Industrials and equipment, which fig ure prominently among the munitions, C?rr ln 0 two to four points, the chief feature of that group being Cru rlhl and lckawanna "teelsi, American and Baldwin Locomotives. Pressed teel tr. and American Bteel Foundry. Among semi-war descriptions, gueh Mercantile Marine praferred. Motors. ontlnental Can, snd Cuban-American Bugar, gain ranged from two to five points. . Cnlted States Steel yielded leadership to Crucible steel and American Locomo tive and failed to make more than slight ,0 ,h" February statement of unfilled tonnage. Thl disclosed n In- unniim tonnage. 7 ni flisciosed n Ir crease of almost gM ono ton and broucii the aagregste of unfilled order up to h tinpre-'edented total of a.6a.0nA ton ht ha . . - r.cinienem nteel ws mere than ordl ?SHLy "'",v. opening off more than f o'al sales nf gtockg amounted to l$,fA9 snares. Bonds developed gn Irregular tone, chiefiv a result of renewed heavy ef reringa of Angle-French Re. which were "'fered In larw Individual lots at K a marked concession from the recent max lmiimTolal ' bond, par value, csh" knd were unchanged on Number nf sale and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: . .. gi. Hitk- Lew, CIm. Ats.Oeld t' m 4,oe 1114 eg Atseneaa sss -w.... se as m 114 as at loixa m americss osa , IS tW 1 AsMrlase LamMiiHIve .,. 4.7ia T amertoa . 4k It IX 1MH Am. a a . ri lll4j a is M is tm m ii i4 Am. utr Rsflnlna Amsrlnai Tel. A Tsl AmsrUsn Tskseee , AnseeaAa Uneeer .. .S" tTSA 41 4 ,. sue is 1144I vn .. II. ineuj ieH In, a itik OS 4H 4S 446 Slof,0( nslSvta Lnosmntlv Hslilatore A- Ohle ftethtanm SJtee Iimnhlirn Raels Tr Oalifnrnla hsmina ... fenadiaa Psoitis omil ! .Miliar OvsMseali Ohio Oiirase O. W Chics, M. A Kt. P... Ohloaao A N. W..; mtoMA, R. 1. a P. Rr. rhino nftper rwerss, Si A Iron,.. nreiwe gisel fversr 4 n. a. eht Platlllsra' geaarttica ... Biis tenrs Kiertrlo Orrnu Nonhens pfi Oreat Ks. Ors Mfs Oitfonhelm Hiplonttlos. JIIIikhs iniral Interhncmigti Csa. V. nsslratloa CVm er nterastlimal Hsrvsster.. Kseus City souths! s... Lehisli Valley l.Milivllls Kaslivlile., Met loan Pwrelsunt Miami Ceier MIsMurl. K. A T. Mi... US 14S M' t US ayi IM 1TH MS 43 'a 4 V It 1 1st '4 44 4. eM 4.e4 I.4SS leave ls4 tv 11 'iii, is4 44 H 'ias rt 17 V4 "4 tlw 1.11 w a 4 las ," I. let l.7is) IV $M '44X4 'eiv4 4S ! 'ii 7s'w Ttv, Iv in'. v, II US IS N.4 irnu , a,ael M14 10 M Mleirl Paetria Nstiteial Biwuil ,, NSIIOMl A Neva4 Oopysr New Tork I Vtrl, ....... N. T , N. H. H Narfnlk A Weniera Kerthern paoifls PaclDs Mall , PacIMn Tsl. A Tsl rmnsrlvanta Puilsisa Pslaes Car. nar Cos. Oepeer Reaslng H)SuMi tme A tleel..., svouihera psrin is I.M h-4 PXI'4 w 1. en a saw us 1.4M liS 117 111', l.e til 111 IIS 1 I k'l 12 S MS s 1", MS 15 MS M'4 tits St MS 4tt is S tt so xtv al V4 'ii" 'iii. 1 re " I. Tea 414 in MS 3S S l,7SS nnibara fUllwar US SMedebaksr cesneasr m ,c HIS BS Tesnsaass Onpoeff ,.. ie Tens t'empany S.ent t'sMa racifio .a tTnloa Paelfto M n t'nitss auiss fkMl,, t,a P. 44. SltMl stO I." flea Coeesr i. K Weatsrs t'sloa . I. Westinshene Btsetrle ... si en tana Pswse ,,,, SM Oemral Motor to WahMh g f. 7 Its m im BBS S7S MS w s IMS $ rrs r us 1!4V, es at IsiersstiMal Maria pf. II Kenseaett Cneese II ' I Total sales fur the dar. It.sD (lures. artADlTRBB-r TRADC ItPVIBW Rassrtt Vary LKfle frasa Tkase at Preeedtagr Weeks NETW TORK, stavreh M.-Brdtrt tomorrosr wilt say I Trade report vary little In tenor from those of preceding weeks, the Story they tell being one of sustained activity, with produotloa much below unstinted de mand. Buying in most parts af the country proceed an an extensive scale, ear shortage and embargoes hav become more serious, vessels to take out exports are lacking, (be scarcity of dyestuffg i acute, labor I in scant supply, jobs are mors numerous than aeekers, wages keep on rising, and large employers find It more profitable to plaoate their employ than resist their demands. Better employment at relatively high wage has brought en In ores sad demands for staple articles and enlarged savings account. In faot, banks practically everywhere are surfeited with money, there Is mora doing In real estate, the leading producer or steel report redord orders on Its books, pig Iron Is being pro duced at an unprecedented rata, current sale of the metal ars heavy, mills mak ing finished steel are heavily oversold, and such extraordinary necessity for It exists that shipper cannot wait for na ture t thaw (he loe-clogged shipping PWeekly bank clearing. $423,t2fI0(XJ. Wave York Maaey Maa-kat. NEW TORK. March t0. M BKCAKTILB P A PK R 4a'4 per cent. BTCHLING ftXCHA.VOB Sixty-day hills, $4.711 demand. $4.7-i$i cables. $4 77. SILVER BAR, UKt: Megican dollar. Sc. TIMID LOAKS Firm: sixty and ninety days, Pt3 per cent; six monlks, per cent. CALL MOVrT-tdyj ttlgli, $4 fr rent; low, per Cent; ruling raU, per cent; teat loan, 34 per cent; clos ing bid, 1 per cent; offered at t per cent. Closing quotation on bond today wgr a follows; V. g. ref. a. ra.... ". J sat. 4a (Ms in nouses . K AT. 1st 4s.. TI 1'. U. Is re Isfssis r. esa. .... m.. 4a ceases leistasnt. Pawer a. V. a. rag til St. V. t se s....lt4S e aaeeee 1ns" 1 ntr 4S Mts Aaa. fcseliers .... lit H. J . xj. a H. A. T A T a. 4Sa..l4 e. tW Anlo-Krnr la .... M No Parlfle 4a MS At.hiaoa ss. 4s.... Mtt ee Is ss Hal. a Ohio 4a iV B L esf. ..... tr.s nu. steel r. aa ... 11S Par. T. A T. as.,..lA ran. rSlfle lat SDS-l'asm. sew Se..,.tni ( baa. A c. . aSa 7S 4a W. 4Se.. . .... .VIS I'. H A. Q f. M-Reatls sen t M r. u. a g P. e. (a.tmsa kit r. r. ea. rs K. I. A P. r 4. sssae. rse. e. I V a- a a nt 1W .. Mva e raf 4s . sas r A R. o. nvsvtt. nsuwae as iozh ?t Varna Paewta as.... 7s tS4 on ev. 4s . aur. a. nrwr fc.... tea sasr . wi as I04S rrte sen 4a Oes Kieetrw I ... H. Koi 1st 4Ss. . lit. fee. raf 4., tat. M. M. 4SS ... M. . ge. ref. aa. a eWaat t'sloa 4Sa . . MS kWaat. glsa. ev. as in taadana Maokl MrUe INDOV. March lO.-Mexiraw aemg Ap peared tn have little effect m the Amer ican section af the s toe it market where the Irrwiesjcr was firmer. KTTA'F.R Far. Pv eunaa. Mfy? r.M4Kt per ewe 4. Mf4COfMf RATE-Hhrt blllg gad three months, as per eeait. - ask flesirf OMAHA. Mareb 10. Bank clearings for Omaha today were $4 . 1 tuad for the norseaponding day last year $3,783, S.. It take kvat a tttimrte Af tlnv to- ear dollar when yon read The Bed VTant Ad aohirnn.