THE BEE: OMAHA, MARCH U'anfc-Ad Rate: lc CASH WITH 0Dl pec wrrd each lnrtlo, Special 2al Farm and Fane Lande. Tm w nn (Count t word to m nni ronriaN advertising wwa AGENTS OR HELP WANTfc.D CLASSIFICATIONS! fa MP word ttm? IVie prr word consocutlv timea resramnw mlTZfl. Se Mr line "..Mm? 1 per line . ...thre eonaecutlv ti (Count 1x word to tho Una) A TOTI 0 toe 0 .S Till 1(X M PAT. CARD OF THANKS. rATH AWD FUNERAL NOTICES: IS Mr lino Mch HiMrtlo (Minimum charge 10 rant) Monthly Rata for tnain vl ( ehanr of copy) UB (Count lx worfi'W th line.) Coatraet iom vvUooMo. tW BKK will not bo iponolWo for nor than on Incorrect Insertion or n advertisement ordorod for moro tnaa ono tima ADVERTISERS eheuld route racalpbi J ran by Tho Pa In pymnt for J ant da, aa no mistake can bo retlfld without them. UB R THR TELEPHONfl If Ton cannot onvenlently bring or nd In your ".; Ask for a Want Ad Taker, and you will receive tho nam rood service aa wnoa delivering your ad at the office. PHONE TTLER 1000. WANT-AD COLUMN! CLOSE inrfviNa fthttonb tir K. MORNING EDITIONS P. MV THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILT. Aaiwtrt tsa question. "Whm to go tonight." Dawatcwa. EMPRESS. 15TH ft DOUGLAS. Fetlg Tribun No. 1. "Tho Artist' Modal," Vim C. "Politeness Pays." reels, Etes. "A Temporary Husband," Lubln. HlBfFAnAM, 141G FARNAM 8T. "TUB QUAItTKll-UniSED," S-Fteel lllaon. TIIE5 DEAl'ON'H W ATB1R.LOO," . Neator t'omedy. OAKDKN. Sellg Tribune No. IS. the Wooda," Knlc 1318 FAUNAM. "A Daughter of "Tho QcUway," vim coinouy, S Centa Program. S Centa. 1 317-19 DOUGLArC "True Nobility," B-reel maaterplcture De Luxe, featuring E. Forreat Taylor and Helena Koaaon and a telected Key a tone corned y North. UK AND. , 16TI1 AND BINNSK. Tha Red Circle, Eplaodea 1J and It and a good comedy. Both eplaodea of tho Bed Circle will be aliown tonlKbt In order that we may have an earlinr ahowlng on tho new aertel "THK IRON CLAW." LOTHROP; 24TH &"Te3fIfil5P. Katherlnt KaeIro4 in "Tha Wlnyad Idol." tlowtfc. AfoXLo Wii LBAVENwSIlTTr Tha Fato of America," Kal. "Anireli Unawnrca." Eaianay. "Packer Jims G lardlmiKhlp." Ulo. "Tho High Sign," Vim. comedy. ' feOULEVAUD. 83d ft Le&veaworth. TonUht at 7:1S and :45. Quality Pic turea Corp. prenont the youniteat rtar of the alalia or aoroen. Mary MUoa Minler. Wat. ifONitOE. , " 2G5lTF"ATftJAlS7 NT. H. Hart in "The Darkening1 Trail." a vivid atoiy cf Yukon adtenturo In four acta. Latest Mutual Weekly and a food comedy. OiiniN HI ile. feESSK" TilEATEli. , iifll AND N. He'i Trihune No. 17. Hel. "The Man In Him," 2-rel !. "Vreddy'a Narrow Kacape," Vila, "The Red Vlrcle," foa- turliii? Kutli Roland. 0UP11EUM. 24TU AND M." "Fatty and tho Broadway Star." fea lurlii tloscoe Arbuckle. Sam Bernard and William Collier. "Crooked to tha JJnd,' feKturlnir KrI Mace. tar Features These are Special Rxtra-Uoel ' Featurea now appearing; at tho following Theatera. al-oLLO. 23t LEAVKN WORTH. "Tho Fato of America," 24 1' II AND N HT&. 'The Red Circle," featuring Ruth Ro land. BoU LEV A Uli, W LEAVEN WOK'l'lIT VNry Mile Mlnter." "Emmy of ftnrks Neat." LAlPltEriB. . lOTlTAND DoCuLab, "The Artlat's Model." tHE FAUK'AKlT-1 4 1 S ta'AUN AM 8T. THE QUARTrn-RREED." -Heel Blann. C,KAJ. ibfliAND B1NNE77 "The Red arcla.' Episodes Nos. 12 and 13. Ci'THKGP. 24T1I AND LOTHU5p Td. Katherine Kaelred In "The Winged Mo!" M.jNKoK. , M FA UN AM, W. S. Hart In "Tha Darkening Trail." OUPHELM, 24T1I AND M bTi4. Ittly, the Broadway Star, featuring Hoacne Arbuckle, bam Bernard and William Coll'er. I 1 a N C Lto Ull-l Dul'GLAS. "True Nobility." 6-reel maaterplcture Ie Lue, featuring E, Furreat Taylor and Helena ituaaoii. s 1 ' .3 MtMKT AU ( KMKTKRIKa Hamneister Monument Vvors. mmiM letnn. nil kind" r-mrkera. l'h Charles. MAt'ROLr.UM. KHT bury your desd In tbo cold ground in stormy weather vhea you can buy , tomb In a marble build ng at ranab rrtceT Tel. MAUSOLEUM CO . D. ZI71 rt.oniT.. best quality ci r hxjwkhs or plants. Art ('omblnallona. shipped every where. Excellent service to our nil tomera In pant years recommends HEH-4 swnmn'A. 1415 Karnam St. O. IfOU HATH, I1-" Farnam HI. I, 3"". L, HEN'liKRSON, 11 Douglas"" P. 11- Member Florist Telegraph !!. M" A. I'WVnaghiJE. 122 Harnar. Doug, loot M ARUIAOR I.UEMSKS. 1'ermlta to wed liavo been lasued to tho following: Nam and Residence. Alto Theodore Jcnacn.Waahlngton, Neb.... 2 Carrie Johnson. Washington. Nb 23 Oeorge Steel, Omaha M Kmmt William, Omaha 84 Romeo J. lPnrt. Omaha M Laura Anrtrraon, Wahoo, Neb 21 Jameo Kelly. Omaha Over 21 Annie Ohearn. Omaha Over 18 Klmer I Knior. Mldiiorlu Valley. Ia.. V) Angelina WUyman, Mlanouri Valley.... 26 Jamea II. Waldo.- Ulalr Clara Ortell, umnha Wllhur Conety. Valley. Neb 21 Lillian Lydlck, Valley, Nob 1 Bmll A. Aekeraon, Hoono, Ia riima Bacheller, Payton, Ia & BIRTHS AND DEATHS. lllrllia Jlenry and Georgia Willi, U DouKla. boy; lon and Helen 'fravlb, Unworn opartmenta, lrl; Jerry ono Joule. Bmlth, 1412 Wlllltm. airl; Alvln and Klxlna Hhepard. Twenty-fourth and Nprtnf, rlrl; Ouy and Knther McKenalo, Ut Ht. Mary'a avenue, Slrl; Jamea P. ana Margaret Jensen. iK'N I'lnkney, boy; Al bert and Grace Kauet, 2ul Uorcaa, reat, boy; Hiram and Lillian Hryant, U.IO Y, girl; Krank and Mnud tJlover, 47M North Thlrty-alxih, boy; Jamea and Kthtl (An derson, 1716 IMprague, girl; Alfred and Btlva Olaon, 2bU North Hixty-thlrd ave nue, boy. Dentha Joneph F. Illl, 71, K South Nlnteenth; Krank Bmith, 1, li14 North Thirty-third; Herlle L Hunger, X, h"HPi tal; Jlenrr Dahmke, M, hoapltal: Her man Ooemlna:. IV, hoapital; George Hay nee, P7 hgapltal: H. V, Johnaon, 6, hoapi tal; William Ahrnm. 29, hoapital; Henry Weakley, 20, hoapital BUILDING PERMITS. W. J. Ilrennan, 3U North Twentyl fourth, atore and frame dwelling, 11,600. II. E. Price, 4332 Leavenwortli otroet, frame and atuoco houae, 2X. LOST FOUND REWARDS UM AHA 4k COUNCIL LUr"o B'i'KICfci Poroona having lo aume arilclo would do wall to call up tho office of the Umana Council Kluffa Street Hallway company to aecertaia wbeltiar tliey left it In the alreet car. Many artlclea eacn day are turned la and the company la aaaloua to reatore them to tbo rlgttUul owner. Wail I luug. 4. U Yuu Ivm urimoa aaa will 4.rtiM II be, F arm tunny raouTar It it found hr aa hbt rroe. Hainarkabl tMovarla ar bruaai Mut Trr IF tkroaxk Ikl eoiuma, 1KB U-Kotv n4 Iom arUlM ar lalrut la knovloa itaat Ik iata law la airlcl la requiring ten to aah lb tnf Ifcruugh advrllMHiat au4 otbrwla. n4 a laliar to 4 o, It aaaia aaa a ?reta. ia olv anvcn pnaaliv. 1HT In I nlnn depot or Dundee car on wertneaaay, lady a Hhrine pin with runy aet In gold atar a family heirloom; lib eral reword. Walnut LoS'ITioBton bull pup, wnlLe atrip duwn lace, tour wnite recti reward, wuo . 24th flt. I'lione aouia 15u. Gladya ila- worth. C )oT A gold brooch with aiaull dltimoii'l In center in a ' xwis a. Korancim en velopw. Tel Walnut 21.14. Hewarrt. LGWT Japaneae poooie nug; anawera to the name or Helen. I Kiinr, K74ii. Krwnrd LTiHT liltili rkiiool of coiiiniurco pin; on nncK a. v. it., win." pouajiiiB vttn. LObT bat unlay evcnuiK, mink fur cul- litpptte. HfWHrf call walnut 7VW. L8T HiirliTiKluii annua paea. Call lollrln 6L'4I. Lt )HT tiiiiulll k h t brown colored dog, March . I). Jl. itawaia. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Kurnltare and llonarholtl Gooila. CM AHA PILLOW CO. Feit and hulr mattreaaea mado over in new tirka at half the price of new onea. Phone us for sample of ticking. Mall orders t .lied. 1 flj J uinlng8t. Dougla a 2407. BT1CKLK X tuiueil naa dining lame, am- gle atoel col and natira, and ruga; r'onable. 1 larney lmm, ALL Ka.l'AlHa vaior tronla, furnace colls, kio. Quick arvice. Omaha Utov Repair Works, XM- Doiiglita Tyler 2i). f'UKNITU'Hlj barKklna; beds, $1;" taoi3sT ohalra, ruga, -a aiovea, ; necuiiiga of all kinds. la;i N. 24th. Weblarlwll. t'l: HMUHo. huh kcwiiiK iiiacliine. L0l) K. r.'d Ht. Tyler H.a-w. Plaaoe and Maaleal Inetrameate. Wai wtii pay stve uouuia in mo.u fir tHu name of a proepeclive piano or player piano puri haaer. HOBINHGN PIANO COM PAN Y, Factory 1 Malrlbutars for Cabin Ptnnus. Tylr IMi. 214 t4. ltth St. UTTuCTUT piano ior (ale cheap. 33j inton. tliO per" month A. Iloaw, IttUPoiiglaaT Star and Office Ft tare. LiEWn, aaiea, acaiea, aiioacMaea, ahelv- K8iri, aalea, acaiea, aMoacattea, alielv liiK. etc. We buy, aeil. Umaha Ftxlur da Supply Co., 4H-H-I X. l'-'th, Dou K- m Jewelry. Diamond, Watches, ltllol'KtjAAill "lucay mvuJiii; ruiga'1 u l.'.tt. k n,l I I, .iivImm Kl. lKAHA'l' pure, wlute (llwinond. Doug, ewia Slacltlaa-B. SEW1NU MAOlLNES We rent, repair, aelt noodles and parts of all sewing machine. M1CKELH NEBRASKA C1CLE CO.. ISth it Harney Hta. iHiug. Kiffi. Typerrrliera and Saaallea. NEW inacMbe Bold the ain as rent $1 per month. Hee us before you buy or lent, bliipped any place on ten days f rr trial. Butts TPwrlter Ejicbabaa i S. Ii tjjnia ha. N eb. aUl'lANl Hlbltu.M AND CARBON CO. We make thni lu Onuilia. WbatT Typewilter ribbons. 8upillu for the office. Ioiihlw t!47. r.H Hee Bldg. tl'AKAiNTKr, Typewriter KiM.ou. ii per do. Hutta Tviwwrller Ec. Hid 8. lSih, Tpewr14er and Nanpllea. 6 Pl-iC l A , i.uui .me, u i v i m. writer rib. bona 2 for II. Reliance Ribbon ft Carbon C Pouglaa l'4J. ftl NT an Oliver typewriter t mo. for to. O'lver Typewriter Agency. lat Farnaro. I YI-KHW I I'l.HS oil. lenieu ropalradT r "rl Tviv-wr'ter Fxe. f arnam tT'PEVVIUTElt lor rent, t month, Bulla Typewriter F nr. 31d B. 1Mb tit . ffENT a Keiiiinalun ' not jut a type- wrtur. Low renL Call Dou las 12.4, lillLiiirini t r t r ' t j i In order to make a good service better THE BEE allows the CASH RATE of one cent per word on phone orders all you have to do is to pay the collector when he calls. Phone Tyler 1000 Put that Ad in-Now Results FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS l lag, Para, Kte. WE buy and a.l tnllor mn1e aulla and overcoeta. Friedman 1?ll1wurlaa Ft. Miralaerr and i:glei. VVIl tX'i'oiid-haiMl inomra. uynamna. mawnetna. Bron p.lectrlo WorVa 1-?o H. 1?th Ht. fe eacond-hanif motnm, varloiia aire, fine condition, very cheap, fee cahlll laec tiio Co., pee P!dg. Phone V. X. ruber, Balldtaai Material. ALL KINDS t)F LI ' M B Elt KOK HALri. Cacd In conatrurtion of building: In flrat claa condition. Call Dou. 2117. rrlnllagr and trffle Sapaltea. ON H writer ircaa for printing; Imitation tvoewrPcr letter: one Invalid aanllarv chnlr; on cnMnpvhle iro-cart. T.'l. W.JlS) WATKhH-HA K,N1IAHT I'tg. Co.. quality printing lei. ioug;. zr.. n n. i.irn wt CHVTRA1, Printing tV 1K1 ' ILASTM. fioTGLAH Printing Co. Tel. Ponging M4? Bllllaral and Pool TaMea. FOR SALE New and aeeond-haDd earoia and pocket bl'llard tablea and bowling alley and acceaaorlea; Bend for cata logue; eaay payments. Tha Brunswick Balka-Collander Co., 407-409 8. loth L M laee.Ha aeuem. THK EXCELSIOR. "To Oldo Whleky Bhop." We sell standrtrd bottled ia bond whlaklea; lu and 12-year-old whliky a specialty. 111 So. IBth Rt . FOIl HA 1,13 CHEAP. Bualneaa Cxllego Courae. Full and complete arholareiilp In ono of the beat Omaha bualneaa achoola. Good reason for Belling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, hut will be Bold Very reasonably. if Intereated Inves tlitato at once, becauae spring term betilna soon. There are a variety of couraea for aale. For partlculara inquire at ineomce J he (imaha Hot. high alandard of aualltv will Va maintained; 4 quarta of Old Fonteoell whlaky. ft 25; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock, mail order house. Doug. JIM; 1B-IJ4 N. iMh Kt. ALEX JETE8' LIQUOR HOUSE Thirteenth and Pouglaa. Roltled-ln-bond whlaky. goo. $1.00. 11.25. mmrl, FOR SALE Dry, clean, Vindilng; wood, delivered to all part of tha city. Phono Douglas I2G7. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COUNTY TREASURER EMMET O. SOLOMON ERODEOAAKD'a "Lucky WedJUg Rnra" at 10th and Pouglaa Sta. CART LOR Hheet Metal. 110 B. 15th fit. feETTciSE AT T.M.GA.-Bualneaa ma Krerytblagr (or Waaaoaw ACCORDION, Bide, knife, sunburst, bos pleat. ng, covered pultons, all aiae ana etyles; hematltchlng, point edging! em broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes. ennanta. Ideal Pleating Co., 2U0 Douglas block. Douglas vjm. Caatabaea THE largest stock of maaquerade and theatrical ooatumes In tha country. Theo. Llelicn . Hon, 1514 Howard. P. 4115. ffTiLATKlCAL gowns, full drees suite, for rent, arcr j. tna pi. jonn rinmin. Cleaners and Dyrjra. STATE Dry Clng. Co. 120 N. Utb. D. (071 Urcuataklas. AUIUKUIUN, Miue, Knlle, Box. Pleating, t'overed liuttona, HemBtltchlng. Neb. Pleating: ft Button Co., Hlk- fnTiH claaa ladles' tailoring. H. F.acher. ... i ... , i.i., w. i 1 1 . 1 y-' r foinar iiuiei jluus., mu, LA nib, b auua iiiioiivl(l in Die laieat Biyle. lll Farnam. Douglas M2. rimli. tircnamaKiiig, alteration. D. 87H5, 1A Y work. miiiij, aewmg7 Hed. Wiift.' Helater s Dieaamaklng Col. la City Nat. lei ry DraiU)i k'g college. 20lh 4 Farnam. t klropodlata. Carrie J. Buford. Mr) Pax. Wlk. Red 4M7. Iklrourarlora, gplaal Aajaataaenta, Dli. lUKlUili, 4i4 iiosu iiiug. D. (htiT. I'ainiwr Bcnotii gran, conaunaiion tree, Dr. J. C "Lawrence, l aird toldjTD. Max T irriTtiala. rr. Bradbury. No pain. Uli W.O.W. Bldg. Tait Denial Booms. Vd Douglas. 1. , i aC Jwatlww at a ra, H. H. CLAIBORNE, 612 Paxton Blk. Red fTV. tGll'li. Q1 Barker Hiook. Drag. DRUGS at out prices; freluht paid on 10 orders; ratalogues fi'Co. Hhermaa ft M Connell lrug Co., Omaha, Neb. Platurea and Wirlasj. riTTUKl M Kl0,rl washing luachlnea, AS J ,iecirj0 irons and reading lamp. 2223 Cuming bt. Doug. Ml. Aceoantanta. E. A. DWOliAK, C. P. A, 433-437 Ranige Bldg. Tel. Pouglaa 74Q. Urowrl. URUCE1UEM, trulls and vegetable and teiidvc, juicy meat. Prompt delivery. Tom Jounaon's Branch fttoie. ti) ti, 2th St. r-hone Colfax IMl Balha. Jr. Lenda SjTphur, steam, Modern Turk jah,ju.luctrlu BATUb and MASSAGE for "i.ivu i.t in.,.iaiMi. Private apt. for Udlea with lady attendants. Farnam. 1'hone lo'ig. 8437. Movlac Plot are Machlaaa. OMAHA FUni Ex., Hth and Doug. Mo tloh picture machine and film Uaigalna. Uaacia laalructloa. PRIVATE leaaons social dancing; by chambers' pupil. For term call Har- ney 63o7. Patent. D. o. Rarnell. Paxton Hlk. Tel. Red 7H7. (iTk. siui gea. Ikio Uranuui 1 heater Bldg. U and UM. BUT your family liquor at Kllan'g Llq u or hour. k:t N. lth. Dou glas lud, lamaalcr and taalraolura. laaard ft Hon. lkJ Capitol Ave. T. fox. C7"W. H ka neon. H. i.vnwth. Tyl. tlSiTT. j. J. YOUNG. ;'ivkI Miami. Web.TfaL Yacatia t leanere. Clean quickly and thoroughly WITH ECLIPSE KLKCTRK-'"; RENT $1 AND flfrO PER PAY. DoUGtAS 170, Deteollvea. JAMES ALLAN, 212 NevUl Block. Evi dence secured in all caaea. Tyler U:l DNOK'iil'l Deleiuve Agcy.. Inc.. Kee line Bldg. P. 4M. Strictly confidential. Furnaces ana Tinware. .AP.P.W8TROH. 0-d Hamilton. WaLtBTt . laaarance. FIRE and tornado Ins. Myrt' Peuel. in N. 2M. Phona Colfax I3 after 11 a. m. Plan laatraetiea. - Ragtime piano plavlrtg guaranteed in 10 to 2u ieaaona. Prof. Ilayne for Original Pyeteni. ?i tlarney. louglaa t 4 Kagtlme piano playing poaitively taught In v leaauua. 422j Cuming. Wal. U.t. n hi 'i i c- 1 1 jar-nv ANNOUNCEMENTS Palallna; a4 Paer Ilaasjlast. Painting and paparhangtng. Dotirla a4'JI. New ato k cf paper. Half pric. JTIGIM'I.AS.n vorK. pit e Tvur li".'. fll(iH- ,ASS work, low nrl: e. Well T"!., Wcrk guaranteed. F. l'nrnrmin. P. 72'$. Towel Sappllea. OMAHA Towel Pupply, fB7 Hth, P. 8M. Oeteopath Pkyalclaaa. SO"Kri T 1ST ARMTRONOJII Bee H.4g. FRr.I.lNO fTKTNI.K. Farnam 4t Xrcblteeta. Everett . Todd, I2 Paxtnn Plk. P. w. w'alrk SpeclalUta. fhrlatlanaen, td fl.. Paxton Bk.. 1yr. evp. Weddlaa; gtatloaerr. IvTeddlng announcement. Douglas Pta- Co. A divert 11 aa fcovaltlee. M. T. Fhafef aV Co , 12th-Famam. P. T474. Attorea. " C T. Plcklnaon. Ml Paxton Blk. P. 1M Bakeriaa. E. H RTCEDKR. ISO N. l(h. Web 27. Braaa aad Iron Koaadrlea. SVgton-Mltchell Co., nth and Martha St. Danetaiar Arademlea. tB LTJX ACADEMT. lit B. 11th St ICleetrolyaw. Vlo Ailender. C24 Boo Bldg. Rod SOU WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS Now deaka, used desks, bouaht. fold sad traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. SWAPPERS' COLUMN lilwelHht, two-paeeeiiKer, monei, J.iai overnauied ana lull equipped, will swan for the best 19U model motorcycle or motorcycle and side car outfit I can get; but It must be A-I condition. Addreaa B. 'J. 726. Bee. AUTO. 7-pasaenger Abhott-Detrolt tour ing oar, flrat-claas ahape and running order, fully equipped, extra tire on de mountable rim, klaxon horn.'etc., val ued at 1700. What 1-ave you? Address B. C. 104fy Bee. 14 VOLUMES American law and proce dure texr books, US-caliber Special re volver. Will trade for motorcycle, roll top desk, or what bav you? Address B. C. 10, Bee. WANTED To exchange for anything; In vaiue on ivu water motor wanner, one 22 Remington auto, loading riflo with 1,000 sheila, one Reach apecial fielder's glove, one sxibs o. canvaa. H. c. btii, HAVhi small diamond ring to awap (or typewriter; muat be In good condition; wont consider anything but an even exchange; ring valued at $125. Address H C. lot'.", Hee. FOR aale or trade for Ford chaaais, 1911 Indian two-speed motorcycle and slue car, or what have you 7 H. W. Blore, Oconee, Nel HAVE repair of any kind for a Cutting SO auto or a Pullman 40, at half the Hat price, to awap for what have you? Ad- rireaa n. u. pn4, nee, BLIUUTLY uaed 8-foot Michigan ateel hull VH. P. launch. Trade for road ster, or what have youT Box 8. C. inrifi, Hee. ADDING machine, will exchange for auto, food books and book case, pic tures, aiamonufl. otnee lurntture or what have you. Box H. C W4. Bee. WINCHESTER repenting shotgun, 12 gauge, hammorlcaa, 1912 model, rib bar rel and recoil pari; also gun; value 4o: wnat nnve you. . t;. n WHAT have you to swap for a vacuum cleaner outfit, mounted on International truck, with hoae enough to clean 8-stor butldlng7 Plenty of tualneaa. Web. Z228. Pi gas range and hounehold 'furniture for any kind of poultry chickens, geese. ducks, pigeon Belgian hnrea, - or a norse. Aaareaa b. c. uw. nee TO TRADE A Gibson concert guitar, A-l condition, for A-l slide trombone, high and low pitch, with case. Homer rieioa, ceoar Hiurra, ieD. TRADE for auto, furniture of a S-room house, cloae in, full of roomer; bring in xho per montfl. went box h. c m4. SANITARY ooucli and new mattreas to trade for rocker, dreaaer or what have vou? Addreaa B. C, 1040. Bee. 1 SWAP, buv and sell kodaks: fllmj developed ire. KAfUJ bTUDio, ise- vllle Hlk., ltith and Harney hta. OAK dining room table, round. 48 In., wui traao ior gooa incuDtior, or wna have you. Addreaa 8. C. wex, Hee. fiAVEC'rajner upright piano will swap for auto chassis, or what nave your Addreaa S. C. 1043. Hee. WANT ED to trado, diamond ring, worth $300, for Ford runabout. Address, S. C. loai, nee. HAVE lfiO Mandy Le chick brooders to trad for chickens, or what have you? S. C. B86, Bee. 4-REEL while slave feature film with paper; trade lor auto in A-l oonaiiion. Box s. c. fcts. 575oD hunting dog. pointer, to trade for comet or library table. S. C. 10.16, Bee. LARGE Wardrntie trunk to trade for In cubator, or will aell cheap. J 8S1. Bee. WHAT have you to swap ior a very line Anwora cat? S. c r. nee, SMALL Moahier sate for high power rifle. Colfax 1731. . MEAT market for property. O 127. Boo. BUSINESS CHANCES INVESTING FOR PROFIT. We have an Investment propoaltlon' which will net the Investor 4 per cent annually from date of purchase, and after five years will yield an Increasing annual income up to $.','00 yearly. Write or call. W. T. SMITH CO.. tlS-l City National. Doug. V. VANTa high claws capable man to take management of clear, ataple, tiral-claas bualneaa at salary of $A4w) per year. Inveatment of $1,000 required. Sea me for partlculara Remember this 1 A-l. first-class, no blue sky, but a tar pli.nrii foe rlo'tit man. J, A. ABBOTT, Patterson Hlk MOVING Picture Theaters, real bargains; machtnea, repaira, euppllea, acceaaorlea, new and second-hand. Bee us. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLT CO., Balrd Bldg. Poug. US". FOR BALE Infanta, children a and la- dlra furnlahlnsc atore at Uavui uuy. Neb., at a arain: beat location la town: doing an excellent bua.nea: want to retire. Box No. . David city. Nea. FOR SALE, at a baraaln figure, a restaurant property and lease, having the beat location In town; an unuaual offer for u purchaser at $1,200 cash. Address Box S7, Manly, la. For Sale a good, clear variety stocK, and rood location. In live town In east ern Nebraaka; atock not large. Writ for particulars to Y Hep. FOR HALE Good, clean stock of Hard ware; live town central rseoraana Good reason for selling. Be quick. Ad dreaa, Y til. Bee. 1 3 ii i r m v r vm BUSINESS CHANCES Fl'R SaLe I. eat billiard parlor, clgnr atand and howling alley In southern V.-hraika. Po 211. P.ed Cloud. Neb. Foil PliiiMrd parlor In town of SO), a barRBln If you act O'Mck. Write box Ik. Chadron. Neb THEATKRH Buy, lean or aall your the ater, macmne ant auppi ea througa Tl i eater Kx. re , 10 Farnam l. In7. Dowi (aie and Auction Co., Omaha, have cloaed out more mdae. atocke than any other firm In U. f. Write for term. SMALL CIGAR FACTORY lor aale. Go ing concern. Gon.l ren-on for gelling. ft. A. fmpann. M"ie mil, .eo. WILLIAMS. ealMbiiHhed -V )eaia. to buy or aeu nuaneaa; ee mm. 411 MCt;a;u Bldg . reference W B. Nat. Bank. rrPFICE" ?or real eatate or" Insuranr; same floor as Bee of rice: 12x21 feet; IMi The Bee R'dg.. Office Room 10 tHul! Khou for'.; v.lLh few piece of furniture; enod layout; cheap rent Box ?. Humphrev. Neb. kPJsTAl'KANT for aiue. In a good town. d'dng good huaineaa. Will Bell cheap. Adf'reaa Y. y'J. Bee. BI .SY groeery and confectionery store, Invoice $7.; want clear vacant lots. Ad dren T. g3. Bee. SELL" or buy a bustneaa. rait o Pach A Porghoff. Frenxar Blk. p. JSH fo GET In or out of bualneaa call on OANQEPT.tD. 422 Bee Bldg. Poug. 3477. POOL ROOM, nine tablea, good bargain; eaay term. 230 Farnam St. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. BOY wunla work on farm doing chore: bko ib; naa worKea on farm uerorc; Nebraaka preferred. Write Earl Jack Bon, care It. G. Balberk, Box li. R. F. If. 3, Council Bluffs. I a. UH'NU man wants pesitton In automo bile bualneaa; has had 4 years' experi ence In this line as repair man and chauffeur: can furnlah beet of refer ence. Call Poug. .V,32. lOtiNG man wants poaiiion as repair man In automobile bualneas; experi enced machinist; i years In this line: rpn 'urn'-'' best of references. Call Douglas P3B7. COLORED boy, thoroughly experienced ork and all klnda of In art, needlework houae work: good cook- can fumlah best or reference. Harney 6K4. NTED A Job on farm; can do any kind of farming or can milk; prefer some farm work clos to Omaha. P. O. f.705 N. S4th St. Phone Colfax Mil. UNREGISTERED drug clerTTwants posi tion ; ti years oia, zv years oi store ana fountain experience: competent; best of references. Write Y 203. Bee. ALL kinds of odd job and janitor work by hour, day, week or month; experi enced In all line of work. Webster 603& A an ror Johnaon, A HEAL aaleaman la open for position. In Omaha Sunday. For Interview ad rteeaa Y 310, Bee. YOUNG colored man and wife wish Work of any kind together, or separate. Tyler 1T Aak for Hamming. POSITION by cook, country hotel pre ferred. Addreaa John Hansen, 1104 B. 6th. female1. POSITION wanted by middle-aged woman as nouseaeeper in small family. Mrs. B. F. West. GenI Delivery, oTitONG young woman wishes houae work; can glvo references. Dou;. 1641. Call between 6 and 7 In the evening. GOOD experienced colored woman would like a place aa chambermaid to v work nan pays, weoaier 12l. YOUiG colored Kill wants noaltlon nurse girl or work In private family. STENOGRAPHIC Position wanted hv he. sinner; wilr tart at low salary. Web. 1651. COLORED lady wants general work. Douglas 2716. houae- COLORED girl wants inositlon a cham bermaid. Harney 6737 W A NTED Position a housekeeper. Call Harney 4361. Practical nurae. Ty. i2 W. nil Burt Ht. COLORED girl wanta housework, D. 6&U. Lasaary and ti i.-i.. 111 Day 'War at. is. 1'Ekiu.mceu woman wants work ciewnina or launareaa. xyier aotPJ. PERFECT bundle washing, reasonable. Harney 861. Experienced laundry or cleaning. W. 70?4, Email family & bundle washing. Wet.15J9. WASHING, lace curtalne done. Tyler 1144, BUNDLE and family waahtna-. H KU4 LAUNDRY, waahlng. cleaning. Har. 95H fellNDLE waahlng: neat work. Web. "2147? I'HY, Ironlna. f..T. 8 iTih. H ii WASHING onad lronlngColf.ix 2XI. WOMAN wantn day work. 1450 8. 16th, WANTED Day work. Call Tyler 200jt JlNY kind of day work. Harney 17807 BUNDLE waahlng and day work. H. 104, DAT work wanted by tho hour. P. 7144. HELP WANTED MALE Store and Of flora. WANTED TRAFFIC MANAGER. Traffic managers are In demand. The field 1 most fertile for an ambitious man. to rlae into a high salaried nnat. tlon. $200 per mo. and up. Special coach mg anit training. I4"t w. o. w. Bldg. QUARK PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. we line a position that Ills you. CO-OPERATIVE- RBP. CO., 10ir-1 CITY NATL BANK BLDI. ASSISTANT credit man with aoma ' knowledge of bookkeeping; salary de pend upon experience, about $oO to $75. r . omana rtee. SALESMAN, auto euppllea, $100; Bkkpr., .: snipping ciem, u orrice Boy, is. WATTS RRF. CO.. RtA-42 Brand. Thea. FOR a high-claaa position aee us. THE MARTI CO., , 1227 W. O. W. Pxwfeaatoas and Trades. WANTED A good srsehoer and black smith to go Into bualneas ror himself; good location and large building (down town). I can fumifh some tools: rent very cheap. R. Rumbel, 1424 Gust St., Omaha. VA N T KD Licensed engineer for laundry plant; muat nave neat reierences; cap able of taking csre of electric plant; 60 mile from Omaha. Addreaa V )l, Hee. WANTED Licensed fireman lor laundry plant, with references; 60 miles from Oin a h a. Address Y iH Bee. W A N TEJ 1 i-'lrat-cla Karneaa maker at once. John L. Wells, Belle Fourche, s. II. V ANTEL Ex(hi ienced ladies' tailor. A only to H. Fisher. 204 N. 17th St. AN upholsterer wanted. Omaha Furniture Repa lr Co., 2310 Farnam St. Di-cgtoro jnapa. job Knelst, Bee Bldg. gale.vmen and Solicitors. 3 ALES MIAN wanted to sell a popular line of men's neckwear and other nov eltiea In state of Nebraska:, exclusive territory: liberal commisaion and ex penses advanced to right party; give references, experience and present oc cupation. Addreaa American Manufac turing Company, 13Vt-61oVi Jefferson St., Waterloo, la. i f tt rr a. u n n The telephone way is the easy way. Saves you time saves the bother and trouble of coming to THE' BEE office in fact, more convenient in every way. HELP WANTED-MALE aalewaaea and Hrlter. ADVERTISING SALESMEN. Toting men who think they are sale-men and ran e advertising space to merchants ran land a perma nent position with good future If they can make good. Want clean-cut. lire, wide-awake and aggrelve men who ran get In terview with bualneas men and tell their story In an intelligent manner. 8ALART AND COMMISSION. Tell all about yourself In first letter. Addreaa B l2. Bee. SALESMAN WANTED Large Nebraaka Inatltutlon offers ex ceptlinal opportunity to a high claa aaleaman. capable or earning from $.100 to $510 per month. Experience In this line not neceanary. provided your In tegrity is unquestionable and you are a producer. Addreaa, with all poR-ihle particulars concerning yourself, to J 646. Be. WANTED SALESMAN Nebrarka territory open for two high grade salesmen. Men with mercantile experience preferred. Write, giving references, to G 645, Bee, MAGAZINE MEN We want a district manager In this locality to represent ua on our Installment magaxina offers; good proposition to experienced men only; state all In flrat letter. Postal Buhacrlptton Co., Mlnnew poll. Minn . WAN'i'ED Reliable aaleamen to sell au tomobile insurance, good commlaalona. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO., 925-27 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 1 vmnna, en. IF you can prove your ability as a aleamMn n mnn.l..ln. T have e mm I - nry and commission position for you. Tel. it. 677 after c p. m. WANTED block and bond aaleaman. standard Security & Investment Co., 1SV7 W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha PORTRAIT solicitor, see us; something new; big and quick money. 226 Neville Blk. WANTED Reliable aaleamen. Standard Security and Investment Co., 1207 w. p. W. Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. SALESMAN WANTED Call 623 8. 16th. Hotels and Helta rant. RELIABLE employment agency, 16; Davenport Ht., hesdquarters ror hotel help; spec, attention to distance order. Trad School. SAVE $25 SEE OTJR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. it you can t attend day school you can hold your job and at the ' same time get your automobile education If you enroll In the . NIGHT CLASS. OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOBTLT3 SCHOOL, 2408 LEAVENWORTH. RED 2110. MOLEB BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn the trade. Wa have originated a plan to teach It Quickly and earn back tuition while learlng. Tools Included. Open to every one. Write for catalogua, 110 So. 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. LEARN barber trade, more than make sour tuition while learning. Set of tools Included. Job guaranteed. Call or write for catalogue. 1402 Podge. THI-C1TY BARBER TObbROB. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work for tho big spring rush. Fine training work on autos and electric starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 1053 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. ITen wanted to learn the barber trad. Tuition. $26. 1808 Cass St., Omaha. OMAHA BARBER COLLEGE. ' Miicrllaaruaa "WANTED Yo unjr men as railway mall clerks. $76 month: sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. zzi-M. Kocnegter. in. y. WA N TED Names of ambitious men. II or over, wanting Railway MaH clerk po sitions. X7&.W montn. Answer immeai- ately. T 241. Bee. WANTED An experienced man aa ele vator manager to buy and sell grain at Cbalco. Neb. W. O. Schmidt, Pres., Mil lard. Neb. WANTED Married rran with small tarn 11 y to work on farm. Address T SSi, Be. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and office. COMPTOMETER OPR. .O.O0 STENOGRAPHER N. 60.00 TYPIST 40.W THK CANO AOENCT, Bee Bldg. CIGAR Clerk. $40: Office Clerk. 230. WATTS REF. CO.. 840-42 Brand. Thea. Professions and Trades. LEARN halrdrevetng at The Oppenhelm. GTrI.S wanted for alteration. 2S07 Leav enworth St. Saleswomen aad Solicitors. WANTED Experienced saleswoman for cloaks and suits; must have good reo- ommenaationa. Kenson & Tnorne Co, Hoaaehold and Domeatto. FRElS. Ada for servant girl accepted thre day free of charge for residents of Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs. Brtn?, send or phone your ad to THE BEE office. Phone Tyler lOOO. WANTED By a young man, a position as cnauneur in gooa laruiiy; can speak uerman and give iest or reierences. Phone Douglas 7W4. ask for Oerhardt. WANTED Good competent white glrT for general housework; no cooking or avasning; gooa wages, uau at once, 1336 8. 23th Ave. Harney 4572. "EXPERIENCED white girl for general nousewora: reierences reauirea. Mr. T. V. Dwyer. 407 N. 39th St. Harney 2A. WANTED A young, white girl for gen erai nouaewora; ainau nouae; no cook' ing. nw i.aae ni. iei. tvep. Z38I. COMPETENT girl lor general houaeaork: must be good cook: three In family; eve- nms irec. van nartiey a:.n. CAPABLE experienced alii for general housework; i children. 3 adults. 3611 lrayette Ave. wal. t. EXP ERIEN'CED girl in family of 2; no waanmg; reierences. Mrs. w. J. Hynei 1 ei. riarney iwi. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work In small family; god wages h s me v v'jz o. shin 1st. EXPERI ENCEl) ghl for general house work. Mrs. Geo. E. Mlckel. 3331 Harney narney V ANTED A Kirl for general houaework: small faintly; muat have reference. WAITED Middle aged lady to car for .kll.l..B J -.11 T.. k-M J1L? 11 iiic are sure to come J! i HELP WANTED FEMALE Mewchetd and Dawwtlr. WANTED A g.rl for general houeework V - small family. Phone mrney 1341. J W ANT E P od girl for general house work. 11 H. 2d Ave. H. X22. ( ViANTEl) Girl for general housework. 1W"J Park Ave. Harney 2,V, ' AGX)D German gin for general house work M0 B. 2Mb Ave. EaPY wiahlng position aa houaekeeper In email family. Call Webster 4.oa. COMPETENT woman for general bouse- work. 11 P. "tn. iiamey i ' - COkjiPKTF.NT house makl; good wades, Colfax 12. . Hotels and Reataamnta. OIRLS for tsble work thoroughly anrpe- riencea. Apply ouji iiucuucus Naah Co. EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS 1 SAVE MONET ON COURSB. For sal, with good reasons for sell ing, a variety of oours In a rellabi Business School, on of th leading bual neaa colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below regtiar price. If you are considering taking a caurse Investigate this at once, sine Spring Terra begin soon. Call office. Omaha Bee. FOR sale, the following scholarships la a rnst-ciaas omana Bualneaa College: One unlimited combination business nd shorthand course. One unlimited stenographlo oonrae. One three-month bualneas or steno- Wlii be sold at a discount St th offlo of The Orrwlrn ee. . DAY (SCHOOL. BOTLKS COLLEGE. NIGKT SCHOOL. Every day la enrollment day. Book keeping. Shorthand, Stenotypo, Type writing. Telegraphy. Civil Service all Commercial and English branch. Cat alogue free. BOTLES COLLEOW. 18th aiid Harney flt. Tet. Douglas 1S65. TILE VAN SANT SCHOOL , STENOGRAPJIT BOOKKEEPING. Day School for Tonne Women. Evening School for Young Mas and Women. Saturday morning class In typewriting. ton C. Puffy, Owner and Manager. 8Q B. 1th Bt. Oman. SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES i..i as or private ieaaona, lowntown srunio. I'none weo. tw. PAXTON Blk. School of Lettering and Art teaches paying trade privately. K. ni. PERSONAL Piles, Fistula Qared. Dr. E. R. Tarry cure piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and n money paid until cured. Writ for book on rectal diseases with testlmontal. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM, stomach, liver nd kidney .trouble, goitre, oervoua nes and asthma sufferer ar suc cessfully restored to health by ma. Examination Free. Call Suit 111 Bo Bldg. DR W. H. KNOLLENBERO. Chiropractor. Tyler MS. $2,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS, i vaiava tal $1.6 Mt U-U Ti Latdtes Home journal Th Saturday Evening Post. The Country Gentleman. .... 800 subscriptions by April earn that $3.0o(rfor The Invalids' Pension Ass n. -Your order or.renowal contribut 600. Phone Douglas 7193, or address - GORDON. THE MAGAZINE- MAN, . Omaha, Neb. YOUNG women coming to Omaha a stranger are invnea to visit in xoung Women's Christian association building they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler' guld at th Union Station PERSONAL Wanted to know th wher- about of Frank O'Brien, whoa last known residence address wa 1708 Cass St., Omaha. Neb. Matter of Importance to him. Communicate Information to his brother, James O'Brien, Winchester, Illinois. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old doming, lumitur, mag- i n. 1 1 ... sr Ji.,dkt. Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will will my call, can ana inspect ear new nome mo-ruzni4 uooge pi. DRSi JOHNSTON&i Chiropractor, ol Sheldon, I a., wish to announce thair location at 2407 N St. 8. O. Consultation free and Invited. Phone South 401$. DO not send money If you ana a dieted to drink, but write for booklet. Not cure, no pay. The Furley, 2167 Farnam, Omana. Phone narney ai4a. ADVERTISE your property aa though you believed Ha sal or rental to b Important, by keeping it Bsted In th Pig House. Horn and Real KU.ia Guide THK! BEE E UP TURK Successfully treated operation. Call or writ Dr. Wray ft mameny, ij ee xsiog., omana. STRAW hata dyedTlook Ilk new. Plume Paradise and aigrettes cleaned and dved. Dora Eiaele. D. 8632. 1136 City Nat'l Bk. MASSAGE AND ELECTRIC BATHS, chiropody. Misses Gray and Head, 210- n nitirn nm., inn n HQ-jJOUjiai. . 00. PERSONAL Mlaaes Staples and Shaffer, bath, electric treatment. Open a. m, t p. m. Dougla 713. 401 Ware Blk. MAE BRUGMAN. team and shower baths. Msaaagd, Red ?i?r. rtnom mix. r.arnann mi. bWKUlf.ll graduate; electrlo msisaga; lady operator. 1716 Dodg. 10 a. m. t - - . . : : ! - MASSAGE-Mlss Webster, ill ' Paxtoa Blk P 3227. Red 7631. after 6:20, p. m. Scientific maaaag. In b Bioi. Phone Douglas B72. RHEUMATISM treated ucoaaafulIy, ri suits guarant'd. Dr. Bowser. $14 Bee feldy. YOU CAN GET 1 ON kUUK MONgT in ' HOME BUILDERS' PREFERRED SHARES, also a part of remaining profit. American Security Co.. Fiscal Agta, -S. W. Cor. 17th and Dougla Sta.. Omaha, leave out anything, and run same In th Wsnt-Ad columns of THE BEB for a few days. There Is o better way of locating buyer than to ad vertise. Phone Tyler 1000 and put your ad In NOW. t Per WoitJ 1 i