THK BKF,: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1916. 1 1 rfferings of the Market Household Hints Y PORE FOODS TO KEEPSELF WELL People Now Make Intelligent Selec tion for the Table by Follow ing Advertisements. PREPARED FOODS THE BEST The pure food laws have done much to safeguad the health of the commun ity, hut It Is evident that the require ments enforced by law will never mean ore up to the quality that the adver tiser's own Interest urges him to put Into the food that he prepares) and ad vertises. The manufacturer knows that advertising1 turns a flood of light on his foods, hts factory, his methods. He shows that his competitors will allow no f 1 ws to escape. The rigid observance of t ' e highest standard of quality and pur Ity Is the only way to cope with scrutiny. that Is to penetrating and so pereiaten The advertising of foods Is one of the t Interesting contributions to do mestic science. Almost everything Trom soup to nuts Is advertised In some new, I'otcer and more palatable shape than the people have been accustomed to, and this food goes to the table of the consumer In more sanitary and deleo tablo form than ever before. Formerly It was the custom to give thoueht to the daintiness, purity and wholesomeness of food when people were sick. Now through the Influence of ed ucational advertising the people make an Intelligent study of their regular diet. and what they want is not so much food for invalids as food that will kep them from becoming invalid. Advertising tells the people the advan tags of these wholesome prepared foods as against Ml-oooked soups, greasy po tatoes and fried steeJces and dysperpsla Is becoming less a national charade r- Istie. Omaha Market Well Filled with All Sorts of Fresh Vegetables Want some aapsrag-ue, fresh asparagus of the 11 crop? Well. It has arrived In the market, all the way from California and In very nice. too. Watercress Is another new arrival. plucked from the streams and water places of Missouri where the frost Is ut of ground. And strawberries! Um-m! The crop down Mississippi way Is flourishing like the green bay tree and promising such an abundance of the berries that they'll be a regular drug on the marketnot the kind of drug, however, that the law prohibits you from buying. Within two weeks, say the men who know, straw berries will be coming In to Omaha In carload lots and will be plentiful and about 15 cents a biff bos. Strawberrles'n' cream. Strawberry short cake. Straw berry pie. Fresh peas are of extra fine quality In the Omaha market right noieVThey come I J i Tested Recipes 4 ALMOND AND SWEKT POTATO I CROQUETTKS. yonr or five sweet potatoes, two table spoonsfuls butter, two engs, one-half cup ful blanched almonds, mUK or cream, ary brejkl crumbs. Take sweet potaotes. When soft break part, scrape out the pulp and pass rough a sieve. There should be two pfuls. Add salt, butter and one beaten g, chopped and pounded almonds and sufficient hot milk or cream to make of consistency to handle. Bhape into cro lettes, roll In the remaining egg, beaten igbtly, then In crumbs and fry In smok g fat. SPICED CRULLKRS. One-third cupful butter or three fourths ipfuu manufactured shortening, one' iir cuprui sugar, one-nair cuptui corn rup, one cupful sweet mUK, two eggs, ur cupfu's flour, one-hall teaspoonfu tit, one and one-naif teaspoomuls cin imon. one-half teaspoonful nutmear. free teaspooniuis DaKlng powder. cream butter ana syrup. Add . corn rup and mix well. Add well-beaten fryrs, then the milk and the sifted dry In fredlents alternately. Toss on floured oard and roll out one-half inch. In thick kss Cut and frr in hot fat. - - WINTER SAlAn. 1 Two heads lettuce, two onions, two cold oKed beets, twelve olives, French areas Shred lettuce very fine and arrange on ilad plates. Chop onions and cut beets i half-inch cubes. Mix and pile on let fee. Garnish with sliced olives. - HONKY MUFFINS. - Three and one-half cupfuls flour, three iblespoonfuls honey, four teasDoonfuls idling powder, one-half cupful butter T three-eighths cupful manufactured rortenlng, two eggs, one and one-half feipruls milk. . Oream butter and honey together. Add well-beaten eggs. Sift baking powder and salt with the flour and add to other In gredients alternately with the milk. Bake In a hot oven. Mothers' Magazine. V Women After the War That women will become "a drug on the market" and will be forced Into lines of activity formerly occupied by men at the conclusion of the European war la the statement of Prof. Emily J. Balch of Wellealey college. under the caption of "The Effect ef War Upon Women" In the annual issue of the ' publication of the American Sociological society she says: Women are made relatively plenty. and therefore cheap as women. It may be that in more primitive times such a situation would be a cause of polygamy. In our day it will mean a vast overplus of women. They will be a 'drug on the market,' while men will return from war not only with their Importance enhanced by the glory of the battelfleld. but with scarcity value. Bo far as this effect Is realised, women, who in many ways do not count now, will 'count' still less hereafter. "A second effect is that women, being more necessary, become more Important Instead of less. Everywhere they are being admitted into, or drawn or forced into, new lines of activity and into work from which they were formerly debarred by custom.' from Florida and are as crisp as though lust picked from the vines. Wax and string beans are of just as high grade and from the same sum mery state. Fine artichokes for gourmets are here from California and have reached their climax of perfection. Celery from three states California, Colorado and Florida, is plentiful ana becoming more so as the springtide ad vances Omaha-ward. Spinach Is here from Texas and Is very good. If the folks in your house like the'r morning grape fruit and count that day lost which doesn't see a good one st the breakfast table, now Is the time when you can get It ef excellent quality. They're from Florida. And navel oranges were never better Big, sweet and of moderate price. Apples, too, are plentiful for this seajon of the year. The Missouri apples of the long keeping varieties like the Black Twigs, Kings and Champions are filling in the gap. !You Can't Bo 'Neutral" on the food question. You have to de-j dde between mere palate-i foods that contain no rrutri-' itnent end foods that repair' the bodily waste. Shredded'; Wheat Biscuit is both at palate-food and a muscle: builder. You can keep inj good health and at the top-1 notch of physical fitness by' eating this delicious, ready- cooked, whole wheat cereal for breakfast, luncheon or; any meal. dat . Niagara Fall, N. Y, Fashion Fads Satin-covered buttons and satin-piped buttonholes are also used In these new chiffon blouses. Embroidered scallops are shown on some of the new blouses, edging cuffs, collars and other trimming. 6ome of the new blouses have peplums worn over the skirt to give the popular flare at the hips. Pale mauve and pale pink are charm ingly combined In some of the new chif fon and crepe underwear. A cape of tulle that envelope onto, and ears and drops over the shoulders Is a feature of some afternoon models. - Narrow niching of fine side-plaited muslin are used to edge collar, cuffs and fronts of some new striped handkerchief linen blouses. Shower, bouquets of ribbon, rosettes with many ends, like the ends of ribbon falling from a bride's bouquet, are used to trim some of the new negligees. Steel buttons for trimming are used on blouses. Work in Garden 4We all start out bravely in the spring PHth our gardens, plant them, enjoy the treasure of seeing the plants come up, Mid then along comes a host of insect tts to mar their beauty. Is In this,, as in many other things, to be ft re warned is to be forearmed. . Insect ssts are not such a terrible thing to tho woman, wno understands how to cure leeir attacks. H 1 most approved means of con foiling insects consists in the use of poisonous mixtures in liquid or dry. powder form. Insects deau-oy plants by Wicklrg out their Juices, or by eating the pliage or stems. If they suck the juices tot the plant we must kill them by con fakct, as they sink their beaks Into tho tissues of the plants and do not take up ny poison which might be sprayed on the foliage. If they chew the foliage or Stems, we can kill them by applying to pie foliage a poison which when eaten twill kill them; hence we have the two Jklnds of poison, contact and Internal. lie contact poisons are also of two kinds those which kill by corroding or eating flrito their bodies, and the powders that lu jkl)l by filling up the breathing pores, tK (noft in most hard-bodied insects with S which we have to deal, are located on the surface of the body. Mothers' Magazine. Notes on Fashions , Fruit are used on spring hats. They are in low relief, so to speak, usually made of velvet, and their colors are very effective on. dark blue, brown or black l'U'.S. Many are the petticoats that are de signed to wear under the fashionably full skirt of the day. One Is a net foundation, th several hoops of whalebone. One U a heavily corded silk petticoat. Another shows many small, stiff ruffles to give the desired support, i Read Bee Want Ads for Profit, them for results. Use Phone Crew's?' New Potatoes Fresh TomatOea Fresh Rhubarb Granville's Sweet Potatoes Crystal White Onions Cucumbers Green Peppers , Cauliflower Spinach Spanish Onions WE SELL Advo Sliced Pineapple Advo Dartlett Pears Advo Jell (The kind that whips) And all the other Advo Products J. D. Crew 8263-05-67-69 Arbor Harney 937.838-089-1060. Try Oar Hran Bread, 5 a loaf ASK FOR AND GET Skinners THK HIGHEST QUALITY SIPAGuiEITFIl at PAOg RECIPI BOOK MM SKINNER MFO.CO.,OMAHA,U.S.A. LARS EST MACARONI FACTORY IN ANERICA is rorjirpg ro 91.00 hi Granulated Saga. Our Coffees are the best la the Market. Moyune Best Coifee. t lbs. for.fl.O0 Blngle pound 3So Our special Coffee, I 1-1 lbs. ...91-00 Per pound SOe Bantu Biend Coffee, 4 lbs. for.. 91.00 All our Teas are Strictly New Cnn, per lb.. 40c, 60c. 60c. 70o and....80o Corn Starch. S boxes for SSo Surar Sold with 91 Other CKods. MOYUSE TEA CO., Jrhone D. 8444. 406 North leth St. ! L . jr. i I'lU HtJKK UH.NH, rYenh, not Frozen POKKgl'ARTEKS LAM IIS IIINDVl AKTKRS LAM US Pure Leaf Lard, 10 lbs 3o Kresh l'resned Chickens 18 Steer Pot Koast 10V0, tVjo Pig Pork Roast 1H.0 ;i'ig for. nulla iuunr Veal Koast ............. 11 l.e r"oung Veal Chui.s 14.,o Steer sirloin Steaks .....16ic SPECIAL rrom S to 10 P. M., 3-lB. pall Pare Lard . . AXX KDTDS Or ESJI AJfO SMOKED PTSK TOB LESTT Deliveries to all parts of the city. Mall orders filled at oaee. THE EMPRESS MARKET Upp. Woul worth 5r and 1 (K- Stor. 113 Soiilh Kith Kt. Tel. I. Ti'lOT. Bait Pork H Hjiare Kibs 10S Armour's Star Hams .....lTVe Skinned Hams 18o Sunar Curtxi Hams 104,0 Kxtra Ian lJn-akfast Baon. .184 0 Sugar Cured Fat-on lle Fresh Oysters, no water, qt 300 .9Se OmaHA(PJMaid Will Be Used by Miss Wcldon Next Thursday Afternoon At Orchard-Wilhelm Co. Store In Demonstrating to the Omaha Housewives How to make her FAMOUS MACARONI SALAD which has been pronounced to be one of the most palatable dishes of this nature that she prepares in the course of lectures. Sold by All Grocers Omaha Macaroni 1005 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 3711 lie Arc Always the Lowest in Prices SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY 48 lb.' Sack gunklst Floor 48 lb. Back rerun ant Floor IS lbs. Fine Granulated Sugar for Package Creamery Butter, 1 lb. cartons , sBo 81.30 Btrlctly Fresh Country Eggs, per dozen SOe Fresh an J Crisp so packages Crackers Saturday, I for ... .....lOe Pig Cookies or Lemon Wafnrs, regular 20o siller, Saturday, lb lOe 1 lb. Comb Pure Country Honey, 20c comb regular, at 14e 11 bars Laundry Queen, a white laundry soap, lor SSo Chotoe Outs Vorternouse or Sirloin Steak, lb. 17 Ue Jtoast, rreen, sot rros.n, in iac Me- Fork Loin : 9 lbs. Neck Bones for See Fresh Liver, pr lb So Pig Pork Shoulder Butts, lb., 13H Plsr Pork Hhoulder. lb 10H0 Mutton Stew, i lbs. for SSo Short Legs of Lamb or Mutton. lb isvto Shoulder Iamb or Mutton, lib., SHo Lamb or Mutton Chops, lb 100 Fresh Home Dressel Chickens, 18e We Deliver Free. Country orders filled at above prices. fe The Peoples Market THE CHASM STORE 606 South Sixteenth St. Tyler 148 "Tbe Store of an Endless Chain of Real Grocery Bargains." Strictly Fresh ISfgs, per dozen lSVse Best Creamery Butter, per pound S3o Early Ohio Potatoes, per peck, SBo per bushel 91.10 2 So cans of Pineapple, pevrkM In pure syrup 170 Peaberry Coffee, pr pounl, 82o rive pounds for.,.. SSO Upton's Coffee, reg-ufar 40c seller, special, per lb..., , S3e Four 10c cans Carnation or Pet Milk , sse Two 10c packages of Oatmeal or Pancake Flour, - ...ISO Seven bars Star 8ap.... ...SSo Ten bars Hrn Soap SSo Iij-re rsn Hand Packed Tomatoes loo XODSXWTTXS We are selUag advertised roods. Ton take so abases whea yon boy at the Obaia Store. "ine ttore of tv1c." PIG PORK LOINS. Fresh, Not Frozen, . . 13 ,c Pure Leaf Lard. 10 lbs. for 98c Fresh Dressed Chickens 18V4 Steer Pot iioast 10 Ho, sua Pig Pork Koast llt0 Pig Pork Butts ...1894e Young Veal Koast HHo Young Veal Chops 14Vi0 Steer Sirloin Steaks ISHo Lamb Legs le SUPECXAXa Jrrom to 8 9. kt Umb Chops rrom 8 to 10 F. M 3 lb. ImU Vnre Z,ard ax i. kihds) or racssi no bkoked iisk' rok' xstt.' ' DeUverUs to aU parts ef ths etty. Mail orders niled at oaee. PUBLIC MARKET ItlMZW Mutton Chops , Halt Pork Spare Ribs Armour's Star Hams Sugar Cured liains Kxtra Lean Rreakfast Bacon. Kujtar Cured Bacon Skinned litems .13He ..8S .10e .lOHs .18-1,0 .U,e .lHo So ...See St. 2793 Putting Up a Bold Front Our new store front is rapidly nearing completion. When completed we will have one of the finest stores of its kind in the city. We are offering the following high grade liquors at this low price during our Rebuilding Sale: takes home a full quart of 8 to 10-year-old whlakev Just a fine as you want to drink. Hoe If your favorite brand to here: 6t (OW, OLD liTMB, OXBAm StrsTSfY nSVOOX and others. Special Sale now on Whiskies, Brandies, Wines Quart Bottles Seer, SSo. CACKLEY BROTHERS Head for lree Oatalofae) Today. 16th aad Oapttol Aveaae, Ouaaa. See real estate columns for bargains Yott .Bank wdl balance by turning things you don't need into good coin of the realm. Sell that house and lot Sell that old machinery Sell that extra automobile Sell all surplus household goods Sell extra office and store fixtures Sell horses, dogs, cats or other pets JFTurri all those things that have outlived their usefulness for you into CASH by using the invin cible power of Bee Want Ads. 1F A latent power greater than you have ever dreamed of a power to fill your pockets, to qual ify your heart's desire, to fill "Wants" of every de scriptionlies in SJ V:i i ; TC3!1 nnr UUUU L0J j fe) )F Use this power now. Get your Want Ad in The Bee's Big Sunday Classified Sec tion. Bring, phone, send it, anyway, just so it gets here, but iSWaaA A. It ow