Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1916, EDITORIAL, Page 16, Image 16

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Copyright. WS. Interna
tional Nrwi Service.
rri ALIVE!
0U IN ?
v ' i n A i y
I 7
Drawn ,for The Bee by George McManus
1 " r r - , .-
. . 1 . . v ... - n It I
WfJ I - C . . k . n a. . .1 f I T"-
Stanton Upieti Dope by Beating
Bethany and Getting Into
B Semi-Finali.
LINCOLN, March 10. (Rpeclal.)-Clase
A teams In the state baaket ball tourna
ment which opened here yesterday, had
their first rest today from tha grind of
preliminary games, which, owing to tha
equal strength of tha flvea, proved to
be a serious teat. '
Tha Omaha, Lincoln, Beatrice and Crata
ftvea, whlclt won placet In tha seml
finala, apent tha day quietly In their
rooras and did not attend tha tournament
for tha Claaa B and Claaa C games,
which continued thla morning. . Iopa
favora Omaha to win caally from Beat
rice In tha semi-finals, while Crete and
Lincoln are evenly matched. Either of
tha two team would force tha Central
High five to play the beat baaket ball
In tha finale BaturdifV night to cop the
Coach Mulligan la fairly confident his
five wltl land flrat honora In tha Claaa A
division. "Tha University place game
was the stlffest one we expected to en
counter, and when wa weathered through
It. we felt we had the hardest part of
the road covered," ha aald.
Stanton VpMta Dope.
Stanton by Ita defeat of tiethany thla
afternoon, upset the dope and won Ita
right to enter tha Claaa B aeml-flnala.
The Bethany fle had played splendid
baaket ball against all of Ita other op
ponents during the tournament, and had
expected to b one of the final teams to
play Saturday night. Stanton hopped
into the lead at tha start and kept peg
ring away with such success that they
were never headed. The final score In
the Stanton-Bethany game was, to I, In
favor of Stanton. As a reault of Stan
ton's victory. It Is now regarded as tha
moat likely bet for tha Class B honor.
Leaders In Claaa B.
Stanton, Arlington, Bchuyler and Mln
den qualified for the ioml-flneJs In class
B. following tha third round played thla
Ranton and Arlington had an easy
Mine of It with Bethany and Fullerton,
but Fchuyler and Mlnden encountered
etronger opposition. Arlington merely
rompedaway with Fullsrton.' 18 to S. Tha
fc'chuyler-Mlnden game was much harder
fought, with close) guarding keeping down
the score. Mlnden and Grand Inland had
a scrappy battle, with Mlnden finally
emerging on the long end of tha.aoore,
13 to 0. . . t.
Class B Hooves.
Following art tha results In tha class
B play:
ktanton. 1; Bethany. 1
Arlington, IN; Fitllerton, S.
hehuyler. a; Kenesaw, S.
Mindcn, 13; ilinml jHlanrt, .
intiiiAKe oi ine aeoreaeeper in giving
a goal to the wrong team put the Omaha
High Kchoot "of Commerce out of tha
junnlng In the claaa C division. When
the mistake was discovered the Omaha
ftvo was allowed to enlvr again and cele
brated Us rvturn by drubbing; Osmond
one point in a hard-fought game, .only
t io lose later In the afternoon by tha tain
margin to tha big Dunbar team.
Claaa C Scores. .
Following are. tha results of Class C
gainea played today: ..
Ixinhar. 1; rallsade, 11 ., .
Wahoo. ; Ttldrn. K ,
tHr Hluffs, P. Havenna, a
lliitiilx)ldt, 11; llalinaae, 0.
Wiuw, X; llendrrson, X
. Indiannltt. 1; liattl Creek, T.
ValpHraiiM). 10; Ueneva, 2.
Iiuntmr, lli. I'altsade IS.
Omaha Hciiool of Commerce, JO, Oa
numii, 9.
Knvnna, 10; Wahoo, t.
Genoa, 10; Indlanola, a.
Dunbar, 13; Omaha School of-Com-tnercc.
HumboM. ; Waosa, .
Tharaday'a Scores.
Clas A games last nlglii:
Schuyler, 11: Franklin academy, 7.
Claws C Reaalts.
Wahoo, 14; Nelson, a
Tilden, U: Murdock, .
Cedar Bluffs, f; Bancroft, i.
Bavenna, 13; Temple High, 1
Humboldt. 11; Craig, 1
Talmage, 11; Nebraska Military -academy,
Wauaa, I; Superior, T.
Battle Creek, it; Lynch. 9.
Indianola, 27; Iiulsvllle, I.
Arnold forfeited to Dunbar.
Osmond, 16; Alma, I. ,
Alnsworth, 10; Omaha High School of
Commerce, 4.
Oenoa, ; Phlckley, (
Palisade, 10; Anslev, t.
Valparaiso drew a bye.
Basket Ball Fans
'Pick Team to Beat
Brandeis Champs
Here's the team that local fans believe
can take the Brande's, present holders of
the city basket hall championship to a
Harris, Townsends, right forward.
Klepser, Clarke, loft forward.
Flnley, nurress-Nash, center.
Lutoa, Tevnsends, right guard.
Parrtsh, Clarke, left guard.
ftubstltutea: imryear, Howard, Meyers,
Adams and Carl Welgnl.
The above players were selected by
snort writers of the papers from Hats
submitted by local fans last evening to
meet the Brandeis Stores quintet Satur
day evening at the Young Men's Chris
tian aatoclatlon.
J. T. Maxwell, former physical director
of the Young Men'g Christian association
was selected to coach the team, and Oua
Miller, chief probation officer to referee
tha conteat.
Nolan of tha Clarks, ratty and Logan
of Central High school. Maxwell of
Bellevue and Hyde and Haacall of tha
Burgeas-Naah were close contenders for
places on the five. Linn of the Clarka
also ran high In th race for the center
position. '
As a preliminary to this game, the, First
Methodists, leaders in tha Church loop
and tha Omaha National Banks, leaders
In tha Commercial league, will mis to de
cide tha title Claaa B champlonahlp,
German Lookouts '
In Armored poats
PARIS, March 10. German lookouts In
advanoed posts are wearing new armor
coated steel helmets, consisting of a heai
piece proper weighing slightly more than
two pounds, with a heavy detachable
steel plating which is very thick and
wlghs over four pounds. The total
weight of the had piece thus is nearly
seven pounds. ' The helmet is entirely
without ornament and la of a gray color.
Walter 0. Clarka Manage to Boll Up
Thirty-Seven Counters to
Indians' Thirteen.
Bellevue college took the losing end
of a S7 to IS score laat evening at the
handa of the Walter O. Clarks In a
Trl-Clty league contest at the Young
Men's Christian association. The Clark's
five had everything its own way. The
Klepser R.F
Montgomery ...L.F.
Puryear C.
Mtacfarland ....R.O.
R F Allen
L.F Plcotte
C Kinnler
H.O. Irwin
.L.Q.j L.O Maxwell
Hovey for Klepser, Nolan
for Montgomery. Johns for Picotte. Field
goals: Klepser (Zi, MontKomery, Puryear
(. Mat-fariand (.1). Parrtsh (. Picotte
(2), Johns, Kinnler, Irwin (2). Foul goals:
Puryear, Allen. Fouls commlttrd: Belle
vue, 4. Clarks, 2. itcferee, K lew It.
Oisnrri Jrt Thla One.
Superior teamwork added another vic
tory for the Townsends 'against the
Burgess-Naah quintet at the "Y" laat
evening, 88 to 21. The Townsends led at
the half time count, 21 to 14. The lineup:
II. Wei gel .
C. Wclnel ...
... C.
. R.CJ.
. L.U.
L.F. ...
C. ....
n o. ...
L.O. ..
... Anthes
.... Flnley
, .. Howard
R. Welgel,
WASHINGTON, March lfl.-President
Wilson put aside ' serious ' business for
thirty minutes and listened to a quartet
of negro singers from Fisko university,
Nashville, Tenn. ,
Tha president thanked tha quartet
warmly for their' entertainment.
.Tones for Meyer, llyie for Anthes, inL
aerson ror -vmnerson. meia goals: Har
ris (.1), R. WelKel (2), Hansen tSl, Bech
told (4), Lutes (f, Meyer (3), Anthes (2),
Hyde, Flnley (4). Foul goaia: Harris
(4), Plnlry. Fouls committed: Town
sends, ; Burgeas-Naah, 6. Referee, Kle
wit. Win for Christians.
Tha First Christiana won their first
game of the season by defeating the
South Side Presbyterians at tha Univer
sity of Omaha gym, 36 to 23. Teamwork
was directly responsible for tha win.
Foy did the heavy work for the Chris
tians with eight field goals, riobaon
and Sutton also played strong for the
Christians. For tha Presbyterians Mo
Cullough showed up best, garnering
total of eight baskets. Tha lineup:
FoV- L.F.!
Ho neon R.F.
Klepser C.
11, 8utton L.O.
S. Sutton .K.G.
e. ..
.... Schlndel
Field goals: Kov (). Hobson (4), Klep
ser (3). K. Hutton (2), Bratton, McCul
lotigh (S). Foul goals: McCullough (3),
Hobson (4). Fouls committed: Chris
tiana, 7; Presbyterians, 9. Referee, John
son. (
One Ga m Forfeited.
The St. Mary Congrcgatlonals forfeited
to the Hanscom Park Methodists bs
oause Drummond, coach of the High
School of Commerce, was unable to be
on hand. Prummond plays left forward
for tha Congregational.
Kanff Sign Giant Contract.
NKW YORK. Mafoh 10.-I;ennle Kauff,
the former star of the Brooklyn Fed
eral league club, came to an agreement
with the New York National league club
today and algned a contract to play with
the Qlanta.
Read Bee Want Ads for profit
them for results. ' .
Ien Frund'II...R.F.'
U Frundell...L.K.
r-scer C.
t-llls R.ii.
w. Krundell L.U.
F'ield goola; Ijen
Il.F Cruise
UK. tlrey
C, Shearer
R.O Bailey
L U Talbott
Frundell ). Lea
Pi'undell Kaer. Haller. Talbott.
Foul goals: C. Frundell Uj. Reieree:
Cypreanaon ...RF.
AK.rectit UK.
I'.rian C.
Bonn HQ
te. hroeder 1.U
BT fair
C Klxon
R.O llott
L.U aihalnholta
ruLn',i.ti: Arlhurton tor Urahatn.
t Ivhl im: Carr. t'ypreanaon i:'), Al-
brevht HI. JirUn. Hrhnjn (i(, Shalnholts.
foul h!: Hi Ian (X). Nixon., iteteree:
numerrot a
Max noil
I tty
l'synter .......
LiKen ..
i- i.-M goals:
R F H. Neumann
L F C Neumann
C. . ....... LJsco
R aaa
LJ Ickay
Maxwell (). Patty, I'nyu-
t"r H), Uniin, R. Neumann it). C. Neu
maun, Ijm-, Cass
i, C Nvumana .it
Ftorbam R.F.
Jii.bajtk LF.
l keus ..C.
K!H-r R.U
Mllra .4 L.U
1 oul goals: Patty
iterere: nniesaa.
Rf,., Srr.lth
LF Shellcnberg
C Ward
R.O Burroughs
L.O Hul.ka
bubstliuf-: Kievena for fcmlth ti.,m.
forj (or Hard. Waits for Miltwr. Field
r-.uls; l.uckena. White (f). Smith. 8hellerv-
' " 12. Ward, feievcne. Foul
i.uviifu 12). Ward.
. Swift Leagae.
' x ruxiES.
.' 1st. M. xd Tot
Ploomqutat .V4 lsU'lM 4oS
r ranc.ia ito iu ).4 4
Boatman loo 105 sia
Nelson HO 1 12& r:t
Hehn 164 117.11 ,1
Totals...:. .K4 TeO S8 X
1st. Id. xd.Tot
Root 147 171 141 40
Klempner ,.17 loi lit J
Finch 1 m 141 4.,
MeMllllan ..124 Ktt 14 ;j
KkdaJil .....U6 lit US Si
TotaJa 711 .7 7
. 1st. .1. Sd.Tot
o. Kaspar...l&7 lit lfl 43
Roben 14 17 1M 4,'Sl
vv. Kaapar..ll lit m
Kell ..IX 11J j. 4.h
feme 16 107 171 tn
Letter ...
...14K 1 178 47
...m m 13S 476
...17 164 136 4M
... K1 1$ 804 Sil3
LUX 1.18.
1st. ' Jd. M.Tot
Ooff , 1X8 214 1K7
I'oherty ....11 ISO 142 4W
F.. Jaroah...lU liil 221 67
Wartchow ,.174 '1t ll Mt
Learn w) 1W4 m Cy
Totals SIS RSX 3( 2737
1st. 3d. Sd.Tot.
.m I'M lx 4iM1rurinsky
i.i j.i tm-nanHey
L. MeManua.lsS lM 141 B0
Handicap ..80 W 0 140
Totals K" S16 725 2397
1st. 2d. 8.1. Tot
Forsythe ...IMS lnj l(W Htl
Heliitse 1S4 H7 140 411
Agor 173 2:M 117 544
Tym liwV 1X1 143 m
LAmb 1IU 214 ii ui
Totala...'...(W7 HW 71 2567
Shaw ..
Kehm .
Kleny .
..175 'in
..121 1M
..196 J77
TM 611
14 421
178 m
1st. 2d. d. Tot.
Mellck '3 14 156 614
..119 1H4 IM 4..1
.174 10 15 6I
Totals 7i4 7 7M 1146 Welch
' BROOKKIE1 J8. Rathke
. , 1st. Id. H.Tot irk ham
I urlng is U7 4TJI! Bunnell
M , J' )M 4l5Westergard 174k
. n m ini .iu
Robertson .. W 137 M sM
Handicap ... I I
Osaaha Leagae.
Totals S04 7isl III ZH
Bterraatlla I.eaaae,
1st. 2.1. SJ. Tot
..160 14S 17) 47M
..146 1K Ut 6H
..Ih5 liJ l.O 477
I' 1 IIS 41
13.1 lb 447
..1 146 INI 470
..ii 1S1 177 ll
Bland ...
Kaiser ...
,...Tt 7tl T911334
i . rv.
670 T 4 Iil5!rmmmond 2 "5 IIS 14 4M
"tlllwagon . 1M 13 47.
Htraw 146 in I'M S
Hemple 117 15 117 3
Zeiea 17 S5 US 477
Handicap ..35 to 16
lt. 2d. Id.Tot
173 1.-4 IsO MS
..178 171 243 6
..1 4i lH 4
..III 143 1:3 6.(4
..210 161 147 Us
3 SOS 127 2674 8At0T
8TORZ Armstrong
1st. 2d. Id Tot iRIchey ...
! toi n ttjlahy ....
17 175 177 6,Ireiel ....
110 m 1' Ito llanOKap 174 1-4 6
164 M 661
Claaa B
Hfthany. 1; Falla City, 11
hiatiion, 23; Pierce, 1.
ArimLuu, 2u; Harvard, T.
FujlrrLon, I, Kkridoijih, 4.
MlnOen, U; Elwood. 1L
Ihiu m, 10; K Iml. nil. I.
inland. 7, bmuey, L
Sclple ..
Cain ....
Martin .
Toman .,
Neate ..
Conrad .
Jsrosh ..'....IX) ITS l&s bitsner
Miiiiiiiiginn iw in H tai
Fanton 17t 1x5 US UU
....Ml ft I7L1
1st. Id. Id.Tot
....U.1 Zi4 lu 1,1 Vrilur
.171 lh6 W 647 Harrison
Totals Ill .784 1 S4
1st. 2d. 31 Tot.
.143 14 175 b"i
lo lWt Ita 441
.144 127 1 411
.1)0 1'4 146 Si-1
.U4 H 1 XV
. n li is m
Totals 740 S7t 7M JIS
1st Id. 11. Tot.
...Hi 170 IIS 421
...134 140 16 444
...141 171 14 4M
,..1M 14 166 47V
...133 136 ljj 421
Totaia 17 K7 3 277
1st. 2d. W. Tot.
Walklln ....162 l; m 4!J
Keefer b6 170 121 Ss4
Hud's an ....HO IM l.'. 44
Slado ir 117 14 4M
Smith. ...IS 141 154 4,14
Handicap ..21 21 31 63
Totals 60S 76R 108 233.
. 1st. 2d. Id. Tot.
Kretser ,...131 153 133 41S
llryson 143 16 174 4J1
totraw Ill 144 li S.'J
Hoover U7 168 124
Htanflnld ...lal 16 4
Handicap ... M to M -IS
Totaia 744 7 tit 33
1st. Id 3d. Tot.
Smith 11 171 I 623
Wllaon li 17 14 4-
Hutchlna ....HI llS 175 471
Pollock isi 44 a o'
Copenbarv is ww
Totaia... '..1 SSI (W 2625
Oat City Lea.
1st. 2d. Sd. Tot.
Weber 305 lo 148 HI
tienxfle 144
Keavllil .... 221
k -handler
Voss .....
Totals M Wl I74
1st. II. Id.Tot
Kennedy ...2i5 14 lj Mi" Fredrick
Orlbbie lol in 167 4iThanop
fit 7 7an r-1
1st 2l. 3d. Tot.
Laraen lf.7 1V0 13J 44)
. McManus.146 17H 121 411
..144 M bk VI
..147 IX) 140 417
146 lv 41
163 174 10
.4 14 Ul
.11 1S7 15 Ul
Totals 74 874 168
1st. id Id Tot.
Baden 1S la 13 474
Palmer ......lW 13 171 643
Uvl.igatou .1-4 144 :i4 b41
Hansrn lxl 176 2-3 &3
blown 147 k'4 135 4i6
Handicap ... It ID It u6
ToUla.....Ts( 0 o4 w0
"Program and Vision," Which Hum
mel Blue-Penciled, Showt What
Supervisor Intended to Bo.
The "program and vision" of su
perintendent English of the Recrea
tion board, BtfbmlUed Thursday even
ing and ordered thrown In the waste
basket by Chairman Hummel, refers
to the following .features for the
forthcoming season: Playground
institute, playground supervisors,,
leaders on playground, athletic tests,
athletic meet, water carnival at Car
ter lake, Omaha day In the parks,
moving pictures, play festival, chil
dren's gardens, Municipal Athletic
association, directory, play schools
In block system, fresh air camps, boy
scouts and campfir glrla and minor
details In connection therewith.
The detailed program, aa prepared by
Mr. Engllah, hns this foreword: "The
summer season and its Corresponding ac
tivities looms up on the horizon as the
spring advances and prompts me to lay
before the board a progressive program
and a few Items which should be fos-
tered In developing publlo recreation."
Now that Mr. English has been bereft
of his automobile and denied approval of
his program, he is wondering just what
h should do. Chairman Hummel of the
Recreation board intimated that If Mir.
English Is a ' "good boy he may have
hla automobile back in a few days.
:-. Wants More Lights.
The .superintendent of recreation con
tends there should be a double shift of
playground , supervisors, tha women to
serve from 8:30 a. m. to 4 p. m., and
men supervisors from tha latter hour to
10:80 p. m. He states that more lights
should bo provided for the playgrounds.
On tha subject ,of leaders on play
ground, he suggests:'
"It is a difficult matter for one person
to handle so many children of so many
different ages. A suggestion that can be
carried out Is to delegate tha supervision
of groups by developing leaders who can
take care of Younger children. As a spe
cial mark of distinction, a small Inex
pensive badge could be awarded for their
work, and Interest."
Ornabav Day In rarki.
This comment Is offered on "Omaha
Day In the Parks":
"Soma Saturday In July, I would sug
gest the Recreation board create an
Omaha day In the 'parks, seeking the
co-operation of the Commercial club, Re
tailers' association and labor unions,
whereby they will close every place of
business in the city and have a grand
day in our beautiful parks, whore in each
park a special program will be provided
either by playground members, band con.
certs, moving pictures, picnics and ball
games. Tha people of Omaha will, to a
much greater degree, know what a won
derful system' of parka our city posses
sea. Many do not know of Mandan or
Spring Laka parks and moat of the South
Slda people do not know of Elmwood
park. Let us Introduce on 'a big acale
what Omaha possesses in parks, play
grounds and boulevards."
. The proposed play festival contemplates
folk dances and games, drills and stunts,
pageant of nations and other features.
Mr. English wants a federation of all
amateur athletlo organizations of the city
for promotion of clean sport and to raise
the stsndarda of sports in general.
Freak Air Camna.
Tha following recommendation regard
ing freah-alr campa did not rest well
with tha board; "Thoae who have auto
mobiles and some means to gat away dur
ing the hot summer days for a trip to
the Woods, camping and other forma eot
activities are fortunate. Hut a great ma
jority of working girls and young men
do not have the means nor place where
they could go to enjoy these outdoor ad
vantages. Within fifteen or twenty miles
of Omaha on the Elkhorn river and else
whera there are many beautiful and de
sirable places to form a camp. To take
the aupervtelon or at least promote the
project would be a very desirable piece
of woi for this board. As to financing
the project,- it is believed that a way
could be found if this board be willing
to foster such a move. It is a grand
thing to offer such an opportunity for
our working Class."
Day for Boys sat On farr Girls.
Mr. Connolly pointed out what he be
rteyed to be the dangera of propinquity
In connection with; a fresh air camp. Ha
aald the agoa between IS and 2S ara dan
gerous agea. Mr. Eng'lsh assured Mr.
Connelly that the gi-U would be taken
to camp on one day aad tha young men
on another jlay.
Tha , superintendent's report has this
conclusion: .
"It seems to me that our endeavor
should run along two lines of work. First,
to effect a basic and fundamental or
ganisation of playground, social center
and other movements which have to do
with tha leisure time problem of this city.
The second thing to do Is to educate the
people of Omaha in a new work In order
that a proper sympathy and enthusiasm
may be created. Without this we can
never hope to progress t or ask for larger
i . s j " - - "
Km-: -
MARLIN, Tex.; March 10. Emllio Pal
mero, tha Cuban southpaw Whom John
MteQraw , signed up a couple of years
ago, and who has been ' relegated to the
minors each season, looks as If he would
become a regular member of the Giants
this year. He has taken on' weight and
Is in the pink of . condition, having
Played a- number .of games in Havana
this winter. ' ' : ,t'-J. -. '
When Palmero.firpt joined the Giants
he showed much promts,' but 'failed to
make good with -tha team.. Each spring
he has Joined the team at . Martin, but
has been, shifted - to the minors, at the
opening of the season.' ' ' "
development which must sooner or later
require a bond issue." .' '. ' ' ' '.
Chairman Hummel suys he has not time
for "programs and visions."
II. C" Cornforth", managing director of
the Vacuum v-ll company 'of Australia, is
vlsltlnar friends and relatives In Omaha.
Mr. Cornforth Is an old Omaha. boy, born
near tha corner where the ' poatofflce
stands, spent his early business - years
here in Omaha, learning the' .boot and shoe
business, starting In with tha late W
V. Morse. ' ' ' ' ' .
When the Morse-Coe .Shoe company re
tired from ' business, he decided to try
new fields and Joined the Standard Oil
company and a' few years later was pro
moted to a foreign field and' Is now in
chsrge of the "vacuum Oil company busi
ness in Australia, 1 Tasmania, - New Zea
land, and tha South- Pacific Islands, such
as the FIJI. !?ew Caledonia and New
Mr. Cornforth intends spending about
two weeks 'here going on to Southern
California for a month's vacation before
returning to his home In Melbourne.
t'roaatn Married.
Frank Crossin, catcher for the Louis
ville club, was married at hla home In
Phtlllpaburg, N.J. to Mlsa Margaret
Boyle of the same city.
City Council Reduces Charge for
Electric Lights and Power
in Capital.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, March 10. (Special Tel
egram.) After a long fight over the mat
ter, tha city council of Des Moines today
reduced rates for electric lights and
power lri the city and secured agreement
from the companies.
The reduction' affects chiefly the street
lights and the large users and no agree
ment has yet been reached on lights for
the residences.
A committee of the manufacturers rec
ommended that the present rates for
power for factories be retained.
farmers 4rs;anlse Against Roada.
One of the strange anomalies of the sit
uation in Iowa la an organisation of
farmers in the eastern purt of the state
primarily for the purpose of off-setting
the movement for paved roads; In the
state,- A meeting was held at Cedar
Rapids and another Is to be held at an
early date in Des Moines for the purpose
of organizing to look after the Interests
of the farmers. The chief purpose is to
stop the road-bulldlng propaganda. The
claim la that the scheme for paved roads
proceeds largely from the automobile
owners in the cities and towns and that
the burden of cost will fall largely upon
the farmers If there is any great expen
diture. They plan to force a halt in the
movement. The farmers favor good roads
and betterment of the roads In all pos
sible -ways and especially support the
efforts of the highway commission and
other bodies to have all road work well
done, hut they Say they are opposed to
paving 'country roads unless some plan
la ' made whereby the residents of the
cities and towns will pay- their share.
. Would Improve the Colleges.
It Is anticipated that In a short time
there will be made publlo a report of a
special committee of college men on a
survey of the ' state colleges of Iowa
which will recommend ' very material
changes In methods and result finally in
a vast' improvement in conditions at the
colleges. It is well known that there is
far too great expense connected with the
various colleges which tha state supports,
'the -chief purpose in having the survey
made at the request of the State Board
of Education was to open tha way for
reforms long needed, but on which expert
advice .was desired first. Some of the
betterments suggested will probably meet
with much opposition. The board has al
ready, been much hampered In Us work
by. reason of political influences making
headway against changes.
Coat ef Lit Ingr Going- V. '
The State Board of Control has this
week made large purchases of foodstuffs
for the various state institutions, includ
ing a million or mora pounds of meat
and many barrels of sugar. It is found
that the consupmption of sugar at the
various institutions Is on the increase,
and that nearly GO.000 pounds will be
needed for the next year. The supplies
are purchased on bids that are open to
the world, as required by law, but Iowa
jobber handle most of the groceries,
while tha big packers gat most of the
contracts for meat. - It is found that
generally the cost of food for tha insti
tutions Increases right 'along.
.Success aa a Co-OpeSj-ntlve.
' The moat remarkable success has fol
lowed the work of the pioneer co-operative
association of the state the Rockwell-
Co-Operatlva company, in Cerro
Gordo county. The annual meeting re
cently held was the twenty-seventh. The
Increase in aggregate business done last
year was $7,350, and the cost of operation
- n v
Decide on the New
Spring Suit NOW
Selections are large. The 'stylea
are noticeably different from what
you are wearing. Be up-to-date and
elect now. ;
Stripes and narrow lapels are two
of the distinguishing features in the
new Spring models.
The styles, patterns and quality
are very attractive in our Kensing
ton and Society Brand Double Serv
ice Suits.
: $20 $25 $30.
Spring Hats
Stetson's, Borsalino's and Mallory's,
$3.00 to $5.00
Shirts of Quality
Manhattan and Arrow in Soft Cuff
. Shirta .
; 51.50, $2.00 nd $3.50
m Seatfc ltta Street
of the business was shown to be tlO.&o.
The total financial transactions ' aggre
gates $.i97.051, and Included dealings in
grain, barb wire, sugar salt, cement, oil,
posts, coal, lumber, etc. " The company
virtually controls the town of Rockwell
and the farming community round about
deals almost exclusively through It.
.. Supreme Court Decisions.
The supreme court has handed down
the following decisions:
R. J. Mcore, et al, rsalost St. Paul Fire,
and Murine Insurance company, appel
lant; Franklin county; Judge C. IX Al
brook; action on insurance policy; af
firmed; opinion by Deemer.
Buffalo Center Land and Investment
Company, appellant, against Jacob Swl
gert, ct h1.; Hamilton county, Judpe R.
H. Wright; suit to foreclose a mortgage.
Reversed; opinion bv Dormer,
W. AV. Rnnkln aifainst A. L. Smith,
appellant; Wapello county, Judge F.. M.
Hunter; garnishment proceedings. Af
firmed; opinion by Deemer.
J. W. Morey, appellant, apnlnst Stand
ard Separator Company; Polk county,
Judge C. A. Dudley; action to recover
for services rendered. Reversed; opinion
by Weaver. .
By winnlng,the half mile roller skating
race at the Auditorium last evening Miss
Mary Lacey was declared the champion
roller skater of Omaha.. This being the
second time she won the event she was
given possession of the silver loving cup.
One of the most Interested spectators
of the lace was the mother of Miss L&cey,
Mrs. M. J. Lacey, 1U02 South Thirtieth
street. Although she had not been oi
rollers for twenty-seven years she de
clared she could manipulate them Just aa
wen as ever. . a pair were brougnt rorth
and Mrs. Lacey made good. She used
to skate before the days of the ball bear?
ing skates.
. ; , . r
.(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
VIENNA, March 7. War has been
profitable for the Austrian and Hungarian
railroad supply makers. Figures just pub
lished show that since August, 1914, 961
locomotives and tenders, 8,095 passenger
coaches and 26.383 freight cars have been
ordered by the railroads, of the dual
monarchy. In addition orders have Just
been given for 4,000 1 additional ' freight
cars deliverable by the end of 1917. . The
value of the first orders is about $64,000,
000, that of the second about. $16,000,000.
Gives Results AYhen Others Fait
Nature s Itemedy for the Blood
The purifying and curative properties
of Nature's great remedy have made "S.
S. 8. for the Blood" a household saying.
Thousands today enjoying perfect health
owe their recovery from blood or skin
diseases to this universally used blood
purifier. S. S. S. is made entirely from
roots, - herbs and barks, ' which . possess
cleansing and healing Ingredients. Tou
cannot be well when youf blood Is Im
pure; you lack strength and energy
natural with health ; your complexion
becomes pale and sallow; your vitality ia
weakened. When waste or refuse matter,
which Nature intends shall be thrown
off. is left in tha system, it is absorbed
into the blood and boils, pimples, rashes,
blotches and other eruptions of the skin
appear. .
B. B. B. goes Into, the circulation and
removes every particle of blood taint or
poison of every character.- All skin dis
eaaes and eruptions pass away, and the
smooth clean skin, glowing with health,
shows that the body Is being nourished
by rich, pnre blood. Rheumatism. Ca
tarrh, Scrofula, Contagioua Blood Pol
son all are deep-seated blood disorders,
and for their treatment nothing equals
S. 8. 8. Get S. 8. S. at any drug store.
If yours Is a peculiar case write Swift
Speclfio Co., Atlanta,' Oa.
TT is especially in
springtime when
the rigor of winter has
passed that the tonic
Qualities of
w -
are particularly bene
ficial. Better have a
case sent home.
Phone Douglat 1889.
5sxm coopnns mnJg,t premium.