Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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Maaoot af Trawaport Pal to F1I
Jiiry Is eomthlng l-ke tlie patyr re
rve fleet, of which he Is a proud and
laughly unit, lie look formidable, but
life on a ilp that nlwnya la tld to
dork lia rrlpplfd Ms efflrlenry aa
fmMer. French bulldosa of aristocratic
pan nuae mint have a f p now and
thm to keep In trim. Juat like tha Jarklra.
v Pllly in of lowly birth, and hla eultur
tan't worth talkln- about. But ha has a
buttery of two ahort. aharp homa and
fonir equally aharp hoofa, and whl'e he'
not Inviting- war, he'a ready for a de
fennlve rampalgn. Ililly l a Mexican
They met on the plot of areen alongside
the dork where the Lattlcahip Alabama Is
moored. In the Philadelphia navy yard.
Tha battle laated fifteen minutes. Three
well-placed ahota from the hoof battery
caught Jerry amldahln, and before he
could recover the horn battery not lnti
action, tosMnn him at Id, lona enourh to
allow Bil'y to make a atmtcalr and per
fectly aafe retreat.
Jerry, crestfallen, limped bark to the
Alabama, where he Is the prize mascot,
and Filly, triumphant, awasarered up the
pan? plank of the transport Hancock:,
where lie la more rrlied than ever.
Juet what led to the fUht the Jaeklea
don't know. Rut they suspect that a
friendly pat on the head by Rear Ad
miral Helm aa be left the Alabama a
fhort time before stirred the pride of
Jerry and made him think he was In
vincible. At any rate. Jerry became more bellig
erent than ever, and when Billy, con
tentedly munching a-rass, approached the
Alabama Jerry opened hostilities without
the formality of a declaration.
Jerry Is owned by Lieutenant Om
mander NVIon. wi.o rommnnded the sub
marine In which Colonel Roosevelt, when
ire'-i'!ont. nmd an undersea trip. Phila
delphia North American.
It takes hut a minute of time to aavf
dollars ween you read The Bee W ant Ac
The Crowd!
Moving ' m
cf the
to Hide
on Our
12jc Handkerchiefs, 7-jc
Women'! Handkerchiefs with fancy embroid
ered corners, colored and white. Men's and
Women's AU-Llnen Handkerchiefs, plain em
broidered styles; slightly soiled. Worth, to lJc.
Specially priced for Saturday, 7 1 .
each 2C
Ladles' New Pussy Willow Silk Handker
chiefs, In all colors; also Crepe da Chine with
Imitation Armenian lace edges. ng
Kach AuC
- ' 'f'x't "t- -- r'i 1i ft. t1ft( JJJ f As sy.s.-,s-. J.J...,. JSJJJJ-.JJJ.,.4SSSM
New Spring Neckwear
Ialntr Or)inlle Tucked si"l Trimmed V-ee. "
rh. llaht blue, old rose. Topen- cn fn SI. 50
hg-n and Iliac. Saturday tw '
-dollars In flesh. Ilht blue, old roe. Copenhagen ami
;,.lT.,rr: soc to $1.50
A splendid assortment of Vestees and Collar. In
Swiss embroidered. ! trimmed New and h- 29C
romme riT-.-ii, m n
Ostrich Boas, In black, white and black and
nrhHe. Psle price, each
Tha only Escalator In tha Mid.
die West. Ready for operation
Saturday morning at 10 a. m.
Brandeis Stores,
Always in the Lead.
Harry Collins, the Mat
ter Designer, from New
York, will exhibit and tell
hit fascinating apparel
here on Monday and
Tuesday, March 13th
and 14th, (
Motion picture film, show
inp the gowns, will be ex
hibited every day and night
until Tuesday at the Em
press Theater.
At About One-Fourth Thslr Reg
ular Prices.
We'ye just picked up from a
Chicago Book Broker a miscel
laneous lot of books covering a
great tarlety of subjects most
ly fiction, however and offer
them at extraordinarily great re
ductions from regular prices.
We've divided them Into two
lots and placed them on tables,
15c and 25c
-We can't mention titles, as
there are only .& few copies of
each book, but the. variety Is
great s
Never before have we shown
such a complete stock of spring
Varnished Tile Papers, tha
kind you can wash. Regular
25o grade, Saturday, 1 g
roll IOC
Bedroom and Kitchen Tapers,
good, strong colors. Reg
ular 6c grade, roll...
Living Room, Store and Hall
Papers, a wide selection, all
new goods. Worth to 10c,
endid Styles for Spring at Special Prices
: :
Girls' Silk Dresses
For the girls of 6 to 18 years.
Pretty taffeta and erepe de chine dressy and party dresses; all the good
practloal colors and dainty girlish models.
$12.50, $15 and $17.50
Organdie and Net Dresses .
For Confirmation and Graduation. . .
Dainty crisp white organdies and soft pretty nets, beautiful embroideries
and laces; wide crushed silk girdles.
$3.98, $5.00, $7.50 and to $16.50
Juniors' Organdie Dresses
For the girls of Intermedisto slxe.
Beautiful erobroltlerles and laces
and sheer and dainty organdies,
made In the wide full skirted
$5.93, $7.50, to $19
Girts' Colr'd Wash Dresses
The most complete assortments
of good practical wash ginghams,
percales, crepes, repps, linens, etc.,
made In pretty catchy ideas for the
girls' school and every day service.
$1.50, $1.98, $2.98 $8.98
Girls' Stylish Spring Coats
In a great variety of good cloths and colors; made
in full flared models, bosy and sport effects; pretty
combinations, good materials serges, velours, tsf
fetas, silk poplins, etc.
$2.98, $5.00, $7.50 and to $15
Juniors' Coats Excellent Offers
For the Intermediate atria. Area 11, IS and IT iMn)
Mad. of petty miaturea, .ffectlvie cheeks, heavy .rc..
gabardines and poplltia. Tha new apart effects with the wld
blta and lara. poek.ts; full ri pi. flared bottom.; aom. full
allk lined. Bilk Taffataa and I'opllns. Kv.rjr good conc.lvabla
$5.00, $7.50, $10.00 and $13.85
Women's Tailored Suits, $19.00
Smart models of the new, up-to-date ideas in pretty new materials. The sizes
adaDted to misses and small women are attractive with their flared and belted
jackets, the pretty cluster button effects and combination cuffs and collars.
Fashions eal Suits, $25.00
The new wide flared, boxy and ripple effects with the new belts, new col
lars, new cuffs and new wide full flared skirts.
Gabardines and Poiree Twills, Taffetas, Silk Poplins, Black and White
Checks, etc.
Smart Tailor-Mades, $35.00 and $39.00
We show many of the copies from foreign makers, chic and smart, spe
cially adapted to smart dressers. Wonderful color schemes in the combina
tions used. -
Silk Taffeta and Silk Poplin at especially attractive prices.
Spring Coats, $12.50 & $15
The style features embody all
the good points of the higher
priced garments.
Full silk lined poplin coats with
wide belts and full skirts; good
snappy black and white checked
velours; nobby coverts; effective
gabardines and serges, In many
good practical colorings.
New Top Coats, $19 & $25
For Auto Wear, Sports, Dress,
Outing, Golfing and Driving.
The swagger wide flared, boxy
86-lnch models.
The long loose, straight line and
flared models.
The nobby sport lengths with
belts and pockets.
The big full auto coats with big
I Fr Every Picture
Our eastern representative
has purchased two excellent lots
of Frames. In dozens of dainty
styles hardly any two alike. If
we were to try to duplicate
them at wholesale today they
would cost us from $2.50 to f 5.00
each they are
yours for
A few framts at 11.00,
N. B. In tha assortment art
mar.y with standards. (Two
Day Sale Saturday and Monday.)
' "3waj g i
-Tha ptoian rlea Jaat hlat
f tha rharailna; aljrlas.
11.50 quality natural
wavy hair switches, at.
$5.00 quality natural wavy
T!. $2.50
Hair Dressing, Manicuring,
6hampoolng. Appointment made
by phone.
Children's Hair Bobbing a
Flower Shop Offers
Large single potted
clnths, all colors, Sat-
' urday, each
Irge Bunches Violets,
CO In a bunch
Sweet Peas, all colors,
25 in a bunch
Air Plants, Just re
ceived, a bunch
Main Floor Flower Shop.
Stylish Corsets $2 pair
Worth $3.50 to
The Spring and Summer
seasons always bring with
them need for new Corsets
in the wardrobe. This time
ly sale gives every woman
the opportunity to stock up
for six months to come and
to save considerable money
on each purcbft9e,.....
All Up-toDate
Ten Different Styles
Mads by the best Corset manufacturers, these are gronps of Corsets
that cannot be duplicated because in many Instances tha material Is
not to be re-ordered.
Medium, low and very low tops. Some are walohn filled, others
wfth rust proof boning. Slses 19 to 86. $2.00 each.
At $2.00 a pair it Is like finding money to anticipate your wants for
months to come.
NOTE2: No fittings on Saturday, but during next week we chall
be glad to give our best attention to all those who purchase In this
sale. Take advantage of the savings now then let us take care of you
next week.
Great Spring Sale
Hundreds of quality wash
suits, mostly samples from the
two leading wash suit makers
of New York Manhattan and
Cadet Wash Suit Cos. Usual
ly sold at $2.00 to $3.00; all
for your selection tf 't O C
Saturday k.sO
The suits are so unusual that
parr-ills will buy them by threes
and fours. We have been prepar
ing for this event for the last three
months, in order to make this the
beat sale we have ever had.-
Exclusive styles In fabrics mad.
especially for boys' wash suits, In
colors and combinations of colors
that are most pleasing. New blater
stripes, dainty cretonne trimmed
suits, neat effects In pink, blue and
tan, trimmed in various ways.
Fancy stripes In madras; cham
bray in plain shades; repps, linens
and various other fabrics.
Ixng sleeve garments or short
sleeves for the hot weather. Ages
2 to 8 years. Choice f J j f
Saturday for 0l.aO
Boys' Clothing Department
Third Floor, Now Store.
. -Plans for baby's welfare will be offered to
every mother who desires them. ": ""
Has Secured the Services of a
Trained Nurse
who will be in this Baby wear Store, Second Floor,
every day for a week, beginning tomorrow, ready to
answer all questions (except those upon which a phy-
sician should be consulted) concerning baby's diet, his
bath and everything that goes to make for his comfort. .
Celluloid and Rub-
ber Novelties
Rattles.... 25C 50o -nd 75c
Rubber Toys.... 25c "-nd 5(0
Floating Toys..25Ci 50d 75o
Creeping Beads.. 19j and 25o
Record Books... 25o to SI. 08
Hangers, pretty .... 50c to 75c
Ribbon Armlets.. 25c d 50 C
Infants' Silk Veils... 25c. 50o
Powder Shakers 50c
Soap Boxes 50o
Comb and Brush Sets, from
50c to 3.50
Teething Rings.... 25c to 75c
Infants' Announcement Cards,
from .i..-25c to 50c
Stork Pants 25o to 50c
Bird .eye Diapers, hemstitched,
at. S1.00. 91.25. 91.50
Infts' Baskets. 50o '912.50
Infants' Baslnettes . . 95 to 915
Infants' Necessities
Infants' Layettes, specially se
lected, at 97.50. 910- 915
Infants' Dainty White Dresiies.
rrom 25c to 912.50
Infanta' Dressea, washable col
ors 50c to 90.98
Infants' Skirts, embroidery and
lace trimmed. .... .5O0 to 93.50
Infants' Flannel Skirts, from
50c to 90.08
Infants' Vests, specially
Priori 25o to 91.50
Infants' Hose, specially priced
from ...15c to 75c
Infanta' Soft Soled Shoes.. 50c
75C "J 91.0O
Infants' Crocheted Sacques.
from 23c to 91.50
Infants' Crocheted Booties,
from 10c to 91,00
Infants' Cashmere Sacques,
from 50c to 93.O8
Untrimmed Spring Hats
Real Milan
250 new spring
shapes, made of
genuine Milan
braid. in six
styles and the
season's best col
ors gray, pur
ple, brown, Co
penhagen blue,
navy, bottle
green and ' black.
Mostly small close fitting pokes and narrow brim sailors,
would expect to pay S&50 for.
Values you
In Our Trimming Section
A great number of pearl and silver pins are being used in trimming
the new tailored models. We have both the round bead or AQ
oval shape pins, choice for .XC
The use of Imitation paradise or goura Is more pronounced this year
than for several seasons. We have several patterns, wing and sweep
effects in black natural, dark OQ- AQn Qr Oft.
J x
Attractive Blouses at $3.98
Dainty Art Needlework
Morrarlwd Oordonnat Crochet Oetton,
tn whlta. oru and color.
Spool DC
Btampad Srarfa and Pillow Topa an art
rraah, for Fronch knot and rroaa
men; noat dulini C
Slampod Nlfhl Oowna on itra, quality
nalnaook; naw noat dulana for or.
Franca and ayUt ambraldary. . . . ."'C
-Jananaaa I.nnoh Cloth, tlntxl In tha
new brown afTacta, tn roaa. ttgar lit jr and
many naw daalana; 14 and 17-Inch alaaa.
Valuea from II 0 to , 75.
1110 C
Japanaaa Scarf. In' new brown affarta,
hamlatltrhad; alaaa lli4i and llxii
Inch, (to and 7tc valuaa. pa- o Q
clal Saturday OJC
See the newt ideas for spring in Crocheting and Art Embroidery.
Set the Neu Colonial Vatch Work Quills, Crib and Creeping Blankets,
asaBatjaaHSaSaaaaaaaBjaM f
Semi-Tailored models in Crepe de
Chine Blouses, Dressy Georgette
Crepe Blouses, Handkerchief Linen
Blouses, beautifully tailored.
Smart Georgette QQto (1 A
Crepe Blouses at. .JOai0 plU
New Sport Shirts all the new features
new collars and cuffs.: lb all the
new colorings, striped and checked
blouses, for Sport 1C to C?a
wear J)0 POeDU
These are well tailored models and the
sport shirts are very popular this season.
Colors: Light Blue, Nile Green, Peach,
Rose, Maize, White and Flesh. Sizes, 34
to 44. .
New Mourning Blouses, $3.98 to $15
Smart Georgette Crepe Blouses, Crepe de Chine Blouses, Chiffon
S Blouses Trotteur ana Dressy moaeis.
ssasiasjsti saasaa.tsB,
Correct Candies
Our Home-Made Delicious
C'ocoanut Cream Balls, n("
rolled In pecan nuts lb. OC
Old Kahioned Black
Walnut Taffy, pound.. aQC
Something New fresh Hick
ory Nut Goodies, spe
cial Saturday, pound..
Assorted Full Cream Angel
Food Tarry, all flavor.
Special, pound
Our Luscious Cream Choco
late Pompelan Bitter Sweets and
Swiss Style Milk Chocolates,
nut and fruit centers.
Pound box
eets and
Drugs and Toilet Needs
t.uatrlta Nalt Pollah. lio pt 1
ln. h lianlrura Ktlaa, raiular tic val-
uaa lo
Valval Powder I'uffa, worth Ho., ltd
Vt'hlt Ivory Hair Urusna. worth 14 .
at M
ttra' Tooth Powdar. lio alaa....l4
l.yona' Tooth Powdar, rag. I'.c ala. 14o
Kl parfacto Vada Houa. ate !..(
lNrln'a firunatta Kouga. apaclal, tha
boa ao
Uraaa Soap Liquid Haampoo, ttc alaa,
for t
Java Kir Ka.-o Powdar, th boa... tea
l.uoll rar Powdar. II. also .... o
4711 Suu Klaaad Houga, ttc al...
Hind'a Houay and Almond Craaa.
laa Ao
haro Tooth Put, loe ala tab..
OIIItt Hiior Blnda. It (a....1Vi
p.rom Saltsar. io also, oclal. , . .two
alantholatum, lac la Jar.... tlto
l.ydla Plnkham'a Compound, II ala.a
Sloan' l.lnltnant. (o alma bottla...t1Mt
III Mull Taam Horai. 1-16. parkai. a
Klrk'a Jap Mooo Mo p. 1 Oo cam a o
I'vroald Sop, Itu ck aa
Polly Prim PolUh Mop, 11.11 eta. M
Johnoon' Floor Waa, 1-lb. raa....tao
Liquid Var. Ie la bottl la
Hubbor Shaotlnf, 14 In. wlda. yd...t
l-Wuart Hot Watar BotU. rula It
ral 4We
W'llliama' Shavlna Soap, I caka.,..
Pur witch 11il, full pint far... 1
lr. Hinkal'a Cat-ara Pill. la bot
tl. for ,...!
la Kaptha Soap, I bar for. . .
Hosiery and Under
wear Bargains
Women's Pure Dye Thread Silk
Hosiery, full fashioned, garter tops,
spliced soles, heels and toes. All shades,
plain and fancy stripes, worth
to 11.00. On bargain square, pair.
-.Wemin'i Ftbar and Silk Boot Hoalary, all
color, including blat-li and whit. Fhlond
and amle; doubl aola. hl and tor a with
doubl Hal gattar top; ile auallty C
on bargain aquar .JdC
Woman' 811k 1.11 and Flbar Hoalary,
blaok. whtta and color. Spllcad nc
hala and toaa. with douhl aola. . .JC
all'. Chlldran'a and Boy' Hoalary,
watghta, Doubl kna. ol, hl
and tor. Mrrid and plain
Halt. All color
C'hHdran'a Mdlnm and Hay Walght
Hoalry: all alsa. from I to 14. Loubl
haal and too; all aiyla rib bad.
! prU
Vlan'a Klbar Bilk Hoalary. In all color,
gray, black, navy. Palm Baacb and
whit. Klnforcd ola, hl nd OC
too with fin rtbbad top. Pair. . . .
Knit Underwear. $1.00
Woman Olo Silk Vaata. with
lilld rlnfoi-rmnt, boadiuf top.
ilk nbbon tap. Pink and 1 flA
whlt. tn all ana.
Woman a I'nloa Suit. Sn 111 and
cotton. Kayaar, "Cumfy-Cut" and elhar
good itiikw; ruff and nmbralla c r
- Womm'i 1.11 Vaata,
Rgulr and tr ai
Saturday. ,.,f'w II kno atylaa. Fink and whit
"Cumfy-Cut" and round aocka. plain and lac trtmmad. 25f
Women s White Rid Gloves
Almost 100 Dozen 79c Pair
Over aeatn sewn, two-clasp style, light or me
dium weight. All sizes from 613 to Under
ordinary conditions this offering would be special,
but considering the present scarcity of Imported
kid gloves, this is an extraordinary occasion.
While this quantity lasts, 79c pair.
Also Special for Saturday
A limited quantity of Women's Full Pique Kid
Gloves, in black and white, with and without con
trast embroidered backs. Should sell d ! 1 "
for considerably more, Saturday. ... J X X 3
Prptty Ribbons
Mllllnary Ribbon. 7-tnrh molr antlqu ribbon la good
coloring. Saturday, yard "
I and l-tnrh Molr and Plain Taffata Ribbon, tn all th
popular ohada. Yard Sao
Hat Bow, raady for ua. FIT dlatlnet atylaa of ribbon
bow. 8p'lal Hat urday 15 and
nousenoid Looking "cicAinwnAK.
Sets. 98c
9-Piece Household Cook-
incr Sta nimlo rt tVia ple.
brated brown cooking ware, JffJ?4tS
tiA ...v.;. a w Vfr
UUCU VIILU V il 1 1 0
port-elain. Set ...itOC
21 Piece Children's Tea Sets, made of decorated Japanese china.
Each set constats of the following:
6 Cups, 8 tfeucers, 6 Plates, 1 Tea Pot, 1 8ugar and 1 Creamer.
D ..1.. OB. Qtii,i4,n an an.
-nruili iw tfov, u.iui ."J , vi...... .4J
In the Basement
That Great Sale of "Queen Quality "and "Bostonian" Shoes Ends Saturday'
afni aau