T1IK I'.KK: HMAIIA. IKIDAY. W.WK ii lo. . BRIEF CITY NEWS ToWBMBfl'B for port lair Ooo4s." alttmora BUvor Elholm. Jtwert. lighting Tlitnr. Burgess-Grandee. avo Moot Frtnt St Now Beacon Pre. "N "Twm.TUo" ahlnflM. Hiin-lerlBJKla. Aato Ttr Chala, Ju. Morton Sen Co. To borrow money on ren.1 estate, soa J. H. Dumont & Co., Keellne Blilg. "Todayl Bto-rl. T"ro grain" clasMftsd MPtlon toriar. It appears In Tho Bo KXCLUSlVKLr. Find out hat tha v. rtooa moving picture theatara offer. Fro party Carod TorTo rent property, see J. H. Dumont ft Co.. KecUne Pldij. Ao la Swiped M. C. Meoks, 2106 Farnam street, Informs the pellre that hie aato waa stolen Wednesday evening from In front of the Paxton hotel. Xrtne U rinad Isadora Irvine drove a heavy wagon across the lawn of Mrs. I Bagel's home, 1506 north Twenty-sixth street and because she objected he struck her. Isadora was treated to a small fine. Wood OOaa to Fan Deputy Marshal E. J. Qtilnley look John K. Woods to tba federal prison at Leavenworth to aoi ' sentence of four years for vio lation of the Mann act. Cheap Bate for Samples A special rata la In fore to foreign countries on trade samples. Postmaster Wharton an neunoea. Buch samples may be sent at I cents for the first four ounces and 1 cent for each additional two ounces, which la considerably less than the regu lar parcel post charge. Fotaab Company Incorporates The American Fotash company of Omaha, capitalised for Sin.oOO. haa been Incor porated. Thorn aa IL McWIlllams, Arthur E. Hull and George C Mclntyre are the officers. Hobby and Wlfey Qnarrel H. Weath erly, colored, 711 Leavenworth street, lnaped heavily upon his wife, Ada. who Is white, and the two argued so heatedly over the assault they were both arrested and fined $36 and costs with suspended sentence. Clark Associated with Brother In making tho announcement of architects the Board of Education referred to "Frederick W. Clarke for the new Clif ton Hill school." To have been correct the board should have stated, "Freder ick W. and Edwin B. Clarke." the latter now being associated with his brother. Funeral Services for Mrs. McLain on Saturday Afternoon r-uneraj services for Mrs. Mary Mcl.aln. who died at Sioux Falls, a. D.. will be held at the Trinity Methodist Episcopal church. Twenty-first and Binney streets. Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. John F. Poucher will officiate. Friends nre invited to the services at the church, hut the Interment will be private at Tros pect Hill cemetery. Honorary pallbearers will be: ravld Cole, K. A. Parmslee. F. Weller, R. 8. Wilcox. C. J,. Newell. lee L Hamlin. Active pallbearers will be: W. DcLAmatre, L.. A. Harmon, harles A. Goss. A. E. Parmelee, Willard Chambers, Albert Rose. KUGEL'S HOME IS USED AS HOSPITAL Three Memben of Family of Police Commissioner Are Stricken with Scarlet Fever CONNELL ORDERS COMPLAINTS The home of City Commissioner Kugel has been turned into a private hospital, with three members of the fmully now being attended for scar let fever. On Monday Albert Fesa ler, Mr. Kugel's young; nephew, was taken down with the disease. On Tuesday, Charles Kugel, 8-year-old son, was stricken, and on Wednes day, Mildred, 14-year-old daughter, broke out. The commissioner lias taken a room in a downtown hotel, where he will remain during the quarantine of his home. Health Commissioner Connell ha di rected Dr. MoCrann. his special as sistant, to file In police court a com plaint srsinet Mrs. Jones of 1503 South Twenty-fifth avenue, chanting conceal ment of a scarlet fever patlert. Winona Jones, 11-year-olQ daughter, and an at tendant of Park school. Dr. Oonnell made this statement of the case: "Upon advice from the school officials that one of their nurses called at tho Jones home twice and could not gain admittance. 1 sent Dr. McCrann to the house Wednes day lo Investigate. He located the girl, whoso hands were beginning to peel. In dicating she had been suffering from scarlet fever for several weeks. One re port we received from tho house was tliat the girl had been sent out of the city. The girl has not been at school for two weeks. Tlila Is a plain violation of the ordinance. At a time like this we must have the co-operation of cltl sena as well as the school authorities." The following new rases of scarlet fever have been reported: lister Harding, North Thirty-sixth. C. Rosenthal. 4S12 Dodge. Hootan, 1718 South Tenth (rear). 1M4 North Twenty- Omaha Needs New Union Depot, Says West Farnam Forum New officers were elected at the las meeting of the West Farnam M n'i forum In the auditorium of the old Mo Cnhe Methodist church. Fortieth an I Farnam streets John I.ews was nude rresldrnt, I.. I". l'ostwtrk. vice president: W. W. Killc. seeretarv. and H. IT. Thorpe, treasurer F. D. Wead heads n special committee to Investigate the proposed submission of a bond Nsue for paved roads In the county. The committee Is tn report at I the meeting a week from next Tuesday evening. The need of a new tmlrn depot In Omaha was taken up and dlsei.ssed with much viror, ther" h' ing no opposition to the orlnlon tl'at Omaha Is badly In ne.v! of srch a structure and that the ral'road owe It to the city to build one. ! The fori m Is also to b ok l-.ito the ltna ' tlon with regard to the prospo'-t of get ting Interurhan service Into Omaha. I.U-ht refreshments were served at t!ie meeting, and the women who served the refreshments were given an opportunity to talk on some things they consider for the good of Omaha. VVIGG WRITES OF SUCCESS OF EVANGELISTIC PARTY Stuart C. Wigg ef Omaha, now ad vance representative of Kvangellst Charles 11. Orav, writes from Wlsner that he party la meeting great success. I V te.it ion have ntt'Mi.lril ; iv n-. n'v from nriiilihoring tnwn and theie have been nearly VX) trail hitters They pub lish a "Tabernacle Itiilletln" o." two pages, giving news of the i ampaign. Tlev. Mr. Oray's musical director is W. Henry Olllsson. known as Volly." DE BOLT FOLKS TO TALK ROAD BOND PROPOSITION A nis n'eetins. n held Wcilm-sd.i y evening In the Hpilngvllle school t o iee, near De Holt station. A general dlariis slon was held on the subject ef good load". No formal action wis tikn ot the bond proposition. Another metlni will be held next Wednesday evening, when an organisation will bo peifectc anl further consideration given to 'h road question. I .1 Will Charlea Newatrom fifth. Sam Conlelln. 1114 Arbor. Mildred Monroe. Twenty-first and J. East Omnha. Mullen, 41 North Peventeenth. Winona Jones, 1B03 South Twenty-fifth avenue. Frank Friend, WIS Webster. Mildred and Charles Kugel, S24 Forest avenue. Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. ALL MEAT PRICES MOVE UP DURING LAST TWO WEEKS Jake Rosoff, proprietor of the Empress and Public markets, la patting himself on the back these days at the foresight he displayed In buying up an Immense quantity of meat of all kinds before the recent raise started. He now bag on hand over 10,000 pounds of meat of all kinds and he says he Is going to let the public have the benefit of his foresight. During the last two weeks pork loins have raised from 11 to 1C cents a pound wholesale, and both beef and mutton have advanced about b cents a pound. Commercial Club Offers Gold Prizes for Seven Reasons Twenty-five dollars In gold Is offered by the Commercial club membership com mittee to the man. woman or child who will suggest the best seven reasons why every business and professional man In the rlty should be a member of the Com mercial club. This offer Is announced in connection with the big movement started by the new committee headed by I,, V. Nicholas to rnse the membership to 2,0"0 In 1R10. So the committee wants seven reasons and la willing to pay for them. The contest Is open to the round, round world. The sevan-reaaons manuscripts must be submitted to the Commercial club on or before March 20. They should be sent to "The Seven Reasons WhyT Commer cial Club. Omaha, Neb.-' YOUR FRECKLES Need Attention in March or Face May Stay Covered. Now la the time to take special oare of the complexion If you wleh It to look well the rest of the year. The March winds have a strong tendency to bring out frecklee that may stay all Summer unless removed. Now la the time to use othlne double strength. Thla preacrlptlon for the removal of freckles waa written by a prominent phy sician and la usually so successful that It Is sold by druggists under guarantee to refund the money If It falls. Oet an ounce of othlne double strength, and even a few applications should show a wonderful improvement, some of the smaller freckles even vanishing entirely. Advertisement. Thursday, March 9, 1916 Burgess-Nash Store News for Friday Phone Douglas 137. J ; ; , -r-m ' " 1 Why Do You Make Your Own House Dresses? "Ton cannot make them as cheaply a you can buy them, because you ami 1 cannot compete with the modern factory." "They cut 250 dresses at one time they sow on 5,000 buttons a day with one machine they work corded buttonholes that cannot rip, also by machine." "You cannot sew a seam as evenly as the now machine that can make sixteen stitches to the inch you cannot buy as good or as comfortable a pattern as this dress was cut over." "If you count your time for anything, you c;umot make a dress for twice what I paid for this one." Mina Taylor Dresses are so atyllnh in her time Mill try appearance to make a so low in price 'i cttmly in aervlco that no woman Un value. Iioukc clros when nh" caji liny one that is lietier at n lower price. I i r i Ample Koom Through Hips Buttonholes that Cannot Ravel Fine, Evenly Stitched Seams Sleeves that Do Not Bind Mina Taylor Dresses at $1.00 and Up Come in and we will convince you that you rannot afford to try to make your own dreaaea. Burgess-Nash Gompany. Thursday, March 9, 1916.- Burgess-Nash Store News for Friday. -Phone Douglas 137. Burgess-Nash Announce FINAL REDUCTIONS On Desirable Lots of Merchandise for Friday Final Reduction on Blouses That Were $5.95 to $8.50, Friday, $4.95 Announcing for Baby Wk, Msroh Uth to 118th Instructive Lectures to Mothers By Prominent Omaha Specialists In Connection With American Medical AanoclnUon. Boy d's Theater, Daily 11a. m. Monday, March 18th Tueaday, March 14th Wednesday, March 15th Thnmday, March Iflth Owing to the neatlng rapacity, it has been nec-essitrj to Ihs ic tickets for each lecture. Theae may be obtained free of charge In our Baby Corner, Second Floor. BTJROESS-NASH COMPANY. I$4.95 A . BIX18108 of sheer filet mehbes, shadow, Turkish ami radium lace and net with Vermicelli Flitching, nindo orer flesh and white chirfon high and low collars in 1 lone sleeves. Ten styles to select from, ttlounen we of fered earlier In the season t ! !&, $fi.5i nnd $8.iii. mday. 84.05. Barf Mi.Ruh Co. Soon4 floor. Two Big Lots of Silk Rem nants Friday at 39c and 49c Drugs and Toilets Jap Hose Soap, cake .V I) a g f e t t & HainHdell's cold cream, 60c size, for .... 8Ho 4711 Glycerine soap, cake. . 13c Canthrox sham poo, 50c Rite, for SMc Colgate's Tootlx Paste, large size special at 2(c Ij I a t erlne, 60c else 83c S a I Hepatlca, 50c sire . . .2o 8-oz. bottle Bay Rum .V) 1-qt. Household Ammonia . . 13c 1 Oc Crepe Toilet Paper, 4 rolls for 25c Pure C a 1 1 1 a Soap, In carton, special ...,10c Sorroaa-sTasb Oo. KaXn Hoot. Peri Lusta Crochet Cotton Red uc ed CROCHET cotton, Perl I.usia brand: white, ecru, sax blue. light blue, terta. Sle 1, spool . . 3, spool , . 6, spool. . 10, spool. . 20, spool . . yellow, pink and SUe 30. spool. 40, spool. 60, spool. lf.0. SIMlOl . 9 70, spool. Ho 80, spool. . iC .He ,c 13. , l:c I 4c I.V' Klc 17c Burr.as-irs.sh Oo tldrt Floor. EVKRY yard good deairable merchandise the season's b Bt r.cl weaves, colorings and patterns. Remnants of Silks That Were To 89c, Friday, the Yard, 39c. Te lengths are from one to five yards and include such splen did silka aa 24-Inch Striped Messallnes. 19-lnch Plain Meeaallnes. 19-Inch Plain Taffetas. 24-Inch Fancy foulards. 3C-lnch Colored Bllka and Cotton Crepe de t hine. 3fi-Inrh Colored Moire Silks. Remnants of Silks That Were to $1.25, Friday, the Yard, 49c. lengths from 1H to 8 yards, and Include such silks aa .16-lnch Plain Mesaallnea. " Af-. f4-lnch Striped Poplins, 3G-!nch Striped Meaaaltnea. riC i 24-lnch Plain Messallnes. 24-Inch Foulard 8llks. J TAJMD (.24 and 27-Inch Fancy Silk. Wool Skirt Patterns, $1.00 Each. 4 2-lnch Wool, black and white, shepherd checks, (1 f( il Friday. t ovrvr 39c Y.Mtl) 3-sUe checks; JS-yd. lengths. Special BorreM-sTaeh Oe, .- Mala riser. Final Clearaway of Women'sWinter Coats Friday at $1.95 and $2.95 Two Groups Coats that were 4 I Ooiti tlit wr nQC :.00 and 4.00. Fri- $ ifD $fl.00 and 8.00. FH- iJO day. I day There is but a limited number of coata in the offering. Including medium weight material suitable for immediate wear. In plalda, tnecki and fancy materials. Sport coata, medium and full length coats. Tho assortment Includes all else. BarfMs-VMli Co. aamat. Final Reduction Friday on Women's UNION SUITS, Vests and Pants C Choice 33c Garment 26c. ilo'is $1.00 LEAKING the decks of all odd lots and broken assort incuts of Women's and Children's Underwear That Was 45c to 75c, Friday, 33c. Women's soiled union ulta, were 69c, Women's soiled union auita, were 7 60, Women's soiled union suits, wore 66c Women's wiled vesta that were 69c, Women's soiled pants that were 6B0, Women's black union suits, were 69c, Women's union suits that were 49c. rhiirtrpn's soiled union suits, were 600, Infants 25c Cashmere Hose, 10c. Lot of infants' cashmere hose, in pink and blue, were 1 ftp c. Cleat away price Friday, pair M.J Bnryw-Wasn Oo. n..m.n. Satin or Satin and Straw Trimmed Hats to $5.00 for $1 A BIG Friday disposal of trimmed hats at a rldlci rriM 8atin or satin and straw hats trimmed f r.rt wnvs. with ribbons and Spring flower and colors at SRi.lNI. New Spring Flowers, 15c to 35c Roses, pretty noaegays. pan tie wreaths, etc.; wide eeloction. Xnu-y s-Hxh Oo. slfco.m.nt. Mis -Matched Pajamas That Were $2.00 to $2.50 Per Suit, Friday 89c fi, Al'L.TLESS' brand, made from ends of pieces where there la not r enough material for an entire eult. The usual $3.00 and 12.60 suits, at 89. . M, Men s ouc snins, at ivc. Soiled and mussed, neck band and work shirts, were 60c each, lOt. Mea,s Uni()n SuitS at 59(. Soiled, mussed, odd lot and broken lines of men's union suits, two-thread fcnd fleece lined, garment. 590. Men's Two-Piece Underwear, 25c. Medium and heavy weight, white or ecru color, odd sizes and soiled, garment, 25. , , . . nn Men's Hose at 12 Pairs for $1.00. Hlack and gray wool and caahmere hose, all sites, usual 2 5c kind. Friday. 12 pairs, Sl.OO. Bnrg -Was. Coas.mt. Clearaway of Winter and Early Spring Styles of Women's SHOES PI TT1MJ 1lV.r Shoe Department in order for the new low styles. Women's $3.50 Shoes, at $1.45. Women's patent, gun metal, kid. tan and black, bronie, but- d lace high shoes; worth to ja.oo. q j Women's $5.00 Shoes, at $2.45. I 4 OWomen's patent kid. vicl kid and tan Russia cau. styles rrorn LtUl tonr second floor section; not a Friday, I 4 1 LUt A ton an Friday, per pal than I on $5.00. not a pair worth less PO AtZ Friday, per pair V" - Boys' Shoes, at $1.49 and $1.09. I Q Boys' tough black calf tkln blucher cut. solid leather solea, JUUt Ufor play and school wear. I 91.40. S1ea 1 to Btt. per pair., Women's 75c Rubbers, 39c. Women's extra quality storm rub bers, all sites, the 76c kind, OA Sites 9 to 18 V4 at $1.69 Clearaway of Lingerie and Chiffon Waists Were to $1,95, Friday 39c A LARGE assortment of lingerie waists In plain and embroidered voiles, organdy and batiste with lace and embroidery AA trimmings. High and low collars, long sleeves, all sites, U -e 34 to 46; also waists of colored chiffon In suit shades, aj Many styles to select from; a limited quantity, at Waists That Were to $5.00, at 69c. An odd lot of rrepe de chine, lace, measallne and chiffon walvi are Included In thla sale. WsisU that regularly sold up to $6.00; u!l sizes, but not every site in every style. Choice, 69. urg-MS-Vaah Oo,-liMimil Corsets Were to $5.00, at $1.00 $1.00 IN thla lot there are models of every site, suited for all - figures, high, medium low and topless; they are all clean, but broken lines and samples; were to $5.00 a bargain that cannot be duplicated. Special for this sale, while the lot laats, 91.00. Clearaway of Children's COATS That Were $3.98, Friday at 50c 50c A LIMITED number of children's coats, for ages 2 to 6 years, that were formerly priced to $3.98, Friday at. . Women's 50c to 59c Gowns, 39c. Women's and children's flannelette gowns that were 60c and Cc. Friday at Women's $1.98 Dressing Sacques, 50c. Eiderdown dressing sacques, assorted shades, were $1.98. Clearaway price Women's $1.75 Sweaters, 98a Ixt of women's sweaters that were soiled and have been cleaned; the usual $1.75 kind, for Bury -Wash Oo aaa.meat. 39c 50c 98c $1.00 Hand Bags, Friday at 59c ;59c A Bit) lot of leather hand bags, fancy metal or leather covered frames, silk and leather lined; tome have four fittings, all have coin purse and mirror; also a amal quantity of fitted party boxes; all worth $1.00, at f9 Bargoaa-Masa Co. Bas.m.mi. 10c Baby and Outing Flannels, 72C 7ic 18c WHITE baby flannel, fancy and check outing flannel; the regular 10c grade, yard 50c Wool Tennis Flannel, 18c. Striped wool tennis flannel, 50c quality, for making outing dresses, coats, etc., yard 12Vc Comfort Cretonnes, at 7 Mo. I.en.nantt of 36-Inch Comfort Cretonnes, fancy floral and f.'gii'ed designs; fant colors: 12 He kind, yard I 2 C $2.00 Plaid Blankets, at $1.50. Fancy y.rtj plaid douM bed blankets, soft, fleecy, &1 r-" firmly woven, pair J1UU $5.00 Plush Auto Robes, $3.98. the $.'.00 grade, at Genuine Chase plush two passenger auto robes, tf0 ftp PJ i70 FRIDAY MORNING 8:30 TO 12. Odd lots and short lengths of various grades, black mercer Ized saline, bleached muslin, mercerired pongee, pillow tublnp, curtain scrim, fancy figured silkollnes, etc.; all In one O 1 n special lot, at, yard OgC 29c Feather Pillows, at 29c. All pure feather filled pillows, A. C. D. and art tick covering; worth double. Each $1.00 Beacon Baby Blankets, 45c. Hundreds of slightly soiled Beacon baby blankets and AtZn comforters; blue, pink and white; values up to $1.00, at. . . . tuC 8V2C Unbleached Muslin, at 5c. Good quality 36-Inch unbleached muslin, remnants of f the regular 8 He grade. Yard JC FRIDAY AFTERNOON, 1:30 TO" 6. Remnants of genuine 27-inch fancy Red Seal tephyrs. short lengths that are easily matched for boys' waists, girls' ? school dresses, aprons, etc. Yard , O C Burta-To Oo. Bx.rn.nt. urgess-Wash Gompany "everybody's store Burroas-alMli Co. 4m.bi.uV. ""EVCRYBOOYS STORK -a for