THE BEE : OMAHA, FR1IUY, MA1U11 10. 191t. 11 ti RETAILERS ENTER FIGHT MR DEPOT Association Endorses Campaifrn of The Be and toll Put Shoul der to the Wheel URGE OTHER BODIES TO HELP Th Associated Retailers of Omaha, in a meeting in the Com mercial club rooms at noon, took up the fiKht The Bee is making for a new union station in Omaha, and called upon other organizations in the city to get into the fight at once. A special committee consisting of Charles. E. Black, George Brandels and J. W. Metcalfe was appointed to confer with similar committees of other organizations of the city with regard to ways and means of bring ing about the erection of a new union station. Following Is the text of the reso lution: "Whereas, A. the monthly meeting In February. 1913. the Associated Retailers of Omul) a went on record as favoring- the building of a new union depot, and at that time Mayor Pahlman. Victor Rose water of, The Omaha Bee. General E. F. Test of the World-Herald. Byron HaM ings. President of the Real Estate Ex change; Harry Wolfe, one of Its mem bers, also ipoke favoring the proposition and, ' "Whereas. The building of a new union station adequate to the need of the Oreater Orriaha. of today now Is much more urgent than It was at that time, end the excuse of poor business and shortage ' of funds, cannot with truth fulness be advanced on the part of rail way officials; therefore be It. "Resolved, That the Associated Retail ors of Omaha reiterates Its demand for a. new union depot such as Omaha de serves, and we call Ufon the Commercial club, the Real Estate exchange, the Ciraln exchange, the Manufacturers as sociation, the Builders' exchange, all lm rirovemrnt cluba and every other organ- txatlon that believes In advancing Oma ha's Interests to get behind this move ment, that has had the endorsement edi torially of all our dallies and is at the 'nMiun tlm Ketnv fnenertillv hrmieht in the public's attention by The Omaha Bee; and, be It further, "Resolved. That we suggest to the Com mercial club, on account of the varied In terests of Its members, that it arrange a public meeting, having speakers from different city organizations address the gathering, thereby creating a public de mand that cannot be hushed by 'future promises'; and. be It further. "Resolved, That the Associated Retail era of Omaha go on record at this time as betng unalterably opposed to any 'patchwork.' such as would be the case were a 'subway' constructed between the two present Insufficient and Inconvenient structures." Champion Eater of the World is Now a Resident of Omaha t . If you 'operated a boarding house, how would you like to have this fellow for a trencherman. . ' Abe Vensaver, a packing house em ploye, living at 503) South Twenty-fifth, on a $6. bet, drank twenty-four pints of beer and ate thirty-six hard boiled eggs, a couple of loafs of bread, all within one hour and forty-five minutes. Then ha looked mournfully at a depleted pantry and said: "Hurry up and slip ma the five bucks, I'm hungry." Vensaver boards with T. BentBteln at the above address. Sunday morning he awoko feeling poorly, and with scarcely no appetite at all. He ate six eggs, a loaf of bread, and opped It off wlih four stiff slugs of whisky and four cups of coffee. Bernstein nearly fainted when his lodger explained that an ordinary canary bird in good health had him beat, for appetite that day. The discussion which followed led up to ths bet, and Vensaver was allowed four hours to pack away the food named in the agreement Joe Sherman acted oh stakeholder and referee. Highwaymen Hold : Up Man and Woman Two armed bandits held up a man and woman within a few minutes at Seven and Webster, Wednesday night. From the woman they took $2.50, when the bandits saw James Cullen approach ing. "Let the woman go and get this geek," said on of the bandits, according to the woman. They approached Cullen and poked a re volver against his side while one of them searched him, getting 13, some small change, an empty bill book and watch chain. Cullen is congratulating himself over the fact that he had so little money as Vio Karl intenflfvt tn talcs his rim v ebAck down town to have it cashed. Muny Court Clerk Takes Up Duties Gecrge Bertrand, formerly an employe In the court house, has started his work as clerk of the municipal court. lie has a temporary offlca In the city clerk's office, where filings of tasea may be niHilo. Three cases have been filed. Until some of the cases filed shall be called for hearing the court will not have regular sessions, but after two weeks the Judges expect to alt every day. For Ihe time being the city council chamber will be used as a court room. The city commissioners have not yet arranged ith county commissioners for space In the court house building. la Prats of Chamberlain's Coach. Hemedy. 'I feel It my duty to write a word In praise of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy." ays Mrs. Wallace. Hayes, Watervllle. N V. "It was used In my household as ch as twenty years ago. When my children, now grown up. were small, 1 kept a bottle of It In the house all the Jroe. Jt always cured my children of croup, colds and coughs. I have also used It myself with equally good results. It Is the only cough medicine we ever use.'' Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement. 9 For Many Nights Without a Bed, Fredrickson Finally Lands in Omaha Eleven nights slreplrg on the hard deck of a boat, and not under sentence for a crime cither that was the distressing ex perience of It. E. Fredrtckson. who has Just returned from Central America. He was practically "bedless" from the time he left the interior of the jungles until he arrived In Omaha. Out of luck every foot of the way. First two Indiana brought him out of the In terior, slipping down the river for days In what Fredrtckson describes as a tub of a boat Just long enough for him to stretch out full length without getting his feet In the water. He lay on the hard board there and clutched at the bolts and spikes to keep from rolling Into the water. "No sleep there," said Fredrickson. "Especially when we got Into tup bay. for every minute when the boat rocked I was afraid of rolling off Into the bay. Sharks are very fond of white meat. "Then I took ths steamer for New Or leans. A great crowd of farmers had been down there with a real estate syn dicate to buy land. They were all on the boat and every cabin and berth was taken. Thirteen of us who came late had to sleep on deck. ".-o every night on the trip to New Or leans we slept on the hard deck, again clutching at the handhold to keep from rolling Into the sea, "When we got Into New Orleans the big celebration was on, and try as I would, do you think I could get a bed in New Orleans? "So I caught the first train out and came to Omaha. "No man will ever know how good 1 felt last night to get ray pajamas on and roll on a real bed." Mr. Fredrickson was In Central Amer ica along with his mining partner, W. B. Mllliken, of Denver, building a cyanide mill at the mine and preparing to begin refining ore. Fredrickson and Mllliken bought a gold mine about a year ago Father of Little Girl Shot by Baker Sues City of Omaha Alleging the city of Omaha negligently permitted an incompetent to hold an of ficial position and carry a lethal weapon nnd that as a result 10-year-old Ida Stroud, was seriously wounded at the city dump, her father asks $10,000 damages In a petition recorded In district court. The petition recites that Fred Baker, the watchman, was drunk, or under In fluence of drugs, when ho shot the girl. ! HUBBY OUT OF WORK WILL NOT GET UP IN MORNING Attorney MeCJiire of the Welfare board maintains that 10 a. m. is not a re spectable hour for a man of the house to arise, particularly when he is out of work and his wife is doing washing to help support the home. Mrs. Edward Wllmot complained that her husband refuses to get up before the tenth hour of the morning, retires at nine bells every night and refused to carry In water for her. She haa three small children. j-'Mr: MefJulro. as city" prosecutor filed a complaint against Wllmot. RETAILERS SET ASIDE SPECIAL FASHION WEEK A special fashion display week Is to bo set apart ty the Associated Retailers of Omaha, to be probably the last .week of March. Special window displays of the latest styles of garments are to be made, and the windows are to be kept screened while being decorated, the screens of all to be removed at one and the same time. At the same meeting of the association yesterday this was taken up and decided upon. MRS. SCHAUE CHARGED WITH PASSING WORTHLESS CHECK A complaint, charging Mrs. J. W. Schaue with obtaining several hundred dollars worth of merchandise In return for worthless checks, has been Issued by County Attorney Magney at the re quest of O. A. Tagal. Burgess-Nash de tective. Police Matron Gibbons has al ready left for St. Paul. Minn., with a warrant to bring the woman back. The arrest was made Wednesday night in St. Paul. DENIS0N WILL SPEAK AT LINCOLN SATURDAY E. F. Denlson, general secretary of the Omaha Toung Men's Christian associa tion, will go to Lincoln Saturday to speak before the Nebraska College Men's Vo cational conference. The conference will be held . at the state university. Mr. Denlson has chosen the subject. "Quali fications and Opportunities of Young Men's Christian Association Secretaries as a Life Work," for his address. OFFICER TAGEL PROVES TO BE SOME SPRINTER After chasing Frank Howard and Joe Wilson for several blocks through the crowded portion of the city Special Offi cer Tagel of the Burgeaa-Naah store cap tured Howard, who was sentenced to thirty days for the theft of shoes from the above mentioned establishment. CAR COMPANY WILL NOT FURNISH CITY POWER Frank Hamilton, vice president of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company, has advised the city council that his company does not regard It ex pedient at this Ume to offer to furnish the city with current for street lighting purposes, as advertised for by the city council. OMAHA MAN HEAD CHEMIST AT THE NIAGARA PLANT Dr. Mortimer J. Brown, son-in-law of G. Q. Wallace of this city, Is the head chemist at the Niagara chemical plants which were damaged by explosions and fire Tuesday night. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS If. J. Phelps of Chicago, general pas senger agent, and H. j4. Gray of Iubujue, la., dlvlHion pasaonKer agent of the Illi nois Central, are in Omaha visiting local officials of the road. W. It. Jones, division passenger and freight agent of the Northwestern, Is In Chicago. M. K. Cailanan. Spalding street. Is seriously ill at his boms. He has In the Interior, and on t ils trip they freighted great boilers and engines up to the mine on the native boats, lashed to Kether. The natives told them the boil ers could never be taken up the river to the mine unless a lot of Indians were hired to roll them througn the Jungles, which would take six months The dis tance was nine miles. However, the two Americana knew of better ways than that. They hired sev eral native boats, hired Indians to lash the boats together and lay planks over them. They got block and tackle and swung the boilers upon these Improvised crafts, and In nine hours they pulled Into camp with the boilers. chargs of painting work at the Woodmen of the World building. C. W. Axtell, assistant general freight agent of the t'nlon Pacific, went to Chi cago Wednesday night. PORT OF HEALTH HAS BEEN FOUND The recent discovery of Tanlac has made great things possible. Omaha Man Tells Adventure. A captain would never let his ship leave port without an anchor. He realises that without something to hold his ship In control. In cases of emergency, the crsft would be left to the mercy of the angry sea. In the same way an Individual should guard himself against the ravages of dis eases that have become so common In this country. Without something to aid Nature In combating these Ills stomach. liver and kidney and catarrhal disorders, the Individual Is lost. Arthur A. Anderson, of 818 North Seven teenth street, Omaha, is one of the thous ands who have sailed happily Into the port of health on the good ship Tanlac. Mr. Anderson worked twelve hours a day In a sugar mill and he was badly In need of something to build him up. He took Tanlac and gained twenty pounds. "I had stomach trouble and Indiges tion," said Mr. Anderson. "I was com pletely run down. The complaint started with gas and bloating after eating. I could not sleep well and would wake up feeling more tired than when I went to bed. My liver was sluggish and my bowels Irregular. I had headachea and was generally upset. Tsnlao has re stored my health and made me feel like new." HE SAYS TANLAC PRODUCED "PEP" "I felt tired and listless most of the time," remarked H B. Mallory. expert mechanlo, who lives at 2010 Sixth street. Council Bluffs, la. "I went about my work feeling as if I was being dragged down by some unseen burden. My back pained me fearfully. In the morning ' would rise from a restless bed feeling tired and worn out. My tongue was al ways coated. I had no appetite for my meals and the food that I did force into my stomach didn't seem to give me any, strength. "Three days after I started taking Tan lac I was eating fine. In fact I felt ahamed of myself It seemed as if couldn't get enough to eat. I sleep like a top now and In the morning I feel bright and ready to confront a hard day's work. Work no longer bores me because Tanlac has restored my 'pep.' I have recommended Tanlac to a number of the boys at the works and they have promised to try it, since they can now get It at Omaha. "I sincerely believe Tanlac la the great est system builder on the market today.' Tanlac is being specially introduced in Omaha at Sherman & McCVmnell's Drug Store, Sixteenth and Dodge streets. There an expert from the Tan lao laboratories daily explains tho merits of this highly endorsed remedy tonic, appetizer and invigorant to many men and women. There is a Tanlac druggist in all towns and suburbs in this vicinity. The Tanlac druggist in your town is named in the following list: Albloa, Barbers Bros. Drag' Co. lllaaoe, Barry Thlels. Ashland, H. H. Cone. Auburn, B. K. Dort. BurweU, Bsyaons Drug Btors. Bensoa, Bchlllair-Beattls Co. Bin Springs, D. ST. Wonder. Beaver City, Bortoa Drug Co. AGENTS WANTED OMAHA WATER RATE CUT TEN-PER CENT Reduction Will Apply to Those Con sumers Now Charged Twenty One Cents Per Thousand. MILLION IN THE TREASURY The Water board announces a re duction of 10 per cent In water rate to consumers now charged 21 cents per 1,000 gallons, this being the class using up to 10.000 gallons .a month, or about 07 per cent of all consumers, according to General ManaKcr Howell. The minimum charge of 35 cents per month will not be changed. The rate was 33 cents per 1,000 pallons when the city took the plant three years ago last July. The water plant receipts for 1015 were SS51.44!.Sn. which amount was distributed as follows: Operation, depreciation and doubtful accounts. iW.OS7.44: Interest on bonds and bond sinking fund, 4U!2 77i surplus fund, lo. In addition to the earnings mentioned, there was a credit of S4.',72I.J1 earned on Interest from funds carried. On January 1. 1!1S, the bond sinking fund was $4.M,07.nS; the reserve for de preciation was IXC.274 1, and the surplus was till. 43.14. the latter fund including value of materials en hand and amount of hills receivable. January 1 Treasurer fro reported a total of IWS.THt.M In the treasury of the water department. HELD UP AND ROBBED OF MONEY ON LANE CUT-OFF Two highwaymen held up and robbed John Williams of K10 on the Lane cutoff shortly after 11 yesterday morning. Williams was walking along the Union. Pacific trarks on the cutoff when the daylight robbers appeared, covered him with revolvers, took his money and es caped Into a nearby lumber yard. ' FABLE OF THE A middle aged man with two sweethearts, the one younger, the other older than himself. Is the subject of an indent fable. The, younger woman, unwilling to sea In her lover any signs of age, plucked the gray hairs from his head. The other woman, equally Jealous against his showing any of th favors of a youth that had already left her, plucked tho black lialra from his head. Between them they plvcked him bald. Then, of course. they forsook him. Muny stomachs are sa cruelly treated as the lover In the fable. In the hops of immediate relief a drastic drug is poured into the stomach already raw and distressed. One function or another Instantly becomes feverishly active. To offset this harmful violence, another drug, of opposite effect and equally drastic, is poured down. Boms functions now operate violently while yet other functions, necessary to good health, cease entirely. In a desperate state now, the stomach Is subj acted to first one and then another pun ishment until it Is totally disordered and perhaps perma nently Injured. Then follow hardened liver, strained kid neys nnd ulcerated bow-els. The conditions which laad many people thus violently to drug themselves are common disastrously so. Millions of men and women are suffering from constipation. Indiges tion, dyspepsia, bloating, belching from gas, torpid liver, lr. rltaled kidneys, headaches, dlaxlneas, palpitation of ths heart or biliousness. Some people Buffer constantly from half a dozen of such alltnonts and take It as a matter of fact that they should vus their Urea in distress. If the man In the fable had had one wife Instead ct two sweethearts he would have fared happily through life and wtth a full head of hair. So, alao, if these penplo with disordered stomachs would have as their ally faithful Nature Instead of flckls but violent drugs, they would come through life In comfort and happiness. Nature offers Tanlac to sick stomachs, to sick systems THREE THRILLING TANLAC TALES Many people think a restaurant man Is the last in the world to have trouble over his eating, according to Wm. McCall. 1514 Capitol avenue, Omaha, proprietor of the Manhattan restaurant He used to get up feeling so bad It distressed htm to even look at food. "I had no appetite, could not sleep and was all run down," he said. "I would get up In the morning feeling as If I could hardly attend to my business. I had that old, dull headache and a dis tressing dizziness. If I tried to cat any thing it made me worse. "Tanlac relieved me of those Ills. I think It is the greatest stomach remedy on the market today. Tanlac Is the medicine that will do what la claimed for It. I hope that all who suffer with stomach trouble will try it." Tanlao Is purely a vegetable tonic, delicately adapted to stomach needs. It builds health and strength through the stomach, blood and nerves. It adds weight tn slender people. Weigh once a week while you are taking Tnlac. Broken Bow, I. B X,ea. Bridgeport, O. T. afannlBf. Central City, Sohillsr-s Drug Btors. Crete, Bollaad Bros. Cambridge, Cambridge rnannaey. Clearwater, Frank O. Krenslsa. Columbus, Bortsmaa ft Ksrseabrock. David City, X.oraa Jordan. Exclusive agency for Tanlac is awarded to one druggist in each town or city. Agents are everywhere and will be appointed at once. Write or telephone the Tanlao agency, Omaha, Neb., agency information. Commissioners Get Inside Info on Way to Enter Beau Brummel Class The city commissioners have been ad vised by the National Association of Mer chant Tailors of America that they can not transact publlo business In ordinary business suits and expect to be dignified. In a letter from Samuel H. Spring, na tional secretary of th tailors, this state ment la made: "Members of all dignified bodies are duty-bound to be particularly careful to wear to public functions attire prescribe,! for such occasions." Regular sessions of the city council are declared to be "public functions," and the city council la classified as a "digni fied body." This matter will be brought up at the next meeting of theCity council commit tee of the whole on Monday morning. GOVERNMENT BRINGS SUIT AGAINST UNION PACIFIC The Vnlon Pacific Railroad company Is charged with keeping C. O. Dnhner, telegraph operator at Kim Creek, Neb., on duty continuously for sixteen hours, thus violating the federal "hours of serv ice law," which allows a maximum of only thirteen hours' continuous duty for railroad telegraph operators. In a suit filed agnlnst the company by the gov ernment a fine of $'X Is asked. FALLS DOWN COAL HOLE. AWARDED TWO THOUSAND When Thomas Tragus fell down a coal hole on the propertv of Oeorge K. Hock he was entitled to $2,000. according to the verdict returned by a Jury in District Judge Sears' court. Teague asked for 110.000. Key to the Situation-nee Want Ads. Accepts rrnpoMl. WASHINGTON, March 9 -(Special Tel egram.) The Postofflco department ac cepted the proposal of Albert Scheke to lea quarters for the postofflce at Ra venna, Neb., for ten years from July 1. MAN WITH TWO BEST As the eyes feast upon the "goodies' displayed at a delicatessen store, the mouth begins to water. But to the dys peptic the place Is a veritable bore. Even the proprietor of a delicatessen sickens of his environment when his stomach goes on a strike. Here is A. Rosenberg's word for It. He conducts an emporium of luxurious "cats" at 414 North Six teenth street, Omaha. "Indigestion, sick headache and consti pation had me feeling so bad that I despised the looks of food," Mr. Rosen berg said. "I had a terrible headache morning, noon and night. My stomach was sl-k and I was weak all the time. I was nervous and could not sleep. No human being could be any worse than I was and not be bed-ridden- I took all klnda of medicine, but It all fooled me. I was slowly starving. "Tanlac restored my health. It helped me In a business way as well. I lovs that place of mine now. I am entirely over those headachea and I haven't been con stipated since taking Tanlac." rairbtu-y, Bpear, BoawsU Drug Oo. Oraad Island, Clayton's Pnarwaoy. Has tiers, Dslnea Drug Co. lAnooln, Barley Drag' Co. MoOook, A- aCoMUlaa. dllfora, T. O. Braalag. BUlllgen, Bert Drug Co. Mebraska City, Keary Bohwake. The commissioners mnst face this dress reform movement among public bodies. On a recent occasion one of the com missioners boasted the fact that he was wearing a 112 suit of clothes. According to the national arbiters of dress for pub lic officials a fll storo stilt is not suit able attire for a public servant drawing H.oOO a year and scrlng a great metro politan commonwealth. Another commissioner stated he never wore a dress suit In his life except when he was married. Press suits for evening wear are to be ds rlgeuer for city com missioners. Having straightened out the city darts on this dress question, It Is proposed to go after the Board of Education, county board. Water board. Welfare board. Rec reation board and other public bodice. l'alm Beach suits for summer attire will be approved. Rumor that Turkey Tires of War and Is Ready for Peace PBTROORAD, March .-Th activity ef Russian torpedo boats In the Black Pea against coast towns east of Tre blsond. la continuing with success. Ac cording to recent dispatches from Se bastapol the .Turkish defenses are crumb ling before the Intensity of the Russian bombardment. There apparently Is a growing dispo sition en the part of the Turks along the Anatonlan shore to surrender with out fighting, tn many cases, according to reports received the population have sent out emissaries to the Russian fleet offering submission to Russia. Russian cruisers to bombard Trehliond. Rumors of Turkey's willingness to enter Into peace negotlatlona with Russia Is Increasingly current here, but there Is no official confirmation that Turkey up to the present time made actual over tures to the Russian government. GIRLS through which stomach sickness has spraad like a poison. Throughout the vast world in the snowbound fastness of the north, upon the blue mountain sides that shoulder the skies. In the rteamlng Jungles of the earth's middle, in the fat bottoms and scant hill soils of both temperate sonea. In the soft sunshine of the far South Seas and the little known Antipodes, Nature haa scattered her remedies. The bt of thoin, all vegetable, free from mineral taint, are gathered and merged Into Tanlac with ths one purpose of creating a reconstructive tonic which feeds while It heals sick nnd sore stomachs, and which through the stomach, blood and nerves, builds health, strength and vigor. A million people In oil parts of the United States hare gratefully praised Tanlac because It healed and fed their sick stomachs, drove pain from their bodies and brought them bark to health and strength, restored to them the Joys of 11 'o that belong as a right to every man and woman. Tanlac has brought prosperity to many because It has made thsm equal to their tasks fit for their Jobs -eager to do their work, whether It Is the work of the houaewlfa, tescher, clerk, preacher, professional man, banker, merchant, manufacturer, laborer or farmer. As you read the endorsnments of Tanlao by thankful men and women whom It has benefited, you will be Im pressed with the frequency of ths same expressions. "It has made a new man of me;" "It has made me feel Ilka a new girl;" "It has made me feel like new;" "It has given me new strength;' "I am gaining In weight;" "Using Tan lac whs the best investment I ever made;" "Tanlac haa put dollars In my pockot;" "I can do mora work than I ever did." As a tonic for run down men and women who need bet ter digestion more strength, more flesh, regulated circula tion and a revitalising of the nervous system, Tanlac, the tonlo supreme, has no equal. Tanlac Is being specially Introduced and explained by an expert In Omaha at Sherman and McConnell'a Drug Store, Sixteenth and Podga streets. Gratitude Is one of the most commend able of human virtues. Soul Is Its par ent. The belief Is general that people are most grateful when relieved of their Ills. Morgan Stringer pressnts a splendid Il lustration He resides at 4903 North Thirty-fourth avenue, Omaha. "I can not express my gratitude for the good that Tanlao hag done for me," Mr. Strin ger declared to the Tanlao man recently. "I have known the agonies of catarrh of the stomach and they cannot be over estimated. The pain is almost unen durable. I never was able to find any thing to control It but Tanlac. I had all the troubles, too, of the nervous dyspep tic bloating, shortness of breattn palpita tion, dizziness and a sour stomach. could only eat a bite or two now and then and was slowly starving. All my strength went and I was a bundle of nerves. "I have none of these sines taking Tan lac, so I had better forget them. If pos slhle, for the thought of all that misery makes me very unhappy." Preparation Borth Matte, Worth Platte Drag- Co, Oakland, W. O. Bardlng- B Boa. O xf ore, Prestos Drag Oo. Omaha, barman si McConasU Drug Oo. Ord, Joubsob Drug Oo. Palisade, Palisade Pharmacy. Pawnee City, Hustoa and Byersoa. Springfield, X. Stegeabaum. RUSSIANS CAPTURE TOWN ONBLAGK SEA Forces of Crar Have Entered Place Thirty-Five Miles East of Trebizond. THEY ALSO OCCUPY SEHNA PETROORAD (Via Londonl, March 9. Russian troops have cap tured the town of UUa (RUeh), on the Rlack Sea, thirty-five miles east of TrcMrond. This announcement la made In the official statement is sued from general headquarter which adds that the Russians have also occupied the town of Senna, north of Kermanshah in Persia. Soldiers Back from Front Break Up Dry Parade in Toronto TORONTO. 'Canada. March -Several persons were hurt here today In a riot as a result of the prohibition parade near the parliament buildings. In which sev. eral thousand persons, many of them women. In automobile, took part. Soma of the returned overseas soldiers took ex ception to an allegorical representation of "Old Man Ontario, on the water wagon" and attached a placard bearing the words. "We fought for you; would you deprive us of our liberty?" This was torn off by a marcher and a fight ensued. A half-mile-long banner, a feature of the parade, was reduced to shreds and mounted police were com pelled to force their horses Into the crowd before order was restored. Meantime the "water wagon" had taken a short cut to the parliament buildings. Premier Hearst, after hearing addresses by clergymen and receiving a petition from the paraders. which advocated a "dry Ontario," announced that if the referendum on prohibition Is carried the government will do ali In its power to enforce the law. 1" REMARKABLE CASE OF OMAHAFIREMAN Master Medicine Freed Him of Stomach Trouble and Nervousness. Gave Him New Lease on Lift By common consent ths Job of city fire man Is a most difficult one to fill. Aside from ths hazard to life and limb Into which hs Is constantly thrust hs must have unusually sound nerves. George Smeltser, driver of the hose, wagon at engine' house No. I la one of the best known members of ths Omaha Fire Department. ."I suffered wtth acuta stomach trouble for many years," said Mr. Smeltser. "It upset my entire nervous system. My ap petite was very poor and food would pot digest properly. I would have awful pains after eating. I could not sleep at night and In the morning I would arts feeling dreary. I became discouraged as nothing seemed to do me any good. "Some time ago a friend recommended Tanlac and I got a bottle. I have not been troubled with my stomach since I took It. It hss given ma a new leas on life. "I can eat a big meal without discom fort, and as for sleeping, well. I can sleep like a lamb. I cannot endorse Tanlao too highly." APPETITE BETTER THAN POET'S PLEA i When a man loves life, throws out his chest, and says "I feel great I can eat anything," he has struck the keynote of content and Is envied by all his fel lows. But when a man after being only a short time before all run down, nervous and unable to trust his stomach to accept even the plainest fare, then comes back Into his own, he Is so happy that he wants to make life better for the "other fellow" who suffers as he once did. That is the story of Jacob Ennis, day clerk at the Union Hotel, Omaha, "Tanlac has changed me from a 'grouch' to a normal happy man," said Mr. Ennis, "and I want to recommend it to the men and women who are 'all run down,' as I was. "My stomach was so disordered that no dainty would tempt me. I was nerv ous and could not get restful sleep. I awoke each morning feeling miserable. "Then I heard about Tanlao and tried It. From the very first I felt the im provement. I grew better delly and now I can eat anything, and say, but Tanlao Is wonderful." BnpartoTi Oeo. XV. Pis her Co. Button, Boberi "Clob, Table Book, J. X. Hyltoa. Taylor, Cask Drug Co. University Plaoe, aC. B. Chip per field. Wyaaore, Oeo. I. Plsher Oo. Wseving Watsr, Mater Drug- Co. York, W. O. Boysr. desired for all AGENTS WANTED