5 - NEW IINIHIJ WUXHYV i UUU U1UU11 1JJI.Va NEEDED AT ONCE Present 8trutur3 Entirely Inade quate to Handle Needs of City, Which Deserves Better. ITRST IMPXESSION IS BAD THK l.KK: OMAHA, TV MSI ) AY, MAKCH 7, 1!1f. Your .1 raw n o m Omaha business men without ex cpptlon are with The Bee In Its de mand for better union depot facilities in Omaha. When interviewed upon the subject, without hesitation they erpress their opinions, all being unanimous in their conviction that the union depot here is not In keep ing with the Importance of the busi ness Interests of the city. Many of the business men when Interviewed point to the fact that scattered all over the United States, cities nowhere as large as Omaha and none of them doing the volume of business transacted by this city, have union stations that are far su perior in all respects. The business men here when approached upon the subject of a union station, point to the fact that the one here Is out of date, totally inadequate and worst of all is a continual bad advertisement for strangers passing through the tity. The following are the opinions of )ow business men of the city look Ipon the depot situation as it exists t this time; Railroad Good Walters. Edwin 8. Jewell Most of people now JMnft In Omaha will be dead before we vcr get a Union depot here, If the rail road are an slow about It aa they were ! In Chicago. The Illinois Central there haj . an old shack of a depot for many, many years, that would not have made a decent cow shed. Railroads figure that a depot is a dead expense. an that if they bulM the finest depot in the world, not one more passenger will ride their lines by reason of the new depot. So they wait just as long as they can before build ing. C. S. Hay ward The present Bo-cal'.ei Vnlon depot here is wholly inadequate ' (or the purposes for which it Is Intended and it is a shame taac a c:ty of the sir and Importance of Omaha has to put tip j ii.ti iu i ntrre are lew viues or nan ine sliest Omaha that do not have. better Union depot facilities. It is a back num ber, antiquated style and not only much too small, but entirely out of date. Aita Dealers' Views. W. E. Foshler With the buslnoas that Omaha Is giving the railroads it Is tod bad that they do not appreciate It to at least the extent of giving the city a union fetation that would at least be re J porta ble. To people entering a city their im pression Is generally formed by the front that is put up. Enter Omaha from any direction and be landed at the Vnlon depot and the front that Is presented leads one to' the belief that the city Is run down and of little Importance. They get this idea from the Union depot that Is little more than a shed a depot that would be a disgrace to a city of 25,000 inhabitants. Here we have a city of ' 100,000 or more, one of the most activw and energetlo in the country, and still we are forced to put up with whatever the railroads see fit to give us in the war of a union station. I believe It la high time for the Commercial club, the Improvement clubs, the . other clvlo or ganizations and the citizens generally to ' take some action in the premises. We ought to get together and present a Solid front and demand a union station that would be a credit to Omaha. Either place It on the present site or somewhere .la, but let us unite In. our demands and Insist upon a depot that would be com- mensurate with the Importance of the city. Omaha has been pretty good to the railroads and it Is high time they com menced being good to Omaha. All Shoold Worlc Tosjetfcer. W. B. Weeks-We ought to have a bet .tcr union depot, and Ibelleve that If the people will get behind a movement, han dled In the right way, the railroads will give us what we are entitled to in the premises. We are pouring money Into the railroad treasuries and they ought to reciprocate to the extent of erecting a ' structure here that would be a credit to the city. They have done it elsewhere, and there Is no reason why they should not do something for Omaha. Omaha has never akcd the railroads for much, and now It is high time that we get together nnd make our demands and then follow them up. We will never accomplish any thing by silting around waiting for the railroads to take the initiative. . There Is no city that I know of that does not have a much better depot than Omaha. The depot that we do have Is of such a char acter that it gives strangers passing through on the tralna a bad Impression 1 or the flty, to ay iothing of Its being entirely inadequate to cur needs. TWELVE SCARLET CASES REPORTED OVER SUNDAY There were fifty-four new scarlet fever rases last week, as against sixty-five the previous week. A gradual decrease is noted by the health commissioner. The following scarlet lever deaths have been reported: George Shea, 1, 1325 South Thirty-first; Mildred A. Hart well, IS, 2014 North Eighteenth; William Gilbert, 12, 2476 Houth Eighteenth. Twelve new cases reported during the laot forty-eight hours, as follows: Fthy I.andrork, 6)S North Twenty-first Kdiih K'm, 3b-M Farnam. Mrs. Pullen. :f Florence houVevard. I'oimld flnrev, South Eighteenth. Uarol.l Miller. :!17 t-aiRtona. Amanda Mlarqtiard, Z'H South Thirty tbr1. ' Holgnr Uannerup. K.'l Pouth Twenty- iin p.venue. 2."70 tavenworth. Sllmore. 321 North Twenty-fifth. .Maryetta ( onlan. 17ia Cass. Mary paiiey, 26 North Thirtieth. Helen Dahlstrom. .'018 Bancroft. , FORTY-FIVE DARK-HUED i DAMSELS ARE PINCHED I Sunday Frank Hugley. 4IS North Foui teenth street, was robbed of 4U and It. -A. Warwick lost 190. Yesterday the police dragn-t captured forty-five (rijsky damsels, who were, taken to head quarters for investigation regarding the above robberies. RELIEF FUND BOOSTED AT BETROTHAL RECEPTION In response to an appeal made by J. H. I.'msky at the betrothal reception given t y Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Welnstetn for Mlsi rtrse Burnstein snd Mr. Myer Krlndel, Mini's y evening, the sum of V'.'V) was raised for . the Jewish war sufferer' re lief fund. I What Would Here is our guess: You would swell with civic pride that you didn't know you possessed. Omaha stock, in your estimation, would begin to climb. You would find, the dealer who handled Omaha-Made goods and tell him all about that trade mark and Omahawould boost for your home town as you never boosted before. . You can see that trade mark in your travels see it in every state in the union, in South America, Africa, Europe, Australia and the Orient, for Omaha Made goods are sold in practically every country. ' But why wait your support more BAG M AVUF ACTUR ERS BBMI8-OMASA BAD CO, lit aa Jaokaoa Bta, Douglas 1109. BOILER MAKERS . DBAatB-WIXJXAMS-MOtrBrT CO. S3d and aaiokory. Douglas 1043. BOTTLERS , OMASA BOTTUVa 00 CIS So. lHh St, Douglas 1100. Bx.otrr-sxxxBT BOTTLxaro co, laoa W.bstM St, Douglas 7388. BOXES rACKING . OMAHA BOX CO, East Omaha, Wt fe ster 413. XOaSMS-OTXiTirO CO., (Omaha ribr. V - Corrugated Box Co.), 18th aad . XaT.aworta. Sous: las 113. BREWERS BTOBX BXBWXira CO, 181 Bhsrmaa ATS, W.bst.r 881. cxts bbbwxbo co, 'eta aaa x,.aT.a- worth. Dooglaa 1498, nis nut) ssuswnra co, xiif Atud and Bool.vard, Trior 420. JITTEB BBBWXBO CO.. 80th and T sta. (Booth a). VIUOW BrXXBTGrfl BBBWXBO CO. 31 and Siokorr Bta, Douglas 130. BRICK MANUFACTURERS BTDBACXXO FXJBSS BBICK CO, 130B W. O. W. Bldg, Doug las 909. BUTCHERS' and PACKERS' TOOLS O. B. irrn CO, isio Capitol at4 Dooglaa 819. CASCO POULTRY AND CHICK FEED, (JOHN MEAL. ETC. CAaOO KIUIIO CO., 14th and Faul Bts., Phoussi Dong-. 1478 or 878. CEMENT BLOCK MANUFACTURERS OMAHA COBTCXBTB BTOSTB CO, B. W. cor. 88th Ats. and 8 abler, w.b t.f 880. CONFECTIONERY 9. J. O'BBXXB CO, 801-11 Douglas St Douglas 833. OXOXX.B ft DXBBIWO CO. 1818.1 Joa.s 8V, Dooglaa 808. COUCHES AND MATTRESSES X.. O. DOU CO. 101 VlohoUa lu Dooglaa laoa COFFEE, TEA AND SPICES YABMXBV-OXiBOBr CO, 118 Bo. 11th B4 Douglas 8338. axiBMAB-AMZxxcAST corrxB OO. 1117-1 Dodg. W, Dooglaa T18. CRACKER MANUFACTURERS ITBBT BZSCTTIT CO, Capitol ATS, 18th to 13th Bts. Dooglaa 8133. CRAVATS, BELTS, PURSES, POCKET BOOKS and SUSPENDERS BMXTK. X.OCBWOOD MTO. CO, 838 Booth 13th St, Dooglaa 83B1. CREAMERY. COMPANIES rAzmaxoBTT omajubt co lata sad Job. Hts, Dooglaa 1401. WATEXX.OO OBXAMXBT CO. HIT Howard St, Daoglas 140. COMMISSION, PRODUCE, ETC. xxmcxBBAtrv m bob. nro, 1aoa.1i K.ward at, Dooglaa 434. DISTILLERS XX.ZB 8t CO. WXX.X.OW BTBXWOB Bit, TU.X.BBT. 831-3 B.waxd St, Doaf. las 34. m0 , -,,''''''!! 0mahk ..V 1 S Elmo You Do? until you. meet it abroad to give it the at home. Boost for it here, where you tunities boost for it by Buying, Us ing and Serving Omaha-Made goods. The manufacturers would not ask this if . it were not to your own interest to patronize their factories. You get better quality the success of their product in other fields proves this and you get lower prices, for there are n6 freight charges in the selling cost; and you in crease your own prosperity by keeping your money at home where it will help Omaha grow. The manufacturers believed that if these facts were called to your attention more Omaha-Made goods would be sold in Omaha. That's why they have been telling you for nearly a year about Omaha factories. Nor have they been disappointed, for home consumption of Omaha pro ducts has increased enormously. But they know there are . a lot of home folks who haven't yet formed the habit of looking for the Omaha trade mark. . , . When you make your next purchase, ask if the arti cle was made in Omaha.' If it wasn't, demand an Omaha Made product. You will encourage the dealer to handle . Omaha-Made Goods. Cut out and save the list of Omaha manufacturers in this ad. They want you to compare their goods with the products from the factories in other cities. ELECTRIC COMPANIES OMAKA BI.XCTBUO UOIT i FOWBB CO., V. T. Bldg, Dooglaa 104A ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND LIGHTING FIXTURES BTjravOXSS-OBABDXB Oo, 1511 Bow. ard 8t, TjUr 881. ENGRAVERS ELECT ROTYPERS BdBTXB BBOB. XBOBATIBQ OO, 1818 B.ward Bt, Dooglaa seas. ENVELOPE MANUFACTURERS bxtbxx,bt xrrax.ora co. 417 bo. 18th at, DougUs 891. FIXTURES OMAXA nXTTTBB k BTTTrXT CO 414-18-18 80. 18th St., Dooa-las 8734. FLOUR MILLS TTFDIXB MIX.X.XW0) CO. At., W.bstar 48. 1613 Bhmaa MANUFACTURERS 1 KOINDH1KS 'astlDg and Saah Weights. OMABA rODWDBT COMTABT, . t Jscksoa St. Dooglaa 843A FUR GOODS batxobax, nrm a tab-btzbo) co. 185 BO. 13th Bt, TTlsr 10. GAS COMPANIES OMABA OAS CO. 1808 Bo ward Bt Dooglaa soft. HATS OMASA BAT XAOTOBT, 1381 Domgla Bt. Douglas 444. ICE DEALERS BOVX.K'B XCB 8) OOX.D BTOBAOB OO. 1384 Chicago St, Dooglaa 80. OMABA XCB 8) MoCagro. Blk. Dooglaa 489, OOX.D BTOBAOB CO. 18th aad Bdg. Bts muni 1 t m t. . .,t. . ..... Deserve Omaha I' MADE, IN toMAHA fry"! u.s.a V -TV. glad hand?. It needs have so many oppor- ICK MACHINES I lint 1 era worm co, itk aad Bloholaa Bts. Doajrlaa 1841. LAUNDRIES . arOBTAMXXi XtAtTBTDBY O. 1T0B TlB toa Bt, Dooglaa 8frM. XXMBAU. UVkUBT CO. 1B0T.84-11 Jack so a St, Dooglaa 1. ruaXTABT LAtlDBT, 804-18 Vaaaaas St, Xara.y 1TT1, LEAD WORKS ' x,AwmavcB bbot a xjbab co., ms totj Booth Omaha, D.oglaa 1888. IvODGE SUPPLIES CODOB BtrmY CO. nil Taraasa Bt Dooglaa lo. MACARONI ' Bxixra-BB MAjnrracrtranrs oo 14th aad Jaohsoa Bts. TrUf laa. MOxXUMENTS 1. T. BLOOM 8) CO. 1T08 OsjaUag BU sag las 47a. ( FURNACES BTAV9ABVB rVBBACB 8) STTFTXY CO. 411U8 Ba. 10th St, Dooglaa SOS7. (Msshit all cart aad Wl all sual foraaoaa. MIRRORS and ART GLASS WINDOWS MXDx,Ax xasa 8j VAXBT CO, 11th aad Boward. .Dooglaa Tl, OILS X. T. BTCCBOIB OtX. OO. 804 Baltd Bldg. Dooglaa 888. PACKING HOUSE PRODUCTS BWXTT ABB COM7ABT. Booth Owtaha. Booth 880. PLANINU MILL BAVX3BBB BBALTT UrTBBTaCBBr OO. Orouad rioor Baa Bldg. Doa las 888. PRINTERS BOOK AND JOB OMASA rsXBTXBO OO lth aad Taa. a am, Dooglaa 344. COAST B M.UBYXB, 1407 Baa.y Bt, D.oglaa 8444. ADDIiERT t. M. BABTBT 8) CO. 818-lT Bath 18th Bt. Dooglas 44. . STARCH MANUFACTURERS DBXtABCB ST a BOS OO. 84M OojalaB at, Dooglaa 1T0. SERUM MANUFACTURERS O. X. BXBXTM CO.. 8838 ! 84. Booth Osaaha, Booth 463, AXTXXX, BXBXTM OO, Booth Osaaha. Booth 488. OBAXS BXX.T BtmXT CO, Xbhy Bs aaaga Bldg.. Booth Omaha, So. 34. Booth Omaha, Booth 848. TANKS. CULVERTS, GRAIN BINS, AND OIL DRUMS VXXBABKA k IOWA STB a I. TABS CO.. 1301 BptOO. St. W.hstsr 878. TENTS AND AWNINGS BCOTT-OMABA VBBT ABB AWXTWO . CO.. 11th aad Bam. Bts, Doog. 848. TIN CANS AND SHEET METAL OOBDOB LaWlJIl OO, th aad Dodg. Bts. DoojrUa 444. WOOD WORKS OMABA WOOD W0BITB8 OO. 181 Maroy Bt, Doaglaa 884. WHOLESALE GROCERIES raxTOir oiiuom, touu Bota 10th Bt. Douglas 888. 4 f . . -.-. RAFRONGE I af-w 1 .TlunrT7fp