Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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German Attacks on Fcrtt Tavannei,
Vaux and Other Point! EepuUed
With Enormous Louei.
LONDON, March . The Central
Nwg correspondent at The Hague
says dispatches received there from
the front show that the Germans are
making vigorous efforts to capture t
Tort Tavannes, four miles northeast
of Verdun, but that the French are
resisting them resolutely. Inflicting
heavy losses on the attackers.
Stubborn fighting continues nrar
Verdun, the correspondent says. The
Milage of Vain no longer exists.
More than 10,000 Germans carried
cut an assault upon the French po
rtions at Vaux, hut, the correspond
ent says, were repulsed with heavy
losses, several German lines being
swept away, by the famous French
75 ..
It Is also said that twenty-seven
tralnloads of German wounded have
left the Verdun battlefields for Oer
rr.sny. adar Go4 Oar for French.
PARIS. Merrh e.-Testerday was a
good day for tho French at Verdun, ac
cording to Information received this
nv.rr.lng end public confidence Is greatly
strengthened by the news of the con
tinued repulses of the urmtn attacks.
Ia military and Political circles lively
satisfaction Is expreseed retarding the
situation and the opinion now begins to
prevail that the great effort of th
Germans will be more easily disposed of
then was at first expected.
Hating failed to make any Impression
on the Douaumont position and on Vaux,
to 11 right, the German general staff
determined to smash the French left
on the Vacherauvllle V.'oodeote du Polvr
position. Without regard to cost the
best troops were hurled forward, but
with no more eucceea man elsewhere.
Pomeranians and what was left of the
Brandenburgers daahed themselvea vainly
against the French, who stood as Im
movable as a rock wall.
As at Vaux the Germans finally fell
back, leaving heap of dead on the
ground. The French Infantry, supported
by their formidable artillery, which will
never henceforth lack ammunition,
showed themselves able to resist every
On th left bank of the Meuae artillery
on both sides thtmdered sll day long. The
French Infantry in that section had lit
tle to do, but It remains there ready for
any eventuality, although the military
authorities beilevs It Is extremely doubt
ful that the German will attempt to
storm the Mort Homme key position, for
to do so they muat deploy over a plain
a mils wide under cross-fire from the
height around.
It Is chiefly the French srtiUery which
la Involved,' in th. Woevre fighting. TITe
French hold the outskirts of the village
of AJanheuIlos firmly and have stopped
all attempts of the Germans to debouch
In that direction.
An Idea of the relatively email per
centage of French casualties in the Ver
dun battle la considered &s deduclble from
a statement made by a lieutenant wl
has arrived her wounded. "Our losses, '
hs said, "are couiparatlvely slisht. My
regiment, for instance, had only forty
seven killed and tlilrfy-flv wounded.'
This la email for a unit which hna twen
acting as support and which was er.j-aj.'tl
In tho roost violent of the fiehting."
(.Continued from Page One.)
cToso for some time and Mr.
Faker Is said to be In close sympathy
w ith the president's policies and is known
to have bad the support of some members
of the icabtnet for the war office.
When President Wilson recently we
touring the middle west on his prepared
nee program he talked with Mr. Baker
in Cleveland. Mr. Baker has been In
Washington frequently of late.
The thirty-day period for which Major
. General Hugh L. Scott chief of staff,
waa designated sweretajry of war ad ln
tertm. will expire March 11.' It la be
- llevett Mr. Baker's nomination will be
sent to th senate before that time.
Fortr-Ponr Pears Old.
Mr. Baker is 44 years old. H was horn
In Martlnsburg. W. Vs., and at the age
of tt was apponlted private secretary to
Postmaster General Wilson In President
Cleveland's cabinet- In 187 he began th
practice of law at Martlnsburg. but not
long tiwieafUr moved to Cleveland, where
hs became city solicitor in 19u. lis held
this office for ten years, until his elec
tion as mayor.
Mr. Baker has received degrees from
"' Johns Hopkins and Washington and Lee
universities. For years Mr. Baker has
been closely identified with th reform
movement In Cleveland and has taken an
active part in th street railway contro
versy there.
Fight foe Lower Fares. f
When Mayor Tom Johnson died, Mr.
Baker took up the fight for lower street
ar fares in Cleveland, argued the case
before the supreme court and finally
brought about an adjustment of the street
railway franchises In Cleveland.
At the time of the Baltimore conven
tion when President Wilson waa nomi
nated Mr. Baksr was prominently men
tioned for the vtoe presidency because of
the fight he made in support of Mr. Wll
sun. lie went to the convention as a
Wilson supporter and fought successfully
against the application of the unit rule
to the Onto delegation.
Mr. Baker ia highly regarded by th
Meelder.t as a lawyer. Mr. Wilson wanted
the place filled by a lawyer because of
legal questions constantly arising in IU
administration. '
Mr. Baker Will Mat Talk.
CLEVELAND. O... March -Further
than to aay that he felt complimented
and grateful Newton Viehl Baker would
make no comment today when Informed
he had been chosen secretary of war.
Mr. Baker la a thorough believer in na
tional prriiaredneaa. He was a student
under President Wilson when th latter
was an instructor st Johns Hopkins uni
versity. To Cor. ti4 la oa bar.
Take laxative Bromo yutulna Tablets.
iH-wifslstj .refund money If it falls t
iu'c. K. W. Grove's sigtuitur on each
t.i ::-c AdvertW-iiitnU
BRONCHOS Remarkable photograph made at Lake
Worth, Fla., showing the famous alligator tamer riding a
"terror of the lagoons." Jim ropes alligators as a cowboy
lassoes cattle. '
(Continued from rage One.)
la the duty of every patriotio congress
man to stand with the president. Ws rec
ognise his constitutional rirht."
Representatives Ragadale of South
Carolina and Neeley of West Virginia
and Adsmson of Georgia, democrats, and
Kahn of California, republican, urged that
congress lesvs the prevalent unhampered
In handling diplomatic negotiations.. Rep
lesentatlv Sterling of Illinois, republican,
contended that a straight vote shoull
be taken on a warning resolution.
No Time for Cnanare.
Representative Mondell, republican, of
Wyoming, author of a warning resolu-
tlon. said it was ho time to svpeal to
patriots to change .the. attitude ..of .tho
If this house voted lis convictions on
wsrnlng passetigars. a resolution would
carry by a two-thirds or Jhree-'ourthe
bte." he said. ' '
This is so true that certain grntlo-
nen have been dodging the Issue so tl.ut
there would be no straight vote."
Representative Sherley of Kentucky,
democrat, declared that the McLemore,
resolution was not one of warning, but
of repudiation.
"Men of this houee." ft said, "hsve
heralded to the world thst the McLemore
resolution would pass by a vote of two
to one, and that information nas neen
carried abroad so ss to paralyse th arm
of tha executive. The president Is Justi
fied in asking such sctton ss will ssy
that the president doe or does not rep
resent the view of America. Men her
In congress by foolish talk have been giv
ing, not Intentionally, of course, aid and
comfort to the nation; which ar in con
troversy with us." , .
Representatives Foch, republics, of
Pennsylvania, said that members of con
gress had reports that there was infor
mation In tha archives of the (State de
partment that 'would "mail us tremble."
"If war Is as rlose as that." hs added,
and there - is information available to
prove It, I would - like to know what
patriotlo cltlsen, he he president of the
United States or any other, would hold
such, Information from this congress."
Wilson Sfceald I peak.
Representative Moor, republican, of
Pennsylvania, asserted that th house did
not know what the ' president wanted It
to vote upon; that at one urn the p rent
den sought to smother the McLemore
(solution In commute, and later urged
that It be reported, lis insisted that in
president ought to ' send a mesag to
congress on the subjec.
Representative ' Lenroot of ' Wisconsin,
republican member of the rule commit
tee, said as he understood the situation,
the house would be asked tomorrow te
determine whether It would sustain the
president on the International question
of aymed mercliantmen te any. extent that
may be neceoeary to maintain th posi
tion he ha taken.
"Germany or any other belligerent,"
said Mr. Lenroot, "Is interested In th
attitude of this houee only In one re
speet. and that . Is. How f sr . will the
congress of ths United States go In sus
taining tha president? In this Issue, th
congress has only one constitutional pre
rogative, and that ,' th making of a
declaration of was. I am not prepared
te decide that question now. I am not
willing to vote to a us tain th president
te the extant , of war on this issue, nor
am I willing at this time to say that un
der certain circumstances I would not
so vote.
"Therefore, when the proposition cornea
up tomorrow, I shall vols sgalnat this
rule, because I went my hand free and
untrammelot to vets on ths Issue of
war when it might properly coma before
us. Those to favor of a declaration of
war. if Germany will not yield on this
issue, of course, will vote te adopt ths
"I do not want this house te commit
itarif ons way or another, Leave tae
issue in its present stag In th hands
of th president where it properly be
longs. Until the time comes and I hope
i . aevaa, uv uiui i-iuiiee ana i nope
' it n.ver will r,. .hM lk. .
consider . It In the performance of it, duty, let the preaulent alon.
, .h. hi. ....
in the diplomatic negotiation."
Tfclaka People tor Wsrslsg.
Representative Towper, .republican ot
Iowa, a Id that whlla many provisions o
the McLemore resolution were objection
he believed Uis majority of democrats
and republicans and the people of the
vountry favored a warning resolution.
Representative Hopwood. republican, el
l'em hauls, crliRi.-d the president' j
net nt uV( Ifttaltoii that lie apuld jati.o
. i
hear from the firesides of the country than
from the congressmen in their cloak
rooms. "About 435 of us here represent
firesides," he said. ''The president can
not possibly know as many firesides as
the most of us know."
Representative Norton, republican, 'if
North Dakota, said he hoped the house
would vote against the rule and put the
resolution squarely before the honte s
thst it could he amended. Represent,
tire Plait, republican, of New York asked
what ships Americans In the Isolated,
countrle would travel on If they were
warned off armed merchantmen. He
pointed out that the United States had
few ships and therefore t was almost
necessary for such persons to travel on
belligerent vessels.
In an address thst closed the debate,
Mr. Mann again attacked the procedure
under which administration leaders' pro
pose to reach consideration of the reso
lution. He told how the resolution had
been tabled by the foreign offalrs com
mittee action, then restored. to a place
on the calendar, now to be tabled again
by a vote of the house, if the rule carried.
"It la a silly procedure,", he, sa d. "Those
who favor the bill being let id on the table
';ou)d have left It there. It will be no more
lightly attached If the house table It. If
you wont an opinion on the warning
resolution there should be a straight vote
of the. house on It."
owa Farmers Sell
Walnut Timber
for Gun Stocks
CRESTON, la., March 6.-( Special.)
The walnut timber of the middle west is
playing a big part In the European con
flict. Thousands of wslnut tress from
Iowa, ' Missouri, Nebraska and other
states In this part of the union have al
ready been converted into gun stocks for
se on the riflss which are being shipped
to the belligerents.
The industry is growing every day and
Is becoming one of the real big Industries
of the many tn this country which are
the outgrowth of the great struggle
across the Atlantic. While' there has
been a market for walnut logs right
along, practically the entire supply was
obtained from the larger forests of the
country., and the price has never been
such, as to induce the farmer and land
owners of the agricultural atatee to hew
and market the small and scattered wal
nut tree in this section. .However, the
wsr has placed a high premium on thle
kind of wood, and many land owners of
the middle west ar taking advantage of
John Long, a farmer who resides
near Talmage, Ia., ehtpped a few daya
ago two carloads of valnut logs to a Dee
Moines mill which Is devoting almost Its
entire energy since the European war
orders began to flood thl country to the
making of gunstocks. This same Iowa
farmer Is still felling the walnut trees
on his timber land and expects to have
several more carloads ready for ship,
menu within a' short time.
Pioneer of Kearney
Meets Death at the
'. . Age of Eighty-Two
KEARNET. Neb.. March . (Special
Telegram.) Mrs. Maryanne J. Tolbott,
Idow of Major John Tolbott. died at
the home of a daughter- neart hie city
early today, after an Ulneae of two
weeks., She was SI year ,ot age and w as
cna of the pioneer residents of this sec
tion. Ier husband was one of the army
officers located at Fort Kearney In the
early tOs. He died five years age. .
Mrs. Tolbott endured a'l of the hard
ship of pioneer life..
All of her life since 1SJS had been spent
on a' farm two miles west of the old
fort. Her homo la located on the old
Uoby lownsite. She wa sa native of
Waterford, Munster province, Ireland, and
was united In marriage In Manchester.
England. February Z2, ISM. Comscg to
this country In August of ths same year.
the Tolbott located at Jefferson Bar
racks. ' Later they moved to Fort Leav
an worth and thence to Fort Randall, S.
P.. flnnlly comlnc to Fort Kearney la
U5S. . She was the mother of eleven
children, three of whom still survive. They
are Mrs. Lucy Dels Barre of Kearney
Mrs. Josephine Laylor of Newark, Neb.
snd Mrs, Paulina Weakley, panvllle. Ill
b'xteen grandchildren and twelve area
grandchildren also survive.
Funeral services wll be held tomorrow
morning at 10 o'clock from St. Jamec
Catho'ic church.
laVS-ft, JSAhktisi
Kt to the b'ltuallon Bee Want Ad.
(Continued from Page One.)
to a friendly chief of hi tribe, and they
have rendered a great public service to
our state. The spirit which prompted the
gift Is truly colonial and patriotic, and
worthy of the women who have made the
. presentation poesible.
I "Ixmgon Fontenelle was an Important
I factor In the early history of Nebraska.
It Is well thst his name and fame should
he perpetuated. This picture will prob
ably hang In the Hotel Fontenelle long
after we have passed away, and most of
Da hsve been forgotten. It will serve a
a link- between the early pioneer days
snd the Ister growth and prosperity of a
Sreat commonwealth. It will do more
than that. It will teach the lesson that
human life means progress In ths arts,
science and civilisation. The race or
nation that cannot go forward will In
evitably be overcome by the onward
march of men, stimulated by ambition
and the higher ideals of life.
The history of the Indian Is pathetic
We have not always treated them with
kindness or consideration, and at times
we hsve been faithless to our treaty
obligations, solemnly entered Into with
them. As we look upon the picture of
this greet chief we must remember that
If we are to preserve thle great country
for our posterity we must cherish our In
stitutions with patriotic pride and keep
step with the progressive spirit of this
wonderful sge in which we .live.
in behslf of the Company which I
have the honor to represent 1 thank the
Colonial Dames for their generous gift,
snd ss a cltlsen of Nebraska I wish to
express my profound appreciation of th
contribution they have made to the early
history of the state."
Klmoall Kxplaln Pointing;.
Thomas R. Kimball, in explaining the
portrait, read several tribute to its artis
tic worth from well known artists. He
said slso:
"I see In this picture an Indian brave-
noble and dignified enough to warrant
the claim of descent from Rameses the
Great, draped in a robe with line of
Greek simplicity and of exquisite tex
ture, yet truly the regulation garb of
the Omaha Indian of a half century ago.
The face, while preserving a distinctly
French character, U still aufflclently true
to the Omaha type to Justify the paint
er's effort to securing th actual skulls
of several Omaha Indians on which to
bsse his Interpretation of that time.
"I see. or think I see, a glowing sunset
sky beautifully typifying that prophetic
sunset which so soon shall finally usher
out the hereditary sovereigns of these
United States, who, through no fault of
theirs, are destined to go down to pos
terity in a light as false aa It Is cruelly
pnjuet a light wholly of the white man's
Mlasonrl ixt tho Bswkarrowo.
"I see too, an accurately drawn back
ground showing the Missouri and its
banks ss they were when the Fontenelles
called the place ' home;" and, as, through
tha most fortunate of chances, they still
are today, when the Fontenelle Forest
association hopes to secure the region for
a permanent parkwhere under stste
protection Jt may be as u red a continu
ance of intelligent care for all time.
"I see, too, symbolised la the small
gnarled oak at the right of the picture,
the cl'nglng protest of this most nnfor
tunste of the races of men turainat It
wholly undeserved fate.
"And I trust I, see, too. what shall
prove a lasting historic protest against
tha propaganda o( those who would have
s believe only 111 of the aboriginal races
whose ravished lands we occupy."
The niembers of the society made the
salue to the flag" in these words:
To the Glory of God; Snd In grateful
remembrance of those, our sncestors.
ho throuKh evil report end lo of for
tune, through suffering snd death, main
DruoQists Know Best Medicine
During the twenty-five years that I
have been selling Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
Root I have never heard a complaint,- aa
my customers always' speak favorably
regarding it. Three parties have informed
me that they have been restored to health
by the use of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root
after suffering from Rheumatism. Liver
trouble and Gravel. It I a pleasure to
me to sell Swamp-Root aa I believe It te
the beet medicine on the market for kid
ney, liver and bladder complaints.
. ' Very truly yours,
1104 Ilth St., Cor. Monroe. '
Lynchburg. Va.
Personally appeared before me this 1st
day of November, 1915, Ed. Roethleln.
whe subscribed the above statement and
made oath that tha same Is true in sub
stance and tn fact.
Notary Public.
letter to
Xr. Kiiiuar Oo
Btnghamtoa, ST. Y.
Prove Whit Swamp-Root Will Do (or You
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer Co.,
Ulngharoton, N. Y.. for a sample sis
botti. It will convince anyone. You
will also receive a booklet of valuable in
formation, telling about the kidneys and
bladder. When writing, be sure and men
tion the Omaha Dally Ree. Regular fifty
cent and one-dollar else bottles for sale
at all drug stores.
increaaee strength el
delicate, nervoue.4
miMlavs people ivs
mt eoat In ten days
In many inatanouav.
tl forfait if It
fails as per full ex
planation la large
article soon to ap
pear ia this pepor,
lit vour doctor of
Iruggtat about It. fiuermaa A oloOunneU
Drug otaree eJweya carry it in atook.
"fljf'"- ' JaSBsBstk
I at tV ft
1 Hf I . e I (to f 1 ' t
. - . -
tained tout hearts and laid the founda
tions of our country we. the National
Society of Colonial Vnme of America,
pledge our loyal and affectionate al
legiance to these our flags.
The Fla a" Soag.
The ImpresKlve ceremonies closed with
"the Flag Song." the music composed by
Mrs. Myron L. Leamed of the Socley of
Colonial Dames and ths words by Hon.
Wilbur D. Nesblt. It was sung by Miss
Silver. Mrs. Miller, Mr. Hunt and Mr. Mc.
Crary. .
Afternoon tea was served by the hotel '
management to the society snd Its guests
In the bsnquet room, following the cere
monies. ' j
The program for the occasion vii a
handsome book of thirty-two page,
adorned with a photograph of the paint- !
Ing and numerous drawings and sketches, j
hlntorleal data and so on.
The movement by the Society .of
Colonial Dames, resident In Nebraska to
present a painting of Logan Fontenelle )
to the Hotel Fontenelle bepan May W, I
113. In November, 1314, a committee con- j
listing of Mrs. Lowiie Childs, Mr. John i
C. Cowln and Mrs. Myron Learned wan
appointed. '
The eminent portrait painter. Mis?
Ceccl'a Beaux was considered first to !
execute the painting. - When she learned
It -was to he a ftilt length rlrture she ';
declined it with much regret, but recom- :
mended William Andrew Meckay, whose
work has "proved eminently satisfactory, t
, 1
Spanish Ship Hits
Rock and Goes Down
8ANTOS. Braxll.lviareh .-The Sranlsh
steamship Principe De Austria has been
sunk by striking a rock. It went to the
bottom In five minutes. Eighty-six mem
ber of the crew and fifty-seven passen
gers have been brought to Santos.
. "Little Comrade."
Is a term complimentary to any wife,
but how few now-a-days deserve the
compliment! If Ill-health prevents women
should remember that there la one tried
and true remedy for their ailments, thst
Is Lydla E. rinkham's VegcUbls Com
pound. This medicine, made from roots
and'herba, has for forty years been al
leviating the suffering of women, mak
ing them healthy and strong, snd better
wive and mothers. Advertisement.
- Washington A ppola t men ts.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, March . (Special Tel
egrn'rn.) Arthur C. Schwarx has been ap
pointed postmaster at Rlckett, Crawford
county, Iowa, vice J. H. Dethrefs, re
moved. ,
Rural letter carriers appointed: Iowa
Adel, Bert N. Hicks; Gladhrook. Joe E.
Y9rtjr U.,ih VknWAt t ! I. I t T 1
C (lrbn- Pvl)ln l,.hn U T!m
Nebraska pensions granted: Aoellade
Coker, Sutherland, 112; Km ma F. Berger, i
urn. u; juua cua ninitn, Aurora, (12.
T ie Rug and Carpet Depsrtnrsnt
of tits Raymond FurnitLTe Com
pany Covsrs An Entire Fleer
of Their Roomy Quarters
M 1513-1515 Howard
. . Street ; :,
The Importance of suitable floor cov
erings thst combine well with your
other furnishings is known to us all.
One great essential In producing tha
beet effect in the appearance ef your
living room,' your' dining room or re
ception hall is a correct RUG selec
tion; no matter how expensive or
plain yoQr furniture if the floor Is
out of HARMONY the effect that
PLEASES is destroyed. .
The stock of rugs that you will find
at Raymond's is one of the big FEA
TURES of this new store. The best
mill products of the East make up this
large stock. The selections were made
by a buyer ' of wide experience
equally familiar with the buyers' prob
lems when on the rug and floor eov
erlng market and the demands of
your present day wants. . '
This department will be In the hands
of a competent, practical rug and
carpet man, and your purchases will
be made easy. A stock so complete
covering such a wide range of pate
terns and sixes along with Intelligent
assistance in helping you to find Just
the piece you are looking for and
then at a PRICE that represents such
a SAVING to you that will at one
appeal viewed from the standpoint of
the dependable quality of any selec
tion you may make. If it la a rug
you now need it will pay you to watt
Just a few days until you can have
the opportunity of looking ever this
splendid new stock. Ths rug and
drapery stock now on our floors, as
well as our later spring shipments, was
bought at mill prices before the. re
cent sharp advance in prices were
made this SAVING wUI be passed di
rectly on to the customers of the Ray
mond store.
A short time ago THE MIDWEST
LIFE filed its tenth annual statement
with the Insurance departments of Ne
braska and Kansas. Its total Income for
the year 1915 was IS4.437.27 and Its toUl
disbursements were fl29.ttl.72 leaving an
excess of income over disbursements of
I126.0C6.5S. Of this excess tUI.70S.T7 were
required to take care ef the Increase in
the reserve of Its policies.
The company made a gain during ths
year of dM policies carrying tl.W7.tttl of
Insurance. At the end of lilt it had
f7.Ut.tS6 of Insurance la force and Its
assets amounted to f71t.Soe.t3.
Wben you are ready to take that policy
you have long Intended to buy, call or
N. Z. 8NELL. PltsiDlST
same Boi-runaratDK un occukcz on.!
cisiiit, tGiHTti eieifii eaeeiis.
r A.rissir s i.a,tiBsciiii
The Fashion Gnrlcr offiie Middle Wesh-
Est aHI'ishcd 1886.
The Vogue of the Separate Skirt
, Skirt designs have never been bo at
, tractive as they are for this Spring.
Silk Skirts
Silk Skirts are meeting with general favor.
In dark and light colors, also plaids. '
$12.50 to $39.50
A choic showing of clever new sport skirts, $6.50 to $15.
Skirts for street wear . ... . . . .$6.50 to $10.50
Beautiful New Millinery
$10,$12.50 and $15
The Millinery Section is
abloom with exquisite
Thompson - Belden's is
the one place in Omaha
where discriminating
women will find exclu
sive millinery styles
that are inspired by the best that Paris creates
developed in the prettiest and most practical manner
at prices that are less than are asked elsewhere
for ordinary hats. "
It is impossible for the average millinery establish
ment to sell hats at the low prices we denote.
Hundreds of charming styles. No two alike, at
prices ranging from fo r fi?r
V'ti'US i 6 i
fcTSaTiS At the New
Fort Dearborn Hotel
CtaSaiie Street at Van Buren
Direction of Hotel Sherman Company
1-'.. . s!S i-s ' j ,.'
FNfT -
r ";-.'..j j-i -v'.v',' t , -,-.!
a nan Saal ' I ' "Sll ti'r HI"! t ' I'- 1,V arStaweaeAalMMMtWS
What of her husband whose love
and ambition blinded him to her
A picture you wilt never forget.
Pilose! So-lOo. rrom 1 to 11 a, n.
TOscoamow ajtd totbdat
Tcrpin's Scncol of Dancing
twenty-eighth aV Farnam. Vew Classes,
List your nente oo. Private lessons any
Una KAJLsTSY 4.14 i. .
Where the Omaha B
Universal Animated
Weekly May Be Seen
Shapes and materials
are all of the best
exceptional values at
the above prices.
Millinery Section,
Second Floor.
50 pdny
Wo Higher
A 5f US Big Elf T S.
Tiro best or vavdbvills.
Dallv Matin. I U.
tnn NUrht. I 11.
Other Ants this wmmkl
Baroae Whipple A Wai
ter Hostoe; Jam B.
rwaeraa A Mart Lest
MoCload A Oar; tlf
Ict Statara a Jaaaar
Blnrer: Htrsrhel Haao
ier; The TaMyo; Orpbmta Travel Weaklr.
Prion: Mstlaea, aaJlerr, las: bast easts (
tat Batsraar aa4 Suodar). Mc Nlaata, Ms. tha.
Sue aus IK-
"OxiAJKAii rvrtj enrrn."
Bally scats.. lB-lA-AOe
XvngSn 16-ft-0-78J
Aaotnav e( sUi ptaget's Mlg atnowa
HttLX "AiJVAJJY" I Vaadenils iBelaaas VL
rr the "tiohl,r'e unm.: Ql.
. I Uraiasar: HarvaM Biatara,
meivi aVaalc PnOiietloa sad a Tralcal Sate-
(VrMqTie Bliuralr OownM Bosatf Ctoru.
. Zaaaiesr Slme MaUnee Week Says.
Xhe Ptsungnlahad. America Oomodloaao,
TBI MAansra ovia or lCM. ice.'
peolal Matin Friday.
T1rhs, goe to ti.eo. aCats., tBe to L
to8S,TE KruG
Worth rothere tnoe Oe.
Today, Tuesday and Wednesday
CHASMS -noinCABr Preeeate
ardoa's Oeeat Imtoraatlonal Brunt
OoaUanoaa TaadevlILe raote Plays
' r? II t'Ka l'ClllV
Vy ' ' ii n i and TIlL'IteiDAV
alls Ants a.ainrt!"c r-y tt ;ae.
VI a ' . ....... a a
rf '
sWi BVnrwsafkM) h