TIIH BEE: OMATIA, MARCH 1015. Want-Ad Rates cabs wrrm oboibi C pur word arh Insartlcsa peelal BttNl Farm and Ranch Lands. T pr line lnrlxs (Count alx word to the Una I FORFIGN ADVERTISING tTNDER AGENTS OR H ELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: ft fr word nn lm lHc tr word "."." r coneecutle tlmee CKAJAOS AT. Pe rr line V, ...U To per line three consecutive tlme (Count lx words to tho line.) no ad TBKCir om tM tmaw A TOTAL OF too O Tit loa rmt pat. CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES: I0e per lino aeh tnaortlo (Minimum rharge 60 cent) Monthly Rate for atanding ade na change of copy) U 0 Pr (Count tlx wordato tho lino.) Coatraat ratoa oa aopllcatlom. TRF. BEE will not bo reirponalble for mure than ono Incorrect Inaertlon or an advertisement ordered for more than one time. arivm-riairna .imiM rataln recolpta given by Tho Be In payment for Want J AOs. aa no mistaxe can us - without them. CBK THE TELEPHONE If you cannot conveniently brine; or ami In your ad. Aak for a Want Ad Taker, and you will rr4ve the name rool service aa whoa) delivering your ad at tho office, - ' PHONE TTLER 1080. WANT-AD CbLtTMNS CLOSE evening mmoN lr.ta m. MORNING EDinONS : P. 1C THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAlLT. J-uiwarg ma question "Whora to go tonight" Downtown. EMPRESS. 15TII AND DOUGLAS. Scllf. Tribune. No. II. Pel. What Happened to Peggy, t reela, Bio. A Leap Tear Wooing, "fita Hopkins," Kal. THE FARNAM 1416 FARNAM : DRUG 0 ED-WATERS Five-reel Red Feather. GaT'DEN. 131 FARNAM. Tried For HI Own Murder. Vltagraph. RUIIe'e Lucky mil, I.ubln. WutT Wurra, Kalem. 6c Program be. PRINCES 1317-19 Douglas. Msrssret Gibson and William Clifford In "The Heart of Tare," a 6-reel Mlya try of the Far East. Mutual Master picture, lie Luxe. And a selected Key a'nne comedv. North. GRAND. KTII AND BIN NET. "Powder." 6-reel Mutual Master plo ture, featuring Arthur Maude, and A ROM rnmHy. LOTH" HOP. 24TH AND lAjTHROP. Comedy Night, "Just for Fun." Charles Murray In "The Great Vaeuum Hobbery" and "Fatty and tho H road way Stars." Introducing Roscoe A r burkle, Weber Fields, fim Barn ard. William Collier, Mao Sennett and others. Month. A PI.f jCt Mi LKAV'liN WORTH. A Qurnllon of Rlaht and Wrong 1 1 urn leKea a i;nanee, ivaiem. 'me Klfth mn n, flOULKVAKD. 3Jd A LKAVKN WORTH. TonlRht at 7:li and t:4o. Tho five-act Klelno feature. "The Final Curtain." And pBtho N. ' - Wet. MfVROH 2ji.' FARNAM. "Vetiaeance I Mine," t-act Motuel. Maeter picture, featuring; the popular 'r, I'rene Wllbtir. Alao a'mil comedy. KoetH aide. liLffriii THKATKH. 24TH AND N. Five reela of excellent pictures. OK I'M h. CM. MTU AND M. "I.Ulo of the Lulu Seas." "Sanitarium Kci amble." comedy, "A Clever Collie's Come-Back," comedy. "At the End of Their Hope." comedy. t'... - , 3 s tar Features These ara Special ExAra-Ueel Features now appearing at the following Theaters. APOLLO, m LEAVENWORTH. Tha Fifth Man." iikZZE', JiTrl' AND N. A feature reel every performance. liOL'L-iVARD. JaD AD LEAVEN W"'TIL Tha Final Curtain." tMPfttSS. FIFTtKNTH 4k DO UG LAS What Happened to Peggy. grAnTT 1STH AND BINN11Y. Powder." J-reel Mutual masterplotura. featuring Arthur maude. EOTHROP. 24T1I AND LCTHltoTI Comedy nlrht, "Just for Fun." Charles Murry In "The Great Vacuum Robbery" and "Fatty and the Rroadway blare," Introducing Rnscoe Arbuekle, Weber and Fields. fUm Bernard, William Collier, Mae Benneit. SioNitoii. HU& FARNAM. "VtniiMnra Is Mlns." fc-ait Muiti 1 rnasterputure, featuring the 'popular eisr, lurid wiiptir; aleo a good comeity. ORJlttLrM, 24IHANirN7 "I.lllo or tha Kulu Bess," featuring Har old Loekwoodj iRiNCLtiS, 13U-1 DOL.ULA-. Margaret Gibson and Wm. Clifford In "Tbe H-att of Tsra." THE; FARNAM7 1416 FARNAM. "DRUOGED WATERS." ' Flve-ree Red Feather. UK A f 14 " A N D fV M K K l. N f VcftiT li RIN KH K.dwaid, axed .' eara. 'unerHl from Cole-McKay Co.'a par lors. 2iJ Farnam St., Monday at I SO p. m. Kervlces in chapel of Nebraska IxxlKe o. l. A. r . v A. M. All Ma sona rcqueated to attend. ETTER "Want-Ad "It has always been the effort of this paper to keep, ahead of its patrons' needs and desires, and. wherever possible to increase its facilities and improve its service. Phone Tyler 1000 nr'Tm nn r t t. otkb, tlAl'HULKUM. WHY bury your dead In tho cold grtrund In atormy weather hn you can buy lornb In a marble build ng ( reaaonah a price T Tel. M A I'SOLKl! M CO. P. 217a, FMHIST. HKST yfAI.ITY ITT flowKR or r Hilt. Art t omMnationa. ehlpned eer where, Kx'ellrnt e-rvlre to ir cie tnniere In pint ynr rerommenda IIF.S tit sVn'l'A Hir Kwrnwm tt. IV InOI. ItATH. flotNt 14 lurtinltl St I . L, Ht:NlKHl(IN,"ll iolia D. Ill MemSer FlorUta Telearapn "!. Aae n A IVOVAOHUK. I:i hrne. lu 1'iot. LOST FOUND REWARDS OMAHA A COUNCIL HL'TFK STHKt.T RAILWAY COM PAN T. Teraona havlnc loa aomo article woulfl ta well to call up tho office of the Omana & Council Rluffe street Railway company to aauertain whether tliey left It In the at reel cars. Meny artkl eacn day ara turned In nd the company la anxloue to teatoro them to tbe rightful owners. Call Done;, if. IK TUP I' lrtilns ""I "HI ArrlM H km, ! will urvir reccver tt It fnune h? hnui ftrtom. Hmarhbl reeertfi are broeikt ttmui mr day thronrh tlile eoluma 1H1 UW-hoK tin tot rttle are ((rrrted la kanvlof th the state Urn It ftrt ta rqnlrnt tkem to h tfce nn Ikruafk aartlBnt aae otherwise sue UM s tellers to 4m so. If ssms esa be snnse. Is ols s sTrs eansttr r , LtiST-iir 24t h "trcar H.itiday evenliia blark vanity case contalnlua purplo rosary, b-ala, name on troea. Call W e hs te r 2 M. ,ot r sTiinVa Phi F.psllon fraternity pin; lieart shaped, st with pearls and gurnets. Call o. 2.1 la,y'!jl,'W-J!.J LtiriT Liberal reward for purse cotitaln Ina; $40 or 4.r and valuable .apera. Jo- aeph t err. 2.v H. inn fi. fTrnf Airedale female doe;. 1215 Jonna Ft. Tel. Uouglaa 3C or Colfax lil. Reward. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Psrnltnre and Honsehold Onwle. tMAIIA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair hi.it trraaes made over In new tloKe at half the prlre of new ones. Phone ua for sample of ticking-. VM Cuming Bt. Doug his 24C7. RF.A L snap,- furniture of email rooming house making good money. Cheap if kn t nni'a. Owner leaving city. jiotiglas KXii. ALL RKl'AI RH Water fronts, furnace polls, etc. (jiiick eervioo. unnin oiov Repnlr WorkBjiaO-aj.)oijga. Tylor to FuilNliURKl barKaina: beda.ir; tahies, chairs, ruga, mis stoves, l, lieildlnga u( all klmia. 18i N. Mth.- Webster 1M. AM moving and wish to sell furniture or eight-room nouso enure, vuuiim TiiJI. . OAH stove In exchange for work vr cash. liar. 4-.. Plaaoa and MnalouIost rnmerils HT'V'HM'lTH No! 5 model; best cash offer takes It. K 4t, nee. FjHliEU upright piano, tlb. T-I Paclflu Hf. ti:!,''r J""!'1 h- A-J.''"Sf- -1i,liL ?'.vifi!L ilvrr anil Jllll c KJ x Inree. SfoUU lixt'ures, le box 12x7xli, full glaas front, for meat market; i Layton scales, counters and shelving. W. L. Abul, Clarks, Neb. . EipMKS e7"ii, scales, snowcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture A Hupply Co.,414-H-lM H. 12th. I oug. Jewelry , Illamonds, H'sh-hes. mttr'l'.A AKi 8 "lucay wedding rings" at 1'iih and Poiiglna his. 4 lothina, WE buy and seil tailor male suits and overcoats, f rleiiman. nil uougina -i. evrlnar Marliuifa. SKWINO MACUINES. We rent, repair, sell needlea and parta of all sewing machines. MICKKL'H ; NKHRAHKA CVCLK CO., 15th and Harney His. Doug, lAtg. 'fistwrll'ra and lasiiliai, fTEw machlbea aolti the aamo aa rent (1 per month. See ua before you buy or rent. Shipped any place uh ten days free trial. iJutte Typewriter fixvbatiga. am 8. lih. Omaha, Neb. ' iTlULAND 'Rib HON AND CARBON CoT We make them In Omaha. What? Typewriter ribbons. Supplies for the office. Pouhlaa 2147, f'-'H Hee Hldf. bl'KCI Al Ouai n teed tyiwwriter rlb hona S for IL Reliance Ribbon aV Carbon Oi., DoiiglaaM42. 'bh'sT'" cash offer lakes U. C. Hntlth vlat- ble typewriter, Olson, r latlron hotel. CTTaK A NTH K Typewriter Ribbons, Jii per ain Hints Typewriter r;xc. am n. mn, fll'-NT an Oliver typewriter 1 roo. tor $4. Oliver Typewriter A gency, kw ram ajo. 4VP1-.K Wri' l-.RS aold I. reiueo r?l)lrdT Cenirel Typewriter F.xc. 105 Farnam. P JbfwTUT L R for rent, t month. U. Put! s Typewriter F, xc. Sl H. Hth Bt. tTrlN ir a ' Roinliiaton" net just a type wrlter. Low rent. Call rvulus IMI. Marhlnerr and KalaM. XJ1,1 V' f coiit-bnd mot" ItljH nmgiwtoa. I.a B rs, dynamics, run Kloctiio Worka. l-i H. V.'th Ht. 1. amber, Rnlldlaaj Materials. ALTTkINDS OF UMBER FOR !ALE. I eed In construction of bulldliiKj In first class condition. Call Doug. JUT. Printing; anil IMftee Mupplles. ONrJ writer rces for prliituiK linitntlon typewrner letters; one invuipi sanitary cl; h I r; one coll Hps Ido HQ-cart. Tel. W.T 1 6! Wat KRS-HARNHART Pta. Co., quality prlntlnn Tel. How. 2IW. 624 H. 13th Ht ( rjiN I RA1. I Tlntlntf t O. Dili ' 111., AS S.M. TiOI'ULAS Printing Co. Tel. Dona las" 64T Billiard ana Pool Table. FOri BaLENow and second-haud carura anl pocket bl'llard tablea and bowling alleys and accessories; send for cata logue) aaay payment. The Brunswick tialke-Collender Co.. 407-400 B. 10th BU M Iserlla neona. THE EXCELSIOR. "Ta Olde W glnky Hbop." We sell atandurd bottled In bond whiskies; lu and 13-year-old whisky a specialty. Jit 8o. Uth. St. Foil KAI.K C11LAI'. Ruslness t'ollege Course. Full and complete .schnlnrs'ilp In one of the best Omaha business schools. Good reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worlh full price, hut wfll te sold very reasonably. If Interested Inves tigate at once, because spring term brums soon. There are a variety ot courxea for sale For particulars Inquire at the office The Omaha Pee. M Y high standard of quality will ' fee maintained; 4 quarts of Old Fontonelle whisky. 13.S5; bottled in bond. Henry Pollock, mall order house. Dou 71t; IM-IM N. lMh St. ALEX JETES' LIQUOR HOUSE Thirteenth and Douglas. Rottled-ln-hond whisky, kic. 1.00. II. 2i. fn'l oimrv rVri BALK-Dry. clean, klndllmt wood, delivered to all parta of tha city. Phone louiia 1567. FOR SALK- A fllct crocheted bedspread. S, Pee. Ad'trvss V l)"ll'T7k'fk set of Talmud rew. Address A 44. Pee. 10 volume s. AUVEHTlSn, lout prupeity as iliou.h yiu blieed its sale or rental to be Important, by keeping It Hated In the Pta liouae. Home and Real Kitute Quide-TlIF Bt-K ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COCNTlf TRKAMHER EMMET G. SOLOMON 'FROPF.GAAKD'R "Luikv Wedding H'nra'at and Douelts "ita KvereM sn'ddrsiiT'snton It'lk. I . yT. t'Ahli'.K Hhei' Metal' IP- i 1 "l li HI f.XKItrisK AT y M C A Husi'neaai men l:rrllhls for Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, aunburst. box pleaCng, enverod buttons, all sixes and styles: hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Plcaling Co., 2M Douglas block. Iiouglaa i:J. C'oatamre. TMR largest stock of masquerade and theatrl'al costumes In the country. Theo. l.lflicn Wll. 1SI4 MowlM. l. 4' I V gllEATRICAL so'wna, full dress sult, for rent. N. 17th Bt. John Feldman. Cleanere ana Dyers. STATE Dry Clng. Co. 120 N. 12th. D. 6071 Drees naaklaaV LAI'Ik.' suits remodeled In the latest at yle, UII Famam. Douglas . Fiph. Qre-sinnKiiiK. nneraiuins. I. L 1 1 l'-HH MAK IN U and pialn sewliigT Red 4rH. 1AY work. VNHMiiiim, eewltig. I td. twi9, )IH8 .MOTTA. rlrei-sinaker ,6 S. 24 Ar Rejster'a DreMnpingjCll"clt y Nat, 9jerryTiremak'g college. 20th A Farnam. Chlropudlata. Carrie J. U i iford. W" Pax, rt'k. Hed ISSG. klriiprartiira, Bplnal Adjoslmenta. IB BUnilORN, and Farnam. Wcad Bldg. D. m,; I aimer SM'hool graduate. tir. J. C, Lawrence, T Haird iddg. 1. M1 D-nt:ata. rr. Pradbury. No pain. 1J W.O W. Pldg Tait Dental Rooms. Ii7 Douglas. D. fi. " Jostlcea ot tho rrser, M. H. CLAIBORNE, M2 Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public; deposition atono. c7W. BR1T1, aiuHarKer Block. Drugs. DRUGS at cut prices; freight pall on fir) ordera; cataloguea Xieo. Sherman A lac Connell lrug Co., Omaha, Neb. Flxtarva and 'Wiring;. TlTTT?TCTM Electric washing machines, VUlUVUt electric Irons and reading lamps. 2223 Cuming Ht. Doug. fl. Aocoantants. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A, 43.V4CT Ramge Bldg. Tel. Douglas 740$. Groceries. UHoCF.Klhrl, frulta and veKetabies and tender. Juicy meat lrompt delivery. Tom Johnson's Branch Store, 6d26 N. 2tth Bt. Phone Colfax 1541. 'nrrters. CAM KNEETER. Ifao Farnsm. Red VO Bio lug Picture Blacttlnee. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Mo tlon picture machine and film hargalna. Uaaclsg Instruction. PRIVATE lessons social dancing by Chambers' pupil. For terms call Har ney 6J67. Patents. P. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. 1. A. Mui ges. tt.) Brano is i heater Bldg, Plana luatrucllon. Ragtime piano playing positively taught In w lessons tu turning, ivai. ia Wince and Liquors. BUT your family liquors at Rllen't ..Liquor house. Ml N. ltith. Douglas l". Isrpeslrrs and Contractors. Leasard A Son, 11 Capitol Ave. T. HXt. C. W. llxkanson. fcos l.vnwtli, Tyl. SIITnjT J. J. YOL'NU. M Miami. Web, 17:'7. Detectives'. JAMES ALLAN, 112 Neville Rlock. Rv. LANG Nnt'nieteclive AHcy., Inc. kee- Hne Bldg. U. 4M. ntnci i y conf ldentlal. furnaces aid 'iTnwarau HABER8TROH. 4u2ti Hamilton. Wal. 8WT1. " Ll Btotilt teiuatiuleaers, MARTIN BROS, ft CO. KxrhangeBlda. Ialnlliia and Paper JlauMlns. lllGH-CLAHM work, low price. Tyler im' ITlGH-CLAHS work, low price. Web. 7!;. Towel gnpallea. OMAHA Towel Supply. aiT S. 11th. D. 623, Usleubala Pnyalolana. gOSBPHINB ARMSTRONG. 615 Bee Bldg, Trunks and Malt Cases. FRF.L1NQ A PTF.1NI E. lSW Farnarn Pt W a Ick guvclallsis, Chrlstlansend fLPaxton Bk.. 18 yr. exp. ' Weddluif glallouerr. " IWed ding announcements. Douglas Pfg.Co. asvrruaisg Nellea. M. F. Fhafer A Co . 12th-Farnam. p. 7474. Allorneaa. C, TV Dickinson. 511 Paxton Big. D. 14 llakerles. g. . REEDKR. 1606 N. lgjh. Web. 27. llraaa and Iron Foundries. Pexton-MltcjielCag7jhand JUartha 8ta DanclnHT AcaUrmlee. DE LUX ACADKMT. Ill H. 18th fit Electrical kryalrlua. " C A HILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bid. D M7. Kleclroiyaw. VTloa Atlendar. C24 Boo Bldg. Red SCSJ WANTED TO BUY WANT BL'TTKR AND F.UGK Will pay the highest market price for A-t country nutter ana rresti eggs, write for information to BOKHb TRODUCE CO,, SOS park Ave. Harney 4,1fi. br.CoNl-HANT5 trTi hammer, emery stand, dlso sharpener, power drill, band saw and belling U Llndblad. North Platte, Neb, DESKW DESKS DESKS Nej( deaks, used deaka. bought, aold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. SWAPPERS' COLUMN BREAK-OPEN H. A A. revolver, pair spring skates, siae 11: F.diaon Home Phonograph; single-shot rlflo; ralr hip boots, siia 0: new canvas shotgun caae. Want typewriter, shotgun, rolltop desk, or what have you. Address s. C. 10.4. Pae. J INiTtTkhoLL wulch, ne . on hunting care watch, 10-year guaranlee taao, with to kdd cliiiin, about lo slxc, ex cellent timekeeper; want motorcycle, Victrola, pump shotyuti, rolltop tek, ("tilt revolver, mandoTn, comet, kodak. A ddrews B. C, VX. .-e. rTOAOSTH.lu iiKlilwul.bt. two-paaiute7 115 roodol. lust ovoihaule.1 and fully equipped. Will swap for the best 1911 model motorcycle or motorcycle and aide car outfit 1 ran get; but It must be A 1 condition. Address 8 C. 72. Bee. 7 Buff OrpliiKtoii duck, the greatest lay ers on earth, laying every day; will trade for. buff Orpington chickens, or what have you to exchange 7 Address H C. 1o.w. Omaha Hi. 4HKKU while slave feature film with paper; trade for auto In A-l xindlt!uu. Box t5;i. WANTED TO TRADE Team of draft horses weighing H.7H0 lbs.; also harness and wagon, for second-hand auto or farm, or what have you? Phono Web ster 3404. SMITH "Wmlor typewriter to traae for what have you? Box 8. C. 1031, Bee. and Put an SWAPPERS' COLUMN HtGH-GRADP. plavcr plsno. brand tn; must be seen to he sppreeiated; hfoe no use for It and will consider liKht auto, diamond, or what have you? Ad-,r- B. C. 1"2. Pee PAIR lineman a spurs or chml'ers, rain Crt. ,V. biriTtil liew ; T-'.ver-1 t-n r y tisffTy rsxor. .'4 h'anc.i, nevrr imeq. want M.TOflolln. rolltoo d"k. or. what hive you? Adlre B. c. P02. H-e M.IUHTI.Y used K-foot Michigan steel bull 6-H, P. launch. Trade for road ster, or what have you? Box 8. C. lVi. Ttce. ADDING machine, will exchange for auto. Bond books and book case. Die tores, diamonds), office furniture or wnat nave you. no t. v. inn. Bee. $-'2 gas range and household furniture for any kind of poultry chickens, geese, ducks, pigeons Helxlnn hares, or a horse. Address 8. C. lino. Bee. TO TRADK A Gibson concert guitar. A-l condition, for A-l slide trombone, nigh and low pitch, with case. Homer Fields. Cedar Bluffs, Neb. ONH 1"-Jewe watch, 20-year case, and one leather handbag to exchange for typewriter, or what have you. Address f. C. YXl. Bee. TRADB for auto, furniture of a S-room house, closo In, full of roomers: brines In per month. Rent Box H. C. r.H4. WILI trade 1 good light l-eprtng wagon, 1 hand and root power saw, 1 foot mortlser for truck or Ford chassis. Ad dress 8. C. 102i. Bee. 1 HWAP, buy and sell kodaks: films developed free. KABR STUDIO, Ne vtlle Blk.. Ifith and Hwrney Hts. 1 1IAVE a good 1,000-pound catclty motor truck I. It. C. make, trade for chassis, or what Tisve you. Address fi. C. 6T4. Bee. VAf Kb To" trade quarter of Tripp county land fop- stock of dry good. l rawer k. winner, o. i. TWO young thoroughbred Hamburg roosters, will trade for hena. Address B. C. li7. Bee NO. x7 of last week can awap enlarging camera for kodak or other property with H. c. ltttii. nee. W HAT have you to offer for a dandy lot in Albright, clear title. Want dia mond. H. (J. MI. Bee. PAIR of mares and horse for sale or ex change for good Ford. 1'hono Harney ifM, I HAVE a clear title to a lot In Al bright for sale or trade, worth $160. fl. C. Run. Bee. TWO auto head lights for Preat-o-llBht with electric reflectors. Address B. C, 1021, Bee. MIRROR 64 x 24 Inches for bedroom door. to trado for anything of equal value. What have you? Address S C. 1029. Bee, GOOD hunting rfng, pointer, to trade for cornet or library table. & C. 1038. Bee, HAVE good furniture; will exchange for motorcycle. Box. 8 C. 1020. Bee. VELDING outfit to trade for good turn ing lathe. Address C Sl!, Bee. WHAT have you to swap for a very fine Anirora cat? B. C r.", Beej MEAT market for property. O 827. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED. INVESTMENT $500 WITH SERVICES WILL BRING BIG RESULTS TO LIVE MAN. A HIGH-CLASS BUSINESS THAT CAN BE HANDLED. ONLT BT A MAN OF GOOD REPUTA TION AND REFERENCES. ADDRESS T 200, BEE. FOR HALE 5,UOO general merchandise stock, good location, doing good busi ness In excellent community, a good op portunity; good reasons for selling. Write at once. Y 284. Bee, for full in formation and terms . $j00 WILL buy half interest in Omaha picture snow tnat win maae a-.cwo to $3,500 a year. One that can take ac tive management preferred. Would consider part cash, C 642. Bee. 1.N V KHTMENT $r!oO. with services, will bring big results to live man; unless you are a hustler, don't answer. Call be tween t:3 and 12:00 at Hotel Rome and ask for Mr. Taylor. RESTAURANT in south part of town, doing good business; value $2o0: will trade for automobile. Clarence Kenny, ZOO H. 17th. Iqng. 4K!4. FOR SALE New stock of general mer chandise. Will Invoice $1,700, Postofflce In connection with atore. Good country and good money maker. Answer at on. Address Y Bee. MOVING Picture Theaters, real bargains; machines, repairs, supplies, accessories, new and second-hand. See us. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO . Palrrt Bldg. Doug. J. FOR t-ALE infants, children a and la dies' furnishing atore at David City, Neb., at a barcaln: best location In town: doing aa excellent business: want tojtlre Box No. .Vi6. David ''Ity. Nab. FOR SALE A good, clear "variety stock, and good location. In live town In east ern Nebraska; stock not large. Write for partk-ula re to Y 2M. Bw, . FOR SALE Good, clean, stock or Hard ware; live town central Nebraska Good reason for selling. Be quick. Ad- dress. Y 257. Bee tow3 Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out more mdse. stocks than any other firm In U. H. Write for terms. EM ALL CIGAR FACTORY tor sale. Go ing concern. Good reason for selling. m . 'mpson. nine mil. incd. WILLIAMS, established 19 years, to buy or sell bua'nrss; see him. 411 McCague Bldg.. reference U. S. Nat. Bank. BLACKSMITH whop and i lots for sale, $4.7iH), part cash.- Write E. C. Gross, Knlerlm la. OFFICE tar real estate or Insurables; same floor as Bee office; 12x21 feet; $34, Tbe Bee Bldg.. Office Room 10 f HEATERS Buy. lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater F.x. Cc. 140 Farnam n i'?. Foil BALK Bakery tlH to J-'i per day. md building: sella 7123 Leavenworth. Hee at once. T7 SELL or buy a bualneaa. call eg Buseh A Borgnoff. Frenmer B!k. P. MOV f"0 Ci l- T In or out of business call on OANORSTAD. 421 Be Bldg. Dong. 477 SITUATIONS WANTED . YOUNG man with good character want Job aa carpenter and painter; been working five years on this line; amall waxe at beginning. Address Jack Evans, General Delivery. SlKA.MU.lt In city would like to find position. Anything considered. Can give very best of reference as to honesty and ability. Call Colfax li.ll. call for Jeaae Irahatn. CoIaVRKD boy. thoroughly experienced III art, needlework and all kinds of hoianework, good cook and can furnish best or references. Ill O. Zith St. Har ney tsm. lOl'.MI man wants position in automo bile business as repair man or as chauf feur. Has had four years' experience in this line and can furnish best of refer ences. ( all Duug. .,.2. Service for LESS MONEY The Bee's Want-Ad Section is a great pub lic service institution that works for everybody big and little rich and poor it's benefitsmusf be available to all with perfect freedom. Ad in Now Results Are Sure SITUATIONS WANTED Male. WOULD like to get In with ane reli able auction bouse as auctioneer. Col fax 1U. No. 67 N. Mth Pt. Jesse Hortinm. Yof N aifrtloiieer in" olnsha would like to get In with some good licensed Auctioneer. No. iron N. 34th St. Call Colfax ill I. J. F. Oorham. ALL kinds of odd Jobe and jsnltor work by hour, day. week or month: experi enced in all line of work. Webster 50.:t Ak for Johnson STaRRIEIi man of ST wants work on ffirm. with separate house. Ira Wright. Redlrk Ave , or phone Coif aitris. i Position as an sll-arojnl cook in a country hotel. J. 11., 1101 S. rn m. FIR.4T-C1ASS sltekerman or plineiman wants position, P. O Box , Florence. JNO. P. CA RIBBON. Pslntlng and Paper Hansrlng. 342 N. 3Bth St. H. IS80. Female. l.stL'1, miimip KKni. reiineri, compe tent and good experience, desires a jw- sition to taxe cnarge as a nouseKeeper In family of two, no laundry, or to take care and be companion to elderly lady; references can be furnished. Web ster 3214. Call morning between 10 and 12 o'clock. TtKLl ABLE colored girl wishes house work or any kind of work. Willing to leaving city. Web. 1512 Laundry and Day Wars, WANTED Day work of most any kind ny rename coioren gin. 1'OUglaS nol. ."v i' it a i I've n;v ;. ; ; ,. cleaning or laundress. Tyler 1,1 V 111 L.' aa,l..a nn .1 .. n. L. V. , ' V .-'..-- " .... i k -ill R Li J ir imrir riuuirij ivuiirnri, 11. Jiw. PERFECT bundle washing, reasonable. Harney 9fil. Experienced laundry or cleaning. W. TO. Pmall family & bunilie washing. Web. 15:19. W ASHI.Mi. lace curta'ns done. Tyler 1144. BUNDLB and family washlmr. H. 1044. LAUNDRY, was h I n g. cleaning. ITar. Ml'. BUNDLE washing; neat work. Web, 21577 LAUNDRY. Ircnlna. flY, S. 27th.' H. 4U WANTED Day work. Call Red 7:28. ANY kind of day work. Douglas MSI VABHINO nnn d iron In g (olfix 2-''. Nv'OMAN wsnui day work. 1460 8. 18th" WANTED Day work. Call Tyler 2o0. ANY kind of day work. Harney 1780. HELP WANTED MALE Korea nasi offices. WANTED TRAFFIC MANAGER. Trafflo managers are In demand. The field la most fertile for an ambltlou man to arise Into a high salaried posi tion, $2n0 per mo. and up. Special coach ing and training, 14"1 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER and clerk, one able to develop In better position with old es tablished firm. Experience not neces sary If competent. Salary depends upon ability, from $50 to $65. M 636, Omaha Bee. AN experienced furniture man for posi tion aa shipping clerk: must understand construction of furniture, refinlnshlng and be able to handle men; $75. J 63J, Omaha Bee. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. we find a position that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE REF. CO.. 1016-16 CITY NAT. BANK BLDG. FOUR STENOGRAPHERS. $6fi-$.0-$5i; NO FILING FEB, only 60c to look up references. THF MARTI CO.. 1327 W. O. W. Bide. HTF.NO.. clerk $ 7S.O0 BTENO.. out of town 75.00 BOOKKEEPER. Inveetment 12.1.00 THE PAXO AGENCY. 600 Bee Bldg. SALK-fMAN, city. $150 to $2o0. itenn. and Bkkpr., $75: Steno.. $70. WATTS REF. CO.. S40-42 Brand. Thea. Professions and Trade. WANTED A good horseshoer and black- amitn to go into business ror himself; good location and large building 'down town); I can furnish some tools: rent very cheap. R. Rumbel, 1424 Gust St., WA NTEI FirHt-class harness maker at once. John L. Wells, Belle Fourche, 8. D. 1 Pri'g store .maps, Joha Knel.it. Bee Bldg, Salesmen and Solicitors. MAGAZINE MEN We want a district manager In this locality to represent us on . our Installment magaxlne offers; good proposition to experienced men only; state all in first letter. Postal Subscription Co.. Minneapolis. Minn. ADVERTISING SALESMEN. Toting men who think they are salesmen and can aell advertising spare to merchants can land a perma nent position with good future if they can make good. Want clean-cut. live, wide-awake and aggressive men who can get In tervtewa with business men and tell their story in an intelligent manner. 8ALARY AND COMMISSION. Tell all about yourself In first letter. i Address B 9. Bee. IF you can prove your ability aa a salesman on commission I have a sal ary and commission position for you. Tel. H. 5776 after p. m. WANTb-D Three good salesmen to work with new advertising ladles and men's tailor-made clothing, all expenses paid. Salary or commission. Address R. M. Hendee, sales manager. Mankato, Kan. Wanted Book salesmen to take up the se.i.ng or our new edition of Shakes pen le. Hpecinl Inducements to live men. Call F. D. Browning. H2 Balrd Building. WANTED Stock and bond salesman? Standard Security At Investment Co., 13u7 W. O, W. Bldg.. Omaha t PORTRAIT solicitors, see ua; something new; nig ana quicg money. Z2g Neville Blk. WANTED Reliable salesmen. Standard Security and Investment Co., 1207 W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. rA LESM A N WANTED Call 623 S. 16th. Hotels aad Kestanraats. RELIABLE employment aaency. 1610 Davenport Bt.. headquartera for hotel help; apec. attention to distance orders. Trade- Brhaols. SAVE $25 SEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAT OFFER. It you can t atlenu Uay school you can hold your Job and at the same time get your automobile education If you enroll In the NIGHT CLASS OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOBTT.R SCHOOL, 2406 LEAVENWORTH. RED 3110 MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn the trade. We have originated a plan to teach It quickly and earn back tuition while tearing Tools Included. Open to every one. Write for catalogue, 110 So. 14th St.. Oni a ha. Neb. LEARN liarber trade, more than make your tuition while learn ng. Set of tools included. Job guacanteed. Call or write tor catalogue. 1402 Dodge. TR1-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. MEN wanted to learn the laiber trade. Tuition. $-'&. UK Cass St.. Omaha. OMAHA BARBER COLLEGE. HELP WANTED-MALE Trade grhnnla. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work for Ihe Mg spring rurh. Fine training work on autos and electric stnrtlng systems. AMERICAN ALTO COLLEGE. M Farnam Bt. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Namee of amhitloua men. 1. or oxer, wanting Railway Mall clerk po sitions. $75.0. month. Answer immedl- stely. Y .41. Pee. TJ! K Government Wsnts Clerks JP. month. Omaha examination April 11 example questions free. Franklin Insti tute Dept. 2'l M.. Rochester. N. T LOCOMOTIVE tlremen. train britkemen; $120 monthly. Experience unnecessary. Rsllway, Y Bee.- WHAT he had to Belli An automobile, a motorcycle, a summer cottage, a Morrte chair. And he Bold 'hern through THE BEE Want Ad colutnoa HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WR have a large list of stenographers, bookkeepers and clerks. Tell tia your needs. No charre for this service. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, Dnurlss 124. THREE 8TENOORl'HF.H8v t35-$4n-60. NO FILING FEB; only toe for looking up references. THE MARTI CO.. 1327 W. O. W. Bldr. JUBT completed four all modern, oaa finish, walking dis. bungslows. Smnll lots, but fine close-in location. Da. 3.T2. STENO.. fi; Steno., ft4: Steno.. $50. WATTS RE-F. CO., SKM2 Brand. Thea. Professions anrf Tmdea. WANTED A few experienced chocolate dippers. D. J. O'Brien Co. I.EARN hntrdresstng at The Onpenheim. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Chambermaid, .Lyons Hotel, 11.1 N. 13th St. Household aad Voaaeafle, WANTED At once, capable college oi high school girl to assist with light housework In exchange for room and board and car fare; new bungalow; Inn scorn Park district. Call Harney 1286. PKEfc. Ada for servant girls accepted three daya free of charao for residents of Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring, send or Phone your ad to THE ne-ts oriice. r-pone tyier iouu. WANTED Good girl for light housework; a really good home to the girl that Is wanting one. and treatment Is the best; wages are fairly good. For further ln formation nddress 'JI M9, Bee. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work: no washing or ironing; good wages. Harney 1465, or call at 3611 Jackson Ht VVANTE1 Neat white girl, about 16, to help with light housework. 3060 Wool worth Aye. Harney 1421. EXPERIENCED maid for general house work; three In family; $6 per week; references required. Colfax 50. GIRL wanted for general house work; no washing: references required. Tom M c Shane, 141 N. 41at. Phone Harney 2241. "WANTED Competent general house work girl, no washing, good wages, 4 in ramuy. iai m. wtn bt GIRL for general housework; no wash Ing; small family; white girl preferred. 611 N. 20th St. WHITE girl fcr general housework; no washing or cooking. 2025 N. Uth St, Webster 4961. WANTED Neat white girl to alst with housework. 4 Doueins Bt. Wal. 11K2. MIDDLE-AGED lady or girl to help with light housework; no pay. 2764 Grant St. Weh. 8135. WANTED Housekeeper. Call South 12S9 after 7 p. m. evenings or South 129 day time WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing. Mrs. 8., Nathan, $116 Cali fornia. - WANTED Competent whit girl for gen eral housework. "., Farnam. Har. 718. WHITE girl for general housework In small family: good home. Colfax 629. WANTED Gil1! for general housework; lerman pirrerreu. uohkim ffiiu. WANTED White girl for housework; no washing, tong Burt St. WANTED Girl for housework. 1S0J Park Ave. Harney 3365. MAlD for general housework. Call at 2&38 California St. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply at 2218 Burt. HELP WANTED M A I.K AND KF.MAI.K. $20 TO $35 per month extra money to any employed person without Interfering with regular work. No selling, no ranvaaslug. . Positively no investment. Unemployed need not apply. Address The Silver Mirror Co., Inc., 123.W. Mad ison St., Chicago. III. EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with jood reasons for sell ing, a variety of course In a reliable Business School, one of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha, Will be sold very reasonable away below reguar price. If yu are considering taking a caurse Investigate this at once, since Spring Term begins soon. Call office, Omaha Bee. FOR sale, the following scholarships la a fltst-class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination tusinesS and shorthand course. One unlimited. stenographic course. , One three-months' business or steno grephlo course. Win be sold at a discount at tha office of The Omaha Bee. PAY SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. . NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day la enrollment day. Book keeping. ' Shorthand, Stonotype, Type writing. Telegraphy, Civil Service all Commercial and Engll-h brancnes. Cat alogue free. BOYLES COLI.EGH, Uth a.id Harney Sts. Tel. Douglas 1565. Till VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men aad W'omen.- Saturday morning class In typewriting. lone C Duffy. Owner and Manager. WW fl. 11th Bt. Ornnha. SCHOOL, OF MODERN LANGUAGES Class or private lessons. Lowntown s:ndj .. Phone Web. tp"4. PAXT ONBlk. School of Lettering and Art teache paying tradea privately. R. (11. HOTELS HOTEL SANFORD. HOTEL HA RLE Y luth and Farnam. 20th and Farnam Special Ratea lo Permanent Quest. In accordance with this policy The Bee is now accepting Want-Ads over the telephone at the CASH RATE of one cent per word all you have to do is pay the collector when he calls. PERSONAL Piloa, Fistula Cured. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures plies, flstulat and other rectal diseases without surgH cal operation. Cure guaranteed and vi money paid until cured. Write for book, on rectal diseases with testimonials DR. E. R. TARRY. 2W Bee Bldg. $23.00 REWARD Will pay $25 reward for Information oil whereabouts of E. C. Martin of Bagley,. la., $9 years old, 160 lb., black mustachej last seen wearing gray chinchilla over-j coat, red aweater, black fur cap. Notify Claued E. Nichols. Bagley, la. RHEUMATISM, stomach, liver I and kidney trouble, goitre, nervous ness and asthma sufferers are sue- j ceasfully restored to health by ma Examination "ree. s i Call Suit $12 Be Bldg. j DR. W. II. KNOLLENBERO. Chiropractor. Tyler 1998. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, r4 eulta gttarant'd. Dr. Bowser. $14 Bee Bldg. U,Mt TO PENSION INVALIDS. " Th- Ili4i, llnm- Ii.Pn.. sL The Saturday Evening Post 1 61 The Country Gentleman $1.01 11 subscriptions by April earn that) $3.ono for The Invalids' Pension Aas'n. Your order or renewal contributes 60v Phone Douglas 7163, or address GORDON. THE MAGAZINE- MAN, Omaha. Neb. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aJ strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building) at 17th St. and St. Msry's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Lookj for our travelers' guide at the Union Mtsiion THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, msg azlnes. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will rail, call and inspect our new noma. iiio-im-iii4 Dodce t DRS. JOHNSTON o. Chiropractors, ol Sheldon, la., wish to announce theln location at 2407 N St.. S. O. Consultation! Tree and invited, pnone Kotttn 401K. T?. TT P T1 TT T? Tf. Successfully treats " w - without a surgical) operation. au cr write ura. Wray inuineny, jam nee mag., omana. kTIl AW k.ta jtvJ,"lnnl. I1U. vi a ... ),.... Paradise and aigrettes cleaned and dyed, fra r.iHeic. u. onq. ii.Tq c 1 1 y iNai 1 BK M AttUAMIC. AVT. VTA CCI) ( ITIlfl cniropociy. Misses orsy and Head, 210-f 214 Palrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. D. 45j PERSONAL Misses Staple and Shaffepj bath, electric treatment. Open a. m. to! p. m. uougiaa 713. 401 ware Blk. UHAPL AT ED lady operator. (JlilroDtt tic, electric treatment, houra 10 to Miii nonge Ht HIGH clasa ladles' tailortna. H. Fischer Flomar Hotel Bldg.. 804 N. 17th. Tyler 237., MAE BRUGMAN. steam and ahower baths. Massage. Rett 1727. Room 203, Karbach Blk. I, L. W. Zeigler, will not be respond alble for any debts contracted by myi wue, .Mrs. a- t. Zreigier. MASSAGE Miss Webster, 51? Paxtooi Blk. D. 3227. Red 7631. after 6:90, p. m SCIENTIFIC maseage. 620 Be Bldgj a 1 1 1 ' 1 1 o uu 11 h 1 rm uo 1 , , FOR RENT ROOMS Famished Rooms, REFINED business aentleman in, who n modern) would appreciate fine room in home. West Farnam. walking distance. Call Harney 61B8. 26TH ST, 211 S. Strictly modern, frond room, single; refined family: close InJ ri . 1 1 uwt ' . i.iiii, euui.B fvmr. 2UTH ST., 614 N. Have aeverai rooms Juail vacant which I will rent to people want-4 itg a noma. Douglas 631. ELEGANT rooms; walking distance; fori two or three gentlemen; private fam-4 iiy; aiso single rooms. H. zsth pt. NlCb.LV furnished room in West Far nam district; private family; breakfast If desired. Call Harney 6370. J10 S. 26TH ST. Modern sleeping room.! walking distance, hi block from Farnam, car. riirncy ims. LARGE modern room, private familv. Two gentlemen preferred. Harney 1823, ROOM for gentlemen, cheap. 621 8. 26lh, Ave. Red 6W7. LARGE room for two ladles, 1103 S. 81st; ' on car line, n. law; rererencea exen g d. NICELY furnished roolni close in; all moaern. cji r. zz rT llousekeeplna nooma. LARGE, outside, steam-heated, two-roo $5.50 and $6 per week. Lincoln ApaFi4 riiemw, .incaKO. L yier Vv'ELl, heated housekeeping rooms; hot an-1 coid water; no objection to chil dren. 2215 California. .FOR RENT FURNISHED . Apartment and House. Apartments. Z717 Dewey Ave., larne living room with built-in bed; kitchen and bath; NEW, furnished nicely; no lease required; $27; summer, $30 winter. HASTINGS A HEVDEN 16J4 Harney. FOR RENT HOUSES West. ARE you afraid to call me for Informa tion thinking that you will be annoyed t forever after? . Don't worry I haven't time for that. Will gladly give you any information desired, afier that It is up to you. Phone Benson 122. F S. TruUlnger. DOUGLAS, modern 8 rooms, $33. 1125 South 31st. modern, S rooms, $30. 2 South 41sl, modern, 7 rooms. $23. JOHN N. FREN7.ER, DOUOI.AS V 3.r LINCOLN BLVD. U-room liouseT1 strictly modern, with hot water heal. Price VP. Douglas 1818. Igartai. 3m4 SEWARD St., 8 rooms, modern, $301 good lawn and shade. Phone Dougl 3S16 or walnut 21. ljlj GRANT ST. 7-r. com., modern, $.s. 1. f . nail. 413 Kamge Biug. uoag. V4t- 4-ROOM cottage, nlco lot and fruit. 4037 Seward Bt.. $11. Key next door. d-rtoo.M house; strictly modern; $26; In j Florence. Phone Florence iA5. ; 5-ROOM modern house. 151i N. 40th. Phone Walnut 614. gonlk. FOR HEN T 7 rooms, new oak floors.1 new plumbing and electric lights. 1304' South i8th .St.. $30- Benson A Myergi Co.. 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. DESIRABLE 6-roeru cottage, modern ex cept furnace. C2S S. liKb Ave. Hlxsa! baugh. D. 4236. I 430 Georala Ave. Near Maaon. 8 rooma.1 a lJ.modern, flrst class. K ey next door. , f-R. house, sleeping porch; Field CTuSi i-isi. Ms, S. 3oin Ave. Harney a.24. to Come aa I