THE OMAHA SUNDAY UKK: MAlll'U . 7-A JELGOME BAYNES, REAL BIRD LOVER Famous Naturalist Will Come to Omaha Saturday to Delirer Lecture. Sunday, March 5, 1916. BURGESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY. - Phone Douglas 137. I MEWS F THE tTfl rats NASH A PERSONAL FRIEND OF ENGLISH r When Ernest Harold Baynes, a fa nous naturalist and authority on birds, cornea to Omaha next Satur day to lecture under the auspices of the Audubon society, be will get a hearty welcome from hundreds of irdent bird lovers. In addition, however, be will be warmly greeted and welcomed by at least one old friend and personal ac quaintance of long standing, C. II. English, superintendent of public recreation. The latter was on the same lyceura bureau circuit with Mr. Baynes a number of years ago, and so knows the famous bird man quite well. Mr. English is also a bird en thusiast himself and a member of the Audubon society. "We are mighty fortunate to tt Mr. Barnes to eomo to Omaha and lecture on birds and show us Ma wonderful ptc torea." Superintendent English said whan fee learned ot the approaching affair. "I have beard him lector and hare seen bis many si Idea, and eo know that we bare a treat In store next Saturday. rrTM Blr Charsaer. "An unusual feature ot Mr. Baynes ac complishments Is that be not only has a pleasing delivery, hut also a personality that seems to charm birds and animals, as well as people. The result Is that he has been able to attract and domesticate numerous wild birds and animals, thereby KStllng remarkable pictures of them and gaining much valuable first-hand knowl edge of their ways. "On his large private estate at Merlden. N. H., he frequently walks out and soon the birds, squirrels, foxes or other wild friends of his gather about him, with absolutely no Indication of fear. It Is wonderful how the wIM things love and trust him." 1 Climax t Caaapatar. I The lectors In Omaha by Mr. Baynes I will be a suitable climax to a oampalgn of education conducted this winter by the Nebraska Audubon society to Interest people In bird study and protection. Ever since it wsa discovered that song ' "birds are valuable exterminators of In sect pests. Interest in bird welfare has grown, until now the entire country Is wakened In the matter.-and sentiment Is constantly growing stronger tor harbor ing and encouraging the feathered songsters. Mr. Baynes will deliver his lecture st ( o'clock next Saturday evening at the First Baptist church. Park and Dewey avenues. His subject will be "Our Wild Bird Friends and How to Attract Them." His many stereopticon Illustrations are from photographs taken by hlmseir. LenrheOB for Visitor. The local Audubons, headed by their president, Dr. Solon B. Towne, plan to entertain Mr, Baynes Saturday noon at a luncheon at the Commercial club. They also hope to take him for a walk through the woods around Child's Point, where many wild birds may be studied the year round. . His leoture here was made possible by subscriptions from members of the so clety, and as much of their money as possible will be returned ,to them from the sale of ilckets, as the lecture la in tended purely for educational purposes, and not for profit, It was hoped to have Mr. Baynes also speak to children In the afternoon, bot that idea was given up be cause ot the Board of Health precautions against epidemics. Western Farmer to Give Big Share for Rent to the Owner William Taylor of Florence has rented a 720-acre farm three and one-half miles northeast of Crawford, Neb., from Aran U Hungerford. a big real estate dealer of Crawford, who has accumulated thou sands of acres of land In Dawes county and has done much to boost agriculture In that section. Mr. Taylor has been a renter on farms in eastern Nebraska for the last twenty years and is now to try his hand at this western agriculture. Mr. Taylor is to glvs two-thirds of all the grain and of all crops raised on the place, delivered on board the cars on sidings, and also two-thirds of all the straw and roughage. Mr. Hungerford re tains the privilege of feeding the rough age and crops on the pices If he chooses. Mr. Hungerford holds this Is about the largest rental ever paid for a farm in Nebraska, and he holds this Is an indi cation of the way the Dawes county ground is coming to the front as agri cultural ground. Its Is to furnish the seed and has offered the renter $2.W0 for his profits the first yesr. PRESIDENT OF VASSAR COLLEGE TO VISIT HERE Local Vassar club women are antld tpstlng the arrival of Henry Noble Msc CVacken, president of Vassar college, who will be in Omaha Thursday, March to. Dr. MaoCracken is touring the country to meet the alumnae, since he has been president of the large woman's college but a year Every minute of Dr. MarCrscken's time In the city will be flllod. srrordlng It plsns made by the Vassar club, at the home of Mrs. George Haverstlck, Fri day. Among the affairs in planning Is a luncheon at the Commercial club, a tea In the afternoon and a large banquet for Dr. MaoCracken In the evening. Mr. Arthur Oulou is president of the local Vassar club; Mrs. W. C. 8hannon is an Omaha woman who served as one ot the trustees of Vassar college. PROFITS MADE ON PROPERTY BOUGHT BY THE SYNDICATE Besides acquiring Brevoort Place, In Omaha, within a little over a year, the International Realty Associates have now acquired eighteen acres of ground m Pittsburgh. Ps., which is soon to be platted and sold. C. T. Harrison of Omaha is a member of the board of directors of the Interna tional Real Estate Investment company. Hs has Just returned from Pittsburgh, by ths company to ind purchase of the ground. On returning Mr. Harrison said, ' "We bought eighteen seres for $50,000. It will cut up into lots sggregatlng i.OOO front feet. It will then sell for l a front foot. Deducting our expenses , of platting and preparing thla ground, we w ill make a net i.rofu of F-OfO." .Vhere he was called to This is a Store That Grows on You THE more you trade here the better you like us the better you like our wsy ot do ing business. More and more each suc ceeding day is the truth of this statement demonstrated to us by the Increasing number of people who enter our doors by the natural Increase In dally sales over those of the corre sponding period a year ago. But, there, is a reason for It all: ' It's our earnest desire to ac commodate and please our one object that of making you realize that thla is your store and that you -will want to do all your shopping here. Our guarantee to every per son entering this store is "Sat isfaction or your money back." Our store "policy permits no patron to be permanently dis satisfied. BURGESS-NASH COMPANY. March 6. 11. ' FEATURING ' A Charming Display of the New SPRING SILKS at 98c 98c the Yard HURRY, BOYS! NEXT Thursday will be the last day yon can enter your name for the BIKn HOUSK CONTEST. All entries must be in place before Saturday morning, March 11th. Hurry and enter your name and have your house here before Sat urday. Full particulars Sporting Goods Department. Bnrgess-BTash Co. fourth Floor. The Latest Fiction As soon as Issued, is included in our CIRCTUVTIXO LIIJHAKY. As well as all worth whi'e standard works and juvenile read ing. Books Issued at Rate of 2c a Day. Surrsss-Nash Co. fourth Tloor. EMBRACING the season 'a most fnvored weaves in the best patterns and colorings. Silk crepe de chines, all pure silk, for waists and under- wear, pretty new shades and white. 36 Inches wide. Silk poplins, in the new season's shades, for dresses and suits, 36-lnch. Satin stripe wash silks, 38 and 32 Inches wide. Over 100 different styles. New stripe chiffon, taffetas and messalines, 3(5 inches wide. Big selections. ' Iilnck and white Shepherd checks, in a taulsene silk, 8 sizes checks, 36-lnch. Princess rueseallnee, all new shades, and black. 36 inches wide. Lining satins, guaranteed for two seasons' wear, 36 inches wide. Chiffons, Taffetas, at $1.25, $1.50 and $163 The most wanted silk in the world of fashion for drosses and tuna. The display Monday will include the pretty new stripe effects, also plain shades for street wear and the light tints for party or dancing frocks. Corduroy for Skirts, 75c and $1.25 Yard There is probably no fabric that will be In such demand for separate sktrts as Corduroy. The assortment includes the pretty light shades ad well as white; SG Inches wide and will wash perfectly. Imported Pongee Silks, at 59c Yard Natural colors, the kind that will wear and wash; we consider it a very special quality. Black Chiffon Taffetas, at $1.49 Yard Full 40 inches wide. Soft finish, for skirts, dresses and suits. Black Chiffon Taffetas, at $1.29 Yard 36-inch black chiffon taffetas, rich lustrous black and a Very spe cial value. liifwi-Hin Co. Main rioor. Thousands of Yards of New Wash Materials MONDAY, at 25c Yard E doubt very much if you'll find another selection to equal 40-lnch voiles in over 100 different styles, including stripes, checks ana iiorai errects. 2 7-inch wash tissue, in neat checks, stripes and plaids. The as sort m en 1 8 Include the pretty shades of pink, blue and lavender; also hlnnlr finrt whltA Affiwta ' Pretty Wash Fabrics at 40c. Such as plain lace cloth in new shades, silk mulls In plaids, florals ana stripes, ugnt or aarK oiue. Bargsss-ITMh Co. Kin Tloor. Oh! Such , LOVELY HATS! And the Price Is But $7.50 ..TDURGESS-NASII always for the best hats at $7.50," and we are only using the words that we've heard so many times recently. In fact, it seems that - Omaha women are favoring us more each following season merited, we hope. For Monday we are showing a I new collection ot trimmed hats at , $7.50. Workrooms have been busy overtime, but we've a public to not disappoint so the $7.60 hats are waiting. In fact, the range of style se lection is larger than ever before. All the new features and quips and quips of fashions even to - the trimmings excelling. Other Hats' $5.00 to $45.00 Burgess-STash Co. Beooad Tloor. Around the Store New Spring Frocks $19.50, $25.00, $35.00 and $50.00 AW and exclusive model tht hive just arrivtd featurimy the new neckline, lay 7 particular stre cn the cafe, b:rtha and quaint peUrine effect. New sleeves sninrtlv cuffed. Novel hemstitched and collars. Effective combinations of plain ami checked tnffetn. Quaint basques with rippling peplums, cordings or tiny ruffles all of which makes the new silkhouette so irresistibly appealing to nil femininity. ( Serge and Silk Street Frocks $15.00 to $39.50 Dinner and Afternoon Gowns $25,00 to $75.00 Ten Shades to Choose from Com Flower Blue, llose, Mist flray. Beige, Italian Orcen, Field Mouse, Navy, Belgian Blue, llookie, Damson and Black. Many Spring Suits Arriving Their distinctiveness nlono wins un stinted praise, and extra values come in for more. Early interest centers in the variety of street and business types provided. 'Buckle Belted Serge Suits. a Panel Plaited Norfolks. foc" nm C'rh3 Peplum Styles. pZ5 Navv Poplins and Yalo Blue Pipings Overlay Cuff nnd Collar Effects. . With other new types and mater ials. Needle nerge, Folvet twill. Bayadere poplin, Treco serge and summer weight gabardines at thesa and higher prices. at $35 Velour Check Suits. Suits of French Serge. Twilled Weaves and Bayadere effects. with nw trimming notes in sailor collars, with inlays of Gypsy stripes of French gray: braid bands; lac quer braid binding and Dreeden or striped linings. aargeaa-Wssn Co, eonS noo. Blouses of Seasonable Charm For Golf, Tennis, Riding and Sports Wear BLOUSES of handkerchief linen with every detail of collar, tie, cuff and yoke that marks the Sports modes of 1916, In all white and gay stripes of rose, copen and green. Price range, 92.30 to $0.50. A New Riding Shirt, $5.00 Particularly adapted for rid ins and golf, of pure white linen with the extra deep arm scye, full loose shirt, patch pocket, long shirt sleeve, and collar that may be worn high or low; sizes 34 to 46. Tailleur Blouses at $3.95 to $8.50 Splendid assortment of tailleur models in lustrous silks crepe de chine, radium, pussy willow, soiree and wash taffeta, in all the new colorings and cluster stripes. Borgsss-Zrash Co. oond Tloor. -Tou will be reminded of Grand mother s cape when you nee the new neckwear. Cape collars combinations of maline and taf feta. (Main Floor.) -The newest "kink" In footwear in the "Gothem" street pumps. White imported calf, dull calf, patent and glazed kid. (Second iHoor.) , By all means. buy a coat chain Everyone is wearing them in New York City. Gunmetal, sll ver, oxidized, etc. (Mala Floor.) As far as smart trimmings for the new Spring wearables are concerned buttons hold first place. Big ones, small ones and medium sized. (Main Floor.) -The silk predominance in Spring materials has even affected the men's furnishings. A particular ly "nobby" silk shirt is shown in fancy stripes. (Main Floor.) Among the new imported laces extensively used by nyidlBtes Is the "Vpres" lace. Imported di rect from gay Pare. (Main Floor.) -The Cricket room ia popular these afternoons. An inviting place to meet friends and enjoy a dainty luncheon or light re freshments. (Main Floor.) -The new Victor record list for, March Includes many pleasing numbers. (Fourth Floor.) All the latest song hits as well as Instrumental numbers includ ed in the list for March of Arls tokrat Player Piano music at ' 23c. (Fourth Floor.) Silk Velour Pillow Tops, Usually at $1.50, for 59c IMPORTED block print silk vel our pillow tops in a large se lection of colors, In conventional designs, the usual $1.60 kind, at 59c each. Scarfs to Match, $1.50 Scarfs to match the above tops, size 20x60 inches, very specially priced at $1,50 each. Bnrgsss-Nssb Co., Third Floor. Children's BELTS BUSTER Brown belts in red, black, white and brown, sizes 26 to 46, priced at 50c and 25c. Burgess-Wash Co. Mala rioor. Children's Real Leather Bags, 59 c 'I' HEY'RE made Just like the one mother carries, real leather, in red, black, green, pur ple, etc., fitted with a mirror, con sidered big values at 50c. Bnrgsss-yssh Co. Mala Tloor, Chic Flat Purses at $1.50 PLAT purses are quite correct, we're showing them in genu ine seal or pin seal, silk lined overlap, inside frame purse, back strap style. Black only; special, at Bargsss.Basb Co. Mala Tloor. Separate Skirts, $5.95 to $25.00 More Than Ever in Vogue Now NEW SPORT RKIRTS. for golf, tetfnls. boating or beach Hard cloth skirt in white, golf red and golf green. Qol In vivid shades yoke skirts with "stick-out" pockets w W .belted skirts, checks, stripes and plaids. In a wonderfully varied selection. New Model 'Skirts. WE feature a special collection of trim tailored models for treat and general utility wear In new serges, new poplins, checks, shadow stripes and novelty effects. Regular and extra sites. Bnrgsss-Vash Co. sood Tloor. TOP COATS For Spring, $15.00, $19.50, $25.00 and Up FOR motoring, for traveling, for street end purely practical wear. Sport coats, utility coats, svrageer motor coats. Scotch mixture coats with trimmings of leather on collar and enffs, coats of serges, poplins. Scotch tweed and gabardines, roomy, full and flared coats, becoming and attractive ooats la a varied and clever collection ot all that is new for Spring. Bargsss-STasb Co. gseoag Tloo. . You Should See the Latest Designs aThHeTuTSERPENTlRE CREPE SERPENTINE CREPE Is the better, guaranteed cotton crepe, for making kimonos (long and short), house . and street gowns, dresses for misses and children, lingerie and the like. 'Serpentine Crepe has no equal. It is guaranteed by the words SERPENTINE CREPE on the selvage of every yard to be the greatest cotton crepe value in the world. The crinkle is permanent neither washes out, stretches out nor wears out. As Serpentine Crepe requires no ironing, garments made of it wear much longer. Economical to Buy and to Use. JUST NOW we are showing a large assortment and advise early selection. Ask to be shown lingerie made from this superb fabric. It will please you tx see and to wear it. IMce ISc the Yard. Burgess-Bash Co Booaomy Bassmsat. New Creaseless Dress Linens all the Season's Colorings-75c DRESS Linens in a full line of the season's snost popular colors in cluding ivory and white, full 36 inches wide. Soft finish, thor oughly shrunk by a special process to prevent crushing. Price 75c the yard. Handkerchief Linens, 75c Handkerchief Linens, full 36 inches wide in'pinlt, light blue, Copenhagen, gold, canary, hello and American Beauty, Very fine sheer quality for waists and dresses. Co. Mala Tloor. You Willi Be Pleased With These New Crepe Kimonos W E feature three charming styles for Monday. . Crepe Kimonos, $1.25 ' Made Japanese style. In floral nat- terns with box sleeves and belt. The season's newest shades are repre sented. Crepe Kimonos, $l-98 Another pretty style, made in plain colors, with white or natural shades of embroidery; medium sleeve and belt. Crepe Kimonos, $2.50 Plain colors with white bands elab orately embroidered in white or nat ural shadps. Very specially priced. Burg.s-Basb Co. B.ook4 Tloor. Annual March Sale of Housef urnishings Presenting a Remarkable Range of Economies for the Thrifty Housewife THIS annual event has received more than the usual preparations. Every consideration has been given to the needs and requirements of the housewife with a thought of convenience and economy, these items listed below will serve as guide posts to the splendid benefits the snle affords: Sale and Demonstration of O'fedur I'rtxIuoiM. O'Cedar triangle oil mops, ollnd ready for use, complete with ;idjustable han dle. 7 5c size 51) c -A A. O'Cedar dust' cloth special 12c O'Cedar polish, 4- oz. size, 25c val ues at l(k- O'Cedar polish, 12-oz. size, 50c value ;Ni' Ntcp Ladder at 70c 6-foot Norway pine stop ladder, with pail shelf, special 7Do Step Ladders at $l.4H C-foot Norway pine step ladder. Every step braced, made for ser vice, with pall shelf; special, f 1.18 " lsjw 8c Wash Tubs. 75c Sl ' pOalvanlzed Iron wash tubs, corru gated bottoms, side drop Handles, family size, i)Hc vuIb., 75c Enantelod Tea Kettles at HOc While and white e n ameled tea kettles, 1st quality, 6 qt. size, val ue $1.75. at .... HOc O'Cedar IUack triangle polish mop chemically treated to absorb dust, special, at c O'Cedar bandied duster, dust ab BorbliiK, special for i-Mc 3- Oalvanlxed Pails at !-'c Galvanized Iron pails. 12-quart size, 20c values, at. SI. 2.1 Folding Clothes lUcks, Oftc Rome City high folding clothe racks, has 57 feet of drying tpac; $1.25 values, at VHc Knameled i Coffee Tots at 48c White and white enam eled c o f f ee pots, 3-qt. size, 95c value, 48c 60c Queen Cooker 20c Com blnatlon cereal cooker. Aluminum f r y steamer, Ber pan, extra heavy ln auce pan, "W e a rever"i baker, etc., 3 make, !)-ln. size, jpiece outfit. $1.35 value. .HOcj 60c value, o .untiam t'oiia n. Had Irons, Set ,,V ' J CO ..uh ii a hi r U b I I nickel plated sad 1.10 Waffle Irons, 08c American No. I low stand 11.10 vnlue, 9o 40c Parlor Hroom S Sewed, 20c Parlor brooms, extra quality broom corn, fiv sewed, the usual 40c values, spe cial, at ' a "sit ft .20c Wtoc iW' 92.50 Percolator, Monday, SI. 39c Alumlnvum Perco lator, 3-qt. size, ex tra heavy, $2.60 value, at SI. 80. $1.40 Dutch Oven, at 03c Cast iron Dutch oven, polished in side, iron cover, No. S size, $1.40 value, l3c. Iron Fry Fans 20c No. 8 size cast iron fry pans, polished inside, special, 2Dc. Irons, set of 3 I r o n s, stand and handle; 88c values, set, for C0c inir Knameled Dish Pans, 80c Gray enameled dish pans, heavy roll edge, large 12-qt. size, 59c value, 80c S2.00 Wash Hollers, 9 1.30 No, 8 Cream City, wash boilers, made of extra heavy tin, heavy copper bottom, stationary wood handles, seamless one-piece cover. $2.00 values. 9130. Enameled Basins, 89e Gray enameled jumbo basins, ex tra size, 69c values, at 80c Aluminum Kettles, 03c Alumin u m Berlin ket tle with a I u minum cover, 6-quart slse, $1.65 value, at 03c Enameled Bowls at 23c Gray enameled mixing bowls, heavy roll edge, 6 qusrt size, 39c value, 23o 33 EVE R yd oar's STonc"