Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 3-A, Image 3

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Friends of Governor Recall Early
Campaipa Plan and Put
Petitions in Circulation.
(From a Ptaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 4 -(Bpecll Gover
nor John H. Morehead for vice president,
la the cry now rolng- up from Nebraska,
and petitions are. understood to be In
circulation for the purpose of placing; his
name on the preference ballot at the pri
mary for the democratic nomination for
thai office.
To The Bee Governor Morehead !mply
aaid that he had been told thnt the peti
tions were out, but no one hod consulted
1 aspect It's all ritrht." said he, "and
as I am not a candidate for anything
else, I auppose I might allow my name
to be used if my friends desire so to do."
This will make two vice presidential
candidates from Nebraska. Senator K. J.
T.. -1 i , , , . . . .
uinc-Lfc iisvinK n iii'ji ii v iiipn inr ini re
publican nomination.
piloKa mt a Day
filing's today in the office of the sec
retary of state showed the following:
A petition containing- something- over
1I0 names waa sent In from Madison to
day, filing- the name of Attorney General
Willis E. Reed for renomlnatlon on the
democratlo ticket for the place he now
holds. Mr. Reed comes from Madison
and this petition coming- to him as he lies
very ill at his apartments In tho Lincoln
hotel. Is very pleasing- to him and Indi
cates that he stands pretty well with his
old neighbors and friends.
El P. Clements of Ord. files for dls
trict Judge for the eleventh Judicial dis
trict. Francis E. Gere of Tecumseh, files for
the progressive nomination for presiden
tial elector, first district.
C. B. Boggs of Filley files for the
progressiva nomination for presidential
elector from the fourth district.
Florence Armstrong of Elm Creek, files
for the progressive nomination for presi
dential elector from the sixth district.
McCarl Goea Kaat.
Cummlna headquarters will be without
a manger for several days, J. R. McCarl
leaving- this evening- for Washington
here Cummlna managers from the dlf-
erent states will congregate to talk it
over and map out a line of proeeedure
irom now on.
Mr. Oar! will be Joined in Des -.olnes
by Charles A. Rawaon, who haa charge
of Senator Cummlna1 national campaign
and also of the Iowa end, and the two
will g-o to Washington together. Mr.
Carl expects to be back on the Job about
Thursday and wll stick until the Neb
raska primary' is over.
' Before leaving: he said that he was well
Pleased with the progress of the cam
paign so far and la taking good news to
Washington to communicate to his as
sociates. Estabrook Man Happy.
Major Jess V. Craig, who haa In chars
the campaign of Henry D. Estabrook of
New York for tha republican nomination
for the presidency has an especially wide
smile because he received soane Inside In
formation aa to how the: ESstabroolc
presidential campaign was coming- on in
other states. , , '
."There Is simply nothing to It bu Esta
brook," Jubilantly persisted Major Crsig.
BLAIR, Neb., Mai;ch 4.-(Speclal.)
' The fire whlcn destroyed the old electric
light building and the Hans J. Nielsen
lumber yards, on Thursday morning, waa
the costliest blaze in the history of the
city. Nielsen's loss Is about $.'5,000, with
and Insurance of only about I5.OJ0. The
ni Duiiaing ana contents were valued
at about $15.0C0 and still belonged to the
iDrBKa Gas and Electric com nan v
"Vitn no Insurance, the doIW ),vi, ,..
cancelled since last tHscemoer. when
the company sustained a lows, of $500 by
fir on the building. The Crowell Lum
ber 4 Grain company had contracted
for tha building, to be accepted when
the machinery was out.. Spontaneous
combustion In a coal pile caused the fire
and Ja reported to have been burning
for several days before the flie.
TLe new municipal light plunt. costing
pvtr $05,000, with all street and blmdlii
. aervloe. fully wlreJ up, was ready for
the current to be turned on, except the
excltos, which had failed to arrive. One
was obtained from Omaha and light waa
furnished tho same evening.
Owing to some one s' blundering the
tteet hydrant In tho immedite vicinity
of the fire were all out of order, three
of which were frosen up. Parties who
first reached tha fire claims that the
lumber .yards could have been saved
ith little loss if the water could have
been obtained at once.
1 -
TEKAMAH, Neb., March 4.-(Spcc:al.)
Oakland Hlgh school wa victorious
over Tekaman High sc..ool last evemng
a aeuate on the "preparedness" is
sue. The Oakland team took up merely
the question of whether the plan as out
lined by Secretary Garrison was the
Proper plan and aigucd that it was not.
Tha Tekamah team spoke ulonn tne
line of the necessity of general prepared
ness. The Judges were: Prof. Lackey
of Wayne, piof. Bishop of University
Place' and Prof. Hes of the I'niveralty
uf Nebraska. The ijs gland team seemed
to be better on d livery and English.
The decision was two to one. Tekamah
was represented by MarJorie Titus. Paul
J a oo been and Clayton Yaldtr, all pupils
iroin the country, and Oakland was reP
icsented by Harold Holmqulst, Clyde
.Moscinan' and Paul Hollendrake.
.Notes from York.
YORK, Neb., March 4. (Special. )
Marriage licenses have issued to Joaepli
W. West and Nettle Johnson, both of
York, and Bertram t. Brooks of Kheri
dan, ,Wyo.. and Florence Mumma of
Trunin, ,ACD,
Woid waa received yesterday that Mrs.
F. G. fcnydar had died at Colorado
tprlngs. bhe was the wife uf Dr. Frank
rnyrier and had been in a sanitarium
fv three years. The body will be
ousht to York for Interment.
. . I - . . . ., f . . 1 vl INI.
county, died at his home three miles
from Gresham, aael 59 years old. Th
body was brought to York for Internment.
County Treasurers
Must Remit Every
Month, Says Court
! 1-.INCOLX. Nb.. Marrh 4 -All county
; treasurers of Nbrka must remit stats
I te collected monthly to the state
I treasurer ai-cordln to a ruHn handed
down today bv the state supreme court.
The decision was on the frlenflly man
damus suit brought by State Treasurer
Itall against Treasurer W. G. Vre of
Douglas counts', to test the former's
riling for monthly remittances. The
court decision qualifies the ruling to the
elfect that the state treasurer must lss is
a duplicate receipt for the remittance,
tho receipt to be countersigned by tho
state auditor, a point for which Mr. fre ,
contended. The costs of the suit are to
bo divided equally.
State Auditor Smith will at once brlnsT
suit to enforce the payment of the
reralty against Douglas county tat
failure of County Treasurer Vre to make
his remittance, whlh will amount to sev
eral thousand dollars.
Notes from Beatrice
And Gage County
BEATRICE. Neb.. March 4 (?peclaU
Adam McMullen, for the last two years
mayor of Wymnre, haa announced that he
would make the race for state senator
from Gage and Pawnee counties as a re
ppubiwn on the dry ticket. He will not
be a candidate for re-election as mayor as
was his Intention. His opponent la A. 1
Spencer, of Barnesto, who is a candidate
for re-election.
Hugo H. Luebben, formerly of the Iai'o
ben Baler company, which operated a
plant north of thla city for a number of
years, died suddenly at his home In this
city last evening of cancer of the liver.
He was about fifty years of age and leaves
a widow and one son.
Top prices were paid for stork at tie
farm sales of Henry Kelle and W. C.
Krueger neer Filley this week. One span
of mules belonging to Mr. Kelle sold for
$53, a team of horses for $.110, .and an un
broken colt for $212. At the Krueger sa'.e
a mare brought and an unbroken
team of mules sold for $4?0.
Serbian Refugees
Pouring Into Paris
FREMONT. Neb., March 4.-(SpeclaU
The Intense suffering and want In Paris
as a result of the war in described In a
letter to a local newspaper by Miss' Helen
C. Shurtleff, who wrote to acknowledge
a receipt of a box of clothing supposed
to have been sent from Fremont. The
paper to which the letter was addressed
was used to line the box In which the
goods were packed. "Every day brings
in new canes of need old women without
food or clothing, little children suffer
ing from lack of food or clothes to keep
them warm," the letter continued. Just
now the writer said thousands of refugees
from Serbia were pouring Into Paris
dally. Their condition la beyond descrip
tion. Miss Shurtleff wrote. Dr. Shurtle.f
Is chairman of the relief committee to
whom the box of goods was sent.
HASTINGS. Neb., March 4. (Special
Telegram.) The toast list for the demo
cratic banquet on March 14 la practically
complete, Including- Judge Oldham of
Kearney and I. J. Dunn of Omaha.
M. L. Corey of Clay eCnter, Edgar
Howard of Columbus, Charles Bryan,
George W, Berge and J. W. Wrlrrht of
Lincoln, Governor Morehead, W. II.
Thompson of Grand Island, Keith Neville
of North Platte and Arthur Mullen of
The word was given out today that' no
speaker will open, up any factional dis
cussion without breaking faith with the
STOCK VILLE, NEB.. March 4. (Speoiil
to The Bee.W. N. Scott of Pittsburg,
ra. an Jr. wennmon oi !ew x or. a j
been here for nearly a week securing oil
and gas leases from tho farmers op a;id
aown rne Kieaicinr. onBiuBra..iti mvrrw
is being taken In this new move, whlcn
started at the same time that the machln
ery arrived to put down a test well on
the Medicine near the south line of the
county. Some 23 leases for ot wells were
filed last week and a considerable numbet
have been obtained since.
LYONS, NEB., March 4.-Speclal)
Mrs. Chester Babcock died at the honu
of her son, C. W. Babcock, of this place
today, aged 93 years. She was born 4n
New Y'orlt, in 1S23. . There Is another sou
living, U G. Babcock. of Manning. I-i.
Two children are dead. The funeral was I
held this afternoon.
ArranKcmcnta have b-en made to hold
the funeral of Or. A. T. Hill who dropp-l
dead while kindling the kitchen fire Wed
nesUay morning, nt 2. p. in. Sunday.
4'horae f (-rand Lareeny.
CRKTNA. Neb.. March 4.-(!peclnl.)-Georee
Kelley, proprietor of a confec
tionery and cisar store, with a paiiltor
ium attached, has sworn out a wsrrant
for t'ie arrest of Will Rector, charging
grand larceny, Mr. Kelley snys that
during his absence Rector sold three
suits of clothes belonging to his custo
mers and about i-i worth of candy and
tobacco and disappeared with the pro
ceeds. The sheriff is lo king for Hec
tor, who came here about three months
I Kit-aped Convict .lves Kelt I p.
lf. STINGS, Neb , Msrch 4. (Spec at
! Tcl gram.) Suffering from exposure ani
jneaily starved. W. Joseph Rhodes, gsve
I himself up to Hheriff Cole today and siid
he had escaped from tho Indiana peni
tentiary, where he was serving a four-ten-yesr
tentenea for grand larc-cny. ilis
story has ben verified and he well be
I eturned.
Mallow at Mrlla Robbed.
MEL1A. Neb.. March 4.-Rpecial )
The cash drawer In the Burlington sta
tion here was robbed of a few dollars
in change and postage stamps last night.
The burglars gained entrance to the
office by prying open a window.
It takes but a minute of time to save
dollars when you read Tha Bee Want Ad
Old Water Suit at
Broken Bow Taken
To Federal Court
PFOKEN POW. Nh.. March 4 (Spe
cial.) The notification received by the
city that th old hydrant rental ult
,wm to he carried into federal court, re.
vlves a municipal legal muddle that has
been making Us appearance, off and on.
for twenty-five years. The suit was
started before the city had gone Into
the municipal ownership business and
when the water works waa controlled by
a private company. Along In the SOa1
City Attorney McSherry confessed Judg
ment agnlnst the city for the sum of
tl.'.flrA The Judgment was bitterly
foURnt bv tn ,-, Tnylor ,,1(.k
half of the city, and fcllna ran very
h'gh. Action waa roimneiu-ed uuMnst
the city to force payment. The case
was tried In district court before Judge
Good of Wahoo, Judge Hostetler having
Invited that Jurist to pres'de at the
hearing. Judge Good rendered a deci
sion In favor of the city and the case wna
appealed to the supremo court. During
the administration of E. K. Squires thifr tonmot rHpoM ,VBngillst of thla
supreme court handed down an adverse cclItltry rii w(lo , sl!,0 r.COKtlUej (0 be
opinion to the city, but no damages were . Dn, , (he bt orttXntn on
mentioned. Now. the city has been notl-! publlo p,Btform nf Amprlcn toiUVt w
fled that the case I. to be taken Into;, xh n , Thllr,,y
federal court with a view to fixing the M!irrh Admission free.
u t!";,-. y t0 ?,'Zn Th' "n of her vtrit Is to strengthen
Interest and costs, the present amount
Involved is probably anywhere from $1S,000
to $ao,on.
I. A. Fteneau of Broken Bow, who two
years ago was secretary of the progres
sive state central committee, is a candi
date for delegate to the national repub
lican convention before the coming pri
FAIRBCRT, Neb., March 4. (Special
Telegram.) Dan Kavanaugh, Falrbury'n
new postmaster, has Just tabulated a
comparison of the amount of buslncs
In the Falrbury postoffice, for February,
1!1." and 1916, and finds his record ex
cells the one mado by tho Omaha post
office. Tho gain In the Falrbury postoffice for
the current year, over February a yevr
ago, shows an Increase of 30 and 15-10)
per cent. The Omaha showing waa 22.1.
Mr. Kavanauch claims this la the best
record ever mude in the treasury post
office receipts.
(From a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN, March 4. (-Special. )-The
Nebraska State bank of Bridgeport, was
this afternoon granted a charter by the
State Banking board.
Capital of the bank Is $25,003 and Its
rlaims for recognition woru represented
before the meeting of the board by Will
lam Richie, Jr., who is one of the board t "as called the Rev. J. H. Fetterolf of
of directors. T. B. Estill will be' cashier, j Berth, Kan., to become the regular pas
L. H. Howry, a Lincoln banker, and Iter.
... H ForguHon, a Lincoln businessman,
arc interested in the bank.
Falrlmry Newe Notes.
FAIRBURT, Neb., March 4. (Special.)
S. E. Muller and J. L. Hayes have re
turned tu their homes in Rock Island. 111.
These men were formerly Rock Island j
officials at this point j
S. A. Smart has resumed work as yard- t
master for the Rock Island railroad, after i
being off duty since last August. '
A good snow covers the wheat fields
In this county and farrfiers are rejoicing (
at the abundance of moisture In the soil.
Wheat is reported In excellent condition.
Very little snow haa fallen In. this sec
tion. :
The Falrbury band gave a home talent
minstrel show this week and cleared $140,
for the maintenance and support of the
band. ;
. new lodge was Installed In Falrbury '
last nluht. being the Loyal Order of
Moose No. 1132. The first meeting waa;
held In the Falrbury Commercial club !
rooms, and Colonel Griffith of Omaha did j
tho installing. The order started with;
seventy-five members.
' I
AamnMlan On at Kearney.
KEARNEY. Neb., March 4. (fcpeclal I
T,,e m 11le fi,.,t guns OI1 the dry
Qf t le comlng local opllon fiKlt
wl, be fjred Slll)(lav cvenng- i this
e meetings will oe
tho city churches.
These metings will be addressed by lay- i
men, who . are espousing the dry cause
and special musical programs will be
given. j
The majority for dry was 172. In the
last election. The voting will take place
March 14.
evis Xotes of Wr.
WAYNE, Neb., March 4 (Special. )
Among the cases In district court Is that
of the state against Ur. J. G. Neeley of
Wlnslde, who stabbed Attorney H. K.
Klmon and was charged with assault with ,
Intent to do great brniily harm. On the!
......minnnHiiMmi r,t fVitt rnllntir RttorneV. '
fir. Neeley was allowed to plead assault
and battery and .was fined to and coats.
Cases against Slemann Goomun, charged
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmef'g Prejcriplion,
Overcomes Kidney Trouble
It Is now conceded by physlclaim that
the kidneys should have more attention .
as they control the other organs to a re- j
marksble degree and do a tremendous
amount of work In removing the poisons
and woste matter from the system by!
filtering tho blood.
The kidneys should receive some as
sistance when needed. YVe take less tx- 1
erclse, drink less water and often eat '
Mini e i rich, heavy food, thereby forcing'
the kidneys to do more work than natu.o!
Intended. Kvldence of kidney trouble,
such as lame back, annoying- bladder
j troubles, smarting or burning, brlek-dust
or sediment, sallow complexion, rneu
matlam. maybe weak or Irregular heart
action, warns you thst your kidneys re.
ijulre help Immediately to avoid moie
serious trouble.
An ideal herbal compound that has had
most remarkable success ss a kidney and
bladder remedy la Vr. Kilmrr'a Kwamp
Root. There la nothing else like It It
Is Tr. Kilmer's prescription used In pi1
vate practice and It Is sure to penefit
you. Get a bottlo from your druggist.
However. If you wish first to test this
rreat preparation send ten cents to Ir.
Kilmer tc Co., Hinirhamton. N. Y., for a
sample bottle When writing be sure and
mention the Omaha Sunday Be.
p . :
k. I -v 1
tt fT"t ' I BAUINQTOJl)
3 ftW & iy
Mrs. Maude Balllncton Booth, who Is
..... ...... ... .... .v iii i, ninvi ii n
In Greater Omaha. Mr. Booth has or
ganized the Volunteers' Prisoners' lesgue
In the different state prisons of this
country. Prior to her lecture In Omaha
she la srhedulod to speak at the Tom-aster
penitentiary, probably March 15. Her
special work consists not only in visiting
the prisons and inspiring the men there
with hope, but she haa an extensive work
along the lines of helping the wives and
families of those men who are Incarcer
ated until their time expires.
For twelve years Major and Mrs. Mo
Cormlck were closely connected In the
branches of activity under the immediate
supervision of Mrs. Booth. There are
four Hope Halls In thla country, where
men are Invited to come and remain until
suitable employment Is found for them.
Two of these home were established by
Major and Mrs. McHormlck. This Is the
first time that Mrs. Poi th has come to
tho city of Omaha with the view to help
tho local representatives.
with the llleRal sale of liquor, have oc
cupied the attention of the court moat of
the week. The Jury found the defendant
pullty on several counts.
Blair and Mulloy. clothiers of this city,
have purchased the r. Jones and com
pany clothing- store at Fremont. Tho pur
chase will not cause any change In the
firm at Wane.
The stock of Roods belonging to the J.
P. naroch store, recently damaged by
fire, was today purchased hy . Palmer
of Beatrice, who will put it on sale in a
few weeks.
I St. Paul's Lutheran church of thla rltv
rrof. Holden, a seed com expert, will
be In Wayne March 7. to lecture to farm.
era on seed testing and kindred subjects.
27 Year" In Omnha. ,
9-J1-22 Woodmen of Hie World Mcltr. Itione I). 1750.
I Ith and Farnnm Htt., Oiiaha. Hours H to Sundays. lO tit 12.
CHEROKEE NUT (The Quality Kind)
LAJtaa biz ii, iawct roMxiTio, Dizr iiiK ouuni sTXTT, tc eC
Kind Screened, 8,000 rounds Par Toa
Otvs Va a Trial. W Rave 38 Other Kinds of Coal at Oat Prloss.
Oinnlia Have Ikvn Purod by
403-9-10 Omaha National Bank, 17th and Farnam Sts.
Phone Red 4390. Hours 9 to 12 and 2 to 5.
Daniel Cook Dead
At Beatrice Home
I PKATltU'E. Ner. . March 4-(Sre lsl
Telegram v-1 aniel V. cook, pi oin neut
j barker and flnane rr of thla cltv, died
I this evening at K.Vi m h'S home here
'of BiU'it's disease, njje.l years.
Mr. Cook was a tia'ive of Hillsdale,
I and in 1M located In Beatrice,
I ben he orsanlaed the Hentr re National
I bank of uhl.'h he ,n prt-siilent. He
was also vice piestdent of the Hankers'
l.lfe Insurance company of Lincoln. Mr.
ook for many yeais nominated tnn
politics of tiate county aril sa a man
Who had a big folios, Ii, 4 In tins c.y ami
county, from a b isI.kss u c. as a
political pi.nt of vlc.
Ho gave llhetaiiy to pub l.- enter
prises and wl.h Kilpatil.k Brothers of
this city' limit ami Improved ihe ne
Athletic park and donated It to l.eati'.c.'
at a rol of about $:..
lie was liite.ete,l In innoy pulillc en
trrl r s and his less w.ii i.c kienty
Telt by the business Interests of Be.i
trlce. He Is survived by his widow and
three i.loldien, lan t ook. Jr.. John Cook,
a member of the Criuihueis foot bvll
team, and Mrs. Mary Kamsey of Omaha.
Temperance Tarty Ticket.
5l PnHIiU. Neb.. March 4.-tSpec!nl
Telegram. The eople'a temiiernm-o
party held their caucus at the c.ty hali
last night and opened the sprint cam
paign by putting the following can .Mute
In the field: Mayor. Thoniaa Tanner;
councilman frun First ward. K. D. tlib
bons: Second ward, C. E. Amberson anl
John Duwe; Third ward. J. P.. Kl rg-rald,
for cl:y engineer, .1. N. i auli y; city clerk,
L. L. Carpenter; treasurer, U. H. Dood;
members of the Hoard of i'dutatn, R.
E. Oliver and Dr. W. D. Orandy.
.. . 1
stay "tart fteparate l.lne.
SUPERIOR. Neb., March 4 (Special ,
Telegram. A meeting of patrons of th.
larm telephone lines out of Superior nasi
been called for Monday afternoon at tho
city hall to take up the matter of estab
lis. Ing a private exchonge. Amngenienti
have been male for rooms In which to
Install their switchboard. The Lincoln
Telephone and Telesraph company haa.
Insisted on raising the rates to the Inde
pendent line patrons rut of here and they
are rebelling.
Two File for Representative.
KEARNEY. Neb., March 4-(Special
Telegram.)-The petitions of M. A. Hos
tetler of Shelton and J. E. Harris of
Amherst, were filed yesterday with the
county clerk for representatives from
thia county. Both mon have served for
two terms and ara republicans.
No democrats have yet filed, although
ther are a number of respective candi
dates for the places.
War lilts ranada Hard.
FREMONT. Neb.. March 4 (Special.)
Business In the coast cities of Canada is
hard hit as a result of the war, accord
ing to Dan McLeod of Bchuyler, who re
turned from a business trip to the north
west. Business houses by tha hundreds
have been closed and the male employes
urged to enlist. At Vancouver lO.noO men
are In training, while thousands have al
ready gone to the front.
llempatend on Varatlain.
President Harry N. Hempstead of t'ie
Giants, has gone to Lake Plan d for a
vacntlon. He is an enthusiast over real
win er sports.
Grow With Growing Omaha
Would n'f an analysis of your Gums and Tcetb
Interest you?
If they ara not Riving- you 100 efficiency
my wide experience in every branch of Den
tistry will prove very successful for what you
may need.
A conference entails no obligation. My ad
vice, is conservative. My work is constructive,
durable and beautiful.
The opportunity of presenting the facts of
the condition of your mouth will convince
without doubt that a good set of teeth and
healthy gums are a desirable acquisition for
your future welfare.
J guarantee to perform all Dental Opera
tions without pain and warrant the work for
10 years.
' Pyorrhea or any gum disease cured for
keeps. . t
Send for Booklet on unusual Dentistry. Rail
road fare' for 60 miles allowed.
Tlonrlss S30.
Piles and Fistula Cured
Without Surgical Ofarratlou or Pain. No
Chloroform or Kther Given. Written Guaran
tee Given In All Caes. I'ay When Curetl.
Carfare raid One Way lo Points Wtlhin BO
Mile of Omaha. This Work is Done by Pit.
MAXWFXIH Own Method of Treatment,
With 2H Years' rrsullce In Omaha. Patients
Must Vmo to the Office. Men Only Treat!.
of the Most I'niiiiliicnt People In
13322 We're Here to Grow
ISeaton &
415-17 S. 16th St. Phone Doug. 335
Omaha's Home Furnishing Headquarters
ii. r it. 'K. Jki"iin.:rr.
itvr- xaj.
One of Many New Davenports
is tho lioau'iful pioco i' i'urnituro piotunxl above ox
ivt'tly. Franio is solid mahoaany finisliod aniitijio. Note
th tlmo-pillow loose iMishion seat and pillovr liaek.
in wine red v' 05Vl
Ann (liair to inateli $12.00 j
liookinjr ("liair to match $-12.50 g
Among the New Dining Tables
Charles II Dining Table
In Old English
(i:nrtlj Like Cut)
Built of choice oak stock
and well finished. The
round top is 48 inches in
diameter and can he ex
tended to fi feet when so
desired; ricc just
Unrivalled Line
Cretonnes hJ ,a Mbii va.riet?
of both tloral and
geometrical patterns and almost
any coloring you may desire. Goods
usually sold at 20a nd 23o n
per yard. Special llC
Mercerized Repps J0
fabrics in wide variety aud
colorings, including pretty
lovely floral paattcrns, 5l)c
Heavy Taffetas
Carrying out th woodland col
orings or the abarp. aplcy tonca
beautiful for iiishioni, pil
lows, the aun porch or airy
place, where you dexlre n sharp
lone with individuality. r(
Per yard OUC
Sunfast Materials
are harder to get every day,
even at exorbitant prices, but
we offer you 60-Inch aoft-cllng-Ing.
mercerized aunfaat fabrlc.a.
In a profusion of coloiinca,
at. per 9fS5 Si 50
yard .... X anil X
- . f -r - . ,. . .nr. a. .- j . . i . . i i ij
Cedar Chests at a Saving
1 Vat on & flier's Cedar Chests are known as the best
finished in the cily, finished not as a box, but as a
piece of furniture, as they should be. Our $17.0),
m.'A $22.50 aud $'20.00
only $14.73, $16.50, $18.00
Phone Tyler 1000
with Growing Oraaht CZ-Jj
ILaier 60. i
ri a r., -.
.r- ysi
William and Mary Dining
Table in Old English
(Kxnrtly Mke. Cut)
An unrivaled value in a
table of unique and artis
tic design. The48-iiK'h top
can be extended to fi feet
when desired; better see
this tomorrow. Price just
Bird's-eye Maple
. Dresser
Not exactly like cut, but of,,
similar design, thoroughly
built of specially selected stock
and nicely finished. Has four
roomy drawers and a gener
ous sized bevel plate mirror;
an excellent ClQ CA
value . : v 1 tf D 1
New Draperies
black stripe and QC
goods, per yard OuC
Scrims, -Voiles and
with hemstitched and drawn
work bordera, 40 inchea wide,
firat claas materials for tho
windows. You don't have to
etretch them after w&Bblna: to
make thein i iy 1 tZ
bang, yd.. la-Cand IDC
Pretty Radium Cloths
An allover printed cloth of
dainty abadow effert, making
tbe softest coloring imaginable,
pinks and bluca galore, on
per yard OUC
chests, special this week,
and $21.C0.
md you will receive the ssnis
courteous service is though
you were rJeliverirj your Wans
Ad to THE EEE Otfics In Fers-m