Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1916, SOCIETY, Page 4-B, Image 18

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Women Are
Doing in the World
Tennyson chspter of the Chautauqua
circle will mrft Monday afternoon with
J Mm Q. E. Bryaon, Ml Webster ilfrt
j Roll call response will be quotations from
' Oliver Wendell Holmes. The lesson on
1 "American Ideals'' will be conducted by
: Mrt. R. F.. Perratt. Mn. H. 8. Curtis
will tell the story of Edwsrfl VI of Eng
land; Mm. W.' C. Lyle of Queen Mary;
and Mrs. R. E. Sunderland of Queen
Fltrsbeth. Mrs. P. H. ffny will lend
the lesson on the two stars, Flrlus and
Procyon, and their relation to the. con
stellation of Orion.
TJ. B. Orant Woman's Relief corps will
meet Tuesday at t.M o'clock at Memorial
Mine Gladya Bhsmp will address the
vocational guldsnre aectlon of the Amo
. elation of Collegiate Alumnae on the aub
' Jeet of "Labor t'nlons," Tuesday aftnr-
!Boon at 4 o'clock at tha Young Women'!
Chrtatlan association. Mlas Juliet Griffin
. will tell of tha work of tha Chicago Com
mercial club to promote vocational guidance.
In Charge of Baby Week for Omaha
Mm. D. Q. Craighead will be In charge
of the meeting for the philosophy and
thlcs department of the Omaha Woman's
club, Tuesday at 4 o'clock at tha Young
Women's Christian association. Mrs
Craighead will talk on tha lesson from
Msetertlnrk's "The Blue Bird."
The drama section of the Association of
Collegiate Alumnae will meet Friday af
ternoon at 4 o'clock, with Miss Ruth Mc
Ponald. Miss McDonald wilt read a
paper on Lord Punsany, tha Irish drama
tist Tha Misses Kathryn Iowry, Teresa
Hoy. Beulah Adama, Orra Ambler, Mrs.
Btepehen Davlrs and Mrs. Charles Ooss
i will present Duneany's "Tents of tha
Mrs. M. H. Blaekwell, who waa Inter
ested In the factory work among tha
' girls, with Mrs. Asher and Miss Brenlser
during the Sunday campaign, will talk
to tha Business Girls' council at Agri
cultural hall, coVjrt house, Tuesday. The
women of tha Trinity Methodist church
will serve luncheon from II to 1 o"cloclL
Tha woman'a club of Benson will have
three busy days this week with tha reg
' ular meeting on Thursday, tha "Baby
Week" entertainment on Friday, and on
Saturday a delegation attending tha ses
sion at the court house. Mrs. J. W.
Welch leada the toplo of "Painting" at
' tha next meeting at the home of Mrs. N.
H. Tyson. Roll call will be answered by
urrent events. Three papers will ba read
on "Growth of Painting In America" by
Mr. John Epeedle. "Famous American
Palntera" by Mrs. C. A. Tracy and Amer
ican Schools of Art" by Mrs. Mart Arm
strong. , Tha George Ocok Relief corps waa an
tertained Thursday at tha home of Mr a.
. C. H. Stevens in honor of tha Joint birth
days of two members, Mrs. Stephens and
.Mrs. A. Wolf of Omaha. Besides the
members of tha corps, a number of
women of Benson attended tha kensing
tOD. .
The Benson Woman's Foreign Mission
ary society meets Wednesday at tha horns
of Mrs. Charles Anderson. Sunday even
ing "Women of tha Orient" will ba given
at tha Methodist church and tha annual
thank offering will be received by tha
society. '
Tha Woman's club of Benson gtves its
"Baby Week" program on Friday from
I to t o'clock at Odd Fellows' hall, as follows:
TMsno duel, Reveries."....?... ......Wsehr
Misses Alius Sorensen and Louise Bailey.
Vrsyer Mrs. Chase C. Bawtelle
Address of Welcome
Mr O. f. Brooks, President
Paper, "Clyln Trfilnlng of tha Child"
Mrs. F. U. Oliver.
Psper, "The Child's Food."
Mrs. V. II. I.ouhtier. .
Voce! Poll (selected). .Ulev. A. J. MoCtung
is per, --me i Him s tintntng
Mrs, 1. W. Welch.
Resd'nr. "The Child's I won In
' I'stlence" Miss Jeeeie MoulthroP
rap'-r. "tTiiM's rhystral welfare ....
My Mra. W. F. Vernor. read . by Mrs,
Arthur flolve.
Reading, "Turnln" of Children in da Bed"
Mrs. tlenrve Iraitale
Paper, "Moral Training of the Child"
Mrs. K. C. Hodrter.
Vocal Solo. "Little Pink Roaa".,
Mrs. K. I.. Humpiia.
Tha officers of tha club will act as tbs
reception committee. . .-,.
' The Scottish Rite Woman'a club will
"Vhold a reception following tha business
meeting Friday afternoon. Mrs. Earl
Styles will give several readings. The
reception rommlttea Includes Mesdames
Charles Tracy, It. P. Stlne, W. H. Mun
ger, Tolf Hansen and Elisabeth Rogers,
while tha refreshments committee la a
larger . one. Including Meadamea It. E
lanlels. J. C. Barnard. J. C. Alnscow,
Otan 'W. Carter. A. N. Eaton, Robert
Faddla, J, F. Gillette. William Ilelntl.
. Pr. Helen Jacobl and J. A. Knotta.
Tha City Federation of Child Coneer
vatlon leagues will bold Its March meet
ing Monday afternoon, March 1J, at the
Baby Health exhibit, for which they will
be hostesses and provide tha program
that da.
The Nebraska etnte society of tha
t'nltrd Btstes Daughters Of 1811 will meet
at the residence of Mrs. C. H. Mullln.
tyn Grant street, at t.M p. m. Thursday.
Mrs. Max Ilostetler of Rhelton, Neb., will
speak upon the subject. "Soma Monu
ments of the Nation."
"Are Wa Prepared "' I. J. Punn will
dtscuts this subject at a meeting of tha
social science department of tha Omaha
Woman'a club Monday afternoon at 10
o'clock at tha Young Women's Chrtatlan
association. Following Mr. Punn'a talk
tha question mill be cpen for discussion
tha members.
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lowed by a social hour.. Early this spring
tha club will present "Tha District
School," under the direction of Mrs. J
W, Evans. Tha rehearsals are being held
at tha horns of Mra, C. R. Thlem. ,
J. E. Bednar will address tha South
Omaha Woman's club on "Forma and
Classes of Municipal Government in Ne
braska," following tha business meeting
of tha olub Tuesday afternoon at Library
hall. , . , , ...
Tha mualo department of tha South
Omaha Woman's etub meats Saturday
afternoon at tha horns of Mrs. Jean Las
to study tha, opera ''Martha,", by Flo-
tow. Mrs. Earl Brown is in charge gf
tha program. . . ,i , . , ,
Better Babies Week to Get Much
Attention from Club Women Here
The local baby health exhibit, under
taken by the Omaha Woman's club to
carry out the work of the Oenersl Fed
erstlon In connection with the federal
children's bureau, opena at the 'court
house Paturdny morning at 10 o'clock
and will continue for ona week. Mra. K.
R. J. Edholm, health chairman; Mrs. F.
T. Blrss, civics chairman, and Mrs. F. J.
Burnett of the home economica depart
ment of the club are In charge of the ex
hibit. All womrn'a orgnnlxntlons of the city
have Joined In the movement, either by
preparing programs cr acting as host
esses, or both. Members of the Woman's
club will be on duty all week, mornings
and afternoons, with members of the As
sociation of Consulate Alumnae and
Yotirtif 'Wonicn'a Christian association In
attrnilam-e evenings. Mrs. J. N. Paul of
ft. Paul, stste fedTstlin president, will
cone here for the opening exercises.
Saturday afternoon Prof. Alice Loomle,
I Ann a
Social Circles
Social Items
Owing to tha deata of the father of
Mrs. A vary Lancaster, who . wa to lead
tha. program for the ait department of
tha Omaha Woman's club Thursday
morning, this meeting will be -omitted.
Tha naxt meeting of tha ' department
will ba Thursday, Mft?(-i at which
time Mrs. A. L. FernMUi's program and,
Mrs. Lancaster's will bo combined alides
for both lessons being shown at that
tin, . . , v
lepartmentV(ti? Itie
Tha Bible departrnenO-iofltie Touog
Man's and Young Women's Christian
associations offers a course of lectures
to be given by Dr. Kdaar J. Banks at
tha Young Women's Christian associa
tion auditorium March SO-25. Pr, Banks
la an explorer, author and lecturer, hav
ing held many Important positions In
lsnda of the orient: American consul at
Bagdad, prlvats secretary to tha . Amer
ican minister in Turkey, acting profes
sor of ancient history at Robert college,
Constantinople; field . director of tha
Babylonian expedition of ths University
of Chicago to Blamaya. and Instructor
in Turkish and Semltlo languagea at the
Cnlverslty of Chicago. Tha lectures are
Illustrated by atereoptloon slides, many
ofwhloh were taken by Dr. Banks.
Tha meeting of tha Wychs Story Tel
lera' . league will be held Wedneaday in-
atead of Thursday thla week at tha pub
lic library at 4:16 o'clock. Three Odyasey
atorlea and one from the Hindoo folk
lore will be told, under tha leadership
of Mlaa Carrie Boutalla, Mies Rosa Cole
man. Miss Ida Crowell and Miss Abigail
Manning taking part.
tertained Tuesday afternoon by Mra. EL
W. Smith, 41 South Forty-sixth avenu.
Semi-annual reports of officers and de
partment superintendents of the Omaha
Women's Christian Temperance union
will ba given at the meeting Wednesday
at I to o'clock at tha Young Men's Chris
tian association. Mrs. McCormick, wife
of Major McCormick of tha Salvation
Army, will speak.
Ths musle department of tha Omaha
Woman's club will present ths opera
"The Mikado,", under tha leadership of
Mlsa Jessie Conaway, Thursday at 1:15
p. m. at ths Young Women's Christian
association auditorium. Miss Conaway
will tell ths story of ths opera, those
taking part Including Misses Elalna Dais,
Evelyn Wilson, Haxal Hart, Vivian
eRllly. Marguerlto Klnner, Fay Lyman
and Mlsa Ruth Flynn; Mesara. M. Hub
bard, Adolph Brandea, Flngel, oGod and
H. Smith, and Mrs. Jean Johnston. Ths
singers will all appear In Japanese cos
tumes, f
Tha Omaha Woman's club will give a
luncheon at tha Hotel Fontenello Satur
day at noon, complimentary to Mrs. J.
N. Paul of St. Paul, president of tha Ne
braska Federation of Woman's Clubs.
Mrs. C. A. Sherwood, acting for Mrs.
James Llddall, chairman of tha house
and horns committee, and committee
membora will receive reservations until
Friday noon.
i MM 1
Louis It Wetmore. an Oxford man and
well known as a lecturer, will speak on
"Heresy and Orthodoxy In Modern Liter
ature" at ths Sacred Heart convent Mon
day. March It. at 1.80 o'clock. Ths lev
tura Is given under tha auspices of tha
alumna of tha Sacred Heart, of which
Mrs..X.F Crofoot is president.
THs Sojourners' club of Mlalva Whits
Shrine will be entertained Tuesday after
noon at ths horn of Mra. W. II. Mick.
til South Thirty-sixth street The hostess
will be assisted by Mrs. Mary Drury,
Mrs. T. J. FarreJ and Mra. J. A, Hall.
Ths afternoon will be spent in sewing.
Ths West Slds Women's Christian Tem
perance union will meet Thursday after
noon at t o'clock at the horns of Mra.
Frank Dunn. 4TM Maaon street
Invitations have been Issued by tha
Society of Colonial Pames for tha un
veiling ceremonies of tha portrait of
Logan Fontenella Monday at tha Fonts-
nella hotel. This Is a life slsa portrait
of tha famoua Indian chief, painted ly
William Mackay, the New York artist
and will b hung directly over ths deak
in tha lobby of the hotel, against ths
railing, within easy view of everyone en
tering the hotel.
C. C. Cook has returned from a few
days' stay in Arlington, Neb.
Mrs. Frank Rouse has returned from
St Paul, Neb., where ahe waa called by
tha death of a relative.
Tha remains of J. P. Milnamow, who
died suddenly Wednesday, were taken to
Chicago for burial.
Mr. Leon Gaffney of Lyons, Neb.,
spent a few days visiting his sister, Mrs.
H. II. Hlntselman.
Mr. Arthur Voes left lsst Sunday for
a visit with relatives In Independonca, Mo.
Mr. John N orris of Culpepper, Vs., is
a guest at E. W. Non-la' horn In Key
stone Park.
Mra A. P. McCarthy will be hostess for
tha Aufweldersehen club next Tuesday
Mr. and Mra. Joe Hei bst of Washington,
D. C, visited relatives her while on
their way to Honolulu,
Mlas Mary McCabe returned to Peru
Tuesday, after a lengthy stay at her
horns on account of her mother's Illness.
Miss Clara Bjork of Benson and Mr.
Harry W. Swanaon of Bhlckley, Neb.,
were married last Wedneaday.
Mr. James Walsh, who has spent ths
last two months In California, has re
turned home.
Mrs. George Stoltenberg entertained tha
Saturday evening Whist club at her
horns last Saturday evening.
Ths looeJ Women's Christian Tamper-
ano union meeting of last week on Fri
day was postponed on aocount of the
county Institute being held that day in
Mrs. George Frost was hostess for the
Good Times club last Thursday.
Mrs. J. N. Horton went to Clarks. Neb.,
Saturday to visit her daughter, who la
tea oh lug In ths high school there.
Mrs.' Q A. Lindqulst was pleasantly
surprised In honor of her birthday Tues
day afternoon by a dosen of her friends.
Mlas Grace Fowler entertained a num
ber of title folks at tha horns of her
aunt oa her birthday anniversary. .
Mr. and Mrs. William Morse, who lived
In Benson formerly and moved to Scenic
S. P., two years ago. hav again coma
to Benson to live.
A son was born to Mr. snd Mrs. B. J.
Wolfe Thursday and daughters to Mr.
and )Cra. O. M. Raymer and Mr. and
Mrs. U F. Burwell last week.
The Woman's club will entertain at a
publlo reception at the Odd Fellows' hall
naxt Friday from I to t o'clock.
Tha English Lutheran Ladles' Aid so
ciety will meet and hav luncheon neat
Mra. W. O. Smith entertained tha Glen
Park Kensington club at her horn last
Mlaaes Gladys Anderson and Gertrude
Trombler cam up from Peru to spend
ths week-end at ths Anderson home last
The board of truateea of tha Old Peo
ple's Horns will hold tha regular monthly
meeting Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock
at tha Young Women'a Christian associa
Mrs. Edward Johnson will accompany
a gospel team headed by Mr. Charles
McDonald to Crete for the week-end. Mm.
Johnson will address ths students at
IPoana eolleg thla afternoon.
Mrs. Cuthbert Vincent entertained
Vest a chtpter. Order of the Eastern Star,
at a kensingtoa at her home Thursday
afternoon. Miss Kate Mcllugh will give
a lecture on "Heading" and Mlsa Grace
Northrup will alng.
The Miller Park Mothers' circle met
Wednesday afternoon at tha horn of
Mrs. Brunner, forty members having at
tended. The musical program waa fol-
Mra. Edith L. Wagoner will give a
program Tuesday evening at t:U In the
auditorium of the Y. W. C. A. This pro
gram la given by tha Business Women's
club, snd, following out thalr study of
American composers, will be an Edward
McPowell evening. Mrs. Wagoner will
give an Informal talk as wU as play
soma interesting numbers' of Mr. Mo
Dowell's compositions. There will be other
McPowell . numbers given . by several
prominent musical artists of Omaha.
Mlsa Maude Stfhder Is leader of the program.
Henrlk Ibsen and his "A Doll's House,'
wilt be studied by ths West Omaha
Mothers' Culture club Friday afternoon
at the home of Mra James Corr. Mrs.
J. A. Hamilton will read a paper on
"Ibsra and IHa Influence on ths Drama,"
and Mra A. F. Tyler will tell tha story
of "A Poll's House," added to which
there will b. quotations from ths play.
Mrs. P. F. Bonorden will give a piano
solo. -
Ths Drama league Institutes Ha second
series of lectures Monday at 4 o'clock at
the city hall. Paul H. Grummann. direc
tor of the School of Fins Arts, Univer
sity of Nebraska, will lecture on "The
Later Ibsen." as Illustrated In "Ghosts.1
and "An Enemy of ths People." On
March II Prof. Grummann dlscuasea "A
Poll's House" and "The Lady from tbs
Sea;" March , "Hedda Q abler" and
"Tha Master Builder," and March 17.
"John Gabriel Borkman" and "When Wa
Dead Awaken."
Two lectures by Dr. Guerneey Jones of
ths modern history department of the
Cnlverslty of Nebraska complete the
eerlca. Tha English sociological drains
will b his toplo April t and tha literary
drama April 10. "
Tha Runahln club of the George A
Custer Woman's Rellf Corpe will be en-1 nln
Y. W. C. A. Xote.
.Th girls' department of the Young
" wnmn s vnnmiMi aasoclatlon will be In
charge of the vesner rvi,.. hi.
n"! V Wll have for the speaker Mlsa
i-orm-, one or tne student eeo-
retaries of the nnrth ntr.l (..!.( . a . i
N, board. The music Is to be fur
nished by the girls of the different
schools. A processlonsl will be given
' th. ,ri" of th department, a
aoio by Miss K.leanor Alexander of the
ul.n man ecnool and a quartet
by Kvelyn Douglas. Annatwlle Douglaa.
Alice Day and Charleen Johnson of the
i.1ntrV, '"Sh school. At the social hour
. . . 'I1'" Laurence, secretary of the
girls department, will be the hostess
and will be assisted by tha committee
OS. "'""r memoera of ttie department.
w'-m tnBrnomtar which Is registering
tne fine nee and membership campaign
la ateadlly going up to a 'warmer tem
perature. Evory membership and pledge,
however large or sins 11 will help In
carrying on the work for young women
In the city. Contributions can be re
ceived at the general office of the asso
ciation building.
tat W. It. C. Notes.
J.'yK"; Srr,.??'Gr"id l"lnd recently
i 1' ,t" thlrtty-flfth anniversary.
rn rchlld corps of Harvard held its
regular meeting and installed officers.
Josle C. Bennett flVtwj-tmrnt nrlil..i i..
stalling This eorve also met at
iiwiw or jin. itupijwH- and waa pleas
antly entertained.
Nebraska City corpe reporta growth in
mcmbershln. aoorf lniereat n. -..
dance and social features enjoyed by a
nunioer. a. uatee. omsn s
Relief corps of Lyons, have Initialed
new members during the last month.
A rsrwtu iec. nl on waa tendered
Mesdamrs llovey and Morssrt bv Siu.r
corps. These ladies leave smm for Florida
ana iowk.
Kawilna corps of Beatrice U generally
prospering and ww members being
Mrs. Josle C. Bennett, department pres
ent, was airrccHlily surprised on Feb
ruary 14. when Fairchlld oorna of Har
vard aathered at her houia In hnnnr
of her b'rthdsy.
The corps of Grand Island and Central
City report Washing tun-Li nooln nro-
In general orders No, B, ths depart
ment president announce the iolnt
ment of Mary E. Cuddington, Central
City, and Clara J. Hughes. Fremont, a
stste advisory committee In oonneotlou
with the Statu Memorial aaaocint'on.
Many accounts of aoolal ocoaatona are
published, but the real object of tha
organisation la not foigottew. within the
last month apeclal dare hav been ob
served sKienslvoly throughout tne state.
Mlaa .Flora Moffat, pupil of Chambers,
gave an exhibition of social dancing before
Ths Baptist Phllathaa class will bs sn
tsrtalned at tha home of Mlsa Mary
Dean Monday evening.
Tha Luther league will hold its monthly
social at the church Wednesday. Four
of the members will be hostesses.
Ths Katharine chapter of ths guild met
last Monday evening at ths horns of Mlas
Helen Jorgeaaen. About twenty girla
war present.
The Epworth league members will give
a musical next Friday svenlng at the
Methodist hospital.
Rev. C. Wllber Nelson of ths Lutheran
church officiated at th funeral services
of Master Harry Beltelman of Omaha
Tha Kejatons Park Social club was en
tertained lnat weed at ths home of Mrs.
Thomas Whit.
Miss Flora Tltsel entertained about
twenty-tw young people Tuesday evening
at a leap year party.
Mra. J. I COrbaley entertained at din
ner on Tueaday evening. Covers were
laid for six out-of-town guests.
Mrs. L. Yort and daughter of Falls City.
Neb. i Miss Margaret Heller of South
Omaha, Mrs. Eggert Ott and Mra Clyde
Taylor war recent guests at ths Dean
Hardy home.
A Boys' and Olrls mission of tha Luth
eran church was organised Wedneaday
with the following officers: Emma Buer
ton. prealdent; May Christiansen, vlca
president; Alice Bore risen, secretary; Gor
don Bkstrom, treasurer, and Esther John
son, corresponding secretary.
Five Ask Divorce,
Three Are Granted
Applications for dlvores sre:
Pouglas from Mamie Colbert. Married
in is at Porter. Okl. Charge, cruelty.
George from Mary Smith, charge
Llllte from Lon Sheets, charg cruelty.
Besai from William R. Cunningham,
charg desertion.
I .en a Fadden from James. Married m
t04 In Neola. Ia. Charge, cruelty and
Divorces granted are: Joseph Mangaa
from Mabel on grounds of desertion.
Rose M. Paulson from Marlnus, by
Judgs Pay. Charg. desertion.
Irene from Harrison Eahom. charge
Mr. and Mrs. A. I Lynch have moved
to Lawrence, Neb., where they will make
their home in the future.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Camerrn of Teka
mah. Neb., were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Baughman Tuesday.
H. T. Brlsbln returned Wednesday from
Glens Falls, N. Y., where he went to at
tend tha funeral of his mother.
A. B. Ove returned Tuesday from Cuba,
where he has been spending the winter.
George Dial returned the for part of
tha week from Pennsylvania, where he
has been visiting relatives since last fall.
Rudolph Vak, who was born on Febru
ary 19, oslebratad his filth birthday an
niversary Tuesday.
Mrs. William Glasgow has purokased
ths Holtsman property on Fifth street
and is remodeling it preparatory to mov
ing hers from Omaha.
Mrs. ,-G. B. Groavenor has moved to
Omaha with her family.
Mr. and Mra. Jacob Hahn are rejoicing
over the arrival of twins born th first
of tha week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grimm and family
have moved to a farm near Irvlngton.
Mrs. Frederick Wallac arid Mra R, H.
Olmsted left the first of ths week for
Chicago to attend the funeral of Mra
Phillip Knoedler. the mother of Mrs.
Wallace. Mrs. Knoedler spent ths holi
days in Florence and was gratly enter
talned during her stsy here. .
Henry Rotbols of South Omaha spent
Wednesday as ths guest of 13. L. Plats.
Ths Eagles' Dancing, club has Issued
invitations for a- large dance to be held
at Its hall on Tuesday svenlng.
Mr. Clarence Wall and Dr. H. H. Avery
entertained at a dancing party at the
Odd Fellows' hall Tuesday evening,
Befor an audience that completely
fUled th Fontenell theater th T. T.
class of tha Florence Presbyterian church
presented ths play, "Ths Spinster's Re
turn," on Friday evening. Th following
Is ths east of characters, all of whom
did themselves proud and received hearty
appiausa rrora tnir admiring mends.
Many dinner parties preceded ths affair
and there were several lino parties. Ths
Josephine Jan Green Bel far no. Presl
dent Mrs. A. R. Butter
rnscma ADigai Hodge, secretary,
Mrs. F. It AUIs
calamity Jane Hlggln Wlreworker,
I Treasurer Miss Marguerite Buttle
Tiny Bhort Van TaasU..Misa Julia Krisl
neDocca Kacnel enarpo Highflyer..
. Mlaa Eleanor Morgan
ssary Ann tnraddier Maiaprop.
Mlsa Martha Sldner
rattenre Desire Minn. Countess
Ketchum Mlaa Hannah Jensen
Violet Ann nugglea...
Miss Emma, Mae David
jnaruy xongiac itiddyfoot
aim. ti. i uaorteison
Sophia Btuckur Bennett...
Mra. H. M. Lawson
Jeulet Long Laundeatadt
Mra. L. B. Klrkpatrick
Betsy Bobblt Mrs. J. H. Price
Cleopatra BaUe Brown Hopklnson..
Mra. F. P. Brown
roily Jans Pratt Doollttle..
Mlaa Emma Anderson
Belinda Bluegrass Afrald-of-Hls-Face
Mias Ethel Hersklnda
Count Ketchum Lanalng Brlsbln
xoung Man Arrata-or-Hls-trace
Harry Swanson
Prof. Dlnkelsplet, a hypnotist.. E. L. Plats
His Assistant Paul Rtvett
Children of Tiny Bhort Van Taasell
Mrs. Emma Reed Pavlsson, Prof. Frand
scn snd Pr. A. K. Johann of Lincoln will
make up the program of lectures, while
the svenlng lectures will be given by Pr.
Horace Warren of Missouri Valley and
Pr. William Shearer.
The exhibit will be open Sunday after
noon and evening, but there will be no
speakers, the lectures to be resumed Mon
day afternoon, when ths program will
be given by the City Federation of Child
Conservation lesgues. Mrs. K. R. J. Ed
holm, special agent for the children's
bureau In Nebraska, will talk on "Ne
braska Birth Registration Test," Dr. A.
B. Somers will read a paper on "Pre
Nstal Influences" and Pr. John P. Lord
on "Orthopedics."
Stymest Stevenson of Council Bluffs,
head of the Federate' Fathers' Clubs
movement, has arranged for the Monday
evening program and the Association of
Collrglate Afumnje for Tuesday after
noon. Three short health talks will be
given Tuewlay noon also, when the
Buslnese Girls' Council holds Its weekly
luncheon and prayer meeting In the same
rooms as the exhihit.
An exhibit of panels which It was
planned to Incorporate In the health ex
hibit and which had been ordered from
New York, failed to reach Lincoln In
time for the opening of the exhibit yes
terday, so that a substitute set of panels
was made up by university students and
club women Interested In the work. While
the original exhibit Is expected to be In
Omaha this -week, the Lincoln aubstltute
one was Judged so good that It also will
De sent to Omaha.
i Another feature of the n,m ,-.
that On food for ......... i...
Miss Verna Williams, head of the do
mestic science department of tha hih
school, and which the senior girls have
volunteered to take In charge.
The widow and rntldrcn of the lata
Pemltral Ursu eeck IC.IOI dnmages under
the workman's compensation act. from
tha Omaha Gas company. T'rsti was over
come by gss fumes whllo at work, and
died in consequence, the petition relates.
Style - Quality Servie
S. H. Ackerman
18th tnd St. Mary't
Flatiron Bldf.
Designer and
Maker of
of the Highest
Grade Exclusively
Phonm For Appointment
Id moo Patterso BUt
17th sad Farnsm. Douglas TSBft,
Omaha. Keb.
We're Here to "Grow With Growing: Omaha."
Announce that despite the
scarcity of Oriental Rugs, and the
rapid advance in prices in the
wholesale market, they have not
y raised the price on a single rug in y
uieir enure unrivanea siock.
Qrieintal Knags
You can buy HERE RIGHT NOW
g at Pre-War Prices Which av
8 erage 50 LESS than present
12 values.
t Look at
these Values
Betsey Ann...,
Peggey Ms rie.
.R. T Ooldlns
Sophia Jane
John Jacob
Nathaniel Isaac
.C. B. Wal
........Maude Keirie
Vy Harrington
....Mania Anderson
LeRoy Smith
.- C. U Origg
Dean Tucker
Mrs. R. L. Ooldlng
Mrs. John Babbitt entertained the
T.adlea' Aid society of tha Presbyterian
church at her horns on Wednesday aft
ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ross of Omaha
havs moved to Florence and are occupy
ing th Reynolds horns on Fifth street,
recently purchased by Hugh Battle.
Mr. end Mrs. William Taylor and fam
ily moved to Crawford. Neb., thla week
to make their home. He has leased a T20
acre farm there.
Dr. U. 1!. Avery and Miss Dolly Mor
gan apent Sunday in Tckamah visiting
friends. Upon their return to Florence
they were met at the depot by admiring
friends, who showered them with rice
despite their protestations thst nothing
had happened.
Khiva, 10-7x7-8 - - - $130
Anatolian, 13-6x9-10, $250
Kirmanshah 13-8x10-5 $400
Kirmanshah 12-5x9-1, $330
Mahal, 15-6x11-1 - - $285
Visitors are Always Welcome;
always a pleasure to show you
our collections.
Beaton & Laier Co.
l lsllll
415-17 So. 16th St.
Phone Doug. 335
Mrs. J. A. Gore Dies
at Ninety-One Years
Mrs. J. A. Gore, aged tl years, mother
of Mrs. J. 8. Prady, MJ Jackson street,
died at the above number of illness Inci
dent to old age. he had been a real
dent of Oa,iha for fifteen years and
was ths widow of Dr. J. A. Oor of fit
Joseph. She Is survived by her daugh
ter. Mrs. Brady; three grandchildren,
Hal Brady, Mra. Lucy Cotton and Mra.
T. L. Pa vis; also four great-grandchildren,
Ben and Virginia Cotton and John
and Elisabeth Davis. Private funeral
services will be held 6unday afternoon
from tha Brady residence, with Inter
ment In Forest Lawn cemotery.
Grade OU Agw'a Goes Vs.
TULBA, Okl.. March 4 Tha prlc of
th choir party In the basement of 8U Oklahoma and Kansas crude oil ad
John's Episcopal church, Thursday eve- j vanced 10 rents to a barrel today.
I thus setting new high record.
As th result of th polios cleanup Fri
day flv women were fined fl and coats
in police court, flv left tbs city and lit
forfeited bonds.
Archie Cohn, who was taken In one of
ths raids, was fined $50 and costs, and
W. L. Blakely and E- C Hartford, train
man, who became acquainted with a girl
en route from Norfolk to Omaha, were
fined 1100 and coats and ths girl sent
Open a Charge Account
with Loftls Bros. & Co.
A small sum weekly or monthly
makes you the owner of a splendid
Diamond or other article of high'
grade Jewelry. You will never mUs
the money, while you will enjoy
wearing your Diamond a long time.
Make your selection now. Wear and
enjoy the article while paying for It
n-4 Vslllm.
rtue wilts sis
Eoill.h rinUh. 1
trill Lot DIS-
etmd. floe rl
r AArlm. ftaros u .
eMM nt-,m 1ft-
la.- rolld til (I
old rhela .'"j
11 t s Month, j
17-Jewel $1075
Elgin L
No. 1 ft Men's
Watch, Elgin.
w a I tham or
movement, i n
25-year guar
anteed double
strata gold
filled case, ad- to tern.
f.rature. Iso
chronlsm Lnd
position.' Only
91 a Month.
Open Daily Till 8 9. Ig. Saturdays TiU
0 iM. Call or write for Catalog Mo. 0O3.
Wfcon D. 1444 aad sales nil wlU call.
Mala Floor City Watl Bank Block.
4S So. lath at Omaha. Opposite
Burgeas-Baah Co. Dept. Btor.
L UsEieta JJ
60 - Ladles' tia
niond ring. 14k solid
goin, "i'erfee.
tion" m'n't'g.
M a Month.
Wo. 4 Men's Dia
mond Ring, f prop
Tooth m n t g.
14k solid gold.
14 gold., www