THK OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: MAKCH lDIC What is Going On in Society Circles Sojourn in Warmer Climn. afR end Mrs. James Ivn Paxton left tact week for t few weeks In Cai:forrl X. and Mrs. 8. R. Rush left slonday for Hot Springs, Ark., for two months' tay. Mr. Mid Mr. Arthur C. Crossman are pending the winter season traveling through, Florida, Cuba and the Isle of Plnea. Mr. and Mr. 3. K. Faum, who are now living In Philadelphia, started lapl week for a month In Florida. Mr. C. F. McOrcw left Wednesday for a month or ao In j Anan'ea. D.;r1ng her absence Mr. McOrcw will stay at tha Fontenella. Mre. J. E. George w 11 lea re tha Utter part of tha waak for Pasadena, Cal., to spend a month or six weeks visiting with tier father, Mr. W. A. McIIenry. Betrothal Announcements. Mr. and Mra. A. O. Welnsteln annotinra tha engagement of thstr daughter, Mia Rosa Bursteln. and Mr. Mer Freidol. Tha wedding- will be celebrated In June. At a luncheon given Saturday afternoon n Hancock, Mich., the ensajrement waa anavsunred of Mlaa Heth Vallle, rtuhter of tha lata Mr. and Mra. Wllllim F. Vallle of Omaha, to Mr. Alvln PfMu. The engagement la of particular Interest to Omaha eociety 1ecauas of the prom inence of Mlaa Vallle'a family here, where her grandmother. Mra. John Heth, and uncle, Mr. Stockton Heth, reside. Mlaa Vallle'a grandparents, Mr. and Mra. John Heth were among- the ploneors of Ne braaka and active factors In the build in of the atata and the city of Omaha. The wedding 1 aet for June; but, be fore her marriage, Mlaa Vallle wl.l vlalt her grandmother, Mra. Heth. Mtaa Vallle la a graduate of the Vaasar class of 111, Mr. Dessau la a Dartmouth man. . After their marriage the couple will realde In New Britain, Conn. Among; the Visitori. Mlaa Irma Matthey of Davenport wae the gueet laat week of Mlaa Ioulae Rtors and Mlaa Freeda Thompaon. Mra. Char lea Cornwall of Chicago !a expected In Omaha aoon for a vlalt with er mother, Mra. J. P. Trimble, and other relatlvea and frlenda. Mlaa Naomi McArthur had aa her houee gueat tha laat week Mra. Howard A. Robinson and her alater, Mlaa Marlon Van Neat of Minneapolis. Minn. Mra. P. A. Dent arrived Friday from Mayavtlle. Mo., to be tha gjsst of ber alater, Mr. Frank T. Ransom, and Mra Oeorge W. Covell for aome weeks. Weddinj Announcement. The marriage of Mlaa Roae Sherman, daughter of Mr. end Mra. Jacob Sher man, and Mr, Hermr.n Margolin will take place at the B'nal Jacob aynagngue at :M o'clock today. Rev. II. Urodlnieky will perform the ceremony, which will he followed by a wedding aupper at the home of the brMs's parents. The young people at home at 8S70 leaven worth street after March 13. ( The wedding of Mlaa Edith Archer and Mr. William Stm was celebrated at the home of the bride's parents Thurailay evening- In tho presence of Immediate frlenda aad relatlvea. Rev. Eilwln Hart Jenka performed the ceremony. Mr. Karl Drust of Nebraska City played the wed ding march, Mttle Norma Archer, alater of the bride, carried the ring In (he heart of a caila lily and Mlaa Agnes Stltt, slater of the groom, and Mr. Clau.lo Archer, the brldo'a brother, were the attendant. After a weatern wedding trip the young people will be at liomu In Omaha. Student and Alumni Prom. The student and aliimtit prom wnn held at the Hotel Home Friday evening by Charles Morearty. Leonard Hourke, Henry Howea and Edward Zlpfel. The patrons and patronesaea were Mr, and Mre. E. F. Morearty. Mr, and Mra. J. K. Zlpfel and Mr. and Mrs. 11. Q. Marx. Tha following were preaent: Meaara. Messrs Hevden Ahmanaon. Eugene Maxwell Leoneid VYlnterton, Floyd I'aynter, ' I.dwln Wlnlerlen. Hex I:i,.,r.rt rea eiaon. 'Inyton Nichols. Chester Trimble, Raymond Hurgeaa, Clarence Indon, Ralph Powell. Remard .Martin. Thompson Wakelny, .-noma ttrouan Kdward ChamberlalnKrank Campbell. i-ricw rawrorci. n-imivun, t. AlUUIKan, Oeorge Carter, Alex Crawford. Annan l.und, Richard Petera. I'nnald rlliephereV iln I'axton, Wilbur runaway, Carlton Swller, Tom Roberta, Clan Muagrave, Ruben Mnndolaon, Milliard Morearty, Walter R. Johnson, Fred H pinning. Ted Evler, Hart Jenka, 1 wight Chaea, William Alley. M lesee Adelaide Fogg, lone Kogg, Ruth Wataon, Oretchen ltnsdon. Helen Hutchlna, iKirothy Halbrh, lieonard Wei rich. lean Hunderlnnd, Jarvia Ufrord. Roger Ouod. Edwin Hould. Thomson Harry, Reiney Holmgulat, Harold Ie KYance, Roland, William Ktollard, John Morrla, Arthur Strohlow, Jack Suchart, Rruce Cuntilngham, Ferold Lnvejoy. Spencer MlacCrona, Mlsara- Oeraldlne Jnhnaon, Helen Relael, I'orothy Arter. F.haalx-th Hturtevant, Evelyn Kat, Marie Muxen, Gertrude Matiaon, Marie Rlrhardaon, Alamarlne Campbell, Iorothy Rohrbough, Irglnla Oreeen, Rolterta Coulter, Mary Mloriiaon. Mhel Walt, Annabel Sinclair, Helen Hncialr, Jennie Wilson, Ardia Carter, Marie Hnnaen, Marie Watt, Pauline Crane, Quito Kddv, Uertrude Knig, Klliabeth Carr, Hvlvla Hover, Pirl Miolert. Reatrice Montgomery Lrtrtids derrick, IlKSel Hnekell, Reta Shuhert. Kihrl 111. Iota Swlnnvy, (lladys Crook. Ruth McCoy. Helen Pfelffer, Martha Clark. Jean WUaace, Prettieit Mile OolT Club. The Prettiest Mile Ladlea' Oolf club win hold Ita monthly meeting at the home of Mra. F. McCleneghan Tueaday eve ning at I o'clock. Changes In the consti tution and by-laws will be considered. Tha hostess will be assisted by: Mesdamaa Mesdamee D. W. Hawk. L. L. Carr. J. W. Prague, Klmer Wonder. ' v. owers, J. u. rarrott. W. C. Croaby. Birtiiay Surpriie. Mra. E. J. Harford was given a Nrth dy aurpriaa party Friday evening at the homo of her daughter. Mra. Charles Bona, Thoae preaent were: Maura, and Meedamea- Chai-laa Rtiiu. M. C. Harford 1. H. Harford. Meedamea n. J. Harford, ll&rvey of Midden, la.; Jamea bona. VlMdtinc- L H. Han tea of Blous City, la. Meaara - ' Zwitit Harford, Darwin Boaa. Idiaa Uaael Harvey , Dfiaeri of Last Week. M3V and Mrs. Frank Judson gave tha i bsrgiast dinner of tha week, preoedlng . tha gMrbaorlpUo elub'a Aaaoa, Thursday . vaotaaV Tta affair ' was green at tha I cms.g, atuia, ats tables la tha ladlea' cafe Students Who Will Play for ' T"y f s4V .i.. ... w a v ANNA LBIAF AND 1 ( t Gertrude Thicm. A peep nl the promlnc of the future will he given to the Tuesday Morning Mualcal club at the Hot"! Fontenetla Tuesday afternoon, when at t o'clock Ita members will assemble to hear the first program presented by the student mem bemhlp of the clt;b. This branch of memberahlp waa Inaugurated laat year, and tha fact that 11 found ready response In an enrollment of over 10 la evidence of Ita Instant welcome. Thta section la responsible for ono program each year, and many of the members are all a rip toe with anticipation of this flrt one. Probably bIsoj tho I erformers, and more than all tho rent, the doirn or mora teachers who will be represented upon the program. Voice, piano and violin number will he given and there Is prom ised a numerous personnel and a wllo dlversl:y of scle-tlt ns profram wl'l bo divided Into two groups, the firt con taining the younger studenti and the sec ond the grownup, nf the nine sm&llor onea, Anna Leaf hna already pUycd be fore the club, cauiilng a aensallon list year when ahe gave a movement from a Uoxurt concerto with orchestra and sev eral plitno selections. Earlier tids season being beautlfvlly decorated In aprlng I iioaera. tovers wete pini-ct ior: Messrs. and Mesdames C. II. Keller, Hariy TuVey. Josoi h barker. w. a. c. Johnson, K II Ki,,irli Uimlur Joteph Htilurlge, V ilHon Uiu, II. II. ItiMiHe, J. E. Oeorge, C. A. Hull. Mesdantes J. II. Uimtd of Hoston, T. Coffey of Ixs Amceles, F. II. (Ulnes. Messrs. .CUm U l..n trth E. T. Swohe, Wllhelm. Clement Chae. I. A. Ilium. Meadaniea T,. Crofoot. Me Ik-I Arthur Remington, F. A. Brogan. Meaars l.nther Prake. W. . llarrv McCormlck Erank Hamilton, ui. 1,1. Kharn alaa entertained at din ner at her home Thursday evening, her guests being: Mesrs and Meadamee E. M. Fairfield. Oerood T. Eastman. Madnmee . v.. Hummers, Aiesnamee Werren Rogers. Meaars. Randall Brown. Ben Wsrren. Lucius Wakeley, Kotei of Interest Miss Frances Nash, who Is now filling eastsra engagements wltb the New Tork Philharmonic orcbeatrs, will appear with this organisation In Canton, O., ha aonh action with a big tnualo festival to ha hold there March 11 Viae Vloreaoe Rhodee, daughter of Mn, and Mra. H. XX Rhodes of Omaha, who la etndylog tnoslo In New Tork. waa choaea recently aa avceompaulst at ben t i X OIXIA ElTNEJt. S ;y-'..i. ' I 111 xlW' i' Mlaa Olga Eltner, who will also be heard next Tueaday, and Anna Leaf gave a Joint recital of piano and violin numbers of mualcal pretenalons with such uni form excellence and genuine musical feel ing that many an older recltallst mUht a ell envy them. Very Interesting reports of the vartoua other talented young mlasea who will appear next Tueaday are heard, and this group will bo anticipated with the keenest interest. Who knows but that some dsy some of us may re member being present at the debut of some great celebrity, who Is none other than one of these little (Iris grown up? efit dinner-dance given by Pnderewskl In the Interest of his Pollih relief work there. Miss Rhodes graduated two years ago from Barnard college. Columbia uni versity, where ehe especially dletln- guUheJ heraclf In mualcal work. Child'i Birthday Party. Mr. and Mr A. P. Vldnnr Bave a party for their daughter, Margaret, In honor or ner twouin uirtnaay riuay evenlnS. Emblems of t. Patrick were the favors. The evening was spent In gnmes and music Those present were: M laaMfr-- Al lanes n Margaret Wldenor, Lucille Muegmve, V innirrd Krr Rue Ham rmetaler, A ilea He ale it, Clara Hareiilaen. Mttssrs. -Francta Sverrv, Carroll lu-ltatn. Kdward Heisel, M.Uabelh N'e.-ii, Luntce Neltton. Meaars. Jerome IMmlck, Kennith sipple, Walter lUreiitsen. With the Social Clubt. Tha Crescent club hold Its monthly meeting Tburediy evening at the hme of Miss Margaret Jaeobson. Rectutlons were given by Miss Minnie Madison and Miss Helen MoCrumb. The next nieetliuj wlll bo annouaoed latsr. Mra J. Pongreo entertained tha Swas tika Card club at ber homo Thursday aft ernoott. Mm. J. W. Ortraaa of Orand la L& ad was tha guest of tha ootaalon. Prtaea wr won by Msedamea W. F. Allen. 3. C Raedar, FV Mehrena an4 S. ' .. tnf ( -..-.: I Tuesday Morning Musical f Clara. 'Schneider "S5 i v. Miss Nancy Hulst, The other participants In this group will be Nancy Hnlst, Oertrude Thlem, Mar garet Hourke, Virginia Ptxley, Clara Schneider, Mllircd Mayberiy and Mary Italic. The second group, containing older stu dent memlcra, alao promlaea much In tha way of musical enjoyment. Many of these young ladles have atudled several jeers with the aame teacher, which will ahow what may be accomplished by care ful, consclencloue work and by giving tha W. Varhawsen. Tha club will meet In two weeks with Mrs. Vanhawaen. The J. F. W. club was entertained Thursday afternoon by Mra. O. D. Bhlp herd at her home. Cirrent topics wera diacuaaed and several mualcal numbers given. California Traveler. Mr. and aire. Bam Werthelmer and sons, Howard George and Bam. Jr., ar rived home thla morning from a two months' trip to California. Miss Hasal Pegen. who has bean at Paaadena and Coronado Beach, also for tha last two months, returned with them. Promise of Social Calendar. Mrs. ltgh Leslie gives a luncheon at her home Tuesday aftsrnoon. The North Side Progressive club will give a card party In Druid hall, Tuesday evening. Mrs. L. M. 1-ord will entertain a party of children at her homo Thursday for her daua-liter, Dorothy. Tho La Balls club will give a pra-Lantan danca Tueaday evening at Chambers' academy. A special pra-Lentea dtnaar-danca is being arranged by the Omaha dob for Tuesday evening, tha third of these af fairs thla season. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton will en tertain sixteen guests at tha piw-Lentsa dlnner-daaoa of tha Omaha elno Tueaday evening. Mr. Fred Davta will have eight aV1 X 1! . Vs-4)-H f i. .. 1 rs :''? bTbV- V aWWa. l - Y ...;:.:.: f ,? " ' ,111 ' It ' str ill ITaryZesh'Q Hiss Ruth Slattery w'.''J Mldred C ttlabcry teacher a chance to produce reauHa. It la said that soma of thoae playing 'ties day really do not belong In the student membership hut should be classified with the active members, for whom the stand ard la higher. Those taking part In the second group are: Oertrude jdlller. EXhel Carson, Irma Podolak, Blanche Klein, Porta Anderson. Emily Wentworth, Edna Bartlett. Helen McAneny. Oertrude Radinsky, Helen Bennett, Leota Parker, Oertrude Weeth. Opportunities of this sort, to hear students aa students without regard to oreed or teaoher are seldom, and much credit la due the Tuesday ornlng Mu aloal club for the yearly student pro gram's forthcoming. The members are urged to make a special effort to be prompt, aa tho program Is longer than usual and will start sharply at 3. gueata and Mr. Elmer Redlck four. Tha Omaha women's Press club will hold Ita fortnightly luncheon on Friday Instead of Thursday this weak to accom modate an honor gueat whom tha club expects to entertain. Tha luncheon will be at tha Toung Women's Christian as sociation. Stork Specal. A daughter, Eleanor Lee, has bean born to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gibson at Douglas, Wyo. , A daughter was born last Sunday to Will buy A" hi: &M1L 1 Solid gold Mounting Tiffany or Fancy Design. 7-100 weight, guaran teed perfect blue white and perfect cat. Can be exchanged any time for larger stone at full value, start In right now and own a Diamond. At the Sign of Brodegaard Bros. the Oown, Are Doing This Yon Cea Order One .Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence rhlppe, Jr.. of Penver. Mrs Philips was formerly Miss Gladys Hart, daughter of E. W. Hart of Council Bluffa. At the Orpheum Theater. Mr. J. A. Cavers will have eight sweats st the Orpheum theater Monday night. Mr. And Mrs K. H. Lulkhart. six; Mr. H. A. Kltxgerald, eight; Mr. Norrls Brown, fire, and Mr. C. I Fame worth, four. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mrs. Frank H. Myers has gone to Chi cago to vlalt frlenda. O. W. Holdrege returned Monday from a visit at his ranch at Madrid, Neb. Mr, H. II. Flah, who is in the east on a business trip, attended the Gridiron bnnqiiet In Washington last week. Mrs. Charles T. Stewart of Council Iituffa has loft for Hoopeston, 111., to visit her daughter, Mrs. Donald McFer ron. Mrs. C. R. Lea has returned home after pending several months with her daugh ter, Mrs. Lawrensen Olbson, and Mr Gibson, in Douglas, Wyo. Past Festivities. Among the affairs given for the 'Twenty-nlners'1 was a very pleasant surprise party In honor of Mrs. Howard Judaon. Tho evening waa spent In music and games, and fancy dancing by little Frances Harrison. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdamea -H. T. R. Judaon, P. M. Judeon, J. V. Good. C. J. Parrott. J. D. Hohelberg. E. Whltlork. D. K. Gillespie. J. F. Goerne, Jr. Mlaaea Misses Helen Hchelhera", Eleanor Judaon. Lilian fchelherg, Mr. John McCumber. Frances Harriaon. Mra. Shields and Mra. WhlaUer of Ben son entertained George Crook Woraen'i Relief corps at a kenslngton Thursdsy afternoon. Thoae present were: Me"dame Meadames Maude Tennant. Flaunhtner. Marv Miller. M. Toney. Anna Miller, Wolf. Lula Crawford Clara Feenan, 11. F. Crawford. fSmma Feenan, Illinois A. Shields. Stephen. A. E. Hough, U. Hugh. FairelU Mrs. Jerome Llille entertained the B. D. club Wednesday at 1 o'olock lunch eon at her home. The table had a oen torpiece of Klllarney rosea. A kenslng ton followed the luncheon. Tha favora were Washington birthday emblems. Those preaent were: Meadames Meedamae C. E. Allen. W. J, Watson, .T. N. Norman, J. O. Edmundson, C. Winter. J. W. Willie. Cory Zsow, Jerome Llllla. Lenten Plans. The Bt. Cecilia Sanctnary society will meet weekly during Lent on Wednesday afternoon. Altar sewing la tha work planned for the season. Personal Mention. Mr. H. Style of Omaha Is registered at the Elms hotel. Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mrs. Charles Martensen Is at St, Joseph' hospital convalescing from a surgical operation. Mra Kffle S. Klttelson, who waa ill with tha grip. Is now convalescing at tha home of Mrs. H. H. Fish. Mr. R. V. McQrew, who moved hero from Napomee. Neb., waa joined hare this week by Mrs. McGrew and they are making their home at 3321 Farnam street.. Mr. George . Flack, who has been on a business trip in South America for tho last two month), arrived in New Tork and Is expected homo ahortly. Mr. Montrose Gibson has returned to Omaha after three years in Uruguay, In South America. Mr. Gibson returned home by way of Europe, where he spent four months watching- what ha could see of tha war and Its effects. Dundee Society Notes Tha Dundeo Woman's club met Wednes day with Mrs. John Harts. Mrs. John O. Yelser was leader, assisted by Mrs. T. It. Combs and Mrs. Q. C. Young. Mrs. Prank Carmlchael had charge of the current topics department The Dundee circles of the Child Conser- I vatlon league met Monday with Mrs. Rob- I ert Llndsey. MIes Mercedes Caughlln has returned from a month's trip to Yankton. S. P. She has as her truest at present Miss Rosa Uempsey of Duluth. The Boy ScouU of Dundes met Tuea day evening; with Osmond Perry. Miss Suxanne Walker, who haa been tha rueat for several weeks of Mrs. H. B. Lemere and other Omaha friends, left Wednesday evening for Los Angeles. Mrs. Frans Nelson Is visiting her son. George A. Nelson, and Mrs. Nelson, In Crofton, Neb. On Wednesday evening the prayer n.ietlng service at the Dundee churoh will be followed by an Informal social seasot , with refreshments. There will be four cf these "get acquainted meet ings" during the month of March. Mra. A. U Blair and mother, Mrs. Wil son, are visiting In Sioux City. Miss Lillian Wilbur has moved Into the house at 6004 Underwood avenue. A daughter was born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Eldridge, W10 Underwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Rush have gone to Hot Springs, Ark., for the month of March. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. George entertained at dinner Thursday preceding the dance at Turpln's academy. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Russell, who spent the winter with their daughter, Mrs. W. B. Howard, have returned to their home In Ord. Neb. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. 8underland have moved Into their new home. "Grey Rocks." In Fair Acres. Miss Ellla Is very 111 at tha homo of her sister. Mrs. J. U. Hutchinson. Forty ninth and California strets, with an at tack of diphtheria. Rev. H. B. Foster attended a family reunion the last week at Pawnee, Neb., on the occasion of his father's eightieth birthday. 75 This Week Only you this Diamond Ring Vp the Golden Htalr. at 16th and Douglas. of Ttieee rty Mail. STEINWAY The World's Most Distinguished PIANO is u$ed and endorsed by MISCHA ELMAN, Emperor of Violinists, who appears in concert Sunday afternoon, March 5, at the Brandeis Theater. We invito you to call at our salesrooms and hear the incomparable Stein way tone. Mahogany Uprights, $500 Mahogany Grands, $7Z0 Terms to suit the purchaser. Tour old piano taken in es en an Re. g SchmoIIer& Mueller Piano Co. 1311-1313 Farnam St. Exclusive State Represent at 'vc r THE... Silk Shop E. A. BESS I RE 211 City Nal'l Bank Building This second floor Silk Shop is a busy place. Al ways showing the newest silks first at 15 to 25 less than department store prices. Gros de Londres and Pure Dye Taf fetas are the silks of the hour for two and three-piece suits. Very Special 1,200 yards of yard wide chiffon taffetas, military and awning stripe silk suitings, crepes and habu tal tub silks, beautiful lin ing silks. Worth to $1.69, At $100 yd. We've Grown With Growing Omaha for more than eighteen year3 .nd shall keep right on grow ing. Our growth Is due to our loyal friends, who recognize and appreciate "Good Cleaning and Dyeing." They know we have all late methods and machines, and that we have the most skillful Cleaners, Dyers and Pressors In Omaha. These, plus a desire to givo you absolute satisfaction, are all yours for the asking. Just pbjone for us to call. The Pantorium "Good Cleaners and Dyers." 1S18-15-17 Jones Street ' Phone Douglas OO: J Branch Office, 2016 Farnam Kt. South Side, 4708 S. 24th St. N. B. We pay parcel post charges one way on all out-of-town orders. Kew Spring Suits, Coats & Cresses Arriving Daily BEDDEOfCL5 TODAY'S BEAUTY KELP You can keep your hair at its very best by wasblnaT It with a teaspoon Cul of canthrox dissolved In a cup of hot water, afterward rtnatng thoroughly with clesr water. One finds that the hair dries quickly and evenly. Is unstreaked, tritfht. soft and very flurry, ao fluffy In far that tt looks more abundant than it 1s, and ao soft that arranglnc It become a , l4 Bay Fiy on Crtda -V" . Week r''?h if;"' .i..rr..,.irV, v';Vvs pleasure. Thla simple, inexpensive shsm- . poo cleanses the hair and scslp thir- . oufhly of all dandmff and dirt. ; leaves a clean, wholrsome ferHm. A. I scalp Irritation will -dlssppear. ar.. Ihi , hair will bo brighter and tlcsster t .an ever before. AU t r'.lsf ineijt. J I 1