HIT; OMAHA SUNDAY KKK: MARCH 5, 1916. 13 A SUPER-SIX MOTOR MARRSJHE IDEAL Hudion Engineer Deelarei Utii mum of Efficiency Beached by Hndion Itfvention. GREAT EJIGDJXLRING ADVANCE rTV Jt 1', -r - ll "The new Huileon Burr-fM motor." ? Chief Engineer O. ft. Behn of the ttudaan Motor Car company-, 'urprleert the motor car enaMneera probably quite aa much aa It will the reneral nubile. It had lern atatert time and airaln that the maxl niimof efflrlrnry had been reached In the elu-eyllnder motor. Thl waa slven a a the reason why soma enmnanlea en deavored to dex-elon the V type elfrht and twelve. If the Hudson discovery had been made a year a bo H la entirely prob able that the elahta and twelvea m!ht never have put In an appearance. Cer tainly they are-now proved to be un necessary because more than their effi ciency haa been attained through the irfx pyllnder motor ea nw Vmnufactured by the Hudson company. "The moat tmpresalve fact In the auto mobile Industry lately haa been the rapid changre In motors. To the public It some times haa awemed Important that bodice and styles were different, but the en gineer have known all aloha; that by far the (treatcat changes and the rreateat possible advanrea lay In the direction f the motor' and the chaaala. Many people who are familiar with the technique of engineering; have possibly aeen In the motor chants merely a atrlving; after newness, an effort of one maker to outdo another in the way of apparent aenaation. But the changes have had a much deeper meaning. The 'V type fnotor. the etirhtt and the ; twelves, have been claimed to excel the former six-ryllnder motors. This in some. Instancea may have been true, but there never haa been any doubt In ihi mind of engineer that If certain fea turee could be secured In a alx-cyllnder motor It would: be practically the Ideal for a pleasure motor car. That condition ta now reached by the new Hudson Inven tion. - ' "It would take too long- at thla time to tell of the many teeta to which thla motor haa been subjected arid of the many marvelous, things that It haa done. Buffi cient to any . that it haa ao thoroughly convinced the Hudson engineers of lta value that they have abandoned not only all sixes, of former types, but all Idea of eight or twelve-cylinder motors. Every reaaon lor an eight or twelve-cylinder motor haa new vanished." Eeim Says Outlook For Coming Year is BrightestEver "The outlook for the coming year la not lacking in encouragement for the well organized. Automobile manufacturers whose fcroduot haa established ltaelf In the confidence of automobile users," Bald George F. RHm, president of the Cadillac company of Omaha. "It would be dlffl 'cult to name an Industry which rents on a more secure foundation than that portion of the automobile Industry which comprises' properly constructed, honestly do motor cars. The universal demand the-; transport of paaaengera and mi-ti-ri il will continue whlle.pur civilisation stands. The intrinsic-merit of -the-motor car fort that purpose .Inatjrra jwro&nencjr to the Industry. . - - "Tha period of evolution through, which the automobile Industry, ia passing may temporarily embarraaa these manufac turers whoae product Is not thoroughly established. . Intelligent ' discrimination in J buying motor cars will be manifest this year to a greater extent than .ver.before. "This coming' year ' will demonstrate tho firm hold .which the honestly made motor car hie. on the American public. "We believe that the adherence to tha ! policy of maintaining excellence in the ! quality 6f material and' workmanship, and the policy of (ivtng to the purohaaers a liberal return for. their expenditure will be a material .factor, tn the constant in crease In the production of motor care." Brisco6 Sales in' ;.",'"rW This Section Hav0 vBeen Enormous "How la , business with the Briscoe? Well. I hestiUt -JtO tell, you the real truth, fur fear it will not be considered seriously and may be construed aa a fabrication, pure and simple. However, I am going to tell you that between Feb ruary 21 to 18, I wrote contracts with Nebraska dealers for more than l.onft Briscoe ears." aald F H. Blxby, dis trict manager. "In every case we took shipping or ders for. carloads of cars and every dealer a' good dependable dealer. "Gross amount of contracts made in a week' time la around 11,600,000, Hence I think 1 am Juatlfled In aaylng that business with the Briscoe la fair.; "It will' seem Ilk a lot of. carp to some people, but we have only started. Jf you find anyone really Interested In cars that doubts my statement, I will make an affidavit to tha effect that tha above statement is true and will verify It, by disclosing tha name of the dealers and number of cars contracted for, to Mr. Reapess of the News, Ladue of the Omaha Be and Mr. Clark of the World-Herald, they In return to make an affidavit to the fact If my atatementa are true. Overland Bowlers To Open and Close The Toledo Tourney Following Ike precedent established by the Ovrr.lend. Automobile company of To ledo In 1913, thla factory, haa again en tered the bWgeat number of bowling teams nominated by any Individual or ratablUhnient for the 1916 tournament of the American Bowling congreaa, to be staged at the Toledo Terminal Audi torium, commencing March 4. Thla year thrty -three learns have entered, raising (he total number of teams close to the T'Onark and the Toledo list to Sl(i the record number of entries for any bowling tournament; aa well a the blggeat liat of teams to be enrolled by any city in aueh an event. To the Overland fives haa been given the honor of beginning and closing the big tenpla tourney. k.orty Dee Sola. (horv Pe . . Bhorteton of the snM bv Andv Roacb o the Fort Worth Iwll ras bii aCM Ms? America TV. mm AMERICA'S GREATEST "LIGHT SIX" is no idle claim when applied to the Haynes "Light Six." What other car is so flexible as to go one to sixty miles per hour on high? What other car runs under all conditions, from 15 to 22 miles on a gallon of gasoline? What other car can pick up a speed of 30 miles per hour in seven and a half seconds from a standing start? What other big car will average 8,000 miles to a set of tires, and 400 mUes to a quart of oil? THE HAYNES MOTOR, WITH CYLINDERS 3!2xS, WILL DEVELOP MORE POWER THAN ANY OTHER MOTOR OF ANY MAKE OF EQUAL BORE AI0 STROKE How couM there be greater efficiency? Get behind the wheel of the Haynes "light Six," and you will quickly; understand why it is called America's Greatest '"Light Six." fii America's Greatest 'Tight Six" Here's a car you're proud to own, placed alongside of cars of the very highest 'price consideration the Haynes does not suffer by comparison. Compared with cars in the same price class, it gets a wide margin of preference: j It's great to drive a car so graceful an'd thoroughbred in appearance that you smile with pride every time you step in for a drive. There is real pleasure in owning a car that will do more than the other fellow's a powerful car that is so easily controlled that; any woman can drive it a. car that will pull through hub-deep mud and up the toughest hills on high without shifting gears. - , Specifications and Prices "LIGHT SIX" (Model 36) .' Five-pane iifer tourlni car or three-pateenger roadster. Weight 3000 lbs. Wheel, bate 121. Price $1485 (Model 37) Seven-peteenrr tourlnf csr. Wheelba.. 127. Weight 3100 lbs. Price $1585 "LIGHT TWELVE" (Model 40) Five-pateenfer toorln ear or three-passenger roadster. Wheelbaie 121. Weight 3100 lbt. Wire Wheels. : Price $1885 (Model 41) Srven-paisentfer touring car. Wbeelbasa 127. Weight 3200 tlbt. Wlr. wheels. Price $1985 Tha "Light Sis" and "Light Twelr." motors are inter, changeable. All models are completely equipped, includ ing seat cover, tnoto-meter, ammeter, and all accessories. Let ut demonstrate the Haynes to yoti aeroally SHOW YOU WHAT IT WILL DO. Lest spring a ad aumroer more people wanted Haynes cart than could get them. The tame will be true this year. But placing your order Bow will Insure dellv cry of your car when you want it. America's Greatest "light Twehre" This beautiful new car is Haynes quality throughout. Behind Its twelve purring cylin ders you get a joy of driving you have never ' before known just one long sweep, up hill, down hill, everywhere, with no .vibration. It is a light-weight car containing a powerful, smooth running twelve-cylinder motor which actually develops seventy-five horse-power. This Master Motor is of the high-speed type, with valve-in-head construction and removable cylinder heads. Aluminum pis tons are used. The design is simple and all parts are readily accessible. The motor is light, weighing but little more than the "Light Six" motor. It is powerful yet eco nomical absolutely the last word in auto, mobile engineering. Nebraska Haynes Auto Sales Company 2032 Farnam Street. THE HAYNES AUTOMOBILE CO. - KOKOMO, IND. ' t, ' ' a V1 i . j .ir V l I sji . t l - : . ' i aw asjk t W W --e w S r. T iMr n w-rv I ' m ia JKfe 1 .ar mjr Vl X w a AV J ia-n lSk. - v' -I Ai " VyaLsa . t3-. V -.-5.V jsrTt-, yji ... w s i (rv .aaViaT k 11 .aftV "4.aT m MM WLM WW m Mi saWT V W Americas Greatest JLigrmtc 3J3C mi