10 A TOPICS FOR A DAY OF REST : Mischa Elman Listens to Himself Play lent Begici Wednesday and Will Be Observed with the Uiual nd Customary Service. SEASON FOR FAST AND PRAYER With the coming of Ash Wednesday net week the usual Lenten neuron will te ushered In to be observed by the re llstous denomination that take account nt that season of fasting and prayer. As lies been the custom In rest years, di vine services will be held, rnmbtri of th churches observing Int to the le'ter. will hie themselves awsy from the round of social pleasures and abstain from In dulging In pmllmi'i tht arc permiMible t other times. Tbe Swedish Fiaptlst church. South Plrt. having Just completed the remodeling of tha church, spcrlsi services will be held Hnnday. Lawrence Arlander, gospel singer, will bo present and have charge of the music. Tha Covenant Treahyterlan church. Pratt and Twenty-seventh streets, an nouncea a Sunday evenlrr rri of ser mona on "Prophecy," baaed on the life and book of Daniel. Daniel for the old and tha Revelation of John for the New Teatament, are asserted to be keys to tha future, wonderfully Illuminated by tha present world war. B-it Daniel should be studied flnl. A special mualcal aervlce will be held' Sunday evening; at Trinity cathedral, starting at 7:30. The aervlce will consist of music by tha choir and tolblsts. Ren Stanley la the organist. Sunday at the First Methodist c"iurch beginning at 7 ID o'clock, the following 7 f i . ! ! T!!;'i -j mrm. ' ' .... V S Ox TIA distinguished visitor to tha Burgess Nwh store yesterday afternoon .was musical program will be given by the Mucha Elman. tha famous Russian vlo chorus choir of forty-five voices, assisted j un,t. who will be heard In concert at by Earle TlcUner. flute; Will Hetherlng-I one of the local theaters this afternoon. ton. violin: and Prince Lei I-anl, vocalist; , The picture above shows Mr. Elman Ma under the direction of James Edward Carnal. Miss Nora Neal will bo at tha organ; "rgan Prelude Mr dilation Sturgea JTayer The Lord'a prayer (chanted.. Anthem Ho, Every One that Thlrs- teth Martin K. 8. Travis and choir. Baea Solo Recitative and Air, Thus fcalth tha Lord (Meeslshi Handel t Mr. Carnal. Anthe-n aTr.ou Wilt Koep Him In Perfect Peace Foster Hymn b)l'naccoinpanied, Coma Ye Disconsolate Samuel Webbe Soprano Solo Rejoice Greatly, O ' Daughter of 7,lon (Messiah).... Handel - Miss Silver. Organ Offertory Intermesio No. 1 rje-els of the Vdnwi . . Wolf Feral Duet for Flute and Violin Serenade.. iNCMunert Earle Tlckner and Will Hetherington. Anthem List tha Cherubic Hosts dr. Oaui. Mr. Nearlna. Miss Silver and Women of the Choir. Boors . (a) The Holy City , Adams b) A Perfect Day ! Hond r) Hawaiian aong as sung In Ha- wilian Prince Lei Lanl. Anthem Inflammatus (Stabet Mater) Kosalnl Organ Prelude Grand March (Arlat . Verdi ttaptlst. Calvary. Hamilton nnd Twenty-fifth, .1. j 1 A. MaxMen, r'estor Jriurntng. "A Pe i cul'.ar People." Evening, "Hume RelU- j ' ion. ' Klhie scnool at noon, n. w. isoiue, I superintendent. Young People's meeting I at 30, led by ' Ieonard Brldenbaiigh. 1 Prayer meeting of church Wednesday evening. ! First. Harner Street and Park Ave puo, H. O. Rowlands. Minister 10:), "Thomoa an3 Hta Troubles." Iteoeptlon f of new members and holy communion. V ' "Why Accept tne tllhle as a Mes sage from Ood?" Hlhle school at noon, tieorge Waterman, superintendent. Young . People's meeting at .. Orace, South Tenth and Arbor, E. H. ' Tsft, Pastor Men's prayer meeting at : Sunnday school at 10; morning wor htp at 11; "Win One." Lord'a eupner afier sermon. Haptlst Toung Peopfe'a i l'rlnn at Kvenlng wnrahlp at 7:30. Subject. "lachecua." W. A. Ehler a p.,o.fl team at the mission, 1)10 tjoulh Fourth street at L Imm&nuel, Twenty-fotirth and Pinkney, Arthur J. Morris, Pantor At 10:. Clir(tla"a, the l.lrh of the World. The Lord's supper at this rvie. Jlll.lt t echool at noyn. Charles W. Simon. si I j perintendent. Young People's meeting at :. at 7: tne service will pe un der tha 4 ractlon of the choir. Men a eupj.er and Hlhle study We1nesday eve ning at :. Prayer and praise service at o'clock. Ckrlstlaa, First, Twenty-slgth and Harney, Charles R. Cobbey. Pastor At 11, "God'e Fellowship." At 7 S0. "Victorious Death." Intermediate and senior Young People'a Society Christina bindeavor, :. Junior Young People'a Society Christian En deavor at 11. Xllbie school at .&. North Side, Twenty-second and Lo tbrop, Georra L. Peters. Pastor Plhla tenlng to hla own rendition of the Span Isrbo Tsnse, op. 2?, No. 8, In the Vlctrola department on the fourth floor. This waa Mr. Elman's first opportunity to hear any record played with the new Tungs. tone stylus needle whlrh la an Improved semi-permanent needle which can be used as many as times without being changed. Mr. Elman waa very favorably Impressed with the marvelous reproduc tion with this new needle and expressed himself strnnirly over Its possibilities. Necessity." 8. service In Herman by Re. Wlegman. ".JO. "Man's Contrast to Ood." Sun-lsy school, J:4;,. Christian Endeavo1 st 6:4.",. Trinity. Twenty-fifth Street and Ames Avenue, Rev. C. O Hloomqulst, pastor Sundiy school at KV Sorvlies at 11 and 7 3o. Swedish Innguaeo uned only at the Sunday mo'ntnT service. Tuesday even ing the Luther league meets at the home oi Miss iveiaun, r vr wev tnt.i street and Ames avenue. Orace. E""ih. U'd So"h Twentv-slxth Street. C. N. Bwlhart. Minlster-11. "Tho Myttery of the Cross." a, "Ixoklng l.',-. Har'i. Go.ng r'orwaid" Sunday school at M. Luther league at 7. Special Ienten eeivlce Thursday evening at 8. Orace Lutheran branch Sunday school, hall. West t eavenworth and Forty-eighth tr-et at J:. St. Matthew's,' Fngllsh, Nineteenth anl Caatelsr, Rev. O. W. Snyder, Pastor Juuiuuis ,.ivice at II. ' Ores tea I." Luther league servii: 7 SO, subject, "Hulldlng Houses of Ood." Sunday school at 1ft, subject, "The First Chrla tlan Martyr. The Woman's Missionary ant I-adles' Aid society will met Thuisilay afternoon with Mrs. N. C, Nemlss, irf.l 6outh Twentieth Itreet. Salem Swedish, I21 South Twenty hirci. Rr, V A. J.lnt". Pnate Sunday school at :t8; morning service at II, i'nu 1 if.piivH ies 'ut v. nrlsi. s nut,rlng for the Sins of the World." Evening, s. "Hepreaentrttvea of I'nrlghteousness and Righteousness as Set Forth In the Be trayal of Christ." Trustee meeting, Tuesday, 7:80. Luther Choral society, Tuesday 1. Salem Ladles' soe'ety. Thurs day, 2 30 at the home of Mrs. John An derson, 202 Clnrkson avenue. Confirma tion class Saturday at 1:4b. - rttiM Urn ,t..r-'m V..rM,-vl-n.ri-nll. Tvin. ty-elxth and Hamilton, Rev. M. Hal- versoc, pastot Norvveglan-Dantsh com munion service at It condtcted by Rev. tinKselh of Haiard. Neb., sermon In KtiKliah by Rev. O. Wrnlstad of Kansas ' 'v Al op'ipk Sunday evenma- a "samltale." 'or discussion meeting. Rer. I u iriif or Neumn drove itwroaucea the topic ' baaed on Matthew t:IS. La dles' Aid Thursday afternoon in the church parlors. Choir prsctlce Friday vinlngj' continuant Instruction at 4. Kountse Memorial. Farnam Street fnd Twenly-elnth Avenue. Rev. Oliver D. Raltsly, Pastor. i!ev. C. Franklin Koch, Associate Pastor Morning worshln at 11 o'clock. "The Orteved and Sorrow Ftrlckn Savior." Evening worship at 8, "Making Llffht of Mighty Thlnua." Sun day school at :4.r. Oscar P. Ooodman. superintendent. Luther league at 7. llraivh Sunday school at 8, Twenty fourth street and Ames avenue, preaching st 8:46 by Rev. Koch. "Sowing and Reap ing." lrnten service Wednesday at . Zlon English. Thirty-sixth Street and Iyefayetta Aenue, A. T. Lorlmer. Paster Sunday school, IMS. Morning service, 31. Kvoiiii., seivue nt h. Mormon theme, "Father Forgive Them for They Know not Wret They Do." Anthem by choir, "Ood tin Loved the World,1' Stalner. Solo, "The Ninety and Nine," Edward Cnmplen, Mlsa Sonhle Johnson. - "The v iv"ibr4 Throng" Oreig. Con alan ine Oden. Miss Eva Nelson, organ ist. Contntlna Oden, director. T'le trusters will meet Monday even n. Sun- school st 10. Adult Rlhle clajis at 10. Ep-I worship at 7:80. Mid meek service Wednea. school at ': morning service at 10:3"; .,.- 7,-. viu, V-.,. -i theme "Fnrl v Years if R.rvlr. ' At "xnng. .MldwecR pra or service e'n-a- 'ih. v.n whl i?.i Hta?k.... ''V evening, tholr rehearsal. Fndny Fndeavo? seilces lurmediate at S- 'v'n,n- Ocnflrn.atlon cla.s will wt -InT i a u intermediate, at . Saturday morning at 1ft. Mrs. Oust Nel- aenior ai .u. ., i .dies' Aid n tha Ckrtstlaa Bcleare. First Church, St. Mary'a Avenue and Twenty-fourth Street Services at 11 and 8. Subject, "Man." Sunday school (two easlona), and 11. Wednesday evening moetlng at 8. Second Church. Dundee Hall. I'nder wood Avenue and Fiftieth Street Ser vice at 11. Fubject, "Man." Sunday actiool at 8.I&. Wednesday evening meet ing at 8, ' Cwgregatleaaj. flymouth. FJlghtaenla and Emmet. K. W. ivcavltt. kiinlater Bible achoul at M. At li, ronunuaka and reoeptlun of metn bera. Young Peaple'a ineetliu at 4 a). yvening service) at 7:30. "Oue-Win-One" meeting Wednesday at 8. St. Mary'a Avenue. St. Mry'a and 'First. Nineteenth and Davenport Morntnc. ll:3u; evening. 7:8i I'reldent it. K. Warren of Yankton college, Yank ton, 8. V.. will preach. Sunday school al noon. Junior C hristian Lnuvor at 8. hvttlor ChrtMtlan Endeavor at ;-K. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7.80. Twenty-eeventh. Rev. G. A. Halbert, Mm later Sunday morntnaT anrvtoa at 10:80, preaching, nruto by tbej Kelly choir, sac raruenl uJf tha lord's Hupurr. Sunday achoul at noon with kindergarten; classea t for young women and men. Youni; peo ple'a meeting at ; aubc4. 'FeJtll;' leader. Norman Brlgbara. Midweek serv Ko Wednesday etcnlog at a. Bvaagellcat. G race Vnlted. Camden slid Twenty- seventh. Thuiuaa kl. vaue. Pastor 1'rettuliing at U and 7:80. Sunday school at ku. Ky stone League of Christian Lu dtrsvor at 4.30. Hret Cnlted. tiM Franklin. Ira Vic- ftride. Pastor Morning seriuon at 11. jr.vrliing sermon, i .m cunuij evnooi eee 1 slon. lo. Junior league. 10, E. il. John lion In charge. Intermedial Uague, 8 80, Iv'rs. Fran I la Chaige. reiilor league. 4 i. IK. L. C. E. buslnesa nteetlng Monday Vteiiing. Prayer meeting Wednesday tv.i.ii.g at the church, followed by choir ,rariU. Y. P. M. 8. meets Thursdsy t-veiiing at the home of Nels tVgard, :l e-outli Tweoty-irU aUeeU Latkeraa. St. Paul'g. Twenty-fltth and lsns. Lev. E. T. Otto. Paalor Servliea at 1 and 7 i; evening theuie In English. "Four I triu-s of tleaicrs." Sunday e hool II i0 lu 1 1 'Mi. V".un People s P.iole study re-tln Wedneeday at 8. Oerraan-tng- li'li a hool, J. llllgentlurf, teaenrr. liiuuMiiuol Sae)iHti, Nineteenth and iv. Kev. Lmll "J. Chtelund. Pastor i'r ' e st 10. runday a hool 11:C Coin M 'ri'iM) at 8. New inuiubers will be ad riit'd "t this service. II .Wi J r'-h T"-ntv. second oi d L-savrnwcr.h, P. 13. Anmieo crp. I as . .u-1 uiyol at ner,.ce at 10 Mi. I iii.e meeting. iS'.l liurdtlte street at Seivioue at IS. St. Mark'a FJigMsh, Twenlleth and Pur V,tt, L- Orob, Pastor 1. ' c'brlat a kuf- rhurch parlors March . Thursday afternoon. Metho4lat. McCabe. Flrtv-flrsl and Farnam. W. It. Vnderwood, Pastor Morning worship at 11. Evening worship at 7.80. Sunday worth league at 8:31. Walnut Hill. Forty-first and Charles. Oliver Keve. Minister Services at 1ft SO and 7:"1. Sunday echool at noon. Ep worth league at 8.30. Hsnecom Park. Rev. Emory D. Hull. Vlnaler Theme at 11. "Woman and World Evnngr!sm." Theme at 7 .4 . '"lhe Sscrlllie of Jupiter." First Swedish. Nineteenth and Burt. Oustav Erlkson, Pastor Sunday school at 10. Subject st 11. vOn the Way to1 th cross. bpwnrtn league at bunject. The Sin of Having the Blues. Preach ing st 7:80. Subject, "We Are Ood a Fel low Workers." Orove. Twenty-second and Seward. Rev. Griffin O. Logan, Minister Sermon by the minister at 11, "The Household. rip worth league at Sermon and evan gelistic service at 7:30. Sunday school at lo. Class meeting at noon. Prayer meet ing Wednesday evening at 8. Dleti Memorial. Tenth and Pierce, C. N. Dawson. Pastor Sunday echool at 9.46; Dr. J. L. Frans. superintendent. Sermon at 11, "Christian I'nlty." Epworth league at t.Jfi; Denxel Deems, leader. Sermon at 7: "The Way of Rlessing." Sunday schnol board and praver meeting Wednes day evening st 8. Dr. J. Walter Morris will deliver his lecture on "Snagtown Circuit" Thursday evening. . First, Twentieth and Davenport, Tltm Lowe, Pastor Hllil" school at T. F. Hturg.su, superintendent. Clssses for sll sues. Morning worsnlo at 11. Topic, "The Place of Prayer In the Life of a Chre tien." Epworth b-aue at :.. Religious recital of aong by the choir at ":). wllu an address on "The Greatest Song." Trinity, Twenty-first and Rlnnev, Rev. John F. Toucher, Pastor Subject at 10:80. "The t'nknnwn t.ul lln." Subject at 7:., "Tbe Duality of Man.' Music by choir; T. F. Wiilama, ihcrtst.r; Miss Flora Sears, organist. Sunday school at noon; xiiiiid eiihinoers, sjpermtenduut. Ep worth league at 8:30; William 11. Rorch erdlng, president. . . . Presbyterian. First, Young Men's Christian Associa tion. Rev. Ldwln Hart Jenks, Pastor Preaching at 10:30 and 7:30. Sunuay school at noon. Frank hi. Clark, superin ttndent. Endoavor meeting at 4:15. West Q street. Forty-sixth and S Serv ices at .. R. L. Wheeler Memorial. Boulevard and J Hlble school al 9:46. Morning service at 1L Evening service at 7:30. Lowe Avenue lOiJ North Fortieth, Rev. A. F. Ernat, Minister Session meeting at 10 to receive members. Sabbath school at noon. Senior fc.niMVOT aocioty at 8:30. Sermon subjects, 10:30, Oreat Motive;" 7:30, "Seising the Opportunity." Renson, Rev. R. J. McClung. Pastor Sunday school at 1ft. Morning worship at 11. theme. "Won by Ore." Junior Chris tian Kndeavor at 8. Christian Endeavor at :.. At 7:a0, theme, "Christian Equal My." Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8. Rrotherhood mecta Thursday even ing at 8. Pnrkvale. Thirty-first and Gold. Rev. R. W. Taylor. Pastor Sundsy echool at 1 J. H. lleald. superintendent. Services 11. tople -The Prince of Tvre His Sin and Destruction." Christian En uuhvui at i. fulmar service at 7.4S. topic. "No Compromise With Sir..' Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:4a. Clifton Hill. C.rant and Forty-fifth. Rev. B. R. von der Lippe. Pastor Sunday rh"o 1ft. Rngiilae prenchlng service i it. s jojrci. -Acitviiy worm vvnne. uiiiur r.nuriivor at 4. nvnlur Endeavor at 8:30. Evening service at 7.i, subject, "Tha Hidden Oospel." Dundee, Fiftieth Street and Vnderwooq Avenue, ney. h. b. roster. Minister Rlhle school at 8 48. Classes for men and women at 10. Morning worship at 11. v nrmtian f-naeavor at :4o. Evening st It. Sermon st 11, by Rev. Wslter F Creenman, minister of the Unitarian chuich of Ml'wausee. Mlseetlaaeeae. Al Moose hall. South Side. Sunday school at 10. Preaching at 11 and 7.m. There will be Spiritual)'' relllous srvlies Sunday evening at 8 o'clock st :ilft lKuglas stieet. National Fontenelie Splrlitiel. UU Cum ing. Mrs Ella 'lerdlner. Ml ssage Bearer -Services, evening. I:!f.. Tbe Ascof)ntd P)hle Students meet In I yr'c building. Nineteenth and Farnam. at 8 O. T'. Luce w. I.I lecture on "The Puck T'oiinda'lon." Ctmrrh of Life. 'IS North F.lf h'eenth Vis. V. A. Pell will lecture st 7:S0 P. m. en "The Old Red Dragon," or 'The Csuse of the War." I'lrst I'rogresslce Splritiis'lst. 118 I 'artiev Rrgrlsr setvices. fn'lnwed b messges. every Sunlv evening, nt 8. Regular mesat'e service everv Frldav Iteorganlred Church of Jesu Christ of T.'er Pev Sa'n'a TweiM -fourth and ---'-- r ' -'it Sac-n"nt rentes at 11., R'ligio at 8 3 Pieach- . s . . Peerie's. 318 North Eighteenth. Rev. r"r'.ee W Saviilge. Pastor Morrtng. "'ske No Compromise it n Sin r.ven l'g. "Christ Offe-s Pest to All Who Come to M'tn." Punday school at noon. Prayer meeting Thursday evening, even In - st H. 1'nl'ed Pre":ren. Vlie'eer"- spH Tth- rop. W . n. .lonea. i-sstor Tn i an o- Ood srd me " or'd t- tee T"nt'"n On'ifv Oi'iri." at 11. Evenlnt, 7:, C"srgeHtlc aerv're. S'ini'av e-hool a 1a. Ch-)sflnn Fnnegvnr at s 1. Rib'e s'unv. nraver and worker's "onference Wetne- dar evening st 8. L'd'e- Ovm class Monday eienlng. 8 to 8 o'clock. Fnrtker Rise of Waters. NEW ORLEANS. La.. Msrch 4 A fu--ther rise tn tie water cove-lnc tbe black sectlm o' rorthe-n lu''n re ported tonieht. L'tte relfe' was tha marooned persons In the Isolated dis tricts. . OTTAWA. Ont.. March 4. Th fiw.via "talllon Anmer. under whose feet Mlas Oavlsen, the su'fragette. lost tr life at the Drbv of 1913 has been presented to Canada br the king of England for breeding of remonnta. "Chicken Joe" Mast Han. JOLITTT. 111.. March 4 "Chicken Joe" Campbell waa denied a new trial today and sentenced to be henged Anrll 71 for the murder of Odette Allen, wife of the former warden of the state penitentiary here. cay evening at 8. North. Twenty-fourth and Wirt. Rev, M. V. Higher. Pastor The pastor will preuh st 11 snd 7:30. Sunday school at 8:45. Fellowship meeting Wednesday evening at 7:4S. Westminster. Msson and Twenty-r.lnth. 1 Rev. J. Frank Young. Pastor Morning worship at 10:30, Bible school at f -' - rhr'l-n Endeavor at 4. Senior Ch'lstlan Endeavor at 8:J. Ewnlng worenlp at 7.80, a aervlce of Chris la. i n.ug. i.ie iastor will speak on "The Sw. etest Hebrew Song." Ml i week prayer acrvico Wedre.sday evening at 7:45. tastelar. Sixteenth and Castelir, Rr. C. .,ick, iiuior Services at 11 and 7:M. Sabbath school at :4R. 'Junior Christian Endeavor. t 8. Intermediate Christian Fndeavor at 8. Senior Chris tian Endeavor at 8:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 . Third. Twentieth and Leavenworth, Rev. Robert Karr. Pastor Sunday school with adult Plble classes at 8:30. Sermon ? ?0:4,-hr hev- Charles Baskervllle. Junior Endeavor meetinir at 3. Christian Endeavor prayer meeting at :. Sermon by the pastor at 7:45. ' Central Twenty-fourth and Dodge, Hugh P Speer. Pastor Morning Warship. 10:do. sermon hy the pastor, "Honoring the Lord With Our Money." Sabbath school at noon. Y'oung People's meeting, Evening worship, 7:80. address by Rev. D. S. Ovler. mlaslonarv in k1 Sullnka of. the Egyptian Sudan. Covenant, Pratt and Twenty-aeventh, Rev. Charles H. Fleming, Pastor At 10:S0. "Men of the Bible Who Hesitated David. Bible school at noon. Endeavor at 8.4S. At 7:80. "The Credentials of Dan iel, the Prophet." This la the first of a Sunday evening aeries on "Prophecy," ii I i wen s Rih . class meets nviiiivauay evening ai B. V nltarlssi. Sunday semcea In Turpln hal". Twenty eighth ahd Farnam. Bible study classes Be Pretty! Turn Gray Hair Dark Look "yotirLgrl Nobody can tell if you use Grandmother's recipe of Sage Tea --. and Sulphur. Almost everyone knows that Saga Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded, brings back tho natural color and. lustra to. the hair when faded, streaked or gray. Tears ago tha only way to get tots mixture was to make It at home, which la mussy and troublesome. Nowadays, by asking at any drug atore for "Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound," you will get a large bottle of this famous old recipe. Improve- by the addition of other Ingredients, foi about 80 cents. Don't tay gray! Try It: J'o one etn possibly tell that you darkened your hair, ss It doea It ao naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw thla through your hair, taking one amall strand at a time; by morning tha gray hair disappeara, and after another application or two, your hair be comes beautifully Cark, glossy and at tractive. . Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound la a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire dark hair and a youthful ap pearance. It la not Intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. Advertisement o UR repeated statement that Goodyear users far outnumber the users of any other single brand is confirmed by the overwhelming Goodyear preference revealed in the tire census of seventy-one leading cities. These figures show more than twenty-one er cent of the tires used in these cities to be Goodyear; and they may be accepted as indicative of the Goodyear standing in the country at large. The basis for this emphatic public prefer ence cannot be price; for dozens of tires sell for less than Goodyear. It is found in Goodyear quality and in Goodyear features of construction, which make Goodyear Tires last longer, go far ther and so cost less in the end. fjOOIEAR TIRES Emty to gttrem GtJytarSerttca Station Dcalm Evetynher. Goodyear N'oHook Tire re fortified against: Rim-cutting By our No-Rim-Cut feature. Blow-outs By our On Air Cure. Loose Treads By our Rubber Rivet. Insecurity By our Multi ple Braided Piano Wire Base. Puncturei and Skidding By our Double-Thick All-Weather Tread. t i n . i -r mi JMism. For Largest and Quickest Results, You Should Always Place Your Classified Advertising in Tho Bee Results Tell the Tale l9E T TAKE NO CHANCES WITH YOUR HEALTH L 1 - Practice "Safety First" always. Be careful of your diet Watch the condition of your Stom ach, Liver, and Bowels and see that they are working in harmony When help is needed Remember, H0STETTE1TS STOMACH BITTERS has always been found reliable and trustworthy and therefore deserves your fullest confidence. Tryittoday f It Will Make You Fee! Better -fl iiiLJLJ Safe, Sound Life Insurance At Actual Cost I . r 'OMTIO. WANTED Work of any kind in apartment, roomina; or board In houaa; neat and trust worthy; Ions; furpertenc; bst of rf rncn; naed work badly: waaea no ).iact; city or out. fhona Doug las Addrtxa Mrs. . M1DPIE-AGED lady wlshss work as housekeeper for small family; no i ohlertion tn leavlnaj rlty; will ex change refsrencea. Mrs. Clara WANTKD By truatworthy lady, gen eral housework. - where family la .employed during the day. Call Web, or call at boarding house, Grant St. KJCFIXED widow with child dmlrea position aa housekeeper. Doug. . after S p. m. X,aJirPT AWD PAT won WOMAN wants day work. Douglas LAUNDRY, waahlng. cleaning, liar. , BI.'NDLE waahlng: neat work. Web. DAY work of any kind. Web. . Mary TRAGEDY OF THE "WANT COLUMNS .These advertisements from recent issues- of Nebraska daily papers tell heartbreaking stories. Called by death in the worktime of( life uninsured tho husbands of these wo men left widows to work or to starVe. Don't let YOUR wife come to this. Provide for her while you have the chance by means of a life insurance policy in The A. O. U. W. 8) of NEBRASKA The published table of, rates in this fraternal insurance organization, as given below, will show you that, depending upon your age, your 8 cents a day can be made to mean $1,000 in cash for your widow at the time she most needs it. This is the greatest state fraternal insurance order in the world. For 30 years it has been protecting tho lives of Nebraska men, and today its membership of practically 40,000 attests its power of service to you. It has paid out more than 11 millions of dollars to widows and orphans of members who have died. It is operated under.the Ruervision of the State of Nebraska. What This Reliable Insurance Will -Cost You Per Month. Following la a table; showing the monthly coat of insurance iu the A. O. T. W. to Us member. The ratea are low but adequate. Age ' Policy of $1,000 Folicy of $:,000 1 i to 14 $0.75 per month )).50 per month 13 to 28 v .83 - " 1.70 " 30 to 54 1.00 r.oo " 35 to 39 1.13 " " :.S0 " ' " 40 to U 1.3'J " " 2.60 " TZAjt ItU , XT TOV WAJTT IXrOKatATION TEAR OVT THK 000OX AND MAIL IT TODAY. To FRANK A. A.VDERSON. Orsnrt Master Workman, A. O. Pur Sir: I am interested in BATE, SOUND, r.l'AKANTKKD life Insurance at At'. TIT A I. COST and you may send me, WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION ON M i PAKT. vnur free booklet telling of tue p an and organisation of the Anrteru Order of United Workmen of Nebraska. U. T. .Thre ii an A. O. V. W lodpe )n your Ticlulty ready to welcome you as a member. Make application today while your health will allow you to aeenre membership to some officer or member of your local lodge. No certificate Issued for more than $2,000 to one member. A Name Address TBAB KEU at' -ftvur i jfitif nr