Till: HF.lv. OMAHA, NATTIiPAY. MAhVIl 4. 15MC. PRECAUTIONS PREVALETH X NAUGHT FOR MR. M'NOWN H. A. McNown. $223 Caaa strret. haa oma misgivings about tha truth of 1h old saying. "An ounce of jrvantlon la worth a pound of cura." On Thursday Ha t-ycar-old aon atrlikon with Scarlet fever. In tha fare of the pre- rautlon he arid his lfe ohsrrvrd xini-o licfore t'hriatinaa lie 1 In) t. hrliove there la no earapiiiK thp ili.oar, no mat ter how rnrrful ono nmv br "We krpt our two other hildrcn hme from school since the Chria'tmia holl daya. neither mvarlf nnr wife have at teiuled any public place, we hnve not even vlaltrd a nctiihoor, I have ridden on the platforms of street cats, and if there Is any other precaution we have overlooked 1 would like to know of It." remarked Mr. McNown. FUNERAL SERVICES FOR FRANK JOHNSTON HELD Membera of the Mnicrn Woodmen of America and the Am-I.mt' Order of t'nlterl Workmen and nianv other friends at tended the funeral f Frank Johnston Friday morning at ft o'clock at St. Mary's church. South Side. Pnrlal was In St. Mary's cemetery. Mr. Johnston died Tuesday afternoon following an lllnesa which began five months ago. He under went an operation for appendicitis at that tlirj. hut never recoered. Me was a member of the tmo lodgea represented at the funeral, and Is survived by a daughter. Mrs. A. R. Carlson of Orand Island. DR. BANISTER APPROVES INSPECTION IN SCHOOLS ' Tlie Commercial club ahould lend Ita henrty co-operation to the antl-aplttlng campaign." declared Pr. 3. M. Panlster, formerly a surgeon In the t'nlted Btatea army and now practicing In Omaha, be- fore the public health and hospital com mittee of the Commercial cluh at noon. Ir. Hanlster also placed the stamp of approval on school Inmeetlon aa a pre ventive of epldemlca of contnglnua dla eases. "If the school Inspection had been In force last Septem' er." aald Pr. Han Ister. "there would be no acarlet fever epidemic In Omaha now." Ktf t the Situation Pee Want Ads. Ilrrntton Haite Manaser. The fnlunibtia cl'ih of the Smith At lant'c league hna appointed Third Hase mar Harden tlerndon aa team nianascr to auereed James I'. l"o. Friday, March 3, 1916.- -BURGESS NASH STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY- -Phone Douglas 137. Saturday The Third Day of Our Spring Millinery Opening Saturday, the third day of this spring opening week of Millinery sees the arrival of many Hats not shown before. The great crowds who attended the first two day will therefore in no way spoil th attractions for those who could noi come before. r JFf3sW aa. Without a ques tion this is the 1 argest collection of modest Hats bought especially for an oc casion from those millinery de signers whose names represent the highest ability of the art. A few of the names are Lieh tenstein, Moorehead & Jardine, Clairville, Gage and Fisk. II a t s si m i 1 a r to picture special 1 y priced at $10.00 Newest e f f e c t s for sports w ear- white and all new colors. Never before has an "Open ing" in this store seen a more complete and worthier collec tion of less expensive Hats than this spring event of 1916 so A Black Mi lan turban with a perky ribbon hold ing its own at the back It is in this collection that the influence of the more expen sive Hats is felt. With Biich ex amples what else could the less expensive Hats be but replicas of the chic and charm which attracts you in those exclusive models! Burgess-Nash Company. 'cverybooy's stork" Forward, March!---Spring Is on the Way Saturday Musical Hour Cricket Room4 to 5 P. M. , Miss Violet Carlson ropular Sttngs Program by Mr , ponar(J Rodgerg pa These Musicals are proving very popular affording a pleasant Hour which friends may spend together, entertained by the beat muslo and served with a dainty luncheon or light refreshments. Hurf raa-Naah Co. Cricket Room. Main Floor. Special Saturday Evening SUPPER 35c Cricket Room 5:30 to 8:30 AppetliltiR foods, i-ookit horn style and arrvrtl In a dainty nay. MENU Chicken t'ntumnime SlufTi-il i illves Honet Uil of Heef nroan rotntnra l.lma nan Asoatasua T'pa Ralart Apple I'll, mid I'hrrs. or Vanlla Nut Sundae . Co (Tee, T or Mitk BariMi Naah ( a. Cricket Kmm, The New Blouses for Spring $3.95, $5.00, $5.95, $6.50 to $10.00 ARRIVING by scores to find instant favor with those who desire an always newer mode Materials Are Colorings Are Georgette Crepe !,a Jers Crepe de Chine Radium Flesh Gray Pussy Willow Voile Bisque Nile New sleeves, new collars, new trimming touches. Charm and service combined In these blouses at such moderate prices. Burgeaa-Naah Co. Serand Floor. Women's Black Silk Lisle HOSE Featured for Saturday, the Pair 35c AN unusual value one that will bring fourth a generous response. Women's black silk lisle hose, full fashioned; regular made, an ex ceptional value. Boys' and Girls' Hose, at 16c Another remarkable value for Saturday, Boys' and Girls' black cotton or silk lisle hose, full seamless and ribbed. nurrraa-Xaah Co. Main Floor. "Wirthmor Waists" Saturday $1.00 Always Worth More In Basement THAT we do make a feature of the "Wirthmor Waist" at $1.00 is true, as is very evident from the unusual values always to be found in' these waists at $1.00. Their frequent arrival insures the latest and most wanted styles their materials and workmanship are so satisfactory that It is real economy to have several in your wardrobe, "Wirthmor Waists" Bold here exclusively. Bnrgeas-Naah Company Itaa.ni.nt. Ever Ready Safety Razors Complete With 12 Blades Sat, at, 75c JpVERYBODY knows the "Ever-Ready" Safety Razor, the nationally advertised ra zor. Selling regularly at $1.00. Self-adjusting, instantly ready. Easily cleaned, mechanically perfect. Rust-proof, sanitary, guaranteed for life. SDecial Saturday conmlete with 12 blades m).tor 75c. Wo 9 men sixiew Sunits LOOK! BOYS! DON'T fall to enter your name aa a participant In the BIRD HOUSE CONTEST. $42.60 In prlea, full particulars In the sport ing goods section. Ita nim-Vth 1'n. I?inrth Floor. CandyJS p e c i a I s IT'S pure that's sure" If it comes from nurgess-Nash. Chocolates, fresh made, whipped cream centers, lb., 35c. Caramels, fresh made, maple covered, lb., 25c. Bo.r-fiMi-Kh Co TrtfliM W oam . VIOLETS at 15c FRESH Violets, large bunches Saturday, at 15c. Tulips. Sweet Peas, Roses, Carnations, etc., at special prices. Barg-nia-N'aah Co. Main Floor. Women's UNION SUITS at 50c F1NE3 white cotton Union Suits for women, knee length and finished with band tops. Women's White Cotton Vests, 17o Low neck and sleeveless styles, shaped to the waist, cuff knee panta to match; unusual values. Women's White Cotton Vests, lOo Remarkable values, white cotton, low neck and sleeveless, full taped. nnrcmw-Nsah Co. Main Floor. EASEMENT gALEMM3: At $25.00, $29.50 and $35.00 STEClAIi showing of Spring suits in Misses' and Women's Rizes, made of gahnrdine, poplin, hlack and white checks, taffetas, mannish serge and checked wool velours. The styles includo the belt ed effects, showing the new norfolk style with trimmings of taffeta, buttons and suede, much in vogue this season. The Spring Dresses , at $19.50 to $39.50 New Spring dresses in taffeta and Georgette combination, charmeuse, crepe de chine, striped Rilks with Georgette crepe combinations, crepe de chine with taffeta combinations. These dresses embody all of the new Spring features. The col lars are varied high or low being correct. The waists are more fitted and the skirts wider; new sleeves and revers; tunic style skirt, many are tiered and ruffled; draperies appear on some of the skirts." They are shown in new pastel shades, navy and black. Prices ranging from $19.&0 to $39.60. . Bargwaa-Kaah Co. S.oand Floor, Burcaa-Kaah Co. Main Floor. Aristokrat Player Piano Music, 25c ARISTOKRAT player music is good in arrangement, perfect cutting and will play an 88 note player piano, the rolls are eleven feet long and the assortment em braces all the very latest selec tions. Burrraa-Xaah Co. Fourth Floor. Roller Skates, $1.39 ADJUSTABLE roller skates for boys or girls, ballbearing style, very substantially made and extreme values. Burrrsa-Naah Co. Fourth Floor. BOOKS at 17c A RELEASED lot of popular fic tion, embracing a very desir able list of good reading. Special Saturday at 17c per copy. Ilurini-Xuli Co. Fourth Floor. The New Neck Fixin's, 50c to $1 THE newest Ideas that lend life to the old blouses or suit Large dlrectolre collars of Georg ette Crepe and Organdy; colored organdy collar, vestees and sets. In new shades of rose, pink and blue. Neckwear, 25c to 50o Vestees, collars, collar and cuff sets, etc., in a variety of pretty effects. New VeilS( $100 Silk lace and net veils, big line of colors. Burgraa-Xaah Cm. Main Floor. Crepe Kimonos, $1 ANEW collection ' that has just arrived, floral patterns, in gray, navy, Copenhagen blue and pink. Bungalow Aprons, 50c Splendidly made in light or dark colors; also open in front styles, full belt. HonrM.-Na.il Co. Nmad n Specials in Drugs and Toilet Goods I'ebeco Tooth Paste, 50c size, for 29c 8-oz. Imported Ray Rum... 35c 8-oz. jar Green Soap, for sham poo 20c Colgate's Cash mere Boquet Soap 10c Colgate's Tooth Paste, .10c, 20c Daggett & R a m s d e 1 1 ' s Cold Cream, 26c Emery Boards, pkg 7c I'ockf t Nail Files 10c Canthrox, 6uc size 29c Danderine, 25c size 17c $1.00 Wyeths Sage and Sul phur 73c William's Shav ing Soap . . ,3c Sanltol Tooth Paste, 25c size for 16c Massatta Tal cum powder, 12c 1 qt. Beef, Wine and Iron..., 79c Sal Hepatic a, 60c size . . . .33c Sjrup of Figs, 50c size . , . 134c Barf eM-N.ah ('. J ad Suits, 75c size 49c Horlick's Malt ed Milk, 60c size . .' 34c Lee's G e r m o zone, 60c size for 34c 1 lot high grade Pearson Ideal Hair Brushes, $3.25 vals. $1.89 3 qt. combina tion Hot Water Bottle and Fountain Syr inge 98c 2 qt. Hot Water Bottle, 1-year guarantee . 95c Mala Floor, 2-qt. combina tion Syringe and Water Bot tle, 1-year writ ten guarantee, for $1.39 Sani-Flush, 26c size 17c 1-qt.. Household Ammonia ..13c Borax Chips, pkg 19e Iarge bar pure Castile Soap 49c Crepe Toilet Paper, 10c val ue, 4 rolls.. 26c Crepe Toilet Paper, 6c value, 7 rolls 25c Clearaway of Women's Boots That Were $6.00 Sat. $4.85 FIVE new models of colored kid skin, black and bine Velose with patent and dull kid trimming, hand welt soles, leather Louis Cuban heels. $6.00 values, Saturday only, for $4.85. Shoes for Boys, Girls and Misses Dupan and Hudson Iron-Clad shoes for misses and children, Aldens and our own special shoes for boys None better made. HurftM-Na.il Co. Second Moor. A Remarkable Clearaway of Jewelry Novelties Saturday GROUPINGS of novelty Jewelry offered to you In most cases at but a fraction of the original price. For Instance: Hat Pins, 2 for 5o Made of genuine rose petals, sale prioe 2 for 6c. $1.60 Gold ruled Lockets, 48o Fine gold filled lockets, plain, engraved and stone set; values up to 1.60, at 48o. $1.00 Vanity Cases, 30o German silver vanity caaes, French gray finish, place Inside for coins, pow der puff and mirror; were 11.00, at S9o. 60c Coin Purses, 28o Genuine gun metal mesh coin purses; were 60c, for 28c $1.00 Silver Pendants, S8o Fine sterling silver pendants, set with white stones or large single atone settings; also cluster effects, fine soldered link, sterling all- were to fl.00, at 38c. 50o Tie Clasps, 14o Men's tie clasps, fine gold plated, bright or green finish; also sterling sliver enameled and pearl; were to 60c, at 14c. 60o Pearl Beads, 38o Fine French wax filled pearl beads, barrel clasp; were 60c, at 38c 25c to 60c Chatelaine Pins, 14c Sterling sliver and enamel chatelaine pins; were 25c to 60c, at 14o. $1.00 Sterling Kings, 10c Sterling silver finger rings, with large stone settings; were to $1.00, at 19c. 25c Cuff Pins, 5c Gold plated cuff pins, assorted styles; were to 25c, at 6c 50c Cuff Links, 18c Men's gold plated stone set cuff links;, were to 60c, at 18c. WW ver chains; $1.60 Gold Pendants, 88c Fine 10-kt. solid gold pendants, stone set, fine soldered link, gold filled chain; were $1.50 to $2.00, at 88c. 50c Bar Pins, 10c Fine hard enamel and cloisonne bar pins; were 25c and 60c, at 10c. 50c Brooches, 18o One lot assorted brooches, stone set, silver circle pins; brooches are oxidised silver or gold finished; were to 60c, at 18c. 25c Scarf Pins, lOo ' Men's gold plated scarf pins, many pretty patterns; were. 26c, at 10c. 25o Hat Pins, 5o An odd lot; were to 25c, at 6c. 50c Ear Rings, 5c An odd lot of sample French ear rings, drop loop and button styles; were to 50c, at 6o. linrftM-Nuh Co. Itaarra.nt. New Trimmed Hats, $4,50 That Are the Usual $7.50 Kind WE consider them wonderful values. The offering embraces large black sailors, small trlcornn; some With facings, others trim med with flowers and ribbons, Milan bemps, lisle and Cfl P?.JS hemp braids Saturday Morning, 8 :30 to 12. We offer a limited number of smartly trimmed hats in com binations of satin and braid, black and colors, large and small shapes, trimmed with flowers, fancy feathers and ribbons; were to $3.98, for $1 New Untrimmed Shapes at $1.19. Every Imaginable shape and color, In all the best braids; ac tual values, J i in $1.98, for Spring Flowers, 10c For trimming purposes, a great profusion from which to select, at 1o. ' ' Burgess-Nash Trimming Service Free. Women's and Misses' Spring Coats $15, $19.50, $25, $35 and Up A CHOICE neleetion now showing the smartest styles brought out for Spring wear. Sport eoats, eoats for mo toring, utility coats, eoats of serges, poplins, Seoteh tweeds, Poivet twills and gabardines. All sires. rtanroaa-Naah Co. Sorond Floor. The New Stetsons Are Here NI) now conies the time when the somber winter derby must surrender to the new "Toppers." If ever the house of Stetson outdid itself, it's in the new Spring hats. We're showing them. Particularly directing your attention to the "Nobby," "Feature Hat," "The Pace Maker" and "League." Prices range from $3.50 to $10.00. Men and Boys' new Spring caps. Ttarrooa-Naah C. Fourth Floor. - . """" " """""""""" "" Men's Four -in-Hand Neck wear, Usually $1.00, at 65c CLEARAWAY sale of high grade neckwear Saturday. "Odd" lots and short ends of silks made in a little smaller shape, sale price, 65c. Men's $1.50 Gloves at 65c Final clean up of men's cape goat skin gloves, all aises, but an extra quantity in the small and large slses. They are worth $1.50 per pair, ale price, 6Sc Harrison's fabrlo glorei, underslses, browns, grays, tans, etc.; extra values, sale price, 39c. Men's Flannel Shirts, $1.45 Final clearaway sale of men's heavy flannel shirts; were to $2.50, extra strong on the medium slses, no large slses, sale price, $1.45. Men's outing flannel pajamas, broken lines were to $2.60, sale price, $1.29. Men's Cotton Union Suits, $1.45 Chalmer's heavy cotton two-thread union suits, cloaod crotch, full alie, ecru color only, long combed Egyptian cotton, tine and soft; sale prioe, $1.45. Braa Hmmk Mala Flaa. What Do You Expect in a New At 25.00 PUT your expectations high when you come to see the Suits we specially price at $25. Expect everything that will mean satisfaction to you, and above all, a Uurgess-Nash recep tion, which means genuine serv ice when you buy and money back cheerfully if you're not pleased. All the new style features are shown, every garment strictly hand-tailored throughout to con form with the Bunirgeso-Maslhi Stamdaiirdl of quality which means the best pos sible at the price. New double breasted, 8 button, soft roll collar, high waist line. New i'lnch bark, Vt belled waist line, plain or slide pockets. Very dis tinctive our own creation. New one, two and three-button sacks, form tracing, well defined lines, semi box back or long vent. ; Other Suits $13.65 to $40.00 The New Top Coats for Men and Young Men at $25.00 Kvery shape that is new from the form-fitting field back to the nar row shoulders, swagger box, plain or fancy. Other Top Coats $13.65 to $40.00 Bortna-Nwh C PMrth FWr. 9UB! TIrc "EYCRYDODYiS STORE"