THK HKK: OMAHA. ISATUKDAY. MAKCll 4, WW 15 FOR RENT-ROOMS llitnaekeeplaar R nairna. H V il.-r- ell-heated, modern house keeping rooms; walking distance. "TH ST." 11 si"). tutt of modern front rooms evervthtnc rew. Ilnrtifv 1MO CAYEVPORTTimit wo nicely furnished! hovsejiac-) ns; rwrni. Reasonable. JT"rr-"VlToin; reasonable. Red fit. Boar 4 a nal M.aaaa. VERY desirable steam-heated room, southern exposure, large bav window, reasonable to gentleman who appre ciates nice, clean, comfortable surround ings: private family. Ha rney , TSKT large, steam Keated. single or ensulte, private bath, elegant furniture; food board, private table. Harney 17;. JfARNF.Y " ff., 2.i Large front "room! electric, lliiht. ime of piano, board If desired. Harney 67K7. fiOtidr!, IKl -Roant and room, m-LT family style: all you can aat fnr 46 a fH. Red 0477. HOARD and root for otio or two young gentlemen In modern homa In private family, 00 N. 41t St. Walnut !-'. rMJ ST. MARYS A VF.. Walking dis tance; $4. SO nnd $". per week i54 r-Could una several mora men at my table, yv a meal. laf Bralahed Rooms. I-ROOM brtrk flsta for working people; close In: desirable; low rent; irood loea tlon. Office, 1714 Webster St. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and H usees. A pa rlnrali. THHKli ROOMS. Close In, walking distance, good light rooma, furnished complete except llnena and allverwara. B03 H. 2Mh. M.60 turn mer: $.U.W winter; no lease required. 7W Dewey Ave., large living room with built-in bad; kitchen and bath; NEW; furnished nicely. No leaaa re oulred. $27 summer: 10 winter. H A BTtNOr HEYDEN, W4 Har. St. Hoesee, RVR RENT My beautifully furnished stucco home, Including garage and Harden space. References required. Web ster 703$. . NHWL.Y furnished, Urge, commodloua homa. Would like to hear from club of men. t'ougina i 1-ROOM house; strictly modern; $26; In Florence, rhone Florence 13.. FOR RENT HOUSES TV eat. YOU are reading thesa For Rent Col umna again. Going to pay out more rent money. Why don't you let your rent make the payments on a borne? Phone Benson 123 tonight after 7. F. B. Trul linger. Rortk. 4 FORT ST.. with H acre of ground, good flva-room houaa, electric lights, well, barn. Look at this today. Kent only 113 par month. THOS. U McOARRT. Keellne Rldg. Red 4344 FOR RENT-Two and one-half acres, with two-room house, chicken house, hog- shed: five blocks from car line; northwest part of town; rent la reason able. Call Heel .1143. 16M SHERMAN Ave., mod. 14-roorn, $A 116 North I7th. 7 rooms and bath, $11 JOHN N. FRKNZKK, Douglaa 664. 84 SEWARD St.. S rooms, modern. $30; good lawn and shade. Phone Douglaa 3il or Walnut Wl 1615 GRANT ST. 7-r. coin., modern, iii T. F. Hall. 483 Ramge BKIg. Doug. 74ot, NEW 4-rooni bunsulow, attic and base ment, sgiz n. lftth. $13. Colfax 4107. NEW brick flat. Ideal locution, nice home. Large lawn. Harney 1H0. SIX rooms, all modern, Bemla Park. $2&. Ren son 64-W. tioatau FOR RENT 7 rooms, new oak floors, new plumbing and electrlo lights. 1104 South 28th fit., $J0. Benson c Myers Co., 424 Omaha Nat Bank Rldg. (DESIRABLE e-roem oottuge. modern ex oept furnace. 62t S. mn Ave. tilxeif baugh. D, 423. &30 Oeorgia Ave. Near Mason. S rooms, all modern, first class. Key next door. i-R. house, sleeping porch; Field Club Plst. 006 8. 36th Ave. Harney SS24. xtlaer llaa eaa. , 110.00 t-r. house and 4 lots, $416 Maple lu $26.00 7-r.. atrlctly mod., i40 Franklin. $6.00 7-r.. strictly mod.. 171s S. 26th St. $40.00 7-r., strictly mod., sugars house, ISU Pacific St. These are all good houses. took them over. SCOTT & HILL CO., Douglas 100$. 2957 Uaruey at-. rms.. all mod $15.00 6o4 So. 36th St., 7 rms., all mod $32.60 4U No. 2ih sU, i rms., mod. ex. ht., $21.$u 1722 So. 10th St., t rms., part mod... $18.50 14U9 Lothrop au. t rms., all mod. ...118.00 1H10 Paclflo St., 4 rms., part mod., $14.00 18 Sahler St., I rrrui., part raod...:$UL00 3426 Jackson St.. 4 rtus., part mod.. 112.00 HIRKETT A tOMfANY, 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 633. $:5.00 aauS Dodge, S rooma, modern. . .1 .1 I'fld V ':') ( C , w.w-wia . aiu, o nwiiuf) juuuvrn. l.tO.OO 704 8. 31st, 5 rooms, modern. $37.6l-830 8. 2Jth, 8 rooms, niudorn. $40 00 704 S. 24th, 7 roratu, modern. Glover & Spain, Doug. 32. Mft-20 City Nat. Bank Bldg. CAP. Ave.. 7 rooms, mod., $.w, or 14 ro una. ni d. $40. $J &Z S. 28th. 4 rooms, nodrn. $-6 311U Chicmo, rooms, modern, yard. $i5 2K16 Seward. 6 rooms, barn, toilet. $12.503330 Mandcrson, 6 rooms, jard. RING WALT, Biandels Theater. s-ROOM. 23iH Davenport. W. Farnam. -r., 2120 N. l&th St., modern $15 8-r., 424 N. 17th St.. mod. ex. heat. ...$30 6-r.. Ml N. 2Hth t J12 PF.TKR8 TRCST CO. DOCQ. K98. FOR GARDENING AND POULTRY. 6-r., downtown, colored; $11. Alao a 2 and a I (like bungalow) and ACRE GROUND, y, and tf. Also 6-r., Call fornla bungalow and acre, $14. TeL D. not. Evenings. vV'al. tb7. HOUSES FOR KENT. CRE1G1I. SONS A CO. 60S BEE BLDG. DOUG. 200. FOR RENT AP'TS AND FLATS West. VERY desirable 4-rouin apartment, 2d floor, light kitchen. 27th and Harney ts. an at once, riar. gmg. VERY choice 4 or 6-roonl steam heated apartment, on West Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBBINS. IMi FARNAM ST. FLATS. 6-r., 8118 Leavenworth, mod ex. heat. $16 PKTKRS TRUST CO. I M CO, fciigi. ' WODEKN 5-room apurtineut. including sleeping porch. Will located. Harney 1S99 JWos-rfc. 4-ROOM, all modern, steam-heated apful ment, equipped with all conveniences that any apartment may have. Dodge. Call Doug. mi2 or tlarnev LiM. FOUR and 7-rooni HPHrtment mar P. O. : low rent. G. P. Stehhens. 3 AND 4 rooms, nil modern: healed, $J0 snd $36. lH.'l Maple St. Red ldU Month. 3 ROOMS. 503 8 2Sth, close In, walking distance; good light rooms; snap. $2 year round. 4 ROOMS. 31$ S. 27th. beautiful Apt.: has sun parlor, bullt-ln bed. screened porch; Nr!W, very choice, sub-lease. $40 sum mer; $45 winter. 4 ROOMS. 1317 Park Ave.; large light rooma; good location, on East Side car line; tile bath, newly decorated; $40 year round. All apartments In A-l condition and very desirable. Call us for appoint ment or further Information. Send for our weekly printed list. HASTINGS r HKVDFN. H14 Harney Ft. FACING 1IANSOOM PARK Second floor opartment. strictly flrat i lass. 6 rooms, vacant March i. Phone Harney l"3. FIVE R.Xi.M stcim iiealeo afartmenl, iy V sirable; ma Chuiu Vl la. rtrl and popple' on Ave.. J.".' Bran- a T.. i ii-r Uliilr Onus 1.71 I'A'I'M KNYS. i-K. GKOHUIV li'i ilri'rali Ave.. S '.7.M. I'tltitJi TRUST Ct. lOUi. FOR RENT AFTS ANO FLATS Sowtk. TMHKt NEW 4 room flats. lil'N'.H LOW terraces: lust completed: HI' kory St ; sirl 1 1 v modern. See these today. 1A gT'NdH HKYI'KX, 1M4 Har. St. l5 PARK Ave., i pen, mod.. et-am heated ..n,v. run o iNrai nngnt rooms; sum mer. $4fv winter . RINQW Al T. Rrandr1sTheater R A HI ,K six -room flC etenirTneateo, 2J0 Leavenworth St. Rent, $". Tonrad 8T CKAIlik i-room apartment 7or rent. M laeellnneaa. Month Fkke rent nFV1N APARTM F.ST. S-r. and bath, apartment, brick; mod except heat; good nelhborhood . $1?V. 1. K. BL'CK. US Omaha Nat. 11. fCH. MOVING AND STORAGE mvTS(Fam tTTiRiTK.. l'AC'KINO. SH1PF1N1, AN I Ft'RNITl'HK RF.PAIR1NO. PIANO MOY1NO A FPPX-tAITT. CENTRAL. Fl RVITfRK STORF. I. 77M. GLOBE VAN & ST(5ItAGEf Stores, moves, parks, stilps: t-horae van and 1 men. 11.26 per hour; atorage. fl per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. toug1s 411 and Tyler WO. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mov ing. N. 11th St. Phone Douglas 394 or Harney 1K7. OMAHA Truck, Van and Storage Co.. moving, packing, storage and shipping, l'tione Douglas 14 W. FIDELITY BP'HVlrK XUJ-4 Phone Douglaa i8 for complete list of vacant houses and apartmenta: also for storage, moving, lfith and Jsckson Fts. nKEpR4toff WAEmypsK: Penarste, locked r nims, for household gooJs and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. , OMAHA VAN AND 8TORAOB CO.. 8"ti fl. lfh St Ponglaa 4iq. J (1 TlWl) Express Co! Movlnn, lkL,i-.U pcklnt ,n(1 .tor,,,. 1387 Famam St. Oouglas FOR RENT-SUBURBAN modern suburban reldence, 5 acres or land on pnvea roaa near rior ence. R. H. Luderyoo, 70: Ncvtllc Phone Douglas bTto. FOR RENT-BUSINESS PRTpf tores. STORK ROOM FOR RKNT. 27th and Cuming; very fine store room In new building, heat furnished; fine grocery location; rent $30 per month; will give lease. CAL.KINS & CO.. Ioug. 1-13. lty Nat l Bank Rldg. VrrRY desirable stores In Grain Exchange buiuliiiK, fire proof, in line with growtn of business center. Make a selection to day. K. D. WKAD, aiO B. Utb St.. v eaa niqg $TOKE RouMS at l!K-lsn Farnam St. Thos F. HhII. 433 Rsmae Rlrig n. 74W. 81 ORB buildTng. Ilvln rooma in rear, 3WS N. Wh. Douglas 1H63. M lace.llnneoas. OARAGE FOR RE5NT. Oarage for rent. $5 ner month. SSth Ave and Harney Sts. Conrnd Young, $22 Brandels Theater Rldg. Douir. 1B7I. WANTED TO RENT Infornlshed Houses and Flats. PROPERTY OWNERS ATTENTION. We have had 800 calls for rentals since : Sunday, and must have houses for our clients; let us know what you have va cant. Call Douglaa 4246. Shopen A Com pany. 234 Keellne Wulldi ng. WANTED 4-room apartment by the first of April. Must be south of Far- - nam and east of Park Ave. Phone Harney 6?M2. WANTED TO RENT 7 or S-room house in Dundee or West Farnam I or more. W. L. 8ELBY ft SONS. Douglas 1610. Varnished Houses, Flate. REFINED young married couple wlth out children wishes to rent nice, airy, comfortable and up-to-date completely furnished suite of two connecting rooms and bath, consisting of parlor and bed room, and If possible with board, with private refined family In residential district. Kindly answer, giving full details In care of K 634. Omaha Bee. Baslaess Property. WANTED TO KENT Two-chair barber shop In small town, or place to start new shop. Write Box 862. Genoa, Neb. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED We 4. $500 CASH- Will buy a brand new all modern bun galow, just finished, at J6th and How ard St. H. A. WOLF. 614 Ware Ulk. Doug. 8088. REAL ESTATE, Fire and General In aurance. Art Thatcher, 1217-18 City National Bank Bldg. Douglas 3801. Trtn. IT'S A BUNGALOW. Latest style. 6 extra large rooma, well arranged; oak finish, beamed ceilings and other special features: choice east front lot. paved street, near 17th and Laird Sts. $j0u cash, or good lot will do for first payment. EASP BROS., K McCague Bldg. NONRESIDENT owner says sell. Here is your chance, just like finding K' In the street: 1710 N. 34th St.. dandy 6 room, oak finish, eaat front, strictly modern house, fine fixtures, well deco rated, for only $2,Vh), and on easy terms at that. See It then see us or come la and we'll ebow you. D. V. Sholes Co., Douglas 4!. 916 City Nafl Bk. Rldg. A Fine Home For Very Little Cash Two-story cottage; oak floors; strictly modern; large lot. Small monthly pay ments. 3331 Ames Ave. Norria & Norris, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug 4170. BEAUTIFUL I'nO-iTOni STUCCO, 7 large rooms, sleeping porch and tiled bath, 270ti Fowler Ave., south front, lart:e porrh: splendid shade; pavinv all paid; U cash and $40 monthly. Phone Uoug. iJa or conax an. B. J. 8CANNELL. BUY FKOM OWNER 5-room bungalow near Prettiest Mile; oak finish, bullt-ln buffet and book cases, fine cellar and attic, sleeping porch, garage; leaving city; price right; terms. Colfax 2072. 1 HAVE for sale a 4-room hou : on full lot, l'4j blocks from end of car line, 4.d and Gland. ITlce $1,350; H'rQ cash, bal. monthly. W. Colfax, D. 1510, 7oi Keellne Btdg. FOR SALE 8triclly modern. 11-roou house: hot water heat; south front lot. Price. $7. oro. Phone 1 ipiiglas llg FIVE-ROOM modern house; two blocks from school; on paved street; $125 cash, j Vi i per month. Colfax u'W. FoR o.uii k sale, strict ly modern 6-room bungalow. Colfax 311. I blX-Koo.M house; modern except fur- I nsce. & .7 S. Mil St. Houglas f24!. 1-R. mod . 2-3 Manderson. Webster 305. oath. A DANDY FIELD CLUB HOME. 6 rooms and den. a!l mode'n. nb-e base ment, everything in good (ondltlon, ele gant lot, paved street, clone to st'bool and car line, splendid neighborhood. Price onlv $.!."-). ('. (!. CARLBERG, V2 Hrsnd--ls Theater Pldg. FOR buoHloa. strict ! .IK.d 'Tl. -:,''.. r V II .)(. U Hl.d I'HM l rins. I-j03 FicdcJiik Call Tiler li-.'J. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Kr4a. NEEDING MONEY In business will pell my residence oc cupled by myself and other family at awcrlflce. Strictly modsrn- Require. $1,600 rash, balance per month. If you do not want to occupy house your self but buy for investment I will lease premises for one or more years at $40 per month, t guarantee you 10 per cent and better net Income and prove It before you btiy and pay a cent. Owner, $7 8. 2Mb t. 7H laeetla Improved Onnlon I And On Street Car Lino 'With City "Vnter nnd Electricity Three acre with two houses on street "ar line, one-half mile from Omaha City limits. Will divide Into three one acre tracts If dexlred. See us for prices and full Information. .1. II. Ihnnont & Co.. -! Keellne Ptdg. rhone Poug y. 100 Beautiful Homes re being planned for Mlnne lusa this yes r. The most wonderful development ever seen In Omaha ill! take place there. YOU can make money by buying a lot or two NOW on easy terms. CHARI.FI W. MARTIN A CO.. Owners. t-KOO Ml HAKUA1N NEW. e-ROOM. -ETORY HOCSK. NF.AR CAR. A 8NAP AT $3,400; REASONABLE PAYMENTS. BENSON A CARMICHAEU I OCOI.AB 17?I. 4 PAX TON BLIC FIRE and tornado Ins. WyrlTe Deuel, iiil N. 23d. Pbooe Colfax lu62 after U a. bo. REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED West. 5 or 8 Acres Unimproved Overlooking Faimcres. Just a short distance northwest of Fall-acres, we can give you a piece of ground that will make a beautiful country home site. Future possibili ties of this locstlon sre unlimited. With the building of Brownell hall In Falr-ari-ee. this property will be within walking distance of the street car and It commands a wonderful view In every direction. Every Inch of the ground Is a building site. We are of fering this ground for $:xirt per acre un der a valuation of adjoining land. See us at once. lliatt-Fairfield Co. 20 Omaha Nat. Bk Bldg. Tel. p. 498. Kli.BY PLACE "llolTTblock T), wonder ful bftraaln: 2T feet frontage. deeD lot to alley In rear; all assessments for Improvement? paid; nair block rrom l'nrnam trolley; fine residence section; look at lot and you won't let this op portunity pass; price $4.;i0. Write James Gardner Rossman, Owner, 60 Wall St., New York. 44x137 on Farnam and Harney, double frontage, $2,6i 0. W. H. OA TBS, 647 Omaha Nat. Bank Bhlg. D. 1"1M. Korih. ACRES. ACRES. ACRES. COUNTRY CLUB ACRES You no doubt know where this beautiful suburban property la lo cated. On the Fort trrook boule vard, mllea from the city limits on the south, and right on the car line. There Is no acre property around Greater Omaha to compare with Country Club acres. And there Is no acre property has a brighter future. It will pay you well to Investigate Country Club acres, which Is now for sale In tracts of one acre and upwards on very reasonable terms. O NKILS R. Fl INS. AOENCY, 634 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tyler 1024. Big Lot Bargain 16th' and Sherwood Avenue City water, sewer, gas, sidewalks, 41x 131 ft.; block to car; only $o0. Terms. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 616 Omaha Nat. Bnnk ' Bldg. NICK, HOME Five-room modern cottage, large liv ing room and dining room, finished in oak; bedrooms and bath upstairs; large closets; full cement basement. Big bargain for quick sale. Owner leaving citv. Walnut 4fl. South. WILL BUILD TO SUIT. Have IB first choice lots In Leaven worth Heights Add.; eaay terms. Doug. 29M. Carl K. Bolen. 614 PHXton Bldg. Fkftt SALE or trade a satisfactorily lo cated lot In Albright. Cheap for cash. Write P. t28. Bee. M IserJIa aeuua. VACANT LOTS If yon contemplate building a home this spring, do not fall to see us. We have a list of choice vacant lots in both north and west parts of the city. A. P. TUKET A BON. Tel. Doug, etil. lf.7- W. O. W. Bldg. RICHARD EVERETT. ARCH IT ET, 106 No. l&th St. Phone Douglaa 1009. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. Lots are Selling In Dundee's Newest Addition Located between 49th and 53d Sts., and Dodge and Howard Sts. ' Because They are located In the right direc tion. They are oonvenlent to street car line and retail buBinens center. Every Improvement has been made, Including grading, paving, curbing, ce ment sidewalks, sewer, gas and water mains laid, trees set out In parking be tween curb and sldnwalk and an orna mental street lighting system Installed. Prices are low and terms easy for this class of property. Now Is the time to select a lot for your future home or as an Investment, knowing that It ts safe to buy and build in this locution. The restrictions assure good Improve ments which when made will aid to the value of each and every lot In this addition. The lota are large, averaging (0x135 feet In sire. Prices range frim $l,Vi0 to $1,500, ac cording to location; corners slightly hiyher. I The regular terms are one-terith cash and 1 per cent of purchase price pay . al'la monthly. Plata with prices will be gladly fur nished simply for the asking. Permit us to show you this rtroperty by sutomnbile before you decide to buy. Call on or phone, George & Company, Douglas 756. 902 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. A 60-FOOT lot, I blocks from Dundee car and close In for $&T. Lot has water, aewer and gaa. and Is lo cated in a district of good homes Call owner, Doug laa 433. DUNDEE Have sightly lota, and up-to-date homes for sale In this beautiful addition: come and see me before de ciding elsewhers. , C. A OR1MMKL. M Otn. Nat. Bk. Bldg. oath gtae. t ACRES and houae, Hou Lb Bide; floe place, well Improved, fruit, eta. 14.000. W. T. OKA HAM. B Hldg. Miscellaneous. ACRE A UK BA Rf J aHT ' Ten acres for $.'.au. inside, city limits, fine for chicken ranch or vineyard; tuuO cash, balance long time at 4 per cent. No trades Tebhei.s. tt Omaha Nat. Rk. KINK block. ' Beautiful BeJIevueT7 12 lei., 10 I nterurtia n. for a few "..el for JI.IXI (iEonOf: Li. MALLACK, Ktelltic Bldg. REAL ESTATE-WANTFD 1 v ANT to buy smiill modern bimyalow home; have about $?m cash and can pay up to $. per month. Address F K.'l. Ree H W hi buyers for Mod N. aiiin rottsgra bungalow, easy payments. Youngman, 'l t'm Nat. Rank KM,. Doug 14T4 WANTEI T buy on monthly lUyraVnta mall s Ut re room, with living rooms above. In Central ewhooi district. Phone Red 7K4 REAL ESTATE- INVESTMENTS "Tin Dewey Apartment. " .'.'M and Dewey Ave. West Farnam District 14 Apartments Income $6,180 Th's h-aotlftil apartment houeo Is foe aalo and we will take sa pert payment good Iowa or Nebraska land. The building le entirely rented and is the moat complete and modern building of Its kind In the city. listings & ITeyden, K14 liarncy St. I'OR SA Ki t AT A "RARiATr A down town orner brick building, well located occupied bv lelall business. worth $(AQ"0. but will aell for $..oc. 1i taken at once. Owner will carry back $o,0UU at m p.r cent. TO LAN D A TRUMRULK D. 4M Ree Rldg. FOR AS AHS if.T-TKT. t' aafe Investment, nothing Is belter than land, planted to an Income bearing crop. We . can offer you something extra good at a low figure, on eaay terms. W. T. SMITH CO., HX-14 City Nat. Rank HVE V LOCKS OF FOKD MOTR COS NEW PLANT. M.sOO Half rash, balance less than rent, buys four cottages on a i-ft. lot; paved street and alley; renting for $M0 a year. This property will soon be treckage. tl17-?llt I sard St. T. H. Robinson. 44i Hee. Douglas (aW. THREE good Irrigation-projects. 'Ono-of 1,000. one of 3,vm and one of iaH acre, all very practicable, meet approval of a.ate and government engineers, a safe and profitable field for legitimate de velopment and rolon'iatlon. Write Ontnrto UommetTiHl Club. Ontario. Ore. CORNER, close In: lent $0. Price. $.i00. S. P. HOSTWICK A WON, 300 Pre Rldg. REAL ESTATE-EXCHANGES For Exchange A very fine home, centrally located In Ashland, Nebraska; modern and up-to-date. KXCHANOR DFPT. HASTINOH A HE V 1'F.N. If. 1 4 Harney Ht. For Exchange 2"f-acre farm, well improved. F.XCHANOF. DKPT. H A PTI N OH A HKY DKN, lti4 I lar;;t. Era ND new store building, well located on N. 14th t. Well rented. Will ex change for close In apartment site. Price, $4. 00. Lo k Roa Aoa. Woodbine. Tn. TWO highly Improved nunrter sections m Ivans is, : miles west or Kan sa cuy, pnoo low. General Mercantile Co., Omaha, Neb. T&H SATIrS or trade, fsi-acre farm; will take one-half tn grocery store or Imple ment stock, must be doing good busl- ness. lock hoi ens, h 1 a 1 r, is e b. FINK 100 acres, good soil, level, 13 miles north Holyoke, Colo.: exchange for Omaha cottage. A. L. Rain, Council Rluffs, la. IF YOU want to trade your farm, ranch, residence or anything, see me. J. A. ARROTT. Patterson Hlk. Omaha fJn PALI) or trade a "satisfactorily lo cated lot In Albright. Cheap for cas'i. w rite . i, nee. CAN sell or exchange anything you have to offer. C. J. Canan. Mofague Bldg. FINE relinquishment and Improvement for cash or good car. T 27o. Bee. REAL ESTATE-BUS- PROFTY 06 FKET, 16th tit , $ blks. from viaduct. IMOO. McCague mv. Co., McCague Rldg. FINANCIAL Baal Estate, Loan, Hertgsgsa, Wii ara ready at ail Uoii to $nak loans on first-class city property and eastern Nebraska farms. Rates on request UNITED 8TATE3 TRUST CO. Ill Bo. 17th BU TO for loans on Pest class oil residences tn amour.U $2,00 up: also tsrm loan. uiui. cornrmasions. PETTERB TRUST CO., 142$ Farnam Bt OMAHA homes. Fast Nebraska farma. O'KEliFK REAL F8TATK CO, 1018 Omsha National. Phone Doualaa $711 . . . . , w.. 4 . . : WONK.T TO LOAN, for ( years. ImnrAVSHl t svi rae4 iai BHOPEN b CO., Doug. 4J4g. MONEY ou hand f.jr city and farm loans. H. W. iflnder. City National Rani: Hldg. G AltVIN BliOS. K.fffitrfift.. tlCj TO $10,000 made proraply. P. D. Wead, Weed Bldg.. 18th at Farnam Sta. CITV property. Large loaiva a specialty. w . rl. i nomas, u mate uana uiag. fior, C1TT LOANS, C. G. Carlberg, 0 12 Rrandeis Theater Rldg. Ilw- 5 UllMtV HAHKlHON Jk XiOItTOM O Sig Omaha Nat. Bank Bids. gtocks and Rnnda. YOUR MONEY SHOULD EARN OR MORE We guarantee to earn you seven per cent or more with safety for the past twelve years, in our profit sharing plan In smtfl or large amounts. See or write us about it. Authorised Capital. $.100."00 HASTINGS & HEYDKN, 114 Harney Ht. YOU CAN GET 7 ON i OUR MONET In HOME BUILDER-)' PREFERRED till A RES. also a part of remaining profits. American Security Co., Fiscal Agta. B w. Cor. 7th and Douglas rite . Omaha. HAVE two $l.uU mortgages diawlng 4 per rent Interest; set u red on Tennessee land; due in t and 4 years; will trade for good automobile, or what have you? A da reus v ni... iimana itea $l.ouO FARM niortgase bearing j par cent.' aaoured by M0 aoros of land. TaJmage Doom m Inv. '., W. O. W. Rldg. Abstracts of Title. GUARANTEE l cheaiest. Room T. Patterson Rldg. D Rl-.KD AUaTRACl CX. oldest abstract offlos In Nebraska. 4 Brandale Thea. .' V I? li Title guarantee and Abstraot iVJ.oik Coi a modem gbst-act office. B I7lh Wt. Tel. 1. 6to7. Read "Ree "Want Ads for Profit. L'se tic mi for li bulls. FARM AND RANCH LANDS tallroraln lands. A l.itTI.K hrui.' I'-'." IA terms Call fomla Imports csrlosdi of chickens and e Here's a rhsnre for potiltrymen Mv 2-scre tiacts are Just big enonsh for chh kens nnd are close to town con veniences anil market i-enters Write owner for full Information. P. H. Goes. PI.erlAn. tlscer eountv. l Mfornls . 1 t plorado Lands. iH'R SALhl- Choloe. ij a., ira iroved. close In, $l.iV. If you are liMking for food home or Inestnienl, wrlle at once nr psrtlculnt-s VlrVrdk Nunn. Colo lows l.antla. PP'.KNMD" e st ti i ' 1 o a well Im- proved. priced right H. Ues (llfford, Sis R.-MnK Itldg . Oris ha. Neb Mlaannrl Lands. ijii At la .s II miles fiom Salem. I mile from Turtle: M ii'iin finved and um'er cul tivation; 1,'. acres or. hard. 5-room house, barn, and out buildings nenrl) n'1 tdla ble. l'rlco $Hi A snp. ,-iU tunrk. W. ! FRANK. ;! Neville Vt.vH -Minnesota l.aads. 340 ACHF.S. A miles from Minneapolis, near two gvod railroad towns; one half under cultivation, balance use for pasture and hay; can practically all he cutlvated; good soil, good set of buildings, this lnd will produce ) bushels of corn per acre; rouniry Is thlctly settled; complete set of ma chinery; f head of stock, consisting of II cows, balance I and t-year-olda: 4 good horses. 2ft hega, chickens and everything on the fitrm goes at fett per acre! Immediate possession can be had. SCHWAR Itltds, 102 Plymouth Hldg MInmaMVlls,Mlnn. :-Al'RK Impioved farm. miles from Minneapolis: too acres under cultivation, balance meadow an I Pasture; good soil; lo-room house, barn and all other build ings that are neede.l. school bouse oa land; pries, Ml per acre: one-half rash; or will sell farm wltu full equipment of horses, oattle. machinery, etc. Will make very reasonable price on personal property. Immediate possession ran be bad. Rchawh Bros . 1078 Plymouth Rulldlng. Minneapolis. Minn. nrkrsiiks l.aasVs. i.KOO-ACRK norlh Neb., near good ton running water; 4 a. farm land. N"0 a har land; fenced; buildings. I'rl.'e $U6c. easy trrms; best l.arga'n in the coun try THOS. CAMPBF.I.L. Doug 42S Keellne Rldg. to iiUSHKLH WHKAT IANI. $A PI:R acre. Cheyenne Co.. beet atn.tll aroln v o, in vvsii., lew Broil's lor r.i ij uuc , ers. Live agents wanted. Wtlta Fund- I tngalwnd Inv. Co , Hidney. Neb 'FOR SAI.H lis acr stock farm, good Improvemenls; .1 miles to KXyria and I miles from Ord. Neb. Will sell rheao. K W. Oriiber, prd. Neb. New 1r ark l.aa4a. MAKK your money wTien you buy ; then you will not have to make your profit above Its value when you sell, "tt-acre farm, with cows and tearfl. price $2,600 $xki cash, $100 venrly. ' Failure Is often the flrsfstep to some thing better: 4n-acre river view farm, with cows team and tools; price $2,t0; $wiO cash, $100 yearly. Do you know what It Is to be losing when $1,fi00 profit would set everything right? h2-acre farm, barns, hennerv, 1 apnle orchards, mo cherry trees; level, no stone; price $1.75v; $700 rash, $100 yearly. R. R. fare paid one wav to purchaser. K. MUNSON, 14M H. Sallna Ht., Bjra- Cllse, N. V. WteooBBla I .a a da. VPPB.H WlrJCONoi.N lieai dairg and general crop state In the union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices oa easy terms. Ask for booklet $4 on Wis consin Central Land Uraut. Kxcellenl lands for stock raising. If Interested In fruit lands aak for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Dept.. 600 Line Hallway. Minneapolis. Minn. llsaeliaaeaaa. PUTF.R8 WITH THK MONKY TO INV WOT. Farm land ads placed In these col umns reach the kind of people all over the west who have ample funds with which to Invest In lands. Quality and quantity are both found In THK B KIN'S country circulation. Although the subscription rate Is higiicr, THB UKK has a greater onun try circulation dullv and Hunduy than Its nearest Omaha compel II or. Bend in your ad and reaon some real buyers. Uavk You a farm fuk alil7 Write a good description of your land and aeiid it to the Sioux City (la.) Jour nal. "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening, Baturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads ou twelve different days for $1; or M words, $4, or 76 words, $4. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; KiO.000 readers dally in four great states. FOR any and all of acreage located en or near car line, call C. R. Comb lit Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 14)14 HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES For Sale. MUUT HKLL HAKNUKH. $2,700 worth of double harness to close out at a discount of one-third from reg ,ular price; $l,0u0 worth of single har ness to close out at one-half regular price. Harness shipped subject to In spection. If not satisfied, money will be refunded. .lOHNHON-DANFORTH CO., 162!-ai-a N. I'ith Wt., Nesr Clark Bt. HARNEB8. SADDlJiiS AND TRUNK. We make tliem ourselves and sell thero direct to ths consumer. Why pay two profits for Inferior goods when you can set high-grade goods at first cost? ALFRED CORNIHH A CO., 1310 Farnam Ht.. Omaha. FRF.811 COW Hi nail family Jersey, good milker. A. H. Raker, Benson, Route 7. Telephone Henson 747W Thirty-two milk wagons for sale, cheap. Johnson-Danforth Co.. Pith and Clark. HAY $7.00 ton. A. W. Wagner. $01 N. IS. POULTRY AND PET STOCK MONKY In chickens; write for Johnson's free catalogue Poultry Know-How, about the pay-for-ltalf Old Trusty In cubator. M. ai. jonnson v.o., ciuy t en ter, Nelv Thoroughbred Boston terrier puppies, males, $.i; females. $26; f illy pedigreed. Max ielslerHlrd Co.ljl7 Farnam Wt. . 1:, ,"l"5TLKl'.l) Alrdale pups. Huv one for the children or home. A real watch dog 49 riZJ-l. t'nonerouinjwi". tiXD grain."" 10u lbs., fl.ij. Wagner. SOIN.U AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE IXOK THESE BARGAINS OVER. All are in perfect condition, and wo ran ruve you considerable money on a used cur. Chevrolet Roadster $2.V. Chalmrra '&. l:il4 Ford Touring 2. mil Fori Ruiidster IjU. Kngrr "(" goixl as new, bargain, lulti Mai well Touring. 1U15 Maswell Truck. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CX). 1216 Farnam M . . Doug. 8U. l'Jlii Dodge touring 1911 Stevens-Duryea tornlng .... iviti Monitor touring 1912 Mitchell Mix touring Kiam lkar hpeendster. bargain $;V 441 Hi $Kib $4oU CliHlineia Six touring Auto Clearing House. tH Farnam. D. UW v'l, ..N SKU TIWT l oKI ACTOMOHll.K If you let the public know about It. Write a full description of It. don't G'hiIi .-.-. .ml liuiid l,i-ioiind liulcg truck. $o0. Nebraska Huick Auto Co la 14 Farnam. Douglas Tli. A ate HrpalrlBs aaal Palatlas. Automobile painting d.iue by experts; 31 years' experience In Omaha; work guar an teed first class. jolineon-Danforth Co. 1'10 reward fcr niasiieto we can't repair. Col Is repaired. Beysdorfer, l N. Utb. Free winter storage when cara are paint, ed and re Pa I red. Johnson-Dan forth Ca NEB. Auto Radiator Repa.r ttej-Vli. and prices rixhl. Hit H lilh Bt. D 7tta JOK MpRFHT Auto re pa ring. Ill g. t. Tyler W7. night. Red f:H Omaha Badiatur Ke CtK. iuM Far. D. Is-A. AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE Aatomettflee V4satf4. 'ANT mRulcV tveriand'"or: lKdge,' for two clear lots In tnuaha. Douglas ViT A ata l.l Terr ana Oaratsrre. Industrial Oarage Co.. Hh A Harney fits. Aat Tires aa ag-gvlsea. TIRRS. SOMK MORI l'AROAINS. bivUM S. S. raslnaw. complete- with tubes, $17. SO. Standaid make. Ouatan- tced. DUPLFX. ttll Farnam. Douglas 4H.1 AU1X) 'TlitES ILUl'lTICE Honwr IU11 K11 Chlragit St. Kleetrlc VA'alter Andereon. batteries. Storm: 4 liimnMltl, "I1 t rep'g eiectrlca A . 2.:i0 Farnam. D. 4.117. Mlaeellaweaaa. AUTOMOBILE INS'.'RANCn Fire Tlieft. LlaOlllty and Property Daiiiiige at l.oet Rates K1LI.T. fc-l.LIR A TIIOMIKON la-ie City Nat. Usnk Rdg. Doug, tAl II ALF-I'RICK If iu wa'ce the "For Sale. Miscellaneous" columns of Till PKE. you'll often see articles which are for all practical purposes almost aa good aa new-advertise,! fur half the original price la Till UEK. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES I1AKLKY-DAV1DHON MOTtlRCYCLKH. Pargaln In used maclilnea. Vlo or Hoos, The Motorcycle Man." 7"V T.esv enworth. INTKLI.ToKNT and persiaient advert is lug will sell" any salable rest estate, and the largest number of prospective huvera can te reaeheil through the Real Kstate nnd ant-Ad Oulde to all cf Ureater Omaha-Till BKC. YOUNG ASKS FOR DAMAGES , ' HUlband OI Former MlS Pang-le . , . i AlKI XltavrV Bum for Al- legd Alienation. ACTION AGAINST MR. HOSPE j A suit for $40,000 w.xt filed In the dis trict court at Council Rluffs yesterday by Allen Young against Antone Hnape. The action la based Uon the allegation that Hnape alienated the affections of Young's youthful wife, who la now suing him for divorce on the grounds that she was obliged tn leave him within a month after their marriage when he was ar rested and held to the district court grand Jury In Omaha. Mrs. Young was -. merry Miss Talmetto Pangle, daughter of Dr. O. W. rangle. once noted Rluffs healer, and Hospe be came her stepfather when he married Mrs. Pangle following the physician's death. On Iecemher ti. 1!M. Miss Pangle eloped with her youthful lover and mar ried him at Rlalr, Neb., after a swift au tomobile ride from Omaha. In the petition, which was filed by At torney John R. Kelkrnny of Omaha, who retained J. J. Hess of this city as local counsel, the allegation Is made that the young rople. neither of whom hag at tained the twentieth year, were sep arated by Mr. Hospe by his Influence over his stepdaughter, for whom he was glsn guardian, and that he completely alienated her affections and brought about the separation of the young people within a month after their marriage. The allegation la made that Hospe op posed the marriage and the elopement waa the onlv wav It cnM t hnn.1,1 ...... ' " y". . ".., bout. The elopement followed within a few weeks after Miss Palmetto had at tained the age of It and ceased to be under the control of her guardian. Attorney Kelkenny also filed an answer In the divorce suit In which Allen Young admits that he waa arrested Immediately after his marriage, but alleges that the case was dismissed without prosecution, and that he had been guilty of no wrong doing. All of the other allegations In the divorce petition are denied and the court la asked to dismiss the suit. Mr. Hospe has been living In Council Bluffs since his marriage, and since the death of Mrs. Pangle-Hospe, which fol lowed wllhln a year after their marriage, he has been administering the large es tate and taking e it eel Ion t cara of the three Pangle children. Fighting Efficiency Of U. S. Fleet is High WASHINGTON. March l.-An encour aging report on the condition and ef ficiency of the nation's sea forces was given the house naval committee today by Admiral Frank Fletcher, own-tnander-ln-chlef of the Atlantic fleet In Individual fighting efficiency. Ad miral Fletcher declared, the dreadnoughts of the United Htates led the world, while In the skill of Its officers and men the navy had no reason to fear compari son of that of any other power. Describing some of the things the navy Is doing in the light of lessons on the European war. the admiral said one ship of the fleet recently had hurled seven of forty-two huge projectiles through a target twenty by sixty feet st a range eight to nine miles, or 1A.0H0 to lii.OiiO yards. The longest ranges used In naval eiiKauemenls ,f the Kumi,yn .. .... , . ' ' nor ou i..i. or- t-Mmiiau were mill) to 17.000 yards. Cong ressmen Hold Fast to Fat Mileage WASHINGTON, March t-Crowded galleries that gathered today ' to hear the International situation discussed, saw the house take Its annual vote, this ' time 150 to 46, not to reduce members' mileage from 2') to & rents a nvle. Rep resentative Cox of Indiana offered the motion and na usual Its defeat was pra- ! reded by a llvuly debate In which the 20-cent mileage waa denounced aa graft and defended aa a Just allowance. Read Ree Want Ads for profit, them for results. Use Kx-Prleat can't Apeak. . i lllCAOO. March 1. Joseph Klsttery, a former Catholic priest, lecturing under j 'the auspices of the ouardlans of Liberty whose meetiniia was broxen up by a dts i orderly crowd here lust niKht, waa again t riable to deliver his addrxaa tonight. Washington Affairs Baby week throughout the country waa endorsed by I'resident Wilson In a letter to Miss Julia Dathrop, chief of the chil dren bureau of the Dahor department. In many cities the week will be observed from March 4 to 1L The eenat rebooted Senator Cummins' smendmeut to the hhlelde water puwvr bill, which would have provided thsl trio federal government In taking over power plan la developed under the Mil at the expiration of tnelr license perioda must pay a fair value of the pbyncai property together with Die original oaatt of eun-klructlon. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Spfcnlttive Element Inclined to Draw More Favorable Inference from Foreign Situation. TRADING OF THE LIGHTEST NBW TOR K. March .t-The speculative element, ahk'h had the market quite to Itself for the greater pnrt of the session, wss plainly Inclined to draw more favor able Inference today from latest develop ments In Washington and abroad end prices hardened appreciably. Trading was the llshtest and most circumscribed of any recent dsy. but the undertone, save for a few specialties, denoted quiet confidence. tains of one to more thsn three points were Irregularly distributed, except In the rails ay division, which was ex tremely apathetic. Retter known Issues of the war group contributed more than their proportionate qubta with excep tional activity in few of the equipment shares. Oils also scored smartly. Mexi can Petroleum and Texas companv re sponding to tlie extent of three points or more on reports of discoveries of fresh oil wells tn Mexico and along that border For awhile' United Plates Pteel sur rendered Its active leadership to such Ill-assorted Issues as Corn Products and Paldwln l,ocomntlve, the former showing strength, while RHld1n locomotive lost gTOtind, which was made up later. Kteel took the foremost place later, however, rising one and on-half points to V! and showing greater strength than inv flher active stock. Among the few aealc issues were Qen esl Motors and Consolidated Oas and Kleetrlo of Baltimore. Motors made full recovery and pressure against secialties relaxed later. Rethlehem Steel on light dcHlinas rone eighteen points to 4s. Hewt prices, as a whole, occurred In the active and strong final hour, the move ment synchronlrlng with the vote In the 1 nlted states senate supporting the ad ministration by an overyhelmlng major- Hotal sales amounted to W7.000 shares. Vurther excellent railway statements and lamer earnings by Industrial com panies were submitted, together with an nual reports of concerns engaged In the manufacture of wsr hv-nroducts The extent tn wklnh Ih. an , . i u . . I "T, cmintr' ' Profiting by the large railway tonnage was seen In the January statement of Louisville A Nsshvllle. which showed a net .increase r xtiniVM ' m nonns were light and Irreg ular with some minor price concessions In the more sneculnttv Um.. tm.i VtiZ JZlX J,'B -, - ' . T "-- i rill on C 1 1 . Mimber of sales and leadlna Quotations i-imiiin ,m per rent on can. on stocks were as follows: ! tll.h Taw r ni.mi limn Alilc'tialniera Amviican tw.M gugar American (tn American IwnnvXIr ... American H. a R A is, a a n. r"ii Am. SMaar Rorinlnp American Tel A Tal Amefin Tohaeeo Anaconda Ovpper Atehlaoa rUlilwin lieAinotlve ..... nalitmnra a utile Hlhl!im Hleel pmoklrn Hsnld Tr 7.IVW lw f, ' rrv si', rs 4.VA M fcil, c t.MW a) - MS I.I110 to' tiAi ;as s 1111, ton ioj lmn piov ton ltlH 7V4 1t7 11 ' 411 lnjv, 10114, l'"' llAo 10-"i inn io;i, Tm 111O4 Id a MO 4H4 4M MS i.MO II MS - "OS 14 s ) I. 400 is tis Louu ih ti r, i:s 90 MS MS S lrt f.eno tasa its I t.wm t MS MS 1 IIS 4A4 4H4 II. 400 71 S 7IS 7S II t.(K 4MS 4IS 4S $1.0110 MS ' MS IMS MS 1M, Ml IMS 1S 1C I. :ne 41s 4o 4is mo tis 11s i inns MS 1S lS K'i 4H 44 S 44S too toes io ions ..v- ws 100 TTvi T1H 1S 121s nine MS S MS i.ioo us its ris ito 400 MS M ls 'iS 1S l,K 104 104S 1"4'a ; i til 114S II' i.n) ins ms 11-s l.tOO M S7S Ja'i IS ot 1714 47 T 1! 1.M0 I4S tS 4-S I mo 12s 11s :s f .Ion Ms 4oS MS l.pno 7S MS 'S ano tn '(, II. tiin ivh US 1S V MS 44S l.w teis IK L4U4) ms ms i-t'S st n us ms 4.M 4S sv, n no MS " s 41 ft S 71 400 4A0 4M 4M MO MS MS fS T0 4t S 1S "i no I4S MS 14 s Calllnrnta Patrntaum 1 .nanim rarnic fVnlral Irfaiiher I'lieeapMUe Ohln llileaae II W I'hlran. M A at. P (tilrasn N W rhicaso. h. 1. p. nr.. I hlno I'nfer f'nloradn Kuel A Imn.... I'rwlhl glael Denver a g. ft. era maimers' gaenrlllra .... Ffrla noarel Kleetrta Oreat Knrtharu etd Oreat n. Ora etfs niixaenhelm K iploratlns., Illlnnla Centra I Inlerhoenueil tVjin. Corp.. 1mntrallrai I Valvar Internallnnal Harveatar... Kanama city gouthsra.... Ijshtxli Valley Ixiul. tills a Nashville... MskIcss Patrolaum Miami Cbppar Mlaaourl, K. T. ... Mlaaourl Partfle Natlnnal Hlacult National lad Navada Copper j N" York Ontrsl N. y N. H 4. H-i Norfolk a W. Nonhara Parlflo Paelfln Mali Pacific Tel. A Tel Penasrlvsnla Pullman I'slaos Car Kar 'on. (Vie per Haaillns Republtn Iron A Btesl..., Honlharn Parlfle ........ Smilliam Rallwsv ffluaahaker IWimpasy .... Tannaaaee Copper . Taiss 4 'amnanjr t'nlna Paclflo , 4'nlon Paclfln pM t nlled Hlales Mleal V. H. frteal pr4 t'tak Topper Waatern I'nlon Waattneheuae Rlsetrle ... Montana Povar 4lenerml Motnrs Wahaah li pM Inlarnatlonsl Marias pM. Kanneoott iNiepar Total miss lor ths gar, M7.0O9 atiarsa. "4 ere York Money Market, NBW YORK. March 1. M ERCANT1 L,R PAFKR. Viiav, per cent. HTKRDINO KXCIIANOB Blltv dsv bills. M 7m; demand. $4.7nH; rabies. $4.77. 8ILVBR-Uar. Ue; Mexican dollars. 43"So. RONDS -Oovernment, strong; railroad. Irregular. TIME LOANS Firm; sixty davs, Hvtf Z per rwnt; ninety days. SQ$ per cent; six months. S-f tS per cent. CAI.U MONEY-Steady; high. 1 per cant; low, 14 per cent; ruling rate. 14 nor cent; laat loan, t Per rent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at I per cent. Oloalnk quotations on bonds today wars aa follows: U. g ref. ts. rag.. 4o oouDoa , V. g. la. ras 4o enuDoa t'. g. 4a. ras Ito rmipoa Am .Kmaltars 4a. .. A TAT e. 4 Ha Anslo-Krancb to .. Atchlsiis can. 4a... Hal. a Ohio 4a , Hath. Steel r. to... . M,U N. aat. 4m..... MS . S M. K. A T. 1st 4S.. T4S .1oMe. pse. coa. 4s.. ..loos .10SS Mont. Power la :s .111 N. T. ' oab. M....IUS I11SN. T. Clty 4Ss 1T 111 N. T.. ti. H H. .IMS .114S . MSNs. ISottle 4s. . MS o Is . ISO. g U rat a .101 1-Par. T. T. h S . MS .10S .HS .lot . H i. TI .MMS IMclflr lat. SDSPana. en. 4Ss Chaa. A O ev. 4Ss. do san. 4Ss- ('. H. A J. . 4a.... MSFtesdlns pan. r. M. a fl. P. e. la..inSM. U a B. F r. H 1. a P. r. 4a. usHo, Pan. ev. la ' A S ref. 4Sa. V. H. (J e. 4a. MS So rat. 4s )' TTSgn. Hallwar to Id's 74S I'nlon Pacific 4s.... rs let do ev. to MS M r. g Rohtnr to.... lots HM V ft. faiaal Is 104 S MS Waal. Pnloe 4Ss.... S ti Waat. Rlc. ev. to 1M Krla sen. 4s Electric (a. i -U. No. l.l twa. 'III. Ten ref. 4a. 1 1 m m im. K C go. ref. Is. Bid. I.ondoa gtock Market, I IN DON. Mrch $. American securi ties were hesitating pending the clear Ina of the txilitlcal situation. KM.VKH-Har. 17d per ounce. MONKY-4Vri4S per cent. Dlsi'ol'NT RATKR Short and three months' bills. (Si per rent. Bank Clearlaas. OMAHA. March 3. Rank clearings for Omaha today were $5.42.7fi! and for the corresponding day last year, $S.19;,- 002 18. Fool and His Money Must Not Be Parted BAN FRANCISCO. March l.-Mm. Car rie ChrLslenseu of Melrose, four times married, was sentenced today to one year tn the county jail for using the malls to defraud prospective husbands. It was alleged she obtained about $3,000. When sentenced she fainted and was carried from the court. "I have no sympathy with theaa long range couriers. " Judge Maurice T. Pool ing said. In passing sentence In the fed eral district court, "but a fool and his money must not be parted." Firee en Pot lee Chief. B ALT! MORE, March $. Marshall of Po lk Carter was fired upon lata today when the police started to break ap a demoustratkan a gainst one of tha clothing factories of U Oralf and brother. The shot went TJd and tsa am ajsaa Injured. About 400 emptoyasi of tka 43rtf flran are on suila.