TT1 V. V.T.: OMAHA. FlIIPAY. MARCH ."!. WA FIVE MORE VESSELS ARE REPORTED SUNK Three British Fishing Smacks, One Italian Ship and One Russian Ship Go Down. EIGHTEEN ON LATTER DROWN LONDON, March 2. The sinking f fire more vessels was reported to day. The crews of three British smacks landed at Lowestoft. Their vessels are said to have been sunk In the North sea. The Italian ship Eliza also is re ported to have been sunk. The Russian steamship Alexander Wentiell has been sunk. Eighteen of the crew were drowned and eleven rescued. Ilfporti Sinking of Tbornabr. Lloyd's agrnt at Blyth reports that the British stesmshlp Thornsny was sunk by a mine on Monday night. A dispatch of yesterday's date an nounced that the Thornaby had been sunk In the North Sea and that nearly all of the crew were killed or drowned. Later it was reported that the steamer Deverenx had arrived In the Tyne bringing the steward of the Thornaby, who had been rescued from the v.-reok-age and reporting that two other per sona had been saved by the steamer High Gate. The Alexander Wentiell was 2,328 gross tons, was S feet long and 4o-foot beam. Jt was owned by the Northern Steamship company of Fetrograd. Six Weeks More and He Could Have Got A Million Together NEW TORK. March 2 John Grant Lyman, who was arrested several days ago at St. Petersburg. Fla., where he fled from this city February , after the dis covery of an alleged oil stock swindle said to have netted him more than $3n0,. COO, was returned here tonight in the custody of government agents. Deputy United States Marshal VV. D. Vlnsant of Florida, who accompanied the party, de clared Lyman confided In him on the way here that if he could have operated six weeks longer as "John II. Putnam and company," he could have "cleaned up a million dollars." Lyman, who, it is believed, was about to leave for Spanish Honduras on a motor boat when ho was apprehended, boasted that persons throughout the country', who sent their money to him for Investment, were above the average in Intelligence and "It was a pleasure to him to know that he got the best of them," according; to Vlnicnt. The prisoner complained that 20,000 bills of It.OOO each were taken from him by the arresting officers In Florida and have not since been accounted for. Judge Wade Orator for Knights of Columbus The fourth degree Knights of Columbus gave a banquet at the Fontenelle hotel last evening- at which Martin J. Wade. Judge of the United States circuit court of the southern. district of Iowa, gave an address on the subject, "Am I My Brother's Keeper?" During his address the Judge set forth various principles of the order and urged each and every ne of the members present to look more upon the welfare of his more unfortunaU brother. Several vocal and Instrumental seleo tlona were given during the evening by Miss Ruth Flynn, Miss Buelah Dale Tur ner and Miss Loretta LeLone. Charles F. McLaughlin was toastmaater. About 160 couples were present. GO WITHOUT FOOD FOR DAYS UNDER CANNON FIRE BERLIN, March 2. (Wireless to Say- Hie.) Dispatches to the Lokal Ansetger, dealing with the recent fighting on the Verdun front In the Woevre region, state that the Germans who stormed hill No. 344 under a rain of sheila and through all sorts of entanglements were forced to maintain themselves without food dur ing two days and nights against incessant attacks, as the French curtain of fire made the bringing up of supplies Impossi ble. According to the corresepondent, French troops who wre placed In the same circumstances surrendered, the prisoners. It is declared, simply an nouncing "we got no food and surren dered." Genera Beats Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb.. March 2. (Special.) In the last basket ball game of the season, played here last evening be tween Beatrice and Geneva High school teams, the visitors won by the score of 2S to 21. A large crowd witnessed the gsme. which wss closely contested. Heavy Snow la Cage. BEATRICE. Neb., March 2. (Special Telegram.) A blizzard Is raging here tonight, heavy mow it falling. The tem perature has dropped to eighteen shove sero. Sign of Good Dtsreatloa. tVhen you see a cheerful and happy old lady you may know that she has good digestion. If your digestion Is impaired or If you do not relish your meala take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets. They strengthen the stomach. Improve the di gestion and cause a gentle movement of the bowels. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement. Washington Affairs Orders approved by President Wilson restore to entry 112JUJ acres of public land In Wisconsin. 17,68 acres in eastern I tah and loftfcS acres In western central Montana. The Wyoming and Montana lands had been reserved for phosphate deposits, which they later were found not to contain, and thoae In 1'tah had been Included In a coal land withdrawal. Senator Bheppard of Texas blocked an other effort to bring to an early vote the Shield waterpower bill permitting con struction of dams on navigable rivers by refusing unanimously agreement to limit debate on the bill to five-mtnuta speeches after 4 o'clock Friday afternoon and to keep the measure the exclusive anibject for discussion b'fore the senate In the meantime. The relations of Ixuia D. Brandela to the I'niled Shoe Machinery company and lu conduct while its counsel and after wards were defended by hia law partner, Kdward F. Mct'lennen. of Itomon. before the senate subcommittee investigating Mr. Hrandeis' fitness to he a supreme court Justice. Stephen S. Gregory of Chi rago. former president of the American Bar ssaociatlon. testified that Hrandeis' reputation throughout the country as excellent as to both ability and character. WOMEN FIGURING IN CHICAGO'S AMA2IN0 GRAFT REVELATION-.Left to right: Mrs. Page Walter Eaton, Mrs. Margaret E. Mivolaz, Mrs. Louise Osborne Rowe. r"iSMuiimtf1f I i i mmH WSJ Old Naval System of Promotion Through Seniority Abandoned WASHINGTON, March 2.-rromotlon of naval officers by selection Instead of by seniority, an Increase of DO per cent In officers of all grades, creation of a war reserve list and restoration of the popu lar old rank of commodore are proposed In a bill drafted hy the navy personnel board and transmitted to congress today by Secretary Psnlels. The measure, the result of two years of study and work by the board, Is designed to Increase the efficiency oi the service, put able men in commanding positions at an earlier age, and open the way for the rise of subordinate officers now virtually barred from hope of promotion. I'nder the plan, all officers shove the rank of lieutenant would be subject to promotion by selection upon passage of the bill, the selections being madu from each grade by officers of the ranka above. The board reported that it was con vinced the system of promotion by senior ity must be abandoned. Australia Prohibits Remington Machines WASHINGTON. March 2. Australia at the request of the Britlhh government, has put a prohibition on the sale of typewriters manufactured by the Rem ington Typewriter company on tho ground that the corporation Is suspected of selling to enemies of the allies. It be came known today that the Remington company has laid Its case before the State department denying tho charge an! alleging it is the victim of the jealousy of English manufacturers. German Seaplane Shells English Coast . LONDON. March 2. A German sea plane bombarded a "portion of the south east of England tonight, according to an official statement. A t-month-old child was killed. There was no military damage. KING OF BULGARIA IS ILL WITH BRONCHITIS AMSTERDAM (Via London). March 2. A Vienna dispatch says that King Ferdland of Bulgaria, who Is visiting the Austrian capital, is suffering from an at tack of bronchitis snd Is confined to bed. KING HAAKON OF NORWAY FRACTURES HIS LEFT WRIST CHRISTIAN IA, Norway (via London.) March 2. King Haakon fractured a bone In. his left wrist while sklinr today. The Boy Is Father to tho Mar Old sayings like this are fraught will I most Important meaning-, i jid what will aid the expectan. mother In conserving ber health, hei strength, ber neata ret, and the ab sence of vexstl o u : pains Is a subject o vast moment. Araoni tlie recognised helps !. a splendid rem e d known as "Mother"'. Friend." Applied to the -jusrles It sinks In deeply to make then; Arm and pHant, It thiu lift the r .sin ol ligaments that produce pain, it lightens the burden on the nervous system. Induces calm, .estful nights of health-giving sleep and Kikes the days sunny and happy. Get a bottle of "Mother's Friend" of any druggist and you will then realise vby It has been considered true to its name In ou.- best homes through three generations. It Is perfectly harmless but so effective that once used It Is recommended to all expectant mothers by those who went through the ordeal with surprising esse. By writing to Brsdfleld Regulator Co 413 I .a mar Bldg., Atlanta, Ga you can have a free copy of a wonderful stork book that unfolds those things which all expectant mothers delight to read. Writ today. New Spring Suits, Coats & Cresses- Arriving Daily BEDDEO,DyA$ Buy Piy on ' 's. SMI a Credit WMk ;v'H' "I''A 7 The Manicure Lady She (Jives Her Ideas on l'oetry and the Poets n W. F. KIRK. "Io you know, George," said the Manicure Lady, "I am gettlns so ' I can't read nothing but poetry." "Thnt'a one of the first signs of what the doctors call senile senility," declared the Head Itarber. "You are getting woozy In the head." "I could get a whole lot woosier in the head and still be too bright for a com mon gent like you to gets gay with." said the Manicure Idy. "I think It Is a wholo lot nicer for a human being to set down at night and spend a hour reading something thst was wrote by Robert Keats or John Hums than to be all the time reading about how many players wish they had stuck to the Na tional league instead of leaping to the Federals. Goodness knows, George, it don't take no greet Intellect to go through a sporting page." "Who wants a great intellect? I don't for one." declared the Head Barber. "I was reading about a fellow named Chat terton that had a great intellect and starved to death in a garret. It's funny that his intellect didn't steer him around to a free ltinrh somewhere." "They didn't have free lunch In them days," aald the Manicure Lady, "and If they did, do you suppose a great poet like Mister Chatterton would eat freo lunch? roeU can t digest cold wieners, George. Barbers can, maybe, but not poets. (Such vulgar things as sausages are not for singers. I should think you would know that much." "I seen a song writer eating llverwurrt tne otner day." said the Head Barber "He ate ten." "Song writers ain't poets." said the Manicure Lady. "All they can do is to make every line beglti with a capital letter. The kind of poets I mean, the kind like Mister Cratterton, is all dead now, and thV ones that la trying to be like him ought to be dead. "Oh, gee, George, how I wish I could have been living in them brave days when Lord Byron was fussing around and flirting with tho girls. If his pho tographs don't flatter him he wsa awful handsome, and maybe he might have dropped around to have his nails did If I had been living then." "Ho wouldn't have gave you no tip like Joe Blow," said the Head Barber. "Poets for romance and bookmakers for tlrs, kid. You want to stop thinking about them old-time poets and begin thinking about marrying some nice, rich real estate man with a million feet of ground on Btaten Island and one foot in the cold grave. "I wouldn't marry a rich man unless he loved me an awful lot," aald the 1 rrtMghnrrannnKMi Fort Dearborn Motel Chicago First high-class hotel in the world to fix one price on all its rooms. La Salle Street at Van Buren near everything that brings" you to Chicago Direction of Hotel Sherman Company 'fines iMt r "&aa"s Mown Manicure Lady. "Most o. tliem rich men make their wives keep an expense account, and they have to keep it as strict and crooked as a drummer, too, to make both ends meet. No. ('.corse, I shall never wed n rich tuan unless I should happen to fall In love with him "Suit yourself about that." sld the Head Barber, "but whatever ou do, don't marry no p.iet." "I will If 1 want to," snapped the Mani cure Lady. "All right," warned tho Head Barber, "fcut if you do. don't come back here the next week looking for your old Job." High School Girls Record Ad Getters The girls' number of the lllgii School Register wss Issued yesterday and con tained many Innovation. The girls by n whirlwind ca'mtalnn collected the largest amount of advertising that has been In any edition of the Register this year, en abling them to add several pages to the edition. The officers of the girls' staff which edited thla number are: Gertrude Matt son, edltor-ln-chlef; Klizahelh Sturtevant. assistant editor. Helen Giltner, business manager; Martha Gyger and Myrne Gil christ, assistant business managers. One of the Interesting sections contains biographies of several ptitdenta of the high school and Miss Jessie Towne of tha faculty, with accompanying photographs taken at an early age. ARMY OFFICER INSPECTS COMPANY C0F THE GUARD Cempany C of the Nebraska National Guard of Omaha was Inspected at their armory last night by Captain Gordon of the Vnlted States at my. Captain Irvln Todd had a full attendance of his men for the occasion and it wag said the com pany came through with a good report. Twenty .lr Fights. LONDON. March 2.-The British offi cial communication Issued thla evening: "Testerdav there were twenty air en counters on our front. Tha enemy losses were reported yesterdsv. One of our machines failed to return from a recon naissance." RKSOnTS White Sulphur Springs West Virginia OPEN ALL THE YEA II Tm GREENBRIER , EUROPEAN PLAN Finest Bath Establishment in America, Connected Directly with the Hotel Nauhmim mnJ all principal bath of European Health Raiorti arm given in tha Bath Houta by tkillad attendant mSD TUBBY J. K. BLOCTTM Managing Director Resident Manager There's One Hotel In the World With This Policy EVERY ROOM $150 NO 500 rooms with private bath Every room with outside germ: m se raider , MOhnMS TAKEN I Report from Buenos Ayres Says Teu ton Commerce Destroyer Cap tured by Brt.'sh Cruiser. IDENTITY OF SHIP NOT CLEAR IllKNOS AY RES. March L - ' Press dispatches from Montev dec i say (hat a steamer from Europe in-, lercrpted neat the roast or Hnmi a wireless tnersnue stating that Prltlsh cruisers had captured the German auxiliary cruiser Moewe. Tre Moewe. It is said, wss taken b the Hrlllsh cruisers to Tr nlilsd Islnnd. The American Steamer Santa Hara has arrived tit Montev ideo. Us cap am mak ing Ihe announcement that a I'renc i cruiser, which put P'H front P.ikar, on i the west coast i f A fries, encountered n German rnldrr. nsme not given, and opened fire on it, 1 tuler cover of dark nets the German ship got awa. It was, however, damaged on Its upper works by the French fire. There Is some riotibt. . hnweter. as to the Identity of the German vessel re potted to have been captured. Another ver.-lon of the account Is that the ves sel In question Is the German cruiser Roon. The Moewe first came Inio pi onilnenc j with the arrival at Hampton Koiids sev eral weeks ago of the British steams. tip j Appnm. In charge of a German prise, crew. It hioeght word of a my alerloiia ', German commerce raider, the Moewe, which was roaming the aeaa and had captured snd sunk seven British mer chantmen and admiralty transports. In addition to capturing the Appam. "Well, I Should Ssy 'Gels-It1 DOES Work" "Uok a" There. If You Ifcm't Think It's Ju-t Wonderful for Corns!" "Bless mv stars, look at It! t-and of the llvin'! Whv. Just look at It! That co; n enme right, off-lust like peeling bananas. Put your finger on my toe, Did Tan Fer He the XJket N Waater Uets-lt la the Ulggeat Belllag Cera Cure la taWrlel light there don't be afraid that's It feel how smooth the skin Is? Well, thst's wh.'Te the corn wss. Well that beats all!" That's the wsy "Gets-lt" works on all corns, every corn, every time. It's the new, simple way of curing corns. You'll ssv good-bye to 'all foolish con t rapt Ions' like bundling bandages, sticky tape, plasters, toe-eating aalves. and grave-diggers such as knives, rssors and sclsaors. "Gets-It" stops pain. Applied In seconds. Never falls. Nothing to stick to, hurt or press on the corn. "Gats-It" Is sold everywhere, 2nc a bot tle, or sent direct by K. Ijiwrence A Co., Chicago, 111. Sold In Omaha and recom mended ss the world's best corn remedy hy Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. stores. RESORTS or private toilet light and air. Can't Drink Any Raw Alcohol in Germany RKRI.TX. March 2 Owing to the great demand for alcohol for technical purposes, rr. von llethmann- llollweg. the German Imperial chancellor, today Issued an or der prohibiting temporarily the exercising of raw alcohol for Mrlnklng purposes. .ol.l rrMlnar Here. WASlllXilTOX, March 2. Gold Hn i ported Into the I'nited States from .lan-i:ar- 1 1o Kebrimrv . amounted to whi'e d-.irlng the same period ex- ports of go d mnm .ntoti to, ao I rordmg to tlo figures made public today tv in., rrticial reserve hoard. i'- a a. a lAeneves ucning uuuuoi uiaiaiiuv f- 2 c Kesinnl O.nunent, with Kesitml Soi, usually swps itching at nt c. X It ami easily heals must ".' rjtM rf fi irnui r-ili i ir cimi 1 3 r fl is. .j tressitiR skin or scalp eruption, md " ilae lo serious internal conditions. - Physician have prescribed Resinol i-f winuuriH iruirfnv tor over iwenty f years, so you need not hesitate to X use it Irerlv. F.vot v diift.l Repinol Ointmfnt and S.i; trot tier, I'fpl. R. Rasinel. HaH'morf, Ml, ' .V'(.' Srrr ,'f V A '.' heft Iff ,Vi k Track Examine d Daily The constant inspection patrol of our solid, well ballasted roadway adda to your comfort and safety. At this season of the year, especially with its rains, snowstorms, thaws and freezing weather, it affords a feeling of security to know that all along the line ahead of you track walkers are ex amining every foot of track you know it's safe and sound. r7 mww .jo tin i j re- i ja , i . ? j n .. . , . trtf- t. II Mill II r "Tf.. 1 M in- ii-i. !"''- i ' r- 1 fice. Men only treated. Hundreds of the Most Prominent People in Omaha have been cured by. DH.l'JILLIAf.1 CREIGUTOH MAXIVELL 408-9-10 Omaha National Bank, 17th and Farnam Sts. Phone Red 4390. Hours 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. PUSH is only anotluT naino for courage combined with th'teniiinatioii. It takos a plucky man to push himself to the front and istay there. Advertising gives you a start, it helps you to keep a-going, and it takes you to the lead at the i'ini.-h ahead of all your competitors. Classified advertising demands very little courage from its users. If the thing offered is well de scribed and kept before BKK readers for a rea sonable number of times results are almost sure to come. WEST POINT WINS DEBATE FROM NEWMAN GROVE WEST POINT, Neb., March J.-(9peelaI Telegram.) West Point H'gh s hool de- bating team defeated the Newman Grova team at the West Point auditorium last night. The teams represented the North Central district and the debate was the first of the. series. The subject wss, "Pre paredness." Newman Grove sent It. Hals Harvey, Arthur FInstrom and Harold Gerhard. West Point had Miss I.IU's Holfrmoser, Charles Korg and Marlon Btahl. The Judges were K. E. Carr, Guy Chambers of the State university and T. A. Brown of Lincoln. The decision was unanimous. .' 't . ..'. i-.yz-. J ,! if.'VVW TV !' ' v " f .; .. '. - 5' j f'-i2Z Vdl To St. Paul and Minneapolis Trains leare Union Station, Omaha, 1:10 P. M gnd (us Council Bluffs, I.I) P. it.. and,T:IO A. M. P. P. BONORJDKHr, C P. aa T. A. 1511 Paraaai ., OMaha. 1'hena Uonglaa Sao. t n,. . .. ' - x -3 -: - fcftr??"V ' ".Civ v - " i Piles and Fistula Cured Without Surgical Operation or Pain. No Chloroform or Ether given. Writ ten Guarantee Given in All Cases. Pay When Cured. Carfare Paid One Way to Points Within 50 Miles of Omaha. Patients must come to the of