BRINGING MR. JICVTVU RARE (3ARCMN -rVDNE jrPrNEtt ! "V HUGE STAKE DOES HOT LURE MELADY Offer ol $35,000 for Stecher-Ootch Match Ko Inducement to Take It from Omaha, OMAHA THE IDEAL CITY FOR IT "That" a good deal of money, but th Stecher-Coteh match will be staged right here In Omaha aa long- aa I have anything to say about It." aald Gene Melady b he reed th offer from Rock Inland of tX.oM) for the match. "Of course thla mate" la by no means assured at the present time, but there are prospect. Hut If It la staged U will 1 right here In Omaha. Omaha la the loalcal place. It will be handy for the follower of Joe Btecher from Nebraska and the followers of Prank Ootch from Iowa. And both state will turn out, you can bank on that. ' 'Omaha la entitled to thla match, which will be the biggest event of Ita kind ever hcld-lf It la held. It takea differences of opinion to make home rac ing, and Just ao It la with thla match. It la the one wrestling match over which opinion of the experts differ." While Mir. Mclady la not announcing lila plana, report come via grapevine and wlrrleae and other waya that Me lady la planning on a huge amphitheater for the event which will Beat at leaat 60. to heople. It will be the real card which will fill tip Omaha and tax the rapacity of the Gate City aa an enter tainer, Labor day may be the time on which theae two wreatllng glanta will meet, pnd then the fana will see for themselves whether Ootch can come back or whether he muat yield the crown to a younger man, who ha ao far met no one who ran for a minute atop him on hla onward march to the top of the hill. LadW league bowlers again in competition A. B. Sweet ahop girl topped th score In the Ladle' Bowling league again laat night with 1151. Brandela Olrla war reoond with 2,14s; Omaha Towel Supply third with 2.12S. Scores: A, B. SWEET SHOP. tot id. Id. Total. Mia Nebtt 1 170 1 47 Mla Ooerne 11 l:W l.'l Stl MiK Kruch 177 1M 14' i 4:0 Mlea Wlerman rj 1?4 KiO 41 Mine Miller 140 161 1 437 Totala 7i 741 CAMPRKLLS. 7u5 2.151 M. Total. 140 ( let. 2(1. Mr. Onedecke M r. Reese . , , Mlaa Nelson ... Mr. Campbell MIm Collina ... Handicap ...... ....NCi ....114 ....lilt ....Ha .... 144 104 133 las U6 ' M9 12 371 J.-1 'J IM Totala ........ 714 . , INDEPENDENTS. "M 1,111 lat. M M. Total. Itoeeen Mr. Ootild .. Mr. Jnirilimn Mr. Ptnnton H.0 m 14 141 14 Vi 147 a7 Iiifl VS1 ..i...,IJ0 Ml 14 1 113 US 4l Si Mr. Market Mm. May ......... Handicap ......... 410 I'M I II I Total ......U2 71 O LMt CJ-QAK DEPT- NEB. CLOTTIINa CO. at. Id. W Tout Mre. Klnkade . .(' Hilling .. Mr.,KInd .... Mien Houaman Mini Martin ... ..113 l4 ..):W iSn ..114 1!" ..1 142 ' ..104 134 liJ "3 III 4.'T :m . rm 1U4 S4l 'Total 667 734 6H OMAHA TOWEL Pl'PPLT. 1.8T0 let. l: ?d It! 140 ltt its loi it M. Total Mla Jensen ll Jul Ml llnwr 112 res 1 1M 1 1.1 Mr. Murphy Ml Mr. .-rai 1 4i 4 7T5 Mi Vemigren iianaica Totala 9 7&ii 713 BRANDE1S UIRU. Mr. Thompaon 1M 17 14S 144 143 li 44 41 (la McUrrer. ...147 117 14-. ItU Ml Haurr Ml Kauber Mm. Ilulf . Tola! ...134 ...1 M ...UJ 40 4.1 471 ...711 43M 74S 2.144 SOUTH SIDE AMATEURS AFTER BASE BALL PARK Routheaat Improver In the Magic City are making a aiibtantlal effort to or- ania an athletic club and eelect a per inanrnt nile for a bane ball park In the Houth fide, probably 'n the Maple avenue dutrict. Beeauae of the numerou team orgunlted in thin part of the city In the lat baae ball eaon the need for a local park, convenient to the car line and with other modern facllltle. la deemed quite urgent. The Idea t forth by the youthful ball piayere 1 to have the city buy or lease grouada In thla vicinity, having It kept under municipal aupervtslon. A plan of thla kind waa preeented to the now de funct Kouth Omaha Park board, but an Miatlon cam before action waa taken In the matter. Inveatlratlon by roembera of the would-be club baa brought the In formation that It will be poaalble to lease lot In the vicinity of Railroad avenue and Washington atrect for about M0 per year. Thla lot 1 of the beat land, ad Jotne a car line end 1 five arrea In alae. Perhapa the biggest aurprlae In ama teur dreiea for many day a the r- jrganlxatlon of the Brown Park Mer hajiU laat night They will be baQk in the field wiin the aame old bunch of pennant winner. Practically the entire aggregation had figured with playing with other teams, but tha "pep" mani fested at Backer Pkomal'e meeting laat evening means a return of the City league ihemp for three seasona UP FATHER TOHtMtCLT "BIO SIX," Sunny South. 'MRS. SIX" rtflrViraffA The veteran pitcher, Chriaty Mathew- aon, the "HU Six" of biuc ball fame. Ac companied -by hla wife and eon. Christy, Jr la chaperoning the New York Giant on their aprlng training campaign at Mailln. Tex. - v Vl-ltU six." aa Ohrlaty," Jr., la known. - - ' ' City School for ; Umpires Will Be Opened March 10 The municipal umpire school' will be started March 10, according to announce ment by Cleorge Clark, supervisor of baae ball on municipal parks, laM night. Any person who wlnhe' to enter the umpiring ahool I at' liberty to do ao and may make arrangements by communicating with Clark at the city hall. Clark will be aaalated by Jack Haskell. Jack Van Byckle and Billy Earle In Instructing the embryo umpa. , Central City Mail' Challenges Gates Jo Tallon of Central City haa chal lenged Lester Gatea of Coltunbua to a hoot for the T. L. Combs' trophy now held by Gate, who defended hla title to thla trophy successfully Funday against Joe Luxa of Columbus. The Central City man has posted 15 forfeit money with M. F. Fbarp. manager of tha Townaend Gun company of Omaha, and agrees to shoot with Oatea any time agreeable to the latter. - JUNIORS HOLD THE LEAD IN INTER-CLASS TOURNEY The Juniors hold tho lead tn the girls' Interclaaa basket ball tournament, defeat ing the Sophomoree, Tuesday afternoon. II to la. Isabella , Pearsall and Ruby Swenaon atarred for the Juniors, while Vernette Price and Franc Jones were In the limelight for the Sopha. The lineup: ROPHOMOHEB. I Jonre V Price c K. Flnley v.'. Jl'NIOR". F Pearaall F Bwenaon (' Kelander SC.. .Ruth Bwaneon 1 ..... Rertswl. k folee Pfetffer l Morey tl.Hl Thoniiiaon rield goal lubelln Peariall (41. Rubv Swenaon (I). Vernette Price 4), Francea Jonra n. Free lhrra: pearsall Bwenaon. Price (.'. lteferee: Mis Duke. INDIAN WILL BE GIVEN TRYOUT WITH THE INDIANS SIOUX C1TT. la.. March t-Edmund Many Deed, an Indian, residing near Little Oak Creek. 8 D . wUI be given a tryout with the Sioux City baa ball club of the Western lesguo. Many Deed has been attending the high achool at Rapid City, where he distinguished himself as an athlete. lt fall he was center on the Rapid City foot ball team. Many Ueeda ta an outfielder. Weatos) Bra I hapnaan. CHICAGO, March t-ln the first game today of the national pocket billiard rhamptonahip tournament here Charlea (Cowboy) Weaton of Chicago defeated J. L. Chapman, also of Chicago, by 14) to 40. The second game waa won by Joaenh (oncannon of Jrry city from F. T Ttu rxi ui M iiiiecmdy. .. 1 .. I.y Ku Drfeata Kllaaer. NEW YORK. March !.-J. F I'oagen burg nf the New Vorx lederkrans Haved his flmt wanie In the nailonal amttteur billiard ci.ani.lonhlp tournament Io nian! and drlrair.l laioh Kllngi-r of Aui lit L) a K'jit of fV c. T.j. OO'f) HOLD A X-V w 7 Till-: HKE: f'npyrlght l?ir. Intrrn- .! Newa Service. I HAVT. AtiOTHER JUtT LIKE. THIS and "Little Six," off for the la going to follow In hla father' a foot tepa If fhe veteran twlrtar haa anything to aay about it. Christy aaya that the lad haa ahown aoma promise and ha devotee a certain portion of each day to teaching the youngster the maatery of curve, ouUboola and drops. Central High Five Will Play St, Joe Omaha Central High will play Its last game of the aeason on the local floor Saturday night, tha strong Central High team of SL Joaeph, Mo., being their op ponents. Ht. Joe haa succeeded In dlnpoe Ing of several good opponents this season among theae being Lincoln High, Manual High of Kansaa City, Mo.; Weatport High from the asme place and the AUh laon and Wichita High achoola. Ted Lewis Is Given Decision Over Stone NEW ORLEANS, La.. March t Ted Lewi of England waa awarded a ref eree's decision over Harry Stone of New York at the end of their twenty-round bout here tonight. By hla victory Lewis claimed the welterweight championship of the world. BASKET BALL PLAYER ILL WITH BLOOD POISON Alvln Oelaler. son of Max Qelaler, J90t Dodge atrevt. la confined to hla home, due to an attack of blood polaonlng. Young Oelaler Is a aenlor In the Central High achool. captain of Company D of the cadet battalion and prominent tn ath letics. He Is a flrit-strtng substitute on the basket ball team and hi los will be a hard blow to the team, for It leavea Yard- ley the only man who ran fill In on the regular team without aerloualy weaken ing It. teknwka Wealeyma Wins. LINCOLN. Neb.. March J -Banket hall: Nebraska, Wealeyan. 46; Kan.nua Wes- leyan, 14. Found Guilty of Trying to Get Candy John and Frank Kudma were found guilty by a Jury In federal court of en tering a car In the Colon Paclflo yarJa with Intent to eteat part of an Interstate ahlpment The young men obtained pub licity in connection with the I'nlon Pa cific train robbery la 1M. when they found a strap which proved a clue to the Identity of the robber. They hired in the reward efTere4 by the railroad at that tiro. HIGH SCHOOL CONCERT TO SEND CLUBS ON TRIP A ronoert will be given in the high school auditorium on Friday night by the choral union, the giee club and orcheetra of Central High achool to raise money to aend all three club to the annual meet ing of the National Mualo Supervisors to be held at Lincoln March . The orcheetra. an entirely new feature of the high achool, through the dally di rection of alls Eunice Ensor, has reached a Uih grade of efficiency. Mia Enor Imi haa charge of the boys' glee olub and the choral union. Key to the Situation Ree Want Ais ' " '"" S " ' S OMAHA, FRIDAY, MARCH TMM OTIC. WILL DO " WRAP IT up: TWO NEW AMATEUR LOOPSJRGANIZE Frank Quigley Elected President of American League, While Nel son Heads Metropolitan. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEET The Clasa B amateur base ball leagues organised last night and entered the Omaha Amateur Base Ball association. The American lesgue reorganized for 1918 and a new league, the Metropolitan, en tered the field. Both will play Sunday ball. Frank Quigley waa elected president of tha American league and W. K. Wolfe waa made secretary. A forfeit of 110 waa decided upon and this forfeit money shall be split three ways, forty, twenty five and fifteen per cent reepectlvely going to the three leading team. The forfeit money muat be depoalted by May 1. The following teams were accepted to memberahlp In the league: Kmll Hanson, Chria Lyck. Merchant Hotel.' J. I. Crew. Omaha Printing f'ompany, Townoenrta. Dundee Woolen Mills, S. O. Merchants. ' "Velo fa Prealdent. W. Nelaon was elected prealdent of the new Metropolitan lesgue and 8. ... Coll, ecretary. v The following teams are members: Angelus, Modern Woodmen, Athletic, Walnut Grovo Athletics. Montclaira, Walnut Hill Bambler. Two more teams will be added. An other meeting will be held next Wednes day. The board of directors of the Omaha association met last night to consider constitutional changes and talk over the national asaoclation muddle, which eeema to be aa far up In the air at present aa - It has been sine the revolt of the Cleveland-Johnstown crew at tha Louis' vllle meeting. Both the national asso ciation and the Insurgent federation ask the affiliation of tha Omaha association as does a new northwest association com posed of St. Paul, Minneapolis and Du luth. Tha director decided definitely not to join the northwest, but could arrive at bo decision regarding the two national orders. Omaha continue to hold Its franchise In the national association now headed by Balaton Ooas of Indianapolis, and will continue to hold thla franchise un til more definite new of tha revolt la beard. Tha directors also decided last night that classification of player shall be determined by the class of tha league In which they play on Sunday. Thus a player who plays Class B ball on Sun day la a Clasa B player, even though ha playa In aorae other da on any other day. Four amateur leaguee will hold meet ings Friday n . The City, National Commercial atiu . Booater league will all meet on that night. Will Correct the Spelling of Name Mrs. William Archibald Smith, regent of Major laaao Sadler chapter of the Daughter of the American Revolution, which unveiled the Fontenelle tablet Wednesday afternoon at the hotel, i reived a wire from the Detroit houae which cast the brons tablet stating that the tablet should be returned to them 'to correct the misspelled word. Fontenelle. No extra expense will be Involved for the Omaha Daughters, the firm having ex pressed ita regret at the error and ao stated. The tablet will be returned to Omaha within a week. At the unveiling exercises Wednesdsy Arthur Crittenden Smith received the tab let In behalf of the Fontenelle Hotel com pany. CALIFORNIA ON BROKEN PAROLE TAKEN BACK WEST Robert' F. McLean, alia Frank Mo- Fadden. who haa been serving a eentence In the county J all on a charge of forgery during which time he waa apprehended aa a member of a gang of forger oper ating In San Francisco and Loa Apgelea. left yesterday evening for San Francisco In charge of Officer F.. W. Madden of that city, from which place he will even tually complete a three-year eentence In San Quentln from wh'rh he waa parolej last March. McLean came to Omaha some time ago and aeoured employment at evrvl places about the city giving his name aa Frank McFadden. As anon after hla arrival aa It waa poasible for him to give any sort of Identification he succeeded In passing a forgd check for which he wa arratd and was being held over pending the ac tion of the grand Jury, when he was sus pected of being Robert McLean, who was wanted at San Quentln for violating a parole. BUNDRANT OBSERVES ONE OF LEAP YEAR BIRTHDAYS Prof. J. W. Bundrant la one of the "twenty-otnera" and In honor of hla "seventh birthday" he wa 1ven a party by th Ntw Era Dramatta club of which he Is a dliwctor. Th party was held Tues day evening in Pwtaraon hall. Mr. W. C. Rlcka was chaperon and thirty invited gurata wer proaant, be das the aixteen active member of th club. All wlahad many more auch birthday to Pruf. Ubndrant. 0h,. Drawn for The Bee by George McM'anus TUL GIVE IT TO HAiE BUT TLL COME IH HAM Of OH NT TRlPa TO DINT MOOW&!! AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Kansas City Hay Dealer Fays Visit Here in Interest of Exchange. PROSPECT FOB ONE IS BRIGHT t'pon Invitation of tha Omaha Commer cial club, Crtarlea F. Carlisle of the Car lisle Commhwlon company, heavy hay dealers of Kansas City, paid th focal tock market, and especially the hay men at the local yards, a special visit to slae up the local market and give any ad vance knowledge necessary to the estab lishment of a hay market In Omaha, For several months the uptown club has been Investigating the possibility, and in bring ing Carlisle to the city accomplished the first step. Because of the vast territory located In the Platte Valley, In Wyoming. Montana and other sections of the west where rates on hay are made through Omaha, the local yards Is conaldered by far the moat logical position in the Missouri val ley for a leading hay market. Along with the proposition of Instituting a hay mar ket. It is planned also to organize a hay exchange with headquarters In Omaha, The whole proposition waa dlacuased by CarliMle before a committee of Commer cial club members at noon-hour yesterday at the Hotel Fontenelle. Mrs. Rhyao Entertain. Mr. L. E. Rhyno of 3108 T atreet, waa surprised by a number of members of Central Interdenominational churoh Tues day evening. Music, readings and song entertained the guests. Cut flower wer gifts. Lunch waa served. Those pres ent were: Meadames Meadamea Jesale CornUh. Tllllo Crume. t.iaciy yvniienom, J. E. BevlcK. n. t. micox. Arlle crumea. J. beaver, J. Rooting. Avery, a. B. Cornish, C. K. Miller. LMle TUton, J. A. Jacobaon, L. K. Rhyno. A. Graham, Misses " Misses ("nice Graham, Pearl Rhyno, Arlle Crumea. Bessie Rhyno. ' Gladys Whlteborn. Meaar. Messrs. Rev. H. K. P. CornlshPhllllp Crume, H. O. Wilcox, Ouy Khyno, J. Whltehorn, Persle Rhyno. Crumes, Masrle City Oasslp. Office space for rent In Bee offloa, 1311 N atreet. Terma reasonable. Well known location. Tel. South 27. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stom. 4824 South Thirty-second street, report the birth of a girl at their home Sunday morning. Chapter M. P. E. O., wlU meet at the home of Mrs. J. B. Watklns. fcl4 E atreet, Saturday afternoon at I M o'clock. Mrs. William Berry will act aa assistant hoateaa. An election of otfloer will be held. The ladles of St. Agnes' parish will give a card party and dance at the Mo Crann hall Friday evening. Luncheon will be served. Six prisua will b awarded to winners at cards. The O. W. B. M. of the Christian church will meet at the home of Mra. W. W. Wldoe, 22 I atreet. Friday after noon at I:) o'clock, March S. A price mask ball will be given Wednesday evening, March S, at the Odd Fellows' hall, at Twenty-fourth and M street, under th auspices of Oak council No. 1332, Knights and La- dtea of Security. A meeting of the South Side Woman's Christian Temperance union will be held at the home of Mra Howard Vore, Twenty-firm and H streets, this after noon at i:M o'clock. The women of St, Mary's church will entertain at the laat pre-Lenten dance in the Houth Side thla evening at the Co lumbian club rooms at Thirty-sixth and R streets. Cards, danoing and lunch eon are on the program. A spelling match b- been arranged by the Gleaner circle of the Lefler Me morial church, on Maple avenue, to be held Tuesday evening, March 14. In the Madison street school house of that dis trict. Mis Jackie Saunders and Mia Mar rue rite Court ot will both appear at the Hese today In two new aud startling muster pictures. Kaiser Leaves Verdun Front for Germany LONDON. March 2. The German em peror left th Verdun front and returned to Germany Tuesday, according to a Rot terdam dispatch to the Dally Mall. MOVE AGAINST SUNDAY THEATERS IN GOTHAM NRW YORK. March I A campaign waa begun today by the corporation counsel offico in bahalf of th city against Sunday theatrical performancea which violate th cltv ordinance limit ing entertainment on that day to re llgloua and educational concert, vocal and instrumental mualc. lectures, ad dreeeee and recitations. Suit aa filed against th lsrgeat thea ter In New York, alleging that on Febru ary 20 a performance waa given which Included "tragedy, comedy, opera ballet, farce, negro minstrelsy, danctug and other prohibited exhibitions." The penalty Is a fin of ISO and th au tomatic cancellation of th offending the ater license. VERDI SAILS WITH TWO AMERICANS AND TWO GUNS NEW YORK. March t-The Italian eteamhip Gleuareppe Verdi, the first armed vessel to leave American ahore alnce th new Auatro-Germaa aubmaiine policy went Into effect, aalled from here late today for Naplea and Genoa. It car ried among Ita ITS paasengera two Italian born American rittaen. Th Verdi had mounted on Ita after deck the two naval guna with which K waa equipped two month ag T5 JUtT CbCAOTlFUL I DIDN'T KNOW YOU HAD tAXJH COOD TAVTE X-i Railroads in This Reserve District Heavily Crowded WASHINGTON. March 2-Oenerally pood business conditions throughout the country are reflected In reporta of fed eral reserve agents made public tonlghl by the federal reserve board. Growing scarcity of raw materials used In many American industries Is notd. however, and the southern agents p:edl 't an Increase In cotton acreage this year unless steps are taken to prevent it. Scarcity of basic raw materials, the Chicago agents, aay, are receiving the earnest attention of manufacturing In dustries dependent upon them. Report from the farming section Indicate a re duced wheat acreage this year, but the farmers are said to have an increased purchasing power. St. Ixu! reports a degree of pro parity unknown for aeveral years. Cold weather ha retarded grain shipment in th Min neapolis district and to a considerable extent th lumber and wholesale busi ness. Car shortage, the report says, la caualng difficulties. Prospects for the ipring are called excellent. Kansas City reports railroads taxed, be yond capacity owing largely to shipments of laat year's grain. First indications that the wheat crop may have been In jured by the unusual weather of the early part of the year have been offset by later and more encouraging reports. DIAZ HAS UNDERSTANDING WITH VILLA AND ZAPATA EL PASO. Tex., March 2. Felix Dial, nephew of the former Mexican dictator. Porflrio Dlas, who is said to have landed on the eaat coaat of Mexico to launch a new revolution, haa effected an under standing with Zapata and the followers of Villa, according. to friends of the lat ter, who stated today that conference held her last week with emissaries of Diaz, had resulted in an agreement be tween the leaders. . Measage received her from Chihuahua City repeated reporta of last night that four American had been beaten and threatened with death by Carranxa sol-' dler at the time a Chines hotel pro prietor at JImlnei waa slain, several days ago TWO KILLED WHEN TRAIN WRECKED BY SNOWSLIDE PUEBLO. Colo.. March t-A Denver ft Rio Grande train waa wrecked by a snow slide In Black canon, near Saplnoce, Colo., early tonight, according to a re port received here. Two persons are reported killed. A number of passenger wer Injured, according to the report. The survivors are said to be snowbound at th entrance of Black canon, twenty-five miles east of Montrose. Earl Levy, a member of a Pueblo high school basket ball team, and an express messenger are missing and believed to have been killed. RANCHER KILLS NEIGHBOR APPROACHING THE HOUSE DEADWOOD. 8. D.. March t William N. Berry, an old-time rancher living near here, believing hla neighbor. Watt An' derson, meant harm, eat In hla ranch house and fired a bullet through the door, killing Anderson, when he saw htm approaching hla home. The murder waa due to a quarrel some weeka ago. Berry walked to thla place and gave himself up. Anderson' body was found in tha snow. SHOOT DOWN GERMANS FLEEING FROM TRENCHES PETROGHAD (Via London). March 2. The officlel etatement Issued from gen eral headquarters today aaya: "Western (Rucslan) front: German aeroplanes threw bombs and fired ma chine guns northwest of Frledrlchstadt and on Dvlnsk. In the Lake Sventln dis trict w destroyed a detachment of Ger mans fleeing from their trenches, owing to our artillery bombai dment." imisKEV Y V5eVtl f I'LL NtVED TAhTB T 62ij7 f AMTHINC, OUT OF 7 that- i oibri'T ''VVf I KNOv ,T HAD A jjHfl i jj 1 1 1 1M: xer 5 BIG BASKET BALL BATTLE TONIGHT Brandeis Team 0f Omaha Will Lock Horns with Olympic Athletic Club Quintet of Frisco. LOCAL FIVE IN GOOD SHAPE Basket ball fans are looking forward to a rare treat tonight. For tonight on the Young Men' Christian association gym nasium floor the Brandela quintet, which la eas'ly the class of Omaha, will battle the champions of the United States, the Olympic Athletlo club team of San Fran ciaco. This coast five won th amateur cham pionship of the country laat year at the Ban Frnnclseo exposition and Is heralded a a championship team from start to finish. Its victory laat year was In no" way a fluke, but waa the result of su perior merit. The coaster are now on their wny to Chlcagro to defend their natloul title. While the Olympics reign favorites over the Brandela team, the locale are ex pected to put up a gam fight. - The Omaha lads hav been practicing faith fully with a view toward this fray and they are In the best kind of shape. Their team work has never been better and the Olympics will have to ahow their beet to win. Tho team will lln up as follows: BBiVTlRU OLYMPICS. Oorhn L.F. Hughea RF. Burkenroad C Koran L.G. Ritchie R.G. R.H -.. Don LP Kemt C Gilbert R.O Gllfert L.G. Barnes URGES CHICAGO SCANDAL BE GIVEN GRAND JURY CHICAGO', March 1 In aubmlttlng a report on .the split salary charges of Mrs. Pag Walter Eaton.' superintendent of ao clal surveys, against her chief, Mr.e Louise Osborne1 Row, head of th de- -partment of publlo welfare, th commit tee on civil service reoommended to the' city council at It meeting tonight that.' th one be submitted to th state at torney. Transcript of th testimony taken at th committee's hearing of th charges, at which Mrs. Row declined to appear, accompanied th report and th commit tee urged that th atata'a attorney pre sent the same to a grand 'jury with a view to Indictment If th evidence sub mitted warranted such action. TT is especially in springtime when, the rigor of winter has passed that the tonic qualities of THEKWyoyjJUtt are particularly bene ficial. Better have a case sent home. Phone Douglas 1889. Saw eoupont and gtt premium. LUXUS MERCANTILE COMPANY Dittributor. HjlpljilJil. ifelMlWlililP1 GROTTE BROTHERS CO. 1$ Ceweral Distributors Ornaka. Nebratk Ujt I