TTTR BEE: OMAHA, TTIXTRSDAT, MATlC.n 2, 1!H6. BRITISH STEAMSHIP THORNABY IS SUNK London Dupttch Sayt Ship Owned at Hartlepool Destroyed and Crew Killed. SINGS TO ACCOMPANIMENT OF HIS OWN VOICE. B1LLARD TO RETURN PART OF PROFITS Promoter Payi New Haven Million and Quarter in Settlement of Stock Deal Suit. 111 z lat I glli m : jiill,!! e ilii Jfsk gilslfe ALL DETAILS ARE WITHHELD LO.VDON, March ,1. The Britlnh steamship ThornabV Is reported to l ire been sunk, all th members of the crew having been killed or Crowned. The Thnrnahjr wa owned In West Har D.pool. Ktilanl. It rna tonnage, wa l.TM. It waa JM rt Ions. Althoiiah th British censorship pre vents transmission of details conrernlns" the reported slnklns; of ths Thornaby, the reference to the mmilnri of the rrew havln probably bn killed or drowned Indicates It waa struck by a mine or tnrrdo. The llrniin and Austrian decree re-rardlne- the rlnalna; of armed merchant men wlhhout warnlna went Into effect at mldnlKht. The Thornaby In the first veaeel whoa alnklng tiae bean reported alnee the order became operative, hut the Iondnn dlepatoh dnea not Indloete whether It waa armed or whether It wn mnk before or after the opening- of th month. Twelve Hfar I.I ere la War Ease. NK1V YORK. March l.-The scheduled openlnc of the new aubmarlne rsmpalgn of the Teutonic power, which wa aet for today, find twelve big Unnr in or near th war cone. In which the Aua trlan and German undersea boat are operaUn;. The llnera are Cretto of the Whit "tar line; Italia. Italian line; Taormlna, Ital ian line; Iafayetta, French tine; Philadel phia. American line; Finland, In Ameri can line errlce; Berg-ernafjord, Norwet-tan-Amrlcan tine; America, Italian line; Hatrta, Pabr line; rannonia, Cunard line, and the loennlna and Vasllefa Can atantlnoa of th Oreek Una. None of the steamer la believed to be armed unleea they have mounted rune at sea. Tn lallan steamship America, ena of the chip which have had run a placed on board by th Italian ftovernment, I to day believed to be In the war aon with Itl cabin and 1.731 steerage paaaen;r on board bound for New Tork. The Amer ica, according to cable advlcea received by local acenta here today, aalled from Nipple on February it. PRINCE LEI LANI. Prince Lei Lani, f anion a Hawaiian soloist, who has a national reputation a the man with three voices, haa shown hla ability In hla opening concert befor the musio lovers of this city at Mlckel's Vlctrola parlors and at Crelghton audi torium, that h porseaeea a voice of rare Quality and merit, and a winning per sonality that haa gained him many ad mirers. His rendition of the "Rosary" and "A Perfect tay" In hla eoprano voloa la faultkss. His slnalng with hla own voice accompanied by his own record on the Vlctrola wa a great novelty and trat to th hearers, which also Illustrate the tm quality of tli Vlctrola In producing th h 'Jinan vole. Soft Coal Miners and Operators Near Agreement on Pay NEW TORK. March l.-Boft coal min er and operator from th middle wt were close to an agreement today On the prlnolpal point In dlaput In ar ranging a new; wage scale to go Into effect the end of this month. Only a t-nt or lea per ton standa In th way of arriving at a settlement of the mine run and tonnage-Increase demand. The miner yesterday reduced their de mands of a 10 per rent Increase, which I equivalent to About i aejit a ton. to 3 cents a ton on th mine-run bal. To day th operators replied they would eon- alder a Z-cent Incr, Th miner asked a reces until later In th day and It I eald they will agree to seal down th S-rent Increaa to 144 cent. In the weatern Pennaylvanla territory the Increaa agreed upon will be 13 tents higher, a th Pittsburgh dlatrtot operator have agreed to grant the mine run demand of th miner and fl th mine-run basic rat at th Ohio figure. Th'a will bring th tonnage rat up te 47 cent. On top of this will b added the general Increaae to be agreed upon. War Insurance Sea Rates Are Advanced NEW TORK. March- l.-Rate of wr rlak Inauranc on trana-Atlantlo steam ers snd cargoes had advanced today In anticipation of the enforcement of Ger many's policy of sinking armed mer chantmen without warning. The quota tion on vessels bound for Mediterranean ports wa Increased to t per eent upon the receipt of cablea from London lay ing that a similar rat had been lm- poaed there. Prevloualy th rata her had been about 1 per cent, but ranging upward to on specially valuable cargoes. The war risk quotation on vessels des tined to English and French ports slso stiffened and ranged from 1 to IV per cent. Th highest rate quoted In recent weeks on this business waa Hi psr cent The reported presence of German raid- era off th ooast of Brasll caused the war rate on belligerent merchant ships in th South American trade to stand firmly at I pr cent It take but a minute of time to av dollar when you read The Bee Want Ad column. AGREEMENT IS A COMPROMISE NEW YORK, March 1. The suit! brought hy the present adrolnlstra-1 Hen of the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad to recover from John L. Rtllard of Merlden, Conn., profits alleged to have been due the, New Haven In the deal In which the New Haven purchased shares of Dos-1 ton 4V Maine stock seven years ago, ' has been settled, it was announced ac the New Haven offices today. BU-; lard has paid the New Haven. $1,250,000, It was stated. j Among other defendants In the Bll-: lard suit were Charles 8. Mellen, for mer president, and Edward D. Rob- bins, former general counsel of the Now Haven. History f the Deal. Mr. nillard, a coal dealer, purchased from the New Haven In 190S during the administration of Mr. Mellen. 119,000 ahare of Itoaton Maine atock at $1 and sold It bsrk a year later at HBO. It waa alleged that nillard wa acting In the Interest of the New Haven and that the deal wa a flcMtlou transaction. The New Haven at that time was forbid den by the Massachusetts laws to own the Boaton A Maine and It waa charge! that nillard aaaumed title to the atock to enable the New Haven to Inform the Maaaachueetts authorities that they did not own control of the Boston A Maine. I.ler the New Haven was authorised by the Maasachusetts legislature to ac quire the Boston A Main and Blllard'a holding wer sold back to th road. hatlroaal Financed the Deal. Blllard'a natanalhla rivnfit w. a hah rcjrd.OOO, but this was reduced by other ! transactions Aoeordlng to testimony In i the recent criminal action brought by I the government under Sherman anti-trust law against former directors of the New Haven, Blllard personally got only ISO.OOO. iMirlng the trial It was contended by the defendants that Blllard transaction wa bona fide, It was brought out by the gov. ernmcnt that Blllard waa, however, financed In tbe deal by the New Haven. Bamuel Hemlngton, president of th First National bank of New Haven, at one time an officer of the Blllard com pany, wa alio a defendant. The suit wss originally' for 11,700.000 brought In Con necticut courts. Th settlement repre sents a compromise. Areata Hlpm Bark. The Washington club has transferred Outfielder Acoata to th Mlnneapolla cl'ib (if th American association. Bishop McConnell . Heads Eeligious Education A'ss'n CH1CAOO. March l.-Btshop Francis J. McConnell of Denver was eleoted presi dent of th Religious Education aaaoola Hon. whose annual convention closed here today. Other effteara elected were: Vie presi dent, Henry ft. Fritchett, president of th Carnegie Foundation of New Terk; treas urer. David R. Torgan, and secretary, Rev. Henry F. Cope, both of Chicago. J. W. MaoDonald of Decatur waa chosen slat director. Men on Petrolite Say No Warning Given WASHINGTON, Meroh 1. -Members of the crew of the American tanker Pe troiit have made afndarlta to refute the contention of tbe Austrian govern ment in connection wltn the attack on the ehlp by aa Austrian aubmarlne tn the Mediterranean soma time ago. Th affidavit support th original Informa tion on which the Mate department made representation to Vienna. Recently the Auatrlan government asked for more fart and gave It ver eion of the incident. whU-h wa that th aubmarlne commander miatook the Amer ican ahlp for a hostile merchantman about to attack htm and that the mas ter of the Petrolite voluntarily gave him provision. The version of the Petrollte's crew ts that the ehlp was fired upoa without warning, injuring one man of th engine room ayew and that aa A marie a t Its crew uaa held aa a hostage aboard the submersible while provisions were taken from tbe steamer's stores. PAPE'S OIAPE FOR INDIGESTION OR GK i AC 0 H H Relief Awaits You! Instantly Stops Dyspepsia, Qases, Sourness, Heartburn-Get Some Now! Tou don't want a slow remedy when your storaaoh Is bad or an unoertaln one er a harmful one your stomach la too valuable; you mustn't Injur It with drsstlo drugs. ' Papa's Dlappln ia noted for Its speed In giving relief; Its hamvleesness; Ha certain unfailing aotton In regulating sick, sour, gassy atomachs. Its millions of cures In indigestion, dyspepsia, gas tritis and other stomach trouble has mad It famous th world over. -Keep this perfect stomach doctor In your horn keep It handy get a large fifty-rent case from any drug store and then If anyone should eat something j which doean't aire with, them; it what i they eat lay Jlk lead, ferment and sours and form gas; causes headache, dtaslnsss and nausea; eructations of add and undlgestsd food remember as soon as Pape' a DUpepaln comes In contact with th atomaah all auch distress van ishes. Its promptness, certainty and ease in overcoming th wont stomach dla order 1 a revelation to thoa who try It. Advertisement. War Stock Shares Off Several Points NEW YORK, March. l.-Ths dubious outlook cauaed by the greater strain tn the foreign situation resulting from Pres ident WUaoo's determination to fore th teaua on armed ship tn congress con tributed almost entirely to a further fall la price tn today's stock asarW. At th low level of the raid aa iom prtoea wer at their misJmtUB for tbe year a4 U) aom instaaoe lowest La over six month WW eharee and high Mtoed sprtaltlae) fell front i to 11 points, greatest losses Wng aastaiaed by General Motor. Cuban Amerioaa ttaujar. Bethlehem ttaei. and Texas eompapy. United gtatea Steel broke Jroew IS and ether reoeatad leaflet. SBOlavdtug tna raris, were 1 to t points krer. In th final hour short eewertna est the first clcus of support rented prtoea I to Don't Imitate Be individualistic and hew out a way for your self regardless of what others have done. Of course this means work, but then, you don't mind work when it makes you coin. "Want-ads will help you get to the front quickly, making you independent and satisfied. You get quick and certain results from Bee waat-ads whether buyer or seller, renter or owner, borrower or lender, producer or cousumer, employer or employe. When in BOSTON Stay at thb HOTEL BRUNSWICK OYL8TON ST., COR. CLARENDON, raoiN OoLIV uang A hign dasssnodam house, snwJligant servtos. pleasant rooms, superior cuisine, LadM traveling alone ar assured of courteous aaenbon, gwaesean ri.a. Miaatt , seen mi suvm we, oouecs avao " im ' eajcauaa) PLaj. S4.00 eta eav vs rttgg a, joejte, Paoeatrre f!, Here They Come, Men ! FINE TOP COATS Ftrhem KING - PECK $137,000 CLOTHING STOCK On Sale Here on Thursday This is one of the best lots in this entire wonderful stock. The clothing sale that has been the talk of Omaha for weeks and that has brought record re sponse every day an announcement has been made. Top Coats Now at Bottom Prices For example, think of a fine garment, a dress coat of black unfinished worsted hand tailored and silk faced to the edge. A coat that we offer at $15 and that could not possibly be sold at this figure if it were not for the fortunate circumstance of this enormous purchase. Coming as this does, right in advance of the Top Coat season, it will be more than welcome news to hundreds and hundreds of men who like to be fore handed in the purchase of their Spring wardrobes, but as a rule do not like to pay the higher prices which usually prevail at this time of the year when the first coats are shown. Style is here Quality is here Economy is here KING-PECK CLOTHES ARE BUILT TO FIT-evcry little de tail of the master craftsman's is worked out to perfection. A brief resume of the stock reads like this : In fancy mixtures and plain colors. Full silk and Quarter silk lined; some with silk yoke and sleeves, three-quarter length. New set-in Sleeve Coats, Balmacaans, Form -Fit Coats three big lots, priced this way Lot h Lot 2 Lot 3 $7.50 $10.00 $15.00; I. ,. ; i :, V ,. i S " i ll1 i ll$lt IT "Built to Satisfy to Meet a Price" COMFORT In the 1916 valve-in-head motor cars nothing is left undone to insure the comfort of its occupants. The construction of the interior is given the same careful attention as the wonder ful valve-in-head motoryrv There is am ple room for each of thepassen- gers in the car. The cushions are deep, luxuri ously upholst S ered in extra fine black leather over genuine curled hair and X deep coil springs. The cantilever springs elimi nate road shocks. Buick comfort is not approached by any car at anywhere near the price. Roadsters and Touring Cars $950 to$14S5 kf r. O. B. Factory hions lst ;r f d f ' can road i A .ride in the Buick will prove this to you Nebraska Buick Auto Co. OMAHA . LINCOLN SIOUX CITY L Huff. Mgr. i H. E. Side!, Gen. Mgr. S. A. Douglu, Mgr. '"z Ns,,"m $1435 F. O. D. Hint, Mich. l , e!