Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1916, Page 14, Image 14

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TrwilJMB JltSlJillL H q
i4 Wbncer"u Complete Showing of Spring Merchandise in All Departments Attractively Priced
! I
i V
Dainty Silk Blouses at $1.95
An immense assortment of pretty style in a big variety
of Wash Silks, both striped and plain colors; also a nice
qnality Crepe de Chines. Values you HI not find equaled
elsewhere at the eale price. All sizes, newest colors.
nxniririinnnnririrv"r' " "" "
Beautiful Silk Blouses, $ ? Qg
Made o Sell to S7.S0, at
A bevy of classy designs in a wide range of the new bril
linnt shades. Wash Taffetas, (leorgeltc. Linens', Nov
elty Stripe Crepe de Chines, etc.; the greatest lot of val
ues ever shown at the sale price.
uTn juuuui rurnjnrui juirLn ju r i ri issiwr-i jl ili-uu sru u uLnnj-u"i uuwiji "
We're Splendidly Ready With Over a Half-Million Dollars in Spring Merchandise for Selection
To the roost beautiful creation! from the leading arbiters of fashion, both abroad and at home, the new Suits, Coats and Dresses owe their distinction, for they are duplicates and clever adaptations from the
originals. Modes that will dominate the Spring Season. Special low pricings will make the next few days' sales specially interesting.
Classy New Spring Coats, $10.00 to $59.00
Elegant New Dress Shirts, $3.95 to $25.00
ti r i c
t lie Lfispiuy ui
Spring Coats
is not only wonderfully Varied in Styles, but of
fering an exceptional range of pricings, and at
each price, Values we believe you'll find Un
questionably Superior.
A Spring Coat Special at $15.00
Offers you a big assortment of classy styles in the always pop
ular Coverts, Novelty Checks, Lined Poplins, Nobby Corduroys,
Chinchillas, etc., at a wonderfully low price.
New Dresses, Special, $8. 95
A truly wonderful showing of Silk Dresses in Taffetas,
Satins, Crepe de Chines, etc. All sizes and a great va
riety of charming new designs. Don 't miss them Thursday.
at.... , , I, n, - .- ----ir f - -II I- n -
New Tailored Suits at $15.00 to $95.00
New Gowns and Dresses, $10.00 to $75.00
The Crown Jewel Suits
Are Here at $ H) fOO
the Usual Price - -
jut mm
-3 destinctivo designs in beauty of style and diversity of color
ings and weaves, in quality and real class. Simply matchless at
the price. The New Twilight Blue, Gait Blue, Peace Gray, Deer
Shade, Magenta Hose and others are among those shown. Suits
come in all sizes. Regulars 16 years to 46 bust. Stouts in
'.19 to ."51 bust. See the new ones Thursday.
Unprecedented Values in
Trimmed Hats
We have an established repu
tation for giving the biggest
values in the city at $- equal
to $7.50 hats shown elsewhere.
Tomorrow we add 200 new
hats, comprising all the pre
dominating styles, colors and
trimmings. You must see these
hats to fully appreciate them.
Don 't Think a Good
Figure Will Take
Care of Itself
Are you wearing any Vret you
happen to see or hear of, without
regard to whether It la really the
rUilit corse for your part Ion 1W
Your figure won't take care of
Itself. It need constant training.
You will find among the extensive
range of Warner's Itust Proof
Corsets, that every figure can be
supplied for each and every occa-
ion to the perfect
. satisfaction or tne
arer. netneniir
e guarantee War
ner a Cor
seta not to
ruat, break
or tear.
Thla model
12, price,
j2. 1 on
of tbe many
new. up-to-date
m o d 1 a, either
front or back
lace. Other mod
els from SI to
rassleres t r om
50c to
Department Specials
for Thursday
Ladlaa' Gowns, Corset Covers
and Drawers, worth QQ
to 11.00, at OlC
Crepe de Chine Cornet Covera
and Camisoles, dainty lace and
hand embroidery trimmed,
worth to $2.00, QQ
Thursday, at .. . . OIC
Italian Silk Vests. Silk Topped
Union Suits, worth $1.50, In
flesh or white, rein- QQ
forced armholes; Thura. OI C
Ldles Union Suits, fin Hale
or cotton, summer, spring or
winter weight, odd lots and
samples; 76c values,
Thursday, at ..... .
Every Imaginable Style and
Color in
New Hosiery
Variety That Insures Most
Satisfying Selection, Pric
ings Most Attractive. Don't
Miss These Specials.
A Few Specials in Hosiery.
Women's pure thread Silk
Hosiery, in plain and fancy
colors, embroidered in con
trasting designs,
worth up to $2.50
very special,
Women's All Bilk
and Silk with Lisle
Tops, regular and
out slses, black and
colors, $1.16 qual
ity, special
'iff i'
$20 and $22.50 Tailored Suits, $15.00
"215 handsome new Suits, clever designs in the season's
most wanted colorings and fabrics, including a splendid
line of Check Suits. All sizes 16 years to 46 bust measure.
An extraordinary special value, at, choice $15.00
Washable Chevrette Gloves
They wash perfectly
save the expense and
bother of glove clean
ing. Wash and Dry
Them Any Way
A new innovation, but one which is meeting with the
enthusiastic reception expected.. They wash perfectly
and come in all the new colors for Spring wear, . Don't
fail to see these regular $1.25 and $119 $150
$1.75 gloves priced Thursday, at . . . '. . and
The New
in our Daylight Silk Section
The assortments are now at their best. Complete lines of the
various weaves. A special showing Thursday that will be in
teresting, and profitable. No advance in price; we bought
early and givjs our customers the benefit.
L'(K) pieces of .'W inch Novelty Dress Silks, Satin Striped CVif-
fon Taffetas are in great favor.
Annure Russeau, Striped Satius
and Pusfy Willow
100 pieces of new Tub Silks, Satiu Striied Crepe de Chines,
Novelty Striped Pongees. All
nlk 'qualities that launder '
well and are fust colors, at
$1.25 and 51.50 Dre3S Silks, at 95c -HK) pieces of 'M to 40-inch
Dress Silks, all silk Crepe de Chines, Chiffon Taf- m
Mas, Hcdiums, Silk Poplins, Printed Cree de tJ
Chines and CrejH Foulards; worth up to $1.50
:.-o juivo, unkiu nn i'-vi villi-
$1 to $198
A Wonderfully Important Sale of
The lace season is opening up strong, all the latest models are show in a profusion of laee trimmings.
Our stock is complete and our special prices Thursday will be a delight to our customera. The under
priclngs make it important that you should be here.
$3.00 New Gold ,
Floancings, $1,49
This is a speoleJ leader, abso
lutely aew, up-to-date, 17 Inches
wide, only 91.49 s yard.
$2.00 All-Over Lacts .
at 98c -
Double width.
IS-lnrh Venlse
Worth $1.00
price, 08c
$1.50 Crepe Chiffon, $100
This la the very best quality of
Crepe Chiffon, similar to the reg
ular Gforgrtte. Special, at 91.00
35c Laces at 19c
A beautiful line of very fine
Wash Lacea, only 19c yard.
light weight and
All-Over Laces.
to $!.$$: sale
$2.00 Lace Floancings,
at 98c Yd.
This lot Includes fine Lace
Flounclnga from 18 Inches to 40
Inohes in width, In Oriental, fine
Point de Esprit, and fancy
Mesh Nets. Will make beautiful
party gowas. Only 08c a yard,
New Embroideries
We have assorted a beautiful line
of the finest Novelty Embroider
ies Into four lots for Thursday
60s. 08. $2.19 wl 83.50
H-r yard.
This is a sample Hue; no dupli
cates. Worth up to $7.00 per yard.
A speclsl lot of 4 2-inch Em
broidered Klounelngs, at J)8
Crochet Cotton,
The genuine P. F. C. Crochet Cot
ton, the only duplicate of the D.
M. C. The largest spool, the beat
quality. M numbers, all colon,
7 H e per ball or ?Oe per box.
25c Ladies'
, Neckwear, 10c
Just a lot of odd coUars and col
lar and cuff sets. Special price,
only 10c each.
New Hair Goods
A special lot of full length, three
strand Switches, at
Sl.OO. 82.00. 83.00
New Dresk
Weaves are here for your approval Stunning checks and
stripes in colors and black and white effects, at special prices.
50 pieces of 54-inch All-Wool French Velour, the most popu
lar material. for Sprang Suits and Skirts, m
a full line of plain colors and novety ef
fects, at ....
50 pieces of 54-inch black and (frlOE T Cl
.white Checked Suitings, some with I up M W Oil
colored novelty effects; very stylish. . . x t sam
100 pieces of Ail-Wool French Serges and All-Wool Poplins,
in every new color for spring. The materials
that axe being used to combine with taffeta.
A special showing Thursday, at.
We can save you $10.00 on your new Spring Suit. Suits made!
to your measure, handsomely tailored and ierfect fitting.
lour choice of a wide range of materials.
Satisfaction guaranteed. A complete suit
made to your order for
Hardware Department Spe
cials in Nickel Plated Ware
Every H ousewife Should Take
Advantage of This Underpricing
So. NUkfl Plated Cast Iron Skillets
No. 9 Nickel Plated Cast Iron Skillets)
No. 7 Copper Nickel Plated Tea Kettles
No. 8 Copper Nickel Plated Tea Kettles....
No. Copper Nickr) Plated Tea Kettles....
No. 8 Nickel Plated Pancake Griddles
No. Nickel Plated Pancake Griddles
2- pt. Copper Nickel Plated Tea or Coffee Pots.
3- pt. Cupper Nickel Plated Tea or Coffee Pots.
4- pt. Copper Nickel Plated Tea or Coffee Pots.
5- pt. Copper Nickel PlaUd Tea or Coffee Pots,
6- pt. Copper Nickel Plated Tea or Coffee Pota ,
6-Cup Copper Nickel Plated Percolator
9-Cup Copper Nickel Plated Percolator
B. O. E. Fad Irons. Nickel Plated
16-Inch Brass Nickel Plated Towel Oars....
Solid Brass Nickel Plated Tumbler Holder. . . .
Nickel Plated Toilet Paper Holders
NVkel Plated Bath Tub Poap Dish
Kli kel Plated Cuspidors
si. yj tj.
us y
81.10 vj V
Sl.ltt f- J
Sl.fiS Cj
Tor f 7
lOr I
10 I JW
Read the Big March Grocery
Opening Sale
Lay la year anoBth's supplies aad
l your livlaa sspvas.
rmkM Ooeds, Xta-asst Quality aaa
Issi rrwii.
4 -.). saoks beat high tirsd Dlsmoml
It. flour, nothing fluar fur bremt.
l-lr. or t.kem, mtu SI. 40
I lbs. brat purs Granulated Putfai-
for gl.00
10 lbs. best whit or yellow Corn
in I for S Jo
,.. best roll J whit Hrcakfriit
Ontniesi for ate
0 lt tliolos Jsvan flios. Tc qunl
Ity for SS
rsra Oil or Wuilar.l Hsrdus. .ISO
4 pks. Mmaroiu. Vermlielli or 8p
Clirtti tor SSo
1 H. brat bulk l-sundry 8Urrh..S6o
The iH-at 8ota or Dystor A'rackor.
in- lb To
Tall cans A !! Falmoa lOC
K. i'. Corn r'lk, pkg So
Yrast K'm. pks. ..... 3a
.it-ui. Iai puis rrult PrMarToa.tSo
:t o jars purs attained Honoy . . . as
Lartsa bottli s Wort eat ar bauca. Pure
Tomato t'aisup. Plckloa, aaaortad
klmli; Prepared kluaiard, or Horso-
ladlHli. pr bottla L0
Marlirens PmiiuI But tar. lb..lSVa
li-ii. pks. rondpnaati Mtnoo Maat . So
4 laisa rann l' Milk.... Mo
4 rans Wax. String. l.ra or Lima
Haatia for (So
all'oinia f'o-klna Kia, pr lb...lo
I'a ifoinia haedlaaa Paiairta. b...lSVsa
.'aO'ortoa Ht i'runaa, lb.. .. St.s
Ciif' Moir P a hra. lb. S10-7l,o
rainy l 'i;ortl raid nates, lb. ISO
Kanrv llallowea Dates, lb lOo
t'onib Honey par rark ISO
IS bara Beat 'Km All. Diamond C. or
1-auiHlry yucn White Laundry Moan
for Sic
lirrahav's Breakfast t'ocoa, lb SO
Th baat Taa Stftings, lb ISHo
Uolden Santo CofO. lb SOo
OOUSTTBT aOOa, KoUilBa naoe mt
amy prioo, par doaoa S3o
No. 1 Country Creamery Butter, pr
No. 1 Dairy Tab's Butter, lb So
Imported Hwia Chaeaa. lb 4oo
Importwl Itoquafoit th.s. Ib..i.t6i
h'anry Quean Kllvts. quart 960
rmxrai tioithui jummct
rmost nil oiowia to tm
oonsuarnB iitnt or m xo
loo rxai CBBTT.
As Wo AdTortlse, Bo Wo Boll.
11 lbs. brat Had Hirer Potatoes. loo
liaise binclies fresh Baals. Carrot.
or Turnips for e
1 lerfe bumhes -Vah bhalluts or
Radlalios for 100
Home Orown Tirnlna. lb Is
Fancy California Cauliflower, lb. TVo Kipe Toinatoaa, lb i&e
r(i Cod Cranberrl. a. quart ....10a
Fancy Head Lettuce, nrad .so. two
ities t..loe
bfbciaii rtvomzsA tairi rsurr
SAxa TaxtrasoAT.
A oarload of extra, faaoy S4
also that retail for SHo eaob,
for this soJe oaly, twl
The orange of quality. California's
pride. KlsneJ by ths sua. moon and
stars for Hayden Bros. Direct from
the grower to the consumer.
Thursday, reg-ular 40c sisa. lo. SOO
Thursday, regular Jlo siie. floi.. goo
1 hurjdsy. regular 10c else. dos.. BO
1 mrm M..UD Hunii
t-'ani-y large t 'uoutnbara. earb..
Kanry Wlaroraln Cabbala, lb.,
fain y Ripe dram berries, bos.
Specials in Meat De'
partment Thursday
So. 1 Steer Pot Roast IS Ha
No. 1 Steer Round Steak .... ITHo
No. 1 Freah Link Sausage. . .1SV,0
I lbs. rresh I-af Lard SSe
No. 1 Bark Baron ISVio
No. 1 tan Baron IS He
111 Kea-a Herring. kc
We kaye a - ooaplote stock of
CoolraA aad. Cold Moats foe laaohoe.
A Great March Clearance Sale
of All
Odd Pieces of Furniture
Only a Few of Many Bargains
Are Here Listed
One Mirror Dressing
Tables, at
. $9.00
. $5.00
Odd Arm Rockers, worth up aa f
to 114 10. each P7.0U
Odd Iron Beds, one of
each, at
Odd Brass Beds, one of
each, at
Odd Dining Cbalra, 1 or 2 of
each, worth 4 and ft. So..
Odd Dressers, one of
Odd China Closets, fumed
oak, each