T1IK HEK: OMAHA, WKD.NIWPAY, MARCH 1, 1916. Don't Be Bilious, IT on A n rVir Qinlr Or Constipated i Enjoy life! Liven your liver and bowels tonight and feel great. Wake up with head clear, stom ach sweet, breath right, cold gone. IWORK WHILE YOU SLEEP;) Take one or two Cascarcts tonight and njoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. Wake up feeling: grand, your head will be clear, your tongue clean, breath sweet, stomach regulated and your liver and thirty feet of bowels active. Get a box at any drug store now and get straightened up by morning. Stop the headache, biliousness, bad colds and bad days. Peel fit and ready for work or play. Cascarets do not gripe, sicken or Inconvenience you the next day like salts, pills or calomel. They're fine! Mothers should give a whole Cascaret nnytime to cross, sick, bilious or feverish children because it will act thoroughly and can not Injure. Advertisement. Scalloped Potatoes au gratln Of thecountless ways for preparing pota toes none is more tasty than golden brown scalloped potatoes, prepared this way. Potatoes (cold boiled) Butter 2 tablespoons corn starch Salt to season Pepper to season 1 Cup Cottage Milk, diluted with equal part of water cupful grated cheese Butter pudding or baking dish. Place a layer of cold sliced potatoes at the bot tom, season with salt and pepper and bits of butter. Sift over it a little flour. Fill dish with alternate layers of potatoes and similar seasoning. Cover the top with bread crumbs. Boil milk diluted with equal part of water, and corn starch to gether until mixture thickens. Pour over potatoes to cover. Sprinkle over one-half cupful grated cheese. Bake one-half hour. Scalloped potatoes au gratin are nour ishing, rich in food value, and satisfying. They are never bo wholesome as when Cottage Evaporated Milk is used in their making. Use Cottage Milk in all your cooking. Keep a supply of it in your pan try all the time. Buy it by the dozen and you'll never have cause to worry about your wayward milkman. American Milk Company, Chicago What is Elomo Without ao Heir! This Is a subject that has a place in all nlnda in all times. And it naturally di rects thought as to tha comfort of tlie mother during that wonderful period of expectancy. Mothers who know rec ommend "Moth r Friend." It Is so ex ternal remedy for the stretching muscles, en ables them to expand without undue strain, assists the Organs to crowd against nerves, to pull at ligaments to thus avoid naln. Thus restful davs are assured, peaceful nights are experienced, morning sickness, headache, apprehension and other dis tresses are among tha various things which women, everywhere relate they entirely es caped by using "Mother's Friend. And by Its effect upon the muscles the form Is re tained and they return to their natural, smooth contour after baby Is born. Get bottle of this Invaluable aid to expec tant mothers. Any dniggirt will supply you. It Is harmless but wonderfully effective. Write to Brad field Regulator Co.. 411 La mar Bldg., Atlanta, Os-, for a specially writ ten guide book for women Interested In the subject of maternity. It will prove an Inspi ration. It contains Information that every woman should know all about, Write today. To Discard Aged or , Weather-Soiled Skin To free your skin of blotches, rough ness, muddincss, over-redness, freckles or any cutaneous difficulty, the best thing to do Is to free yourself of the skin Itself This la easily accomplished by the use of ordinary mercolized wax. I se at night as you use cold cream, washing It off next morning. Immediately the offending surface skin begins to ctuno off In fine powder-like particles. Gradually the en tire cuticle la absorbed in this way, caus ing no pain or Inconvenience. Nor does the face exhibit any evidence cf this treatment. The second layer of kln now in view presents a sparkling beauty and youthful robustness obtainable in no ottier way we have ever heard of. The nier rollied wax can of course be found In any drugstore and you won't need more thn an ounce of it. To free yourself of wrinkles or crows feet, there s nothing better than the ax olite lotion. You need only dissolve an ounce of powdered saxolite in a half pint of witch liasel and bathe your fcH in the solution. The effect is quite remarkable, the lines being less In evidence even after the first application. AdvertlHement. RANDRETH r PILLS An Effective Laxative Purely Vegetable Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness, . Q OR Q Qat Night until riiv4 Ohooolato-Coated or Plain 'gflftgl!fff.'"'7Z: - "T MJkafaaa0Ma ' "' ; , , '1 4: ' BRIEF CITY NEWS Towaaend'a for Sporting Ooeas." Janitor's luppUes, 3h Morton "on Co. lighting ruturea Hurgess-Oranden. Baltimore Silver fvlhclm. Jeweler. Have Root Print It Now Beacon Fress. Auto Tire Chain, Jaa. Morton Son Co. tnv.t Inooms $60 a mo. Price $3.(00. Ask Dumont. Keeline Bldg. for particulars. "Today's Movie Program" clarified section today. It ant ears In Tns Bee I EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the va- .vw muting picture uieaiers oiirr. Cell Market "tails On March 1$. at 10 m., the city marketmaeter will hold tho annual sale of stalls at the market place, Centurion Club Danes The Centurion club will give a pre-Lcnten dancing party Thursday evening at the Centurion club hall, Twenty-elxth and F streets, South Side. lined for Stealing' Overcoat Harry Berge, arrested for the theft of an over coat from the Merchants hotel cafe, was fined $60 and costs by Judge Foster Tues day morning. Money Stolen frost Kis Boom A. C Beck of the Reo hotel returned to hie room Monday evening to find that during hla absence someone had entered and made away with $21. To Jail for Stealing Tools Fletcher Burns, arraigned on three count of steal ing tools, was sentenced to thirty days In the county Jail on each oounc Alfred Ryder, K60 Brown street, appeared In court against him. Mrs. Parsons' Body Taken to Eddyrllle The body of Mrs. Mary Parsons, aged 40 years, who died In a local hospital, was taken from the Bralley A Dorranoe chapel to Eddyville, la., for Interment by John Parsons, a son. To Gretna for Burial Funeral service for Jacob Palmer, aged 76 years, USi North Twentieth street, was held from the Bralloy & Dorrance chapel, Monday evening, following which the body was taken to Gretna for Interment. lined for Wot Paying; Taxi Bill Ray Went, 1734 North Eighteenth street, was fined $25 and costs In police court for re fusing to pay for the hire of a taxi. Louts Best of the Omaha Taxi company ap peared In court agalnrt the offender. Flj-nn does to Spokane United States Marshal Thomas J. Flynn will leave today for Spokane, Wash., to de liver to the federal authorities there a man arrested In Lincoln on a charge of having a counterfeiting mould In hla pos session. His name la John Parker. Botics to Oar Subscribers We would like to get a copy of The Evening Bee issued October 23, 1915, for our bound files. If you have one on your pantry shelf or elsewhere about the house or barn, will you please send it to us. THE OMAHA BEE. Cummins V kilts Omaha John P. Cum mins, general advertising agent of tha Union Pacific, came In from Chicago and spent most of the day in Omaha, en route to Denver, where he goes to look over some of the details In connection with the road's plan of next summer pushing the "See America First" cam paign. Polios Make Jtoundup George Menton, Walter Garrett. Ray Stroud, Arthur Blackwell, William Wheeler, George Clarks.IIugh Valentine and Burt Mitchell were all arrested at Thirteenth and Ohio streets by police and railroad detectives, who assert that these men have been ac compllahlng many of the recent theftJi from merchandise cars. Improvers to Meet The Federation of Improvement Clubs of Douglas County will meet at the council chamber Thurs day evening at $. Subjects: "Improve ment of County Roads: Voting of Bonds Therefor," "Clean-Up Day". and Twenty fourth street widening will be under eon siderailon. The meeting will be addressed by S. A. Bearle and others on the ques tion of good roads as a commercial ad vantage. Bald for Baring Bops Harry Innam was arrested Monday evening In Dundee by Officer Wheeler, who asserted that the man was under the Influence of co caine. Innam at headquarters confessed to buying a quarter's worth from a man that he met on Douglas streot. He Is being held for further Investigation. Andy TJwyer, arrested several days ago for peddling dope, was sentenced to forty five days In the county JalL Bank Clearings in Omaha for February Show Immense Gain Bank clearings In Omaha for tho month of February made a gain of over $28, 000,000 over the clearings for February, 1316. The bank clearings for February this year were $"1,24,279.8S and for Feb ruary a year ago $66,221,479.67. As a gain of $15,000,000 was made In January, bank clearlnga so far this year show a gain of $40,000,000 over tha corresponding period lant year. Canadian Enters Boost for Omaha "During the last two weeks I have vis- J tted most of the principal cities of the eastern and central portions of the I'nlted States, and nowhere have I seen a city that looked quite as prosperous ss Omaha, and where business seemed to be as good." The foregoing assertion was mads by R. J. Sloan, Union depot ticket agent at Winnipeg, Canada, who Is out on hla an- j nual leave to get In touch with the meth ods or handling passengs at unlou sta tions In the ststes. FORMER 0MAHAN RISES IM RAILROAD SERVICE E. S. Koller, who formerly was located In Omaha as assistant general manager of the Burlington lines weal of the Mis souri river, becomes vice president of the Colorado A Pout hern and president of Fort W orth A Denver City and the Wichita Valley Railroad company, two of the Southern's subsidiary lines, Wed nesday. March 1, 115. Mr. Koller left Omaha to become general manager of the Colorado A Southern. He now becomes vice president through the retirement of A. I. Barker. Hank foolish a ess. Tou occasionally see It stated that colds do not result from cold weather. That Is rank foolishness. Were It true colds would be as prevalent In midsum mer as In midwinter. The microbe that causes colds flourishes in damp, cold weather. To Ret rid of a cold te Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. It Is eifectual srd Is highly recommended by people v.ho have used it fur many years as oc casion required, and know Its resl value. Oltnlr.ril. le everywhere. Advertisement. How Does He CITY CANNOT BUY LIGHT EQUIPMENT Lambert Says It Cannot Vote Bends Legally and Money ii Not in Sight. MAY HAVE NEW PROPOSAL Corporation Counsel Lambert ad vised the city commissioners that, la his opinion, the city cannot legally vote bonds for purchase and Installa tion of wires, poles and lamps for electric street lighting-, but without question may vote bonds for a municipal electric lighting plant In view of this opinion, tfc com missioners will not attempt to sub mit a bond proposition for electric light equipment. There does not seem to be any legal Impediment In the way of the city buying this equip, ment out of current funds, but It happens there are no current funds available for such purpose. The council has advertised for blda for current for proposed municipal owner ship of the equipment; also blda for current with equipment furnished by bidder. S The commissioners are mors or loss "up In the air" on ths elsotrte-llg-htlng proposition. The city has been going aiong ror more than a . year without a contract and a recent contract proposal of the electiict light company was op posed by various Improvement clubs. The present electrlo lights m Omaha proper are antiquated and ths cltlsens In the outlying districts have boon clam oring for more lights for several years. Another proposition Is expected from the Omaha Electric Light and Power company. Look to You? Bandit Catchers On Trial for Theft from Freight Cars Do you remember John Kudrna and Frank Kudrna T Probably not. But you remember the Mr Union Pacific train robbery on the Lane cut-off six years ago. You remem ber that the sole slight clue that led to the capture of the me bandits was a leather strap sticking out of the ground. You remember that this leather strap was attached to some of the bandits guns which they had hastily burled. You remember the strap was found by two boys. John Kudrna and Frank Kudrna. Now, In ths federal court, Omaha divi sion, before Judge T. C. Munger and a Jury John Kudrna and Frank Kudrna are on trial themselves for freight train rob bery. They aren't charged with holding up a mall train with guns and masked faces. Nothing so spectacular. They are charged with stealing a quantity of candy from a Northwestern box oar In the Union Paclflo yards. South Side, the crime being alleged to have occurred April M. 1J15, not very far from the spot where they unearthed ths first clue to ths Union Paclflo robbery whioh sent five bandits to the federal prison at Leavenworth. The Kudrna brothers are now grown up ana married. Ths wife and child of each wars in court Race for Judgeship Simmered to Two The scramble and pressure for the ap pointment to the vacancy on the dis trict bench created by the death of Judge English continues unabated, but word from Lincoln Is to the effect that It has simmered down to two aspirants. These two are Samuel I Winters, former city attorney of South Omaha, and Harry B. Fleharty, city solicitor. It Is expected that the governor will announos ths win ner almost any time. To the Ladies of Omaha Have You Noticed That MISS FLORENCE M. PEET, the domestic science lecturer in the Free School of Home Economics being held this week at Omaha Conser vatory of Music Building, 2301 Harney Street, uses Royal Baking Powder Teachers of cookery, and baking experts generally, use Royal Baking Powder because they know it can always be relied upon to make the finest and most wholesome food. Experience has taught them that it is not necessary to risk the loss of flour, butter and eggs by the failure likely to result from the use of an inferior Baking Powder. Royal Baking Powder Contains No Alum Perfectly leavens and makes the food more delicious and wholesome. EUROPE BUYS UP STORAGE BUTTER Farmers and Dairymen Getting the. Highest rrice Yet for But terfat. GRASS ONLY RELIEF IN SIGHT Farmers and dairymen who are tributary to the Omaha butter mar ket are receiving 33 cents per pound for butter fat delivered at the weigh ing stations out along the lines of road and 3 cents per pound where they deliver n Omaha. These prices are about the highest ever known In the history of the butter making business, and Indications are thst they will not be much, If any, lower until the supply Is Increased when the cows get out on to grass next spring. As a result of tha high prices paid by the creameries for butter fat, butter continues Correspondingly high. It being furnished to the trade at SS cents per pound for the best articles In cartons and SO cents per pound for that sold In tubs and for second grade In oartons. The high price of butter at this time Is blamed to a great extent upon the war In Europe, It having reduced the stocks In storage to ths lowest ebb. No Storage Batter Now. In Omaha one year ago at this time the butter In storage aggregated mil lions of pounds, and what was true here was also true with reference to points where butter la stored for future de livery. At this time there Is really no butter In the storage houses, nor is there any st other points throughout the country. A few weeks ago before the embargo on ocean shipping was drawn as close as now IOnglaml, France and a number of the other countries of Kurope com menced buying butter. They took all that was available and were In the mar ket for much more. The result was that the foreign trade took all the sur plus and since then the butter making of even the largest creameries has been a sort of a hand-to-mouth proposition. With the reduction of the production of cream, something that always occurs during the winter months, the cream eries have experienced some difficulty In being able to make enough butler to supply the domestics demand. Social Centers to Be Closed for Year The Recreation board has decided to suspend the social oenter activities In schools for ths balance of this season, expecting to reopen them next fall. These social centers were stopped five weeks ago on aocount of scarlet fever. During the tan weeks tha oenters were In operation there wars 1,08$ attendants st five schools, three evenings a week. An exception will be made In the case of the South High school evening cook ing and sewing classes which will be started this evening. These classes will bo regarded as evening schools and will be subject to medloal examination. An extra teacher will be detailed by tha Board of education and classes Willi be held four evenings each week. HULL CO. FIGURES ITS LOSS FROM THE SAFE BLOWERS The X W. Hull company, whose offtoes m the Omaha National bank building wars visited by safe blowers Sunday, has gone over the records and found that the cracksmen made away wtth SCS.SS in oash and M.6W.1T In checks. Part of ths loss Is Insured. THIS GYPSY BAND SEEMS TO BE QUITE PROSPEROUS Twenty-six gypsies with 170 pieoes or excess baggage went through Omaha last night on the Union Paclflo. They are enroute from Los Angeles to Chicago, The esoeas baggage tax totals more than the pjassenger fare of the gypsy band. EVERYBODY SEES MORE PROSPERITY Lonii Nash Sayi it ii Evident in All the Activities of the Eait Re turns with Buyen. BUYS TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS Back from busy Broadway (meaning the merchandise and style centers of the east) have come the various buyers for the nursess-Naoh stores. The buying force wsa headed by L. C. Nash and he reports that prosperity is rampant in the east. 'Prosperity Is written on the crowded restaiiranla. the jammed theaters, tho clogged money market." he said. "And everybody Is predicting even more pros perity. 'The merchandise situation Is all right, though the war has created odd situs, tloiia In some lines. "The scarcity of dyes Is well known, and, to be on the safe side, we bought a large quantity of staple goods for Imme diate delivery, which ordinarily we would have bought for delivery next fall." Tore Are Ordered, Among the things ordered for Imme diate delivery was the toy supply for the next Christmas season. Ordinarily these goods, though bought In the spring, are not shipped till fall. Mr. Nash spent considerable ef his time In New York City In the task of en larging tho New York office of Burgess Nash. lie added to It a corps of buyers who will be In personal touch the year round with the great Importers, origi nators and mnnufactirers, on the lookout for "le dernier cri." "The arrangement will enable us to show new things almost as soon as they are shown In New York," said Mr. Nash. Women's goods this summer, he says, are to be very "lacey" and with a plenti ful use of ribbons. Woman Has Narrow Escape as Heater Sets Fire to Room Oolng to bed with a coal oil heater alight In her room almost caused Mh-s. Bertha Boyd to be burned to death She lives at 14i7 North Twenty-first street. At o'clock this morning she was awakened by an Intense heat Opening her eyes she found the walls and the floor of her room aflame and the bed clothing Just taking fire. She screamed and roomers In the house rushed in and dragged her to safety. Aside from having received a bad fright she suffered no Injury. The dam age to tha houae Is about ItfiO. B'nai Brith Lodge Will Hold Big Ball Nebraska lodge No. 164, Independent Order of B'nal B'rltih, will give a ball at Metropolitan hall Thursday evening at I o'clock. Ths ball will ba one of the large soolal affairs given by the lodge this winter, and among tha guests will be members of MoKlnley lodge of Omaha, the Ladles' auxiliary and ths Lincoln snd Council Bluffs lodges. Ths committee on arrangements consists of Dr. Frederick Colin, .A. Monhelt, John A 1 person, Philip flher snd Nathan Bern stein. OBJECTS TO PAYING FOR HIS MEAL AND IS FINED Martin Kape of Savannah, Gs. became exceedingly belligerent whan ths pro prietor of a restaurant on North Tenth street asked Martin to pay for a meal he had oonsumed. When officers remon strated with him he still persisted In war, was accommodated and brought to head quarters, where In polios oourt hs was fined $10 and ousts. SENT TO WORKHOUSE FOR ABUSING HIS FAMILY II. Chamberlain, Twenty-sixth and Cum ing streets, pleaded guilty In police court to abusing his family and was sentenced to fifteen days In tha workhouse. Girls! Act Now! Hair Coming Out Means Dandruff 2,cent "Danderine" will save your hair and double its beauty. Try this! Your hair gets soft, wavy, abundant and glossy at once. Save your hair! Beautify It! It la only a matter of using a little Danderine occa sionally to have a head of heavy, beauti ful hair; soft, lustrous, wavy and free from dandruff. It Is easy and inexpens ive to have pretty, charming hair and lots of It. Just get a tt-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine now all drug stores recommend It apply a little as di rected and within ten minutes there will, be an appearance of abundance; fresh-' ness, flufflness and an Incomparable gloss and lustre, and try as you will you can not find a trace of dandruff or fall ing hair; but your real surprise will be after about two weeks' use, whon you will see new hair fine and downy at first yes but really new hair sprouting out all over your scalp Danderine Is, we be lieve, the only sure hair grower; destroy er of dnndrurf and cure for Itchy scalp and It never rails to stop falling hair at once. If you want to prove how prettw and oft your hair really la, moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw It through your hair taking one small strand at a time. Your hair will be soft, glossy and beautiful in Just a few mo mentsa delightful surprise awaits every one who tries this. Advertisement MR. PAUL BEATON. Mr. Paul Beaton makes some In teresting statements concerning his connection with tho Raymond Furniture Co., who sre to open their store at 1MJ-1M5 Howard St., In the very near future. Among other things Mr, Boston says: !'In view of my former long connection with the Miller, Stewart A Beaton - store. It affords mo much pleasure to Invite , my old friends, whose patronage I have enjoyed In the past, to call on me at ths Raymond Htora, whers I shall bs abls to point out to them so many ad vantages that I will have In re suming business relations with them, due to . ths splendid stock and the superior methods of thin new concern,' ' In looking over the stock that Is now arriving and be ing opened up for ths sales floors I find myself smong the same old dependable goods made by ths fine old reliable factories that I was so familiar with. Out of fivs of the ears that I hava noticed being un loaded for the Raymond Store four of these represent ths well known lines that were to be always seen at the Miller, Stewart A Beaton i Stora, where I formed so many pleasant business relations among tha customers of that house, duo la a very large measure to ths char acter and quality of the LINKS they carried, which I se here and shall be able to offer you AGAIN, The large buying power that en ables the Raymond Store to pro cure the lust dcllar of discount on Its purchases and factory contracts and the small general operating expense In the conducting of the store Is a feature I wish to emphasise, as It Is PLAIN that these elegant lines of furniture to which I refer are being marked at ths lowest Una of prtces that I have aver seen on goods of this character. This Is done In no caie at a saorlfloa of QUALITY, but Is simply ths result of being abls to REACH you wtth these goods at minimum of ex pense. I also wish to assure my friends snd all who know me. as well as snyone else. In behalf of tha Ray mond Store that I have never looked over a better equipment for the delivery of furniture and fur nishings or a more thoroughly or ganized plan for effective and sat isfying service than that which la being Installed by the Raymond store. With all these superior facilities st hand I shall be doubly glad to meet my old friends and customers, where I will be In position to take rare of your wants to your entire satisfaction and with equal pleas ure to myself. DUB ANNOUNCEMENT WILL BE MADE KOn TUB OPENING OF THE RAYMOND 8TOREL WHERE MR, BEATON WILL BB FOUND CONNECTED WITH THE 6ELLINO FORCE. WHERB HE WILL BE GLAD TO MEET HIS OLD CUSTOM KR8 AND FHIENDS AND THE PUBLICS GENERALLY. Why Neglect Vour Eyes? When in many cases neglect produces nervous dyspepsia, headaches, forget fulness, dizziness, floating; spots, styes; thick, red watery eyes; Hch- ; ;-.'wy ins, ourning, and ( i-7 lack of appllca V' tlon In your work. f -0fL I" above symp- f v'ilX lom evl- ' x 1 1 dence of A m a strain. ln t delay. Coma to me. I will examine and correct your defects with the proper glasses. My prices) are the lowest In the city for high-class Berries I guarantee satisfaction In every case If you have not the ready money, pay as you can. Xr. 3. T. BCoCABTaTT, Unite nil W. O. W. Bldg-. rasa 2ob. 41M. (m