arfsk n .w. tsm niH BKK: OMAHA, WKDXENDAY, MAKCH 1, 1016. 12 GRAIN AND PRDUCOE MARKET Ch Wheat ii Very Weak, with Pricei JUnginc from One to Three Cents Lower. OAXS ALONE REMAIN STEADY OMAHA. February . r:i wheat was very weslt today, prir-es running from lo to 3c lower. The market waa generally very weaK and. !i rea'ilt, there waa a onaidcr elle falling ntf in reccipta. , Com was also very heariah and ruled from tmihanced to Sc lower, although the caah demand was fairly active. Oats receipt weie very light and there aaa a fHlr demand for thin cereal. Uata lenmlned steady and aold at practically in. cha need prices. live and barlev receipts were unim poitgnt and there waa a fair demsnd for these cerealp. !;v sold at unchanged ptlces Harley tuled from unchanged to JC loxer t"flrn. -eg wrre: Wheat and flo'if eq'ial to l.t' t.uahcla: corn, Y,v bushels; oata, HYAQt bushel Liverpool clo: Wheat. 'td lower; corn. :n!-4d lower. ... ftlmary wheat receipts were 1.4.4.V) 'help and alilpmenlp bushels, sfa.i.-t re.elpte of huahela and limentp of CUAt miahrU laat 'r- I'rimary coin recoiptP wero I.IOl.w hitahes and ahipmenta (l.'- bn.licK atainxt receipts of flr2 H0 buahcla and fhlpmrnta of figl.KQ bushels Inal year. frtmarv oaia receipts were lu.'W) bushel and ahlpment .' hunhela, sratnat reccipta of 7i:.0"i htishola and el linunH of k-H.P bushes lnt year. CAIlUlT HWKIITI. Wheat, i orn. vn Chicago Mlnneppolia Duluth Omaha Kanpaa City et. 1 .01 ii Winnipeg These pa lea were Wheat No. carp. 11.00. jew ioiik i.r.M:ni. m irkFiT 474 41' I lis ,...14 ... : ...l,nr.i reported today. S hard winter: 1 tar. 11. i, v.i hard winter: 1 car 2 1 1 r. K. . res.. do crupon . . . l H. 4.. res... dc coupon Am. HmeM.rp a. 4 T. a T. e. Anli-Kren'h 11.01 1 car. !k-; 1 car. MH-; carp, i-.c. 1 carp, M'v'; 4 (Bis, !; 2 cars, Ik; 2 cara, :ic. Kamida liard winter: I cars. 9.V; 1 car. Kr. No. 4 spring: I car, No. 2 durum: 1 rara. tl t. No. 4 durum: 1 car. !. No. 2 mixed: 1 car. M; 2 carp. 11.0.'. 1 car. II .- No. 4 mixed: I car. Si.-. Rye-o. 4: 1 car. sic. anipl- car. 0c. Corn No. 4 white: cars, ai'x : 1 car. ftio; 1 car. Wr. No. 6 white: 2 carp. bl : 1 car. ifc; 1 car. Me. No. S yellow. 1 car. 6.',4c. No. 4 yellow, t cara. 4c; 1 car. 63c. No. i yellow: I car. ; 1 car. vf. No. yellow: 1 car. Mc; 1 car. D..C. Kample yellow. 1 car iwheat mled). Mc; 1 car. Wc; -". t . ... . , a. y. V n 1 mixed: 1 car. nuC No. 4 mixed: 4 catp, ; 1 car, '; . . ref. ! rmrm XL nr. iC. iNO. U niisp'". " -'10 , im.v". cara. Mr; 2 cara. Ri'K. So. mixed cara, Wtc; 1 car, :.Z'c; 1 1-2 carp, tie ,.r iir: I car. &c. .Sample mixed car. Wc: I car. 4-; I car. if. V4 4tc. Data standard: 1 car, 4.1c. M. J white: 1 car, 41c: 1 car. 4('Vo; 1 car. 40c. No. 4 while: 1 car. 40 -. 1 2-J cara, 3c. Sample white: I car. Jj: Omaha CaPh ITI. ea -Wheat: No. 1 hard lli."ilo4: No. 2 hard. HN-it.itt; No. 4 u', hticii- No 2 PiirliiK. H.Wul.0... Vo i anrina. PHi'lill .01. No. 2 durum. Il.!i 7.ftl; No. S (litruin. tl V 01 ; pample. 7v' Coin: No. 3 white. yuH". No. 4 while, ftViUJlVir; No. b white. f...MfuW;c; No. a while, Mtifnic; No. 2 yellow, df.W LVw: No. 4 yellow, 62Mt'i4c'. No. j yel- lom r.ntmir: No. vollow. Ii2i?j4c: N". nrixed "fit"-inc: No. 4 mixed. C(iVilr: . o. a mixed. tV.Htj.ic: No. mixed. l : aample, 2..1i.c. Oatp: No. 1 while, atandard. 4:ic4:ic: No. 2 while. 4i41c: No. 4 white, ami. Barley; Mallli.g. 57'o;:c: No. I feed. l&4JbQ. Uya; ' No. 2. S0c; No. , ii'eac. Chicago clnalng prlcea, furnlphed The Bee by l.oaan Bryan, atock and grain hrofcer. 215 Houth Plxteenth Bt, Omaha: Article Open. I HlKh.l Low, It lope. hat y ( ommoalltlea. NKW TOI1K, rh. ;o -KIXt ll-l'n-t-tied. W MKAT-Six.t. f-tr.; No. 1 durum, lll:. No. 5 hard. i l'. No. 1 nor'hern, Imluth. 11. WV, No. 1 mirtliern, Manitoba, II 41V. f. o. b, N,w York. Kulurca, tlrmer; May. CtiKN Hpot. firm. No. 2 vellow. WWt Mc. e. i. f . New York. OATS ?pot at cad v. PHnlnrd. frV; No. J while. 4i).Wf. MAV-I Ini; No. I. II 1 :'7V No. I tl K'-vfll.ZJ'.t; No. 2. lH'..:v; ahU'Plng. 4.iv ll KaeV: ta!e. ci.inri.on to . hnb-e. Ii'iilc, IV14. 1'aciric coaal. lfis. i:-ir : yi'i. -ur. HIIr'M-tcndv ll-.goti, 3'fl.".; C-n-trsl Ar.T.ra, .T.''-. I.KTHi:il-I Iti- Vmldk .'Irpta, V.'if Mr; pcroli'lP. 32"lllc. i noVISIovs-I'ork. fl'm: mera. l.lAi. famllv. l.'l rVji' ptmrt ilepra. fJ' "V.V B f. f tm: iiic.., SlT.rpekf I7.:: femily. H Vi "i r. I.atil, tronif: middle wept, llrt tVv Id i TA l.l.on' iuli I ' My. "'.'; country. JM'."". npecl-il. t'4c KC',4 Htrona; rccelptp, .!-; freah leathered exliap. .'7fj'-'7vc; extra flint w. 21.4c: flrPtP, ': PcconiN. 2W2r.'4c. CHFKHK ateady : receipt a, 2.r," boxes; Plate, whole milk, held flrila. colored ee ci.iip. IWISU1'; atate, whole milk, held flats, white, l"c: Plate, whole milk, held flatp. colored average fancy, ITVirlTV'; plate, whole milk, held flats, averaaa fancy, while. lT'ili 17 fhits. current make specials. 17ac; flata, average run. llc, rol'lTRT I'repped. eapler: chickens, ViM -, fowls, 14W''19'c; turkeys, 2'w.l'ic; alive, no quotations. Minneapolis 4. rain Market. VIXXKAIKII.1H, Feb. 2.-WIIKAT-ll.HUtl W. July, till- Cash: No hard, : No. 1 northern. .l.ll'f I.14S; No. 2 northern. fl.nVStl I.H V KLOCR-fnclwinged. HAK1.KY Uti. HYK S7xsc. IIHAN-ll8.ptW.. I'dllX-No. 2 yellow, 7.V7'' OATS No. 2 white. o'v',Moc. KI.AXHKKI !2.i7Vn2 31V ew York Money Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 2K M EHCANTIL.K AI-Ell, nti:!1 per cent. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Bids Fair to Make Several Further Subitantial Becoveries. RECORDS FOR HOGS BROKEN AT YARDS Negro Bound Over for Attacking Man With an Ice Pick HTKKl.l NO Klxly day hills, 11.71'i; de- mnnil. It iii't; caliles, t.u. KIl.VKU Har, Ui';c, Mexican dollars, f.'c. HONOrt tlovernment. firm; railroad, irregular. . TIM K I1AN Firm; sixty days. 2'v'ff 2U per cent; ninety days. 2'8J per cent; six months. 3'n3 er cent. CAI.I. MONKY Htcady; high. 2 per cent; low, li per cent; rullntr rale, l per cent: last loan, 2 per cent; clnslntc bid. 1 per tent; offered at 3 per cent. Closing quotallona on bonds today were as followa: .. N am. 4.... K. T. 1st 4... 7AH ..Wm'Mn. Vtr. eon. e...l't' . ,ljMont. power t . 1I0N. Y. '. deb. ....Ill ..M1'-N. Y. Cltr 4H IW14 ..ll"N. Y-, N. H. 4a..iwl .... Of. No Pirlflo BUNS ITS COURSE LATER NKW YORK. Feb. 29 For a brief period of todays tiadlna. notably In the active flrt hour. I h market bade f;lr lo make further piibptantinl rcovcrlca from lip pronounced d-pr-pelon of recent pea plona. The gnlnx In t lint time ringed from one to, more than three point In piaiidnnl Phfiie. with far greater ad vances In Ptwciilatlve tppiiep. The buying power aeemeil to run Its Conine i.efnte mlddsy, however, after which prices evinced a marked tendency to react. This waa eapeclnlly true of the mini. do tip nn.i-p and allied slisiep. The reeepion wan accompanied by news of the sinking of a French transport, to gcther with peml-off iclal Intimmlonp that too much had Iteen. taken for granted In overnight adces regarding relations lie tween Waphlnglon and Ih-rlln. In any event, the dingxlng final hour witnessed a moderate but (ceneral re vival of the downward trend. In which Ito'ildatlnn proved leap potent than ahnrt pelllng. Heprepentat ive Mock. Including rails and lulled Htates Med, shaded materially from early maximums, retain ing little or none of' their advantage at the heavy ctop. Reading .puep were again the out Ptandlng features, the common stck tak ing not onlvtte most active Issue of the day, but adding two points to yesterday's sdvance, while the first and aecond pre- J ferred pharea, ordinarily very Inactive, , also made pinart galna, though falling i away at the end. IH-allnga were Tar l.eow yesterdays large 1 vert urn. but embraced an un usually large number of stocka. it waa regarded as significant, howeye:-. that dormant isaiiea were most prominent on the tlei line. w Total salessmoiinted to Mn.mio shares. Some encouragement woa derived dur ing the morning from the firmer tend ency of the Anglo-Ftem-h war bonds, which retrieved much of yesterday's re versal, only to reltmiulah vlrtuiilly alt their gain at the end. Offerlnga of this Important Isewe were In amallor volume. F.xchango mnrkcta were very dim, wun no material change from prevailing quo- liit onp. Miiblea were firm In connection with the upproachliiK completion of the Husalan loan, the amount of which la e( to be dctoi mined. The liMckawnnna system reported an Increase of tMK.miU In operating Income for January, and Cbesaiieake & Ohio In creased its net by MH.m. ltonda were Irregular on light trading Total sales, par value, $.Ki,ioD. Cnlted Hlntes coupon 3a advanced V, ner cent on call. Number of sales and leading; quotations on stocks were as follows: Hle. llngh. Jjnw. Clope. QUARTER MILUON SIXTY DAYS William laiwaon. colored, delivery toy for the Tiei Ini(t company, who aasautted and seriously Injured Frank Sullivan, 2032 North Nineteenth street, by striking Mm In the face with a heavy Ice pick, was bound over to the district I rnurt with bonds fixed at 11 .vrv All monthly hog records and other 1 . ' rt cords, for that matter, were ghat-1 r.ead Bee Want Ads for profit. Use tered at the local Btock yards last !""'m Ior "" lOtith when the final estimated run j of 16,000 head were received, niak-! Ing a Krand total of more than 402,-1 600 head, or fully 6,000 head more' hogs than was ever received In any other one month la the history of the yards. Considering that the 1 resent month la short, this record 1 stands alone as a precedent. The previous re ord was made laat month, January. 1911. when .W.of! hi ad were marketed, miring- tne nisi two j months of the pieent year pearly iuO.W hogs have been received and marketed. This la some record. For two years. Mil, held the record with X:'.fTO head, but this I waa smashed last month. AtrlilMoil pen. 4n in im Hal 4 Ohio 4a HI SO, . I rf. Hettl gleel r. ...l I'se. T. T fen. I'm Ifle IM umPenti. con. 4'k.. "he. . C. 4lp. k'S Sn. ' I- It. a J. . 4a..., aas'lteaolns pen. 4a. ('. M H. P. C. SP..IMSH. I- 14. K. r f. U I. P. r. 4a. M'iHn. Tac. i-r. at.. c. a S rf. 4t.... 'S o ref. -i II H. O. c. 4a.... 774fo. Ka 1 1 wa la.. Krla "n. 4a TJ I'nlon Parlflc 4a. (ten. Klectrlc (a do rv. 4a 2 . No. lat 4S.... t'. B Rubhar fa. I -in. 1 en ret ... P l' a nei ... II ...IH'k ... ... MS ... Ht ...l"H ...M.'.V' ... ' 4a ...104 ... '1'4 ...Kit ... ;4 ... Vihk ...1M ,...l'' Int. M M Sa K C p.. rf. ai 1114. , H.4,Wat. , iiVW'eat t r.lon 4S .. Mi KIS. a. M...W nt-ali 1 May.'l 1 "i"Aii July. Corn. .May. July. Oaia. May. I 12V 1 08 1 M 1 or 4?4IU Juy.;4U'.r Pork. May July l-rd May. July lliba. ilsy. July M 4S 91 3 10 40 i W 3.' 1 tJ 11 4IT 11 r, 11 w 1 m 1 06 71 4ST,I 4II 41'. 3W :o 40 au Ti S3 jo n& to ST 10 Ti 10 tt) 11 U 11 37 II TO 11 W T 1 ll'itf 1 u 1 7M4 75 1 09 1 06V. 734 7I4 4:StfH 41H 70 Mil 10 It 11 55 It 70 4o rt 40 45 10 36 MW 10 54 11 7 M M I. oral Secarltlea, Qnotatlnna fianlahwl br Parna, Drinker Ut Omaha NatioDPl bank buiMlai. Kt.H-lia-- Did llundM Healty U. im Heatrlc C'reamerf, 7 per cent pffl... I( ralrmont reaanarr. T pf cant fil... IJ Fairmont cream., com., ata-julr ol-. Fairmont C'repmery, t par cent guar.. Il IVwplaa HiUI iKnntpnellP) t p r, pf4 Oomh Mill. Kip.. T p. e. pfd H... Lincoln Tel. Tel., com. T pr cant. Omaha a C R. St. r, pM Omaha A ('. B. Ry. a B.. pfd.. Omaha C li. HI Uy., coat.... Pal.r Mill Co., pfd M. r. Hhafer ( f-irt t nion gioi'k tarda. I par eaat... Honda Chleaso Ballwar. Series A, IITI. ( III., 4a. IM TWr A Co, pin limaton. Tel., 4Sa. 1041 kanaan riae t'lll. Cn. t, !.. Unrnln Tat. a tel. (P. 1M4 Omaha Srhool i,a. 14S Omaha Wnler Wnrha 4'-. 1P41 .. Omnha V. B. St. ltr. Is, Omaha naa f. PUT Parlfln a. R. Co. 1941 Itad Clmi. Keh.. 4l,a, t14 San Antnnln, Tea.. It. (Opt. Saitt 4k U, 144 71 44 44 li irrv, . .. )0"' m IK prt Hnif t i M IP1I a to.. Aakad. 1"S I'M ! 14 VI 4.' ia V lJa 'H MV, loo at '. l- 1l T ini 14 H . tl. 01 1" ClIIC AVU OKAIJI AND PHOVISIOSt fValarea of tk Trad la "' loala I'rlcea on Hoard t Trade , OIIICAOO. Feb. Wlieat prices took an pRii awltiaT today. Influence. I by the, outlook that the chance of a breaJc las diplomatic relations between Uertnany and tl t nltcl Matea waa much men re mote than a majority of tra-lera had of Inte assumed waa the case. The market fn Mud eliotiB. ',4aNc to a0 ataaj bla;hOc, with Mav at ft 2'-i 1.12 H,, and July at tlH. Other Icadtnn staples, too, all penred alns corn. l74iV-Wo; oaia, I'-art' Sr and provlsbuts. 17"vk'. . trr.cea of the day for wheat wens poated Jost before the close. The lom-eai came rlaht at the start, but at no time afterward did the market suffer any reaction to even near yesterday latest flit'ires. cn the contrary, tbe mar- , het although nervoua and anbleit to ldn fluctuations were durtut; most of the session tcndlns- forcibly ii (fade. The thief eacepilon followed the receipts of i.c a blx French ship bad been orided. When the fact develoned. ' rnever, that tbc v ease waa an aimldary crutser the l-arl"h Influence of the mar ket quickly tlianpvcarod. omI whl h had been current early that submarine opera t ona bcKinninsr to fluht would he likely to cause a a rlois e'-rease In f'e number of sl ips available for the wheat trade was offset to a con riderable deareo by word that Italy ha I reiaed outrisht thirty tlcnnan atcann ra hhh herrtcfore bad been merely In terned. In this connect'on a Bond Ceal of rlnl trance a trlven to reixnts of for eign hutng- of future deliveries here, an l to Italian Inquiries for cash wheat at II, e seaboard. Hesldea domestic crop ad- vl,-e were Renerally bulllait and there were anno'ini cments tfat t.oodoM atock Market. LONDON, Feb. 5. American securities on the stock market reflected the dlplomatto situation and ruled Irreatilar and below parity durlnit the forenoon. Tradlna waa limited, but prices advanced a frnrthm and the rlnslnaT waa ateadler. BlIVKR Har, M 1o-Hkl per ounce. bills and JIOSKV tM'i per cent. TYlSOOrNT ft ATKS Short three montt.a, i per cent. rvatore4l Apples sad Dried FroHa NKW TOHIC, Kcu. !.KVAr.yHATI;p' AI'l'I.K-H-Miirket. dull: fancy, r(i'.cj choice, ,:'': prime. 6frM4c. )HIKI Kill ITH Prunes, firm; Pall fornln. 4-Ti tlVc: fr.ons. T'.'Jjo'.c. Apri cots, steady; ch Ice, - -' 1 0 - extra rhel.-e, li,rniuV". fancy, HV'iKi-: Peaches, steady; choice. hSt": extra choice, i'n-c; fancy. 6V,c. Ralalna, rirm; loose miwtiriai 7-tilti ; choice to fancy seeded, 7',i'i7jCf rctdclsa. HViHilOipc Dry Goods Market. NF3W YORK. Fb. r9.-DRT OOOrv Cotton aoocls were quiet but firm today. Yams were steady. Hllks were in full demand for fall delivery. Men's wear llnea were revised upward on duplicate orders. Jobbers did an active trade. Hawk "learlas. ON1AIIA. Keb. . Bank ciearinia for Omaha today wera M..'7,77.33 sjid for the correpixuidlnii day laat year M. 4, M3&1. The total bank clearings for the mouth e n.U nit today were :U.t4&,J7 hi. and for the month of February a year as-n .fi.t.'1.47 MENINGITIS CAUSED THE DEATH OF GEO. TRUMBELL Alaeaa OoM t.Jno 2IH Allla-lhaltnern I.' 2' Amarlcan Heat Hniar 2 iki IIS American can 14.W0 WW American IH-otnotlr .... 2?.' American H. A K .M0 IU Am. ft. a It. pf.l Am. Husar lflnln 7l WW Amerlran Tal Tel t.? )I7Va American Tohano Una " Anaionds Copper 14. W 1 Atrhloa I. Mo tins llalowln lM-iunolU .... 14.r.0 104 lliililmore A Ohio Ili-lhlrhem Hlee Iir..kln Hxplil Tr California I'elroleura ... (ana.llan Pacific Ontral leather (Tiaaapeske OhU hlcam CI. W Chlcain, M St. P... Chicago N. W riilcaso. It. I. P. pfd. Chlno t Haoer Colorado fuel A Iron... f'rurlMa Sleel Ienrr a H 0. pfd IMatlllars' Berurllie ... Krle Clenaral Klectrlc (treat Norlhara pfd Clrec No. Ora rlfa (liissenhelm Knploratlna tlllnola central lnterltfrotiah Con. Cnrp Inaplrallon Copper Imernnttiwial llarvMter. Ksnaa 4 'It y Southern.. lohlirh Valley tulafllle NaahTlll. Mexlf-pn Palrnlaura .... Miami Cof-per Mlaaourl, K. a T. pfd Mloirt Pariric National It t ana National tad K) Nevada topper , no New York Central N. Y . N. II. II I tor) Norfolk a Werners !. Northern Psrlfl 4m) ra.-irin Mall 4.0oo Pacific Tal. Tab. Pennsylvania Pullman Palar Car. Har Con. Copper 4. X Keadlns 14 14 Repuhilo Iron A Ktael..., 4 lo rknilhern I'd.-lflO 4 7m Soatern Haiiasr Ie t Siudahaker Company II M 14nv Tenneaae C'siMr l.PO M Teiaa Company t. Ion lot I'nlon paeifln t "0 m I nloa Pai-lflr pfd I.nor) 4 I nlled Hlalas Hleal I.M t.('t P. S. Sleel pfd PHI 1IH I'tah cipr I.4.KI K Weplern t nlon PH Weallnthouaa Rlactrla ... t.'WU 4' Montana power Oeneral Motors , Watai.h B pfd t too International Marin pfd. 1...'"A Knne-ott capr :ii 4.) I. no !. 1,!MM) 4O0 VM 'i isn Pl ina il.H-0 '. II. p1 4") 70 , l.l 4 ) "inn ton I, Pa) 4 t 2Xi li.. M M'i 12'i 4 iv4 "i 41V 74k m "UN, ia4 41 VI ..... 4i' K4 7 t!2 MH Sit, J 7 (UC, ; 7' ; lii'4 n: i"i :., VH 11 SiS 4M sr.S KV r.i i l.'S PI 4, 'ni s 4n tlH 't4S 144 21 44 17t, 17 rV.S x 7"j 11I-4 1IIS U'7. WIS lirj in 4 .1 tl 12V, asii 1M 17H It, 4, 41 IS II 44 "4 17 12 414, 11 Ira 4 44 i in T7 11IH Ul K4 l:iSi -.( 1 ;, 112', 21 HX4 I ' 7 " 1144 1)1 U 1. 400 Hi tt' -.'S 4 T4j 1S m u !', ICO !(, ll4 14j 7t an MS 7 MS I5S 4 'a MS ToCal aalea for tha Har. IN OOn eliara. isi 11 i;i 4 la 1"SS 7 II44 1I2S 4 (S 134 PCS III 4i ' lS 1.7 S m M US lias 7W US TO 4.0 S 4W M'i FANNING GETS CONTRACT TO PAVE CENTER STREET The city council has awarded to Charles E. Fannin: a contract to pave renter atrcet, Tblrty-slxlh to fifty fourth streets, with vitrified brick block at till per square yard, a per bid re ceived November i3. 115. Thla will be one of the first Inrea paving Job to be started early In tha print'. . ebruary Bun Ahead of January and Makes Top Mark for Num ber of Torkera Received. 1ISIT our Booth in the souttieast corner of the Auditorium and take a trip through Lover's Lane. Omaha Concrete Stone Co. Tel. Colfax 886 28th Ave. and Sahler Street Platte Valley Cement Tile Mfg. Co. FREMONT. NEB, Concrete S ev e r P i p e , Drain Tile, Blocks. .Etc. Work Will Start on the Dodge Street Viaduct by July lj : i City Attorney Rine has returned from ft. Ixiuift where he appeared before Judge Hook of the federal court In relation to. the Port ire street viaduct which the Mis souri Pacific Hallway company was ordered to build six years ago. Mr. Rlne made thla report Of his trip: i It waa agreed between Judge Hook, i Receiver Bush and others Interested that the railroad company will start July 1 to build the viaduct or raise the tracks of the Holt Une. The company's engineer will submit to the Omaha city council within thirty days a track-raising plan for approval. Judge Hook, who Is vir tually In charge of the Missouri Pacific at mis time, am not approve ui inauina reteivera" checks wtslch would be neces sary if the viaduct should be started now. V'nloss romethlng unforeseen Inter venes I feel confident work will b started not later than July 1." U1U-HI.-LJ I BILE. lafUliUiilu 1 g. hJIAE.Iid The Jaeger Machine Company Columbus. Ohio. Booths 39, 40, 41, 42 and 43 Hupp Branch to Be Established Here! Oliver C. Hutchlnacn. supervisor of branches for the Hupp Motor car cor poration. ha announced that the Hupp Motor Car company will open a lrect factory branch in Omaha. Thla branch will be a wholesale branch only, and is established to take care or the dealers throughout this territory. ' The corporation papers have been filed and tha new corporation will be known as the Huppmoblle Company of Nebraska. Mr. Hutchinson was not at liberty to reveal who would take charge of the branch office, but public announcement will be made within the next few days. YOU A IliaSjIAimilMIIIIJJIIUiJI OWVOT To visit our exhibit at the CEMENT SHOW, and our Display Rooms, 1708-12 CUMING STREET. IDEAL CEMENT STONE CO. SH:amidlairdl Low !3nafr nn c r ete Rfi! ik e r CONCRETE MIXERS FOR SHOW LOST IN TRANSIT The Jaeger Machine company's ex hibit of concrete mixers, which were to occupy flv booths reserved by thla firm at the cement show, were lost in transit on -their way from Chicago 'to Omaha and did not arrive in time to be placed for the opening last night. 8. F. Fer gusos. the company's representative, did not find the lost shipment until Tues day noon. Ho discovered It In Pea Moines and Immediately had the mixers rushed through. He says they will be here In time to be placed at the show this noon. AD CLUB HEARS TALK. THEN EATS CRACKERS After eating a hearty lunch Tuesday noon at the Taxton hotel, thirty-five members of the Omaha Ad club listened to a talk by Penn P. Fodrea, and then showed their lowalty and frlendshto for the speaker and admiration for his product by eating a large quantity of crack era made by the Iten Biscuit company, of which Mr. Fodrea la advertising sales jnanager. The next meeting of the club at the Paxton next Tuesday, will have a program of short talks by representa tive, of the graphic arta branch. r T. "ST It l'i.w'vw'wr-: -V "V V k. V : I " li MXZlrM .K&rr ha. I made larro sale of flour. c orn tespomled 'o tie advin.e In wheat. Moteover letelpts her were small ."'ul. c-siimates of Hie Argentine eirtsbl puiM.lts were cut down, i'pturns In tn sta market, pemed to be rlilcflv praliet the action of other grain. Houses with aeabcard connections were I be rat 1 i.i era of the May option.' Ilia her prices cn hoKS and ce'eala car lied provisions higher. It waa aaid New York intcieet dlxtilavrd untuual activity in tie imrclaae of lard. , l.l'TTKH steady ; creamery. M1!!1. K( iciS Illglier: recelpip. S W c aea. MiKta. Illc; ordinary flrsta. :0'c: at niartc. iu.4 'lliluiied, Jn '-.-. t iTATi il-JSt Higher; receipis. II cara: Uconain. Mi hi an. Ml u-e'Ota "nl Itakota. hi e. 'ii'ic; Minnesota and I a kola Cihloa tkii"r, ijl'I.TKV-Alive, higher: fowls, llic; l"'o. c l.ii ago v aeh l'rics-Wheat : No 2 red. tl W ,'(11.12. No. 3 red. 11 .mi 1 VI. No. herd. fi.l"Ol.ll': No. ? h.n.i. 1 1.',ti I (O. dun: No. i yellow. ,-; No. 4 vullow, -ilii'S'Vc: No. 1 mhltc. tifeiSH'. Oats: No. - wblte. l'.4l K'lc: ElolKlacd. 4I.'! !.'1-.'. Itve: No. t. wc. Mai-ley: tjwu''e. Hc.d Itmothy. ll.iwrSWi; cl.ixer. I'ri.viklor.a: Pork. !!. j'tr-'O.W, lird, l.3"; rll. $10.a:till.3;'. Kaaaaa tlty Grata aad Prorlslaas. KANSAS CITT. Keb. S-WIIKAT-Xo. I iard. II W'tttlciT; No i red, llCMrrlOT; Mav. l.ti'; July, Il.estc.ti1 ids. 'iKN No. gtnled, wi'vu-uTc; No. t while, iv..i.-ic. No. t yeiluw, 3iiVc; Hay. I .f iuc; July, Clc. OATH No. 1 while, ij &c; No. I mixed, 4'Cr.44e Fil'TTKR-Tpamery, Mc; flrMs. n et-ondp. 2N; packing, ltc. r ( if IS Kirsls. ivc, seconds, lc. PCJILTRT-Heos, 13; turkeyg, I; springs. Pa:. A post-mortem examination held at the Minneapolis ) conmer'a Tuesday morning revealed the fact that tleorge Trumbeil, aged 46 years, who for more than a week lay In an un conscious condition at Bt- Joseph hospi tal before bis death waa suffering from meningitis and peritonitis. Trumbeil was picked up unconscious in the street by the police and taken to the hospital. No relatives or friends have been located. r r ! I f rvl-ii-iiAc-i t-Si-i'ii". I ft i ""-yK jcN w : : v ?a i 41 LLJir Mi if n i.i s J n St. Lea Is Grata Market. GERMAN LADIES' AID SOCIETY MEETS WEDNESDAY The Cerman Ladles' Aid society will held Its regular monthly meeting thla evening, at the . Omaha Muslkvrrln hall. Kevrnternth snd I'asa streets. All (IcrntMii and Austrian women of Omaha are invited to attend, as an especially In teresting program will be presented be sides the regular business meeting. i Meedamea Val Peter, Kmst Ileese, Karl j Plelu and Miss lora lrelbus will appear! on tlie entei talnment program. i oxo rx Mr aS-ZT - 7 GROTTE BROTHERS CO Ceaerkl DaOritrBter Omaha, Nebraska RILEY MILLER IS BOUND OVER TO DISTRICT COURT) Klley Miller of Orchatd. Colo., arrested for breaking and entering a dwelling I house and ateallng plumbing aad fixture, j as bound over to the district court, with bonds tlxed at tTTO. Walter Allison, who i wag arrestee with him. taatlfte aa to j Miller's guilt and was dtainlaasyd. BENSON MAN BUYS FARM ON DODGE STREET ROAD SPECIAL REDUCTION 2 Quarts Apex Whiskey $1.60 2 Quarts Port Wine 1.50 1 Quart Blackberry Cordial 75 1 Quart Apricot Cordial 75 1 Quart Rock and Rye Cordial LOO 1 Quart Banana Cordial 1.00 Regular Price, $60 In Iowa and Nebraska $4.50 AH fig sVwa aad aWWisks, Oatelde ef Iowa aad Xftkraska To Mast Add fcoe te Be rrepald. KT. lri. Feb. m.-WHKAT-No i i.d tl. No. t hard, nominal; May. II July, tl(r7'. " I'liliN-.No. '4. !;; No. I whits. Trie: 1iiv. nV-, July. 'Sc. HAT - - 1 '.- K'n ml.U. I . I r H. W. Hall of rlenaon Vas puniascd from John Harden a SOo-acre farm, eleven mllrs west of "the Omaha poat offl' e. on the IWvlge street road. The JAKE KLEIN FAMILY LIQUOK DKALKR Writ for Complet Jric List. 1)14 DUU St., Omahd, Neb. I II if 1 ItV t I 1 B Sill HOISTS DERRICKS WHEELBARROWS WIRE ROPE underland Machinery & Supply Co. s . I jlfi II I ill 1 X ..V . ..5 II. v i v: m ; t' m bs ms in b v.-; l AUDITORIUM, MARCH 1-4 The Only FMFMT SMOW West of the Mississippi River Nearly rohe hundred manufacturers of every conceivable kind of concrete working machinery will display the very latest models. These exhibits will come from every part of the United States and will be working day and night. You can see just what they will do you will know whether you want one. If you do you can buy it then and there. An opportunity you won't have again for a year. Then there will be on display all kinds of cement products. You will get suggestions and ideas that you can take home and cash. . No cement user can afford to miss these interesting and instructive exhibits unless he is a dead one. NOW GOING ON AT THE AUDITORIUM, OMAHA, NEB. iii ' j pilce pnid as t'.'". I