101 (. ' BRIEF CITY NEWS VII K HKK: OMAHA. TUESDAY. FKUKUAHY V I ! jng Vv jr not all 7 be f , not 4 A SiA A.a J, Towasead's for Sporting- Ooods." niter's Burollsa. Ju. Mortnn Son Co. Lighting natures BurgfsB-GranJen. alUmor BUver friholru. Jewelnr. Here oot Frist It Now Beacon Frees. Dr. Stokes removed to 474 Brand. Ttaa. Auto Tira Chela, J as. Morton Son Co. To Borrow Montr on real estate, e J. It. Dumont & Co., Kollne Bid. "Today Movie Program" classified section today. It aniears In Tna Boo KXCLUSIVE1.Y. Kind out what the va rious moving picture theaters otter. Cleaning rirm Cleaned Ont Joe KoU nick's cleaning establishment at 1811 Cuming street, u broken Into Sunday night and a considerable quantity of ap- lsrcl taken. Drug (tor Bonked By breaking U glass of the aide door in the L'nitt Pocfkol Prug company, lfiK Famnm at reel, Sunday night, thlrvts gained en trance to the establishment and atole $1 In cash. Ad Club Meeting At tna Omaha Ad club's weekly noon luncheon meeting at the Pazton hotel today Penn I". Fodrea, advertising and sales man ager of the Iten Biscuit company, will be the speaker. Extend Spur Track The Missouri Pa. lflc Railway Company will bo permitted to extend a spur track along Fifteenth street, from Webster to Cuming street, for accommodation of Industries In that locality. Ths Cambro Welsh ooiaty will holJ Its annual Bt. David's day entertainment at Jacobs hall. Dodge and Seventeenth streets, Tuesday evening, February 1). All the Welsh and Welsh descent are cor dially Invited. Get Something to Eat The Restau rant Specialty company, 415 South Klcventh street, was visited by thieves Sunday night, who gained entranoe to the establlhsment through a rear window and carried away a quantity of merchan dise. IT otic to Oar Subscribers We would Lke to get a copy of The livening Pee issued October 4, 1315, and one of October 23, 1915, for our bound flies. If you have one on your pantry shelf or elsewhere about the house or barn, will you please send It to us. THE OMAHA 13EK Packing House Men Get Eight Per Cent Raise in Their Pay No disturbance marked the return of packing house laborers at the local pack- n house Dlants yesterday. The an- i nounced raise In wages of 8 per cent for classes of workmen took effect at the beginning of the day s labor. Final an nouncement of the raise In pay mado to the workmen. The raise In pay will average 8 per cent all around on all classes of work men." General Manager R. C. Howe of the Armour plant stated. "There nas been no disturbance and la not likely to be one here." St. Nicholas Story by Omaha Writer In the March St. Nicholas, lust out. one of the features is an artlole. "How j a Boy floured a Unique Mark Twain Autograph." contributed by Victor Boso water, editor of The Bee. The magazine reproduces in facsimile the autograph In question, which shows a dual signature as "Mark Twain" and "S. X Clemlen,, crossing so as to cut one another In twain." along with a narrative of the manner tn which it waa secured during the winter of 1888, when Mr. Rosewater waa serving as a pegs in the United States senate and Mr. Clem mens waa In Washington in the Interest of an Inter national copyright measure. OMAHANS WILL TAKE AUTO TOUR OM PACIFIC COAST Glenn C. Wharton la on alx weeka' trip to the west. He will visit many of the coast cities on business. In Spokane he will meet Mosher O. Colpetser and they will make a two weeks' automobile tour of California. He will arrive home March 31. Mrs. Glenn C. Wharton and Mrs. Mosher O. Colpetser have gone to Pattle Creek, Mich. They will go from there to Baltimore, New York and other eastern cities, returning to Omaha in about tour weeks. DOUGLAS COUNTY FARM BRINGS A BIG PRICP Records show that a profit of ap proximately $1,000 per year has been made for the last eleven years by Henry Kuebl and wife through the aale of their farm on the Went Dodge road, five miles from Dundee. They have Just transferred it to WUlard D. Hosford of Omaha. The consideration waa 817,600. Eleven years ago Kuebl bought the tract for 86,240. It consists of eighty acres, so the present soiling price puts a valuation of almost 1230 per acre upon the land. FRANK M'LAUGHLIN IS ON TRIAL FOR MANSLAUGHTER Frank McLaughlin, formerly a watch man employed by Joseph Byrne of the South KMe, Is on trial on a manslaugh ter charge) tn criminal court, accused of ""killing the son of his employer. McLaughlin engaged In an alternation with young Byrne In a South Side sa loon lata at night, several months ago, und in the course of (he dlscuason pi'ltad a gun and shot. Byrne died the i)xl day. The morning was taken np with ex amination of Jurors. The Easiest Way To End Dandruff There is one sura way that never falls to remove dandruff completely and that Is to dlmtolve it. Thia destroys It en tirely. To do this. Just get about four ounces of plain, ordinary liquid arvon; apply It at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all, of your Jandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dis solve aiid entirely destroy every single sign anJ trace of It. no matter how much landruff you may have. You will find, too, that all Itching and digging of the scalp will stop Instantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, lossy, silky and soft, and look and feel hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug tore. It Is Inexpensive and four ounces Is all you will need. This simple remedy ha never teen known to fall.-AJvertl.se-bitnt. Hcariy UWM That's What Omaha manufacturers paid approximately $17,000,000 during 1915 in wages and salaries to their employees. The combined payrolls of the Omaha factories, if divided equally among the people of this city, would mean nearly $100 for every man, woman and child. Pretty good showing, don't you think? The manufac turers think so. They are mighty proud of it, and they don't care who knows it. They have increased the size of the factory payroll fully $2,000,000 since 1909, and made nice gains each year. No rival city has done so well. But that isn 't the main reason w hy Omaha manufacturers are proud of their payroll. They know that the money they spend in this way goes to clothe and feed thousands of per sons; in fact, a large per cent of the city's population; it sends children to school, makes payments on homes and per forms countless other necessary functions. They know it has become one of the most important factors in the upbuilding of this community, touching, directly or indirectly, practi cally every person here. The manufacturers are glad they are able to spend this large sum in wages and salaries. They are glad they can employ so many persons and pay so much for their work. But they believe they should have a larger payroll and be a more important factor in the community. They .know they can if the people of Omaha will help them. The manufacturers only ask that you co-operate with them. You need not make a single to do is choose Omaha-Made goods when these equal in quality and price the products of will be doing your part to help the payroll builders. BAG MANUFACTURERS BBMXB-OBCAXA BAO CO., 11U aad Jackson ste Douglas llO. BOILER MAKERS SaAn-WXXUAMS-aCOirBTT OO tit and Kiokorr, Douglas 1043. BOTTLERS OKAS BOTTWTw OO, St Douglas 1100. IS So. lltt DOVP.BKZBBT lOTTITIO CO, 1HI Webster. St Douglas 798. BOXES PACKING OMASA BOX CO, star 413. Bast Omaha, W.h- zaaEm.sa-0'rx.Tira CO f Omaha rttre St Corrugated Bos Co.), lata aas DsaTea worth. Douglas 1138. BREWERS TOBI BBBWZHO CO, lsia Ave, webster 811. BTBTI BBBWZBO OO tth and X.eaTa worth, Douglas 1498. nBO ZBOO BBXWXBTO CO, Krus; Aveau and Boulevard, Tyler 480. 9ZTTBB BBBWXBO CO oth sad T Bis. (BOutA ). WXX.LOW SFBXMOB BBBWXBO) OO St aad Slokory Bts Douglas 1308. BRICK MANUFACTURERS KTDBAVUO Hill BBXCK CO 1808 W. O. W. Bldg., Douglas 80S. BUTCHERS' and PACKERS' TOOLS C. B. X.ZTBB si CO 1810 Capitol Ave Douglas 818. CASOO POULTRY AND CHICK FEED, CORN MEAL, ETC. CASOO MXDXXBO CO 14th aad rani Bts r hones I Dong. 147s er S78. CEMENT BLOCK MANUFACTURERS COBTCBBTB BTOBB CO.. BT. W. Cor. 88th Ave. aad Sahlea-. Wss star mho. COX FECTIOBTERT D. J. CBBXEsT OO. Douglas 833. TOiaiLI si BIBsTTbTO OO II'T It ease) at Omaha Wages and Salaries COUCHES AND MATTRESSES f Xfc O. BOW CO 1801 jriobolM Douglas 1800. U COFFEE, TEA AND SPICES FABsTZB-OI.gov OO 118 Be. lltk Bt Douglas 8338. ZBMAjrBrxmiOAB- coma 00 1117-18 Dodge Bt Douglas T1B8. CRACKER MANUFACTURERS mm BIBCUIT OO, Capttol Ave, lBtk to 131 Bts Douglas 8183. CRAVATS, BELTS, PURSES, POCKET BOOKS and SUSPENDERS nrxTx, rocarwooD aero. 00 83 13 Bouts. ISta Bt Douglas S3B1. CREAMERY COMPANIES jrAiBJcoanr cbbabtbbt 00 itta aad Joaes Bts Douglas 1401. WATBBX.OO CBBAsTBBT CO 1817 Ksward Bt Douglas 1408, COMMISSION, PRODUCE, ETC. aTXBOSvBBAW 81 BOB, X3T0, 1808-11 Howard Bt Douglas 494. DISTILLERS ZX.ZB ft CO. WtLIOW BTBXaTQfl DIM. T1LLI1I, 881-8 Howard Bt Doug las 894. ELECTRIC COMFANDSS OXABA BUOTBZO X.IOXT ft BOWBB CO V. a. Bldg Sous las 10S8. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND LIGHTING FIXTURES BVmOBIB-OBABSSB- Co 1811 Bow. ard Bt Tylet asi. ENGRAVERS ELECTROTYPERS AKXB BBOft. BBOBATZV0) CO 1118 Bewerd Bt Douglas B08H. ENVELOPE MANUFACTURERS BT7BKX.BT BBrTBLOFB CO, 417 Bo. lata Bt Douglas FIXTURES oagAXA romm ft nvrrtrt 00. 414-18-18 Be. lata Bt Douglas 8TS4. FLOUR MILLS OTDzata Brrr.TjrBB) CO uoj rsmi MANUFACTURERS Paid by Omaha Factories Would Be In urging Omaha people to buy Omaha-Made goods, the manufacturers ask nothing that they themselves would not do. No manufacturer would ask his neighbor to buy goods from his factory if the quality was lower or the price higher than the products from other cities that the neighbor could buy. But Omaha manufacturers know that the quality of their goods is as high, often higher, than the quality of pro ducts made anywhere else in the world. They know the prices of their goods are as low, frequently lower, than prices of products made anywhere else. The reason they know this is because Omaha-Made goods sell in every state in the union, and in foreign countries, in competition with all comers. With the question of quality and price settled, the manufacturers believe that they make a purely business proposition when they ask Omaha people to patronize Omaha factories. ' They know that they can give home folks better quality for the same money, and the same quality for less money. For there are no freight charges added to the sell ing cost to Omaha people. There is another reason why it is a business proposition. When Omaha folks buy Omaha-Made goods they keep Omaha money at home. And Omaha money spent in Omaha means more work and better times for Omaha people. FOUNDRIES Casting; and Sash Weights. okaka rouroY coatvAjrr, .01 JsesBO, St. Douglas 8438. FUR GOODS aTATzoBAXi rn ft TAararoro) co 1826 So. 13ta Bt, Tries 180. GAS COMPANIES OBtAXA OAS CO 1008 H sward Vt Douglas 808. HATS OaCABA BAT TACTOBT, 1881 Douglag Bt. Douglas 48K4. ICE DEALERS BOFX.Z'B ZOB ft OOU BTOBAQB CO 188 Ckloage Bt Douglas BO. O Si AHA ICB ft COX.D 8T0BAOB OO MoCague Blk lata aad Dodge Bta Douglas 460. ICE MACHINES aAa-BB tea UAcnmra co irts aad Blokolss Bts Douglas 1841. LAUNDRIES VOBTABBEb aVAWTDBT Oo 1TOB TVs tea Bt Douglas 80SO. imiU fcAOTTDBT OO 1507-08-11 Jaokaoa Bt Douglas 818. rVBZTAW umilBT, B808-18 raraasa Bt Xaraea 1771. LEAD WORKS X.AWBBBCB BBOT ft LllO CO, ae luij South Omaaa, Douglas 1888. LOIKiK SlI'PUES X.ODOB lumi CO 1111 raruass Bt Douglas 4100. MACARONI anaaas acAB-DTAOTirmzvo 00. 14ta aad Jaokaoa Bts Trie IBeA MONUMENTS . F. BUMV ft OO 170 Ouaalag BU Domglas 87s. FURNACES BTABTDABJO nUaOl ft IUmT 00 411-ls Be. lota st,XMaiU aosrr. Deserve OMAHA f: J.i ee t .., . . . . sacrifice. All you need other cities. Then you MIRRORS mad ART GLASS WINDOWS KIDL1XB UH ft FAIWT OO Ills aad Bowatd. Douglas 781. OILS ' X T. sTTOXOXB on OO s4 BaUd Bldg Douglas tot. PACKING HOUSE PRODUCTS awrrr abb coscrAarr. seatit Oataaa. Bosta aaao. PLANING MILL SABXBBB BBAZ.TT IBTBBTsCBB ( CO Orouad rioe Bee Bldg Deug, Us 8888. PRINTERS BOOK AND JOB oaiAXA rBivTiaa oo lata aad raj. aam. Douglas 348. COBBT ft ateKBBXZa. 1407 Blaraey Bt Douglas 844. SADDLERY J. at. BABBT ft CO, 818-17 Beutk 18tk Bt Douglas MS. STARCH MANUFACTURERS DKrXAHOa BTABOK OO, Bt, Douglas 170. 550 Omaalaf SERUM MANUFACTURERS O. x. BBBtrac co, aaaB x. Bt. Boat Ouaka, Bouta 453. AZTEZO, BBBUkt CO South Osaaka. South 883. OKAiar bxziT tvmt 00, Xrtbar a- change Bldg, South Omaha, Bo. 85S4, south Omaha. South 8888. , TANKS, CULVERTS. GRAIN BINS, AND OIL DRUMS STZBBABKA ft IOWA BTBBX, TABS CO 1301 Bpruee St.. Wekster 878. TENTS AND AWNINGS BCOTT.OMLa.HA TBBTT ABB AWBTW CO lltk aad Bsrnsr Bts, Doug. 888. TIN CANS AND SHEET METAL OOHDOW uwiati OO sth aad Dodge Bts Douglas BOB. WOOD WORKS oat aha wood woman o 00 aaaroy Bt Doaglaa Bs4d 1801 WHOLESALE GROCERIES FAXTOW ft MlUOgJav 701-11 Boalk 18th at. Douglas saa. Patron agf