Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 29, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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The Be Publishing Company, Proprietor.
Kntered at Omiht postofflc aa cond-clssa matter.
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per month. per year.
Psllr and Sunday n M
I'nllv without Hunday....' 00
rVenlne: an.i Sunday v J
Fvefiln without Sunday ....... ........ .SM... ......... 4.00
Sunrtav Be only .- o 1 00
l'u at.u ?uuuagr fee, three yeara In advance. .. .I10.M
K'M notice of than of so dress or complaint t(
Irregularity in dallvcry to Omaha Baa, Circulation
tternlt by draft, etprase or postal order. Only two-
rent stamps received in payment or small accounta.
l'crsonsl rhrrH. erept on Omaha and eaatarn el
tr.enge. not accepted.
Omsha The Pee hulldlng.
S.Milh Omaha HI N street
t ounrll lilnffa 14 North Mala atraat
Liix oln ( I.lttle Huilnlnr.
hlossofU'l Hesrst Building.
Ntw York-Room lift;, 21 Fifth avanua.
M Lou la SOS Naw I tank or Commerce.
Wrshlngton ?i Fourteenth street. N. W.
Adlresa communication ralatlns to news and adl
torial mattar to Omaha Baa, Editorial Department.
tate of Nebraska. County of Douglas, as:
Dwight Wllllama, circulation manager of Tha Baa
Publishing company, being duly sworn, aaya that tha
average circulation for tha month of January, 111,
a a H. lot.
UWKiHT WlttlAMS. Circulation Manager,
uhaorlbad in my presence and aworn to bafora
BBS. thla Id day of February, 1 1
ROBERT HUNTER. Notary Public.
Subscribers leaving the city temporarily
boald bare The Ilee mailed to them. Ad
dress will be chanced at often aa requested.
Fee-grabbing- by any other preteit li Juat aa
The route to Pari la Just as rocky aa the
route to Berlin or to St. Petersburg.
The trouble with the waterwagon aeema to
t an excess cargo and a aurplua of Inexperienced
Some membera aecm to think congress Is
"the whole works," when It Is only one-third
of the machinery.
Nearly three weeks yet for candldatea to (lie
for primary nominations and then (our weeks
more for them to withdraw.
There's no accounting for tastes. Neither
the British lion nor the Trench eagle had any
special liking (or Turkey anyway.
A higher type of man Is to be evolved out ct
the war, according to a London sociologist. It
i i up to the stay-at-homes to make good the
Canada propose to raise lta fighting con
tributlon (rom 260,000 to 600,000 men. "The
lsdy of the snows" is warming op to mother aa
never before.
It. Is estimated .that . a, (oroe of 16,000 men
Is needed to guard the Panama canal. The (orce
required to keep the canal open eludes experts
In military science.
President Wilson underscores a large na
tional truth when he says that the noise makers
of congress are not always reliable Interpreters
of public sentiment.
Meanwhile, the fifty-fifty split of naturali
sation fees goes on and the oouniy protldes ac
commodations and pays (or the labor. Easy
money? Just like finding it.
Government Investigators might get closer to
the cause of soaring gasoline prices by overlook
ink supply and consumption and taking tha
measure of the demand for "melons."
Hose Is Just hose when Omaha buys fir
hose, but when other cities buy It they Insist
on knowing what they are getting (or their
money and seeing to it that they get It
- Governor Morehead has a vacancy to (111 on
the district bench (or Douglas county (or the
third time. It Is a purely non-partisan office (or
which only democrats will be considered.
It looks aa if the senator were in no hurry
to hand out that poatofflce prise package. He
has made anew the old discovery that patron
age Is more often a liability than an asset.
Death of a Texan from an overdose of suf
frage debate is regrettably tragic. In spite of
all warnings and experience misguided men per
alat In breaking into conversations that do not
concern them.
Democratic party insurgent are now repeat
ing with characteristic vim the tomahawking
Cleveland experienced in 18SS. Like condltiona
produce like results. History will repeat Itself
to the end of the run.
President WUson haa made public his Grid
iron club speech, thus depriving it of the se
crecy of even an open secret. The president
ought to know that the potency of a secret con
sists la spreading it aa If oy favor.
Good Thing to Push Along
Columbus Telegram: All tha atata Is applauding
.lta fight mada by Tha Omaha Bea to eradicate aom
f tha evlla of a court system which permits a
rooked lawyer to carry crooked raaaa to the court a
Tha profession of the law la noble, but unhappily
that profession la often professed by men who would
hare been drummed out of tha camp of Pat Crow
and his fellowa on charge of unprofessional conduct
Tha clean membera of tha Omaha bar know that their
organisation bears upon lta rolta many names which
hould not bo tbera, but for soma at range reason no
serious effort Is ever mada to dislodge there. The
Omaha Be has undertaken tha task of purifying tha
aimoaiihera In tha Omaha temple of Justice. It la
Mart Urns. For Ion- that atmosphere has been so
impure as to Impair the constitution of tha Goddess
of Justice, and mass bar look Itka a blighted bouquat
on the way to the garbage can. Every lawyer la
Omaha one day swore that ha would always protect
tba honor of his own profession, but many appear to
hate forgotien the solemn oath. The Omaha Bee It
now performing the oath whl h the Omaha lawyers
more to perform, and rf.mtng u better than any
Omaha lawyer haa performed It.
More Deadly Than the TJ-Boat.
Reports of loss of British liners in the Eng
llsh channel off Dover on Sunday did not come
with the surprise that might have attended such
events a few months ago. Vagrant "mines" are
the terror of the waters around the British Isles
Just at this time.' Torn from their mooring by
the terrlflo storms of the last few days, these
uncontrollable engines of destruction are drift
ing Into the fairway and working havoc among
the shipping. In the opening days of the war
the belligerents bent every energy to strewing
the waters with destructive devices ot all kinds,
the purpose being to render navigation unsafe.
Thla has been accomplished with remarkable ef
ficiency. The new war occupation of mine
sweeping haa served in aome measure to keep
certain lanes free for the passage of ships, but
the winds and waves bring confusion. The ex
perience of Sunday Is not new, as ships have
been sunk In the North Sea and elsewhere In the
waters of the war cone through collision with a
wandering mine. The danger of a mine exceeds
that of a submersible, for the undersea boat can
at least give warning before Its strike, and
makes selection of Its victims. The lesson Is that
a number of practices common to this war will
have to undergo revision whenever enough of
order Is restored to permit consideration of the
The Saddest of All.
Omaha has recently had an exceptionally
large number of child fatalities resulting from
accidents of one kind or another. The sudden
blotting out of an Innocent youngster's life Is
the saddest of sad experiences. To have a bright
boy or girl of tender years start out In a playful
mood only to be brought back home a cold corpse
is a blow that stuns and paralyzes. It makes
no difference whether It is a coasting accident
or an automobile collision or a drowning or
the discharge of a dldn't-know-lt-was-loaded gun
In the hands of a playmate, the pity of It and
the Heedlessness of It strike a telling blow.
Unfortunately accident will happen and lit
tle tots will take reckless risks, but there is no
consolation to grlev'ng parents In wise saws.
The only moral to be drawn Is the admonition,
"Look well to the children."
Closer Cattle Inspection Needed.
Another report reaches The Bee of tubercu
lar cattle being shipped into Nebraska, coming
with a clean bill of health from the Inspector
In the state where they were purchased. Sev
eral previous attempts of owners of Infected
stock to dispose of them by sale to buyers at a
distance have been recorded, and a Justified de
mand Is now made that government inspectors
be more vigilant. Endeavors to stamp out in
fection, especially tuberculosis, among the herds
of the country will come to naught, so long as
owners of diseased stock can dispose of them
to innocent purchaser. Many device and trick
are resorted to by unscrupulous shippers to evade
the law and defeat the tests. Most of these are
known, and should be rigidly guarded against
Nebraska has of late become a great purchaser
of pure bred cattle, and the efforts to improve
the herds of the state should have every encour
agement. This means that closer inspection
must be provided (or, that the western breed
ers may have the protection to which they are
entitled." ' .......
Germany's Answer EeaiiariBgf.
In the tone of the answer from the German
Imperial government to the United State on
the matter of submarine warfare is (ound little
occasion (or Immediate apprehension. The Ger
man government quite naturally contend (or
It version of the controversy with earnestness,
but not in a way that leave the Impression of
an approaching Impasse. Renewal o( pledges
given a to unarmed merchantmen was a mat
ter of form, but will serve a reassuring those
who had conceived the Idea that the kaiser
government was planning to run a mad dog cam
paign with it undersea boats. The crux of the
case turn on the status of the armed merchant
man, and this will be the subject of debate (or
some time. If the modus Vivendi proposed by
the United States can be made effective, the
crisis I over. But that the Allies may be looked
to contribute in any way to the relief of the stress
between the United States and GermanyM not
apparent However this may be, war with Ger
many doea not appear to be very near at the
doors of Uncle 8am.
Insurgents Back on the Reservation.
From Washington come word that the ghost
dancing la over (or the time and the insurgent
democrat are all back on the reservation, the
spasm of last week having passed away in im
potence. President Wilson has gained a moral
victory of no inconsiderable value over the un
ruly members of his party in congress, who were
bent on overturning his foreign policy. Hi
courageous declaration in his Utter to Senator
8tone was too much for the men who had so
loudly trumpeted their plans, and they are again
proving the trath of Senator Root's charge that
the party I amenable only to the Influence of a
club. Senator Oore and Representative McLe
more and Bailey have retired to thetr tepees
and the Missouri tribe is again purring around
the place, aa peaceful and Innocuous a could be
The (allure of the unpatrlotio attempt of the
Bryanlte to (urther embarrass the president in
his course at this critical time expose the emp
tiness of their pretensions. They had planned
to make It appear that the follower of the life
secretary of state are the real saviors of theS
country, on whoa action hangs peace. Instead,
they only made more plain the futility of the
democratic party when It cornea to dealing with
questions of real importance.
In some quarters the notion prevails that
Andrew Carnegie owns the Peace Palace at The
Hague. Some of the peace missionaries thought
they might freely roam about the premises of a
fellow countryman, but altered their viewpoint
when shown outside the Iron gates. The palace
bears Carnegie's name for the same reason that
certain public libraries do.
"" Zx-Ooveraor Leslie X. Bhaw.
MAN 18 a flKhtlri animal and only those who fail
to understand his nature hava believed wars
could bo. or can be prevented by moral uplift
or Christian culture. Until a new dlapcnaaUon ar
rives nallone will learn war. and the only way they
can bo prevented from prsctli In war Is through
the organisation of the United Sovereignties of Karth,
tinder a restriction patterned after the constitution
of tha United ftatrs of America, but riving earb
sovereignty the tight to such Internal government aa
It pleases, witli president, congress, auprema court,
army and navy, but limiting the armlea and navies
of tha several sovereignties composing the United
Sovereignties, the eama as the National Guard of each
aoveralgn stale la restricted. And even then peace
can be Insured only by such preparedness aa will en
able it, the United Sovereignties, to enforce peace.
This country existed and barely survived sla yeats
under srtkies of confederation, but Its existence was
more prorartoua during that period than during tho
preceding seven years of revolutionary war. That
league of friendship between tha thirteen states waa
In every way aa strong and effective, however, aa
any league now proposed, whether intended to In
clude all so-called "world powers" or limited to Pan-
American countries.
Before the Mexican war we had a treaty of amity
with that country, thrice reiterated, pledging
friendship between the two republics and the peoples
thereof. It waa never abrogated, but. was renewed
after tha war, and It still existed when we recently
bombarded and captured Vara Cms. I purposely
avoid saying It was then In foroe. Suoh treaties, such
leagues, such International conventions, are never In
force, for there Is no one to enforce them.
There waa a similar solemnly mada and more
solemnly ratified troaty of amity In existence be
tween thla country and Colombia, when ws recognized
Panama as a sovereign republic, then only one day
old. and when ws officially notified Colombia that If it
attempted to suppress tha revolution and resume
sovereignty over territory admittedly here but yes
terday we would wipe It from tha map.
There la no division of desire to eacape war, and
no division ot determination never to ba tha aggrea-
sor, or to wage a war of conquest; and I do not be
lieve there Is much division of opinion among those
whose opinion Is based on knowledge of facts, and tho
logic of events, that either we will have to get tnlo
tha present horrid conflict snd determine who shall
be tha winner or wa will be compelled to whip the
winner If wa are able, and get whipped If unable.
It Is not necessary to either approve or disapprove
the steps that have been taken or omitted In adher
ence to our policy ot neutrality in order to note with
apprehension that we are making no friends and
placing no belligerent under obligation to come to
our assistance when the great day of reckoning shall
arrive; a day as certain as any toward which every
event logically points, and that can he prevented only
by soma at present unseen contingency. In times
past Ood haa wrought many miraculous deliver
enccs, but In later years ha has quite generally left
the nations ot earth to face tha natural results of
their acts of omission as well as acta of commission.
Tha human side ot Ood the Bon was touched with
compassion, and he left many examples for those
who might profess to be His followers, but ss I
read the record Ood the Father la a disciplinarian.
Iet It be remembered that this Is Ood's war or there
Is no Qod In the sense In which we have been taught
and as we try to teach. And If It be Ood's war. tell
me why we alone should expect to escape why we
alone should profit through its horrors.
I shudder sa X reoog-nits that the victor In the
present conflict, or soma one or mors of the victors
may do about as sny of us would If condi
tions were reversed. If while we were fighting for
our very existence they had let our brothers be
slaughtered, and our sisters outraged, on territory
where they had forbidden us to set fool ws would
sooner or Istar call them to account. I somehow
believe, gentlemen, that as soon as wa had cotton
free of the strangle hold of existing war ws would
settle somewhat harshly with that nation that had
mads merchandise of our necessities, and had re
fused protection to those of our people wbo had
chanced to be In territory over which it had grata
itously assumed sole Jurisdictional supervision. We
would see to It that any nation that had persistently
nagged us while we were shedding our life blood and
exhausting our substance In try In to make this
planst fit to inhabit, and to perpetuate principles of
liberty and Justice) professedly as dear to It as to us
should assume an indemnity ample to pay Its share
of tha cost we had Incurred, and many times the
profit It had exacted while we were in throes.
I always aeeept expert testimony est complex que.
Hons, wherein I have no training. In tha present In
atanoe I assume that the opinion of even a few men
educated at Wast Point and at Annapolis for Just
suoh occasions, Is safer to follow than that of a thou
sand Arkansas farmers. Wast Virginia coal minors
or Naw England lumbermen; and every one of those
so-educated and trained (axoapt one, and only one)
tell us that any of the four principal belligerents. If
left free by the others, can actually land on our shore
a foroa sufficient to take every city, every factory,
and everything subject to capture, within 17S miles
of the city ot New York in one month's time and
our wives know that that 17J miles stretches far
into Naw England on tha north, beyond the Jersey
ooaat on the south and inland to tha coal fields of
Pennsylvania, and that It Includes all. or nearly all,
our munition factories, small arms, big arms, small
ship, submarine and big ship producing plants,
powder mills, arsenals, extension coal areas, and more
than aOO carloads ot gold and silver now actually
stored In government vaults In this city alone, to
say nothing of the contents erf tha mint and tha sub
treasury at Philadelphia. I do not know that these
can ba oaptured. I onjy know that they are worth
coralnc after and that our army and navy experts
say that they can be had for the coming.
X have a son sa dear to me aa any aon la to
any father. If this country gets Into war. and It will
unless It prepares Itself to enforce puaca, that son
should offer his services. He la of tha kind and typs
that will be required. If ha should fall to enlist the
government will have tha right to conscript hlra;
but the curse of Ood will and should rest upon that
nation and that people that wUI call Its beat blood
to the colors without having flrat Uught them to
ks care of themselves, and that will not furnish
them as good arms as they are forced to face, that
will not give them ammunition to last till tha fight
is over, that will not cover their positions and movs
menta by field artillery equal In quantity and of as
long range aa that of tha adversary, that will not
provide sir craft and submeriite craft In ahort. that
will not do all that human resource and human skill
oan do to make thetr defensive position tenable anJ
their offensive movements successful. Anything leas
man tns oeat la aosotuteiy worthless. Any preparaj
naaa lesa than adequate preparedness la useless, and
war waged with antiquated or Insufficient equipment
la worse than murder, for It subjects those who heed
the call of duty, and who obey tha command of tha
country, to tgnomlnloue 'defeat and shameless
People and Events
The race between the oil and the powder
companies for the greater share of the nation's
prosperity ts a neck-and-neck proposition (or
the sporting world. Endurance is bound to count
on the home stretch. In that respect the oil
men have a shade tho best of It in their pipeline
Two youthful belligerents In Connecticut, deter
mined to fight a duel to tha death with swords, wer
persuaded to aheke handa and bury their thirst for
gore In soda frappe. Tha peacemakers guessed about
right when they said there wasn't a fight In a barrel
of It,
Tha Jury system with twoleva men comas down
to us from the time of viking Invasions ot England,
thoaa people customarily divided thetr lands Into
rantona, and each canton Into twelve portions under
twelve i hiefa. Tbeae passed Judgment on tha more
rious criminal and civil cases and the custom has
outlasted all the Intervening truuries
Conscript lost la Caused.
CHICAGO. Feb. . To the Editor of
Tho Bee: In view of the recent publica
tion In your paper of an article with re
gard to the risk of American cltlr.ens in
'insda being drafted ss soldiers snd the
numJwr thst sre returning to America
for that reason, I wish to present the
facts In the case as outlined in attached
letter from the minister of the Interior,
Dominion of Canada, dated Ottawa,
January R, 1918, In which be says:
Numerous papers In the United Stales
have recently advised American cltlxen
thst by going; to Canada they Incurred
the risk of being drafted aa soldiers in
the present world-wide war. Whin
rexponrtble Journals era misled Into p'il
lishlnK erroneous information reardln
conscription It seerna advisable to make,
an official pronouncement upon the mat
ter. 1. therefore, beg to advise you that all
troops from Csnnda for tho war have
gone voluntarily: that while, the jrovern
n.ent has tbej power to enforce conscrip
tion, such action haa not been considered
either advisable or necessary, and that
even were conscription Introduced it
would apply to Canadian eltlxena only.
For your Information I mav say that
many Canadian resident In the T"nltd
Htates and many American dtisens ha-
crossed into Canada alnce the o itbreak
of war. have offered their services, been
accep.ed. don valuable work and In some
case gave up their life In the causa of
liberty and Justice.
Tour publication of same wilt ba very
much appreciated. G H. TOUZALIN,
Tousalln Advertising Agency.
Interested In Servlsa' Article,
OMAHA, Feb. . To the Editor of
The Bee: I want to get In touch with
Garrett P. Pervla snd as I did not know
his address I would like the privilege of
asking him a few questions through the
letter Box. I saw a piece In The Bee
one day last week of a certain Island
that somebody wanted to sell to the
United States on account of the great
est deposit of bone tn the world. Now
would Mr. ftervlss tell us all about that
deposit and tell us bow Ion it haa been
there. I like to read what he has to
say about the planets and other things
that are a mystery to me and a large
majority of the readers of The Bee. Will
thank you In advance. O. B. SMITH.
OMAHA. Feb. M.-To the Editor of
The Bee: By mistake or misprint a news
Item appeared In your paper saying LtOO
Swedish singers sre to be here In June
for our muslk doing, and as we do not
wish to misrepresent anything we wish
you would kindly give the correction.
The article ahould hav been (00 instead,
aa it la only" tha western division of the
American Union of Swedish Singers
that meet here. Thanking you for the
courtesy. EMIL. PETERSON.
U Bristol Street.
Dominating; the IT I aw Seas.
OMAHA, Feb. 18. To the Editor of The
Bee: The large headlines over ona
column of a recent Issue are: "Columbia
Must Rule the Pacific." In thla sen
tence Columbia means the United States.
Probably the headlines tat newspaper have
an Important Influence on the character
or qualities of the views of many read
ers, even when the headlines, as often la
the case, miarepreant the true meaning
of the utterances that follow them.
There never has been a time when It
was more Important for the people to thla
nation to have a clear conception of the
proper rule of national conduct than
pow. My present purpose Is to call at
tention to th fact that if It la the am
bition and purpose of this nation to rule
the high seas, we are cultivating the very
disposition that w condemn In th con
duct In every other nation, that ehows It
Wa need to b careful not only to make
fair representations, but to make our
conduct and true Intentions euch that
our actions will not belle our words. Only
thus oan we attain tb moral Influence
or power that would give the deepest
satisfaction to us and make this truly
the most Influential nation In the world.
The headlines referred to were baaed
upon words attributed to Admiral Badger,
but hla words, as reported, are: "A. fleet
capable ot dominating tho Pacific ocean
is the only sure protection of the Pa
cific coast" In reality bis sentiment Is
not at variance with that expressed re
peatedly by President Wilson; that we
aim to defend our rights and Interests,
but net to Interfere with the free use of
th high seas by any, other nation for
any legitimate purpose. It Is supremely
Important to maintain this attitude and
to have the people of other nations under
stand It. It would be vain to expect to
improve International relations without
the adoption of higher moral standards
than have perralled heretofore. Greed
and arrogance must be marked tor de
struction. Only thus rsn wa hop to
hav lasting peao and prosperity.
Around the Cities
Cleveland will shortly pay laborers on
municipal work S2.&0 a day of eight
Cincinnati will vote at the April elec
tion on a bond Issue of PS.OotXOOO, tha
proceeds to be used In building a rapid
transit loop around the city.
Cburta of Kanaas City, Mb., have sus
tained the rule of th city excluding sa
loons from the residence districts south
of Twenty-fifth atreet and east of
Troost avenue.
An Intoxicated woman broiurht before
the police Judge of Wichita was warned
to leave town "and go to some place
where you can't get liquor." Wichita
la In tha center of the dry belt.
Detroit Is moving to make th city a
county and thua split with tb state
soma C5O.0O9 a year derived from a new
automobile tax. At present tha state
and county splits It fifty-fifty.
Philadelphia la preparing to go Into
th publicity bualneaa on a scale which
will put tha spotlight fully on the city a
beat side. The mayor has aaked the
counoilmen for tfOi.000 to pay for spread
ing the light.
The town selectmen of Bowdoinham.
Ms., adopted a rule by whtoh the town
bears tha expense of cleaning th snow
off aidewalka in front of houses owned
by widows, wher there is no able-bodied
man, but absolutely refused to lend a
Ilka helpful hand to be re ft widowers.
San Diego councilman, several weeks
ago. laughingly agreed to give a rain
maker S10,0U0 If ha would fill Morena
dam. Th dam bad never been more
than one-third full. Tb rainmaker got
busy, so did ths regular weather roan,
and rain and snow descended in such
quantities that ths dam could nt hold It
and gys way, devastating the adjacent
valleys. The rainmaker claims he de
livered the goods and Is suing 8an I'ti jo
for the money.
Tips on Home Topics
Pittsburgh Dispatch: Mr. Bryan is to
head tha Nebraska delegation at St.
Louis. Which way?
Washington Tost: When a presidential
candidate meets an Ohio law there's
nothing left but to bum his plank behind
Chicago Herald: Who would have be
lieved a few years ago that a bill to sub
mit a state-wide prohibition amendment
Would ba defeated In a Kentucky legis
lature by only six votes?
Springfield Republican: By the way, if
the majority of successful lawyers at 0
years of ag should be Investigated like
Mr. Brandels, how would their careers
show up In tho llmelightr
Boston Transcript: With the Virginia
legislature adjourning in honor of Lln
coln'a birthday and southern democrats
voting to Increase the Lincoln Memorial
appropriation, maybe the Columbia state
can be led to see that the war Is nearly
New Tork World: An Indiana congress
man objects to motor car delivery of rural
mail because it "wake up the poor
farmer In the middle of the nlKbt and
forces him to go out with a lantern to
see what has happoncl to his mall-box."
Prosperity on the farm has Its disad
vantages when It is acrompanled with
the noise nuisance of urban life.
Springfield Republican: Mr. Bryan Is
helplessly musxled on the question of a
second nomination for the president If
th report be true that Judgo Clayton of
th Uhltod States district court has in
his pocsesslon a letter from Mr. Bryan
written In Februnry. ISIS. In which Mr.
Bryan atated that Mr. Wilson was. or
ahould ha, exempt from tho restraining
Influence of the lViltlmore single-term
"When 1 wss first msrr'ed my wlfs
used to talk. tslk. sll the time."
"Has she given It up?"
"She hail to. We've got two grown-up
daughters now." New York World.
8ultor Rut you haven't ssked ma yet
whether or not I can make a living for
your daughter.
Father Never mtnd. Henry: If you
marry her shell see to that Stray
Here and There
MAN? ru
"They ssy," remarked the spinster
boarder, "that the woman who hesitates
Is lost."
"Ixist Is not the proper word for It."
growled the fussy old bachelor at the
pedal extremity of the table. "She's ex
tinct!" Indianapolis Star.
Customer T suppose this 190B model
here Is to show how well your csrs last.
Auto I)cler No: that is Just a freak
ear. 10 yenrs old and never had a single
mortgiige on it. Judiia.
"You told me that if I would marrv
you I should never want for anything.
"Do you realise that we've been mar
ried eight yeara and you are now seven
years and ten months behind on orders? '
Ietrolt Free Press.
A painful cry of lost art goes up In
Tenver, translated Into a woeful wall by
echoing canyons. The annual decorative
exhibit of bearded goats in honor of the
bock season will not be held this year
and admirers of foaming art must
forego the pleasure unless they have It
shipped In.
A suit against the Kansas City South
ern Railroad company for fWl.noo. started
sixteen yeara ago, has Just been decided
for the plaintiff by tha United States su
preme court. Interest and principal total
$1,000,000. Fifteen lawyers were employed
In the case and their bills, with Inci
dental expenses, equal one-half the Judg
ment. '
A practical test of prayer as a church
debt raiser la proceeding at Grass Valley,
Cel., and will continue until Easter Sun
day. Paator Bert Foster of the Emman
uel Episcopal chuch is confident the debt
will be wiped out without resort to sup
pers, concerts and like methods. If two
or more members of the congregation
Join with him In prayer one hour each
day to the finish.
James Gannon of Philadelphia, the
"man with the Iron nerve," Is dead at
the age of 83. Fifteen years ago he de
clared he would "rot In Jail" rather than
sign a deed to property on an order of
court, and was promptly committed for
contempt. After seven years' Imprison
ment and still unyielding, ths Pennsyl
vania legislature passed a special act
authorising th eherlff to execute tha
deed, and Gannon, defeated, was released.
I do not seek the mountains h!t;h,
So strangely made;
They are so far up In the sky
I am afraid.
To Whistler's Branch Just let me hie
Through woods and glade
Where on the bluegrass I may lie
In maple shade
And listen to tho catbird's cry.
Or serenade
Of darning-needles as they fly;
Where I can wade
And swim and fish and row, near by
A smiill cascado.
Here trees and waters never sigh,
Nor one upbraid;
No graves of klnKS to droop the eye.
Nor arts decayed.
To mar vacation's harmony
And Joy Invade.
Rub Rheumatism
Pain From Sore,
Aching Joints
Rub pain away with a small
trial bottle of old "St.
Jacob's Oil."
What's Rheumatism? Pain only.
Stop drugging! Not one oaa In fifty
requires internal treatment. Rub sooth
ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" directly
upon the "tender spot" and relief comes
Instantly. "St, Jacobs Oil" Is a harm
less rheumatism and sciatica liniment,
which never disappoints and can not burn
the akin.
Limber upt Quit complaining! Get a
small trial bottle from your druggist,
and In Just a moment you'll be free from
rheumatic and sciatic pain, soreness,
etlffness and swelling. Don't suffer! Re
lief awaits you. Old, honest "St. Jacobs
OH" has cured millions of rheumatism
sufferers In ths last half century, and,
Is Just as good for sciatica, neuralgia,
lumbago, backache, sprains and . swel-; ,
lings. Advertisement.
On the
and Nowhere Eke
Hero are two facts about
the Remington which
every typewriter buyer
should know:
1. Th Remington Column
Selector adds 2S per cent to
the letter writing speed of the
typist This is not a claim or
an estimate. It is a definite fact
proved and established by any
number of comparative tests.
2. The Column Selector is a
Remington feature exclusively.
No other machine ha k or
anything like it
en riMO""" 1
n 4
sa r aiwraa C..
Adds 25 per cent to the speed
Adds nothing to the price
Oh, yea, other mschines have devices which look like It, with the five
key, etc. It Is easy for a salesman, who knows the supreme merit of
this Remington feature, to call them ''column selector" keys. But there
,Kt no other device on any other typewriter which can do what the Reming
ton Column Selector does.
The Remington Column Selector
ii the tn!y feature on sny type
writer which permits inttantane
ont letting-of the carriage at awry
desired point on the line.
It is the sau feature which pro
vides this setting by either far
ward or backward movement
It ti the nly feature which pro
vides true "express service with
no itop-to-itop movement in
reaching any writing point.
And thin are the features which
make the 25 .per cent, speed '
Let us show you the real and
only Column Selector on the
Model 10 Remington.
SOl-3 South Ninrvtcf-nih Street.
Telephone Douglas 1348.
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessful.