Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 29, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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fc)mocrti Oppoiinj Wilsoa's later
' national Policy to Be Quiet
' Till Criiii Menace.
' WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. Legis
lative business will be resumed In
Tegular order at the capltol thla
week after the recent flurry over In
ternational affalra that demorallaed
the work of congress. In both houses
administration leader hare held In
control the threatened revolt against
the president on the armed ahlp Is
sue and no further outburst Is ex
pected unices there should be a de
velopment apparently leading toward
. war.
Leaders of the agitation for action
to warn Americana off belligerent
merchantment carrying arms admit
there la no chance to get legislation
on the subject. Senator Gore, author
of the warning resolution In the
senate, ha publicly declared that
there I no desire to stay the hand
of the president In diplomatic nego
tiations. He also says the real pur
pose, of his resolution already has
been accomplished and this is re
girded by administration leaders
practically as an abandonment of the
effort to force a tote on the Issue In
either house.
T Fight Shield Bill.
Conservation champion In th senate
p!n to throw their combined strength
against the flhleld' bill, to provide for
leaning of water power sites on navi
gable waters to private Interests For
two weeks they have been fighting the
hill In a more or leas hsphasard man
ner, but they propose this week to ven
t rails their efforts In the hope "bf
amandins the measure to the satisfac
tion of the conservation forces. Tomor
rrw flenator Htisttnc of Wisconsin, who
has had co-operation of other senators,
will propose a substitute to the Shields'
bill with regulatory features, which
be declares will safeguard the public
Interest and prevent monopolisation of
water power facilities.
Senator Norrls of Nebraska, charged
In the senate "sturday that the strong
est lobby the t'spttol has seen In many
years Is here In the Interest of the
Hhlelda' bill and that It la composed of
representatives of the water power
trust, "which has Its headquarters In
Wall street." Tha fight against ths bill
has almost reached the filibustering
stage, Inaamuch as test votes so fsr
on amendments have Indicated that the
Hhlelds' bill hws a strong following.
Rohtnsem 4o rreaa Iaja)lry.
As soon as an opportunity Is offered.
Senator Ttoblnson of Arkansas, will make
an effort to have passed tils resolution
providing for an Inquiry Into the aviation
sr-ce of the army, against which hs
has filed serious chsrges of Inefficiency.
Ths Arkansas aenstor declared tonight
he would lnlst upon vote within a
few days. Uttl opposition to passage
of the resolution has appeared In th
senate and the houae la expected to
agree to the resolution when It reaches
Progress Is Doing made on general ap
propriation bill, both leaders In both
bosses are again complaining over de
lay In legislative accomplishments and
another speeding up order has been sent
out slong tha Hue. Th judiciary sub
committee of th senate hope to eon
dude It hearing this week on the fit
ness of Louis P. Brwndels, to be con
firmed aa Justice of the supreme court.
Part of the time of th senat, It Is
tspected. will be given to consideration
of the treaty providing for th Haltlen
flnitiiciat protectorate.
Ccnalderstlon of th postofflc appro
priation bill Bill be continued In th
hoiiae, and Its disposition wilt see th
legislative appropriation bill taken up.
Th immigration bill debate has been
postponed and It may not be rtarhed
I Mme neit eieek.
The wsys and means committee will
report th free suitar bill tomorrow, but
Hi dnte It will be discussed on the floor
Is Indefinite. Jt may be threshed out
before the on bill Is reached.
qaotalloaa ( I be Day
'4 ouinrodKleai
Nt.w York. Feb. a.-FiiT'n-Mst-
Vct, weak; spring patents. VS'nrt.lB: win
ter vetenttt, ."..HruN.l.'i; winter straights,
j.CiV: Kansas straights, f.Vui.l(.
YVH KAT e.. weak; No. 1 hard. 11 1;
No 1 durum, St. JS; No. 1 northern, Du
blin, JITai; Nn t imilhein, Manitoba,
It. f. . b. New Yuik. Futures, weak;
May. $1.17.
t'tlltN rtpot. weak: Nu. t yellow, Hit
i. I. f. New York
OATM-S..u weak; standard. ci No.
1 white. 4'fl4W.
HAY-Flrm; So. I lliirHr No. t.
?' K'.ttl.'.i: No. 3. t'.rei shipping,
i i ii'H siciilv : sta'- common to choir.
IT li-M-Tc; lH. Viiik-; Pacific coast.
I'.'iv l.rl-: 1U. ftl'.
MIDI. ft Steady: Uogote. i;'tic'. fen
ttai America. .Mfc'. lrathr, firm; liein
lock first. ili::ii ; .ud. uUu.
I'HUVl.SHIN: P..rk. st'sd.v; mess.
$.1 ui. family. I.'l'Mil; short clears,
lull v3i.ii1 llrrt. atfady; lueas, tll.U'K
IT. .VI family. $1 .! i :k Lrd. steady:
inlildle west. 110.,! :i) Tsilow. steady;
i-mv ',e contrv si,iK4f': aie'lal, k,i'.
lU' receipts. 4,;j tubs;
rreamrrv extras, 3"i'- 0 Jic. first. .'tV::
imm iwIh. Ji-n :i.i .
K" Mium . receipts. t.X.i cases',
fn.i sailicred extras. .ti?i'Sc; extra
fiiais. i'''jc; f.ists. l"4 1 ;l :ic . seconds, Z34
rllEKfB-KInn; icteipts. 141 boxes;
li. wl.i.le milk, held flats, colored !
cLil. lwli',1': state, whole milk, held
Tata, wli.te. Ike: slate, whole inllk. held
(Uts. ri Imed average fancy, ti1!! 17e ;
male, whole mt!i. held flats, averase
fancv, white. JT'H7e; fiats, current
ni.e ap'cials, l"'c; flats, averase run.
P ',e.
hiri.TR Y lre"sd. Millet: chickens. IT
'k.k.'. fowls, HSiil'T'. turkes. lv e.
4 of fee Market.
X KW VliKK. Feb In The tnsi ket for
cof;,e futures lot an esr sdtatice and
cifiat'd at a net dei line of 2 to 4 points.
Tl i- enlng as in banged to 1 point
I it tier ami active n.'ontha sold abo it 1! to
k ,.. Hits above Hat.irt!a s c-i-ains KfUreaj
inn Inu the morning on covering of shorts i
Miid eitiin Sf Sltteid trade buying which
M'rii'i'il to Ixs Insri'S'l bv the steadniee
of hrastl and a fer ing that technical
Pomihoii had been iniroved by recent
Iim il lation. OffeniiKS ln reaped during the
ii.!,tiie of tlx aflernion. h.iwever. with
KraAiu-ri in the a'cHK market accom-paid-d
!' vll street s-l ing, while there
. . . '.. .'i.:w.ra .it tiillilr.i IM grtmt k .1
freight of'ers wl'h Ms selling off front I
' s' tn ;t' and December from Slie
tr 8 !c. "iuins prl e were piactlcily
Hi I,, west of the d' . Piles. Iniluding
eltct:ee. ba. Msrc'i. 7 lifcc ; April
7 .a ; .tlav. 7 V1; June. 7 Vc: Julv. 7 5 v-;
Auviel 7 :"-'. Septen.ber. 7 lV: flctolKr.
.t i : Noi ember. .-. IWcember, S.Kv;
jnn'.:Hri 11'.
M..i v:,:1 e. steady; Rio. 7. "; "to.
"i'i-iMots tt, in Use ci"t and freiiflil tiiir
e. I'l'IIO li-.i i I ! (IIIK. l'l
t j. i'i i i tn1 ff. r from liii! were
ThL"?ec Mary Page
By Frederick Lewis, Author of
What Happened to Miry"
Msrr I'aRe. actress, la accused a.f th
murder of lavld folio, k and l de-
ienie, ,y her lover. ITilllp LAngdun.
I'ollock was lntolrate. At Marr a
trial ahe admits she had the revolver.
ler maid ten In,., that Mer threatened
Pollock with It mevloiialv. and Uirvl
leading man lmtli'-at Unclnn. How
Mary disappeared from the scene of the
crime la a myatery. Iliandon tella of a
arrange, hand-print he aaw on Mary a
shoulder. r urtlier evidence shows tnsi
horror of drink produces temporary In
aanity In Mary. The detenee is "re
preaaed payi hoals." Wltneeaea described
Mary s ftiKlit from her Intoxicated fnthcr
and her lathers suicide. Nurse Walton
deacrllies Inn kidnaping of Msry by
I ollock.
(Continued from I-ast Ssturday.)
Slag Asplratloas.
Not sine the famou trial tnal s.'tit the
expiesstun "brain storm' sfiii.i.iia iton
through tn years hs the tea, in. my 01
an alienist so greatly at.rred an . .nu
world as did the phrase '"ttepi ..-
Psychosis," with which Mr. r inner
summed up tho temporary insanity ol
Maiy I'sge.
It spread through the co-rt and the
throngs In th corridor, It aifd over the
telephone wires to the waning newapa
pers of the city, and !' .Associated
Press to other papers In every state.
Editorial nr.ters delved for the works
of Main, t'echner, llelmholts snd Mun
sterberg; and the more learned -seaii-hod
the record of psychophysii s and tecalieu
th fact from their co.n'n d.i)s that It
came from th Oieek wrd ' nature"
and "anitl." He fore long it even rescued
the senith of publicity and became the
Inspiration of tho cartoonlats, htt sll this
was after that day when lr. Foster,
onrv Inoru upon thu alines stand, told
with technical brevity of ho prenatal
Jnlluence, Increased by fear and suffer
ing, reacted uKn the delicate brain tis
sue under the atraln of a great shock.
Much of what he said ua entirely
unintelligible to th excited audience. It
was, therefore, with a I. tile mailing
s!gh of relief that they heard Lsmgdon
abruptly rhnnge his line of questioning
and say:
"How long after the night at lr.' Zel
lar's sanltorlum did Miss Page remain
In your hospital ?'
"It was nearly three weeks before she
was able to go, and even then It was
with some trepidation that I consented
to her leaving.'
'Iiid you fear a return of her Ill
ness?" "Tea. I knew thst excitement or a
nervous strain of any sort would have
an Injurious effect, and I warned both
Mr. Page and Mr. lJnndon to protect
her aa much as possible."
Iir. Foster, did you ever see lvld
Pollock after the night he took Miss
Page to Zellsr'sT"
"Tes. I saw him again on the day
when Miss Page left my sanatorium."
"Will you tell us the circumstances
of that second meeting, please?"
"Miss Pag and her mother and Mr.
Ingdon wer just about to leave. In
mor numerous while other said thev
were a shad firmer. One offer of Santo
4s was reported at KUSo for American
The official cable' reported no chamte
In mllrels prlcaa, but an advance of S-a2d
In IUo exchange on Ixmdun.
BBE1 Cl'TH-No. 1 rlba, l!ic: No. I rlt!
17o; Ha. X ribs, lSc; No. I loins, no;
No. I loins. No. S loins, bic: No.
1 chucks, lu4c; No. I chucss, i'; No. 1
chucks, c; No. 1 rounds, 13i.c; No. t
round. Uy; No. 9 rounds, l.. ; No. 1
jPe, K; iNu. I pistes, nic; No. plates,
t Ht'ITB-Orangcs, box: California
sunklst, 4s, (His, J , r.ia, $i.7(,;
lb"". W.i; I7a. ss, :. i:i ai; , .is.
'ttM, Jt.74. 1einona. bo: (iolden Howl, Mlver Oml, 1 1 i-f i ul t, box;
.ui, S3.?r; 4s, t.i.ou; 6l. $.1 ,fi. t,4s. Sn, $3.76;
eiitra fency, Jjos. j.tit); extra fsncy, ;,
I '. To; 64s. lUa, an. t4 On. Urapea, kvg:
Malagas, Ki'Wdjtl 'Hi. llaiiaiias, bunches:
Mitdliiui slue. HUXij'l.ib, medium sIk,
Jumboes, J.vrr:.36; regulsr sle. Jum
Ixies, 4U.u'.7l: extra lai g Jumboea, .i (H
9;i.i.i; mammoth Jutiiixiea, Jvn:i.ia.
Oratiberrle. barrel, t!t.OH4j I'.OU. Cider,
keg: Nebawka. U.'.t.
VKUKTAbUKH-Putatoea, bu.: Mlntn
ola whlt alixk, ll.lii. western K
braska. II. S); Colorado whlt stock, t:;
Colorado Hed lllver Ubtos. $l.4i. Kweel
iiotatoa: Kansas seed iwmta, U'.&o bbl.;
erneys, i ii hstniier: southern, $!.&U
hamper, onions: l(ed, 3iu lb.; yellow,
Site lb.; flpaniah. t.'t. crala. belt me. It 0D
crate. Hru.aela sprouts. V lb. Cab
haga, l"o lb. Kb u barb, $2.s box. Toma
tws, Ifi.U) crate. Cauliflower. 13.00 crate.
Pepper, 60o basket. New beets, carrots,
lunilp, parsley. c do. Old beets, car
rots, turnips, parsnips, rutabassa, to lb.
Celery: Florida, t, 4 or dux., ti 76 crate'
Florida, I itoi , crate, 1160.
ONION HI-. I S-Yellow. 2.M bu ! red
3 (m bu.; white. ti.M bu.
HON KY Comb. tM aectlonat. tJ.TS rase;
Airline. 24'e-os. tumblers, 11. is) case.
DATK8. Flti-Dromedarv dates. ?.7t
cae; faid dates, l.'c Hi.; at tiffed dates
l s: box: new fins. U 10-ds.. box.
POI-COHN No. 1 lice. 4o lb.; 40 1-lb.
pkss., 12.60 case.
NUTH-1.0.: No. t peanuts, raw,
No. 1, roasted. Do; peanuts. JumJio,
raw. So; peanuts. Jumbo, roasted. Tc;
filberts, lie; pecans. 114c; iiecans.
Jumbo, 174c, mixed nuts. lie.
Omaha liny Market.
PRAIKIH IIAT-t'htJce ttplst tswrp
S ft, V n t, K a .w.c...
....... ,, r..w,w, ou. , ei.uii .'ni;
I No. 3 I4.itil fei; choice midland, i biTr
No. 1. IH.otMiH.M; No. 2. 17 Oftui mi:
rhole low land. 17 60; No. 1. W.&wul 00;
No. ?, OKyHOU; No. S, t-i.Ui tj600.
STRAW na car on the market. Cholc
W Iim. I , a.I..... .1-
I - - . .v.-a w, VIIUIV
oat or rve. i.itn w.
i AI.FAI.FA rvcn car on th market;
fleiiiHinl good for No. 1 and choice: fair
lor lower gradea. Do not ship. Choice,
$t3tii4.'J0; No. 1, $ia .nnnis...!; No. i.; No. 1,
i hwgar Market.
j NKW YORK. Feb. J8.-I'G A R-Ra w.
I firm: centrifugal g.Ojc; molasars. 4 a
I Kefined. steady; cut loak. 7 4dc; crushed
j 7 .2 : mould A. .7V; ctil-s. i.7to-. XAXX
powdered. eM; powdered. S .'C-c; fins
1 granulated, a."-: diamond A. jhc; con-
fectionei' A. I"k; No. 1. s.loc. oiisar fu-
i uiir nriv aiuanier on uuying iiy com
I mleelon houses and invcrlng of shorts.
At noon prices were 1 to J points net
Auctioneer Weeps Real Tears at
the Low Prices at the Nixie Sale
Oli, ilie gtl-f of an auctioneer who he
holds a public unsppreclatlvo ot hi)
Whsl gvb-f 1, so gnat aa this gitef
The ctitr who beMiught the peop'e to
t uy of the fl pai ksges offered In th)
aeml-annual aale of undelivered mail In
the postoffl.e con.aors this mornng
falily groaned In agony as be found lhr-
"elegant, grand, splendid dresses' goin;
begging at fl.Tl.
"Why," 1 shouted, "If you v r crawl
ing In-o a store on your band and knees
wtih tears berating In unrestrained flmds
fro", l-oih your eye and running down
iJr and si'reaniins st the too of
Pictures by
order to take a train to New Tork when
Mr. Pollock drove up to the sanatorium
n his motor. I wss very Indignant at
his daring to come to the hoapltal after
what had occurred, and asking the Pages
and Mr. Iangdnn to go Into my office
and wait. I went to the door myself and
peremptorily ordered Mr. Polio k to
leave the grounds, lie refused to go,
saying that he had something of Impor
tance to ssy to Mia Psge. Me would
not. he said, aak to see her alone, but
It was his right to see her If he wished,
because their engagement had not been
broken. I felt that In the circumstances
II wss beat to let him see Mlas Page and
receive his dismissal, fo I took him Into
the office."
"tld Mlaa Pane show any distress at
slgbt of him?"
"Yes. Bhe gave a little cry almoat of
fear and clung to her mother, and would
not answer hla greeting."
What did Mr. Pollock say?"
"He said. 'Ton have no reason to
shrink from me Ilk that, Mary. At
worst what I have done haa been becauae
I love you. You have promised to marry
me, snd so far that promise has not
been taken back, and now I have come
to know what you are going to do. It
seems to m that we ought to be mar
ried at owe aa asf have Information
tlist your father's death has left you
without well, without the comforts thai
t w!1l be glad to give you. I have waited
three weeks for some word from you,
and now 1 have come to claim my
fiance!" "
I Hct Miss Page reply?" ,
"Yes. Plie went up tn him boldly nd
said without any signs of nervousness
of the moment before, 'If I have not
taken back my promlae. David, It Is be
cause I have been too III to think of It.
Rut I do take It back now. I will never
marry you as long as I live, and I never
want you to speak to me again. I de
test you, and since you can no longer
harm my father, the reason for my
promise to you Is gone. That Is all 1
have to sn.y. lood-bye.' At that Pol
lock got very white and said hoarsely,
'Due that mean that you are going to
marry Langdon?' 'It mean, she aald,
'that after what haa happened I hall
never marry anyone.' pillock looked re
lieved at that, but there was a hint of
a sneer In his voice as he asked, 'In
that case, may I ask If you are going
to return to New Town, and If o who
Is going to support your 'You have no
right to ask.' she answered quietly, 'but
I don't mind answering. We are not go
ing to New Town; we are going to New
York, where I hope to secure a posi
tion.' "
"Ild Mr. I'ollock show any surprise at
"No, but he wss obviously chagrined.
And then I Interfered and reminded Mrs.
Page that they would miss their train
If there was any further delay, and they
left. Pollock driving away In hi ma
chine almoat directly back of them.".
"Did Mlaa I'sge seem calm and col
lected?'' tTo He Continued Tomorrow.)
Couple Released on
Bail to Answer to
Charges of Murder
FORT WORTH. Te., Teb. S.-Mr.
Kalhrln Vane Harrison, lt-yaarotd
bride of Clisrle Harrison, nephew of
t'nlted Btatea Senator Charles Culberson
of Texas, wss released today with her
husband after they had (lvn S2.G00 ball
each to answer charge of murder filed
against them last night. The police aald
Mra. Msrrlson had confessed that sh shot
and killed W. It. Warren, a hotel pro
prietor, and claimed that he had wronged
her before her marriage.
Warren's body was found riddled with
bullets at the side of a country road near,
here December 22. lKle. There, were few
clew to th Identity of his slayer. Yes
terday an arrest was made In tha case
and much excitement ensued, which was
succeeded by the police announcement
that Mrs, Harrison, to clear the suspected
man, had admitted In a signed statement
that she wss responsible for Warren'
Mra. Harrison Invited Warren Into hr
automobile. Introduced him to her hue
band and drov Into th country, the po
lio statement said. At an Isolated spot
she asked Warren to get out and see If
a tire was flat. When be wslked around
the car she shot him, according to th
alleged confession.
Vengeful Pair Beat
Up the Wrong Man
Muttering the words. "That's not tha
man." after they had administered a
vigorous beating, two atalwart men, as
sailants, ran from th weak and helpless
form of It, A. Realty, ranchman, who
works on th J. K. Aull ranch In farpy
county, Paturday evening at I o'clock.
Th assault on th Innocent man, which
was evidently a mistake In Identification
on the part of the assailants, took place
st Twenty-fourth and W streets. South
heslty was walking along Twenty
fourth street when he was suddenly set
upon hy two stalwart men. Before he
could resist ha was knocked to th ground
nd a aevcr beating administered. . In
the scrlmmsg h austatned a broken no
a well aa painful bruise about th face.
ltr he reported th matter to the
Police. Only a meager description of th
two men waa furnished, but every effort
will be made to apprehend them. On
men waa tall and th other short. Roth
wore dark capa and clothe, but no over
costs. cur voice (yottrself screaming, not the
ISMirs, silly) you couldn't get even one of
these dresses for ktaa thau fc."
A man finally bid th three Urease la
at $1 Ii, whereat tb auctioneer neatly
I A piece of green "crepe de rhn" silk.
whh h th auctioneer a 4 would cwst iM
'a yard, waa started at It for the whole
'seven yea ids. And in spite of his
j protest that "If you gel It for ti you'll
!t tialing II." the pliH-e went at P.J5.
! If the am tloneer Isn't ovenoiue by
grief or drowned In hi own teara. tne
isle wTI I compleied by Ti.e.1ay even
. '"
ui. o. a. xaiuoi oi couon AC-
ligioui Advancement Mttter j
of Penetration. !
"If I read history aright, all the :
really great men or the world have i
been slmpllf lrs," said Dr. Samuel A.
Elliot of Hoston In hi morning aer- i
mon to the Unitarian at Turpln'a '
hall. "They have caller! the people
bark from Intricacies to simple pt ln-
clples. j
"Many people," he continued, I
"mistake real religious advancement. !
Religious advancement I not a mat- j
ter of accumulation, but a matter of j
penetration. It docs not deped ;
upon how many things we believe, :
but rather on bow much of what we
believe we put into practice In our j
daily Uvea."
Dr. Eliot Is president of the National
American t'hltarlan association, and
former minister of the Fltst t'n'tarlsn
churches respectively of Seattle, Denver
and Brooklyn. He epnke en the eitb'e.t
of "The Ijiw of Liberty."
"I sometime think." esld the speiker
In touching on the variety and diversity
of life, "thst the decsy In the belief l
Immortality Is due to the Intolerably dull
picture of the future life that sluplt
preachers and theologians draw. U
would be Intolerable If all people wen
alike. We do not wish even our ch!ldr?i '
to be all alike. Here In this life th
virtuous mingle with the sinners nnd the
wise with the foolish In an inf nlte
All o4 Met In Past.
I'nlty, continuity, and s.mpllrlty. Dr.
Elliot contended for in the chu-ch
"There are many people." he said, "who
believe that all good was In the past,
nd that In the past were all complete
revelations made.
"Again there are group, of people who
believe Just th opposite, that the past
holds nothing but falsehood and corrup
tion, something to be overthrown; and
that the only good to be found Is that
to como with the auceedlng centuries.
"We belong to neither of these groups.
We ate neither In the Arctic frot nor In
the torrid aone. We recognlxe there la
good In the past and In the future for
us to employ and enjoy, and we loo
forward into the mysteries of ttnborn
time, and cherish large hop of great-r
revelations yet to come, and of tnrinlt
aurprlacs." .
lMaloja is Insured
. Against War Risks
LONDON. Feb. IS. The steamer Maloja
waa insured against war risk under the
government gcheme, but the Insurance
was baaed on the original coat of the
vessel, the value of which had Increased
becauae of the war, and, hence to the
Peninsular and Oriental lln the los will
be large. Th vessel waa fully laden with
a general cargo virtually all of which wss
Insured with the government.
It ha been learned that the Maloja was
not carrying the eastern malla, they be
ing? sent overland to Marseille.
South Africans Rout
Column 61 the Turks
I5ND0N, Feb. M. A Turkish column
wsa attacked and routed by South African
troop yesterday at Agagla. Egypt, ac
cording to a British official statement
Issued tonight which add that the flee
ing Turk are being pursued.
Captain Preserves Ship
Through Anchor Carried
for Emergency.
Omaha Man Safe in Port
A captain . would never let his ship
leave port without an anchor.' He real
ises that without something to hold hla
ship In control In cases of emergency
the craft would be left to th mercy of
th angry sea. .
In the same way an Individual should
guard himself against th ravages of
dlseaaea that have become so common In
thla country. Without something to aid
Nature In combating the Ills stomach,
liver, kidney and catarrhal disorders
the Individual la lost.
Arthur A. Anderson of 311 Nona Seven
teenth street, Omaha, I on of th thou
sands who have sailed happily Into port
on tha good ship Tantac.
Mr. Anderson worked twalv hours a
day In a sugar mill and wa badly In
need of something to build him up. It
haa gained over twenty pounds since tak
ing Teniae. Ills story Is so Intensely in
teresting that It had best be told In his
own words:
"I had stomach trouble and Indiges
tion." said Mr. Anderson. "X waa com
pletely run down. The complaint atarted
with gas and bloating after eating. I
could not aleep well even after a hard
dsy'e work and would wake up In th
morning feeling more tired than whan I
wnt to bd. My liver was sluggish and
my bowels were very Irregular. I had
headache and wss generally upat.
"Aa a rule l do not have much faith
in proprietary medicine, but t decided
to try Tanlac because It wsa. recom
mended to me so highly.
Th greatest thing I can say far Tan
lac Is thst I have gained over to pound
since I began taking It. When I begaa
I weighed IV) pound, whlcn I much be
low my normal weight. I now weigh
over 170 pounds. I feel fine In every
way. I sleep good, eat good and am not
nervous. Tsnlac Is a wondenul remedy."
Run-down men and women who need
belter more strength and a
toning up of the nerveua system, may
learn of Tanlac. hrtw it should be taken
and th results that may be expected
from It us st tihermaa A McConneir
Prug Store. ISth and Dodg street. Thar
th Tanlac mil explains it to scares
dsHy. V,
Tanlae may be obtained la the follow
ing cities: Ashlsnd. Cone a Pharmacy;
Blu Springs. B. N. Wonder; Benson.
Schtller-Peattle Pharmacy; Central City,
eVhlllee lung Store; Grand Island. Clay,
ton'a Pbarmscy: Weeping Water. ler
Drug more. Advertisement.
Great Navy Means
Nation-Must Have
Big Merchant Fleet
P08TO.V. Muss. Feb. 3 An Increas
ing navy means thst America must soon
have one of the greatest merchant ma
rine In the world. In the opinion of
eecreisry of the Navy Danle'.s. ex
pressed In a letter to Ruperintednent
King of the Clisr'.entown Pallors' Haven.
wVrh wss made public tonlaht. The
letter contained Mr. Daniels' approval
of a plan to make Msy 7. sailors' day
In the churches.
"The sailor has a-wa been one of
the most tisef :1 men In sny country."
Mr. Daniels wrote. "While It Is true
that the t'nlled States has allowed the'r
merchant marine to decline, we have,
nevertheless, come to a day In our as
tlmal history, whn the wh-le Ameri
can people hsve awakened to fie con
clusion that we must rebuild that ma
rine. Already th great ship yards of
the country sre crowded wl'h new ships
snd sre hastening the time of their
isttnrhlng. A great navy end a grest
rrerrhant marine must slwnys go hand-In-hand.
The very f"t that we. hsve
built a great navy and are Increasing
It today, aa never before. Js en earnest
svldepce of tVe fct thst we must soon
also hsve on of the greatest merchsnt
msrlnes In the world. The sailor, there
fore. Is the coming man. If he Is riot
already the man of the hour and we
live In a dsr when the church cannot
afford to neglect the spiritual welfare
of this man, I heartily endorse the
establishment of sailors' day. when
praver shall be offered for the gifts
made in the Interest of those courageous
men, who go dows to the sea In ships." "
To Remove Roughness,
Chaps, Freckles, Lines
If your akin I chaped. rough or harsh,
dab a liberal amount of mercollsed wsx
on the fare and allow It to remain over
night. When you wash off the wax In
th morning, fine, flaky, almost Invisible
particles of cuticle come with It. Repeat
ing this dally, the entire outer film skin
Is soon absorbed, but so grad ially, there's
not the slightest hurt or Inconvenience.
Kven the ugliest complexion yields to thla
treatment. The underlying akin which
forms the new complexion I so fresh
snd youthful looking you'll marvel at
tho transformation. It'a the only rellsble
war to actually discard an aged, faded,
freckled, blotchy or weather-beaten com
plexion. One ounce ot mercollsed wax,
procurable at any drug atore, Is aufflclent
in most cases.
If wind and cold make you squint and
frown, you're bound to cultivate wrinkles
and crow's feet. To overcome theme,
hatha the face la a solution mafia by dis
solving an ounce of powdered aaxollte in
a half pint witch haxel. Advertisement
) ta n
1 IVii
w ii m
Every room in the Fort
Dearborn Hotel, Chicago, is
now 1.50 per day.
;.. . . . ; .: i
advertising is the
jrrr To tuany merchant advertising la
fi II tha aarfie ai flipping a coin "heads
he win, tail he losses." 8oasniodic
' ally he throw his hat into the ad
vertising arena and dropa a few dollar In
the well of poor copy and back out again.
He will buy a few Inches of space from the
local paper,, scribble a few lines for the ad
vertisement at dinner between the aoup and
nuta. and when tbia poor brainstorm cf a
puny advertisement pull no returns he
crawls Into hla ahell with the answer that
advertising- does not pay.
This same merchant will be persuaded to
donate for bis nam and addrcra on a laundry
card or on the guest rules tn place In tU
locaJ hotel, lie would call It insanity If you
told hint to step up to people on the street
11 Hi 6 TP DODGE
Extra Special Flour Sale Tuesday
Now Is the
Taslsy w will sell onr Beat High
in Bvt selectee; iso. i wnsat. Horning riaer for Bread,
Fie or Cakes, sal avcry sack gusraatesd. Per sal,
ale pries
IS lbs. best Pure Granulated Sueur
for tl-03
10 bars Heat-'iCm-AH. Diamond ' or
l-s'iinJry Wuecn White laundry
Soap 85o
10 bars Crystal White Snp Ma
J bare liasktns' li.ectric Spark
Konp gbo
10 lha. best White or Yellow Corn
meal 850
lln. beet Hotted White Breakfast
(mtinal SSi
5 lb, choice Japan Rice Bio
4 pkgs. Ixiniestlc Maiarniil . ...2jo
can Oil or Mustard Sardine. 19c
K. C. Corn Klakes, psg 50
Yeast Kuam, pks 3o
4 Urge cans Condensed M!lk....B30
t fcinatl cans Condensed MiIk....85o
4 rm fancy Wsx. Htrlng. Green or
Lima l:-ans 880
4 rum Ooiden Pumpkin, ll'otnlny or
Kaaer Kraut 30o
32-ox. Jars Pure Krult Preserve 88o
S-ox. jars Pure Strained Honey B3o
Comb Honev. per rack 1M
The heat friode or Oyster Cra kei a.
per lb To
The Rest Tea riflings. In 18i
F srey 'ilol-Vn Snntos cf f, e, lh. 800
rsUBSH BGKMB, dosa
The best Creamery Butter,
or hulk, lb
Don't pay Inflated orlc wba
yoa eaa gat th bt at this price.
- :lee"
' -
: - '-si
L al h . r Ja r m. B ' J
A MiS. i
Apartments, Flats, Houses and Cottages can be rented
ft TIT cItItT ASlI eksnnlt vr ts ItVM t)... If - .
TU7 A tl TL3T A
.nlouei Mastory
ii 500 rooms, all with
- ...
La Salle Street at Van Buren
Direction of Hotel Sherman Company
Many Merchants
and yell, "I am John Jones, the World's Great
est Clothier," yet that is the thing he does
through the medium of print with a 60-poim
name and address In a three inch space.
The point we desire to make is this; the
merchant who operates his store on the basis
of efficiency, courtesy and service takes the
time to make his advertising effective. If he
isn't a skilled advertising; writer he gets tne
best man be can hire for this work. If hia
business Isn't large enough to have a man for
that purpose alone papers like The Omaha Dee
have a department for the preparation of
good selling ropy. Any advertiser is entitled
lo the service of this department without
Continuous and persistent advertising with,
good copy will get reaults. Successful mer
chants in Omaha run ropy persistently In
Continuous Advertising
Time to Buy
Orad Diamond H Floor, mad from
Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery RiC-
ter. lb aoo
Knncy No. t Dairy Table Butter, 87
1 Ihs. Mood Rutterln3 BSo
The heat, equul to creamery butter,
per ID B Jo
KiaHLAisn wattji, oaajraa
The oiariKc of quality. Callfor.
nla'a pride. Kissed by the sun. moon
nnd stars for liaydon Bros. Direct
from the grower to th consumer.
Tuesday, regular 40c slr.e, dog., BOO
Tuesday, regular i'c slxe, dog., BSo
Tuesday, regular 30c sise, dos., BOO
coirs mtxn a atiko or so to
100 KB CENT,
A W AdTrtle, So W tll.
15 lbs. best Red River Potatoes 30O
Ierae bunches 1-Yoali Beets, Car
rots or Turnips 40
3 large hunches Fresh Hhallots or
RadVnhes for 100
Home Mrown Turnips, lb le
Fancy Cat. Cauliflower, lb TH
Cape Cod Cranberries, qt IOC
Fancy Head I-ttucr. head. Be, 7Hc
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lh ISO
3 large Houp Hunches 100
Fancy targe Cucumbers, each.,.15o
Fancy Wisconsin Cabbage, ln....le
Fancy Ripe Strawberries. box..49C
- :rP'1
r- -
4 t
mm wj
private -bath or
Will Pay"