THK HKK: OMAHA, MONDAY, KKWtlTAKY 2S. 11H. i FOR RENT-ROOMS llikrrlK Rooms. I O hcHOlifui rooms, i om:leteiy fur- nlahrd for lisht housekeeping. Kvry-IMn-r furnlshi-d Tmdern Henecom Frk rilatil-jL fcx'."0 pT month. Phone Har ney 4''T ilToDKHN private home, J-rooros, onin-rl-tely furnished: f round floor; refer rnu H- W. W'M Chicago. DKWlvY AVE.. 2til0 Two rooms, nicely furnished. Red a. TTaVKNI'OKT. Silo-Ught housekeeping spartment, furnished. mTn, "S!-iVfTl Ave.. SMModern. Ilht hoiiM- limping rooms. Tyler " W. I'OU It room and bath on id floor, 2115 Kmmft . Bor4 aaa Kooai. BF.AUTI FVL large double-trvnt room au'table for 8, nicely frpulahed. private home; exrellent board. Kountiu addition: cIom to ?4th Ft. car. Web. HAHNK.Y ST.. 8S33 Board and room for two gentlemen, well-heated room, elec tric light: reasonable. Harney fff'Vf, FRAN KLIN, 243 Oood board is. AIo unfurnished rinm. nd room. XA1 ST. MARY'S AVE.; walking; dis tance; 14 M and 15 per week. Rt'o.Msi with board In it-fined1 prlvata home. Walnut 1043. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartment and Houses. A pa rime ate. MONTH KK.NT. CIiSK-IN APARTMENT. -r. and bath, apartment, brick; mod. except heat: good nr,ihborhood . 112.50. I. E. Bl'CK, ia Omnha Nat. P. 11 o TWO live-room, atrlctly modern cot tairea, 21-i. Leavenworth. Harney ISM. VHKN tha renting problem la under con alderatlon either from the atandpolnt of tha tenant or landlord tha Raul Em tat and Want Ad Guide to all ot Greater Omaha Tha Bee la the beat medium (or aura and a tie factory ra ulta. I FOR RENT HOUSES Weat. MUI TODAY In tha well built home on the comer of 4S1 and Mayberry. In Ieavenwnrth Helglita; look It over, examlnv construc tion, materials, workmanship. tlniah and arrangements. You will then know what 1 moan by Well Built. You will find a beautiful aix-room bungalow, complete In every detail, from th- base ment to the trierplng porch; you will not be disappointed; also have two five room bungalows with the aame hlh claas construction In same addition, that are rapidly nearlng completion. lxok them over now while under construc tion; you can aeo mote of the work manship now than when finished. The house will be warm and comfortable. Take West Leavenworth car. get oft at 4Xd and come south to corner 43d and Mayberry. Phone Benson 1?2. F. 8. TRL'LINGR. Builder of WTXXi B1ILT HOMF.S. A-ROOM house, 3f.' N. 28th Ave., tltt. Phone Webster 8n0. f-R. house, sleeplnn porch: Field Club Plat. 90s S. Ave. Harney IjUNLKE Modern house, 2.bU; 4 rooms first floor. IKJ. Wal W2. HOL'SE, five-room, modern, for rent. Call 1211 S. 12th St. North. 25TH and Pratt Sis. S-r bung-alow. mod 127 60 Spragua and Blvd., (V-r beauty bun galow 135.00 4114 N. J8Ui Ave., 7-r., mod. but heat 11800 OK N. mth. brick apt, mod 112.60 r N. 2h. S-r. apu, brick 110.00 3tU3 N. 24th, -r. house, mod .u0 D. K. Bl'CK, 812 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Sunday. Colfax 2S34. Monday, Doug. 62. Five-room cottage, modern, In good con dition, attic, full cement cellar, 23. loth and Corby. Phona Webster 11L -"OR RENT A five-room cottage, mod ern except heat. 1426 Evans St. Phone W ehster 10W. $22. CLMI.NG bT.. 8106 S rooms, private, bath, gas, electrlo light. 811 Ramge Hlflg. "ft ffH-lf niCMVm&:il ! 13 N. 2STH ST. 7-room house for rent. Call Webster KW. Heath. . FOR. SALE Nice 6-room modern bunga low In Hanscom park district; finished In oak, partly stucco. Call Owner, llar ney 13. bTRlC'TLY mod. five-room cottage; walking distance; good condition; 4. Wa). 715. I)EeIRABLE k-roem cottage, modern ea eept furnace. 621 S. Uth Ave. Hixeo baugh. D. 423. i-RoOll house, modorn except furnace. R23 H. 14th Ave. Harrey 4m ' 4-ROOM house, partly modern. 242U 8. 17th. Ponglas 4i0S. a-R. mod. home, fine location. 1S62 8. loth. 1 h.'in 21PT. 1Q2.V-6 rooms: modern; 123. -room cotlaHe, own yard. S36 8. 21st t?t., Red 4I2H. lii.t RENT -rooin modern house, lot So. 2t. Uiacellaaeeaa. WHEN YOU PLAN TO SELL THAT REAL ESTATE WHAT? List your property In THE !1EK'!4 Bis House. Home and Real Katate Guide. Buyers of real es tate are exacting usually. Value must be there, and apparent "rice ' should be an inducement, but make the Information definite and you will get responses from " persons really interested In votir offer, if you run It In THK REE. FOR QARDEN1NO AND POULTRY. C-r., downtown, colored; $12. Also a HT".Jt lLik bnlo and ACRE ) ROUND. and 17. Also 6-r.. Call fornla bungalow and acre, $14. Tel 1 1 nojj Evenings. Wsl r7. HOUSES FOR' RENT: CRF.IGH. HONS 4; CO. RFF. Br.Dtl. POT'O jno ll-i 8. Vm. modern. H rooms, t.o. :"'; Douglas, modern 8 rooms, tt). i'' 8. 41t modern, 7 rooms, til I'lHN N. FKMNZKR. UOI OU g Sl. I ,u ni 4-r. house and 4 lots, 3415 Maple HI. U'S.oa-7-r., strictly mod., 34i) Franklin. ( 7-r.. strictly mod.,- 1718 8. Wth Ht. till-7-r.. strictly mod., square house. nib Pacific St. These are all good houses. Look them over. SCOTT & HILL CO., Douglas ions. FOR RENT-APTS AND FLATS W-iM. r. J-AKK A V fci.. new modern steam heated flat. large bright rooms; turn mt'r 842.60. winter Hingwalt. Bran 1is Theater VERY choice 4 or G-room steam healed sartment. on Weat Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBB1NB. 1 FARNAM ST. i ol It rooms, south front: good condi tion: walking distance. The Hamilton, l'OUjT. KA. MODKIt.N 5-toom apartment. imlJdlng sleeping porch. Will located. Harney Xortk. " FOR RKNT-NKW FL.AT. 4 rooms and hath; hard real stove fur niihed. 17 per month. 81 N, lth St, J. B. ROBINSON, 442 Bee Bldg Doug. an7. Ill Four rooms, partly modern, brick flat, nice floors. 20i Willis Ave. Web. i AND 4 KOOMri, all modern, heated. tJO and liei Maple Kt. Red 11 8 AND 4 rooms, &i3-6 N. 2ih. Tl. D. 1H.S3 team heated apartment very deairabla; the Chula VUla, kith and Poppieton Ave.. $42.60. 1 Braa deis Theater Bldg. Doua. 1671. TTlE DUN.aSJI, 10th k Pierce" steam heated t-r. spt. Winter 8'A Doug aj. ' II 1-i'ilUawu, " "MONTH FREE RENT1 7 VUJ6&-IH APARTWKNT -r. and beth. apartment. brl.:a; mod- e: tJ t tn eacept heat; good neighborhood; 8it (A D. E Bl'CK, H Otraha Nat. it fiALF-PKICElf uu wic ae "Kor e.l. you'll often m arlicla-whlch ar for ail practical purposes almost aa good .vs new advertised for half toe origin price la THE HEX. MOVING AND STORAGE niilRK VAN & STOUAUK Rlr mum Mrti. shirs: 8-horse van and I men. II. per hour, storage, fl per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. xuglas 4?:W and Tyler to GORDON VAN CO. racking, storage and mov ing, m N. 11th ft. Phone Douglaa DM or Harney 1K7. OalAliA Truck. V tu and ttorae t o.. moving, packing, storage and shipping. I'hone t'ougias i. FIDELITY I.K.NTAL r Lr.ri ' SKRV1CE Phone Douglaa 8 for complete list of I ' vacant houses and apartrnenta; alio for' storHge. moving. 1th and .lacVeon Sis, FTrEproopw AR-HO L" St. Cenur-te. locked r.Krna, for household t-ooaa and pianos; moving, packing and "oMMU VAN AND STORAGE CO.. j en 3. :th St I'nuglas 4T3 1 j. c. 1vl:ed gj mess C'o, Movmn, I packing and stores, 1207 Farnani Pt. Douglas IIC. FOR RENT BUSINESS PR'P"TY St V BUY desirable stores In Grain Kxohange bullulng, fire proof. In line with growth ot business center. Make a selection to day. F. V. WKAO, 110 b. Uth 6t . Wead Hid. BMALI. store room; very deelrable; rent l; 1530 Caes St. CONRAD TOU.NU, !l?l Brand-la Theater. Douglas U71. BTUKE ROOMS at ima-lsll Farnam St. Thos. V. Hxll. 4? Ratnae Rldg D. 740. Ufflcea and Desk Room. doctor and dVntUit combined or studio for photography and developing. X't lavenworth. A. L. Huff. Harney 771 WANTED TO RENT Karalahed llouaea, F'fataT 13 YOI R 1'ltOPKKTY VACANT? If so let ua rent It for you to one of the many prospects we have waiting for 4, 6. and 7 -room modern houaes, cot tages and flats In good locations. The demand Is so great for pro port lea of this kind we cannot meet It. Call our Rental department and give us an op portunity to place one of the many prospects in your property. Phone Uoug lns 11. HASTINGS HEYPKN. 1S14 Harney St, ADVERTISh. your propertv aa tlioUKtl ynt believed Its sale or rental to be Important, by keeping It listed In tha Pig House. Home and Real Ktat Guide-TH- PKK I nfurnlahed llonara and Flats. STRICTLY modern btihgalow, five or six rooms, living room across the front, oak finish. Field club district or Pun dee. This Is no agent's ad. Responsi ble party. Call Harney 6327. FOR RENT-SUBURBAN CHOICE modern suburban reldenee, a acres of land on paved road near Flor ence. R. H. Lauderyou. 20J Neville Blk. Phone Douglaa t?65. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Wr.t, W. I. SKLMY & WINS, INSCRANCB. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Weat. DOES THIS STRIKE YOU ? 1 acre, worth t2.nO), and one 6-room. new house, worth Sli.OOO, all for l4.tJ0; cash, balance 3S month. Fruit View. Near car line and school. WILLIAM )LFAX. Keellne Bldg. Pouglss 1510. ti0U CASH Will buy a brand new all modern bun galow, just finished, at 35th and How ard 6- H. A. WOLF, 514 Ware P-lk. Doug. HOB. SMALL HOME FOR SMALL PUR! HI. Large lot with 6 room-house, city water, gas. big treea; only S blocks from end of Farnam and Cuming car. "KWALLACR. 614 Keellne. i.s. very easy terms. North. Etraordiiiary House Bargain NEAR HIGH SCHOOL AND CREUQH TON COLLEGE. Five rooms, thoroughly modern, and as good as new; all specials paid; worth I3.0U0; will sell for 12.200. This la the nest bargain in umaha toaay. About $760 cash required. Out-of-town owner aaka us to sell quickly. Remember this is within walking distance of the retail district. . Shuler & Cary, 804 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. 48. LOOK at 4237 Wirt St. today, new bunga low, 6 room a and bath, all modorn, oak, birch and maple finish, and make mo your best offer. Terms or rash. Its going to be sold. Tebbens, WT Omaha National Bank. Phone lougla itim. A Fine Homo For Very little Cash Two-story cottage; oak floors: atrlctly modern; large lot. Small monthly pay ments. S3.ll Ames Ave. Norris & Norris, 400 Bee Bldg, Phone Doug. 470. -ACHJKlC'lfi 8AK. This (-room strictly modern orHtage at 3XJ8 Florence Blvd. Owner wants tZ.W. Building and Lioan Aasoolatlon has loaned II.4U) on this property. Will be sold this week for the highest offer. Shown only by appointment, I'AYNB INVKPTMENT COMPANT. fV Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. ,;tifi'L. two-stort btucco, t large rooms, sleeping porch and tiled bath, 270 Fowler Ave., south front, large porch; splendid shade: paving all raid; tfrio rash and (40 monthly. Phone oug. 'W or I'olfax Jill. B. J. PCANNEL.L Fori SALE Strictly modern. 11-rooia houae; hot water heat; south front lot. Price. 87,'mo. Phone Douglaa 1818. Fl VK-KOOM modern house; two blocks from school: on paved street; $L2i cash, J per month. Colfag W. VOI R DAY TO PROFIT IS HERE. Offering two five-room houses with M acre of ground four' blocks from Flor ence car. at a bargain. Will sell small payment down, balance on terms to suit. Just starting, new 6-room house, strictly modern, two blocks Miller Park school. Will sell on terms. TH OH. U M'OARRV. Keellne Bldg. Red 84. South. $300 CASH Uvlng room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, hd room on first floor; bed room, bath and sun parlor on 2d floor; oak flnleh, full cement basement, all modern, Just completed, nlrely sodded eat front lot. located In f'reighton's let addition, near Martha. Price. 8."... C. G. CARLBERG, a 2 Brsnde'a Theater Bldg. FOR HA LiS. Beautiful, new 6-room, modern bunga low, lens than 4 months old: oak ftnlah. French door between dining room and aun room, tile bath, two clothes closets, linen cloaet. clothes chute: beautiful lighting fixtures, floored attic, pantry, refrigerator entry, cement basement; fine furnace; In fact, most conveniently arranged; built for a home by owner: muni sell: leaving city. Phone Pouth 2f'40 43IS Uth. So. Omaha. FOR HALE Two fine lots and cottages. West Lieavenworth district; good for Kurrten end rhirkena Phone Wal. E :"! VOR SALE S -room bungalow, strictly modern, $3.00. 8ofl0 down and easy terms. l&n Olln Ave. Call Tyler 184. MlMcIuaesss. 8-BOOM BARGAIN NEW, -ROOM, U 6TORV HOI'BK, NEAR CAR. A SNAP AT 3.4: REASONABLE PAYMENT BENSON 4V CARM1CHAKL. pntvit.AB 17?? Ut PAXTOV BLK. 10 AOKES In fruit; very line i-rooiu, all modern houae; new barn, hrlck chit-ken houae: a peach; will trade equity for city Income; big bargain. r.wxriNs -jr.. ?-oi)glaa IV. City Nat Bank Bldg t"lR"nJ toin-d Ine. kfyri e Deual, 6iTi N. ZJi. Pbu' Coltax 1'4 after U m. REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED Mart.. ITW.t U'et ltual; iota in I pliunF f r rare overlooking Minne addition and Miller park Lota 6x140. Must be seen to be appreciated, fall Colfax M or Douglas I.H4 Ml I d. Kit Park district, eeat front lot. 011 j tltk Ct ...... , . ,.v . I. ' than any lot fro-n Fort 8t. to Pai a. ..71 1 N. Nth St. float-. WILL BUILD TO M IT. Have IS first choice lota In Lesven worth llelghla Add ; eaav terina. Doug. rl. Carl K. Rolen. 14 Buxton Pl1 .-n.x. ..: r : rrr irrr- ictitin K lA'T at a airiii-e. in i A - kl..AL ..,k ti.nMA.Ih ' 'tui ft. Special In. I'hona Honk Ml South Twenty-aeeond St. Mtaeettaneaaa. VACANT LOTS If rou contemplate building a horn Una aprtng. do not f -vjl to me ua. Wa have a Hat of choice vacant lota In both north and weat part of the rlty. A. P. TUKTCY SON. Tel Hong tmt Mi7- W. t. W. Rldg. IUC11AKD KV F.RETT. ARCI1ITKT. 10 No. loth St. Phone Douglas low. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES WB have Hated from owners high-class Kansas City Income propertlea to ex Change for farms; If you want to con vert your farm Into cnolca monthly In come property, send ua complete de scription of same Shaw Realty Com pany, Reserve Itldg., Kansas City, Mo. HOL'SrJS FR EXC'HANGK. 6-room and bath. mod. home, beat lo cation, paved at., 1-story, attic and baae ment; garage. Price 4.a for modern bungalow. O H14. Ilee. City. FHAND new stora building, well located on N. 14th St. Well rented. Will ex thnnn for nloae In apartment Site. 1 ? HO. Lo k Vox o&. Woodbine, la. TRF.B quarters, No. t one improved, bal ance hayland, south of Lynch. Neb. Mlrht consider trade. General Mercan tlle Co.. Omaha. Neb. fTtWiO AITTO. "electrically eoulped, heet repair, good tires, want clear lot, dia monds or small house and lot worth 1 1?;jAiW res P 1 5, Bee. Oivfn 4-r. house, paved street. Pi Ice, 12.000. Mortgage, tl.ioo. Want light car for equity. Address M IIS, Bee. KINK, lui acres, -ood soil, level. II mllea north Holyoke. Colo.; exchange for Omaha cottage, A. L. Rain, Counoll Bluffs, la. il.lnl EyUITY In l-room mod. iottage. Kits in. alh Ave. jiaiance outauuiaing. I1.3O0. Will sacrifice. Webster ssna. fF YOU want to trade your farm, ranch J. A. ABBOTT. Patterson Blk Omaha. 14.000 stock sen 1 mdse.. will sell or ex change for residence or email property near umana. Aanress a tsi. no". ll.loO EOF ITT in 4-ioora mod. cottage, f719 N. Pth Ave. Balance outstanding. II.JiiO. Will sacrifice. Webnter WHS GOOD Income and farm to exchange for land In central Nebraska. Toland & Trumble. Bee Bldg EVERY day has lie sunshine for BFB v ant-Ad users. Diarr .oaay. au Tyler l"QQ. ' . CAN sell or exchange anything you have to orrer. c. J. t anan. Mct sgue V"INH relinquishment and Improvements for rash or good car. Y I7. Bee. GOOD residence to exchange for vacant property. Toland eV Trumbull. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Beasoa. tVK HA LK All, or part, or will trade, by owner, 10 lota In bearing fruit, mod ern bungalow with good cistern, well and windmill, extra good barn and chicken douses; 1 block to paved road. 2 blocks to school and street car. For cash, cash and trade or all trade If suited. Phone Benson 401 or 283. J. W. Parsons. NVANTKL) To leave early In spring, so , will sell my beautiful home In Benson for reasonable price If taken at onee; house Is modern; 7-room; 5 closets; bathroom; pantry with built-in china closets: large basement; hot and cold water: half acre of ground well set to fruit. Tel. Benson K20-W, or call t2M H. ITth "t. S-KOOM house, all modern except heat; oak finish; cheap If sold quick; His N. Slat Ave., Benson. Phone Benson 412 J. Daa4ee. DUN DEI! Have sightly lota, and up-to-date homos for sale In this beautiful addition: come and see me before de ciding elsewhere. C. A. ORIMMKL, 849 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Soat- Side. FOR HALK-Lot, 4Mxloo, on southwest corner 13th and M Ht.. Houth Omaha. Frank A. Plwgh. 1M3 Ohio Ht t ACRES and house. South Elde; floe place, well Improved, fruit, eta. HMfc W. T. aKAHA-t, Bee Bldg. REAL ESTATE-WANTED HA VI; buyers for VI oil. N. side cottage, bungalow, easy payments. Youngman, t Om. Nat. Bank Kids. Poug. 147a WANTKD-To buy on monthly Daymen ta, amaii store room, wun nvini above, lu Central school dlsuic living rooms :t rbone rtad i!4 REAL ESTATE-BUS- PROFTY LARGE CHOICE) CORNER LOT" one-quarter block, northwest corner 15th and Davenport. 132x138 feet, IS blocks from postoffioe. 8 blocks from new Ford building. For sale, or will lease for long term; act quick; large close-in corners are scarce. MRS. H. L. HAWVER, 8R24 Orand Are. Colfax 761. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS TOU CAN SELL, THAT LeED AUTOMOBILE If you let the public know about IL Write a full description of it, don't leave out anything, and run same in the Want-Ad columns of THE BEB for a few days. There la no better way of locating buyers than to ad vertise. Phone Tyler lOuO and Dut your ad In NOW. FINANCIAL Reel Batata, Uaai, Meraee. WE are ready at all Urn to make loans on flrst-ciaaa city property and eastern Nebraska (arms. Rate on request. UN1 1 EO STATES TRUST CO. Ill So. 17u fit. t TO for loans on best elaas city residences ui amounts Si.uuO up; also farm loans. Reasonable commissions mtraj i" ta r arnarn Ht I AHA homea. East Nebraska CKEIlFE REAL ESTATK CO., 118 Onw ha National Phone Douglas tTU, MONET TO LOAN, for ( yeari on improves propertiee. SHOPEN A CO., Doug. 4C MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City National Bsnk Bldg. GARVIN BROS. 84S Omaha Natl. Bk. Hlds 8100 TO 110.000 Wead Bldg , de promply. f . D. WaeX Uth Farnam 8ta. CITY properly. Lara loena a specialty. vv. tt. 1 nomas. Btaie iiank Bid. CItY and farm loana. L, per ceni. j. H uumont a t o.. 4ii atate Hanky ftcrn CITY LOANS, C. G. Cariberg. - t i neaier tiiag A n K : F. V HAHKIrfilM A Kli , t 1. 1 ... I' 1 m .Kb X.' m , b UM. I Flneaflai Wanted. I w"AN'T"Eill.'M) at ", pr t ent on 87a7 I Dtindf-e reshJrni'e. 111 give second mortgaire aa s'Tiirlt . iiilijimIii aiv e tXMH Addiru li --'i iti-a. REAL ESTATE r w. v v . v . -.- f V This is the type of charming Bungalows that are going up in MINNE LUSA. INDIVIDUALITY GOOD TASTE DISTINCTIVENESS la etpwexl In ever- one we build. We now haro two in particular that should Interest ypu. They are "wide" on the front, hare Mg living rooms, brick fireplaces, beautiful oak finish and floors. MODERN In every detail, these are MARTIN HOUSES, we're proud of them and we are behind them; you take no chances when you deal with us. The prices are IX) W- and the terms easy to good, responsible parties. Let us show you. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. Tyler 187. FINANCIAL risaselai W'a-tea. WANTED. CITY LOANS. Immediate closing. Lowest rates. Residence loans a specialty. Interest paid but twice each year. FIRST TRUST COMPANY, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDQ. Iterkf sail Bonds. TOU CAN GET 7 ON xOUR MONET In HOME BUlLDRKfl' PREFERRED SHARES.. also a part of remaining profits. American Security Co., Fiscal Arts., ft W. Cor. 17th and PonglHS Wts., Omaha. HAVli two 8l.tmt inoi igHgia drswlng per cent interest; nerureo on lennesaee landi due In t and 4 yeara; will trade for good automobile, or what have you? Address bib, umana nee. fi.600 FARM mortgage 7 nor cent. securea oy evr m -i i or iniio. i aim&ge Uoomla inv. tx., w. u. w. ring. FAAM loans, 6, eastern Neh or west ern la. Toland Trmnomi. w nee Hdg. Akatraeta et Title. OUAUANTi-U .Vr'ae cheapest. Room T. Patterson Bldg. D.g7 L' VIM? Title guarantee and Abstract iTjlU.e Co., a modern abstract effloa Kb p. ntn at. iei. ij. di. RKEU ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. tM Brandels Thca. FARM AND RANCH LANDS tUlforala Laaas. A UTTI.H farm, 2n0. Easy terms. Cm fornla Import carloads of chickens and egga Here's a chanoe for poultry men. My a-acre tracts are lust big enough for chickens and are cloee to town con. venUaoes and market centers. Write owner for full Information. P. B. Ooea Sheridan, Placer county, California. o ti aln,M Lasdt, Tf TOU own land In Canada that you wish to sell write Walch Land Co., Wlrv niyeg. Canada. Colored Leads. FOR HAL t'holoe, liiu a, improved, close In, tLXO. If you are looking for good home or Investment, write at once for particulars. Zlckrlck. Nunn. Colo. Idaho Is4i. WANT MONEY t Let me tell you how to get It. Idah land Is full of it, and the land Isn't very high-priced, either. Cllmatlo and living conditions are excellent electric ity used for rooking, lighting and heat ing on many farms educational advan tages unexcelled. There are many tracts of land Irri gated and non-Irrigated suitable for all kinds of farming, for sale cheap and on reasonable terms. Heed raising highly firofltabla. I will give complete Inforuia ion to you free for the asking. R. A. B.M1TH. Colonisation 4k Industrial Agent. Union Pacific bystenu Room Sum, Union I'aclilc Headquarters. Oman a. Netraaka o BIO LAND hALE. In Idaho. February mit, the Bute of Idaho will offer at auction at Boise and Caldwell, Idaho, H.uix) acres of Irrigate land In Ada and Canyon counties, under the Payalte-linlse project. Forty years to pay for the land, 10 years to pay for the water. Write me quickly for de tailed information and get in on this NOW, K. A. SMITH, Colonisation and Indus trial Agent, I'nlon Pacific System. Room A huw, Union Pacific; Headquar ters. Omaha. Nebraska. VtUaatart taaS. 13J A HEH U miles from Halem, I mils from Turtle: acres fenced and under cul tivation; U aurea orchard: 6-room house, barn, and outbuildings: nearly all tilla ble. Price ioj0. A snap; aU quirk. W. H. FRANK. l Neville Mock GKP-AT RARSXTCff-45don, 8K monthly". buys 4" acres, goon rruit aitu poultry land, near town, aouthcrn Missouri Price only 8&J. Address Bog sua, L relslor Birlns. Mo. Ml-aetata Laaaa, ISW-ACRn Impioved farm, 80 miles from Minneapolis. 100 acres ur.dsr cuitivailon, balance meadow anl pasture; good soli; 10-rooia bouse, barn aad all etbsr build ings that are eedad, ecliool bouse oa land; price, 8U per acre; one-half cash, or will sell farm wlln full equipment of horses, cattle, machinery, etc. Will make verj reasonable price on personal property. Immediate possession oaa be had. fechawb Bros.. KJ Plymouth Hulldlng. MlnneeHlia. Minn. V HA 1' le bed lu sell. An automobile, im turcvrlf. a summer cnttugs, a Mjrris hal-. And he s 'Id liens hruugh Till.' LKi: Vi,t td colJiok REAL ESTATE 'ai t j Ml I mZMK U.JTlTir 742 Omaha Nat'l Hank Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska. WE OFFER I. Improved farm, 1J4) acres, six mllee weat of Omaha. Price, I1S0.40 per acre. II. Improved faim. 180 acres, . seven mllea weat ot Omaha Price, 1150. per acre. III. Beautiful 40-acre tract, only one mile from Benson. Price, $300.00 per acre. McCague Investment Co., McCagus Bldg. 40 ACltlOl. well improved. New s-room house, new barn, S4t40. 18 ft studding, with basement; new hog house, 84a4i; nice big cistern, well, li0 fruit trees. I acres grapes between 2f4) and 800 ever-; greens: buildings are high and sightly:1 one of the prettleet places around. Only 8 mllea from Omaha and H from Irv Ington. For price and terms .address H. A. Wood, Florence, Neb., or phone Florence ItoH SEL TH-TrxkB Toii WaH Owner of MO acres In Cedar count-, M miles from Hlotig City; will make very liberal terms to firet-olesa farmer who Can make a reasonable cash payment; farm has about M0 acres lu crop, la well Unproved and close te town. Prloa UK ?n acre. What's the use of renting? 'AYNK INVESTMENT COM PANT. Omaha Nat I B nk Bldg- "ma ha. MARCH 1 poast'BHlon of good, well Im- ? roved 9nu-acre, Polk county. Nebraska, arm. Will sell at a bargain, give rea sonable terms and take good 11,000 home In Omaha aa part payment. C. H. Combs. elS Brandels Theater Bldg.. iwwigias reus 1,800-ACRlS north Neb., near good town' running water; 4o a. farm land, "0 a. hay land; fen ood, buildings. Price 118 50; easy terms; beat bargain In the coun try, CAMPBEIXi A CRAIO. Doug. 4K. Keollne Rldg. rOK bAIr.-bu acres Joining t ounty seat of Kearney Co., Neb., suit able for aub-dtvlalon or retired home. 81 per acre. Cash. Address Mra A. Sinllhh, liM Kellan Ave., Los Angeles, California. FOR BALE-X highly Improved ranch of I.OuO acres, within miles of Omaha. You can't beat this anywhere. Want an offer. Will accept good prop erty In exchange Wrtto "!. H. DoehL KPark avenue, Omaha Neb; FOR RALE An elegant "liO-eere bUhly Improved farm. Oortd orchard: alfalfa; In central Nebraska. Can't be beat. Exceptional bargain. Write C. II. Bnehl 86 Park Ave., Omaha. Neb. , WR have absolute eaetem Nebraska fat- bargain. Can ua B3,(n) exchange. Relyee A U If ford, tit lUmge Bldg., Oma ha. Neb. 4 liU-HELH WIIFJil LAND. IX PH aura: Cheyenne Co., best small stain Co. in state, fow anape for early buy. ere. Live agents wanted. Write Funo tngsland Inv. Co.. Sidney. Neb Wlwm LaaSi. OpPJtK W IoaJoN BIN iiest dairy aaa general crop state In the union; settlers wanted; lands for aale at low prtoee oa aasy terms. Ask for booklet 84 on Wis consin Central Land Uraut. Eaoelleel lands for stock raising. If Interested la fruit lands auk for booklet oa apple ere hero a. Adurssa 1Jid end Industrial Dept.. Boo Llue Rail way, Hlimsspolls. Minn. -iMtllasaeas, BT.fYF.R8 WITH THE MONKY TO INVrr. Farm land ada placed In these col umns reach the Kind of people all over the weat who have ample funds with which to Invest in lands. tonality and quantity are both found In THK BUK8 country circulation. Although the subs. il.ii.n rate Is hlgner, THE t)E has a greater coun try clrcuiaimn unlv and funday limn Its nearest Omaha competitor, nend III your at ann reacn some real niiyore Have you A I,' AMU L'nU M A ff I.' v c vw .-.. . w , r Write a good description of your land id send it to tha Mloux City (la.) Joer- Write an nal, "Iowa s Most Powsrfui Want Ad Med'uni." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening. Saturday morning and avery Hiuiusr ,i,ua v a j ene month, giving aixtoen ads on twelve different dVs for 82; or M aeros, K or U words, 86. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; 8UI.0U0 readers daily In four great sines. FOR any and all kinds of acreage located ea or near car una, can v. n. com ox 818 Brandels Theater Rldg. Doug. 8ll HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES For Sale. HARNESS, BADbCrM AND TRUNKbT vte make them ourselves and sell them direct to the consumer. Why pay two profits for Inferior goods when you gut tlln-srmo- at iirst Cost r ALFRED COKNI8H A CO, liirt Kirnnni ft . ti"i" KTAN of bay inarea, ,.. .. h jh ." gray mans. I.lw, Mi. :io N. .llh el. 1? 4 - HOR S ES-LI V ESTOC K-VEHICLES ')Ti t- ' h v - h. i .lea; a-ilel - h of eiv b'g m r :ioi: 1,0. it 1. 01 it a , sl., irn !"' toaa Mth cnlf hr t eir t e b v owner Par- In rear of J S 'I'll t FtR SaT.K - t'-xu 10 14 .ow. mlik ow toning fieph ftn. mo1 2-year-o'd ! f'loit hull Call vsjn't l. Ihiriv-two mliK .1.1 n tr a.h. ctvp j .?"hr.a"n- f -ar 'e , lsth Jtnd t 'lsrk. ITaV-I". fen A V. vjener. iiiT"N. i" 1 1 ( t -t mill" f u.n 4.. POULTRY AN0 PET STOCK .f.111. i-I.AM. t.,,.i, '.hi, tint" ia.ii.ig strain, 14 hundretl. iW en;s setting, tir- nt r now in iiin,i.nniini. ,ainili I XV E o?fer a few New Z.ll mil Hi d Hire , gier blark silver and sol d white giant ishhita. Roht I'.eiitel. Ivti ., 1oaj. TtltlTitPlia'i'fPPlK!. ttidr-tugiiltrer onlj I" thljt wrk Msx tleislor Bird Co., IK1T Fsrnam wt. ilf I-1' Leghorn c. (. at it "a, tl eTiMiTTHin SxiVirrain" 7oc""tsa 11.; ,'!-VaeniraoiVii fTIK'KKNH for rel. lleiiaon l'o. AUTOMOBILESFOR SALE COMK and look theee rare ever. All are In perfect con dition and wc ran save, yon considerable money on a ear. Read them ever: Chevrolet Roadster M Chalmers t imt Ford Touring 12 14 Ford Roadster tXS Eeiger 'V good as new, bargain. 1H14 Maxwell Touring, lflt Maxwell Truck. 1 Chevrolet Roadster. ...MM C, W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. CIS Farnam. Douglaa REAL USED CAR BARGAINS 1 Model Bulek Touring. 1 1(14 Htudebaker Tourtng ear. 1 Modal IS Bulrk Touring car. 1 Btoddard-Darton car. 1 UOO-lb. Bulck light truek. NEB. BUICK AUTO CO., 1(14 Farnam. Douglaa TJ1. S'-fcLIW 4o! A BIG BARGAIN. We have one Velle five passenger ear. Has been used two seasons, but hss Just been put In flrst-claes con dition and repainted. Will sell this car at a very low price. See Mr. Llndaey at JOHN DEliRK PLOW CO.. loth and Howard Hts. tl BRAND new-Jaonitor touring..,. tM 1918 Ford touring, good shape SCO 1814 rUudebaker-sls. touring 8(4 Ull CadUlae touring U4) 1S14 Ford del., closod; like new.... 8t0 1'jlJ Overland touring, self starter.. 871 Auto Clearing House. IV Farnam. D. 8110. 1(14 FORD touring car; demountable rims, two extra tires, seat oovera. self starter. etc Price, tut. Conrad Young. Ul Brandels Theater, lnug. irn CooTJ second-hand l,(Kln-nouii(i Bulqk truck, 98t. Nebraska Bulck Ante Co.. 1H14 Farnam. Douglas Wt, AUTOMOBILE Insurance fire, theft, lie blllty and damage, ART THATCH lit, 1817-18 City Nat'l. Douglaa 8ail. Aateasebllee Waatnj. NT ul Bulck. Overland or Dodae. 'or two clear lots In Omaha. nougisa r.xv. Want to Trade Painting and paperhang. Ing for light auto or truck. Web. tvtH. Aete mesalrtaa sal PaJatla. Automobile Delntlng done by eaper : M years' experience In Omaha: work guar anteed first claaa Johnson-Danfortn Co. DUPLlC Urea last longer, axe stronger and nwre durable; 3Vfc 86.80. Farnam Ht. Douglas 4kti. 1100 reward fcr magneto we oan't repair; Colls repaired. Baysdorfer, tit W. Uth. Free winter storage wnea cars are paint ed and repaired, Johaaon-Danforth Co. On he Radiator Rep- Co.. nTFar. D. tCA. A a to Livery im Osragea Industrial Oarage Co.. 80th A Harney Hts. Aate Tires aaa Sappllea. AUTO TIKES 1IALF PKICI. Homer Hill. 1811 Chicago Bt. O001 auto repair ahop for rent. Phone Tyler 207; evenings. Red 7W. Mleoallaaeeaa. AUTOMOBILE) INVRANC. Fire. Theft. Liability and Property Damage at Ixiweit Rates. KILLY. LLLIS A THOMPHON, 8U-14 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 8818. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES ),AnLul-uAVluoUN il (Rl HC Y C l.KK. Baxsaln In used machines. Victor Rooe, The siotorcycle Man." I7u Leaveaworia. LEGAL NOTICES "NOTICIC OF 8TO?Kkl6tiR MEtrriNii. Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the Stockholders of the HOl'TH PLATTB LAND COMPANY Will be held at the office of said Company. Room TOt First National Bank bulidUi g, Linooln, Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a. ra . va the first duy of March. A. D., lilt. Lincoln. Nebraska, February Ut., till C. H. liORKlIJA, Presldenu W. W. TURN -It. ttecreuu-y. . Feby ldC CREIGHTON. WILL HAVE A BIG NEW GLEE CLUB Encoursged by the success of the re. oent Olee club concert, and with the hops of even outdoing It In the future, the management of the Creighlon Olee club, under the direction of Prof. Bock. Is try ing out all the voices of the students of tha arts department From these the promising ones will re ceive special training to read musio snd Instruction In concert singing. By this method there will not only be a large Junior Olee club built up, but materiel will be taught the new Crelghton song. This song, the muelo of whloh was com posed by Prof. Bock and the words by Father Wise, 8. J., was Introduced st the Olee club concert, it made a tremendous bit and was considered by many to be the best college song of sny institution in the country. r ( PACKERS TO GIYE MEN HIGHER PAY ATECTS EIGHT THOUSAND MEN light Per Cent Increase Got Into Efffct at Omahi Hants on yicv.3j Morning. "Wsrp of cmplcies of th Ar n onr ami Cutltby packing plants st Ploux Cltjr snd Onif.hs will be In creased S per cult. boKlnntng; Mon day morning." said R. K. Torum, as Blstunt gpnoift! manager of the local Cudshy Parkins rontpany, last pven irK in anaa-sr to s riuri roncernint tti" reported intTeasc In wages among, workmen at tha local packing houses. "Offlrlal information was given to 1 local officials Friday evening, b"t i wag hold back until later for private. reasons." The talk of an increase in wages has caused a considerable flutter among local working men aver slnca ' the news ot the first concession of the packers In the Sioux City strike was made public. It was thought at first that the Increase would hold '.only at the Sioux City plants and probably there or not at all. The wage Increase, It understood, will apply to all workmen, skilled or un skilled. In the present Instance If a la borer was getting 1! tents per hour un der lha new revision of wages he lll get 20Vs cents per hou'. The same grsdu stlnn will apply to all other grades of wages. About . men are employed In the Omaha packing plants at present. Oeneral Manager M H. Murphy of the Cunshy plant, who has been In Flout City during the latter part of the week arranging a settlement of the strike. Is expected to-return to Omaha shortly. He will remain In Sioux City until affairs at the plant there are running smoothly again. General Manager R. C. Howe of the Armour plants remained In Omaha during the settlement of the strike. Yes terday morning he would say nothing of the Increase. HIOUX CITY, la, Feb. M.-Refusal of officials ot the Cudahy and Armour Pack ing companies to giant a flat Increase of 1 rent an hour te common laborers last night again Interfered with a settlement of the pending wage strike of packing houae employes. Officials of the packing houses declared their decision wss an ultimatum and tha. both plants would be closed. The hitch In settlement followed the announcement of Superintendent Dan Cameron of the Cudahy plant to the com mittee of strikers that Incompetent com mon laborers would be paid SO cents sn hour while competent common laborers would be paid fl cents. The strikers main tain that both companies had agreed at a former conference to grant a flat 31 cent rate. The present scale calls for a maximum of 1 cents aft hour for com mon laborers. Charley Lane Gets Another Souvenir Of Union Pacific At the time ot laying the last rail at Promontory Point. May JO, IMS, connect ing up the Union and i Central Psciflo roads, giving an all-rail line across the United States, there were three tlM gold pieces placed on the track In front of the Union Pacific engine that first passed over the line. These gold pieces were quickly picked up by the parties who had plaosd them en the treok and kept as mementoes of the occasion. One of the coins has come Into the possession of C. J. Lane, general freight agent of the road. Recently, when Mr. Lane wss In New York, he teamed of the exlstencs of one of tha 3.80 gold coins and haa succeeded In seourtng It. It was la the poanessic of Theodore 8. Harris, who had received It from his brother, Robert I Harris, nearly fifty years ago. Robert Harris was a civil engineer of Ban Fran cisco, and with many ether residents of the elty went out ever the Centre! Pa elflo to be present at the laying ef the last rati connecting the two Pacific roads. As the Union Paolflo engine proceeded weatwsrd. Mr. Harris placed the gold coin on the last rail laid In closing the gsp and watched the wheel pass over It. He quickly ploked up the bruised and battered coin, and upon his return to San Francisco mailed It to his brother, Theo dore, who at that time was a resident et Boston. Mr. Lane prises the gold coin very highly snd will probably place It In the collection of curios that Union Pacific of ficials hsve been many yeara In gather ing. These curios all have te do with the I'nlon Pacific, lis paet and present. Arthur Ainemann Dies at Millard Arthur Ainemann, a pioneer resident of Omaha and Douglaa county for the last forty-six yesrs, died yesterday afternoon at Millard, Neb., where he had lived for the last few yeans. He was born In Hsnover, Germany, In 1US, and rams to this country while a yeung man. His widow and two sons, August snd Alfred, survive. Funeral arrangements will be announced upon arrival of his son, August, who Is now en route from New Orlesns. Mr. Ainemann was engaged in the real estate business In Omaha and was once vice deputy consul for Oermany for this district. - . BOY SCOUTS ENTERTAINED BY UNITED COMMERCIAL MEN A banquet was held by the members ot the United Commercial Travelers st their hall In the Swedish Auditorium. Sixteenth and Chicago streets, in honor of the Boy Scouts of the neighborhood Saturday eve ning, at which time military honors snd degrees were placed upjn several of the band after they had taken a rigid e&am llnatlon In the eeveral requisites of the I order. I At the close of the program Miss Wll jdred Allen rendered a vocal solo snd Miss j Msbel Hlnile gave several selection on the violin. The assembly rerred to the ' dlnlnir hall. where liaht Mf,hmAnta were served. For Children's (.'elAa mna Freas. 'I have ueed Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy In treating my children for oolda and croup with the beet suoceas. Wa de not feel safe without It In the bouse. I cannot speak too highly ef It." writes Mra. Joshua Nutter, of Swlftwater. N. H, Obtainable everywhere. Adrertlsem eat.