TUB BEK: OltAIIA. MONDAY, FEimUAISV 28. lfllfi. BRIEF CITY NEWS "Townsaad'g for rportleg- aeons." 7anlters SnppU, Jas. Morion Son Co. Lighting- rtitnre RurgeM-Qranden. Bal timer BJIItm Edholm. Jeweler. Itoot rrlnt X Now Beacon Treat. Or. Itokaa removed to ITt Brand. Th. Aato Tire Chain, Jan. Morton Son Co. ra, tornado, automobile, burglary Insurance. J. 11. Dumont, Kecline Bldg. Property Oared ror To Rant: Prop erly. See J. H. Dumont Co., Keellne Bldg. Boy at ZaoaU Home An eight-pound on was born to Mr. and Mr. M. R. Kn- ell. 4111 Isard street. Friday. This makes three tout at the rrnoeU iome. "Today's Mori J'rocram' claaatfled section today. It appeara In The Bee KXamVEUY. Find out het the va rluua moving picture theaters offer. Keep Your Money and valuable In the American Safe Deposit Vaulta. SIS South 17th St.. Bee Bldg. Boxes rent 11.00 tor 3 months. Open from a. m. to p. m. Valuable Xing' Stolen Mrs. Anna Ko pald. 2528 Harney street, assert that a valuable diamond ring was stolen from her room at the above address during the last few days. Several Want DItoto IMrorc. asked In petitions filed are as follows: Hattle analnet John Wltohler. charges cruelty; Alice J. Johnson against W. D. Johnson, charges cruelty and nonsurport. Xnlght Templars pane Mount Cal vary commandery. Knights Templar, will give Its second party of the sea son st Turpln's accademy Wednesday. March 1. Soolal Settlement Meeting Tha annual meeting of the Omaha Social Settlement association will be held at the Commer rial club next Saturday. Luncheon at 12:15. Business and addresses at 1:15 p. m. Kabbi Conn Called Sast Rabbi Fred erick Cohn was called to Providence, n. I., by the serious Illness of his mother. Dr. Cohn received word of her Illness lato Friday and left on a mid nifht train for the eaat. . Wallace Talks AdTtrtistnc President R. H. Wallace of the Omaha Ad club Is to address the Ford efficiency class Wednesday at the company offices. Twentieth and Harney streets, on "Hu man Interest .In Advertising." , Dosler Attends Bano.net Assistant Want to Oo to Legislature F. 8. Tucker and James L. Johnson, both of Florence, and Arthur D. Berliner. 1549 Georgia, are tho latest names to be added to the list of candidates for of fice. These men want to be state repre sentatives. Knights of Columbus Banquet The fourth rtegree Knights of Columbus will rt,.A . honnuAt nn Wednesday evening. March 1. at the Hotel Fontenelle. Judge Martin J. Wade of Tow City, la., will ho the speaker of the evening. A splendid musical program will be a fea ture. Another Republican Club A group of republicans met Friday night at 1406 Far nam Btreet and organised the Abraham IJncoln Republican club by electing H. C. Tlrame president and C. Colleste'.le secretary, these to secure permanent quarters, where meetings will be helj very Thursday night Kennedy Waives Hearing- Robert Ken. nedy, arrested on a charge of having morphine In his possession, was taken in hand by Deputy United States Mar shal Qulnley and waived a hearing be fer United States Commissioner Whlt more. He is alleged to bar had four bottles, containing a total of B grains ut morplilne. He had a hypodermic needlo concealed on his person. Besom Church Servloes -Rev. Oust llarvalls, rector of St. John's Orthodox church at Sixteenth and Martha streets, has completely recovered from his Injury received two weeks ago when he was thrown over a declivity near Valley Junction. At the time of his mishap, two ribs were broken and ha suffered in ternal injuries. Services will be resumed today at the church. Mrs. Moot to Talk At a meeting of the Omaha Pet Stock' club at the court house next Thursday evening, Mrs. O. II. Moore, 3K3 Maple street, will exhibit two of her prise-winning Rngllah toy spaniels, and will tell of her experiences during twenty-two years as a dog fancier. The meeting Is announced by President O. P. Wlls: for S o'clock, and will be beld in the agricultural room. Steel Coming tot Bring- M. Loftus, local agent for the Missouri Pad do, re ceived word yesterday that two oars of steel fct the Locust street bridge had started for Omaha. The car left Mil waukee Saturday over the Northwestern. This is the steel for which the eon tractors have been waiting for months nd which has been delaying tha con struction of this needed brldg-e over the Missouri Pacific tracks. PHI RH0 SIGMA HAS BANQUET FOR NEW MEN Members of Eta chapter of Phi Rno Fifma fraternity at Crelghton University Medkal college gave a banquet last night at the Fontenelle hotel la honor of new members taken Into the fraternity the last year. About seventy-five attended. Alumni of Crelghton Medical college and of the University of Nebraska Medical school attended. Dr. Clifford O. Grulee of Chicago Unl erstty Medical school was the principal ep-'aker. Dr. K. C. Henry was toast master. Dr. Newell Jones, Frank H. Coulter responded. . OMITU m;oill r emit Annnr oitiiiii huulu rui ivuuni HOUSE EMPLOYES ON RECORD Court house employes In diverse of f'cea. wherein the "Bob" Smith ramifi cations extend, report that Smith has Ix-en putting certain men on the rack as sent for to Inquire into their loyalty li him. The "Pink Boss" Is credited with making such statements as: "t am putting all my friends on record." It happens that certain of the men iMlzxtd have never before been cognl xart of Smith's friendship, and th call to the private office la not considered altogether as an unmixed compliment. DEMOCRATS SEEK CANDIDATE TO RUN AGAINST M'SHANE City hall democrats state that efforts are being made to Indue Ueorg Rogers and Ddward McArd: of Benson to file for sheriff against Fell McShane. the present Incumbent, now out after a third term. For a HUtaa Attack When you have a sever headache, ac companied by a coated tongue, lothlng of food, constipation, torpid liver, vomit ing of partly digested food and t- en bile. oil may Know that you hav a severe bilious attack. WnU you mav ha nulta sick there la much consolation In know. ir.m that relief mar be had h xn.ee oi tuunuvriain s l aoiets. They are prompt and effectual. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement. LINCOLN HIGHWAY AT CEMENT SHOW Boate Aoroti the Country, Illumi nated with Electric Lights, One of Important Features. MANY EXHIBITORS COMING "Watoh the Illuminations." The foregoing will be the slogan when crowds visiting the Cement show come to the booth where the twenty-five-foot map of the iJncoln highway Is exhibited. "Watch the Illuminations.'' "What illuminations?" "Why. the Illuminations at intervals all along the Lincoln highway. They indicate the section of the road where concrete roadbeds already exist. The hope la that eventually the Unooln highway will be one thoroughfare of smooth concrete. The exhibit of the Uncoln highway with its present stretches of concrete shown wa snatched from the Chicago Cement how by Frank Whtpperman, secretary of the local show, when he was In Chl oago a week ago. He is particularly proud of thla map as a feature of the local how. There are place In Indiana where vast stretches of the highway are paved with concrete laid forty years ago and still In excellent condition. These places will be pointed out on the map, and probably re ferred to by J. B. Marceilua of Kansas City, .who Is to' speak on "Paving the Lincoln Highway.' The Midwest Cement show Is to open In the Auditorium Tuesday. The conven tion of the aaeociatton starts a day later. Over 100 cement and concrete companies, machinery companies and cement mills will exhibit their products at the show. Addresses on the cost of producing ce ment and concrete work, on permanent farm building construction in concrete, on tha fireproof feature of concrete construc tion and it consequent effect on insur ance rates, on concrete culverts and bridges, on roads and highways, and in fact every subject related to the us of cement and concrete are to be heard dur ing the convention. O. F. Lillle, Fremont, is president of the association and Frank Whlpperman, Omaha, secretary. Mr. Ullle was last week elected presi dent of the American Concrete Pipe asso ciation at the Cement show and conven tion in Chicago. Police Say Woman Carries Morphine In Cold Cream Box A man and woman giving their names as Claud Stoley and Bertha Btoley. said to be husband and wife, were arrested by Detectives Mlurphy and Rooney late last night on the charge of violating th Har rison drug law. The pair were arrested as they were about to cross th Douglas street bridge into Council Bluffs. The detectives say a quantity of morphine was found on the woman. Sh carried th stuff, according to th officers. In a cold cream box with cream over and under It. The 9toleya are said to be from Lin coln and are believed by th local police, th Utter assert, to be members of an alleged "dope" rang working out of Kan sas City. ' SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Nebraska Wesley UmlveraUy. Miss Emma Wllheimson, assistant pro fessor of education, was called to her home at 6t Paul, Neb., by the illness and death of her mother. Coach Kline end Assistant Coach Beck called th "W" men and prospective track men together Thursday afternoon to outline the work for th coming track season. Chancellor Fulmer spent Wednesday with his aged mother at Gibbon, Neb. This wag tha time for the funeral of hi brother, Prof. Alton Fulmer, who waa killed last Sunday In a railroad accident at Spokane, Wash. Tuesday waa the day of prayer for colleges and was observed at Wealeyan by a full program. Class and depart ment prayer meetings were held a t o'clock and at 10 o'clock. Dr. Bchreckon gast delivered an address in the chapul. At the close of this adresa more than forty students consecrated themselves to Christian service. .Doaa Cwllegr. - Clareno McNeill, '18, who ha for two years been superintendent of the Law rence schools, was recently elected to serve a third term at that place. Thomas D. Perry, graduate of Doane In '97, now residing at Grand Rapids, Mich., attended th semi-annual meeting of the board of trustees at th college last Monday. The Doane College Glee club and enter- T"iz"-A Joy. to Sore, Tired Feet Use "Tis" for aching, burning, puf fed-up feet and corns or callouses. "Sural I us HZ vvry tim for any foot troubl." Oood-bye. sore feet, burning feet, swol len feet, tender feet, tired est. Oood-bye, corns, callouses, bunions and raw spots. No more shoe tightness, n more limping with pain or drawing up your face in agony. "TIs" is magical, acts right off. "Tts" draws out all the poisonous exudations which puff up th feet. Use "TIs" and wear smaller shoes. Us "TIs" and forget your foot misery. Ah! how comfortable your feet feel. Gt a 26-oeat box of "TIs" now at any druggist or department store. Don't suf. fer. Have good feet, glad feet, feet that never swell, never hurt, never get tired. A year's foot comfort guaranteed or money refunded. Advertisement Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. talners will be th leading number on the program of the Southwest Teachers' as sociation which will be held at MiVook during the coming month. O. A. Koester eeturned yesterday from Omaha, where he represented rvane In the Inter-colleglate oratorical rentes' held at Crrlahton university. Mr. Koeter tied for third place with York and Corner. "The Value of a Christian EHucatloe" waa the suMect of the sermon given by President W. O. Allen In the e -lies" chapel Friday morning, the colics day of ptaer. Rev. Frank M. Sheldon of tic Hoaton Kuuretlonal society addressed the students in tho evening on fie topic of "L!fo Work." Joe Relka. freshman won first Place 'In the Doane college preliminary debate. Will Worts of Trenton, a senior, was fecond: H. I. Rlatter, sonlor of Albion, third: C. V. Hobaon. Kensington. Kan., fourth: Henry Daniel. Crete, fifth, anl Ray Nedrow. Fairmont, sixth. Teams J will be chosen thla week for tho comlmr Bellevue. The formal opening of the Toan gym nasium was celebrated on the evenlnr of February 22 by the college student and a number of the board of trustees. Following the basket ball turns between Mastiffs and Doane college, a program by the girls' gymnasium classes was fol lowed by the presentation of the key from the students to Mr. Waterman of th board of trustees. Fresnaat Collegr. Pmf. A. Softley will sneak at a rural teachers' convention today in Saunders county. Prof. O. H. Mohler -ve an Interesting? illustrated talw on "Demonatratlons in Electroplating. Students of the Union Literary rave a little nlay Sunday evenlnsr. entitled "Old iSpelllnir School," which was clever and enjoyable, j Letters from President Clemmona, who i is at Hot Springs, Ark., for ft period of two or three weeks, report most favor ;sMy on this condition. I Prof. N. W. Oalnaa will speak at Flm rcoK rTioay evening ana at nnnon Sunday In the Young Men's Christian as sociation lecture course. Edward Thompson of Omaha, a former student and graduate of the pharmacy cevartment. responded to the call of Prof. Keller to assist him for a few weeks In the laboratory work at the college. The young women of the Young Women's Christian association have organised a Bible study class and meet for study every Sunday morning prior to the regular young women's meettng. Washington's birthday was duly cele brated In th chapel on the morning of the twenty-second. The college band furnished muslo as did the auartot under the direction t Prof. Kraft. Prof. Gaines was th speaker. Wednesday morning, the last speaker of the Hassle class to give his term rhetorical. I wis Christensen. snoke of I Dickens' power of characterisation and Illustrated his theme with a sketch from "Martin Chur.slewtt." Seven of the Young Men's Christian association boys went to York last Frl- Extreme Weakness and Suffering Read How Mrs. Goocfling got Relief and Strength. York, r---"I hsr wed Lydla E. Pinkham'g Vegetable Compound and found it to m au you gay it Is. I waa to gick that I could not stand at my sink to wash dishes and I could not sit without a pillow under me. I had tha doctor every few days bat since I have taken the Compound I don't have to send for him. I have bad three children and could not raise any of them, but since I have taken the Com pound I have a bright baby boy. I advise every Buffering woman to try It and get relief. It has done wonders for me." Mrs, Cathaiuxb GOODUNO, 133 E. King Street, York, Pa. When a medicine has been successful in bringing health to so many, no woman has a right to say without try ing it, "I do not believe it will help me." There must be more than a hun dred thousand women In this country who, like Mrs. Goodling, have proven what wonders Lydia E. rinlcham's Veg etable Compound can do for weak and ailing women. Try It and see for yourself. If there are any complications yon don't understand, write Lydla K. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn Mass. Today And A Generation Ilcnco The flizht of tlma kuIim t think rf the future. The baby of today reflects what greatness may be acquired whan he grows a,). And any Influence that bring relief to the rrnactsnt Bother Is tha ftrst and. rreacosr 01 00 11 rations. Iber is a splendid remedy hovi as "Mother's Friend" that has been a safeguard, a helpful dally laflo- enoe, 10 a host of women. Applied exter nally to U muscles thev heeom nli.ne they stretch without nndu pain, Lb era Is as absence of distress, th nerves are soothed by taking awsy the burden of leaving- all to Just natural conditions. There Is In "Mother's Friend" tha aired and Immediate help that all expectant moth ers require. Used by their own hand, guided by tbelr own minds, tbey learn at one the blessed relief from morning sickness result. Ing from nndu stretching. Tbey experience dully calm and nightly rest. It is Indeed Mother's Friend." Get a bottle today of soy druggist. Then writ BradOeld sVegulasoe to 41 Laoar bldg Atlanta, Oa.. for one of th most entertaining and valuable llttla books ever presented. It Is worth, writing iat. Gray Hair Restored to its Natural Color In a few applications to tts orlrlnsl dark, glossy shade, no mauer how long it baa been gray or laded, and dandruff removed by mm it Unrtm no one wfQ know yon sre astog It. 36c. eOC. SI. all dealers or direct upon receipt ol price. Bend for bookie beauUful Hair." Ptillo Usy tlpeclsllle Oompanr. Newark. M. i. n XBHEAK-UP -&C0LD TABLETS y 1 - -1 u line L-Mt sjM Uris saoe.. u umium, ww dsr night as deleratea to the Youn Men's Christian association, wh'ch waa held February 1. 1 and SV The dele gate were 0arlea K. OsrtM, William 't'elhl, Steve Kaundera , Robert and Kmn'h F.KStrand, Conrad Tlnipe and Orlv Rtcketta. Keports of the convention otli be given at their regu.ar Sunday morn ing s o clock service. Haatlage elleae. Rev. Hod son. assistant superintendent of the work for the Society for the Krendlesa, gave a talk In the chapel one day last week. The basket ball team departed Tues day for a three-dav trip, playing Doane on Tuesday, Wednesday at Coiner and Thursday atiWesleyan. The gulll Literary society held lis open meeting In the college chapel on Monday night, and the large audience in attendance pronounced it a huge success. R. O. Punke and Prof. McCracken were at Omaha last Friday in attend ance upon the Ptate Oratorical society, where Mr, Punke represented the col lege with his orstion on " Child Iabnr." Rev. Cody. D. P.. pastor of th Chris tian church at Omaha, gave a talk at chapel Wednesday morning. He Is in attendance at thla time upon the school of methods being held here In the Chrls tion church of this city. Th debate between Grand Island. Kearney and Hastings, according to present arrangementa, Is to take place March K. This Is the first triangular debate In the series to be held and con siderable Interest Is being manifested. A freshman claaa party waa held in th college gymnasium Saturday even ing. The upper classmen being van- out of your hotbeds and cold frames, there must be a plan an orderly arrangement of sowings and crop ping for the whole year. The diagram above is one of twelve that illustrate an article giving you just such a plan in detail. The article tells how to make one hotbed and two cold frames provide a large, desirable assortment of vegetables and flowers. .... You'll want to save this article. It's entitled "Hotbed and Cold Frame Crops ' and appears in the current issue (now on sale) of ff W LA r u a?? evi Tiimn tmmi iwinnwrf fr-- 9 ' kf Cii iitiJ The businesslike farmer believes that his farm should provide the vegetables and berries for his table. His wife believes that the farmhouse should be beautified, inside and out, with flowers. The Country Gentleman agrees with both. It has a regular page devoted to this subject, written by experts and by farmers and their wives who have good ideas to contribute. It is called As you read The Country Gentleman week by week, you'll find regular departments covering all activities of the farm and farm life. Poultry, dairying, livestock, field methods, buildings, power devices, market gardening, fruit growing, schools, cooking, sewing each has its place in the scope of tOis great national f arm weekly. And always a number of special articles by special writers. Send the coupon to-day and det Hie Cotmtxy Gentleman for ayasr 5 issues-for only $1 Or subscribe through any authorized Curtis Agent qtitshed hy the freshman hoys, the en tertainment in the form of a teorge Washington party was thoroughly en Joyed. Hon. W. R. Andrews, until recently sudltor of the 1'nlted States treasury, save a Washington dy address at the college chapel Tuesday morning. Mies HtutKiom and Miss O'llara. asslsled with musical nnnioers. Classes were dis missed for the afternoon. Those who attended the state conven tion of the Young Men's Christian ss soolatlon, were President Crone, C M. t!lt. local president of the Young Men's 1 hrtstlnn aso-ltton; Nevln Hltner and Clarence sherlch. I"resldent Crone spoke at the lTeshyterlan rhurrh on Ptindav morning and returned to Hast ings Monday night. He spoke at the York college chapel Monday morning. Way me State Normal. Clareno Linton, 'IV was recently re elected as superintendent of the Dakota Oily schools. Washington's birthday was observed with special eserrlees In the auditorium Tuesday morning. Prof. ,t. O. W. Iewls served as one of the .fudges in a debet held St New castle Kridsy evening. Miss Klsl Ford Piper entertained her CeHsar class at a o'clock dinner Thurs day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R, E. Perrin. The L. A. C ereheatra of Chicago gave a program in the chapel Saturday evening, appenrlng under the auspices of the lecture course committee. tst Wednesday morning the convoca tion hour waa given over to members of the senior class, who carried out a M3E well planned pmsram and rally In the Interest of the annual. Nearly every student In school has subscribed for a copy of the year-book. A movement has been stsrtid to erect on the campus a monument to the late President J. Ml Pile. Mrs. Mona Nel hardt of Ttaneroft offers to execute a bust of Mr. Pile If the alumni and students will agree to have It cast In brons. Mrs. Neihardt Is th wife of th ioet. John O. Neihardt, who waa reared In Wayne, and a student of the Nebraska Normal college under the ad-mlnlst-Rtlon of President Pile. fJrand Island Colteae. President Taft visited Superior ' Oulde Pock and IJncoln a week ago nnd gnve addresses at th two first mentioned places. A meeting of the executive and cam paign committees has been ol'el fr Tuesday, February to comd'tor plans and agencies with reference to the i movement. On account of the loss of time oc casioned bv the contusions diseases that lna rd tre col ese community, there was no special observance of Waah'iwtm't birthday at the college nor any vacation. Itev. Thompson, pnstor of the First Methodist church, lrlred the college Kr' dny morning and addressed t.e students on "Knergy In Relluio"s Life." Thla frentation of his subject wss sn :l iiatratlnn of his theme. Tom rtlohards has recovered from the scarlet fever. He was for much of the time under his mother's rate. He ba (rone to his borne at Syracuse to re ruperatc and to do observation work in th schools of that place. C. A. Sorensen. a former student and SFT. LtTTUCK LETTUCE onion cseeo)' -ONION CSBMOJ- V-EGG-PI ANT- TOMATO 3 TOCK (UtttiUAL) - VERBENA - a . V year Nmt Shtml r R. F. D.. a member of th Ford peace party, told tun viory pi inie tuny in tin iiiir"m.in w sv tn a vtwtd A'lHIrnce that vthered t the Llderkrana Frldsr evenlna to hear him. II spoke In a pro-German view. Breaks a Cold In a Few Hours First dose of 'Tape's Gold Compound ' relieves all grippe misery. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling! A doe ef 'Tape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours until three doses are taken will nd grippe misery and break up a severe cold either in the head, cheat, body or limbs. It promptly opens rlogged-up nostrils snd air passages; stops nasty discharges or nose running; relieves sick headache, dullness, feverlshness, sore throat, sneea Ing, soreness and stiffness. "Papo's Cold Compound" I the quick est, surest relief known and costs only K cents at drug stores. It acts without as sists nee, tastes nice, and causes no In convenience. Don't accept a substitute. Advertisement. 9t - nrPER Th Country Gentleman a am Th Curtis Publishing Company EnclfJ find SI .00 Canadian sWc SI. 731. PlM searf 1h0 Coanfi Tht Country CntS7KM rsj Is Ms tddntt m ;