10 A TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: FEliRtJARY 27, 1916. i ADAMSON BILL IS MEETINGAPPROYAL Act to Prmit Morotiit to Travel ia Act to Permit Motoriit to Travel In Expected to Fast. A. A. A. IS BACK OF THE FIGHT WASHINGTON. Fe. IS. Many mem bers of both branchei of congreae have unhesitatingly eipressed themselves In favor of the A damson automobile regis tration MIL. which provides that a motor lut with hia home state number can freely travel anywhere In the United JStatea without additional taxation. American Automobile association atate nd local etuba throughout the country, In arklng the aupport of their spokesmen In Washington, have been gratified at the practical unanimity of the repllea re reived. Typical of these repllea are the following: Representative A. ?. Hart of New Jer sey: "I am heartily In sympathy with the Adamann bill and ahnll aupport It." iteprescntatlve A. G. Dewalt of Penn aylvana: "t ran unhesitatingly aay I am for the Adameon bill." Repreaentstlve John A. Key of Ohio: "From what I know of the Adamaon bill I can vry consistently aupport It." - "Coneolentloua and careful coneldera tlon." la the phraseology uaed In acorea of letter to American Automobile asso ciation club presidents, both from san atora and representatives, and the gen eral sentiment offers a pronounced con trast to the reception accorded the fed eral registration bill put forward several years ago by the national automobile or eranisatton, of which William II. Hotch klaa waa then the president. rablle Oplato t ltu(f, Commentlno; upon the chance of public opinion. Prealdent John A. Wilaon aaya: "Of courae the fart alone that the Amer ican Automobile aaaotiatlon now spoejea In organised torm for over 1.KO.000 road users, with another 1.000m0 In eight be fore the close of the present year, aa against leas than 100,000 ten yeara ago. telle Ita own atory. The self-propelled vehicle la an accepted neceaalty and ecO' aomlcally haa Ita place. I believe that the time la nearer at hand than moat of ua realise when Rep resentative Adamaon' prophecy will be realised, and that it will be only the op erator and not the vehicle calling for a number. Ill number will be dlaplayed on whatever vehicle may be In charge of the operator, who will be subjected to an examination sufficient to demonstrate hie ability to handle an automobile tinder diversified traffio conditions. in mm country Districts, which are absorbing the greater pare of the motor cars now being produced, there ia i growing dissent at the multiplying In creaae of vehicle taxation. Borne day soon the automobile will be taxed like any othor piece of property, for roads confer a genera benefit and should be pald for out of general funds." Stock Car Racing . is Solution to the Speedway Problem There ta a solution for the speedway promem." aa'd J. O. Vincent in discusa ing ma 1 1; ui re or competition and the chanrea for success of the many ex pensive spemiwaya constructed or under construction in the United State. "The solution la aiok car racing. I do not mean at oi k car racing aa it was once conducted, but raring of atock can that are such In reality. The rules must . bo changed, barriers against changing the care from strictly stock modela mut be devised and every possible barrier must fte erected to make the contests real tests of the cars aa turned out for purchase in the open market, by the manufacturers. Providing that rule to the of ect that the car to be raced must be aelected at random from the atock of a dealer, were enforced to the letter, and providing that observers were placed In charge of the care to vouch for the preservation of the cars aa real stock car modela, the racea would be honest conteats of cars aa they are bought by the public. Self-Starter is Feature Demanded by All Motorists One of the acceeaorlee which haa pop ularised winter driving, especially among owners who enjoy running their own cars. Is the clectrlrally operated self-starter. H Is no longer necessary to get out In the rain, nor step In the mud or snow and crank up the engine to get under way, for practically all cara are now equipped with electrlo starters, and tha driver, pressing a switch with his foot. start the motor without leaving hi seat. Ttils feature has become so popular among purchasers that a salesman would as soon think of offering a car without any lampa or without a horn. to endeavor to sell one that la not furnished with an electrlo starting and lltrtitlng equipment. Considering the work which these out fits do, they are very simple. The only care which la necessary la to see that the battery la kept properly filled with distilled water, ao that the platea are always covered. Kissel All-Year Car Boosts Sales in Winter Months An Increase of lis per cent in factory shipments of automobiles for January, 19W, over January, 1915, la reported by the Automobile Chanvber of Oommerre," says H. H. Daniels of the) Kisselkar, and credit Is given the popularity of the convertible car aa a big contributing factor to the astonishing Increase. . One of the moat surprising things about the development of the converti ble car, which has made automobiles sell In winter aa well as In summer, la that rival manufacturers were ao alow in fol lowing the Kissel lead. It was more than fourteen months after the an nouncement of the Kissel all-year car in August, 1914, that competitors adopted the Idea. 'Another phase of the subject that haa been dlacuaaed and usually looked upon aa a great mlatake, lies In the fact that many manufacturers have tried to build aa cherp a top aa possible lnatead of aa good a top aa possible. "Klaael rightly claims that the sale of the all-year car during this season has demonstrated that buyera are not merely looking for shelter In a con vertible car, but atyla and workmanship as wall." Little Danger of Fire at Auto Show What would hava been the reault tf fire had broken forth at the Auditorium during the big motor exposition With fl.000.000 worth of automobllea In the building a fire would have been dlsas- trous aeveral ways, especially to tha In' su ranee companies. But the auto show association and the various exhibitors wore fully prepared for fire. All over the Auditorium Pyrene extlnguUhera were at hand's reach. ly- rene la used by all automobile men for fire extinguishing. It la one chemical which boasts the decision over gaaollne. Many timea Pyrene haa saved the lives of automobile race drivers when their oars caught fire while traveling at ninety or 100-mlle an hour clip. It will Be remembered Inat year Donaldaon't car caught fire In the Omaha race. A coup! of squirts of Pyrene. the fire waa out and Donaldson continued the race. The presence of the many Pyrene ex tlngulshers la the reaaon the exhlbltora had little fear of loalng their tl.000,000 worth of cars at the show through fire. Railings on Walks Prevent Accidents Kobert S. Stewart I rophesles that the day la not distant when Iron fencea or railings will be Imperative In large cities here traffic la the thlckeat. Stewart tiles the alarming number of accldenta suffered by pedeatrlana due to croaatng streets at other places than at the proper street Intersections, and aaya aa the number of automobllea Increase that thla problem becomes more dangerous. lie believes that this csn easily be solved by Installing Iron fences or iron ratlings along the edge of tho sidewalks so that the walking traffic cannot crosa the street at any place except at the proper street Intel sections. Thla will give the city officials control of the pedeatrlana and their movements, which ia the one and only way to saleguard them. Kgea to Be . Ja-V Fffsn, former American league empire, will act aa arout for the Provi dence International league club thla season. SALE OF MEDIUM PRICED CARS SHOWS INCREASE The increaalng aale of medium priced automobiles from year to year ta due to two reasons. The discovery by onv ers of big. expensive cara that approxi mately aa much aattsfaction ran be b. t allied from . a less costly one Is the first. The discovery by owners of small. cheap rars that added romfort and alower depreciation la worth the differ ence In price la the other." A prominent cltiaen, who ta able and haa paid aeveral thousand dollars for hla cars In the pant, purchased the other day a KlseelKar high efficiency Si lie waa a little akeptlcal when he firat came to look at the car. but after he, with hla chauffeur, had gotie over every point thoroughly, he waa completely sat isfied that the S3 fulfilled In every essential way all that he cared for or expected, both aa to appearance and ability, The next day we took the order of customer who had been driving a email rneap car. They looked at the matter In the aame light that the added style, comfort, power and strength of the V! made It a better-paying Investment than the kind of car he had been driving. THREE CUBANATHLETES ON THE GOTHAM TEAMS Three Cubana will vie for plaudits of New York fana. The Giants have Pal mero and Rodrlquea, while tho Yankee i have Aragon. E. L. Doty Finds Six Touring Car Leader of tho Velie Line V. R. Doty exhibited three Velle models In hia space, a highly polished model 22 six-cylinder chassis, showing all mechan ical part a In their natural material and detail; a standard six touring car, with both summer and winter tops, and a roadster type on the iim chassis. The new Velie six touring car at tl,065 Is the leader of the Velle line, with a wheel base of 115'lncncs, tires 83x4 Inches, Velle continental motor SHH In dimen sions and everything good In motor car construction nothing Is left to wish for, but everything Is Included. The touring car model reveals to the best effect the curved radiator and tho tapered hood, blending Into a perfect streamline body, the r'eep tufted cushions upholstered In genuine leather and curled hair, the vacuum rear tank system and many small details of appointment ordi narily overlooked. Tha, roadster Is unique In its ample seating eapaclty, with graceful llnea and an unuaual storage space. The rear deck ia provided with two compartments. The one may be used for extra tires and tte other opening from the deck provides ample apace for unit cases and other baggage. White wire wheels add k touch of individuality to this model. The accessibility of all parts la fully shown by the stripped chassis. Tho cylin der head of the Velie1 motor Is easily re movable, giving instant access to tha combustion chambers, cylinder walls, valve, etc. The piston may be removed through the bottom of the case without disturbing any adjacent part. Vill STOSAGI a SAMtkH ar fly Be Careful ry Vl IS Ooot tinker with your electric starting Vw'T ) mui lighting system. Storage batteries k JH J', - V and such things are our specialty. We Nebraska Storage Battery Co. 1303 raraam BU - Tel. Doiig. fit 02. s-jt it AT THE VERY earliest opportu- ' nity today if possible we want you to come to our salesroom and rJL n see the latest addition to the Paige line of six-cylinder cars. Right now, we might tell you that this new Paige is a startling achievement. We might tell you about its remarkable motor its luxurious appointments its rich French leather upholstery its roomy seating arrangements for five full-grown passengers its ample wheel base and impressive European stream lines. We might tell you about all of these features and a great many more. But .we much prefer that you shall establish them for your self. We want you to FIND in this car. your ideal of what a five-passengtr automobile really should be. s We want you to personally "discover" tha car that you and your family have been waiting for and hoping for these many years. We want you to set your expectations just as high as you possibly can. Then, examine this new Paige and see if you are obliged to make one single compromise. We ask you to do this for yourself We shall be quite content to abide by the result And, now, let us say a word about "price." This has been a strenuous season in the motor car field an especially strenuous season in the light six division. r Prices have been slashed right and left. Bold, intemperate "claims" have been made and it has, perhaps, been difficult for the public to separate the wheat from the chaff. But no matter what the "claims" may be -the public is concerned first and last with . Quality basic qxi&Mty-r-fundamental quality. It is a matter of public knowledge that the cost of raw material and labor has vastly increased during the past twelve months. So, this is the year of all years when you must investigate and analyze before you finally decide to make your investment in an automobile. Only too often a cut in price means a propor tionate cut in quality. A car, you must remem ber, can be "refined" to the point where all of the goodness is taken out of it. Therefore, make it a point first of all to critically investigate the car which you propose to buy. Pay attention to the little details quite as well as the big ones. Actually satisfy your-, self that price reduction has not meant quality reduction. It is on this basis that we want you to con sider the new Paige. Last year the "Six-36" sold for $1095. Now we offer you a greater car a finer car a more luxurious cai' and a reduction of $45 in price. All of this has been made possible by just one thing the overwhelming 'demand for Paige automobiles. This demand has increased Paige produc- tion more than 200 per cent in the past six months. This demand has forced us to double . the size of our factorydouble our equipment of machinery double our force of skilled workmen. Now, we are in position to make use of every labor saving device known to scientific manage ment With large scale production methods, we are able to effect savings which were ab solutely impossible with a smaller output As a consequence, we are in a position to offer more actual dollar for dollar value than ever before in the history of this company. We have reached the point where each unit of a Paige car is produced with maximum Effi ciency and Economy. These are the facts. These are the reasons for the extraordinary value which you will find in both . the new five-passenger "Fleetwood" - model and the larger Fairfield "Six-46." But see the cars for yourself. Take nothing for granted except the evidence of your own eyes. Give us an opportunity to prove our case to your entire and absolute satisfaction. That is quite all that we ask. Paige-Detroit Motor Car Company, Detroit. Michigan Specifications "Six-38" Motor 38 H. P.: tlx cylinder; cast en bloc from special gray iron ; bore 31 '' stroke 5". Cylinder head cast separate. Bottom of crank cats sheet steel. Transmission Three speeds forward and reverse in aa aluminum case at rear of motor. Transmission gears and shafts are Chrome nickel sleel, heat treated and ground. Shafts carried on annular ball bearings; and Hyatt Toller bearings. Oil capacity 2 quarts. Clutch Multiple disc, cork inserts enclosed in flywheel and running in oil; 14 discs; 36 corks in each of seven driving discs. Frame High carbon steel, channel section, 4" deep and 3Jiw flange; yV thick. Frame tapers to 29" in front. . giving short turning radius. , 'Springs Special spring steel stock, heat treated.' Front semi-elliptic 36" long, .2" wide. Reart Cantilever type 44" long. VS wide. Tires Goodyear or Fire stone 32 s 4 ; safety tread oa rear. Whe.1 Base 117". Steering Gear Jscox ir reversible screw and i p I i t sleeve type. Carburetion Rayfield, filled with hot air intake tube. Dath adjustment. ' Electrical System Gray & Davis improved electric ' starting motor; Gray fit Davis separate electric generator . with automatic electric gov ernor. Ignition Remy high ten sion, distributor and Willard 6-volt battery. Standard Colors Paige Rlcheliea EHue; .straw wheels. Nickel trimmings all models. Other Modal Fsirfield "SU-46- - $1295 With detachable winter top - - $154 Cabriolet $1600 Sedan .... $1900 Town Car - - $2250 I. e. t., Detroit MURPHY-O'BRIEN AUTO COMPANY 1814-18 Farnam St. Phone Tyler 123 ?1050 Coh. Detroit wrrm ft i h Frem impaction of any battery at any tint