Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 7

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7 A
Drnnucnn ad nvnjn
Judge Wharton Sees that Every
Wish of Washerwoman ii
Carried Out
John C. Wharton, postmaster, re
cently completed a trust which wu
reposed In him over a year ago by
a dying woman.
This woman came to him when
she was a poor widow with two chil
dren and had been taking In wash
ing to support her family and buy
her home.
She had made payments on the
little house until she had only 1150
more to pay. But the real estate
man claimed she had $4 50 to pay,
alleging that because she had made
$300 of the payments to his partner
with whom he had ceased business
relations she still owed the larger
Colonel Wharton went to see him.
He was armed with, all the receipts
for payments made. He gave the
real estate man ten days to send him
the deed. And the deed arrived all
Dl4 a Hospital.
Six months later the woman died at
Imraanuel hospital. On her death bed she
ent for Colorel Wharton and askod
him to take rherr of her affaire.
Nothing else would eatlsfy her and
finally he consented.
At the funeral he, in accordance with
her request, delivered an address.
After the funeral he secured a position
for her bob with the Pord Motor com
pany where ha U getting along well. Then
he secured a purchaser for the little home
for $1,000 and this entire sum ho has
divided Into two parts and placed in the
Conservative Savings and Imnn associa
tion to the credit of the son and daughter.
Lawyers Play Part
in Business Affairs,
Says Barkworth
N That eourt procedure Is no lonirer the
most Important phase of legal practice,
but that lawyers must take a construc
tive part In the business affaire of the
country, waa held by Thomne J5, Park
worth. Jackson, Mich.. In his address to
the Barrlstere club at noon at tha Com
mercial club rooms.
Mr. Parkworth'asaerted that he remem
bered when lawyers were looked upon as
men of no business ability, hut declared
that day has passed and with tha rap.
Idly developing business activities, law
yers are more and more In demand as
a necessary part of tha machinery of a
big business.
"Big corporations are not as bad lobby
ists as some people think." added Mr.
Barkworth. "for there Is doubtless a great
deal of imagination about the evil In
fluences of the corporate Interests In the i
lobbies. The various state bureaus are I
much more to be watched, for they have
Influence with the legislatures, being In
a sense of the official family of tha state,
and they are constantly puttlnj through
all sorts of legislation."
Men With Families
to Get Preference
"There Is an unwarranted Influg of
laborers and skilled workmen to Omaha,
Induced to coma litre by reports ap
pearing in newspapers of other cities, "
stated L. A. Weast, business agent of
Hod Carriers' and Common laborers'
union to Superintendent Schrelber of tha
Welfare board.
On Friday Mr, Weaat met In one group
of unemployed men a printer from New
Tork. eandymaker from Houston and a
machinist from Salt I-ake City, all Of
whom stated that they had read of de
mands for workmen In. Omaha.
"It Is well enough to send out reports
of Omaha's prosperity, but I do not be
lieve It Is right to give the Impression that
thera is more work her than the bona
fide rtsldrnt workman ran do," stated
Mr, Schrelber.
A larga percentage of the applicants
for work at the Welfare board office
are Omaha men and most of them have
dependent families. This class will be
given first consideration by the employ
ment bureau of the board.
Rerahar Slgas t'st.
The first contract sent In by a South
ern iv i-inire wss from the veteran
ltlll Damns rd.
Italian Troops
Evacuate Durazzo
ROME. Feb. M. Vla rarls.)-The re
port that Durasio, sn Albanian port on
the Adriatic sea, had been evacuated by
the Italian troops stationed there is confirmed.
No-Spit Notices
to Go Onto Films
P. A. Van Husan. manager of the
I.aemmle Film company, promised Mrs.
C. C. Sumney that "anti-spit ' notices
will be projected upon the screens of all
motion picture theaters of the city. In
addition v to that co-operation, Mr. Van
Husan contributed $10 toward the expenses
of tho campaign started by Mrs. Sumney.
The film man explained that he had
particular reason to be in sympathy with
the antl-eplt movement, because Friday
the expectorations of a man on a street
car nauseated hla wife, who waa home
two days In consequence.
Mrs. Sumney reports that officials and
employes of the street railway company
have been giving splendid assistance to
the work. She made six talks to tha cab
men at the various barns.
Thrilling Romanoe
Unhappily Closed
by Divorce Decree
A divorce decree, handed down this
morning by Judge Ijeslle. ended a sen
sational romance which had Its Incep
tion two years ago at iSt. Mary's csdT
emy. and a few added thrills, includ
ing an attempted kidnaping at Red
Oak. la.
Mrs. Anna Zlrgler, 16, who was Anna
Rlose. a ft. Mary's academy student and
granddaughter of District Judge R. W.
Beaton of ned Oak,, petitioned for
divorce and c"stody of her Infant child
on the grounds that her husband, an
M-yaar-old bricklayer, a as cruel and
failed to support her.
They separated soon after marriage,
and after the birth of their baby It was
taken t the home of its grandparents.
Two weeks ago an attempt was made
in Red Oak to steal the child, but the
grandmother baffled the kidnaper, who
escaped In a waiting auto. .
Mra. Zlegler Is now living with ner
parents at J90. North Seventeenth street
Her father is a traveling salesman
a Minneapolis firm.
A new type of paving brick Is about
to be recommended to the' city by tha
municipal affairs committee of tha Com
mefilal club.". .rl -. . t
The committee has samples at tha brick
under lnepection at . present, ' Samples
were submitted by George Cam pen of tha
committee. It la an ordinary, shale brink,
subjected to a beat a few degreas leas
than that required for vitrification, and
then subjected to an oil pressure, which
presses an asphalt oil into the body of
tha brick to make it absolutely water
Committee to Plan
Memorial for English
Arrangements for memorial services
for tha lata Judge James P. English
were made at a meeting of all the
A committee, composed of former
Judge A. U Sutton, T. 3. Mahoney.
County Attorney Magney. A, S. Ritchie
and A. d. Elllck, waa appointed to cmo
plete all the details. The memorial serv
ices will be held next Saturday morning
in the criminal court room.
; Colston In "the Injunction" proceedings
brought by local movie exhibitors against
the city health department to lift tha ban
en children being e.lmltfed during-the
fever epidemic will be handed down next
Testimony on both sides is completed
and Judg Leslie took the case -under
AJtother Babe Adams.
The pitching "Babe" Adamses continue
to break in. The Wheeling club of the
Central league announcea the signing of
one. Ha halls front Laporte, Ind.
IStor Hours, 8:30 A. M, to 8 P. M. Saturday till 0 P. JI"
Clearaway 'of Standard
Make Sewing Machines
Monday in the Basement
A FINAL clearaway of sewing machines to make
- room for a large Spring shipment. Machines
that have been out on the floor, used for display
Eurposes. Some are slightly marred or scratched,
ut all in perfect sewing condition.
Easy Terms of One Dollar a Week
White, used, Drop Head,
Wheeler & Wilson NJ'
Standard, fine condition.
Paragon, Standard, - -Standard,
Model V, - -Clark
Rotary, Monday, -
Standard Rotary, List Price $70.00, now s4900
Standard Cabinet, List Price $70.00, now s5000
Automatic, chain stitch, List Pries $65, now s4250
MO to 65 Standard Rotaries, $37
Sixteen "Standard Rotaries," all
lock and chain stitch, 1915 models,
complete with all attachments,
lifetime guar
antee; values
in Monday clear
away at
'evebyhody's STORE
VEurgess-Nash Co.Everybody's Store 16th and Harney
Sunday, February 27, 1916.-
-Phone Douglas 137.
Economy in the Broadest Sense Demonstrated for Women During
Look Here Boys!
Plan now to participate Id tha
which Burgesa-Nath will con
duct March 4th to March 11th.
$13.60 In Priiei
Particulars may be sec tired In
Sporting Oooda Section, Fourth
Sand this, coupon:
piMee nf my name aa a yar
IMpant In the Burreee-Nssa Blr4
House Oontest.
K. Atdresa
mm ewnmi
AGAIN Monday this great Btore will demonstrate its fullest merchandising service. This
time it is in the interest of thoso of you who sew. Home sewing has become intensely in
teresting to all women, from the mother who is now, by the aid of patterns and other helps,
enabled to make a charming frock for little girl from big sister's out-grown dress, to the
society woman who enjoys fashioning an artistic ball gown.
Home Sewing Week Will Prove Interesting, Instructive and of Inestimable Value to All.
Displays have been arranged that give a clear idea of how to use the new patterns;
materials that harmonize are shown with the right trimmings to bring out their best
qualities come and take advantage of this special event, planned to be of service to you.
R. M. C. Crochet
Cotton 7c Spool
M. C. crochet cotton in
sines in white 3, 5, 30,
15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70;
also sizes 3, 10, 30, 50 and 70 in
light blue, delft, pink, yellow
and rose, full size spools, at 7c.
25c Slipper Cotton, 5c
Slipper cotton in black,
green, gray and brown, regu
lar 25c size, spool 5c
Bargase-Neah Ca-TMrq Flea.
Special Display of New Plain and Striped
Chiffon Taffeta Silks at 98c and $1.25 Yd.
. -w v-a i I . 1 ,t m as
TllbiiVj is possiDiy no omer weave in sum great aemana as piain or stripea eniaon tan eta vp
the correct silk for. dresses and suits. Full ran ire of tho most favored nlain shades httSf
well as the different width stripe, including the Pekin and Awninir effects. All 36 inches'
wide. Very special Monday, at 98o and $1.23 the yard.
40-Inch Georgette Crepe, 89c
A very fln quality of silk and cotton that will
launder perfectly for watsts and underwear, 40 Inches
wide. A remarkable value Monday, at 9e the
yard. x
Pretty New Spring Silks, 85c
Including such weaves as foulards In beet colors
with neat designs; fanay striped messallne and plain
chiffon taffetas In good assortment of pretty shades,
8So the yard.
New Wash Silks, 98c and $1-50
Especially deslrnbl for men's shirts, women's
dresses and waists. Either plain or crepe weave, with
satin stripe; also pretty colored stripe on white
ground. Over 50 different styles, at 98c and $1.60 yd.
Plain and Fancy Silks, 49c
Including such weaves aa foulards, poplins, taf
fetas and messallnes In plain, fancy and stripes;
worth to 85c the yard, 24 to 84 Ins. wide. Very special
for Monday In the Home Sewing Week sale. 49o yard.
Darrese-Kash P. Mln Fleer.
The Latest Fiction
as well as standard works and Juvenile
reading In our
Circulating Library
which we have Installed for your pleas
ure and convenience on the Fourth
norms rMrrn at tub
RATI) ur fee A DAT.
BeroMS-Neah CawTMHk Flam,
Featuring the Much Talked of Gray
Hats Monday at $10.00 to $15.00
GERTAINLT a most pleasing display will greet you in the
Second Floor Millinery Section Monday showing the new
creations in the much favored new shade
of gray. The hats are individual, dis
tinctive models of unusual style character
istics. You'll be fascinated by the show
ing. Barcesa-Nask Co. Sseesd Flew.
Pretty New Trimmed Hats
Usually $7.50, in Basement, $3.98
YOU'LL really be surprised at the real
stylo beauty this newly , enlarged
millinery section in the basement sales
room has to offer you. The hats include
large milan hemp, sailors, faced with black taffeta, silk lined and
trimmed with imitation Goura effects. The usual $7,50 values,
Monday, at $3.98. - Bawasa-Waah Ca.- Beseteeat.
New Silk Nets That Give the Real
Finishing Touch to the New Gown
WE cannot recall when silk nets were in such great demand
for dress trimmings. Our display is very extensive, in
cluding black, white and all the new evening shades in plain,
fancy, filet and spot designs ; 48 to 72 inches wide. Price 98o to
$2.00 the yard.
Colored Embroidered Dress Flouncing, 59b
86 Inches wide, embroidered on fine batiste In rose, pink, blue and
Drew Embroideries, at 75o to $3.00
Embroidered organdies, voiles, batistes and marquisette; 17 to 45
inches wide; white flounclngs, with dainty colored embroidery and pleat
ing; 7&o to 13 00 the yard.
Dainty Embroidered Voiles, 3t to 75o
Also marquisette edges; white and colored point Venice com
binations; tO inches Wide. Bvre-Nash Co. Main Floe.
Adjustable Dress Forms Used for Dem
onstrating Purposes Reduced to
THERE are but a limited number, the regu
lar $15.00 style, slightly damaged from
demonstrating but we consider them big values
at $5.00 each.
Standards, at $1.50 Bust Forms, 89o
Iron standards for All sizes, Jersey cov
dress forms. ered.
Dress Forms, $5.00 I Adjustable Form,
Complete collapsable
dress form, extra long hip
line, $5.00.
Empress Form, $15.00
m ii oecuuD tx.rn.ti. aujuaiaDie
ajvr (Empress) dress forms, $15.00.
Barrese-Wesk C: Main Floer.
Four section, adjustable
dress form, with wire
skirt, $6.50.
Queen Form, $18.00
28-Sectlon 11. & 13. adjustable
(Queen) dress forms, 118.00.
Mrs. Snyder of Pictorial Review Pat-
ternCo. With Us Home Sewing Week
And she will be plaaaed to give you any advice you may seek regarding
Pictorial Review Patterns. Her services are complimentary and we trust
you win avail yourself of them.
Special. Pictorial fashion book for Spring, 70 pages, depleting the
latest fashion Ideas; sails regularly for 25c, with coupon for free pattern;
Monaay minus me coupon, iuo eacn. BarM-ssk c Mala Floer.
Pressed Table Glassware, 5c
Usual 10c Values. Basement Monday
1 t I 4 6 7
f-jRESSED table glassware, highly polished, ground bottoms,
X plain and colonial patterns.
No. I Colonial custard cup
No. t Colonial straight tumbler
No. t Colonial bell-shaped tumbler
No. 4 Colonial sherbet glasses
No. B Colonial bell-shaped tumbler
No. plain hotel tamblsr
No. 7 Colonial custard cup
Baryeae- Kasfc CM-Bwiuat,
Notion Specials
LITTLE helps for thoBe who
sew at home.
Inside skirt belt
ing, all widths,
black and white,
yard So
Hooks and eyes
(ruat proof) 3
cards Be
M a o h t n e oil,
large bottle.. So
Hasting cotton,
600-yd. spl....3o
Girdle founda
tion, all sizes,
each 10o
Dress shields in
flesh and white,
all sites, pr., 10o
Brassieres, with
xtra pair
shields ...$1.00
Wired cable
bone, yard... So
Bone button
moulds, any Use,
dosen 10o
Horse hair brnld
dress extenders,
black and white,
yd. Be, 10o, 12',c
Dress weights,
dosen 10o
Hooks and eye
tape, yard... 1 Bo
Wavy w,Ire col
lar stays, 0
for Bo
Oold and silver
lace wire, bolt,
for 10o
Tailor's chalk, 8
for ... Bo
Pure bees wax,
for ...So
Buckle forms, all
slses, each... Be
Dress maker's
pins, H -lb... 35c
Skirt markers,
for 25o
Shoe trees, at,
pair, Be
Ban-see ysk MnU Ftoet.
Household Am
monia, 1 qt. .13o
Liquid Veneer,
26c six . ...1Bo
L T re ile Pow
der 95o
Colgate's Cash
mere Bouquet
Soap 10o
Williams' Shav
ing Soap, cake
for 2!,o
This Display of New Wash Goods
Gives the Feeling Summer Is Here
THOUSANDS of yards of new-weaves, patterns and color
combinations in a display most pleasing to the eye.
Pretty Egyptian Tissues, 25o
Including hair line stripes, broken checks, chambray effects, and
small plaids; very desirable for morning dresses, being nice and cool.
Printed and Woven Fabrics, 40o
In eotton. silk and cotton, fibre silks, etc.; almost eiery conceivable
color and pattern.
Palm Beach Suitings, at C9o -Guaranteed
non-crushing and perspiration proof, only one piece of
each pattern, more than twenty styles.
Embroidered Voiles and Marquisettes, $1.25
Black, white and tha most favored colors, esqulalte In design and
exoluslve with Burgasa-Nanh. Burgettash c-auia nw.
New Spring Wool DRESS GOODS
Monday nt 98c, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75
THE new weaves ant! colorings for Tailored suits and skirts
including gabardines, in nlain shades, mixed suitings, plain
velours, checked and atripea suitings, French serges, storm
serges, etc., 45 to 54 inches wide, 88o, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 yard.
Mohair for Spring and Summer, 98o to $1.75
Considered to be one of the most newest weaves In wool fabrics, de
sirable for suits and skirts, plain and fancy, 43 to 64 Inches wide, at SSa
to $1.75 yard.
Shepherd Checks, at S9o Yard
Black and white shepherd checks. 42 Inches wide; very desirable
tor skirts and children's dresses, yard, 3Bo.
Bars- -K h C Mala El T.
Unusual Sale of Mattresses
At Fully 33 Under Regular Prices- Basement
EVERY mattress in the assortment has
been selected with the view to giv
ing you lasting satisfaction. Mattresses thai fit
the bed, that will not stretch and that will
"stand up" better than the average mattress
priced much higher. No detail has been over
looked, no effort spared to make this sale
mattresses stand out above all others, from
quality, desirability and a saving stand point
and is of special Interest to hotel and rooming
house stewards. This sale has been months In
preparation, which enables us to offer you mat
tresses at fully 33 1-3 under today's market
$14.00 West Farnam Felt Mattresses, at $9 90
Full bed sire and three-quarter bed site West Farnam mattresses. Covered with the finest
quality of satin art ticking, built-up layers of the best quality feft to be had; full 60 pound
weight; four row Imperial edge. With ordinary use these mattresses win last a life time.
114.00 is the present market value, sale price...
$10.00 Felt Mattress, at $7.50
Dlxey Belle mattresses, double and three-quarter
bed site, rolled edge, round corners, filled with layers
of cotton felt, covered with heavy twill art tick. $10.00
Is the present market value, sale price, $7.50.
$8.00 Combination Mattress, at $5.08
Royal Combination mattresses, double and three
quarter bed sice, open samples will give you an Idea
of the construction, which Is far superior to the ordi
nary cotton filled mattresses, will stand up and give
better satisfaction, covered with fancy twill ticking.
$8.00 Is the present market value, sale price, $5.83.
$7.00 Combination Mattress, at $4.98
Full and three-quarter bed size, rolled edge, best
workmanship, small quantity of excelsior used with
thick layers of felt Insures comfort and lasting satis
faction. Covered with good grade art denim. $7.00 Is
the present market value, sale price, $4.98.
Boifnt-Nuh C. IBmmanl,
$5.50 Favorite Mattress, $3.05
Omaha Favorite mattresses, double and three
quarter bed sire, Interfllllng of excelsior, layers of cot
ton on top and bottom, rolled edge, covered with fancy
denim. $5.80 is present market value, sale price, 13.95.
$5.50 Couch Pads, at $3.63
The right alio for steel couches, fancy art denim
covering, good grade of new cotton filling, two-inch
border. $5.60 is the present market value, sale
price. $3.98.
$4.00 Couch Pads, at $2.05
The original couch pad, standard site, $4.00 Is the
present market value, sale price, 2.8 5.
Quilted Mattress Protectors, $1.50
The materials used In making excelsior quilted
mattress protectors are all new. They are washable,
all sizes for single, three-quarter, double or twin beds,
sue eono. uacn, si. do.
Sheets. Pillow Cases and Muslins
Blze (1x99, seamless, $1.10 quality, 83c.
Size 81x90, seamless, 8 So quality, 75c.
Size 81x99, seamless, hotel weight, 90c quality, 75c.
Size 81x90, seamless, hotel weight, 85c quality, 69c
Size 72x99, seamlesn, hotel weight, 85c quality, 69c
Size 72x90, seamless, hotel weight, 80o quality, 65c
Size 76x99, seamed, hotel weight, 75o quality, 65c
Size 70x99, seamed, hotel weight, 69c quality, 69e.
Size 70x90, seamed, hotel weight. 65o quality, 45c
Size (4x90, seamed, hotel weight, 50c quality, 35c
Size 42x38 and 45x36 pillow cases, hotel weight, choice
each. 1 6c 60o pm)W CajeSf 2g0
Fancy embroidered scalloped and hemstitched pillow
cases, slightly mussed from handling. Worth 60c, each, 29c
11v(m-m. C Bs
Art Tick Covered Pillows. 29c
SIZE 17x24 fancy art tick covered pillows, all
pure feather filled. Our special leader brand
at, each, 29c
Feather Pillows, at 60o
8ite 20x26 Omaha' hotel special pillow, cov
ered with A. C. A. ticking, tilled with thoroughly
cured clean hygienic pure feathers that are odor
less. Worth $1.98 pair, each, 69o.
Bed Pillows, at $1.88
Crown Down bed pillows, size 21x27; good
value and sold regularly at $5.00 pair. Blue striped
linen tick covering, each, 91.98.
Bed Pillows, at 98o
Size 21x27 perfection brand bed pillows, gloria
art tick covering, pure mixed feather filling.
Worth $3.00 pair, each 98c
B ! Ksss) C. BiiMml,
urgess-Nash GOMPiTO
'everybody's store