ca TIIE fWAIIA SUNDAY HKK: FEBKUAKY 27, CREAMERY COURSE OPENS AT THE "UNI Attendance at Opening of Second Annual Course in Cream Grading Double that of Lit Tear. IXCTUEES ON EEW IHOCISSES The seormd annual noun In erf am trading at th University of Nebraska opened with an attendance nearly double tbat of laat year. Men ere In attendance from Indiana and Illinois. On of th largest delegation cam from th Fair tnont creamery of Omaha. Tho object of tha rourm la to bring 'na at at Inn and creamery operators Into close touch with tha modern prob lems, of tha creamery world. Nebraska Inaugurated this ehort courta last year, nA It la highly gratifying to Prof, Frand- I sen to find a rapidly Increasing Interest Jn tha work. Trot F. W. Bouska haa been one n' tha principal peaker on c renin grading. Cream, said tha professor, la not . than ether raw products from which wholaaomo sanitary food ara maA Like wheat, cream haa neveral cotamordaJ gmdoe. Tha poorer grades brtng lower prices because tbey maka butter with poorer flavor. Only li per cent of tha cream of the country sella for tha high est prices. American farmera los fn.O'V). 900 annually because they produce inferior cream. In order to make tha finest flavored butter rood cream la essential. Thera is a demand far In axoass of supply for tha beet bnttr. In order to ret the cream to make this tetter butler, the creameries ara plannlnr to pay more for tha betUr cream than for Inferior cream. Cream la to be JudRed by taste, smell and by tho add test As cream continues to sour It reaches ae where It becomes a hasardou purchase for butter making. Buch cream should receive a lower price than rood cream. Mast He t ooled. With Increased price for rood cream there la tittle doubt but that the farmer will meet the demand. He must properly cool the fresh cream and keep It cool until It reaches the market. There are a number of Ired and Icelesa device for thla purpose which can be obtained at a reasonable price. Ninety-four percent of the No. 3 cream Is due to too little or Improper coollnr. Thla can easily be remedied when there Is a premium put on rood cream. A second address by Prof. Bouaka, eor. ered the subject of the food value of but ter. He showed that butter was one of the most easily dixested and cheapest foods. Licence Fee Increased. Clarence Herman, state pure food com missioner, delivered an address on Ne braska rules and reflations. II said that It had been necessary to increase the license fee from 1 to fi because the lower fee did not cover the necessary In spection charges. Mr. Herman compli mented the men on the accuracy of their apparatus and work. He then suggested more cleanliness about the stations and other Improvements. Prof. J. II. Frandsen showed bow cream quality could be Improved on the. farm. He and Mr. Markham covered expert mentrj work which had been carried on with several types of coollnr tanka. prof. Frandsen aaya that the tank will Improve winter quality by keeping the aream away from houaa cdor and summer outllty by keeplnr the cream oooL Ha showed very graphically how coollnr af fected the bacterial content, reducing It from 4.i26.0u per . e. In milk held ten hour at 90 decrees Fahrenheit to 11.180 In cream held for the earn time at U degrees Fahrenheit. Pref, Jar-vla LeetessM, Prof. J. D. Jarvla delivered two ad. dressea during the course. Tha first wa entitled 'The Field Man's Duty to the i reamery and the Producer." The dairy :nauat.ry Is composed of three Itnks-the producer, the manufacturer, and the con eumir. 11 me manufacturer la nvak. rt limits the opportunity of the producer ana consumer In obtaining better butter. The field men are the finger tip of the rreamery loduntry and they aiv confi dence to the producer and 'help to build up me prosugo of the creamery. The tanner is primarily interested In the money he receives. Cream station oper ators are :ne miasionvrles of rood dairv. In, and they may ado. to the community prosperity by showing- he fanner how earning power may be Increased throurh producinr a better oualllv of cream. The whole community hu prof its because the farmer soendlna nowar Is thus Increased and he buy more of tne luxuries of life. Prof. JervU' second lecture was on the care of the separator. He first dealt with Die history of cream separation, ahowlna that centrifugal separation had a large advantage In thoroughness over gravity rinraiion. ne then look up the evolu tion of the centrifugal separator. ol wwina u.ia no took up the apeclflc points in me care of the aeparator on me I arm. Skimming efficiency la prime Importance. A solid level concrete foundation adds to the efficiency and life or trie machine. Cleanliness of tha bowl ana t nwar is essential to the nroduc tion f good quality of cream. Prof. JarvU then elaborated on the skimming elflclency. ahowinr that mUk must be held at a temperature of degreee to 110 degrees Fahrenheit fa order to ob tain the beat results, flmell fat globules are lost In the skimming process. MV51G tm -aid F By HR1HI KTTA M. RRRM. twOM the figures presented lit thla column last week. It U evident there are hundreds of men and women In Omaha of Just tha kind who would make the very best musical -fans," who are In their own way trying to know more about and en Joy the pleasure of rood music. The fact that they are gradually uc ceexltnf la attested to by the Increase In sales of seml-clansical mimic the lat jear. There are people who have ttronnly Inherent the sense of form, a feeling for symmetry of tune and rhythm, probably people who have Imagination. They should join with many othera who are working in muslo In tha great gam of pattern, pattern what I the pattern." in tha muslo tbat they hear. A great many students are devotees of this game, bat more might be. It first rule In actual musical study ts that of safety first, "Stop, look, listen." Stop until one sees what tha idea of tha piece Is; Iyok for tha pattern of Its phrases and melo dies; Its notes, expression and phrasinr, and. Listen for Its careful Interpretation. Put on can study out and enjoy riul cal patterns without actual technical work If possessed of talking mschlnt or plsyer pianos or If one has ether oppor tunities for listening to music. O Music Is full of patterns. The slm.lvit two or three-note motive In any kin I et well written compos'tlon serves es a pat tern to he duplicated and supplemented, and worked out Into longer phrases and melodies to dominate the while comMs. lion. Phrase In their turn. Just Ilk the line of poetry become larger pat terns for like use, which are ne tlmes repeated, sometime turned upside down, or put Into other keys or with other harmonies In order to carry out the composer' musical l!(u Longer melodies ara subject to similar treatment or that which Is even more varied, sub ject to the skill and Ideas of the com poser. The composer ha probably built the whole composition upon t; pattein o: soma recognised form, a 1 vice, a sni ta, or furue, for Instance, or he may have tried to pattern the muslo a,-on eont f s soclatlon of Ideas drawn ftom natr.rt or from a mood. All motives are not alike ntrt ai tie phrases or melodies r rowing oit .Trom thorn, but If a ran lrtim to recognise a motive as such In om place and then In another, llkewlee ana'irertnx phrases, and complete vlth auoh sen tences or melodle he la on tha Miihroad to keen musical enjoyment. Later he may learn tha style of dlffsrent com positions, even to recignUo dH'fertnt periods In musical development, and lh Idiom of various well known eompoairn ell because he became Interested in hurt ing out tha patterns used In the develop ment of tha muslo that oaraa his way. FAMOUS PIANIST TO PLAT AT BROWNELL HALL Mm 1 - -,7-" vate teacher should do something them selves to help the cause along. Any private teacher I privileged to at tend all tha sessions of the national muslo supervisors conference as aso elate members. Her you will meet the leading muslo educators of the nation and hear ail phase of the question dis cussed. Also (he week will be filled with flno musical programs. Thursday night a choral program will be given by the members of the conference, directed by Mr. Tomllna, formerly director of tha Chlcsgo Apollo club. Frldey night "Car men" will be given complete by local rhorua with stnrers of international fame from Covent Garden, the Century and Metropolitan opera houses. This, In Itself, will make It worth while for mu sicians to attend. Tfasleal Nates. Mrs Kdith U Wagoner will rive a very lellrhtful prorram Tuesday evening, March J, at :1 in the auditorium of the young Woman's Chrtatlan asaocls tlon. This program la given by the Bus iness Women's eluh, and following out their study of American composers, will be an Kdward MrLowll evening. Mrs. Wagoner will give an informal talk as well as Plajr some Interesting numbers of Mr. McIVwir compositions. There will be other McDowell numbers given hy wtni piuminrnt musical artists of Omaha. - - Th New Tork Symphony orchestra, Walter Dam rose h conductor, and Josef Hofinsnn, the eminent Kjaelan pianist, will be the mualcsl attraction of the season st the AuJitnrluni Friilav niaht, March 24, on their transcontinental tour of America during tho m"iiths of March. April and May, The enaag-ment was secured after a gmt deal of effort n the part of Manaver Charles A.- Franks of the Au'litorium, who enlisted the aid of several New York friends to induce this sttractlon to play in Omaha. heard this week In two recitals, both to be held In the Creltrhloa auditerl tn. Twenty-fifth and California streeis. The first one will take place this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Those who will participate are Misses F.mlly Ross, Kmma Ritchie, Viola Waush, Msrraref Past, Olive Worslev, Manraret Hourse. Clara H"f mann and Mra. Earl Edgecomb, The oUier recital will be riven in the same ttaee on next Wednesday evenlna, March 1. at . o'clock. At thla time Mr. Puf field will present Miss lrma I'mlolak In a program of piano muslo, assisted by Mix cecula r elier, con tralto pupil of Thomas J. Kelly. Miss Podolsk will play a classical group con ta nlng a gavotte by Bach, the "Cuckoo by Laquin. and Pastora Pastoral with variations gy Mosart. Later she will play two etudes and a nocturne by Chopin erf w'li close he praram by playing i several Interesting monern numwra, in cluding Iebu3sy's well known ' Oarden In the Ra n.' a "Chtconne," ty Tuhols, erd Ltsst's "Fourtet-nth wunganan Miss Lola Jtosava of Pen Tiils Potosl Mrs fcMlllan Itard nif. Is an artdlflon I Rhapsodic," to Omaha's music colony. Miss y.osva j - - - expects to remain in Omaha i.ttoe from 1st"e v A. Haherstro, teaching and eceompanylni,-. Bhe is an Hrarlier of voice In the Kearney Normal accomplished pianist. j o,wvi. li,on,.r ue u uie act tnt Ker- ' j nev hns municipal concerts at Its opera Ptiplls of Jean P. Pnffl-I-I will be. house twice a month regularly. Major 1.herrro s written a ' graceful song enti'.led 'Bunrhlne." a cry of which ac i.iiUM,u.eo n.r letter. This sonr na roen used In Omaha with much sueciaa by Mr. Krata The resvlnr monthly recital bv pupils of Johanna Anderson was held at Mr. Cocke s studio last Tumd.iy evening. Those taking part th's month were: Minna Ptedinger, Thym Johanson. or ence Richardson. Rose Whalen and iitta Tounu. On Tnesdav evening Fehmary 12. the llowi" minis "f the .I"tds Bdwar'l CVmal School of Volte Citure appear xl m H.uiiioa in the Lvric bJlltlinj, Nlnfteentli and Famarn strveis: -,. it. Bruit'). i. "Has l.ivlngHton. Mlas Wlsler. Miss Pearson. Miss Carney, Mrs. Croal.y, Marnuerlte Carnal: piano. Mr Prhwent'ier, Mrs. HaVden and Mr. Williams On next Tuesday evening at n'o'-v-k s'h "Uiob"- o' the sertei will h rlvn bv the fo'lwlnx pupl.i: M'ss frfittn. sotrano: Mlas eHurg s. s -prano; Mlas Fowler, soprano; Mr. I' Icr, le tr; Mr. mith, ten r; Visa Morton, s -irano; Mrs. Smith, soprano; Mr. Travis, less: Mr. Nearlng, bass: Mr. .lenklns. larltone; Mr. Htebera, tenor; Mir Davis, soprano, snd MIhs Holland, contralto. in t-w 1 n l l CJLs: i - A' fj igggi si-tgi.aisgiii) i ii sswii ss-- 'layTS?-- mmr " nwmmt m mm mmmmmm-, mssyzmsm, (TTT 1 V AIR AWfrl mm mm mm mm m mim m mmm mm mm m m msmmm wmsmm mmm ms w m mmm iu uuy iuw iucaJi's to socure the rnest, HiRheat Unioe rlomot'urniinncR, Kues, Carpets, etc., at Unusual Keduc- tions in Price. Let us ghow you how splendidly you can furnish your Home at Small Cost by taking advantage of our Wonderful Clearance Sale Bargains. ( SPECIAL EASY ftjpNTHY PAYMENTS ARRANGED ON ANY PURCHASE IF EESIREp""" In ragtime the motive or little mualca.' Idea Is principally rhythmic, and this U repeated without ctlier material so many times that th mind catches it vlthout much thinking or" close attention Folk muslo and chorals have both melody ana ray mm, ana in any ot main u is easy to trace th repetition and eidsnces (or endings). In a them end variations, the them Is the pattern doated In different ways by the variations. Patterns of Interpretation run through muslo of many kinds. There arc eertaln patterns of playing short phraaea, long phrases, of Increasing or reducing the sound In run, er of rndinr phrases- patterns that are general and alwa.v followed, unices distinctly otherwise. marked by th composer. Yet many a teacher does net call attention to them, and many a student. If his attention la called to It, will learn th one phrase spoken of that way, but will not put It away as a pattern for all futuie work. It Is this kind of work allowed by teach ers that make it possible fcr many grownupa to truthfully say, "I studied the piano tor voice or ethos music) for five yt-ars, but really I do not know a single thing about muslo." They studied technlo and perhaps pieces a such, but not as patterns of musical expression, U Is a greet game, this looklng-for-the-pattern game, and one of the most In teresting discoveries its followers can i make Is that they often find rnesle where they thoi'ght none could be and find none where they thought It was. to call tegether thn pr-tvate muslo teach ers of thl state on Maixih M, to meet at Lincoln, i'or tha pu.-pose of organizing a muslo tea.chora' awtcclatlon In th's state. The national convention muslo super visor will be In sesidon th.vt week from Monday until Friday, and muiy of the privet teachers will be In attendance. !t K It thought beat to organise we can ' have tha advloe and Inspiration of some : of the lmiders In othir states who will be .t tm national meeting. The retson musts nupervlsors Are uo Interested In an organisation of privet muslo tvjeher arises from the fact tha.t many "Nobiaka high iicIjooIs ere reoog nixing th-tflr work giving credits In private ritudo Coward rraduatlon. . As them is no unlfotrrilty In the meth od used or the etnrsen of study In piano. violin, vcloe. etc, it U dlffioult tor the schools to detenrjnvx actiy what char acter of work deserve, credit. The musi cians of the state should set up a stand ard by which to minir their work. Those who are not eduoartd In every line tt mualo cannot lntellUw.tly outline course :n musto. An oigsnt.teUon such as the one proposed ha been In operation q several states, among them being Hew York, Ohio, Pew isyWanla, Indiana, Missouri, Illinois, Minnesota several t'thers. As Nebraskn has now given ITeater recogntUon tci tho private teach rs' work than any other state, She prt- Vj - W.C "sa v-ii.t Li' tut 1 i tirxin nk WONDF.rWUI, VALUE) IM A GEKUINB QUARTEIIUD OAK 4I-7NCH TOP JAA'OB KAN rEiS!QN EXTENSION TABLE. Madd with extra heavy tor, all quartered oak. neavy rup lags, 'jeautirul, scroll platform. Fumed or waxod oak finish, Ct. exten sion. Specially priced at 430 Oeik, M a Xtonth, Elegant Princess Dresser SPECIAL CLEAR ANCE or A L a n O E QUANTITY OF PRINCE8.H STTLE DRES8ER3. Ilave serpentine front large slsu pattern ahaped French bev eled pi ate nur. ror. derful our low 130 DR. GRULEE OF CHICAGO GUEST OF OMAHA TODAY -rrora a. Crulee. professor of the diseases of children at Rush Medl cai college, Chicago, arrived in Omaha this morning. Dr. Oryjee Is to be the principal speaker at the sixteenth annual banquet of the Phi Hho Hlgma national nwUIcal fraternity. b-U at the Hotel Fontentle tonight. The banquet I given by Eta chapter, louated at Crelgh (on medical. While here he Will be the guett of Ir. Newell Junea. professor of pediatric at Crelghton madlcai. This morning Dr. Urule addressed th tipper classmen of the Nebraska Medical cllese. a luncheon was given at nooa by Dr, Jonea for the visiting physician at the University club, where a num ber of local pedlatrklan met the Chi cai; an. This afternoon tr. Orulee Is addressing th upper clasMmen at CrU;liton inedlcaL Marguerite MUvtlle-LUanlewaka, who will give a piano recital at Browall HalL Tuesday evening, February 19, U one of th few artists of American birth who has won continuous and unqualified success In Europe. Celebrated ciitlea In many of the foreign capital hav placed Mm. Melvllle-Liasntewska In the fore most ranks of living pianists. As as sistant to Leschstlsky In Vienna for six years, she won an enviable reputation abroad. But It 1 not only as a pianist that Mme. MelvWe-IJasnlewska la known. Bhe Is one of the few women ever ad mitted to the Royal Mksterschool foir Composition In Berlin. Her violin and piano Sonata was awarded a prise lit Paris, and her string quintet will bu played In Pan Prsnclsco this season b)' the celebrated Knelael quartet. Bhe hail been winning golden praise everywbsro on her present tour. Her recital will begin at I o'clock on TuesJev evening, because of the reception to follow It. Her program: I. Sonata, op. tt...,., Uhapaody, op. 'it. No. 1 II. Scenes of Childhood 111. Fantasy, op. J Hot a Finpltt Ai.yi.hcre in Sight Jlnd Any Woman May 11 come Free) From All IMcmUhee of Fevce or Skin by I'lilng Stuart's Calcium 'Wafers. One of the greatent blessings a woman can hav I to be possessed of a fin fair skin on face, neck snt arms. A little at tention now ard tben to the blood con dition makes this possible. Women are greet sufferers frora blood disorder and hence their complexion are marred be cause of this fact. , i ift scroll platform. Fumed or T J Ull IB waxod oak finish, .. exten- ej)eJaaJU i9 pi, I fKl J i B measuring 28x11 inches. Secret SlI UU drawer, heavy panel ends. A s9 f aaO sa III sgJt 'ssggeejji te kP''f-- ppfcwpwM a 5-PIeco BRASS BED Combination Bargain 50 TURKS tUJ3 Cash, a.00 a Month. GENUINE BARGAIN IN A COMPLETE PRASa BED COMBINATION. Consisting of 2-Inch continuous post guaranteed braes bed, ten heavy one-Inch fillers, heavy combination felt mattress. two aanitary, odorless pil lows, hnavy angle Iron springs supported In the center. A rare pargain at this price. w re ra 8. 0 Ca-l, .LOOa Uon l r 3 Special Priced RugDargdns 8-8x1 0- Brussels Rug $10.25 9x11 ft Heavy Velvet Ra 912.75 Axis ft. Seamless Axmlnster Rug.. $21.00 High i vsraue r Irhitation Circas- t : Ml.l..f bei null tl OI11U . Dresse r EK?" THIS ELKOANT DRESSER la made of nlgh-grade Imita tion Clrcaaslan Wal nut Made with ful' swelled front, heavy plank top. Fronch beveled plate mirror, m eaa ura (4x2 Inches. An expert could not tell It from the genuine. This week's special, only BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED JACOBEAN BUFFET. Matches table shown to left. Baae measures SO Inches wide. Heavy moulded top. cane pan- e and French bevalea plate mirror. Heavy ropexl turn ings, Regular price MS. 00. Clearance Sale price only a on ci- - $29.75 $17.95 1.7ft Cash, $IM tgoatn. b -el . 'y y- 2. 11 LLl 84saa xvoa, sJ Beethnveti UraUuil R. FIVE NEW SCARLET FEVER CASES ARE REPORTED The following new cases of scarlet f.vcr have been reported to the health ot tire: hangstrom. til South Thirty-sixth lr,-l Z .ifur. V.'A Cioan Point avenue. Hfli-n Jonrnsoii r.i Cilierel street. vnk, 15. v M.ith Te fih street, renr " and Joliueuii, Cuiliy Muika, i; sharp minor. Kcherso, B ml nur IV. Lotus I And lluinoreeuu bVhtr.o, V sharp minor... ........Chopls ..Ctioptr Chopu ...Cyril Root'! .lMchetiiav , . . C. d Albert ise e' I ppLENnrn offeriv in an attrac tive DESIGNED LIBRARY TABLE. Made entirely of American quarter sawed Imita tion oak, nas neavy plank top, measuring 28x11 Inches. Secret drawer, heavy panel ends. A rare value at : Ts Oeata Car;: ri cv a ICoata. lt winter when Mlscha Elnaii. thi phenomenal young violinist wn.i wl'l render a single concert at the ttnndei theater on Sunday afternoon. March a, u enjoying a rest from hi concert wirk he put In many profitable hour at coft poaiilon In New York. Several song ani some violin piece ot striking orlgUieilty and beauty have come frora his pen. On previous tours Etniaa haa used some of his arrangements on his programs, and thla saaon he will probably play twe or three of his new works. Needless te say, such a master of the violin knows thor oughly how to write fos his Instrument; those who have heird the nev numbers in manuscript form say that El man has conceived some wonderfully effective passages, and It will be Interesting to the public to hear aorta played by the composer-violinist. 1 1 The music section of the Nebraska State Teachers' association baa deciJed "A Beautiful Cecvplexioa Always ts a Center of Admlrtag wase." Dtuart's Calcium Wafers, which are an pleasant to take as a peppermint, give In an exoeedlngly shcrt time a complex ion that will rival the Ideals of an artist le produce. They act uch a natural way. by cleaning out the porea, throwing off all akin dlacolore Jfsaa and Mood Im purities, that they do Lucir work of beauty building almost before you can believe It possible for them te act at aJL You may obtain a bos of theeo delight ful wafere from any druggist anywhere. Price, M oenta. a a ,iv s. i j, .n Vl't'3 OENTTINE ELASTIC KELT MAT TRESS: Full 46 pounds. Ex tremely well made.- neatly -tufted, ha I imperial rolled edge, wit h heavy art ticking. Thla bargain should appeal to you. knowing tne great ad vane in cotton. If you 'are In the market for a mattreaa you win rma thl a rare bargain at r.l on, it you $5.65 iiianii is. vi.ivuj w-ii ya'ri 11875 Free Trial Coupon T. A. ataert Co., gat aTtnar, Blajrshall. Mies, Bend me at once, by return mail, a free trial package at tttuart's Calcium Wafer a. Name... .................. Street City 8Ue A. - - J uuar&nieea 10 m Years ft'-l A HIGH ARM GUARANTEE SEWING MACHINE, bolld oak case, six drawera. si' accessories snd sttachmonts. Made with u.1 ,the lateet improvement Full ball bearing, guaranteed for ten finlv 3 00 Cash, ga.00 a Month, Beautiful Silk Shade Piano Lamp AN ATTRACTIVE MAHOO ANIZED BIRCH PIANO LAMP. Stands ft. high, two tamp sockets, new style satin umbrella, li-in. shaJe. heavy silk fringe. Colore. Ula ius or Clold. Comolelely wire' with six feet, of silk cord. btund ana atiade epeclally priced at only AN UNUSUAL VALVE IN A COMPLETE T-PIECE HOLtD OAK dl.TiNO het. Bunt tnrougpout or selected wood, and beautiruily finished fumed. T.'.hle mads with 41 Inch top, II ft. exten eion. Hlx full saddle seat chairs, with heavy panel backs slid full box aeat. Truly an amazing value at this price.. 98.00 Cash, Bs.00 a atoath. 4 l.v in rws w iwxws mmidSIWlttWL $18.50 N $15.00 IPsjf'" ""TTL" D. jil A J i-a 1 . i- I V iJ"'.. Pnr White .Porcelain Top Guaranteed for 20 Years " our rAnitary all prmu WHITE POHCELAiN TOP KITCHEN TABLB. Guaran teed for 20 yeara. White por celain top, 26x42 inches, sup ported by heavy frame and rigid legs. All white enamel finish. No kitch en complet w I t n o u i 4)nlv 7So Cash, T9o a Month. MODEL Adjustable Dress Form our new model COLLAPSIBLE and DKU88 IrOKM. 1 automatic and self locking. EauldStand simplest to operate Any adjustment de sired can be ob tained by merely pulling out the dif ferent eecllons. Our very row price only wuuo enamet .;$6.85 THE EXCELSIOR MYv Oltto N'hUkey ihoil (loud old whisVlen our perialty. We liandKi only abiskles lit luivWu (jua'lty. Ill OVTH 1ST mitt, VIM OkLZiaasT, Mgr. txt--srlTf .ifl t-Vrel--' mm SOLID 8TOKAOB fUNItR OAK llr- HAS a-- A bt'LKNDID VALUE IN AN AUTOMATIC BED DAVENPORT. Hi i frame is constructed entirely of solid oak, seat and back are diamoml turted lit guaranteed Imitation leatncr over aleel eorlng conaiructloiL. One uiCtlon converts it to a full sIXed bed. A child caa optrate lu Our special Ciearano Sale price eniy ll.To Cash, 81 JO a atoath. v-Ja a I J uietUiUllx $17.25 $9.45 1.00 Cash, 11.00 a atoath. five roomy dra trs, filled with wood pulls. Made n 1 1 r 1 y of se lected weod. fin Finished In goiilen. Wortn 17. J. (earanc Sal Prfjje. while a small auantlty lasts, at saly $4.95 a atoath. 1414-16-18 DOUGLAS STREET ORHAT VALUH IN A OAK MltjfilON ROCKLH. Hf heavy paddeu Seat, upholster ed In guaran teed 8 a n 1 ah Imitation lea til er. Ft n 1 a h ed go I it en. 8ih rtally offered for this week at only $3.45 Oe Oaah, BOe a BSBjlggsgS Ifnr