it THE OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 27. 1916. -I Visiting with Her Parents in Omaha WILL WED EARLY ITT BLUSTRY MARCH. HER ENGAGEMENT TO WED A3T NOITNCED LAST WEEK. BRIDE WHO COMES TO OMAHA TO MAKE HOME. l.xy2-l,,. ., , i a. s t ill. art dwrtmt of th Council "tiff WmM'i e'ub not at th library dY ermine for thii study of the lhester cathedral. Preceding th pro fin Miss Leech, accompanied by Mlos ig. gen a brief talk on the elms work ot the Wnman's Suffrage wtlon of Iowa and It connection w'th local society. Mr. A. B. Shtpherd the history of th Rochester eath" prrtraytng It various trprs of V'tecture a develoned from the early man ehureh of Pt. Andrew of the nib oentury through Flshop Oun- eh, Rrnulf and Jrhn. She also told Si. a Ll.l I I -I . I iiL oipwf n ifiui i' ni ti-iniitii Willi Cathedral of Canterbury and lso of i association with several of Dlrkena' rfel. notably that of "KM win Prood." J. E. Wallace read of the life and -k of BUhop Qundulph In connection wji the cathedral, which had fallen Into djsy by the eleventh century and wa lately rebuilt thrauirh hi effort. Mrs. Kte Coojt save a moat Interesting paper dr1btng tb rlehness of the Interior of tlfoathedrai. abounding In dark marble lTta, Norman pillar, fin earring and ajcrd frescoes of brilliant coloring. Mm. ana , paper on the exterior of the ttLWi that af Mts me on tb f ion or tn oatneoraj m. oiejtenr 0a wra omitted for lack of time. 11 next uaattns win be bald on March Tfi4 the cathedral of Litchfield wtU be asW trs. O. R. Bracket. IT1 Ttna afreet n tilalned tba member of th Oakland -.tou chapter of St. Paul' guild and tit friend at a oomhlned meeting and Ion Monday afternoon. Sixteen mem- i and seven guests ware present. Mr. jckett wa assisted. In entertaining by Robert Huntington and Mra. F. K. a CHrU Friendly oclety of 61 Paul' crch mat Monday evening for a bual- ii ana ociai meeting. nth Flrat Street chapter of St. Paul' 4 met Monday afternoon at th home Ira. J. Van Fossen. Th uiual bust- session wa followed by a aortal Mr mil t A'ft'th A . I . Si ttr rand refreshment, f the prettiest affair of the week party given by Mr. and Mr. J. J. r k Bennett avenue on Saturday honor of the elshteenth blrth- dof their on, Harry Gordon. Game an.fnusla were enjoyed and a three cfr supper served late In the evening. TNYust were Mated at one larg Uble ftivtti place card war prettily deoo- if"h nerlpin flag. The guests YfjaDorothy King. Ml Franoes TOrao Quaokenbo, Mlsa Jen jkley. Ml Helen Andreen, Mia fordon, Fred Sperling. Donald Mo Jauda Follett. Oaranoa DrlscoU, . " Gordon and Arthur Qtlrinlu Jft Gordon waa aaslsted In entertaln iny Mr. A. W. Carter. A. Georg-a Qulok entertained th rnem befof the W. K. O. elub on Thursday afmoon. Ten menrber war preaent anfth day waa moat enjoyably spent e-ng and visiting. Th hoitiwa waa aaMed by her alitor, Mis Veaey. Th clJwlll meet March 1 at th bom of W'HarUn Jensen, Hl ,'.'Rutn Arvidson wa most plea Tisalurprlaed on Friday erenlng at th ' -bof her lUr, Mr. A, Anderson, waif Sixth arenue. Moto wa furnished . dip th evening by Mr. Ja Weitrup, Mf Surnadett Schuman and Mia Qraxi ...... .iiCIjken; whll Mr. Bryant Badger, Mr. Dfey a-nd Mr. William Brook sang 'aeffcl trios. Refreshment war aerend :. la in th evening, th ublea being pret til decorated with tea roaea. Those pre, en "were i MIm Gladys B rid re. Mis Jb i K-kkhart, Mia Burasdetts Scbtt . m; MUs Ceoll Qlpeon, Mlsa Grao Clau ac.'il Glee Constable, Ml Hlaa ' MM, MIm Lillian Ccxtlne. Mt Cuba , if-St MIm txla Flnley, Mlsa FrancM : .. Chtll. Mlag Vera Boalay, MIm Ruth Afluon, MIm Alice Anderson, Mlra IJla ... AjTeon. Mrs. Jems Westrop, Mr. WtlW Brook. Mr. Floyd Moors, Mr. Jay I Ay. Mr. Alvln Null, Mr. Rex Con. I t9wey H annum, Mr. Bryant Badger, 'Baien Glpson. Mr. Charles Frost. Mr. yf fsBagg. Mr. Fred Jnnlng. Mr. 'C5noiAndrson, Mr. Oeorg Qinken bed anH. and Mrs. J. A. Anderson. ' JflHh Ellsworth entertained the raem- be ; the senior shorthand olaaa at ft lei fr party at hi ham, 1024 Sixth avMjfi, on Monday evening. Mualo and gatji furnished a most enjoyable even- lmrid at a lata hour, to carry out th ' apri of the affair, the boy assumed ehjse tof th serving of refreshment aft waited on the young ladles. The roll were most attractively decorated wli purple and gold, th senior class cor- Those preaent wers David Ken- irier, Ray Tannehlll. John Peterson, JptnciM Maloney, Wesley Chandler, Trodore Mettger. Herman Peterson. vjlam Peterson. Everett Russell, Helen i t5. as nucnanan, neien oanawiCK. " 0 ETvers, Opal Btagaman, Eva 'it. Hasel Haas. Mildred Montgom- Jennle Lamb. Helen Guinnee, na Kelley. Ruth lnnox, Madeline Bfrtan. Lda Dempsey, Mr. and Mra. j I. Grason and two sons, Mrs. D. D. Besa, Mis Jet Thrust and Miss Jen nirrhrush. Mmbr of t e Atlas club were enter tsJ&d t most delUhtful kensmgton on rUday afternoon at the noma of Mr. Iaia.n Shugart. who wa assisted In yrtalnlng by Mrs. R. C. Peregoy and j-B. R. H. Bloomer. She Woman's Relief corps kenslnarton nS Friday afternoon in th Grand Army .JwtA! mlc hall In the Toung Men' fctlan association building. , rs. I. A. Gray entertained the mem b of th Tuesday History club at her h l' on Tuesday afternoon. The club ctVnued the study of South America. E. iedor was th aubject for th aft eioon and Mr. A. B. Bipherd told of tl I principal cities and th people. Mrs. S.Jb, Snyder told of the Galapagos Is le! ds, Mr. J. K. Marshall tola or in tlonal Institutions In Ecuador and A. W. Tyler told of the religion. ?rn BCUador' tU xn suujsci ot b tnteivattnr toer clven by Mrs. Vt! Askwlth. The club will be nter- 'talned at a luncheon on March T at th nfne of Mr. E. H. Holllngsworth. ' The Ideal club met Tuesday afternoon at the horn of Mr. B. S. Terwllllter. The -program opened with a general discussion of) current events, following which ths cljb continued the study of Japanese art started at a previous meeting. Mra tiewls oJuer told of the archlUcturs of that country as exemplified In the temple Id In re, Mrs. W. A. Southard told of branae and metal work for which th Jefcanese are famed and Mra. A. B. Nkh- told of the eculnure. Arrangement re discussed for a asciil meeting to be bil March 1. The regular meeting will b. bi held nexL Tuisioy, with Mrs. Tr ilser. eyrtosteaa Me BKTclub was entertained on Tues clcrnoon at the borne of Mrs. L..R. dr. Tables were arranged for th of "IW and the rrlr for the hlh a iH won by Mrs. Gene Hal I. Mra, 1 r i jr i. v-ianoB won me coni i'u ynm I ' M I itv' - VsK 'l I ,f . v ,,-,4. - and Mr. R, Florl. a elub giiMt, won th out-for-all.. Iunohon was served after th game. The. elub will meet March at th horn of Mr. Harry Arbitthnot. Mr. J. B. Marshall and her house e-uest, Mlsa Marshall of Grand Rapid. Mich., wers the dinner gueeta oh Tueaday eve nlng at the horns Mr. and Mr. II. C. Spragu and Miss Spragus on Park ave nue. Representative 4 W. R. Green entertained at dlahs Kfsaday evening In their apartments at MM fMtham m Wash ington. The rvesi were ths member of th Iowa delef WMm snd ft number et lows friend, ,''.. Moratantd'chstt4 of St. Paul's guild held ft combined msettnc and tea Tues day afternoon at ths home of Mr. F. B. Kahn, SIB East Washlnartoft avenue. MIm Ella Wilson entertained the mem bers of the T. B. K. "BOO" club at her boms B Friday waning. Mis Marie Chapman received the prise for high score and Mies Madge Clearer was awarded the consolation .prtM. . Th Geneva, elub of th Toung Women' Christian association gar ft party Tues day rning. ftt th horn of Mr. J. H. Pace. About thirty girls wers present, many of whom have been to Geneva, and other are planning to - go-this yean Geneva charades furnished much amuso- ment and . th writing of songs about Geneva taxed the Inrenulty of the etfSsta. Supper was served late In th evening- by th hostess. - . Mr. and MrrChrls Test Stewart had as dinner guests Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hsm and Mr. B. W. Hart. Mrs. T. K. Cleveland entertained at an Informal kenslngton Tueaday afternoon at her homs on Madison avenue. Th house wa prettily decorated with roses, tulip and small American flag. Varl ou garaM and guessing contests fur nished entertainment and prises wer won by Mrs. R. n. Daniel and Mr. Ed Carr. Luncheon was served late In the after noon when 'covers wers laid for fourteen. Flftyrthrtt girl attended the Washing ton' birthday party given Tuesday after noon from t to 4:W o'clock at th public library and th affair waa a most suc cessful one, Th party was planned by the Reader and Fun Maker, ft group of girl who meet to read with Ml Fuller of the publlo library and occasionally lay aside their book for a frolic The big hall In th library basement furnished a delightful place for playing games and later the guest were Invited to th south room, where defloration of flags, hatchets and cherries wers moat attractively ar ranged. Fruit and candy a refreshment were most satisfactory to th school girls, and than mors games were en joyed. Ail girl In th fifth grade or over are eligible tc entrance In the club, and many delightful thing are planned for th spring and summer. Miss June Davis was hostess of the Ernest Hart Flower mission at ths regu lar February meeting and thirty members were present. Seven new members were Initiated with appropriate ceremony. A short business, meeting waa followed by a musical program, after which a spell ing contest waa enjoyed, prises being won by Mis Margaret Jonea and Miss Velma PoliL Luncheon w served In the din ing room, ths table presenting a most attractive appearance with Its floral dec oration. Mis Vera Bosley entertained at an In formal party at her horn on Thursday, Game were played and most enjoyable mule waa furnished by Mr. Herman Nel son. Mis Grace Clausen and Mis erna dette Schuman. Refreshments wers served, covers being laid for eighteen. Th Book Lovers met Wednesday at ths horns of MIm JUo and eompleted th tudy of Thackeray's novel, '"The New come," Interesting paper war given by Mr. I C. Squlr and Mr. J. R. Reed discussing characters and situations In ths book. Mrs. H. W. TUton read an ac count of th death of Colonel Newcome. Wednesdsy of next week th olub will hold a miscellaneous meeting at the home of Mrs. Charles R. Hannan, at which time a leoturs on Thackeray will bs ft feature of th program. Mr. and Mr. Gen Hall entertained th member of th D. D. club en Wednes day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Luben were club guests. Ths evening wa spent in playing "6U0" and prises for high score wer won by Mr. John McMahon and Mr. Ira Mayes. Mr. Lubtn won th "cut- . . "v AVI 'i W'MyxsMU f for-all." Th nxt meeting will bs held March I at ths homs of Mr. Paul Jams- eon. Mr. Alice Engelbeck of Dee MolnM, state organtMr for ths P. B. O. soelsty, I th guest of Mrs. Frank Trus. Mrs. Engelbeck cam her from Harlan, and after a short visit will go to Logan. Thirty members wr present at ths meeting of ths homs economics depart ment of th Counoll Bluffs Woman's elub, Wednesday af temoon at th horn of Mrs. C. A. Lacy on Harrison street. Asslsta ant hostesses wer Mrs. O. B. Walker and Mrs. W. II. Baker. Miss Edith Rettlg st ths Stats Suffrage association was pres ent and talked on th aubjeot of votes for women In most Interesting way. At th close of her talk ft rot was taken re sulting In twenty-five for and firs against woman's suffrsg. Mrs. 9.' 3. Sullivan, leader of th department, presided at ths meting, end In response to roll call each woman gvehr farorlt rseelps. Mrs. B. J. Towsle completed th report of her trip to Ames, begun at ftjprerloua meet ing, telling especially of ths lessons In meat ' cutting and drealng and boning poultry. Mrs. W. H. Clark read an In teresting artlol on "Diet for Growth. " A demonstration was given of bread and cheese sandwiches with bftked custard. Refreshments wer served Uts In th afternoon. Benson ; Social Circles Mra. R. E. Boswortb of Fremont, for merly of Benson, spent Monday In this place. , . Messrs, Frank Wygant and Guy Strong Waited ft few days at ths homs of G. I Waterbury. Mrs. A. S. Ruth entertained at dinner on Sunday. .Covers wer laid for five guest. Mrs. G. NIckolson and children have gone to Uvona, N. T., where Jhey will visit relative. Mis Edna Doland of tows. City spent a few days at th a J. Whistler home while on her way to Tork, Neb. Mrs. O. F. Comstook and children re turned in the early part of th week frbfil. ft trip in th east. Th marriage of MIm Maris Baekhaus of Benson and Mr. Fred Damks of Mil lard took plaos last Wednesday. Mis Lillian V. Andersen and Mr. Ern est Grabow were married Saturday eve ning at ths English Lutheran church. The Royal Neighbors lodge rare an en tertainment and supper for Its members last Thursday evening. Mr. C? II Penoyer was hostess for the China elub on Monday and Mrs. J. L. Corbaley for th O. F. D. Kensington club on Thursday. Sons wers born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Gehrig. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Palke and Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Martlg last week. An entertainment descriptive of ths life snd times of Oeorg Washington will bs given this afternoon at St. Bernard's hall, Mrs. C. P. McPherson has returned from a visit of ft few days to Platte- mouth. Mr, and Mr. Charles Pst arson and Mis Lois Henderson of Deadwood. & D wars guests at th Dr. Loechner horn last Week. Th Methodist Ladle Aid soelsty will hold ft social meeting Wednesday after noon at th horn sf Mr. C. Bohniltt, Mies Irene Cronmyr wa surprised with sn aluminum shower at the home of her uncle, Mr. Frank Bleick. by about twenty friends. Th Toung- People' society of th Evangelical Lutheran church will meet next Wednesday evening at th church, with Mr. Phil Blxton. Mr. C. Orobow. ski and Mlsa Louise Herman as hostess. Mrs. J. Mackln was hostess for ths Aufweidersehen club at bar homs last Tuesday. Mesdames O. J. Sett. J. p, Mackln and MIm Hazel Darts won prises, Cecil Cawley entertained th Key. ton Park Social club at hi bom. Mlsa Sadie Horan of Omaha was ft guest Mrs. Van Anden entertained th whist elub at her home last week. A dainty luncheon was served. Prises were won by Messrs. A. F. Snyder, p. Doleja. G. Stoltenborg snd Mesdames A. Weeks, Oeorge Stoltenberg and P. Dolejs. 7 3 B1ISSS P Mm J nU- (X ? ?bQeo.3arhutf Thwmel Social Affairs of the South Side Miss LI I lie Sttenberg Is spending ft few days In Sioux City, visiting Miss Ruth Marks, who has visited at the Stlenberg homs Mveral times, I Th Adah kenslngton was entertained Thursday afternoon by Mrs. P. M. Camp bell and Mrs. J. Case at tho horn of Mr. Campbell. The afternoon w spent In needlowork . and refreshment wars erved by the hostesses. The dste of tfte next meeting will be announced later. A nufhber of social affairs have been postponed on account of the death of Marclua Sullivan, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sullivan, Mrs. F. IL Freetag of Evanston, Wyo., ft former resident of South Omaha, 1 her for an Indefinite stay, visiting old friends. Tho women of the Christian church wars entertained by Mrs. James Chlsek on Wednesday afternoon. A very Interesting paper was read by Mr. N. R. Bryson. followed by a musical program, Th next regular meeting iwlll ba held at th horn of Mrs. Charles Cleglsr, 4027 South Twenty-third street. Mrs. Charles Alstead entertained Tues day afternoon at a card party, Ths dec orations and tally oarda wer suggsstlvs of Oeorge Washington' birthday. Th regular meeting of the literary de partment of th South Sid Woman's club to have been held Tuesday, was post poned on account of George Washing ton's birthday. ., A number of ' ladles gars ft surprise party on Mr. James Hall, Thursday afternoon. Soma of ths ladle took their Mwlng and soms played card Mr. James Northrup entertained th Thursday Whist club at a lunchoon Fri day afternoon. This Is ths last meeting Of th elub until after Lent Prises wer won by Mrs. Shawgo and Mrs. McDonald. Membsrs are I Meadame-. Mesdames Curtl. Wausam, Dennis, Christie, Northrun. Shawgo, Franklin, Robinson. McDonald, Rout. O'Nefl, N Mas Nortnrapv Mis Stlenberg entertained ths Adah Pleasure club, Monday evening. MIm Elisabeth Horn was guest sf th club. Msmbsrs present werei Mis Ml ass- Mary Horn. Cecil Nixon, Blle Burgaorf, Nora Horn, Gertrude Frost, Helen Burirsdorf, Laura Kruee, U. Armstrong. On of ths ' largest social affairs of South Bid society was th reception I given by Dr. and Mra. Berry, In honor of their twenty-fifth wedding an elvers- , ary. Ths hous was beautifully decorated In pink roses and ferns, with tb sxeep-! tlon of th dining room, which waa dec- ) ocrated In whits with whits tulips. A num ber of olo wer rndrd by Mr. Henry Richmond, MIm Louis Bratton and Mr. ; Forest Dennis. Mr. Berry wors gown , of whit lacs and carried pink roses. 1 Many beautiful gowns wer seen. Assist- I trig through th rooms wtr Mesdames R. M. Lavarty, L. M. Lord, Gorg ' Wench and Edward Jtohnson: MUm Jessie Bltt LouIm Wlese, Doris Berry. I Pearl Lftvsrty, Marls Berry and Dora Wlese. Miss Lucills Nitach entertained "Th Card club" at a Washington party Tues day evening. Th houM wa vary prettily- decorated, suggestive of Oeorg Washington's birthday. Tho present wars: Misses Misses Helen Oeesey, Sadie Kothols, Eleanors Alexander, Helen Dennis, Ramona McKlroy, Msgna Horn, Luctla Nltscbe. Messrs. Messrs. Paul Monroe, Paul Orchard. Italph Henry. Verdon Clark, llryan Nixon, James Northrup. James Davis, Ths South Sid members of ths Scot tish Rite Woman's club had charge of th meeting Friday sfternoon at the Scottish Rita cathedral. Mr. William Berry and Mrs. I. L. Van Sant bad charge of ths following musical program: Miss Gertrude Miller 1syed three piano solos; Miss Louise liratton, accompanied by Miss Esther Miller, sang two vocal solos, and Miss Gladys Van Sant gavs two planologues. Mis Hulda Jetter entertained the girl of Fontanel! Hall of Bellevu college at ber horn Tuesday evening at ft Wash ington party. Mis Carter, dean of th girls, accompanied them. Those present were: M lases Victoria Barr, Helen Tyner, Dorothy Davis, Doris Llndhurg, Cstherlne Barrett. Misses Bernlce Miller, Irene Islle, Nora Mohr, Susan Ulllson, Helen Andrews. Agnes urennan. Ixuise Davidson. Catherine Mhanahan.Lernlce bcholt- Ruth Derbyshire, field. peairiee ttioss, Ann Johnston, Chapmanl Runsey, Fnnjane Ward, Bemlce Mitchell, Arllne Smith, Walrd. Ruth ll!lson, Helen fcchults, Francis Kelly, Mittle f'anoefi, Marjorle Deddlch. Mrs. F. A. Cressey entertained th Ladles Aid society of the Gracs Metho dist church .Thursday afternoon. Mrs. C. B. Kulborn and MIm Grace MoClaln sang vo-a4 solos. Three letters wers som posed of titles of songs and wors read by Mesdames A. F. Stryker, Frank Clark snd John Hughes, Fifty-eight members and guests wer present. An oul-of town wedding of much in terest to South Side people, was that Mi 39 Edith Murray of Mr. Austin Flnley and MIm Ed,lfh Howard, which took place at Greenwood, Neb., Wednesdsy, February SX Mlsa How ard I the daughter of Mr. J. H. Howard and a very prominent young woman of On en wood. Mr. Flnley s a aiaduate of Nebraska Ktate university end a brother of Prof. Klnlry of Houth Side High school. Mr. and Mrs. Finlry will makr their hmiio at Valley, Neb. Ralston's Social Events Air. and Mir. Werner of Bcandla, Kan., have been visiting at ths home of Mr. and Mir. Alva Lane for several weeks. Mra Thornton and small son see here from Kansas City visiting Mr. Frank Hoys. Mis Lela Hayes left Sunday morning for IJnooln, where she will be In th Orthopadlc hospital, under th oar of specialists Raymond Roberta entertained ft num ber of school matM Friday orsnlng. Games and music furnished ft very Jolly time and a fine lunch was served to ths guests, Mr. and Mrs. Goddard of South Omaha visited at th D. L. Ham home Friday venlng. Mr. Oeorg Mhadow entertsinsd the Ladles' club last Thursday. Several new members wers s greed upon. A dellolous luncheon was served. Those present were: Mesdames Hell, Ledwloh, King Propst, Ham, Alexander, Dodds and Skinner. eat Jail for Onsklnf Olasa. P. G. Chavlc and Martin Parrta, both from outlying precincts, wers arrested for fighting and fracturing flasks on ths downtown thoroughfares. Each was sen tenced -to tlv dar. This is Start ties you have been planning. Present this advertisement to your dealer and get free our "20 Klostersilk Crochet Instructions." Crocheting made easy get your set of Free Illustrated Instructions It fa most likely that you have bought and used Klostersilk Cottons and have been more than pleased with them. No doubt you are one of the thousands of enthusiastic needle work ers who use Klostersilk exclusively and recommend it to their friends. We assure you of our appreciation and know that you have been de lighted with the finished pieces Klostersilk always works smoothly and evenly. It adds an artistic appearance and a lasting quality of charm to the work done with it Klostersilk comes in a permanent white, also many deli cately tinted fast colors. The high lustre is not dimmed by repeated launderings and the colors do not fade. iL(0)r Jfiss Edna. Ifarlon BEDDE0 VISITS WITH SON THROUGH WINDOW PANE Elmer Reddeo, head of the Beddso Clothing company, nukes daily vtalta to liis home 15C6 South Twenty-fourth street, and converses with his son through a window glass. lie does not venture into the home at this time on. account of quar antine. He telephones thnt lie going out and his 8-yesr-old n, Klmer, waits for Mm at a window. When the words are lost through the sIhhs father and son mske signs with their hands. Demand Greater 10 9 m m wm - i FREE GrocSiett lestraction Week . for. experts and beginners Your choice of Instructions In many new beautiful Crochet designs all this week. this week to work a Lingerie Yoke, Novelty Hat, Cap for Baby, Fancy Work Bag, Lace Collar, new Edgings and Insertions or other useful novel If your dealer does not hap pen to sell Klostersilk end us his name and three two-cent stamps for the "20 Cro chet In structions.1 l ) U rVOJJ U U j ,,tK' Grow With Growing Omaha ia liiRtory with us We've Vot'ii tloing it for more tlinn t'ightiMMi years. Wp owe, all our growth to Oni-hn It's iotroisivs poople an; our untiring I'fforta to nlve you perfsrt Clp.-inii g and Dyeing. Our policy i not only "If it ran bo tlonp, wc can do it "but also "If there is a hotter wnv to do it we'll find it." Start today with u. The Pantorium "Oood Cleaners ft Dyer, 1S11-1B-1T Joeee St., Uens. MS. Bra nob. Offlo. 1011 rmu . Soatn BIS, 4708 . 4th Si. H. B. See n about cleaning your rugs and f nrnisalngs. r.largarcttc Lcoen TEACHER OF PIANO ft rioov Patterson Bl, lrth and Paraam. SoagU Tftoa, Omasa, Ms. Than the Supply New Shipmnet on Hand To our many custom er that were dtssp. pointed on our first sal we will offer for THIS -WflNlt ONLY another lot of the celebrated Stth Thomat Ma hog' any 9-Day Cschs, Ca thtdralStrik for nty $5.00 These clocks are guar anteed and kept In re pair free of charge five years. Many styln to select from. Brodegaard Bros. Up fh Codsn Stmlrt mt thm Sign of tho Crown 16th and DougIa$, Omaha Xftfl Orders Promptly Attended . :1 This fa Klostersilk Free Instruction Week. Take advantage of this liberal offer now. Crochet with Klostersilk then you, too, will recommend it to your friends. Miss Klottenllk s-izs sit n , f" IZu mm, 3 -. r I