Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 12-A, Image 12

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Mgr. Neb. Buick Auto Co.
The Show From a Wholesale Standpoint
Lee Huff says:
I had fully made up my mind before tlie l'Jlb'
Auto Show was promoted that the time had passed
when Automobile Shows were necessary to interest the'
people in automobiles.
While this may be true, this show has shown that
there is a greatar interest in the automobile industry
than ever before, and it was patronized more freely
and by more buyers than any previous show, and it
haw also brought thousand? of people, to the fit y of
Omaha, and I am now convinred that as long as the
interest continues which has been demonstrated at
this show that Aujo nobile Shows should be continued.
Our volume of Bnlck Kindness to data ha surpHHaed. that of
nny prevlncs year and wt have roistered over 00 Bolck denlera
at our room during the rt week, all of which goes to show
that th automobile Industry in uLll In ita Infamy.
Geo. F. Wright, Paxton-Uallagher Co.
City of Omaha, Public Works Dept.
John Lynch, County Commissioner.
F. L. Lainson, Florist.
Adolph Storz, Storz Brewing Co.
R. P. Holman, Paxton-Gullagher Co.
Geo. W. Condon, Contractor.
Dr. M. E. O'Keefe.
Arthur Storz, Western Auto Supply Co.
E. A. Pegau, Western Auto Supply Co.
Mike Saba, General Store.
Woodward Candy Co.
F. G. Ilanna, Harding Creamery Co.
L. M. Pegau, U. P. Steam Raking Co.
Iyester Pope, Pope Drug Co.
E. II. Hoel, Carpenter Paper Co.
F. S. Pusey, X. Y. Stock Exchange.
Dr. E. II. Bruening.
.1. A. Grosseup, Shary Land Co.
J. 13. Adams, Adams Grain Co.
W, C. Pullard, Dullard Lumber Co.
A. S. Kelly, Nebraska Telephone Co.
Ed Creighton, Foster-Darker Ins. Co.
Dr. E. C. Henry.
Below is a list of the own
ers of 1916 Buick Valve-in-Head
Sixes. Ask them
about the Buick car and
Buick service, and their
answer will be another as
surance to you that "When
better automobiles are built
Buick will build them."
The Show From a Retail Standpoint
Chet Dowers says:
I believe that 191G will see the greatest buying
movement ever experienced in the automobile world.
Speaking from the retailer's point of view, I can say
that the 191G Auto Show was without a precedent. We
have closed more sales in the city of Omaha than at
any previous show, and the interest shown by the auto
mobile buying public has shown me that we will be
unable to meet the demand for Buick valve in head
sixes during the 1916 season. I want every prospective
mofor car purchaser to ask any owner of a Buick auto
mobile what he thinks of his investment what he
thinks of Buick service. Service is one of the main
features to consider when buying an automobile, and
without it the best car is a poor investment.
Conrad Young, Real Estate & Invest
ment Co.
II. E. Daniels, Internat'l Harvester Co.
F. L. Gallup, C. W. Martin Co.
Record Commission Co.
W. H. Taylor, Omaha Gas Co.
B. B. Rcppcrt, Internat'l Harvester Co.
Byron A. Smith, Williams & Smith.
C. B. Slater, Paxton-Gallagher Co.
S. R. Rush, U. S. District Attorney. '
J. A. MaeGrcgor, Rothenberg & Schloss
Cigar Co.
L. D. Upham, Insurance Co.
S. Guttman, General Store.
II. G. Jordan, Byron Reed Co.
Jos. Pablik, J. J. Mershon,
F. L. Hibbs
E. M. Rohrbaugh,
W. A. Schall,
J. WT. Gilliam,
X. It. Hirsch,
M. S. Wise,
Retail Sales Manager.
H. II. Stubcndorf,
Miss Edna Bartlett,
Dr. F. O. Beck,
A. H. Murdock,
Thos. Donahue,
Dick Murphy.
Wm. Hager, Geo. Stoltenberg,
A. Baumastcr, X. P. Madsen,
Martin Mathiesscn.
Eli T Un,F
OMAHA Lee Huff, Manager
LINCOLN H. E. Sidles, General Manager
SIOUX CITY S. C. Douglas
C. W. Francis says:
"Tho show has meant a big tiling to U3 in the
way of actual sales made. Wo sold more cars in one
day at tho show this year than wo expected to make
all week. These sales were modo to individuals and
dealers. Everybody seemed to have money to spend
for cars. Wo had tho most attractive chassis in the
rhow, it being tho same ns our company used at tho
New York show. Yes, wo arc well pleased."
C. V. Francis Auto Co.
2216-18 Farnam St.
Phone Doug. 853
Eleventh Annual Omaha Motor Ex
position Goes Down at the Best
in History of Omaha.
Carl Changstrom says:
"This show has been a wonder. We are more
than pleased and know that wo have profited and
will profit a great deal more than wo expected. The
show was crowded all week with interested ieople,
the large percentage "of which were buyers. Allen
Cars certainly camo in for a world of interest, and
our booth was crowded all tho timo. Our actual
hales', were more than satisfactory and wo know
future business will bo all wo could possibly ask for.
"We want to express our appreciation to the
public and extend a warm invitation to como to our
salesroom, where we will have time to givo personal
attention to explaining our cars and demonstrating
Standard Motor Car Co.
2010 Farnam St.
! ir ' '
F. J. McShane, Jr., says:
"It sure was a dinger of a show. Everybody had
money and they all seemed to be looking for cars. We
were so busy at the show and at our store rooms all
week that we didn't have time to breathe. Actual re
sults from this show please us immensely. We hdpe
the others did as well as we did. The KF.GAL and
the MEHCEIt came in for more than their share of
interest and attention. I can't pay enough for the
good this show will do the nuto business."
McShane Motor Company
2054 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 6648
Tho rlpvnth annual Omaha motor -ponltlnn
In now a nierfi nwmory. But
It In a peasant memory and will hold
f.rm ulronnholil In the m!nd of every
at.toMioWI man In tie city of Omaha
di.Tlnj the next twelve-month.
For the eleventh annual Omaha motor
expon'tlon wilt be ' chronicled aa the
Ifgreatent and moat auceeaaftil automobile
how ever held In the history of the
putomobllc Industry In Omaha. It will
be a popular topic of conversation for
many months to come along the row
and even the factory men, who have
een many areat shows In many treat
cities, will point toward Omaha and tha
eleventh annual Omaha show when they
swap reminiscences.
Profaae la Praises.
Kvery dealer who was an exhibitor at
the show was profuse In his praises last
nlg-ht. When 10:SO came and the doors
were closed for the last tlma the auto
mobile men fathered around to talk It
over, no Inneer business rivals, but the
best of friends. "I'm glad Ifg over and
vet there Is still a touch of renret," la
the way most of them expressed them-
se'.vs. They were glad the show was
over be-auee It wns a hard six days of
work, not to rent'n he hrt'ir of "pre-
nnnwlness" before the bl display opened
And there was a touch of regret beeause
the blgest business week In history
was a thin of the past and It meant
the return to te regular routine after
a week of carnival.
tireat Show, Maya Stewart.
"The most wonderful show we ever
had." s!d President J. T. Stewart after
It wits sll over. '"We reached our mark,
a S1.0U0.nnn show, and our business broke
all records. I believe It was the best
show the middle-west ever had."
Borne show, some show." declared
Teorge Helm, member of the board of
directors. Relm started to talk about
fie show three months ago and until
he hiked fnr home early this morning
he was st'.ll talking about It. "New T rk
and Chlc-iro hnve nothing on Omaha
Vve seen lots of shows, but this was the
best' I ever snw.
Many Jalea Made
"And It as a selling show. too. and
that Is what counts," continued Relm.
"livery exhibitor s irpaased his fondest
expectatlona In the matter of aalea. I
spent a lot of money on this show be
csuse I knew It was going to be a huge
success and I made It all back and more
by sales the first two dsys. And the
first two days were the lightest dsys.
I sold more cars during show week
then I ever .M before In a single
Clsrke Powell, mansBer of the show,
quit talking about the ll show at 10i30.
when the dcora closed. The minute It
was all over Powell awltched h's flrures
t.i WIT. "Watch us In VI'." started
Powell. 'Rigger, better, greater thsn
ever. We'll beat this year to drath "
Verrilet la 1'aaalatoae.
I Cher deaWrs expressed the same sen'l
! ments ftewert. Relm and Powell did.
j They all admitted the W show the
greatMt ever and they all predated even
this fsr ahead, that the twelfth show
' would be even greater. The superlative
"greatest" Is never realised In the auto-
nmbl'e Industry.
It was an Omaha crowd which attended
! veMorday afternoon and last nUht. The
i dealers and other out-of-town vlsttns
began to return home yesterday mornlna
, ard It was purely a local crowd.
Rut It waa a great crowd and the
Auditorium waa taxed to capacity every
hour. And It waa pretty good buvlng
crowd, too. Lots of orders were received
from prospecta who nibbled temptingly
earlier In the week. Others who Intended
E. R. Wilson says:
"We did more business and there "was more
business derived from this show than any show
ever .held in Omaha, Our business was exception
ally nice and we made a number 'of contracts for
future business. Our Gold Chassis was the sensation
of tho show and was pronounced a work of , art by
everyone. It was the thing that drew the crowds, to
the show. We had 300 dealers in and all of them are
waiting for the roads to open to start a greaV sea
son's business." ' ' .
E. R. Wilson Automobile Co.
Studebaker Factory Branch
2550-2-4 Farnam St.
Guy L. Smith says:
"We never had a show where thero were so
many people attended and so much interest snown.
The greatest trouble we had was to get in touch with
the people who really wanted to talk about our cars.
We had ten salesmen at our booth and we estimate
that they were able to get to talk with about ton per
cent of the folks who wanted to buy cars.
"We wish to thank everybody for the interest
shown in the Hudson Super-Six and invite them
to come to our salesroom, where we can show them
the car and demonstrate its superiority." .
Guy L. Smith
"Service First9'
2563-67 Farnam St.
, Phone Doug;. 1970
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J. T. Stewart 2d says:
"The Auto Show just closed was a 100 per cent
affair from start to finish. The crowd was there, the
buyers were there and Mitchell and Pierce Arrow cars
were also there. Our salesmen were there and busi
ness was fine. What more could we ask? It was by
far the best Auto Show we ever had and was a great
deal better than we or anyone else expected. You
bet we are satisfied and we expect to do the best busi
ness this year we ever did.
"To the many people who called at our booth
and failed to get our personal attention we extend an
invitation to come to our salesroom, where we will
take pleasure in demonstrating the superiority of our
J. T. Stewart Motor Co.
2048-52 Farnam Street
(Continued oa Next Pas