TUN HKK: OMAHA, SATl'HDAV, FKHUUAUY UH, vm. Ik. FOR RENT HOUSES "WELL BUILT HOMKS v. 8. Tnn.i.i"'!Kn -H. hi'tine, PI-'LIHti Jf.th Ave. i. Ki-ld Club Humpy Si Dl .slKK Modern house. LM.rm; 4 rooms nrt floor. $t. Wnl I'M. 5-hTiOM honee. X. N. th Avr., lib. Phone Webster 4'. North. 3922 North 18th St. Six rnomn and hall, full two-story, In fine condition, two very short blocks ' from car; itet key at office. HIATT-FA1RFTKLD CO.. Omaha Nut. Hank Mdg. Tel. Pour. . Five-room cottage, modern. In good con dition, attic, full cement cellar. $JA 3'th and Corhy. Phone Webster 1911. lolj CHANT ST. 7-r. com., modern, $. T. F. Hall. 433 Ram Re Bids;. Doug. T4'H Month. r"lt KKNT a rooms, new brick, 7il K. L'lh Ave.; close-In; oak finish, shade rods, electric fixtures, gas range, all In; HO per month, fall for key. TRAVEUS BROS. Tft5 Omaha National Hank Bldg. Phone Douglas lie. FOR KKNT 7 rooms, new oak floors, new plumbing and electric light. l:4 : South ;sth St., $.10.00. Benson Myers Co.. 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Hldg. XjEIKABLE fc-roem cottage, modern rept furnace. S. lth Ave. Hlxen be ugh. l. 47i. Kilt KKNT Furnished or unfurnished 3-room house: reasonable. 4413 bo. 12th sr South 3"3. FOR RENT BUSINESS PR'P'TY tore. F.KY desirable stores in drain Kichanxe bulldtiiK. fire proof. In line with growth . of business center. Make a selection to dav. F. D. WEAD, ll S. Kiln St., Weed BldK KTOKK, l-XT FA K.N A M, Cheap rent, corner. See Kclchenlers Bros., H.'? City Nat. Hldg Tel. IV 191". BMAI.I. store room: very desirable, rent $-; ISM (.'as Ft. CONK AO YOU NO. .i Branrtrl Theater Ioiiglna l.'TI. STi'KB HOi IMS at l!-lMl Farnsm St. Thos F Hull W Ksme Fldg 1'. 740!. Offices and Desk Itnom. if taken soon rooms over drug store for doctor and dentist combined or studio for photograph and developing. 224 I,eavenworth. A. L. Huff, Ilarnrv 77S. FOR RENT-SUBURBAN CHOICK modern suburban rehlence, $ acres of land on paved road near Flor inet. H. H. Landeryou, Nivlile Llk. Phone Douglas b.66. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED Wrst. isi CASH Will buy a bland new all modern bun galow, jusk, finished, at Joth and How ard St. H. A. WOLF. B14 Ware Blk. Doug. WS. S.MAI. I, JIO.Mi: FOR SSUUj PlRMK. Inrge lot with 5 room-house, city water, gas. big trees: only i blocks from end of Famam and fuming car. $1.0. very easy terms. liK'lllilK O. WAl.l.AI'H. 4114 Keellne. W. L. SKL13Y St SONS, INSURANCE. REAL ESTATE-EXCHANGES I'M FAT" Twelve 4-room end bath apart ment house In Kansas City, favorably located and all rented. MUM con sider trade for good western Iowa or eastern Nebrnaka farm. General Man ia ntiUCotmha. Neb. FOR I.XrllANil I . Tand clear oi InT cumbranoe, in Dundy county, Nebraska, for lard In the Red Hlver Valley of Minnesota or North Dakota, Will as sume. F.. F. Andrus. 830 Endlcott Hldg., St Faul. Minn. BR A Nil new store building, well locate! on N. 24th St. Well rented. Will ex change for close I i apartment site. 1 ri. e, rl. jO. U k Vox S. Wo -dblna,M. P.'n slock gen I imlse., will sill or ex change for residence or small property near Omaha. Address A 71. Pee A tjool) itudrbaker car to traJe for equity In cottage. f. P. Bostwlck A Son. Hee Bldg. KVEKY day has' Us T'ant-Ad users. Tvl. r CO". FARM AND RANCH LANDS 41 Worn laTS.a Aa, CA LIFOR "N 1 Al Tt 1 1 .""s i u ri an Ta r'r s"n esr ln Anaele for sale Kasy psymenta. Write K R. Walte Shawnee. kl Mlsaearl Vmm. sunshine for Start :odny. Call Oool) Income and fsnn to exchange tor Innd in central Nebraska. Toland & Trumhle, Bee Bldg. CAN sell or exchange anything ou have to offer. C. J. Canan, McCague Uldg. IJi ACKKS U miles from Salem, 1 mile from Turtle; ) acres fenced and under cul tivation; 15 acres orchard; k-nwin house, barn, and outbuildings, nearly all tilla ble. Price !. A snap; ait qun k. W. S. FRANK. 2"l Neville Block MlBMesora Uata. REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN Heneeisi. 8-K. I. mod. 5-10. homo, fine location. l.'oJ S. lulh. 21 ST, 1"2J rooms; modern; 1-3. Mlscellaneoaa. HOtSKS FUATS. I12.50 6-r., WIS Clark, part mod. )4.flo 5-r., 10 Clark, part mod. lin.Oo 4-r.. 2514 N. IMh, mod. ex. heat. li.(X ft-r.. 87)4 N. 3"th, mod. -'6.ni 7-r., if13 Ames Ave., mod. .).0i 7-r., X.73 Fort St.. mod. . fcffi.on 7-r., 6110 Cas mod. .is.tio 7-r., 4i"3 Lafayette Ave., mod. Mo.ou -r., IH Harney mod. Vvnu-7-r., 212 S. 37th St., mod., garage. . $m.00 S-r., 11323 Farnam, mod. very de sirable. GKOHHrc COMPANY. Tel. P. 751. i2 City Nat. Uankjnirtg. Ifotvv-4-r. honse and 4 lots, 8415 Maple St. 2S0n-7-r.. strictly mod., S0 Frnnklln. U5.(ni7-r., strlrtlv mod., 1718 8. itfth St. 140.00 T-r., strictly mod., square house, 3616 Pacific St. These are all good houses. Ijook them over. SCOTT & HILL CO., Douglas 10W. FOR OARDKN1NO AND POUL.TRT. -r.. downtown, colored; $12. Also a S and a 8 (like bungalow) and ACRE GROUND, 16 and $7. Also 6-r.. Cali fornia bungalow and acre, 114. Tel. P. 2107. Kvenlngs. Wwl 2-'S7. fi a I )Avnnnrt W. Farnam. fir 2im V. IRth St.. modern I' H-r.. 424 N. 17th St.. mod. ex. heat..30 ft-r., Shelby Oourt, mod. ex. heut....l 4-r., M2 N. 2Sth St 12 PKTKR8 TRVST CO.. POCtt ni'V. HOW S THIS? 6-r. mod., garden. 24i2 S. 17th. HC; -r., mod., select, 1ST S. 2Slh, ILfi: -r.. mod.. S. 27th. $19: 8-r.. mod., LT1S Howard. $J6. 7 others. Doug. 1412. Tyler 214-J. W A NTKD-'I'o leave eany In spin a su will sell my beautiful homo In Benson for rossonsble price If ta'ten et once; house Is modern: 7-ro0rp; closets; buthroom; pnntrv with built-in china closets; large bnoement; hot and coid water; half acre of ground well set to fruit Tel. Benson 6'JO-W, or call .209 N. f7th St. . Buv :XVACRF. lmpioved faim. miles from Minneapolis; W acres under cultivation, balance meadow anl siure; good soil; 10-rootn house, barn and all other build ings that are needed, school house on land; price, $ per acre; one-halt cash, er will sell farm wltn full equipment f horses, cattle, machinery, etc. Will m.kt verv reasonable irlce on personal uroperty. Immediate posseaslon can be bad. Schawb llroa, l'Ci Plymouta Bulldln g. Mlnneapol Is. M Inn. ViTlAT he had to sell: An automobile. motorcycle, a summer cottage, a Morris chair. And he sold hem through TUP P.KF Want Ad columns. Mississippi ljinda. TllCII iipanTi corn, alfalfa, hogs, $TTS acre; large ami small tracts; easy terms. O. P. Ktrbhlns, Nebraska. ftortb. XOHTH SIDE LOT BARGAINS It 13. block 1. Wood's Dace, south front on Sherwood Ave., (one block 8. of like St., between IMh and lth Sts.), size 41x131 feet; price only $.'). Lot 6, block 1, I'addock I'lace, (located on Burdelte. between 15th and lth sts.). facing south: price only $H0ft; else 60xi:w feet. These lots have sewer, cltv water and sidewalks and are within walking distance of lT. I, shops and new Ford factory. Act quick. Rea sonable terms. PAYNE & SLATER 00., 1H Omaha National Bank Bldg: IT'S A DANDY latest style bungalow, 6 extra large rooms. well arranged. oak finish, beamed ceilings and other special fea tures; choice east front lot. paved street, near 17th and iAlrd Sts. cash, or good lot will do first payment. RASP BROS., 106 McCague Bldg. Unnifc. Whore Every Improve ment is Made Buy in the Right Direction Buy in Dundee's Newest Addition There everything haa been done for the comfort and convenience of the home owner. Building restrictions as- sure future of this neighborhood, llood street car service within a block or two I brings this addition within is minutes of tho shopping district. Located be tween 40th and &2d Sts. and Dodge and Howard. Prices Low Terms Easy Now Is the time to select your lot for your future home and Investment. Plata with prices gladly furnished. George & Company, Phone 1. 7.Vi. HQ2 City Nst. Bk. Bldg. r WE OFFER I. Improved farm. 130 acres, six miles west of Omaha. Trice, $150.00 per acre. It. Improved farm, 1K acres, seven miles west of Omaha, rrlce. $150.00 per acre. III. Beautiful 40-acre tract, only one mile from Benson. lTlce. $300 00 per arre. McCague Investment Co., McCague Bldg. .111 f'UlDI L'a. a r,iii lintli .11N.0I) 2nfiS PoDnleton' Ave.. 6 and bath. .. $17.00 J JOHN N. FRKN.F-R. Douglas 6F-4. HOt'SF-S FOR KKNT. CRKIOH. SONS & CO. 60S BKB BI.nO. DOUO. 200. FOR RENT AP'TS AND FLATS West. A PA HTM 13 NTS. 4-R., Flo-Lea. 20 & Cup... 1st fl $27.50-32.50 6-r., (Jeorgla. 10k) Georgia. Ave, $:7.a0. PKTKRS TRCST CO.. I'OI ll. VKRY choice 4 or 6-rooni steam heated apartment, on West Farnam St. JoH.V.W. ROBB1NS. 1S02 FARNAM BT. ,FOIiK rooms; south front:. ood condl r lion; walking distance. The Hamilton. Doug. 25441. SlODF.UN ' t-rnom apurtmeut. Including sleeping porch. Will located. Harney 1.199. ' ...... '. ! North. 2212 NICHOLAS ST.. 4-r., mod. flat, steel range,- gas stove, kitchen cabinet, . tor paid: $!. J510H Bristol St., 4-r.. part mod.. $14. RASP BROS. DOl'OLAS 115.1. WHO WANTS THIS? -0S No. th St. No paving taxes. Liv ing, dining room and kitchen nnd 2 bed rooms and bath on 1st floor. Attic floored: full basement with furnsce. This plsce Is nearly new. Did you ever hear of a place of this kind in this lega tion for $:',40'!. But owner wants $!) cash. Come quick, for It won't uaat long at this price. PAYNK INVESTMENT COMPANY, 6.T7 Cm. Nat. Bank.. Doug. 17K1. o BF.Al'TlFUL, TViO-STuKV STl'CCO, 7 large rooms, sleeping porch and tiled liHlh, 27(W Fowler Ave., south front, large porch; splendid shade; paving all paid; $roo cash and tMi monthly. Phone Doug. :in8 or Colfax I'll. B. J. 8CANNKLL. Dundee Bungalow !p4,()0(r $700 Cash Six rooms. Just finished., all osk fin ish: three bedrooms; very sttractlve; corner lot; paving all paid. A snap for a quick sale. Glover & Spain, Douglas S9fi?. konth aide. 1 ACRES and house. South Side; fine place, well Improved, fruit, etc M.OOU. W. T. GRAHAM. Bee Bldg. THnS IS AUTO SMOW WEEK Dealers are offering tome splendid bargains in GOOD USED CARS. Look oyer this list; pick one out while they're cheap. THK THRIFTY HOUSEWIFE FKRVK9 CALVK9 BIIAIN9 AND OXTAIL SOl'P TO MARK DOTH ENDS (MEAT) MEET. SO DOE8 THE JUDICIOUS I1UYER TRY TO SELECT A GOOD USED CAR WITH THE PROPER COMBINA TION OF TRICE AND QUALITY. IN OUR OFFERINGS WE HAVE THESE KSSENTIAL8. YOU WILL AGREE WITH U3 WHEN YOU INVESTIGATE THESE CARS. OAKLAND FOi n CYL1NDF.R. FIVE PASSKNOER. CARTERCAR FOUR FIVE PASSENGER. CYLINDER STUPEBAKER rOUR CYLINDER. TIVE PABSENOER. OOLK FOUR CYLINDER. FIVE TA8-SKNQER. APPER80N FOI' R FIVE PASSENGER. CTUNDER, REAL ESTATE-WANTED FOR SALE Strictly modern, 11-room house; hot water heat; south front lot. Price. I7,0ol). Phone Douglai UK. oath. FOR SALIC Strictly modern seven-room house, nearly new. Field club district: faces east on the boulevard. Will sell chea'i If tsken at once. Buy direct from owner. Phone Hartley 7Ys. FOK SALb. Two fine lots and cottages, West leaven worth district; good for garden and chickens. Phone Wal. 2.--T9, VOR SALE 6-room bungalow, strictly modern, $3,0o0. $d00 down and easy terms. IMP Olln Ave. Call Tyler 1K4H. I i 11AVK cash cuatnnier for & or ii-rooni I house, north of Lake between ;4'h and 1 Sherman Ave.: inuat have same m once. T. L. McUany, Keellne lUdK.. Red 4W4. liAVK buyers for Mod. N. side '.'utluKes, bungalow, easy payments. Younpmnn, 501 dm. Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 147fi, t WANTEI To buy on monthly payments! mall store room, wlin llvln rooms above, la Central school district. Phone Bed ;SM. SOLD to 6. 11. VNeidnci. Fremont. Neb. Hie ltKi acres advertised Isst week Write him for his opinion of Cheyenne county. We hsve 3.0 acres, well Im pruv.d. level land, black soil, perfect location; 70 acres plowed: t miles from town and accredited high school. We wont have It long at this price tiou. & cash: balance. lor rears. No trades. Write Nugent de ongpra, lidge Pole. Neb . ALL THKtTE YOU WANT ' Owner of 140 acres In Cedar county, miles from Sioux City; will make very liberal terms to first-class farmer who can make a reasonable cash payment! farm has about 180 acres In crop. Is well Improved and close to town. Price, 1U an acre. What's the use of rentlngT 1AYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, onviha Nat l BanK Bids.. Omaha NEBRASKA RANCH FOR, SALE. 4.0110 acres, 80 per cent tillable, baliince well grassed, but broken; well, wind mill and tank; partly fenced; price, $11 per acre. Located In a well-settled farming and stocK-ralsIng neighbor-1 hood where prices are advancing. Write I for run description. .1. 11. Dl 'MONT A CO.. 4!ti-ll Keellne Bldg. Phone Douglas (510, . VEHK FOUR CYLINDER. PASSENGER. SEVEN 8TUDEBAKER ROADSTER. FOUR CYLINDER E. II. WILSON AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, SM FARNAM BTREET. .1 Mlneellsaeosi. 10 ACRES In fruit: very fine 7-rooiu, all modern house; new ham: brick chicken house; a peach; will trade equity for city Income; h'g bargain. CALKINS & CO., Douglas 1313. nty Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR ItKNT-NKW FLAT. 4 rooms and bath; hard cral stoe fur- ! nlshed. $17 per month. M N. lth St. I J. B. UOLilNSUN. I 442 Bee .Bldg Doug. I7. 1 i s 4-UOOM apartment, sleain heat, janitor ' service, $a"i; 1S14 Whole. Rel 1WI. FOUR and 7-room apHitmeiU near P. low rent. (. P. Siohljen?. AND 4 rooms. 2uo:i-5 N. ailli. Tel. D. HvO 6-ROOM BARGAIN NEW. 0-ROOM, . STORY HOUSE. NEAR CAR. A SNAP AT 13.400; REASONABLE PAYMENTS. BENSON & CARM1CHAEL. DOCUI.AS 1723. PAX TON BLK. ACKKAGK-l have for sale 1, 1 Vs. 3, 4s. o and two 10-acre tracts. Prices right on all. Some Improved, See me. ! Phone Doug. 1510. William Colfax. suite 702-4 Keellne Bldg. REAL ESTATE-BUS- PROP'TY, ..e-se for Sal Good Location for REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE SIO Squara Feet $10.00. The Bee Building Co. Room 103. I.wnk-Ai Klii north Neb., near good tnn: running water; 4i a. farm land, K"0 s. hsv laud; fenced; buildings. Price $U.!; ensy terms; best bargain in the couu- try' CAMPBELL A CRAIO. Doug. 4H2.1. Keellne Bldg. ti iUliIELS WHEAT 1.AM), U PF.lt acre; Cheyenne Co., best sniii grain Co. In state, few snaps for early buy ers. Live agents wanted. Wrlta Fund Ingsland Inv. Co., Sidney. Neb ist A CR i'.S improved grain and stock farm. $ per acre. $3,0uO cash; bsj. . If not sold by March 1, will lease; $670. Box N. Broken Bow, Neb. Son rb . NORMA NDIE APARTilENT Park Ave. and Pacific, tine ri-si floor apartment, consisting of large riceptlon hull, very large living morn, dli.lng room, two big bedrooms and bath, large kitchen, pan try, closets, ma Id's room. One of the bent arranged apartments In the city. Immediate possession. Price fM per mo. D. V. 8HOLES CO.. HI5-14 City Nat l Bsnk Bldg. I mug-. 49. OiioU s-r. modern house, in nice condi tion, cloeu In. for only $2,600, Lot 30x17. W. H. OATF.8, n47 Oiiislin Nat. Bunk Bldir. Doug, lax. FIRE and tornado Ins. Myrtle Ieuel, sl-'l N. 23d. PUotn Colfax lufcl after U a. m. ex. heat, $1. neat, mi. FLATS. Vr.. 211 lieavenworth. mod l-r'.', TM 8.' 2th'si., near Le:vV St., l3, PKT:R8 TRUST X. . DOUG. FIVE-ROOM steam heated apartment, very desirable; the Chula Vista, Soth and Poppleton Ave.. $4:'.M. Si Bran dels Theater Bldg. Doug. 1S7L THK DUNSANY. lhlh heated B-r. apt. & 1'lerce. steam- Winter $36. Doug. 63'2. Mlscella tei HARNEY est V rms.. all mod.. $46. 00 KIO S. 29th St., 8 rms.. all mod....H6.(l 64 S. ijth St.. 7 rms., all mod. ...$ja.50 40H N. th t., 6 rms., mod. ex. heat $21 60 2ri02 Chicago St., $ rms.. mod. ex. heat $'-'0.00 17:2 IS. loth St., 6 rms., part mod..$ls.6o lothrop St., rms., all mod.. ..$18. 09 Mio l acifio St., 4 rms., part mod $IR.OO 2ii8 Sahler Jt.. 6 rms- part mod...$13.o0 Bl RK FTT & COMPANY. 423 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633- MONTH FREE RENT. CLOSE-IN APARTMENT, t-r. and bulh, apartment, brick; mod. except heat: good neighborhood; $12.50. l. E. BUCK. D12 Omaha Nat. D. 6-28. MOVING AND STORAGE REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED Merlh. 100 Jieautiful Homes are being planned for Minne Lusa this year. Tho moat wonderful development ever seen In Omaha will take placo there. YOU can make money by buying a lot or two NOW on easy terms. CHAKIjKS W. MARTIN ai CO.. Owners. MILLER Park district, east front lot, on 24th St , easy paymnls; $'0 cheaper than any lot from Fort St. to Paik. 5714 N. 24th St. LARGE-CHOICE CORNER LOT one-junrter block, northwest corner lr.th and Daenport, 1:12x1.12 feet. D4 blocks from postoffice, 6 blocks from new Ford building. For sale, or will lease for long term; act quick ; large close-In corners are scarce. MRS. H. L. HAWVER. 3824 Grand Ave. Colfax 702. WHAT have vou to sell In farms and cltv property? See us. F. T. Walker Co.. W7 Omaha Nat. Bsnk, Omaha, La ads. Uklaaonta, WELL IMPROVED corn-alfalfa farm: northeast Oklahoma; heavy rainfall. $46 per acre. Relyea A Ulfford, 118 Ramge Bldg., Omaha. Neb. UFPAiK W1SCON61.N tlesl dairy and general crop state In the union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet $4 on Wis consin Central Land Grant. Exoellent lands for slock raising. If Interested la fruit lands ask or Booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Dept.. coo Line Railway, Mlnneapol la. VI mo. Mlella-va REAL ESTATE-TRACKAGE Track ago for Lease. Will lease trackag-5. lots 136x150, Union Psclfic tracks on property, llth and Seward Ms. Norris & Norris. 400 Bee Building. Phone Douglas 4270. TWO nlre lots, Clalrmont addition, cheap, easy terma. T KB BENS, (TO Omaha National Bank. Cl-Wl.si-i. near th St., 22 or 44 feel; must be sold to close estate. GKIMMkU US Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. REAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIES FOR SALE Dwelling, pool hall, barber shop and building. Good reasons for selling. Address J. It. Grass, Hayes Center, Neb. boath. WILL HCII.IJ TO SLIT. Have 15 first choice lots In Leaven worth Heights Add.; easy terms. Doug. SNM. Carl K. Bolen. 14 Paxton Bldg. CHOICE lAJT at a sacrifice. On 3uth Ave., ono block south of lieavenworth. 40xl2S ft. Specials in. Phone Honk, Ml South Twenty-second St. Miscellaneous. GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores, moves, packs, ships; I-horse van and 2 men, $1.25 per hour; storage, $2 per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. I ou glas 4:tt8 and Tyler 230. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mov ing. 21!) N. llth St. Phone Douglas 394 or Harney 1937. OMAHA Truck. Vau and Storage Co., moving, pacKiug. storage and shipping. tMione IJouKlai ii FIDELITY" FREE KKNTAL SERVICE Phone Douglas 2M for complete list of vacant houses and upartments; also for torn(re, moving, ltlth snd Jackson ts. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSL. Separate, looked rjoms, for household iJikjoj and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., soil S. :th St louglas 413. VACANT LOTS If you contemplate building a home ihis spring, do not fall to see us. We have a list of ch.i're vaiant lots In both north and west parts of the city. A. P. TUKEY & SON. Tel. Doug. 502 1&Q7-8 W. o. W. BldjL fUCHAKD EVERETT. A IK '1 1ITET, H No. 15th St. Phone Douglas l'V- REAL ESTATE-INVESTMENTS HALF-PRICK If you watca the "For Sale, Miscellaneous' ' columns of TUB BEE, you'll often see articles which are for all practical purposes alraoat as good as newadvertised for half the original price in THK BEE. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, -Iortsjgea. WE are ready at aii time to make loan on flrat-claag city property and eastern Nebraska farm. Rates on request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO. 212 So. 17th St, HAVii YOU A FA MM FOH SALh-T Write a good description of your Und and send It to the Sioux City (la.) Jour ! Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Frl- dsy evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different daya for $2; or tv words, $4. or 71, words. $4. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; 250,000 reader dally In four great states. FOR any and all kinds of acreage located on or near car line, call C. R. Combs, m Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. tll TIRES ADVANCING But we keen the price down. Hare tr.,000 stock, all standard makes, such as United Status. Diamond. OoikI rlch. Fiske. Racine, 4.000-Mlle Guar anteed and other. 20x3 $6.76 30x2tt 18.76 3 2x3V4 $9.80 32x4 116.00 34x4 12.60-fl4.26-116 96x4 $13.60-216 36x4U $20-222.60 37x4U HO 37x6 122.60 Some used tires at $t. these bargains er Com and see write or phone &1S Farnam St Duplex Tire Co. Douglas 4171, SPECIAL 1JAK0AIN IN 'J4x4 TIRES AT $11.93 HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES Far Sal. HARNESS. SADDEES AND TRUNKS. Vve make Hiem ourselves snd sell them direct to the consumer. Why pay two profits for Inferior goods when you can get high-grade goods at first cost? ALFRED CORNISH CO., 1210 Farnam St., Omaha. FOR 8AI.T5 One brown mare, 4 years old weight about 1,1 jO lbs.; city broke, also single wagon and harness. . 1401 Wirt St. Webster 411. DURING 8HOW WEEK ONLY. Duplex Tiro Co., Douglas 487$. 1518 Farnam. For Sale. VELIE 40. A BIO BARUAIN. W have one Velle flre paasenger car. lias been used two seasons, but has Just been put In first-class con dition and repainted. Wilt sell this car at a very low price. See Mr. Mndsey at JOHN DEERE PLOW CO., loth and Howard Sts, REAL USED CAV-BARGAINS 1 Model J.7 Bulck Touring. 1 1914 Studebaker Touring car. 1 Model !t Bulck Touring car. 1 Btorjdard-Dayton car. 1 1.10o-lb. Bulck light truck. NEB. BUICK AUTO CO., NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Recovers Slowly But Stubbornly Ground Lost In the Pre ceding; Session. CONFIDENT BUYING OF RAILS 1914 Farnam. Douglas :!. COME and look these cars over. All ar In perfect con dition and we csn save you const lerable money car. Read them over: Chevrolet Roadster Chalmers I Ford Roadsters... Enger "." good bargain. 1114 Maxwell' Touring, ltlt Maxwell Truck. 1 Chevrolet roadster $CdO C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., n ,.$0 ,.$tt0 .$-" as new. NEW YORK, FVb. Slowly, but stubbornly, today's market recovered much of the ground which was lost In the preceding Klnn when quoted vslues suf fered variable declines because of alarm over political developments In Washing ton. That situation underwent a change for the lelter, and enpeclally when It was reported that Oermsny probably would hesitate to tnnuxurnte Its Istest subma rine policy on the day originally decreed Absence of pressure upon Anglo-French bonds, which helled msterlslly to weaken esterda'a market, was another favor able factor. Trading In that Issue was comparatively nominal, giving color to the belief that the activity and depres sion of the previous day were largely of professions! or bearlKh origin. Vet another encoursclng feature was found In the moderate hut confident bny ng of rails, a branch of the stock list which has long suffered from neglect. Coalers led the movement, presumably n consequence of the increislug hellef that prevailing differences net ween miners and employers are In process of sdlustment. Next to rails ttiere was a steady In quiry for met n Is at advances of s point or better. American Smelting, for rt smn'e. more than regained Its nuarterlv dividend of 1 per cent. War Issues Petro leums. Marine preferred, I'nlled Fruit and Sugar were better by I to J points, after an esrlv period of vselllstlon. American Woolen wss the most sctlve stork. Its strength of IVi per cent out of grestly Increased earnings resulting mainly from profitable war contracts. Trading wss In small volume through out the last half of the seeslon, but prlcrs held their own despite occasional pres sure. Activity In Pacific Mall, which rose S4 points to wss the feature of that period. Total sales of stocks amounted to SoS.WH) shares. Atchison wss the only Important road to submit a January statement, showing a net gain of $182,000. Industrial com panies msde more favorable reports. Ponds were mainly Irregular on reduced denllng. Total sales, par value, were $'.mio.oo. Fnlied States bond were un chsnged on call. Number of sales and leading quotation on slocks were as follows: Hale. Hlth. lem. Close. 134 Famam. Douglas k.J. tilHlll secotiu-hniiu I. v -pound bulck truck, S.W0. Nebraska Hnlck Auto Co., 1V14 Farnam. Douglas 7S1. UOOD car cheap: easy payments: It will pay you to look into this. Colfax MI. Aatotnabilea Waatejl. WANT 11116 Hulck. Overland or Dodge, for two clear lots In Omaha. Douglas y47, T ant to Trade-Painting and paperhang Ing for light auto or truck. Web. Swtt. Atseka Ool4 km tit Jl4 nt tHIM'talinn . MOrt l , I , Amrl. n rMt Sugar inn i Amsrl.-II I'M tllKI IT!'k m ' Amerlrss lienmedve ... If Jl eH American a. H t 7" tnov M o m. a n rM im ui in m Am fttiiar lleflitlns Iim mrlrB Tl Tsl T0 tt 1J: 17S Amerlran Tohan 1st Anscond ( optr it. tm M M14 AnhiiMn l.ien 1rai im iom PalHwIn LneomntlTe .... 4nft im )M imi, lialllmnea A utile t.ore 1714 S' llelhlehem Rlixri 44 Pmniilrn rtuplJ Tr M Callfnmtt IMenlsum .... rM n f4 t' IHtuull.n Psrlfla 1444 1M 1' Mls-ellaes. AUTOMOHILK INSX'RANCK. Fir. Theft. 1. hiblllty and Property Damage at Lowest Rates. KILLY. ELLIS A THOMISON S1.V14 City Nat. Rank Rldg. Doug. IfMl C'HKN the renting problem la under con sul era' Ion either from the standpoint of the tenant or landlord-the Kent Es tate and Want Ad Uuid to all ot Greater Omaha The Bee I the best medium for sure and satisfactory results. RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION Teata A I'klraara A Northwesters) NORTH. tsert. Twis C "" Makots PaSMns!' . Inui illy 1'I .. . MIBBSapolii Kipreas Tela Cltf Limltsd tinr Spsclal srrall I-oal hiwkiii Riresi Oilossa Loosl Carroll Iosl .. Cklesso rip-lsl Ksn Krsnrike BUST. s t .t am .k T l m .s IS pm s 4 em M pm t'MitrsI lMhr bsMlteske S OhlS Olcaao O. W CMrkSO M. St. P CMcS A N. W Chliwgn. R. I. S P. .,.. ekins reor Coloradn r. 1 crucible Hiesl iii-r It O. iM Mttllrrt' Herurltles .... Krle Oeneral Rlertrlo Ilreni Northern pfd Ortml No. Ore rtf niucenhelm Kiploniilon. . Illinois Central lnlerhomush I'oa. trp . Innvlral Ion Cipeer International llarranlsr... Kanasa (IIT SUiul liars . . . . Ionian V.ll.y loularllle S Nanhvllla. .. Mailran Tvtmleum Miami i Vippsr Mlaanurl, K. T. pfd.... Mlamirl Pacirin National niaeult National Tjaa Neysila Vnnr New York (Antral N. T., N. It. , H Norfolk Walters Northorn raclfla , Parlfle Mall raclfle Tal. Tel rennarlvanta Pullman Pslans Car. , fta Con. (.'epear,,. 1 .... Haaillng Steel. .aa .... ' emuinam racirie a s aa aiu , SU M am '"'"rhsksr Company a I II am 1 Tannaaaee Cnppw ... J Taxaa Oompany tsn ave ton l.aoo ano 1 on it.au 'tins t K jnil 1 l lain 1 an "jfln 4 400 " trn an n t ft I.KW i 1ST IS 47 H 44 S 7H "itii IT ITS 111, US 4.-.S a" T4 l:j H Hiisii A . .... sie M tm 1 "-P"B,I 3IM '"Too Ton f.Sfai l.fin aie 4' le.wo 7H 1T, STV 1IT 111 13 '4 1H, 4 1H lHi MS 4' iro unv, 4H 314 4 n 151 H IOIUj a '"4i 1 1(11 ll2k laUj Line si 14 it s roe am s a T ptn s I N pm a 4'ia pm a l oo pm limit1 all OB am 0rlaaa Umlte a I OS pm Oeasos-wasningin tmiias.s a aj pm joa Aal Umitd ..sl:l pm Chsilrnn Ixx-al II Wis l.inoolB-nallss a I a am I,lB.-olB-in Pin s I II ph. llaallna-4uparlor k 1:11 pm aao-Mot HprlSgs Sl'Upm caspr-La4sr a I a pat llllaols Oatral Crlnag Umlta4 s I pm ChloAso Kipraas s 0 am Allilan Oakdai l :M pm s : an 4 00 pm all M pm S 4 44 I ia alS M ara a (Mm M il am a T M am all II am ail am a i n pm alO ll pm k l:M pm a I pm all M am a I Nam s I Ml pm k I K pa niae Pacific nlnn Pnclfle nT4 site Stat Steal . S. Waal s(4 'Uh Teener Wealern 1'nlnn Waatlnghoiiaa TCiaeiiio ... Mnnlana Powar General Molnra Wahaah 14 pM nternetlonsl Marine sf. Kennarot Otpfier Total aalea for tna ar. Mllwawke eV Bt. raal KOH BALK One Iresh milk cow; milk cow coming fresh soon, and $-year-old short-horned bull, Csll Walnut 1.108. Thirty-two milk wagons Johnson-uanrorin lor sale, liih and cheap. Clark. Ills BRAND new Monitor touring. 191 Ford touring, good shape 1814 Btudebalier-slg, louring Ult Cadlllao touring 114 Kord del., closed: Ilk new. 1U12 Overland touring, self starter i.TI $7 . S00 hleao paolflo IJmlte riletS hJhi-i.v.::: Ollfornl Mall Masllla Uxl la tow raet Ov.rlanil Ltml!a4 litornl Mall Omaha gapraaa Atlanta Ia Angalaa Umllaa colons falorano S"14. ' gas rrsscia " t.l(la limltao ............ Or.gon-WaahlBftas blmlUm North ri" V V Orss lalan LsmbI Stroma b nl 1I 4 aleagt Bock Islaad A raalfl, BAST. n-rkT Mountain , Cktoas iaiiT r.i- - 0 pm M pm wbst. ItaS l Iilneels.s 1 11 am a 140 pm $ TO for loans on best class city residences in amounts $,uu0 up; also farm loana. Reasonable commissions. PKTKRS TKl'MT CO.. 1422 Karnam Ht. OMAHA homes. ll Neoraska farma, O KEKFK REAL ESTATK CO.. 1S Omiha Natlc.nal Phone Oougls-s IT1A MONKT TO LOAN, for t yeora. on improveu properties. BHOPKN JtCO.. D"U;4J4. MONKY on hand for' rlty and farm loans. II. W. Hinder, City Nstlonsl Hank Hldg. GAHV1N BHOS. 145 Omaha Natl. Hk. Hldg. I $100 TO $10.uOu inada promply. K. D. W I Wead Hldg.. ltu &- I'm nam Bts. J. C. liEED Eapresa Co. packing and 120T Farnam Bt. Douglas (14. aluvlng. storage. er WANTED TO RENT 1 sfsrslakrd llovses and flats. bTKK TLY modern bungalow, five or six rooms, living room across the front. oak finish. Field club district or Dun dee. This Is no agent s sda Responsi ble party. all tiarney (tr.T Biasiaess Irwrrly, VANTKD An empty building in a good live town suitable for a restaurant. L. A. Murray. Arlon. la . Hos iyj. Mlacrllssauss. a.n 'i rj. Ursa room; sLaua price and location. P. O. Hox 1167. A Fine luvestment Income, $2,800 Prict?, $23,500 This high class apartment house, con sisting of six 6-room apartments, rent ing for $24o per month, located In the Itanscom Park district, within one block of the park, on car line; com plete and modern and almost a new building. This la your opportunity to purchase a good Investment that la owned by a nonresident client who Is anxious to sell. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1614 Harney Bt. IC1TY property. Largo loaiui a specially. ADVKHTISfc. your property aa thoUKh ill ruvea lis saie or rental to be r Important, by keeping it Pig House. Home and Culds-THE HKK Hated Heal In thi tlUt CITY and farm loans. j. H numont fc t o.. 6. oV., 6 por ceoU 41 State Hank. 6?o CITY LOANS, C. ii. Carlutrg, X! Hranneis ineaier mug. MONEY. HAHH1BON A MOHTON", l Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Stocks mmd llaads. YOU CAN OKT HOME 7 ON aOUH MONK Y in BflLDKHrt' PREFERRED S1IAKK8. also a part of remaining profits. American Hecurlty Co., Klsral Agts., W. Cor. 17th snd Douglas Hts., Omuha. flAY-V.OO ton .g f A. W. Wagner. 801 N. 14. Sate Phone Booth 224. POULTRY AND PET STOCK CYCLE hatcher and brooder for sale. rlfty-egg sise, nss oeen usea ror a number of successful hatches. Easy, cheap and practical to operate. Cost $9, will sell tor to. 141 N. 41st 8U Har- "'JLl'Ii- : ImcurJ InLAND KKD eggs, fine laying strain, $4 hundred. 60 rents setting. Or der now for future delivery. Wslnut lo2 WTTTtE SPITZ PL'H'i KS, thoroughbrT only $s this week. Mag Oelaler Bird Co.. 1617 Karnam Ht. 64th 1U F11' lx-horn ockerela. $1 each. and urtnq Ave, luiui MXDgraln. 100 lbs.. tCia. Wagner. SUlN.U Auto Clearing Home. tew k0 7.i Farnam. D. 3310. PACKARD SO. perfect order, look Ilk new; limousine body; touring body, also bargain; Inquire John Itlrhtar, Drum- mond Motor t'o. vi v P-PAHHKNGKR "Light Hlx." In first class condition, newly painted, must sell at once; heat bargain ever ottered. Mgr. Palace cio. Co., i4tn ami uoug. AUTOMOHILK Insurance fire, theft, lia bility and damage. n i l ii a i cJlaVH, 1217-U City Nat'I. Douglas (sol. LEGAL NOTICES MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES li A HLE Y-DAV IDiiON h"5tOKCYCLE9T Bargain In used machines. Victor Roos. "The Motorcycl Man." TiuS Leavenworth. AUTOMOBILES $1,000 KAItM mortKge benr.n 7 per cent. aecurea ly proTty valuta g.1. ,aj. Tsl- ( c mage-Loomls Inv. W. O. W. Bldg. Afcalraela el Till. UUA11ANTEE ;V- cheapest. Room T. Pstterson jlldg. D.AI7 T7T.'' ltl Title JViiVAI. c.0.. a modern abaarau-t uffluaL guarantee and a modern Tel. D. b4Jl. Akwti act $06 S. 17th t RKED ABSTRACT CO oldest abstract office Id Nebraska. M Brandela TUea. Aala Beaalrlog lal ralBtlasi ly experts; 31 Lulomobile Dalntlng done years' experience in Omaha: work guar anteed first cissa. onnsiii-uinionii to, Dl' F LEX tires last' lunger, are stronger o.eu. tli and more durable; Karnam St. Douglas 4S7. $lu0 reward fir magneto we can't repair. Ctdis repaired. Bay sd o rfer, HO W. Uth. Free winter storage when cars are paint ed and repaired, jonnson-oanrortn Co. Omaha Radiator IWp. 'Co.. .a rar. D. L Aato Livery ss Industrial Oarag Co.. Hh A Gsragti, Harney" bta AUTO TIUES 1IALF Homer Hill. 1411 Chicago BL ffSxTeB OF STXK : K HOEDkua. MEETINO. Nolle Is hereby given that the re ruler annual meeting of the Stockholder of the bOUTH PLATTE LAND COMPANY will be held at the office of said Company, noio 701 First National Bank building. Lincoln. Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a. m , oa the first day or marrn. . l., me. Lincoln. Nebraska, February 1st., 1111 C. H. MORK1I.U President. W. W. TURN Ell. Secretary. Feby IdSX. is. 5 rnu i V a T ;M pm .a I K. pm ..a T 10 am .a I M pm ,.a l ot pm . i s mm .a I.M pm ..all H am ..a 4 pm all M a as all a sm ..all 4 am ai M am .a I II am ,.a I K pm bU.41 pm rkinaas NlgO' "ss S4:l rafolna. lsl Pa-aangar. .a 4 1 inTrMN.brMk Limit. . . .a I I all IS am a Ml aa all am s HI pia 1 a 14 pm all 41 am a I so pm a M am S 44 pit, 4 .0 pm a I D am s f'ai'i a I. II p 4 4 pm am bll.M pia H -m pm klO II pm 4 an I n pm all am 00 am New York Mosey Market. NEW YORK. Feb 28. MKnCANTlT.B! PAPKR llir.lii pr cent HTERIiTNd KXr ANnF. xtv-dsv hills, 4 Tla: demand. $4. 7 7-1(1: cables. $4.7(1 IM. hilvkr Bar. 37e: Mexican dollars. 4.1'4e. BONDS Uovernment. steady: railroad. Irregular. , MONEY Tim loan, firmer; KS days. 2l4jj4l per cent; 90 daya. 2i(i3 per cent; ix months, nefc per cent, call money: Steady: high, t per rent; lew, IV per oent; ruling rate, 14 per cent; last loan. per rent; closing bid. IX per cert: of fered at t per cent. Clong quotations on Donas today were rs fol'ows: . R. e,f la res.... ril a H. nl. a asi, 4c emapoa 04. M. K. T lat 4a 1 tt.'S. . rag im Me. rae. ena. a....hKu, a euBA im Moot, rnwar as. wi V. S. ! llOSiN. T. O. . S....I144 4 ejiinen mwni. t. iiit ana iwm Am. Bmeliers a... Ill N. Y.. N. H. H. T. a T. e. 4s.i.taH ee. s 114 ABSIa-rreseb Is .... 4M. Paelfle 4s Atobkmn m .... 4 4 la S Hal. Ohle 4s iHO. g. U ref. 4a -4 T4lk. Stael r. Ia....ei4raa. T. A T. is WH (I. rmolflo 1st SOS Pens. ena. 44 IMI4 4"ha. CI. CT. 4V.S. S74 On pen. 4s V1' n. a Q. . as sTKssins sen. is n't ... . k.K T.la oLijT.na a Ta iprss..s I 0 u nklanesiat u.ii .11 11 Hoaiiwi" " Wraiars Bk t vleaaro urai Tela Cl'r Msilts Tla Cliy s Cblaas Mlssoerl Pairic JL C. Si. rul Wiaaik BUti aO m.myrwmm S 1 :4T pm a 4 00 pm all am s 14 am . 1 10 pn, .a l am .0 10 pa .a 10 am all II pm -a 1:1 pm a I 10 pm a T oj M a I Ml am a a so pm I M pa a T 4 a. a I M pw S 1 11 a an 10 pa Bl'RLIJfOTON STATION .TesHkaad Hasoa. Darllaaa UNI WB8T. Dap el. a T ie am am ""SiiiSVsSs . I-lmlta M.lirs.aSa Lol ...uu Bipre iuooln lswsl una aa Waablngto 4 II ao uirl. Maslla aa Orsa4 I. land a l pm tBBr-Oallfnral s 4 14 pm ioiallngt-lraB Islss s 4 SO pm 1 jncols Url . . . . .s 1 .as i 4.-olom(l - A-rlra. a 1 so am a 10 fortk- llfornli .ai-drKl Nonharn all is am usss BAST. (lear " IIHnol s T J aa icavl I m HaHamoalh-faolrla Jjisettoa.. I 10 pm lettsmosik Paolflo Juaotlo. all ao pm I'raatoa Ul J fhlcsso 1DTi Cblnae hpi4 f c kills sarillisl a I so am Ckltas UKBH SOUTH Juaapk a I'll klS.aiaa a 14 pa sil II tm a 14 pm all u 40 pa Ksnsa rllf-H. Jusap a., lata MO. han inn l'tir-k s Jimaek b aiuvt gaaaVar. .a 4 a pm .ail. US pa s 1:1 am a T: am I M j s t 40 ym Ml 00 am a U pm 1 I Mm au.oi a I ft pta sll to am s 4 44 am ROOSEVELT ARRIVES AT BARBADOS WITH HIS WIFE BARBADOS. B. W. I., Feb. S.-Colonet Theodora Roosevelt and Mrs. Rooaovslt imvid her today and proceeded to Demerara, British Oulnea. They will go from Dexnerars, to Trinidad, where they will tak a steamer direct ta New York, Both Colonel Kooaavalt and Mr. Roose velt ar In good health. i,m II. am l.sn 4,f I J. 70S l 1. ion nw MS ano J ano lino 4A0 tno I ore nine so Ml as, jsv, 1S :s 0.'.N IMV, 1li an4 l"l At 71 ii 4T S MS &4.0O aharea. (' I'M MS r14 to S IT Ml 1 ;'. ' 11S 4 "4 S7H (U TO 4TT44 an 4 4 l V im 414 it "4. IT(, H 44 IM14 l US ll'a 17 4ft, 110 , 7T4 111 10414 4S 1!" ; 114 10414 TH M04 iit. 211 TO', S7 lift ri'4 T4'4 US 0i ?0'4 1"I4 7 tm. IM'a i tj S4I4 7' SH 71 r ; 4' r m. a s. P. r;. it. 1. r. H. rf. 4Vi p. a R. a. . 4a Frls ran. 4s tan. Hlertrt U . Ot. Nn. lat 41a.. III. res. raf. 4a . Int. M. M 4m.. K. r. Ho. raf. aa. BI4. 1.. 17 I r 4m. nSSn. rae. c. Is r. 4s. M do raf. ia. . TtttSo. luilwar aa . TafeVnlon Pariria 41 .104V4 rr 4a . Mup. g. Rabiwr , . M4t. s. fkxaf la ... SlaWeat. t'nlnn 414s. (Hi 10 S , ao, KWS . US H 1" 104H 1 Waat. ICIac. ct. H lit I.onolnsi Stork Market. LONDON, Feb. S American seeur- Ities on the stock market were arrected by the negotiation between Washington and Berlin and closed lower on a small amount of business. HILVKIt Mar, Kl 1-ina per nun, MONKY 4'J4V percent. Discount rates: Short bills and three months, 5Va per cent. Bask Clearlaae. -.uilll Vi 9f, T4anir rlnirlnv. foe Omaha today were $4,4oS.5ul.lv and fir the corresjKindlng dav last year $S.(iJ4,0ba.S6. Man Believed to Bo Lyman Is Arrested V.TAMPA, Fla.. Feb. 25. A man answer ing the description of J. Grant Lyman, wanted In New York for alleged defal ratlons of rr.or than 1300.00ft was arrested late today on a yacht at Pt. Petersburg. Fla. He declined to answer questions aa to his Identity. DEPUTIES OF FRANCE CONGRATULATE THE DUMA PARK". Feb. JB.-The Chamber of Dep uties today telegraphed the Russian Duma Its srdent sympathy with the Duma on resumption of Its sessions In Us announced determination to carry the war to a successful conclusion. Tha tel egram also congratulated the Duma on tha capture of Krai-rum by tha Russians. &wii( x 4wompany Uakm Block Yards, Chicago. Fab. S. III. Dividend No. US Dtrldaed of TWO Dul.LAk-4 (tt. 00) per ahar n tit oavpiud suick at .Hwil 4V Uminiiy, will b paid oa April lit. lal. to stuckkdldsrs r( reeved. March 10, 191. aa bowa oa tk beek ei Ue Cavlnr. F. 8. nAYWAm. ..r.t.ry