he Omaha Daily Bee. Call Tylor 1000 If Von Want to Talk to Tha Bee or to Anyone Omjierted With Th Itee. THE WEATHER. Fair VOL. XLV NO. OMAHA. SATrilhAY iMOTiXIXU, FKHRTAHV J. IHUS-SIXTKKN' PAGES. Oa Trains, at aTotal lfsws atands. ate. Bo SIXW.K COW TWO CENTS. "W BIG AUTO SHOW YILL COME TO A CLOSE TONIGHT Exhibitor! at Eleventh Annual Motor Exposition Preparing for Big Rush of Business on "Getaway" Day. MUSICAL NIGHT DRAWS BIG tfeble'i Symphony Orchestra and La Salle Opera Quartet Vie with 'Each Other for Honors. BUSINESS CONTINUES BRiSK , Today is "getaway" day at the Auto show. Late tonight the doors wilt close and the eleventh annual Omaha motor exposition, the great st ever held In the middle west, will be over. The exhibitors are planning for the biggest day of the week. They ex pect to see all records for attendance tbattered and confidently anticipate the number of sales to surpass all oiher days. Prospects on the verge, of buying generally become con vinced on the last day of the show that they need a machine and they put in their order. Due to the mani fest Interest during the fore part of the week the exhibitors expect the number of buyers today will be ex ceptionally large.' l.ast nicht was musical night at the how. Verdi and Rossini view with Irving Berlin for the honors and it was merry battle. The La Salle quartet joined forces with the former while Neble's Symphony orchestra, led by Its yreprtsslble trap drummer, defended Aha latter. First the quartet would sins; the beau tiful and melodious score of an imper ishable opera. Then the orchestra and tha trap drummer would tear loose with a bit of raggedy syncopation far from imperishable, but very much In keeping with the tendency of the times. Aadlenre la Central. Tha audience remained strictly neutral and applauded both. The quartet found sympathy In that part of the nervous system which is alive to the sense of the beautiful. The orchestra found an equal sympathy In that part which com mands a swaying of the shoulders and a shuffling of the feet. The orchestra was augmented for the occasion, The quartet wasn't augmented . because t ieain impossibility to augment . . quartet -without violating the rules of Mr, Webster's dictionary, . That thejoiustp'wWUJ magnetic at traction Vai proved by the number of persona iwhdi. af tec visits at all tha e- . 1.1, .. n in iUa hslennv in ' order to hear the remainder of tha pro gram. Musical night tia always been a Mg night at tha Omaha Auto show and Its bid for honors wu la no way Injured last night. . ; Vocal Chords Ohjeat. Friday found a few of the automobile men beginning to show the wear and tear of the strenuous week. Vocal hord,of the lecturers were perceived to object to the constant work a little and It was noticeable that some of the salesmen were beginning to weaken. i f But for all that there was no lack of v'enthualasm. The boys put forth a little Effort and went to it. with a will. All of which Is a positive proof , that the elev enth Omaha motor exposition is a huge aucceas. . . Ordinarily the auto men would begin to lose considerable of their ardor after five days of constant strain. Briskness of business alone will keep their spirits up. And-the fart that every single man at the show was as enthusiastic aa ever . proves that business is good, and that is; what makes an auto show a big lucce.vs. . Two' Men Killed in Mine at Auburn, 111. SPRINGFIELD. III.. Feb. 26. Two men were killed in the Black Diamond mine at Auburn, fifteen miles southwest of here, today when a string of coal cars jumped the track, knocking down many tons Of coal. The Weather ' Forecast till 7 p. m. Saturday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Iclnlty -Fair. Hours. I'c" 5 a. m 24 a. m 24 7 a. m i" S a. m 27 9 a. m 28 10 a. m 31 ll a. in HG 1? m 3 1 p. m 41 2 p. m U 3 p. in 4i 4 p. m 43 ft p. m 44 s p. m 4i 7 p. m 40 i p. in oj Comparative Loral Hecord. Official record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the correspond n ,.rlod of th. last three years: Highest yesterday " 37 M 27 I.ovtest yesterday it 2J )2 Mean 'temperature ' 2 Precipitation w w uu T TenUerature and precipitation depar tiues from the normal: Normal temperature 27 Kxctss for the day 7 Total deficiency since March 1 1"4 Vermel precipitation "I Inch Deficiency for the day ti2 Inch I'otal rainfall since March 1...29.M inches Ieflctency since Man 1,1 0.H3 Inch Jeftdency for cor. period, 1S14. 1.11 Inches iJeficlency for cor. period, 1U13. 5.46 inches CWparts from statloaa at T P. M. fetation and State Temp. High- Raln- of Weather. 7 p. in. eM. fall. h.cyenjic, partly cloudy. .3 42 .u Iwvenport. cloudy SJ ft On A u n a p i iir aa am im. Ixs Moines, clear sh i . North Platte, clear 44 . 4 M Omaha, clear 40 46 t Rapid City, clear is 42 .nu Santa Ke. partly cloudy.. . i,t .m. Sheridan, clear 36 44 .m "moux city, ram 42 44 T Valentine, partly loi.dy. . .34 44 1 ' T ' indicat'-e 'i i f Premutation. ...-It. A. WKI.-ill, Local Kore aatcr. WANTS MONEY BACK FOR OIL BURNERS THAT DIDN'T WORK Agent Who Sold Them and Had to Take Them Out Sues for Reimbursement of His Loss. FAIL TO COME UP TO THE TEST Smith is Plaintiff and Johnson & Lee Defendant's in the Case. PANCOAST GETS A JUDGMENT The troubles of the oil burners thrown out of household heating plants because they did not come up to prospectus, have now reached the courts with disappointed purchasers suing to get their money back. One especially interesting case has Just been filed in the district court by Clyde G. Smith, formerly agent for Johnson & Lee, distribu ters, asking for J 1.3 15 reimburse ment of amounts he had to pay back to dissatisfied customers, as well as for his own time, annoyance and wasted laboc Smith was engaged to sell the oil burner on representations by John son & Lee, so his petition says, that It would furnish heat at small cost, with no trouble and complete sat- Ipfaetion. and upon these assurances he sold and Installed the burners in the houses of a number of people whose names and addresses are set forth, who, in turn, found after the tilal that the burners were not only useless, but also damaged rugs, fur niture and their neighbors' patience. After fain efforts to fix them up so they would work, his customers n ode Smith take the burners out at hlfi cost. His Bill or Particulars. After reciting his agreement to sell the oil burners and his success In so doing the petition 'of Smith, as plaintiff, makes these allegations to sustain his prayer for recovery In the sum of $1,315.50: "Third That shortly after the' cold weather had necessitated the .use of heat In the homes and residences of the cus tomers who had been Induced to pur chase said oil burners upon the repre sentations of fact made by said defend ants, complains began to coma In from nearly all of said purchasers and this plaintiff, with the assistance . of defend ants and agents of nfendantstr1ed in very marmens "malfe "Isftld oil burners work aa represented, but were unable to make said burners work satisfactorily as represented by said defendants. "Fourth That said representations of fact and warranties made .by said de fendants' were false; that said burners so sold aa aforeaald did not heat said resldeneeg satisfactorily and sufficiently, but gave off an Immense amount of soot which settled in and over said houses and penetrated the same and gave off a peculiar and disagreeable odor, mak- (Continued on Page Six, Column One.) Mexicans Seek to Lasso Young Woman Teacher Upon Border BROWNSVILLE, Tex., Feb. K.-An attempt by three Mexicans to lasso Miss Gertrude McClelland, a young school teacher, on the border road In Hidalgo county, fifty miles west of here, yesterday, nearly led to a lynching last night. American soldiers arrested one of the party before a posse of cltlsens could reach him. The Americans demanded possession of the Mexican, but were re fused. The posse Is searching for the two Mexicans who escaped. Miss McClelland was going home from school when overtaken by the Mexicans. tSeveral attempts were made to lasso her and the Mexicans followed her a considerable jlstance continuing to harass her. Finally she darted In'o the brush at the roadside and escaped. ZAPATISTAS DEFEATED NEAR MIHUATLAN QALVKSTOX. Tex., Feb. 26. The de feat of the Zapata forces which at tempted a surprise attack upon tha de facto government troops at the village of Mlhuatlan, near Oaxaca City, is re ported In a dispatch received here today by the Mexican consulate. The attack Int force lost near afO killed, the report sa, and a considerable quantity of aims and ammunition was taken by the ("arranta forces, whose losses aro given at twelve killed and twenty wounded. Germans Believe Verdun Will Soon Be Menaced on All Sides BEUL1V, Feb. 24 (Via I)iidon). Feb. 23, (Delayed ) The report of German gains northward of Verdun has strengthened the feeling of confidence here In the out come of future events. The news haa provoked no notlcahle flurry in Berlin where no flags have been exhibited. Naturally It is Impoaslble to hazard a guess whether the latest drive marUs the beginning of a great offensive or is only a continuation of tha evident feeling-out piocess of recent days. Except as to the number of prisoners taken, the victory of the Germans Is ono fourth as great as that achieved by the entente allies in September where three days gunfire preceded the attack. To the gains northward 'if Verdun must be added aft) yards taken by the Germans southward of Vires, February 14; Tht yards northward of Ypi's. Feb ruary I!', tvO CRM naid of Sonli t,x, Feu VERDUN BATTLE RAGES IN SNOW; 150,000 PERISH'1; Paris Reports Otr-- ' tinue with UrV ,0 , i"ury, but that 1, v ''fail to Break Front. LOSSES OF TEUTONS HEAVY French Asserts Assaults Cost Kaier Nearly Forty Thousand Men a Day. OFFENSIVE IS LONG PLANNED PARIS, Feb. 25. The fighting in the region of Verdun continues un ehated, according to the Krench of ficial communication Issued this evening. Several Infantry attacks launched by the Germans with huge liunihers of effectives have been re pulsed. The artillery 'duels are go ing on with great Intensity east of the- Meuse, despite a heavy enow fall. "In Champagne, this morning, we attacked and captured an enemy salient to the south of Ste. Marle-A-Py. During this action we cap tured 3 00 prisoners, including six teen noncommissioned officers and five officers. "In the Argonne our destructive fire has been efficacious- on Ger man organizations to the north of Laperazee. In the region to the north of Verd snow has fallen In abundance during the day. Activity of the artillery on both sides has continued very Intense in the whole front, and principally to the east of the Mouse, where jtha fighting goes on with the same tenacity. "Several attacks with large effectives have been conducted with unprecedented violence on l.a Cote du Polvre (about four and a half miles north of Verdun), but were without success. Another attack on our position In the Hols do la Vottche has been stopped. 1.. There has been no Infantry action to the west of the Mouse. In the valley of tho Fecht, there has been no artillery eneageemnts to speak of." The German losses during the first four days of the battle around Verdun are authoritatively estimated at 150,000. neailnnliiar of Offensive. The German offensive is recognised now as probably only the beginning of a de termined effort ' te take the . fortress, formerly the key to th (FrnchK front, and compares invlolenee and losses to the batle of the Tser. The French as sume that tha batle may continue a fort night. It is believed the calm last night was only a lul required by the attacking forces to bury their dead, carry off tht wounded and bring up reserves to take the place of divisions half destroyed by French artillery and machine guna The German forces are known to he at least 300,000 supported by numerous flf-teen-lnch and seventeen-lnch Austrian mortars with all the heavy artillery used In the Serbian campaign and part of that formerly employed on the Russian front Preparations for the battle were ob served early In December when the first troops assigned to the operations were brought up. Eight divisions that re turned from Sorbla were sent to Belgium for a rest and then transported to the re gion of Verdun in January. Five army corps in all are known to have been brought up to reinforce two corps which previously held that part of the line be tween Etaln and Van-quers. Beat Troops of Arm j. These were the best troops of the Ger man army, Including, aa it learned from prisoners, the famous Third corps of Bradenburg, supposedly equal In valor to the Prussian guard, and the Fifteenth army corps commanded by General von Delmllng, known in France as one of the most brilliant of the German general oficers. The determination of the Germans to capture the fortress Is explained by tha faclnatlon that the name Verdun has had on the minds of the German people since 1K72, and the consequent moral value of It to all the Germans. This pyscholosjlcal reason, in the judgment of high official critics, explains the presence of Emperor William behind the troops and the order of the day Issued to tha army by the crown prince and the generals. The Krench compare the ground gained by the' Germans in the four days with twice that amount taken by the French In the first two days of their offensive In Cham pagne, together with eight times the number of prisoners. The confidence of the Krench Is unshaken by the fierce at tacks and the slight bending In tha Krench line. Reinforcements Broach t t p. The military critic of the Temps reports that heavy French reinforcements have been brought up. Lieutenant Colonel fCoTitTniied on Page Two, Column Three.) ruary 31, and 700 yards went ward of Held weiler on the day of the commencement of tha Vardun advance. Thees gains were preceded by large advances at Vlmy in January. Cerman officials say that the (ermani gains have ben scored at virtually every point where an earnest effort at advance was made and that In no cane has It been necessary to precede the attack with a seventy-two-hour cannonade autit as preceded the September of ft nslve of the entente allies. The Importance of the gains northward of Verdun is evident. It Is not alone the strongest French fortress, but It offers direct communication with Paris and has been a thorn In the flesh of the German for eighteenth months. Military observers o s !er that It is now likdy thst Verdui soon lll be menaced on all aides. The Herman lin" of communication north n Vrdiiii lias been grr-atly Improved. RUSSIA'S THRUST TO SPLIT TURKEY "A" Point near Trebiaond which the Rus sians have reached in their advance against that town from Erxerum, the fortress recently captured. "B" Lake Van district, now wholly occupied by the forces of Grand Duke Nich olas. "C" Diarbekr, about 100 miles from Bitlis, and now the objective of the Russians. i.'D" ij.jle Bagdad railway, which the Russians want to cut. . rv BULGARIA &if'i i i.! ;.i ' i- "VlSin'' POLLARD PULLS OUT FOR SUTTON Dry Candidate Said to Have Been Outmaneuvered by Backers of Omaha Man. WANTS PROHIBITION TO WIN A kaleidoscopic view in the re publican governorship race has been created by the sudden an nouncement from Lincoln of the withdrawal of Ernest M. Pollard, who had been figured as one of the strong competitors in the field. The Follard announcement is coupled with a lengthy statement of the reasons and the declaration that the withdrawal is in fajvor of former Judge A. L. Sutton and' la the in terest of the dry campaign in Ne braska., . By subterranean, however,' comes a rumor that tha elmlnatlon of Pollard is tha result of. a deal and one In which charges of bad faith are already enter ing. Efforts have been in the making for soma little time among the so-called drys to rduce the number of dry candi dates for governor In the republican prt marya with a view to centering the dry J votes, and Mr. Pollard waa left under the Impression that he waa tho preferred choice of the engineers of the dry ma chine. In this way he waa prevailed upon to join with Judge Sutton In an agreement to submit to a committee of mutual friends the quyavfun of which should withdraw in favor of the other and this committee is said to have been lined up against Pollard by the pressure of outside Influence on one or mora of the men on whom he relied. Pollard's Statement. Outside of the statement issued Mr. Pollard will say nothing, but there Is a feeling among hla friends that the inalde story may come out later which may clarify the proposition and that it will not reflect credit on tha manner In which the deal was put over, although they be lieve that Mr, Pollard had no hand in the matter. Following la the statement made by Mr. Pollard aa it came up from Unooln: "For the last two months all republl- (Continued on Page Four, Column One.) Justice Hughes Once More Says He Is Not a Candidate NEW YORK, Feb. 25. In a letter to Henry A. Wise Wood, former member of Secretary Ianlels naval advisory board, made public here today, United Htates Supreme Court Justice Charles E. Hughes reiterates his declaration that h Is not a candidate for the presidential nomination. -Mr. Wood had requested a statement as to Justice Hughes' position on preparedness. Jus tice Hughes replied In part: "In view of my Judicial office I do not feel thst I have any rUht to take part In any political discussion or to make statements of the sort that would be expected from candidates for office. "I sin not a candidate, actively or tacitly." Santa Fe Earnings Show Big Increase CHICAGO. III.. Feb. 25.-An Increase in the grows operating revenue of thtt Atchison, Tupeka Mania Fe Railway system of $ti,7'iu.tiu0 during the last seven months of the fiscal ear of lnli over a similar period In the preceding year Is shown In a report Usued here today. Operating expenses during the' same period Increased S3. 210,000. Hundreds Attend Funeral of Wallace 1)K8 MOINKH, Is . Feb. if undreds of friends today paid their respects to Henry Wallace, editor and agriculturist, who died Tucadsy evening. The body lay In stats from noon until o'clock, the time of the funeral, In the First M-thodut church.' & A Ml A MINOR I XiT.-lIM i 9m . fc!:i:!-:li!!-ill';!i'lii.!:!lv!v:.;:--: f.: I.. !:.ill:-:-';ix!4!A-'T; NEW AUTOMOBILE ROAD PROPOSED Meeting Called for Omaha to Con sider Highway Cross Country from Savannah to Seattle. MANY DELEGATES EXPECTED The convention which will effect h working organization for the new highway which it is proposed to run from Savannah to Seattle passing through Omaha, will be held In this city April 24-25. This was decided at a meeting of a joint committee of the Commercial club and the Auto mobile club Friday noon. Principal cities along the way will all be asked to send delegates to this convention and two deegates from each place will have the power to vote. It la believed that practically every city invited will send a delegation. . iSome twenty cities have already con sidered this highway and are In. ravor of pushing the road, as it covers a, new territory, extending from tha southeast to 'the northwest. It was left to , the Omaha committee to settle on he dale of tha convention. As there are roads connecting all of the . towns which have been developed aa atata or sectional highways it Is as serted that It will only take an effective organisation, with road marking, and some Improvements, to make the pro posed road one of the best cross-country highways In the United States. . The towna on the road aa originally laid out tentatively, and which will re ceive invitations, are: Heat tie and Hpokane, Wash.; IJvlngs ton and Butte, Mont.; Cody, Wyo.; Head wood, Mitchell and Sioux Falls, fl. P.; Hloux City, la.; .Atchison, Kan.; Kansas City, fit. Iiouls and Cape Girardeau, Mo.; Memphis, Tenn.; Decatur, Ala.; Atlanta and Pavannah, Go. The following Nebraska towns will be Invited to send delegates It was decided at tha meeting yesterday; Fremont, Columbus, Norfolk, Nellgh, Long Pine, Chadron, lllair. Tekamah, Oakland, Lyons and Craig. Sutton Minister Tells About Axe Murders (From a Ptaff Correspondent DK3 MOINES Feb. 25. (Special Tele gram.) Chlf Detective MacDonald haa letters from a physician at Button, Nob., saying that Rev. Ocore J. Kelley haa confided to him ha was present at VII llaca, la., when the Moore family and two guests wcje murdered in their homo in June, lf12. The letter slat's Kelley related many Incidents of axe-murderers. MacDonald thinks the evantiullst It under a dclutdon. BUTTON, Neb., Feb. 26. (Special Tale gram.) Hev. O. J. Kelley Is psstor of the FlrHt Congregational church of this city. He has been In Hutton for four months. PORTUGAL SEIZES GERMAN SHIPS AT ST. VINCENT BT. VI.VCKNT, "s Verde UIHncls. Feb. St. Kight German steamers, lying In the harlior here, were taken In charge yesterday by officials of the Portugese government. 4 i.V ? N-'.'.N'.VlYws A aV B4,n4n Germans Have Dress Rehearsal of Battle Under Direction of Kaiser PA 1118, Feb. 2... The petit 1'arlslen correnioiident at the front ssys tbut the great Uerman offensive aualnst Verdun la under the personal direction of Km peror William, who arrived at general headquarters on Huturday last and who. In order that nothing might go wrong, Immediately ordered that a sort of dress rehearsal of tha coming attack be held. At a given signal, the correspondent ssys, every Infantry man and gunner took the post assigned to him In advance and the motion of a gsneral attack were gone through behind tha lines. Th emperor seemingly waa satisfied and gave the word to Inn In the offensive on Sat urday night. The Krench louses are declared to be ins'aniflcant in comparison with those RU55IA PERSfA AMERICAN NAVY 50 YEARS BEHIND BEST Winslow Says it Would Take Half Century to Put U. S. Alongside Britain on Sea. DECLARES SYSTEM IS WRONG WASHINGTON, Feh. 25. The United States navy's whole system of government and operations, from education of officers to questions of ship and gun construction, was fcharply crltlcleed before the house naval committee today by Admiral Cameron Mcll. Winslow, comman-rter-ln-chtof of the Pacific fleet. Without radical chances, the ad miral declared, a fully efficient fight ing force, comparable to the British navy, could not be produced in fifty year. , . ' , Yesterday Admiral Wlnslaw told the committee the establishment, of a general staff composed of active line officers was a vital necessity. Today. he amplified this view,, de claring the system of education at the Annapolis Navy academy waa wrong. He urged restoration of the old grade of nildbhlpmen In tho fleet. Mfcoald Kales' at Fourteen. Roys should enter tha service at from 14 to 16 years of age, he said, spend two yeara In preliminary schooling ashore, then go to sea to acquire the "sea habit" from actual contact with thing of the sea before compleatlng their educations ashore. The polytechnlo education now given midshipmen at the academy Is ut terly ununited, the admiral declared, to the training of men to handle ships and combinations of ships at sea. Its could ee no value to be gained from making all navy offlocra experts In higher mathe matics, and thought constructors, engi neers and ordnance experts should be trained as specislists and never be called upon to command ships. ' From the day boys enter the academy, he said, a system of selection should be applied to govern promotions, eliminat ing men unfitted for the daring nerve- racking tasks that would be theirs in war. He added that fellow officers should determine these qualifications and that a plan of this sort waa being worked by tha Navy department. Mo Time for Hesitation. With opposing fleets sweeping toward each other over the sea for an action to be carried out a speed of twenty knots or iinore. the admiral Insisted, there would be no time for hesltarion by any ship commander. He told of how he trained a squadron of four dread- nsiiKhts he commanded two years sgo until his orders were carried out within six seconds of the lime he gave them, sixty maneuvers being carried out In a single forenoon. Kven this, he declared, represented only '"encouraging progress" on the road toward complete efficiency ami application of such Intensive nielh . oils to the fleet as a whole could never be accomplished unless men were sc. lected to command the ships because of fitness, not because of seniority. Asked how many flag officers In the nsvy he thought were capable of devel opment and complete fitness for high command, the witness said: "I do not think any of us In the upper gradea have had sufficient experience (( ontliTueron Parfe Two, t'oiamli One.) of tho (lei inum. The (ierman artdler) preparation, which reached Us height of Tuesday, wss of unparalleled violence l.'very Inch of ground was searched out; every point win-re It was thought gum nilj;lit exist wss littered with shells, but the French Infantry was so well shel tered under the ground and the French guns were so well hidden that when the (ierman batteries grew silent and the Herman Infantry advanced to the attack Frenchmen sprang up from the holes In the ground and opened a deadly fire with machine guns, while shells from the Tu-mllimeter guns blew overhead and mowed down wave a.tr wave of the Hermans as they plodded doggedly over the snow-covered ground, urged on from behind, the correspondent adds, b their efflcers, revolver III hand. i HOUSE IS STRONG FOR ARMED SHIP VARNII1G MOVE Clark. Ktchin and Flood Tell Wil son Resolution Will Pass Two to One if It is Brought to a Vote. PRESIDENT IS STANDING PAT Lenders Told Congress Should Not Embarrass Executive by Action Now. GERMANY MAY DELAY ACTION WASHINGTON, Feb. Jo. Presi dent Wilson reiterated his opposition to any action in congress warning Americans off armed ships In a con ference early today with Speaker Clark, Majority Leader Kltchln and Chairman Flood of the house foreign affairs committee, and they in turn (old the president that if such a reso lution were brought to a vote in the house now It would pass by a major ity of two to one. The punident was unshaken In his poKltlon (hat congress should take no action embarrassing his conten tion that tho rlphts of Americans on the sens must be upheld at any cost rnd repeated what he had written Inst night to Senator Stone. Tho house leaders went away telling the president nothing would be done to day, but they ventured no predictions for the future. They admitted that the sit uation was serious and could not yet tell how fsr the sentiment In congress would bo swayea by the publication of the president's views In his letter to Senator Stone. apenker Makes Statement. When the conference was over Speaker Clark said there was a rumor that Ger many would postpone the beginning of the new submarine campaign until April 1 or the middle of March. He would not say whether he got hi Information from the president. "Tho sum and substance of th Con ference," Speaker Flark, said, "outslda of an explanation made as to tha temper of the house regarding the dlplomatlo situation with Germany and some argil mrnt on both aides, 1 fully set out In Senator Pton' letter to the president and the president's letter to - Senator Ston. "We explained to th preldent how the house felt, In eur Judgment. . I told the president that this warning resolu tion Wiild carry t-.o tt one if they ever got a chance for a vot. flom enthti alastlo gentlemen I said thought it would carry three to one. 'Of course, there waa a great deal ef talk about international law regarding the rights of Americana on the aeaa and precedents. At the conclusion of the conference It. wa very clear to all that the president stand on hla letter to Senator Stone. Uriimir May Postpowa Aetlosw "But there are rumor which were dl cussed that Germany may postpone en forcement of the new admiralty order to Ink all armed ships from March 1 either to April 1 or the middle of March. I think tha chances are that Germany will postpone this threatened performance. Thla will give mor tlma for consideration of this matter. "We told the president that In the event, of such a postponement all action ln congress certainly would be postponed. Meantime, these resolution would re main in statu quo." Regarding th policy ef action tn con gress In case Germany adhere to It an nouncement that the admiralty order will be made effective March 1, Speaker Clark: sa4 It would be difficult to get the warn ing resolution out of' a committee for action, and that there wa no way for th Issue to get before the house today, "Of course," he conttnued, "someone might try unanimous consent, but that would be ridiculous, because there would be many objection to such a course. "It Is obvlou that It would be impossi ble to get unanimous consent for con sideration of a warning resolution. If the resolution should be reported from the foreign affairs committee it would take Its place on the calendar unless the rule committee should Interfere. The reso lution Is In no way ' privileged and it would go to the fct of" the calendar. That would mean we could not get to It (Continued on Page Five, Column One.) The Day 9 8 War Netss TIIF. rHI! OFFICIAL statejnent, on th other haail, says the Ger mans have halted la vaelr offew. slve, fur the niomeat at least. Ng frexb attack was mad isrisg tha ulaM oa the French liars, Mrs thla announcement, and the artil lery fire has diminished la via. Ir.nrr, OI'FlltTIONS I UTIIKR war fields are overshadowed by the arrest tiermau offensive, la the west, hat there I Interest a the Tarklsh an nounce ni n t of anothr attempt kr the British advaace br.l o w Knt-lll-Aniara, on the Tigris. The at-lurking- forees were repnlsed ,wlh heavy losses, Constantinople de elares. KHKM H IIAVK BKU foreed bark stll further oa the defeases of Verdaa In tho faee of tha grreat Uerniaa drive for the fortress. nouarea the eaptare of all Freaeh positions north of Verdaa aa far as the ridae of I.oademoat, aoath of Hnaaaioat. The aaoaaeemeat says the aamher of prlaoaera lakes has hern lacreaaed by aisrs than T.vou to mora tha a le.OO. The fortified villages aad farms of t'nampaeavlllet t'otellate. Mar moat. Heawmoat, Chamhrettea aad Ornrs have fallea lata German, hands, It says.