Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings
Get the New Spring Styles in
Our Great Enlarged Basement
Oar great basement readj-to-wear lection it now full of the new apring things for women,
missea and children. New spring suits, coats, dresses, skirts, petticoats, blouses, house
dresses, children's apparel of all kinds; and all at the wonderful savings in cost for which our
popular Basement is Justly famous. ,
Women's and Misses' JSuits
Correct spring 1916 style, copies of higher priced models
reproduced with as fins workmanship, materials, etyle, etc
every essential to make them the equal of suits at from 5 to
110 more than our price. Dozena of new pretty atylea Juat re
ceived; every day brings new ones. Pretty large and email
checke, fin embroidery trimmed aulta, the new loo back
aulta, the new flar back aulta, etc All the new colors, sage
green, peacock blue, peace gray, new tan ehadee, ate. Fin
all-wool materlala, perfect fitting aulta, fin workmanship.
$9.95 $12.48 $13.85 $14.85
Buy a New Spring Coat Friday
The baaement department Is now allowing hundreds of new
correct style aprlng coata, woman'a, mlaaea' and Juniors' size.
Dozena of pretty atylea, every coat a correct new spring atyie.
Checked coata, fancy plaid coata, mixture coata, fin all-wool
eerge and poplin coata; new looe back atylea, belted coata,
leather trimmed coata, etc Wonderful coata at thee price:
$3.95, $4.95, $6.95, $3.95,'$9.95 and $12.48
II ViSA,!fl Hsme Dresses
Children's New Spring
School and Dressy Dreei
Our great enlarged glrla
aectlon In th baaement la full
of dozens of pretty waah
dreeaea for glrla, 2 to 4 and 0
to 14 yra. Prices, i QC
4flc, OSo, 7o to. . v 1 VD
Blltmor Blouses, mor new
tyle Juat received. Size 86
to 62 In every etyle. Th
prlc la aiwaya ff
th asm J leUU
Crepe d Chine, Fin Lac
and Net, Georgette Crepe,
New Tub Silk and Puaey Wil
low Taffeta Blouaea. at
and ........
Worth while buying. WeMSm.-A
are Omaha agenta for the
celebrated "Electrlo Brand"
House Dresses, many fea
tures maka thess worth buy
ing in preference to others
clever atylea, fin materlala,
all finished aeama and per
fect fitting. Slzea up to 63 for
atout women, aa well aa
others. Dozsns of atylea to se
lect from. Wear an "Electrle
Brand" Hous Dress ones,
and In th future you will buy
no other maka. Priced at
07o. 8 1.25
Wm ' V II
Prominent People to Attend, Fol
lowing; Dinner Partiei Others
to Dance Afterward.
r MCLLrririA rrbrr, 14.
Tonight marks not only a big .vent,
but an annuel and Interstate affair In
"society" nlcht at the Automobile show
at the Auditorium. Omaha , smartness
will be out In all Its army, as well as
the wife and daughters of many promi
nent men In Nebraska South Dakota,
western Iowa end eastern Colorado.
And they have brought their most
stunning gowne end evening wrape and
strong Influence shall be brought to bear
upon papa, now called "father." to get
htm Into evening dress.
The beautiful part of an automobile
show over a horse show is that a fac
tory's output la practically unlimited,
while the beat equipped and largest stock
farm that even Kentucky ever boasted
can only put a very limited supply of
Sheets. Slips, Muslin and Cotton Goods
On Lot of Soiled and Damaged
Plain and Hemstitched Sheets.
Thsse sheeta are worth up to 61.23,
on sal Friday, while lot
last ,
)n Lot of Soiled Pillow caeea.
Slzea 42x36 and 49x36. Worth t 2So,
Friday, while lot lasts, Ift
ach iUC
36-Inch Bleached Mualln, fin soft
finish for undermusllna. Regular
S'o grads; off th bolt ayl
Friday, yard 72 C
36-Inch Unbleached Mualln, aeft
finish, easily bleached and laun
dered. Regularly worth CI
Vtc, sal price, yard....Q 2C
Assorted Lot of Rsmnanta and
Full Bolts of Silk and Cotton Fab
rics, In printed and plain colors;
24 and 36 Inehea wlda. t r
Yard ...ADC
30 and 86-Inch Comforter Challle
and Cretonne, In all th latest
atylea; light and dark colo.a. Worth
8Jao and 10c, Friday, flQ
Light Shirting Prints, In all th
beet atylea. Lengths to Ql
10 yard. Special, yard.. O 72 C
Dress Gingham and Zephyr, In
fancy plalda and check; light and
dark color. Lengths to yl
20 yard. Worth 10'ao, yd. V2C
32-Inch Whit Shirting Madrae, In
hairline and cluater stripes, for
women's ahlrt walata and men'a
shirts. Worth 15o and 19c Special
Friday, to clean up lot, QlCjg
46-Inch Bleached Mualln and
Cambric Remnants, long eervloe
abla lengtha. Worth to el
lOo, yard Oy2C
Mill Remnante and Remnanta
from Stock of Percalea, Cretonnea,
Flannels and other Waah Ql
Goods, while; lot laata, yd.O Y2C
Imperial Longcloth, chamola fin.
lah free from atarch; anow white,
for fin undermuallna. 36 Inchea
wlda. Vary apeclal, 12-yard
27-Inch Dark Fancy Outing Flan
nel, good heavy. 1Qo grade, nap en
both aides. To clsan up G f
lot Friday, yard OY2C
Good Quality Whit Dotted Swlaa
for Curtains, 27 Inches wide. Regu
lar 12jo value, aold from
th bolt, yard .. ..
Natural Color Panama Motor
Suiting, for dresess, aulta, chll
dran'a frocks, etc., 34. 1 r
Inch wide. Friday, yd IOC
Short Lengtha of White 4
Check Dimity, yard AC
Important Sale of Hosiery and Underwear
-These are linea that are advancing In valua vary rapidly. For this reason, wa bought In larger than ueual
quantltiee of the most dependable manufacturers and w' strongly ' recommend purchaalng now aa th
prices cannot continue for long.
Women's Underwear
Wemen'a Yinm tXtnii, Median
M right lalH slls hth aark and
lens; aleeva, ankle leng'ni law aerk,
rlhmw aleetes, kpea lr,slh. All alias.
ttk u trUa. ggc
wamen'a (aiiaa, Baaiater
H.I(M latea fcalte. eaae aUk pe4 1
bare trtmanl mod lh km etlee
rrsalar aaa mtra alaaa. Zr
H.nh Sen, a
Mawea'a bantuae Vt -Vesta,
wing alee.ea aad eleateleae etjla
plain and tmnrr tare triiaaati alas
1 mmlr" cat veeta. . It'aath c
am-. Mrk WW
H wifa'i lias aaa Vaate, ateeva
bw. All alaaa. Wart a la "Tli
11 We. Kridar w Hn Ughl lshl Waal
Vaata. alug ateataa. Maea 14 n.
aad a few Ma. Warlh SI S awC
Hosiery for Men, Women and Children
W.aM'l farttaa, lleacjr IJnaat llaalerr,
waal and heavy cation, epllt aalaa. Keg
alar aad aataiaee. Martk la BAa. f Q
kpactaj rnU. aalr..... 9C
Wua1 rawer Uaad aad Mghl
Walahl IMIh I.lala aad Meeaiied
Maalerr. blark. while and taa aama tall
faahtaaad. Wagalae soa 1 C-
alaaa C
4 klldreaa Vaa Blark Ca4aa HoaUrr,
llrhl aad hea wakskl far acaaol araar.
All alaaa. lsa vataaa, spaelal.
W.aM'l Caltaa) Naamlaas naalary,
Mark and Mark with while 7it
tae. lea aaainy, aalr T2C
Ihildrea's Cvllaa S.aialm Baalary,
niaca aniy, w au imi,
le .aailij. Ut
Men's ratten Ma tea '
Barka, blark ami ralara. ... I vaiaee
neaa uaavjr Karklora I
Mea'a Heavr braT Cattaa I
Mlxea Sacks I rale
Waaiaa's Fiata ana Fancy KaibraMaraa
llaaaken-hlaia, akila Bad ralorad. Might
ly Imuarfeet. alaaalaie. OtL
Vpactal fttdey, eath al3C
Mea'a Maa twiiaa Haadkeeehlafe,
A Sale of Silk and Dress Goods Remnants
Remnant of 38 and 40-Inch Foulards, Taffetas,
Charmeuee, Crepes, Poplins, Satins, Radiums, etc,
etc, In plain and novelty effect. ' Length from
1i to 6 yarda. Worth to - - - aq
1.75, yard DwC
The Linen Sect dh Offers
These Good Bargains
7V,c Crwh, Yard, Bo
One case of cotton
toweling, full bleached,
fancy Borders; plain and
damask weave.
$1 Hemstitched
Cloths, 75o
Full bleached table
cloths, hemstitched all
around, siie M Inchee;
made of goad quality
25o Padding, Yd, 17o
The fleeced kind, M
Inchea wide, to protect
your table.
Damask, Yard, 25c
On caaa of full
bleached table damask,
M Inchsa wide; all very
pretty pattema.
11.75 Spreads, 11.39
For Friday w will
place on sal 100 crochet
bed spreada, hemmed
ende. large alia. Extra
weight and quality.
25c Fancy Lineus, 19o
On lot of scarf a, acal
loped end with neat em
broidered corner; also
plain hemstitched.
Traveler' and Manufacturer' 8ample and Matched
pieces, a good many new aprlng materlala. many
matched plecea Insufficient quantity to maka up
aulta, dresses, skirts, etc, atrlctly all wool, q r
Special Friday, each piece.
A Splendid Boys' Suit
Friday, in tho Basement Boys Section
Boys' Suits with 2 pair!
of full lined pants,
Tailored in a new Norfolk
model of splendid wearing
brown and gray mixture fab
rics; medium weight, suitable
for any weather. Every igt,
e to 10 years, in stock.
. r1
V :
-." )j(l
. thoroughbred baautlve upon the maraet
I earn year.
The apactaior ai im auio snow mx
got what he e?s and he Is usually there
to r't It. and there la nothing the leat
perfunctory about his Interest.
Many attending the Automobile show
tonight will Ister go to the Subscrip
tion club dance at Turpln'e hstl and
the dsnclng gowns and frocks will add
to the smartness of the event.
Many dlnnere preceding the show are
announced by Mr. Clarke Powell, the
social factor of the affair.
The William Tracjr Bums wl l dine at
the Fontenelle with the W. O. Itedlcks,
the John Redlcke. Mlas Mildred Butler
and Mr. Wlllurd Butler.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Test Btewart of
Council Bluffs will give a small dinner
to the J. P. Ucsses and Mr. Edward W.
Mr. Frank T. .Hamilton will d'ne with
the I C. Neshes.
The J. T. Ptewarts. td. give a dinner
for the officials of the Mitchell factory.
Those present will be Messrs. J. W.
Bates, vice president; O. C. Friend,
sales manager: F. W. Pelton. advertis
ing manager; George W. Hippie, mer
chandising counsel.
Mr. end Mrs. C. T. Kountse give a din
ner to Messrs. and Mesdamra Glen Whar
ton, M. Q. Colpetser and George Prlns
and Mrs. L,. L. Kountse and Mr. Ben
?uUr r Phones
Jr Eat (ggftfe Douglas
MONEY-aAVimii litiia rust rRIDAY
COURTNEY'S Lotus or Cream, special per sack
(Better brrsd and mora loaves to the sack)
Honey, pure (In combs)
special, each , .
Rice, fancy whole Jap,
4 Ibe., for
Klageolata, (French lima beans),
regularly 20c. apeclal, Ift.
per lb., at I US
Peaches (Yellow Cling) In
solid pack, special.
per can
Red Raspberries in syrup,
special; per can
White Cherries, In syrup,
per can
Beaded Raisins, S pkgs.,
for i
Baked Beans with Tomato
Rauoe. No. 1 cans. S for...
Olives, plain or stuffed,
per bottle
Soap, White Russian,
bars for
.. I5c
. I5c
. 15c
Angel Food Taffy, spe- I fin
clal, per lb
Vanilla, Strawberry. Molasses
and Maple Flavor.
tbasj awo oorrxas
Tia. choice of any 60c grade, IF.
aneclal. per lb Jl
Coffee, Heel Blend, regular
Ho, special, per lb
Baking Powder (Calumet) Q
per can ....v OC
Wlaard rloe Mop with 1 quart
can of oil; a 12.00 value; ape
clal Friday, com- SJ I flfl
plete outfit ijleUU
Feas, sweet wrinkle 1,
ter can .,
Three cans for
Washing Powder (Golden)
large pkg., special
Wool Soap
7 bans for. .
. 10c
. I5c
Ammonia Powder. 9Rrt
pkga. for s3b
Bird Seed (mixed) 7
per lb., at
Peaches, peeled, extra
fancy, oar lb
Pretsem, best quality,
per lb., at
Figs, preserved. Carpenter's
(Meawall brand) spl.. can.,
Buckwheat Flour (prepared)
per pkg.. at
Graham Crackers,
S pkes., for ,
Almonds, 30c quality,
per lb
A," rr. SI. 50 $1.25
Oranges, 40o grade,
per dosen
Bwlft'a Premium Midget I C A n
llama, extra fancy, lb.. lUZU
Round Steak, from native
steers, apeclal, lb
To Zatroduee Oar SCoaorram Wnts.
key, fuU qaarta, -cft
amaolal. at
California Port or Sherry.
S'e. apeclal. each ,
Creme de Mentha. H pints, OtZn
aneclal. ner bottle a.3w
1 5c
If You Buy It At COURTNEY'S You Know It's Good
This picture shows one of our REED
AUTO BASKETS Handy, practical,
convenient moderately priced.
We manufactnre and repair Reed
and Willow Furniture of every
description. Phone Douglas 2041.
Omaha Reed &
Rattan Co.,
640 South 16th Street
j Big Sale Wow On
t v .
f S A ft o fir-
. 1 HOTtf
Dean and Mrs. James Arthur Tancock
announce the engagement of their daugh
ter, Beatrice Mary Louise, to Mr. Kelso
Morgan of Omaha, son of the late Mr.
Albert B. Morgan and Mrs. Morgan of
Lewis, la.
The marriage will be solemnised Raster
Monday, April 24, at Trinity cathedral.
Study Club Meets
With Mrs. Sherman
Mrs. Earl Sherman entertained the 3.
F. W. club at her home yesterday. Mrs.
O. t. Shtpherd read a paper on "Famous
Women." and a portion of th meeting
waa devoted to a current toptce discus
sion. Musical numbers were given by
Mrs. R. W. Adams and Mrs. Frank Vail
of Delavan, Wle... gueet of Mre. Sherman.
Mrs. M. A. Woodruff of La Angelea.
guest of Mrs. C. i. Hubbard and
Mesdamee Bullie. Roy Ralph, N. H. Ty
son and Mrs. W. A. Shlnn were other
guests of the club. ., ..
White, Shrine Whist Club.
The White Shrine Whlat club had aa
enjoyable meeting; at Maaonla temple
Monday afternoon. The high acora waa
nvVe by Mrs. C. H. T. Rlepen. At ths
close of the game Mrs. Scott served re
freshments. This was guest day and
the members and guests present were:
C. K. Moloney.
George Morris.
C. H. T. Rlepen.
H. J. tickles,
lx F. Shram,
L. A. Kmlth.
J. E. Hlmpson.
M. W. Simpson,
Washington Birthday Partiei.
Misses Beulah and Lola Byara enter
tained the Loyal Daughters club at their
home In Benson Tuesday event ag. The
rooms of the home - were' decorated In
flags, bunting and small -cherry trees.
Those present were:
B, -C Burrows.
H. C. Barton, ,
A. P. Bradv.
Frank Carpenter,
A. W. Clarke.
W. H. Dorrance,
Psm Presher, Jr.:
John Douglas,
N. W. Kerr,
F. 8. King,
F. U Kellsr,
R. H. Lewis.
G. R. Ledysrd,
H. B. Leggltt.
Fanny Moore,
B. F. Marti.
Misses .
Kendrick. '
Indoor Golf Game. .
Thirty-five members of the Prettiest
Mile Ladies' Oolf club met at Clark a
Indoor golf llnka Wednesday morning.
Lowest scoree were made by Mrs. Charles
A. Oranden and .Mrs. J. H. Putoff, who
were awarded golf batla as prires. The
golf game was followed by a luncheon
at the Cricket room end an Orpheum
theater party. The women plan to meet
at Clark'a each Wednesday morning.
H. J. Ritter.
Mary Wearne,
E. H. Wilkinson,
E. E. tVlse.
A. A. Wedemeyer.
J. W. Watson. Kan
sas City.
Vera Freeman..
Mary Dlerks,
Emma Pliant.
Ruby Davey.
Beulah Byars,
Grace Flug.
Edltn Calvert.
Lottie Danlelson.
Myrtle Hmisor,
Vera Marshall.
Irene Mouethrop,
Anna Campbell.
Loa Byars.
Anna Christiansen,
Uertrude Calvert,
Ada Btlger.
Nell Bnusor.
Mrs. Maurice Kroyer.
The Prairie Park Needle Craft club
gave a most delightful George Washing
ton party at the club rooms today. Dec
oration were flaga In profusion. The re
freshments were also decorated wltn
cherries and little hatchets. The pro
gram Included a piano solo, .Miss Martha
Murphy; French horn.aolo, Mr. L. 8.
Mole; vocal aolo, Mies Amelia Griffin,
accompanlsta, Mre. Arthur Thatcher and
Miss Maude Grebe. The hostesses were
Mrs. H. C. Lane, Mra. Thomas Crelgh
ton and Mrs. C. C. Haynea. The guests
were provided with George Washington
hats and Martha Washington . collars
and took partners for an old fashioned
dance. Mrs. Paxton . won the prise for
the auto contest. .
Dinneri Preceding- the Danoe. .
One of the largest dinners this evening
preceding the Subscription' club dance at
Turpln'e hall given by the W. A.
C. Johnsons at their home.' Those present
will be: '
Messrs. end Mesdamee-1
Joseph Barker, f. T. Kounts. .
A. L. Reed. , . K. H. Sprsgue.
W. A. Fraaer, , W.A. C. Johnson.
Messrs.' Messrs. -
W.R. McKeen, Randall Brown.
Le Roy C rummer. . . .
The Walter Pagea dine at their home
with twelve guests. Spring' flowers will
decorate the table' and dining' room. -
Mr. and Mre. It. H.' Baldrlge dine at
home with eight guests..
The O. C. Redicks give their, dinner
preceding the .dance in 'honor of Mra
James H. Learned of. Boston, who Is the
guest of. her sister. Mrs. Wilson' Low.
Those present will be:
Mrs. James H. I a riled.' ' "
Messrs. and Mesdames
tvtlaon Low,- . t , O. C. Redick.
Harry Tukey, . Dr. C. A. Hull.
J. E. Geoi se,
Mr. Stockton Heth.
Future Event at Prairie Part ; 1
Mrs. . Charles . C. Haynea will give a
party to sixty' guests at a leap year ken
slngton at Prairie Park. Tuesday. Assist
ing Mrs. Haynea will be Mesdamea M. M.
Woodward, Judson Van. Dora and J. Rex
Unitarian Junior Dance.
.The Unitarian Junior ' club 'will hold a
soctat meeting at It club house Saturday
evening.' The affair Is strictly Informal
and a leap year party la the apeclal fea
ture of the evening.
Concert Dansant
FROM 10:30 P. M.
Monday, Friday and Saturday
Augmented Orchestra
. Entertainers.
Social- Gouip. .
Mrs. Herman Kountse leavea this even
ing for the east to visit friends.
Mra. Jerome Magee, who haa been
visiting her mother, Mra. Herman
Kountse and made a short trip to Chi
cago, will leave Friday evenlnf for her
home In Billings, Mont. ...
Personal Mention.
Mr. and Mra.' A. D. .Smith of Omaha
are among the new arrivals at the Elms
hotel. Excelsior Springs, Mo. . ,
Mra.. Albert Sachs of Goodman. Miss.,
le the guest of his cousin, Mr. Max Burk
enroad for a few day after which ,h
leavea for-Chicago. .Mr. Bach and Mrs..
Burkenroad will, go to New Tork 'clty
to remain uptll after the . Burkenroad
Adler , weeding on April i. Mr. Burkenroad-
will .Join Mra. Burkenroad in three
weeka and remain in New Tork for the
wedding. "
Mlsa Hasel McDonald of Emerson. Neb.,
returned home- Monday, after visiting
last week with her aunt, Mrs. J. ( L
' Registering at Hotel McAlpln in New
Tork City, during the laat week,' have
been Mr. J..T. McQulllln. Mr. Dan Wat
son, Mr. and Mrs.. W. A. Glass and Mr.
P. H. Stevens. .
Mr. Max H. Levy, haa returned after
a four montha' trip through the west
and the Paclflo coast. .
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Benawa of Den
ver, are the guests of Mr. and Mre. T.
F. Benawa for a few days. Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Benawa are on their way .to
Kansas City. - .
s TSTiaa rsaBSzasaaxaaaxjarxxT -f'
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: '' 'I
Mrs. F. J. Blrss now heads the Omaha
Women'a Missionary Federation. At the
annual meeting held Wednesday at the
Young Woman'a Christian association.
Mrs. W. P. Harford waa elected adviser
to the president; Mrs. E. Q. McGllton.
Mrs. F. W. Foster and Mra. John W.
GUI vice presidents; Mrs. Florence Stew
art, the retiring president, secretary, and
Mra. F. E. Wood treasurer. Mra E. P.
Qulvey waa named literature secretary
and Mrs. W. T. Graham temperaaoe
Informal talks were given by Mra.
I,, Ganaon, Mrs. Edward Johnsoa. Mrs.
C. I- Simon. Mrs. Frank M. Brlatol. Mrs.
W. T. Graham and Mlsa Etnaa Anaereon,
a missionary from Mexloa.
. aV