TIIK BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2:, 1010. BRINGING UP FATHER Drawn for The Bee by George McManus Copyright. 1311. International New Kervlre. Alt night Reserved 1WR VtFC MA TAJKtM KY AOYlCC fiO OUGHT tOMS LCT5 AT MALARIA IWOR HR.JONCt rVi ITS AN IDEAL PLACE r VOU BOLXiHT THf PLACf WITH OUT tctirv IT? -4 DOMTT XOO DARE A( WORD A5ANST MR.JONt - HE'S A SOCIAL- HON AN& WOULDNT DECE'E - ANYONE ' HE LOOK LIKE AN ADVANCE ACJOST FOR A CXCLONE TM COIN" TO LOOW AT THEM LOT5I M X , t WELL! WUZ DOWN TO MALARIA MAM OR AND IT cow me nrrr dollars TO CT A MAN TO FIND TOUR UOTS! V r J CiOOD -CRACIOUb" WHO CHARGED MDU THATPj- ; r A DIVEfeS! j v : CHARLEY PETERS LOOKING FOR WAR II I HI- Offers to Meet Anybody Ed Deli' wnk, Who Hat Whole Stable of Grapplen, Can Dig Up. MEETS PLESTTUA HERE MONDAY I CRACK PLAYER OF SYRACUSE I BASKET BALL TEAM. Charley reter la looking for trouble. Charley, It will be remembered, if Ne braska's second exponent of the cele brated clssora holl. Thua It la he la pursuing all wrestling persona who think they are the personification of trouble and the only complaint Charley haa to offer la that he can't catch up with any of 'em. Yesterday the Omaha Athletic club re celved a letter from Ed pellwuk, one of the Rente who put over 'the wrestling tournament on lay old Gotham and who haa a full stable of wrestlera under hi vi In. Dellwuk . wanta to match aome of his crew against Joe Steelier and wanta the Omaha Athletic club to help Mm. Among; others Dellwuk haa Tonne; Zbyszko and McOrath. the real Irish champion, working for him. He suggests either one of these chars as a suitable opponent for Stecher. officials of the Omaha Athletic club promptly answered Mr. PellwuK to the effect that It probably wouldn't be dif ficult matter to line up nny of hit proteges! for Stecher. as Joe plays no favorites. , Peters ' Will 'Meet 'Km. "But, If you really are looking fur trouble, we've another rhap out here In Nebraska who can lick anybody you've got," the answer to the New Yorker con tinued. "Ills name la Charley Piters and he don't bar anybody. " '"' " "If you want to match Ebyaiko or Mr- Urath or anybody elae you hate. Peter la the laddie who will accommodate you. I Just say the word and we'll schedule the match for Omaha any time you Bay. We don't bar any of them out here.'; Which goea to show you where Ne braska iitands. Peters haa a tough match on hla hand for next Monday nlKht at the Boyd theater, but he worries not about It The man Petera will meet la Martu Plratlna. one of Kmll KlanJt'a flock of rapplora. I'lestlna la soma boy, too. lie i threw Wrangler Ix-wls. wrjlch la conalder- abla of a feat, and Big Joe Rogers and Paul MarUnaen and a many more of the beat of them. "Stecher beat Plestlna once, ao I ran beat him too." la the way Petera looked upon the - coming bout. I Five 1 1 i i v . r I ta -I 1 w t .,., HERE'S THE FIRST LINEUP0F SEASON John Shields Organizes Beselin Team of Brown Park, Drexel and Murphy Stars of Last Year. JIMMY MILOTA TO BE MANAGER Woe be unto managere of Claaa A ama teur baae ball teama. John P. Bhlrlda haa been doing a llttl stepping tncaa winter months and he haa lined up a Claaa B ball team which will enter the ICty league, Bob Kroll'a or ganization. Hhlelda' team la the Hcsellns and he will take the place of the Brown Park Merchants. This latter team will not be In the field this year. The Urexela, It will be remembered. were the city champions In Clasa B la at year. The second ranking team waa the Brown Park Merchanta. The third team waa the Murphya. And now oomea John P. Shields, who organliea the Besellna and picks the cream of these three teama to make up hla crew. Jimmy Mllots. who piloted the Brown Parke to a league championship, will be manager. He will be assisted by O. A. Palmer, who waa connected with the. Fremont Bute league team In 1911-13-13. The Beaelln lineup la announced by Shield aa follows: Chris Kemmy. first base: Brule Pherer. second base; E. Uiilnn, ahortatop; V. alahen third base and pitcher; T. Our- nett, third base and pitcher; J. Shield, catcher; O. l.ong, catcher; K. 1'otm-h, pitcher: O. O Brlen. outflolder: J. Drexel. outfielder; t Koller, outfielder. . Chris Kemmy will act aa captain of the team. Of the above team, Kemmy, Sherer, Ournett. Shields, O'Brien, Drexel and Koller, played on the Droxela. Qulnn, Mayer and Ixma; played on the Murphy crew and IArsnk 1'otarh. was the star twlrler for the Brown aPrks. Sherer and O'Brien ako played on the Brown Tarks and Ournett and Shlelda also played on the Murphyi. WILLARD AND HIS PARTY START EAST Champion Leates for New Pork for ' Battle with Frank Moran March 25. RECOVERS FROM RECENT COLD CHICAGO, Feb. 24, Jess Wlllard, his manager, secretary and two trainers departed at 12:) p. m. today for New York to begin training for hla fight with Frank Moran MKrch a. To Cmcago he left hla personal assurance that he would return "still champion." Willard'a appearance made It unneces sary for him to aay that he had fully recovered from a recent cold. Brewers' Officer Held for Contempt Released on Bond PITTSBURGH. Pa., Feb. 24.-H. F. Fox of New York, secretary of the United State Brewer' association, who waa sent to Jail last night because he refused to answer queatlona put to him by the federal grand Jury investigating the alleged political activities of brew ery Intereats. wa released this morning on $1,000 ball pending application for a writ of habeas corpus. High Commerce ' Will Battle Avoca 'On to victory, goodness knows we need ens," la the alogaa of th High Hchool of Commerr basket ball five, whleh will invade Avoca, la., thla evening to do bat tle with tha high school quintet of that city. Tha Commerce High Quintet waa Juat rgantaad thla year and ao far haa1 earned but on victory. But tha Commerce lad are far from discouraged, they have even aummoned up enough nerve to enter the tat tournameut at Lincoln,' and they are determined Avoca will get a trim ming. Tha man Coach Jamea Dmmmond will take to Avoca are; Mlro Rokuaek, John Flxa. Charles Conhlser. Donald Macfar- lajrd, Liennatt Mlllberg, Johnson Nlchol oo and Walter Johnson. Capt VX.BtJQ CUSf UYKACrwU. N. Y.. Feb. M.-Under th coaching of ltd Pollard tho basket ball teams at Syracuse university have been performing wonders. Probably tho bright est star on tho varsity team la Captain Wilbur Crisp, who la a light and remark. ably feat player. Hyracuae haa not lost game on Its home court this year and Its defeat of Colgate last week show the team to be one of the faateat basket ball teama In Intercollegiate athletic. Tip O'Neill to Meet Prexy Zehrung Today CHICAGO. Feb. Sl.-Th meeting of former President O Ntlll and hla auo- ceasor Prealdent Zehrung of tha Western league to diacusa league affalra whleh waa to have been held today, was post- postponed until tomorrow hecauae of other business which the latter had on band. Joe Stecher Beats Swede Strong Man CHICAGO. Feb. It Joe Stecher, of Dodge, Neb., defeated John Freiberg, the Bwedlah strong man. In a catch-aa-catch- ran wrestling match her laat night In straight falls. The first waa won with body hold and wrist lock In four niln- utea and thirty-five aeconda and the aec- ond fall waa taken with a similar hold In atx in I nil tea and forty-five seconds. ! Bombs in Capitol Furnace Are Cause N0f Big Sensation LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 2I.-Th mystery of the explosion which damajred a waste furnace In the atat capltol last night and the finding of two braaa tube In the fiirns.ee this morning had not been aolved thla afternoon. The tfbea found in the furnace today were itmllar to one blown out of the Incinerator last night when the explosion occurred. Test of the tube by Chief of Detec tives Antlea of the Lincoln police, who haa taken charge of tho Investigation, failed to prove the presence of explosives. Three Inches of cement plugged one end of each tube. Pome harmless substance I partially filled th remainder of each of tho pipes, which wer 'thre feet In lenath. Rumors of a bomb rjot were general today, but Chief Andes la inclined to discount the reports. If tho tubes con tained explosives, he believe It to be the work of a practical Joker. Th pipe were from some discarded bras railing need In the state library. State official hold the view that the tubing waa accidentally placed In the furnace, and when heated air expansion caused the explosion of on of the pipes, NEBRASKA MAKES DRAKE QUINTET BACK DOWN CRETE'S STARS ARE OUT OF FRIDAY NIGHT'S GAME CRETE. Neb.. Feb. !4.-(SpeciBl Tele gramsCrete High echool supporters are sending their team to Fairmont Friday night to play the Fairmont High school team at that place, but have little hop of chalking up a victory. Ellis. Crete' star guard, la out of th contest with a spratned ankle. Kacer and Dredta are unable to play, and so the men making th trip will be: Aller, center; Clarence Frundell and Bllhorn, guards: Lea and Len Frundell. forwards. With Cret the most promising team In th state the re sult of th gam will mean nothing to basket ball follower over the atate, win or loaa. Fairmont having; been defeated earlier In the season by a dlclslv score. DEB MOINKH. la.. Feb, 4. ("peelal Telegram.) Nebraska defeated Drake university In the second basket ball gam with the local school today. IS to li. Rutherford secured seven field goals for the visitors; Campbell, 3; Shield, L MFFTS AT FORT DODGE sriiiii( vuuniiiuipu iur v MnH'utMi, mn DRAINAGE ASSOCIATION I FORT DODGK. la.. Feb. M.-iBpaclal.) More than 1W members of th Iowa ftat Drainage association met her today for their twelfth annual convention. Tech nical aubjecta wer discussed thla morn ing by J. I Parson of Fort Dodge. Ivan It. Wood of th University of Nebraska. B. It. McCrory. chief of engineering, office ef pubila roads and rural engineer ing, Washington. D. C. This afternoon John ' T, Drug of Rt rat ford. LaiayetU lliaaina. sanitary engineer of th State Board' of Health." Dea Moines; Edmund T. pVrhlna of Chicago, W. J. Bchltck of the engineering department Ames col lege, and Benjamin Brooks, of Kansas City are on the program. The local Commercial club was th host at a Lanquet to th visitor thl evening. Th program Friday Includes paper by A. L Uoldenstar of Jdankato. Prof. J. T. Btea-art of tit. Paul. Qeerg tl Hum of Dea Molne and J. H. Wayne ef Coun cil Bluffs. cured two field goala and Nelson, sub stituted for Phield. secured two, For Drake, Hawley secured 4 field goals; Thomas, 1, and Irwin, 1 Carney of Orinell waa referee. Th Nebraska team will play Ame at Ames, Friday and Saturday. Th Itueup: DKAKR. Hawley R.F. Thomas L.F. Pmlth C. Irwin R.O. Warnock UU. V. Gardiner waa NERRArTKA. R.F.,.... Rutherford I-F Campbell C Shield R.O Hum L.U J. Gardiner substituted for J. Gardiner, Hart man for lamviUll, Nalson lor tin it-1 a FARMER BURNS SAYS HE WAS WORLD'S CHAMPION Farmer Bum comas to th front with n objection to aa assertion In a morn ing paper that hs never held th wreav tlrng cbsmpionshlp of th world. Th Karmer deolare that he won th cham pionship of th world on April W. UA from Kvan Lewie and produce nswa paper chpnojts of tb match to prov It The article to which th Farmer object !atd b merely won the cnarnpionafclp tit America, HEBRON ALL-STARS BEAT IMPERIALS OF WICHITA HEBRON. Neb.. Feb. J4.-(Speclal. The Imperial basket ball team of Wichita and the local Hebron team, oonalatlni of Hebron All-Stars met on th Hebron floor laat night In a elosely contested game, resulting In a victory for th Hebron All-Ptara, to !7. At th and i of tha first half th cor stood 11 to IS In favor of th Imperial but Hebron cam In strong th second half. The line up: IMPFRIAIJt HEBRON Btanaberry ....R.F.! H.F Sloan He more L.F.' 1..F Jamla Htayly :....(' . Wood Lake RO.iKO NacWe McKie UUIUO 'Urnht Field goats for the Imperials: Heymore. Rtaly St. ljike (6). Field a!a for llrlron All-Stara: Janria tM, 81. .an (Si. v r1hU Huliaiiiutes 'or limxiriala: Terry. For Iltbrvo All fclare: K. Hill and U. Hill GRAND ISLAND COLLEGE IS EASY FOR KEARNEY KEARNKY, Neb.. Feb. N.-tPpeclal.) Grand Island Baptist college proved to be easy for the Kearney Normal basket ball team last night In a gam played In the high school gymnasium, when the locals won hy the score of .IS to 19. Lowry waa the outstanding star for Grand Island, having scored twelve of their points. Jensen waa the atar performer of the evening, scoring twenty-two of Kearney'a total. Tha lineup: Kearnev Robb. center: Kllsnra mnA Jensen, forwards; Rich and Kssert, guards. Grand Islsnd R. Taft. center: John ana iwry, forwards; Flynn and U. Taft, guards. Rffuroe: Parsons, Kearney. EARL CADDOCK TRIMS UP A MASKED MARVEL HARI.AN. la.. Feb. 4.-(Speolttl.)-F.ari Caddock defeated a wrestler atyllng himself th Masked Marvel here tonight. two atralght falls The first fall came In eleven mlnutea and the aecond In four minutes. A head actaaora and arm lock waa employed each time. The Maaked Marvel la not the aame one who appeared at New York Bhlekley Defeat a Graftoa. HHTCKLFY. Neh. Feb. 14 (Special Shlckley Hleh school defeated Grafton High In a same of basket ball, 40 to 4. The Brat Heeommeadatlon. The strongest recommendation any ar ticle may receive Is a favorable word from the user. It I th recommenda tion of thoa who have used It that makea Chamberlain a Cough Remedy ao popular. Mra. Amanda Olerhart. Waynei field. Ohio, wrttea. "Chamberlain's t'ough Remedy haa been uaed In my family off and on for twenty years and It haa nevr failed to cur a cough or eold. Obtainable every w her. Advertisement. Forfeits Posted for Welsh and Wolgast MILWAUKBEl Wis.. Feb. 2.-Forfelta were posted today by lightweight cham pion Freddie Welsh and Ad Wolgast for their ten-round boxing match to be held In Milwaukee, March 6. The boxer are to welgn 135 pounds at 3 o'clock on th day of the contest. Walter James Hodges wag solemnised at the home of the bride'e parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Dodge. Wednesday even ing. 'Rev. F. M. Slsson performed the ceremony. The young people left wedding trip to Omaha and point They will" retun. to Fremont to their home. on a east, make TOBACCO, like f ren'ship, MVilVl A Vs. lUwUi mellowed by age. ..if.- HYMENEAL German Banker Is Committed by New York Federal Judge NEW YORK. Feb. St. Federlco Stall- forth, a Mexican-German banker, waa ordered today committed to tha custody of the United State marshal by Federal Judge Dayton for refusing to answer question before the federal grand Jury hlch Is Investigating th effort of German agents to foment trouble be tween this country nd Mexico and to Instigate strikes In munition factories. Stallforth waa closely associated. It la said, with Fran von Rlntalen, the re puted head of th German propaganda in the United States, who fled from th country under a fats passport when th federal authorities began to Investigate hla activities. Stallforth I the head of a German- Mexican bank with headquarter at Par ral, Mex. While Von RJntelen was In thlg country he maintained headquarter In Stall- forth'a office In thla city. A mai of documents taken from Von Rintelen by the English authorities and turned over to the .Mate department proved, accord ing to federal officers, that German agenta had spent large sums of money in Mexico. Flndllnar-Froat. FAIRBURY. Neb., Feb. 24.-(Speclal - A pretty February wedding was solem nized at the home of Mr. and Mrs E. Frost, two miles northwest of Falrbury at noon yesterday, when their daughter. Miss Leva, was married to William Findling of this county. Rev. J. T. Parker of the Baptist church officiated and after the ceremony a wedding dinner was erved. Ml Marie Frost played the wedlng march. The bride was hand somely owned In a dress of blue silk poplin trimmed in pink gorgetta crepe. She carried a bouquet of bride's rones. Nearly fifty friends and relatlvea of the contracting parties witnessed the . wed ding. Tho bride Is a Jefferson county rchool teacher and waa reared In this county. Th groom Is a young farmer living near Falrbury. Mr. and Mrs. Findling expect to make their home on a farm outhwest of Falrbury. lder-Dtley. FAIRBTJRY. Neb., Feb. t4.-(SperlaU A wedding was solemnised at th Catholic parsonage Wednesday when Rev. Father J. J. Carey united In marriage Ijostnr Ntder and Miss Julia bailey. The couple was attended by Miss Rose Dalley and Claude Nlder. After the ceremony, the bridal party partook of a sumptuous wedding dinner. The bride wore a hand some blue traveling suit and the couple left for Kansas City st noon. The groom is a son of 'John Nlder. a well known Jefferson county farmer. Tha bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dalley of this city.' Mr. and Mrs. Nlder will return to Fair- burr and make their home on a farm near Janaen In thla county. Stewart-Flsher. YORK. Neb., Feb. S4. (Special.) Miss Ilia Stewart and Rolls E. Fisher wer married at th horn of the bride' par ents, Mr. and Mra. J. F. fttewart. 723 East Sixth street, yesterday evening at 6:30, Rev, J. O. Dickson, pastor of tb Bap tist church, officiated. Mr. and Mr, Fisher will be at home In North Loup after March L Baa4er-Craairlr. YORK. Neb.. Feo. 24. (Special.) Stella Crumrls of Bradahaw and Claude Bau der of Phillip ware married Tuesday by County Judge H. G. Hopkins. Hodaea-Dodar., FREMONT. Neb.. Feb. 4.-X(Speclal.)-The wedding of Mis rthella Dodge to Peters Will Meet Tough One When He Tackles Plestina Charley peter Is going to encounter th toughest opponent of hla short and successful career next Monday night at th Boyd theater when he tackle Maren Plcatlna, the prise beauty of Emll Klank's stable of Chicago grapplers. Plestlna Is a veteran of th wi-eatllng game. H has been on of th top notchers tor a number of years and has met and defeated th beat of them. Plestina boasts on victory no other grappler boasts. That Is over Strangler Lewis. Plestlna la th on who has has placed th ahouldera of the Strangler to the mat. Joe Stecher couldn't even hold onto the retreating Lewis long enough to dump and finally had to throw Lewis out of th ring. Preatina haa alao de feated Jo Roger and Paul Martensen and broke Martenaen'a arm In the latter match. If Petera throwa Preatina It will prov Nebraska haa a second wrestler of real class. Wm I fTTaTr T THREE 'jpHE flavor, the mildness, the cool-' ness natural to Ken tucky's choicest Burley tobacco, is improved by being aged for two years into VELVET1 TRAINS DAILY VIA MISSOURI PACIFIC Leave Omaha. .'. 8:00 A. M. Arrive Kansas City 4:00 P. M. Modern Equipment. Pullman Sleeper. Chair Cars and our own unsurpassed Dining Cars (Meals a la Carte.) ' Leave Omaha.. .-...'.2:00 P. M. Arrive Kansas City. .8:35 P. M. Observation Cafe-Parlor Car. Chair Car, etc. Leave Omaha ..11:15 P. M. Arrive Kansas City .7:10 A. M. Electric Lighted. Observation Sleeper. Chair Cars, etc. Direct connections in Kansas City Union Station for all points South and West. Full information at City Ticket Office, 1423 Farnam Street, or Union Station. TH0S. F. GODFREY, (Jen. Agt. Pass. Dept. WM D VERTISING isn't at fault i but your methods may be A It takea tut a minute of time to cava dollar when you read Tha Be Want Ad column. KrrBoal Defeats Lasts a. FREMONT, Neb.. Feb. 14 (Special ) A picked team of Fremont howlera trounced a Loran, la., five her Wed nee day nUsht. The Fremont team rolled Z.730, while th Iowa shooters counted only X vour advertising expenditure 1 not producing the right results don't condemn advertising. All arguments are against you. Monumental suc cesses are right nere in uiuana to .uu tradlft you. Analyse your methods. Do you do your advertising In the way of an Investment? If you have looked into the matter you have discovered that the very best publicity a business can have is the pub licity of newspaper advertising. Very few business houses now send out a ehean dodger, which, like a beggar, is almost always stopped at the fiont door. They are using the newspapers because the newspaper Is welcomed In every borne gets the "comfy" chair before the parlor grate a place at the table with the head of the house and even . the boys and girls scramble for it. Mr. Business Man, newspaper advertising never fails. A single advertisement will not make your business prosperous, but every dol lar you invest will bring you results. Your advertising expenditure should be In proportion to your business not too much nor too little Just what you can stand from day to day, month in and month out. All successful advertisers have learned that It is continuous advertising that pays best. In Omaha tha successful advertisers are con stant patrons of the columns of THE OMAHA BEE "Where Continuous Advertising Will Pay" 2