TIN; I.KK: OMAHA, FIJI DAY, FKIUM'AKY -, 1!H. Omaha live stock market Cattle Beceipti Liberal and Trade Actira and Strontr Sheep . Strong to Ten Higher. HOGS ARE SLOW TO SOME LOWER OMAHA tte.-etpta were: Official Mnndar Official Tueeiay Official Wednesday Ttimat Thursday February Cattle. Mora. 8hecp i;.n . Mil 4. ono , 14 r 20. 7.7 .M r.7oo Fniir oars' total tK .!W ame day last week. .IS. 44 7.3T Hm 1 vn-ki) ago 271 T 4U Pame I weeka aso II.TI7 TS..14 fame 4 wees ago 24.1T7 7. 171 Sm flays Isst year. ..1".!7 flO.ViS .V..04 44.M4 WI.IM 2i,!Mt 4'.4 The following tab! enow th receipts of cattle, hoaa and sheep at th Bouth Omaha market for lb year to data compared with last year. 1K1. 11R fnc. l0. Cattle 2lft.fi.VI 144.571 7!.2S '" rf r2l,S 227,Wo "hoop i71.no 4ii.77 M.l7 The following table hnws tho aver prices of hoes at the Omaha, llvo stock market tor th laat few day, with com p. rlaone' Ta7. Win. H9Ifi.i1SI4.ll9H. i:MI .'IM I .'ISI-'... b. TfTi4s,i7ij ) 1 76i i wTTSh I "b. . t 7.u! &h a 40 Or.' 7 Hi 4? B. 10.. 7 7:Vi 41 4.-.I 1 39 12 i 7 Ml S 4H Teh H I 401 R 411 1 (II 1 7 21 1 I 71 77 7 X 74 H S.1 M I I: Feb. Feb. Tm Feb. Fl. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. reb. eh. Feb 11 H7i s tt t 0I S l 1 Kl S Ml I K 7 7R t 74V I S Oil 7 a i ! IM 01 7 ! h .! 7 IV 1 Oil a Ml 7 4 7 UTS S M! S ( 7 f 4ft 42 14. 7 01 S OS. I no. ( M I II 1 H 1 Wi 1 21.1 7 17 2X1 I 11 - i a rj a i! a rr; i mi " I D4 S 12 Oil 7 Oil 0: 24 ISO. a rv.1 . ft ft v ! i 24 02U w a 2( I 11 S W W 1H Suriday. Reccipta and dlapoaltlnn of live atork at th 1'nlon Stock Vanta, Omaha, for twenty-four hour ending at S p. m. yes terday; rexteipts-carb. Cattla.lloga.8heep.Mr. C. M. 8t P 4 2... Wabaxh 1 4 atlaaourl Pacific... 1 7 , 1 nl"n I'arlflc t 5 S 4". A X. W.. eaat.... II 4 N. W.. weat.. SI IN S C. Mt. I.. M. O.. 24 21 -... H. Q . eaat.... I f '., H. Q.. weat.... m m 1 . R. I. ft P., eaat. k 4 1 4, It. I. P.. meat. 1 I 1 llllnola Central 11 a Chicago (Jkt. Weat.. J Total receipt.. .171 270 T7 1 IISIOSITIO.V-HEAD. Cattle.Hoga. Sheen. Vorrl Co ftor, S.4.W Kwlft and Compnjr.... 7S! tudehy Packing Co Armour Co fr J. W. Murphy Morrell g 1Jn-oln Packing Co.... 3 flout h Omaha Pack. Co. 2 W. R. Van Hant Co 113 till! Hon 2.5 V. R. Lewi 6 (uton Co I J. H. Root Co K J If. Rulla 1 Roaenatock Rroa D1 F. G. Kellogg 77 iWerthelmer Degen... 21 It. F. Hamilton 5 Sullivan llro 2 RtUhachild Kreba.... 47 M. Kan. Calf Co.... Hi f'hrlNtla 130 Huffman 7 Koth II Raker, Jone tt Smith.. 'M Hanner Rroa h John Harvey., 2W1 Jennl A Francl 10 Kline 41 Jeneen. AV I.ungren !W Other btiyor 2t!9 4. Ml fi.040 D.ftl.1 2.171 IX) 4t 2.&S7 lit Total CATTMfiRecelpt Thursday, 1M frnah ...4,4.11 22,126 5,:5 war liberal for cara being reported in. i' or tno four day the total la n.zx head, being with on exception th larg est for any almllar period for a number of back and lnter than a ear go by ovar 7.0H0 head. Th damand. how ever, ha been ao uood that prices have been higher evry day this week, th i 1 market being anywhere from atrong to IMalhIjr )oc big her In mm pot today. Reef ateera, cow and heifer ar around 2Mi4oq higher than the mean close laat week. Ihm advance is the moat notice- bie on the light and medium catt.l for the reason that the increased demand for feeder ha resulted in kewner suinpe!l tlon for the short fed steer. Storker and feeder were firm today nu ineyar areiy Koo hignor than isst durum, II ; No. 1 hard, fl No. 1 week, which mean that they aro at the northern. Imluth. U.3 and No. 1 north hiKheat point of th year to data. Coiin-U.r Manltob. f. o. b. New York, try buyer seem to be figuring on a higher Ftr. s. weak: Mav. tl.&H. bef market later In th aprlng and re t . CORN-Himt market, weak; No. 2 yel. fat cattle lo ba flnlalieri for that time. ...n.,. - " v i -' (Juotatinn on cattle: flood to choice 1 beevea. is.OMcYtQ; fair to good beeves. 7 7(i.O0; common to fair beeves, 17 lu 7.70; good to choice helfera, to. jtb 7.2.1 ; good to choice cow. .Xm.75; fair to good cowa, tfi.MKiiti.g.-; coiiitnon to fair cowa. $4.26tiSh: good to ciiolc feedxia, JT C7.tif,; fair to gmxl fee, Jen. 27 0ut(7.;4; common to fair feedera. i.(n 7.U0; wood to choice tockr, 7.4U7 ii6; stock liclf r. J6.al7.: sto'k cow, tl.2.Vuii .K): tock calves. fii.limjii.iHJ; veal calves, 17. j.76, knill. tag. tc, 2ti.UHni.il BEF.P STI:KR8. Ka. At. IT. K. . .w....,.. hi t ii nu !..., MM 1 M IT..,,. Ml r... m 7 u H'jii 1.... !! 1 K li llll . .I I W s a, .......... .inn 14.. toil I M fr. 1 40 T H t 7i I T i r.; 8TKKH ANI HFiFEP.S, 4 Tl . ani 144 ... 11.. ... M ...114 7 to , I M HKIFERS. X t. 1 14. M 17. I W urixs. 4-4 tut 444 X- 41 ' 17, ti.l 1.-... 1..... t 1 .... IH 1. 4 M 1 I. 4 4 I 7 ou CALVK8. 7 a t 1 1 1. .ISM .IMM KM . 414 iwa .111 .M . 1 tit 71 47V 7 4 W I.... STOCK KRS AND FKhlDKItS 7 t 444 tll 1 M n tu II.mi, ti 7 10 lis. i :c7 7 ki I :. 1... Ktl 1 M 14 4i 11 Wi 7 IN 7 t 1 N 7 40 4 HOUS Another very liberal run was on tiand today, rectlps of 27 cars, or 2i, x bead, being about the ame ait a yea terday. Th supply for th week to tte foot up l,tH head, being 2.001 lamer than last week and ,0fo iraU r than f ir the am day last year, but smaller then two week ago by 70 head. When string finally liegan to go ale ward. It waa 011 a compromise oast. 1'ackera were u'mble lo force their 1 o reduction, but, on th other hand, so let failed to get steady price, and w title oni of th good nog ware. t line I alxne. about steady, bulk of th day' offering waa cashed at prt ea fiat looked mainly us lower, and son aeltrr thougut even mor than tual In spot. A wa th esse yesterday, th supply was only partially cleared . at midday. ther being a few good hogs, and a good many of the mixed and common livh sj Hill In tbe pen. A a general thin, the hogs sold up to thta time loosed mostly o lower, a spread or f7. ajis.w. catching mot of tit al. while tliero wa a good showing of the better hog, on up to V20. and a sprinkling a high a I K. It must be remembered. In comparing market for the last two ('.ays. that t m lieht boss. whUh naturally br.ni tie loweat price, do not sell until th rlnee, and on audi la'e niar.e'a ai not welghej In tin tj b yuntd s tie repieaenLatlv ale column. Thus, while yesterday market wa fully iw'.Oc lower ant bulk )Uotrd at ti.totitli, tl average wa only & nickel lower, and bulk of the sale quoted brought I'UnuUl. This sa u thing will b tine today, and, In fact, on moat any ocasion when receipts ar j beavyand th market late. Va." '""at. 'gh. rr hm. . k. ft. M. ....... I ... T t t 1M k 1 4U..M....lt M 1 H tl I'M IM I fti I ...... ,.. It 41 " ... I ' i ii ... tt tt m i . f iu ... tit n t ... 1 1 It.. tol M (M 7........24I ... IM 44 fc It tl iJt I li. PIQb. KM ... 7 li BHEK1' Raoaipt of aheep and luul weia nil Ui iuolrt order, about twenty-four caj-s, or .7 head, making up tli day' aupply. Total for th four da 1 the smallest -since four week ao. arrival far footing up K1.044 bead, against 2s.t lat week. 44.4U4 tw week ago and .J4 a year ago. Kvcrvone felf lhat a reaction waa In ! the air thla mnrnlnir. and hlhr prtcea rrf a.kcil for lamha rerht from the mart Hnvera maile a determined effort to fill their orders on a steady haa.a. and in Ihla account the earlv part of th fnrrri'Hin waa pretty dull. In th end sellers ranled their point, and when movement finally started It waa on a stronir to In mil rn Pip hither liaala. A g'X'd shsre of the decent to good Umlm sold ariamd f m.7ni in.tii while aeveral Iloada of aood mestcrns made ftftv uood IlKht Mcxhana were on offer, but judirtng from the dav'a aale of westerns I tona would probablv reach 111 no. I A very light supply of ewes shared the dime upturn In prices. Another cut of the good fed weaterna that brought 17 75 vestcrdsv reached 7 S today, set ting a new high mark for the eeaaon. and another package of lighter weights reached the aame figure. Quotations on aheep and lambs: l.mba. tiwul to eholne 1 10 AflrW 1 1 On Umhi rm'm to good, lin.rVVfilfl n; lamha. clipped, pl fr9.7S; yearling, fair to choice light. r.r n'.T.'i; yearllnga. fair lo choice heavy, t Ortfii fe; aethers, fair to choice. T.2-. gnri; ewea. good to choice, ',.Un'iS ewea. fair to goofl, r. ..60. Representative aalea: No. W. U". fed lamha M FA2 fed ewea 73 211 fed Inmha 75 f.? fed lamha 71 r.7 fed ewea 1T ?4 fed lamba "5 Pr 10 70 10 aO 10 70 J 10 m riurtfin MVK kto4 k mhkf.t ttle Weak Una fllraag. ririfAfJO, Feb 24.-4 'A TTI.K Recelpla. 40m head; market, aleadv; native heef ateera. liWiftM; weatern etecre. f.iMf 2: atockera and feedera, Sf. K,'d 7. 70; eowa and helfera. .rt'rii.2li; rnlvca, SH.SO. toil. is. Hl;.rtecelpta. r7.ono head: market, weak to he lower; hulk of aalea. M); light. $7.ri.8.t; mled. $X.1iVf(.iO; rough Iw itvKiO; pin., f. WWr7..' BlfKKP ANI I.AMHS-ltece pt. ll.iro head; market, atrona; wether. 4.5vli'4.7i; ewea. .',.7.VriH.VI: Inmha. 9.i5'i1I.Xi. Kanaaa (Itr I. Ire (tnrk Market. KANHAfl rtTV. Feb. 2.--ATTI-Hecelpta. 2,000 head: market atrong; prime ferr ateera. l..WfiS .(); dreaaed beef ateera. I7.iil.50; weatern ateera. f7 0Wt .; atocker and feeder, fii.ffiti'A.Si; bulla. A.2f.'fit.V: calve, SrvrtfNfilA.hl. MN7r4-Hecelpta. K.HoO head; market lowers hulk of aalea. ft CvifH.X: heavy. fIMiJ7't: packer and bufhera, IhVAi light. i:.i.2n; t.lga. KSo-irt.iO. '.4ITEK.P ANI I.AMMH-llecelpta, 11700 bead; lamha, ilO.fiofii 10fto: yearling. I fiKJ.OO; wcthrra, I7.764i.2'.; ewea, I7.0W 7,70. t. I.aala Lire Htark Market. HT. 1iriH. Feb. 24. CATTLT-V-Re-celpta. I..V4) head; market ateadv; native beef ateera. 17 .WtHfio; yearling Bteera anil helfera. I &0i M; cowa, .- .VtiT.t5; tockera and feedera, S.hKfl7.liO; Teaaa and Indian ateera, Ift.iraK.Oli: cowa and helfera, I4.00fj4.00; native calve. in.Ontl II .01). KIIEF.P AND I.AM BB Recetpta, 1.700 heart; market atendy; lamba, I0 roji 10 W); vearl'm;, :..2r. 1(.(; wether. 7.7RS.2.i; ewe. S7.0oir7.70. loi t Ity Lire Stork Market. HIOL'X CITY, Feb. 14.-TATTLI'7-R-celpt. 900 head; market ateadv; natlv ateera. 7.1iit.40; butcher, i Otvi7.2ii; cowa and helfera, ld.7Mjli.00; atockera and feeder, S7.W'7.r0; bulla, tag. etc., Sf..2.'i tl 4Ti. HoOS-Recelpt. a.000 head; market ateadv; heavy. t IMjH.a"; mixed. Sn.0uw l ift; light. I7.7MiH.0O;. bulk of aalea, 17.75 HHKFP AND LA M RRecelp. tiona. HI. Joaepr Live ainck Market. . ' HT. .KtBKPM. Mo, Feb. 2I.--OATTLF. Receipt. I. not) head; market atrnng: ateer. I7.0ifi.j.: cowa and tielfera, 14 00 ttnW: calvea. I rir(, 0 fUMlH Recetpla, I2.0HO head; market tendy; top, Hi.; bulk of aalea. IR.OKuX.JSO. BHKKP A NO LAMHS4 Recelpta, r bead; market atrnng; lamba, liO.uOfl 11.00. ainrk ! glgtit. Receipt of live stock at the five prln- cipal wetaern market: Cattle. Mob Hheeo. f'h'cago . ... Omaha Sioux City . Knnana City M. Ijotila .. Total .... 4.110 37,000 1I.( 4,W ...Ho.) ItMH 1.6)10 lfi.600 H.toi 6.7( 1 m 1..03 ! .12,4m M.Q ,3U) ' M RW V4)MK (iKK.H 4L MtHKKI Maolallua f the Itay Ynrloaa t'nramodlllr. NKW YORK. Ffh. 24. FIXJl R-Kasy: prlng patenla. IH.IMm.ti0: winter patent. I .tj.ii): winter alralgbt. O. taxti ti. 16 ; I lviinsn ftrnmbta, . lo-tt.ai. HKAT riput market, . weak; No. 1 flow. k.lA.frMOr e I r ,w York. OATH Mint market, weak: standard. pt.ilio: No. a white, 6hiIm:,4. II A Y Hteadv: No 1. BI.2.VU 1.: : No. 2. 2l.l7'i,4il.I'i; No 3. 1 Unl.0u; Shipping, nivtf y; state, common to choice, 14, fimtc; racirio coaat. llli. HOI'S- Hteatly 1H1!I, l.Vt27i; IHH, K'llK.i': VMi. Mtiltk IIIUKH-Hlrin; liogota. rtfMc America, SI'tc. ' LKA'i'HKK Firm: hemlock ; v antral first. IS tf'Me; second. J-WI-c I'KilVISIirNf Fork, ateadv; mes. rjl.ftO; family, .'l.i"-u'J.(i0. short dear, t-f OiKd t: Ml. I.cci. uuict; mesa, ll7.OMil7.ii0i fancy 111 :vt! If So. lard, easy: middle west lo.:..tiio:!.i. RCTTl'iR-Strong: receipt, creamery extras. KiVi3iVc; 7.74 tubs; first, ii'lt :!j': ttecoiMl.. 2.'.4i31c. , KilUS Firm: recetota, 12.244 cases: freak - gathered extra. 2.'.'uii'o: xtra ttolflrst. 24Ssc; rirl. 23VkJ'J4c; geconda, , itrmnesa in in quotation irom i-tver-7 H '12tr.':lc. pool and becauae of th diminishing of re- I I'llKKiK Steady; receipt, frm boxes' ' relpls northwest as well a In conae " state wh'de tVlk. rials, held, colored I quenc ot th liberal export ,le. Th 4 4" p la's. lMfalSVic; tHt whole milk-white, buying for K;irope. however, turned out t i.. ...... ,..11. colored, avei-aiie on Vetteiday to be chiefly of Manl- ir. ...... iTu...i7.e! wan. .v.rsaa fancv. nsii7c: fit. 7irtVc: fl. ' Pori.TKY-IH-f , current inaae specials, average run. lrjo Incased, easier; price tin- .changed; alive, no market settled; oine sale, reported a. follow.; t hickens. lv, lt.V; fowl. Wc. a..-!.., uaaaaut nay market. OMAHA. r. 24 HRAIHIB ' H A Y Oliutce upland, W maud.fiO; No. 1. i..tti ft Art- V n 9 til fiOllS .' Na t 14 Oltt.tkl 111 choice midland. IH.6tvr3.oi); No. 1. Is.ooui . i Id '11. . . H U. . V .. . , .... "4cbol-e lowland. No. 1. t! .IuuT.W; o. I, ' lTF..v; CIO. 0, l liril w. bTHAYV I liol.e oat or rye, ti. D04j), 30; I turned consilououly to th selling side choice w heal, j.iivu.Hl. i i hicauo yaah l'i lce VMieat : No. 2 n d, AI.KAl.KA-t'liotiM, lS.So74.tiO; No 1. f 1.21 ill IN: No. S red. 1.1SU i . forn: 1J.i"ii1 i.j; No. 2, I9.upu11.uii; No. 2, IT.tloSNo. 2 yellow, nominal: No. 4 yellow, "u'i im On. li:i7o: No. 4 white. 71iK2'-c. Onta: No. S , I white. 4'lH44jc: alanilsid. 441i4c. Kye: Mlaaeauolla (.rata Market. H. - W1IKAT - h: No. 1 hard, May. $114: July. ti.lfS Cash II. 21; No. I northern, tl.ltig I. ID; No. norirrrii. Jl.l.ltll li. I'UH K -I'm hanged. IIAKI.KY ti4.,c. It Y K KJiiSKic. Hit A N 110 0"ii 1! (0 OllIN-No. S cllow. 7iT:c. OATS No. I white, 4ll4liic.' K I V X r: K Ll 12. SI V 2 . Kaaaaa 4 Ity tirala aaal Provlatoa. KANSAS f'lTY. Feb. 24 W'HFAT No. 2 hard. II l.Vol t; No. 2 red. U.ImM l.ll; May. II iV; July. II UT'Va LOTS. I'tPKN-Xii. 2 mixed. WtiTtk-: No. 1 whit. 70S4j71c: No. 2 yellow. 7:Wl7So; ta. 71 Sc; July, T'Sc. OATS-No. 2 white. 41r49c; No. I mixed. 441 4k:. St. boats tiralsi Market. ST. I.OIIS. Keb. 4-VHKAT-No I red, 11.2!; No. 2 hard, nominal; May, ll.HV Julv, ll.lHi. C'uHN" No. 2. nominal: No. t whit. 78c: May. 76c: July. 75tf75V'. I'ATS-No. 2. ti'tc; No. I white, noml nal. I.tversiool t.ralsi Market. 1 IVK.I'.PtV)!.. Keb. 24WHKAT-rlpot, No. 2 hard winter, new. ISa M; No. I hard winter, choice. 14 "V,d; No. I red wester winter, lis M ')HN Hpot. American mixed, new, 11 Sd. loOrCinrilT rim -i nrvup rnttfiucn i CHrtuiniu ur inc. MILWAUKEE HERE TODAY Kn rout to th Pacific coaat for a hort Vacation A. J. Karling. president of th Mllwauke road, will be In Omaha for. on-hlf houh thl afternoon. He will have hi private car going west from Omaha attached to on of th I'nion I'aclflc train. Ml vvi.'41'hi i . r.-i. .jwini't-P'thy. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat is Irregular, Some Grades Selling Cent Higher and Others Cent Lower. SAME APFLIES TO CORN SALES OMAHA, February 2t. I'M.; The wheat market waa Irregular today, aome of the wheat gelling cent higher and the off grade aclllng fully cent down The better grade of corn i!d l'4j cent lower and the poorer gradca aold 7 to a centa higher than the off gradca broiiriht yesterday. The nat were alao loa er, declining half to 1 cent lower. Clearance were: Wheat and flour eqiial to HTl.OJjO huahela; corn. 21'i.l') buhela; nata, ltfl.oj huahela. Liverpool t'loae: Wh"at. unchanged; corn, unchanged to id higher. Primary wheat recelpia were l.SB.nOO bu. cla and ahlpment. 1.107.flii nuhela. agalnat reccipta of tlil,oon huMhela and ahlpmenta of STX.O'O bnahela laat yr. Primary corn receipt were 5,A O OO agnlnat receipt of akK.Ourr buahela and 1 ah omenta of tui flrM huahela lant vear. Primary oat rece.pta were IrX.OoO buahela and ahlpmepta. W.0 0 huahela, galnat recelpra of 774.000 huahela and ahlpmenta of Wft.ono buahela laat year. CARLOT IIHCKIPT. Wheat. Corn Oat. 35J Chicago itht XilnneapoMa .TK! luil'ith 141 .)maha Kfi Konaaa City M Ht. Iiul 74 MI 4:1 Winnipeg S7.1 'I hew aale wer reported tolHy: Wheal No. S hard winter; 1 car. Sl.l:l': I car, 11.13; 2 car, $1.12'4; car. 11.12: 1 car, 11.11; 1 cor. 11 1"'. No, 4 hard winter: 4 cara, li t; 2 car. t.07'4j: 4 r. 11.07': 4 Ni'i ca;! pring: I car. I cara. 11.07; 2 cara, (I 0 Sample hard winter: 1 car, II W; 1 rnr. lc. No. 4 light. II. M. No. 2 durum: 2 car. II. I' No. 4 mixed: 1 cfir, II. 071. Rye No. 2: 1 car. !2c; I car. !lfc". Harley No. 1 feed: 2 cra, etc. Corn No. 4 white, i car. 6ftc. No. t white. 1 car, iVo. No. white, 1 car, H.V. No. 4 yellow, 1 car. Wc No. 6 ellow, 1 car. flltc; 2 car. 1c. Hample yellow, 1 car. 42e; I cara. 4c; I car, IT. No. 4 mixed 1 car, iic: 2 cara, HVV; cara. l. No. r mixed, J car. 1 4 cara, b''i , 1 car. hAc? 1 car (iHc. M11 mlverl 1 car. WWr; 1 rr, bic: i car. H4c: 1 car, Rac; IS 'nra, Mc: 1 car. EV; 1-6 car. Me. Bum pie mixed, 1 car (whea mlxedt, Mc; 1 car, rli'c; I car. 47c: H cara, 4."c; cara, 4'c; i ear, 4:c; i car. 41c; 1 cara, 4ic; 2 cara, 3:e; 1 car. Hoc. Out Standard, 1 car. 4S'c- white, 1 car. 42c; 1 car, 4Vi cara, 42c; 4-5 car, 41V. No, 4 wlilta. 1 car, 41lc; 1 car. 41c. Maniple white, J cara, 1 car (corn mixed), .tr. omah Caah' Prlcea Wheat: No. I hnrd. $1 . 14 u 1 IT. ; No. 3 hard, II 1 .U4; No. 4 hartl. S1.044jl.0S; No. I aprlng. II .Vilf .i:: No. I aprlng. ll.OSflfl.13; No. 1 durum. 11.15 111. 11; No. I durum, ll.lil1.15; rample, ".c All. 01 Corn: No. 3 white, rT7H'tic; No. 4 white, tXVufc'e; No, j white, u7((Vilc; No. white, Kii3c ; No. I yellow, SHUHSr; No. 4 yellow, t"iMfB'c; No. 5 yellow, f0'4j l1Vc; No. ellow. 4fit5"c; No. I mixed. tCflUVic: No. 4 mlxd. 4'44jc: No. 5 mixed, "I'HjCOc; No. mixed. SOhMc; sample. !Wu47c. Oata: No. i while. 43tf 44c: atandard. 4:lUfi 4 !c ; No. :i white. 41'A. iti42"c. Harlev: Malting. WD4c; No. 1 1 l" '"" " "''" " feed, 55iftiOc. Rye: No. 2. SHJ:i3c; No. S, perpetual water right. When the fllliiK J!li,C- . . . , . . . II made, a payment of S2.75 per acre will (.hlcafo closing prices, furnished The;, ... . , Ree by Logan A Rryan, stock anil grain I1'0 required. The next payment will l.o broker, jjlo Bouth Hixteenth ft.-, (imaha: i five year ltrr and after that the amount Article; Open. I Hlnh.j Low. I Close. Ye y. Wht. I May.il JIW 1 July.'! !H4l I Z"-1! I. i 1 17 1 17V4! 1 21'i 1 19'r, 1 I4 I li v.orn. i May.!7SM4j July.) 7!tjS Oat. I j klV llt.l.l Tie",: 711 4i 1 44 '4i 4.' 4. 4t. ! July.l 44' fork. 41-,; May.! 21 f.ty 10 . Jt'ly.l M .' J ill H I.rd. I Mav.l 10 4!HI 10 411 July. j 10 tO 10 (0 ?0 ft.1 TO (W 20 U 21 I) I, I io a io so i io .-. , I I 10 47HI 10 47 K I 10 W'ti I I ! ! 11 H5 I 11 I 11 liTVii HHi Moy.i u r.7m it July.l 11 7H''H ITH 11 47l 41 47l 11 70 i 4 IIICAC.O RAI AD PBOViaiOSS j . I'eaiares of Ik Trading; an- 4 lo.lag I'rlce on liimrd of Trail CIIICAOO, Fb. Rumor, that Atn ludor HcrnKtoiff waa about to be handed hi parapnrt ajniashed down the price of wheat today 7',o a burhei. On the collapse, which was from an early advance, th May option .fell from to fl.17. The clot was exclt-d. ic to t"" tintier yeateruay (litian, wun .Mav ar. II. 17 anil July t i.!4'i. Other leaUlng staples, too. all khowod a decided (.- back corn l'tP 'sc to lHc, ogta ic and ) f royislor.t 12t,c to 25c. 1 Condltluti loat bordered qn panlo ruled ! In th wheat pit Juit before thu end of: the session. Flurried holders were turn-1 i' .n:,,,.,"or.r Mr.' ncsa hail rtuniited almrt entirely fruni 1 111 SB nail roliea niiniiil rnorrir iiuni unverified report that drastic action wa imminent on the part of 'resident Wll - Mm Ih reuanl to the lilana At MttacKa II V I 1 submarine. The break in price had n t i begun to aanunie aenaiitlonal prnortoiia I utt th first half hour of tr.idli.g. but after that and eineclslly In the laat llf teen minute the downward plunge of tne j market was almost In a vertical line, i There wa no concentrated buying on t.iej extraordinary descent of "inc. Then. however with scarcely breathlnir time I before the Inst gong, support developed that wa sufficient to cuae half a rally. I eighth and Jones streets, on their way i'revtous to the demoralisation of that. . ... ... ,.., .,. .. i ,... bull aide of the wheat majority consider-1 ''tm rnm ,h W",t,r' "' Mr- Jon" able sltenKlli wa shown as a result of ! ton waa robbed of S'.'.tX ! loba wheat and In th main for deferred , : trader into a bearish frame ot mind and . on"'. '"nl reaponsioie lor mm :,......iT w - , ".raln were" depressed by th Isevei- break In wheat The . develop. menta for corn were otherwla bullish , riK-elpl falling off and export sale 1 amounting to 250.UO bushels. Oat htd ! no iiidctjendent action and wag Influ- - I .i.il l.,.ll Kir th i.li.n.p. In wltnal I and corn. tf I .. I I. n.A.1. I -.... , ... I V. . ! With grain. Dealers who wer the heal 1 iiilers ewiiy uiun j rii.i i.ii jT.irniii, , I No. 2. VV. Harley. Hecda: Tlnio .'..Wli8: clover. llOtv .0rt. ! I'.0 - . , -' W i ' "lon" . !ork. ll.wB 20.it); lard, j1"H;T:',;mgrv. i.'sv. i Kiina -Hlirher: receints. S.2NH eases: I firsts. 21'ic; ordinary firsts. 20'i4j30Sie: I at mark, cases Included, PHrilHc. FOTATOlv Hecelp'sr 27 car; market i unchanged. ' I'till.THV-Alive, higher; fowl, up; spring, 17Sc. i TAKE BODY OF KURTZ TO PLATTSMOUTH FOR BURIAL: Th body of Adnm Kurt, who died Tuesday evening. I.a been taken to riattsmouth, where be mad hi horn for nineteen year. lie died at th age of 72 at th horn of - on. W. K. Kurtt S914 Pouth Twnty-evnth treet. whll in Omaha for treatment. A complication of lllnea. Including pneumonia, caused death. A private funeral service wa held ml III . M 1 1 .,. - . . .wa. th south Sid Methodiat church, and a Masonic funeral and burial will b held Friday at I p. m. at Plattamouth. Mr. Kurt wtt a Mason alnc 1KSS. Ilia wlf survlvt him. alo four son and daugh ter, a follows; W. F.. A. M., Charlea and tlltabeth Kurtt, Omaha; Henry Kurta, Sutton. STOPS FOR CONVERSATION AND MONEY DISAPPEARS Charles Oate of th Aetna houa topped to talk with a stranger at Twelfth and Capitol avenue and upon reluming to hi room found that to conversation had cost him just l. ENGINEER AND DESIGNER 0F THE MITCHELL CAR. J - , , f J. W. BATE. Forty Tracts of w . , - , western JNeDraska Land to Be Opened The Burlington land department la re ceiving fifty to aeventjr-flv letter daily relative to the land in Bcotf Rluff nd Morrill counties In western Nebraska that will be opened for aettlcment March 21. The Innd that la to he placed on the market conalata of fotty-threo tract ranging from eighty te M0 acre each and la all along the government ditch, sub ject to Irrigation. The ditch haa beon completed and the water from the No-th Platte river is ready to be turned on at any time. The land all lie near the railroad and la close, to the town of Mitchell, Mlna tare and Raynrd. The tract are so few nd the number of applicant o num eioua that In disponing .of the land, the government ha adopted the lottery plan, the drawing to take place at Alliance. ha lucky Individual who secure the right to file on tbe land will be compelled ... .... ... . . due will be paid In twenty annual In An actuil latallments, without Interest. residence of five year is required befor.t final proof can be made and title ae t urcd. land In the vicinity of that going upon the market and under Irrigation la selling at from 1100 to 3 per acre. fj'ilCash Wheat on the Omaha Market Firm Willi th May and July option on wheat off t to 4 centa Omaha cash price remglned pretty firm, the decline being i only a cent. With rtce.pt of 105 car load the demand continued strong and price were reasonably well maintained. j Wheat sold at J1C3 to $1.13. During the , session aome 200,000 bushels were sold for export. ' i Corn of the bet-grade remained un I changed from the price of Wednesday. senilis" at f.S cent to 64 cents per bushel ,,n nrf ura. stuff-corn that waa 1 rke" on " J"'1 """-forn that wa wet were up 3 to I cent, a lot of thi going to towa for feed lot consumption. Rece'pts for the day were 4 ear, with IIS shipped out. . Oata were H-cetit off from the price of Wednesday. There were but thirteen : carloads on the market. The sale were vBiiuai. v. .. .. made at 3 to 42 1 cent per bushel jTwo Women Robbed by Lone Highwayman Mr. II. Johnson and i.-i..i.i,i, Mis Marie Balrl apartment were man at Thlrty- stopped by a holdup DANIEL O'MARA SUFFERS ATTACK OF HEART FAILURE Daniel O'Mara, employed at th Corn Kxchang National; bank, wa seised by ian attack, of heart failure, about 11 o'clock thl morning whll occupying a chair' at tha Kontenell hotel. He wa rushed to Ht. Joseph' hospital, where his condition Is regarded as erlon. He Is 25 year old, a bachelor and ha no relative In Omaha. i IFPfiN' SUIT AGAINST ' JHE CAR COMPANY SETTLED farl K. Jensen' suit against the street railway company for damages ha allege lie sustained while riding In a jitney that waa bumped by a street car wa settled 'and dtsmlaaed Thursday, after half a day' hearing In district court. Jepaen asked for tfi.OuO In hi suit, but is said hv ,led for fr""Uon of i that amount. Apex Whiskey BOTTLED IN BOND 4 Full Quart. . . $3.20 8 Full Quarts. . . 6.25 12 Fu 1 Quarts. . . 9.25 OUR OWN BOTTLING 4 Full Quarts. . $ 3.00 12 I ull Quarts. . 8.00 20 Full Q arts. . 11.75 I ' j i j i j w. j 1 1 siV i All Prepaid In low and Nebraska. Outside of Io'aa and Nebraska you niual add 10c a quart or 40c gallou to be prepaid. . ajmntKiMI ISIJaaLitasI A JAKE KLES FAMILY LIQUOH DEALER Writm tor Compimtm rVt'c Ut. U14 Detixlat St., Omaha, Nab BEAVER CITY MAN Noon McMurran of Furnas County is Elected President of County Treasurers' Association. HELD BIO BANQUET LAST NIGHT Noon McMurran of beaver City tr.tinty treasurer of Furnas county, wa yesterday eleclod president of the County Trranurer8'. associa tion of Nebraska at tbe final meeting held at the Douglas county court house. Mr. McMurran was secretary during the last year. Earl D. Tolen of Ord. county treas urer of Valley county, was elected vice president. A. K. Roper of He bron, county treasurer of Thayer i cf unty, was made secretary, and W(j A. Crandall of Lexington, county i treasurer oT Dawson county, was ctocted treasurer of the organization. The entire mcmbejship of the associa tion U to have an opportunity to vote on the place of holding the next meeting; although It waa voted a the aense of those present that the meeting ahould go to Lincoln. This stand of those at tending the convention will probuWy be recorded on the ballot that go out to all member by mnll to get their vote. It docs not make It binding, unless the majority of the membership votes for Lincoln In the ballot by mall. Complete Rnalnraa I'.arly. The association got through with its meeting especially early, a the program reilly called for an afternoon session. As some of the speakers did not appear. ome of the speakers for Thursday af ternon were put on Wednesday after noon, with the result that the program of the entire convention Waa completed i a Uay early. 'J John L. Kennedy nodtessed the mem bers In the mornlnvf, confining himself! largely to the preparedness program and , reiterating his former stand for the prln- j ciple of training all. school boy in mill-j tary science, so that when It Is necessary to call for volunteers the country might be sure of having a trained set of vol- ; tinteers. Judge A. L. Button rtpoke also giving some thoughts on tho luvenlle court and , the necessity of exercilng great care In the handling of case of Juvenile dclin- , nurncy. Ads for profit. I'' Read Tee Want them for results. "Corns All Gone! Lei's ALL Kick!" Kvery t'oi-n Ynnlsliip by I'slnn AVon. dpi-ful, pimple "fJeiH-It." Never ! Kails. Applied in 2 Kecontls. I Ifn't It wonderful what a difference ; Just a little "GPts-It" mikcs-on corns j find callouses? It's always nlzht some where In tho world ' h ' nmn.' folk 3 "Wmtel I Don't ( are! I Got Tlld of My t'oraa Wltk Hieta-ltT' . humped up, with cork-screwed faces, gouging, picking, drilling out their corns, making packaKM of their toes with plas ters, bandages, tape and contraptions and the "holler" in their cjrna uoea on forever! Iion't yon do it. Use "lets-It." it a marvelous, nlmple, never, falls. Apiny it In 2 aeconda. Nothing to stick to tho atockhig. hurt or Irritate the toe. Pain stopa. Corn cornea "clean off," quick. It's one of the gem of the world. Try It you'll kick from Joy. Kor corn, cal louses, wart, bunion. . "tiet-li" la sold everywhere, 25c a bottle, or sent direct by K. Iiwrenc & Co., Chlcano, III. Hold In Omaha and ie'ommended as the world's best corn remedy by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. JUKATED moil Increase strength of dallcat. i r v li i, . run-down people 200 par cent In ten day ' In many instance ! 1100 forfeit If it fall a per full planatlon In laxgt i article soon to ap pear In thl paper. k your doctor r Sherman aV Mct' nntil lmgg1v about.lt. drug Stores always carry it la stock. THE EXCELSIOR "Ye Oltle Whiskey hliop." The old.'st of old whiskies ld Tay lor. Cedar Brook, Hherwood H.w. b'henley Hye. xttled In bond, full quart for 91.00. Ill BO. 1STK BTBXET. TTM OILLiaig, Mgr. WillSKtf iSSsMI 1 w a t a Li LX 16 tf DODGE" Read the BIG GROCERY SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY attar, Egg, . Cbaaaa, Crakr, Fruit, Ycgatable, Canned Oooda, Jiour, Tae Coff , to. A aving of 83 , to M on th ooat of Urtug. It lbs. Rest 1'ure Granulated fugar for S100 4H-lh. aacks Rest High tirade I'tu tnond H Klour, nothing finer mad for hres'l, pi.-a or cakes, sack, S1.0 10 bara Reat-'Km-AII. Irtamond C, or Laundry tjueen White laundry. .850 7 lbs. Het Kolled White Rrcakfiu". fatnual for 8bo 5 Mm. Choice Japan Rice 85c 8 lha. Heat White or yellow Corn meal for . 170 7 lbs. Rest Hulk Iiundry Starch, 85 Orape Nut, pkg 100 K. c. Corn Halo's, pkg 50 W. O. c. or Krumhle. pkg c r!2-ox. jHra Pure Krult 1'rescrres, 85o 2X-OZ. Jar pure .Strained Honey.. 83o Comb Honey, pr rack ......180 Macl.aren's Peanut Rntter. lb... 180 In I Ion cans Pumpkin 85o lilt I Inn Can Apricots or Pears... 3bc 4 pkgs. Macaroni. Vermicelli or Spaghetti for gSo 4 can 1'ancy Wax. String, tlreen .ir Lima Reans for 880 4 large can Condensetl Milk BBo The Rest Tea Sifting, lb 1840 Fancy Ooldcn Santo Coff'e, lb. 20o ri.OBioA oatm rnvrt Bmciax raiDAT One Carload of Kxtra Fancy 54 le. that retail for 8c and 10c. rai DAT OHXT, EACH 80 THE BEST BTK.ICTI.Y FKESJH HO. 1 EQQS, FEB SOS 830 The Heat Creamery Butter, carton or bulk, per lb 33o Fancy No. I Country Creamery But ter, per lb .300 Fancy No. 1 Dairy Table Butter, per It Pays TRY HAYDEN 'S FIRST It Pays 'fice. Men only treated. Hundreds of the Most Prominent People in Omaha have been cured by. DIUMLMI CREIGIIT0.1 MAXWELL 408-9-10 Omaha National Bank, 17th and Farnam Sts. Phone Red 4390. Hours 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. i, mmm fef mm WMiWM lSaa&y vaxafir a wu.Mr c is -S jjrl GROTTE BROTHERS CO. Qtuieral DUtrihutof Big Bargains in . . I., - rr'.zz:.; . , . . i ,,'..'''":'. 1 - J Used Automobiles I Many people buy a new car every year and put the old, which is for all practical pur poses as good as new, on the market at a price entirely out of proportion to its real value. Hundreds of such cars as these all makes, all styles and all sizes are advertised in The Bee's Classified Section wait ing for you to take your choice. Turn now to the Classified Pages and look them over. DOUGLAS STREETS VsS lb., at 870 Fancy Full Cremn Young America. Wisconsin Cream, New York While or Wisconsin Rrlck Cheese, lh...840 IIOILUID TIL OBABOB BAX.B FBIOAT. The Ciraneetf c u ail it y. California- pride. Klscl by the nun, moon and stars, for Hayden Rroa., direct from the grower to the consumer. hYiday, regular 40c slc, do 30a Friday, reanlar Src slxe. dox flic lYMny. regular 3ic slae, dox 800 FRESH YEQBTABX.ES, TSBECT FROM TBI OKOWEB TO THE OOH- UMII A SATIHO OF B0"r to 100 A W AdTrtl. Bo W Ball. 15 It.. Ret Red River Potatoes . .30o Large Runches Fresh Beets, Carrot. or Turnips 4o 3 larT, bunchc Fresh Shalots o- Radisheg for 10" Home tirnwn Turnips, lb lp Fancy California Caullflrcwer, b.. 7o Cape Cod Cranberries, qt 10; Fancy Hend Lettuce, nead. . . Bc.7lo Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb 15c .1 large Soup Runches ...100 Fancy Tjire Cucumbers, each. . . ,ir Fancy Wisconsin Cabbage, lb 10 Fancy Ripe Strawberries, box.... 400 Specials in Fish Dept. Friday No. 1 Fresh TIaHh!it 14o No. 1 Fresh Salmon 180 No. 1 Fresh Catfish ll?0 No. 1 Fresh Oyster, quart 30n No. 1 Smoked Fish 17ic iNO. i alt Mackerel, each loo No. 1 Kippered Salnftm. lb....... 80c Piles and Fistula Cured Without Surgical Operation or Pain. No Chloroform or Ether given. Writ ten Guarantee Given in All Cases. Pay When Cured. Carfare Paid One Way to Points Within 50 Miles of Omaha. Patients must come to the of- i-2 1 mmrnxm Mmmm Omaha, Nebrwlt it