PIIK HKK: OMAHA, TIITK-SUAY, lT.HI.rARY 24, 1!H'.. 5 nuDsoK IL $1375 S' ' .SSJ Patented bjr Hadaoa Dtctnbtr Is, IflS Patent No. llsSMl 7-Pa3scner Phaeton. Five Other Body Styles The Greatest Car of Any Show 80 More Efficiency New Limits of Endurance 77ie World's Record Breaker A 7 -Passenger Super-Six Makes Fastest Time for Touring Cars up to 100 Miles, in Official Tests, Under A, A. A. Supervision JOO miles in 80 min., 21.4 sec. averaging 74.67 miles per hour, with driver and passenger. The beat previous stock car time was naada br a car with mora cylinders, mora cyUndar capacity and driver only. 75.69 miles in one hoar with driver and pas senger. .. Soma laps were made at 78.75 miles per boor. 70.74 miles in one hoar, carrying 5 passen gers, with top and windshield up. The best previous time for stock cars similarly equipped was made by a car with more cylinders, more cylinder capacity, and with two passengers only. Standing start to SO miles an hour in 16.2 sec. All thaee Hudson records were made with the same stock ear, using the same motor, at 8heepsbead Bay Speedway In November, ander supervision ef the American Automo bile Association. During these tests the car was driven 1,350 miles at top capacity, at speed exceeding 70 miles per hoar, without discoverable wear on any part.. An endurance record seemingly Impossible. Proving the most powerful motor per cubic inch displacement that the world has ever known. Anew monarch appears at the Show this year, with records to prove its supremacy. It is a lightweight Six, simple and economical. No added cylinders or size. But it shows 80 per cent more efficiency than like-size motors heretofore developed. It means that a Six the ideal type of motor has outrivaled Eights and Twelves. Its records have never been matched. And this Super-Six is a Hudson invention, con trolled by Hudson patents. So, for the first time, an epoch-making feature is found in only one car at the Show. SMALL, LIGHT, BUT 76 H. P. The Hudson Super-Six, with this patented mo tor, remains in the Light Six class. Its cylinders are x 5 identical with the Hudson Six-40. And its motor follows long-established practice in all respects save one. It involves no experiments whatever. The legal rating of this size motor is 29.4 horse power. That's the rating accorded by the Society of Automobile Engineers. In the best former types this size was made to diliver 42 horsepower at maximum. The Super-Six delivers 76 horsepower. That's 81 per cent more than formerly, motor size considered. Thus the Super-Six, for its cylin der capacity, is by far the most efficient motor known. 34 H. P. WAS WASTED A motor of this size actually creates about 85 horsepower in energy. In former Light Sixes it delivered 42 horsepower. So 34 horsepower was heretofore wasted, as compared with the Super-Six. That waste lay in vibration, causing friction. We have saved that waste by wiping out vibration. No extra power is developed, no extra fuel is consumed. Simply by conserving the energy cre ated we attain this vast reserve power. NEVER SUCH SMOOTHNESS That 80 per cent of added efficiency comes through added smoothness. One result, at every speed, is quiet, flowing power. You never knew such bird-like motion, such freedom from vibration. That vast reserve power in a light car creates a marvelous performer. One may creep on high gear and pick up with record quickness. Hills are climbed without effort. Sand and mud present small opposition. One rarely needs to change from high gear. There is hardly a condition where the Super-Six is taxed beyond one-half capacity. And that means vast fuel economy. This utter smoothness also multiplies en durance. In that Speedway test 1,350 miles were made at top capacity. No other stock car motor ever built has stood an equal test. Years of ordinary driving would not match that strain. Yet the Super-Six came through that test without any discoverable wear. That means endurance far beyond the farthest limits ever known before. HUDSON NOW SUPREME The Super-Six makes Hudson the greatest car that's built Official records prove that beyond possible dispute. And a half mile ride will fix the fact so you never can forget it The finest Sixes of the past now confront a like size Six which is 80 per cent more efficient And a Six so economical o saving of waste that no lower price Is attractive. Eights and Twelves have been outdone in the objects which they aimed at. No excuse remains for their extra weight, extra cylinders and extra complications. So the Super-Six, which youll see at the Show, is the greatest value at any price which the world has ever seen. , SIX LUXURIOUS BODIES We have made the Super-Six so it looks its su premacy. Six of the finest bodies ever built have been created for it We have attained in them the farthest limit in luxury and beauty. And again we have doubled our output. This season's production of the Super-Six will sell for $42,000,000. So we are giving greater value than ever was known in a car above $1,000. See the Super-Six at the Show. Then prove its supremacy at the first opportunity by taking a ride in our demonstrators. 7-Passeneer Phaeton, $1373 at Detroit Alio Roadster, Cabriolet. Touring, Sedan, Limouiine and Town Car HUDSON MOTOR CAR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICH. 2563-5-7 Farnam St. UST Or DZALEU; Atkinson, Web. Joan Itlioi. B. rlln, Mab. B. K. BohaU Bla'.r. M.b. a. A. Eatbmtl. Arlington, M.b 7r.d Eahtmoams C. ntral City, Bab p. F. Kail. Clarkaon, M.b. Kopao Broa. Cody, tWTwij a atotts. Cocad, Web W. Bobortaon. David City, Bab. Zopao Bros, Guy L. Smith "Service First" Fremont, Bab. -Oaoar Follaok. Cranoa, Bab. C. X Karri. Mnmphroy, Bab.-John Eckbolt. Madison, Bab. F. F. Bohmltt. MUldala, MabH. 1C Savanpevt, Bowman Oroya, M.b. B.wmaa Orova Aato Co. Borfolk, Bab. O. C StakL S. Oman, MaU-Kolmaa-AdklB Co. Fartllloa. V.b. Z. n. Clark. Flatta C.nt.r, M.b. Flatta Cant Aato Oo. Flattamonth, M.b F. T. Backer, chnylar, M.b. A op a Broa. apaldlnr. Bab r. J. O'Hara. Val.ntloa, Bab. Valentine Aato. Co. VaU.y, M.b. Wlckland Fnrsoa Ante Company. Bantlay, la. If. A. Andaraon. Clariada, la. J. A. Jobiiaon. Council Bluffs, la. wm. Bop.r., Jr. Olanwood, la. I,. B. Fcrfuaon. Manoook, la I. K. Or. v. a. Harlan, la. Boot b Impl.mant Oo, I.oran, Xa. Oll.n ft X.aauaa. kcafuolia, la. 1 1 Maaaentaa Broa. Mia soar! Tall.y, Xa. W. W. reeta. Farala, la. J. B. Fetareon. Bad Oak, Xa- Fatty Auto Co. BlT.rton, Xa. Bamu.la ft Morgan. Sclil..!, Ia. Beyaoa ft Bala-kin-. banajtdoaa, la. - A. F. Woodward, VliU.oa, la. Th. Joasa Stora. Wain at, la Aalm.ra ft Lnraon, Omaha, Nebraska Tall, la. J. F. Duffy. T.ounia.h, Bab. Flatobar Ante Co. Vsrden, M.b. W. F. T.aob. Walton, M.b Ai T. Fraaobe. Lincoln, Mb Lord Auto Oo. Norfolk, M.b. Soot t Aato Co. Scott Bluff, M.b. A. V. draw, ford. Suulap, Xa. W. A. CUauno.y, , Btda.y, la CUarl. kCeaion, SEE THE HUDSON SUPER-SIX, SPACE 10, AT THE AUTO SHOW I j V ,