Tin: m:r,: omaiia, tiuti;siay, FKiwf'AKY in, tnin. Nebraska l EDITOR OF DES MOINES FARM ! JOURNAL IS DEAD. HOW MANY PARTIES FOR A CANDIDATE? Old Question Once Decided Bobs Up Again with Filing of T. E. Conley. NEW CANDIDATE IN THE FIFTH (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Fob. 2X (Ppeolal.)-The niontlnn settled ty a supremo court de rision four years ago whether a candi date may affiliate with two different parties, lias aaln come up In the flllns today of the acceptance of a petition by Thomas E. Conley of Falrbury, filed In the secretary of state's office by mem bers of the btill moose party, wherein Mr. Conley states that he "affiliates" with the moosers. About three weeks ago Mr. Conley niado a filing with tl.e secretary of Hate as a candidate for the same office, statins that he affiliated with the re publican party. Ono of the strong points which was made to the court and which was sus tained in its opinion was that no candi date could affiliate with two parties who were opposed to each other. Should tlio bull mooowors put up an opposition ticket In the nation this year.lt woul.i appear that the decision of the supreme court mlicht apply In cases similar to the Conley filing. Other filings made today were as fol lows: rtobert Price of Curtis files for tM cemocratlc nomination for congress In the Filth district. Keith Neville of North Flatte accept the petition placing his namo on thJ primary ballot as a candidate for the democratic nomination for governor. James L. Caldwell of Lincoln Is made a candidate for district Judge of Lancaster County by a big petition filed with thfl secretary of state today. Treasurer Grli Fees. Insurance Commlseloner Kastham re plenished the state treasury today by taking over to the treasurer fees and other money amounting to 115,756.. Brotherhood Banquet. The second annual banquet of the Swedish Brotherhood was held at the Lindell hotel last night. About 300 were present from different portions of the state. Theater Plana Changed. The Acme Amuicment company, which operates the Orpheum theater here, an nounces that after March 4 the theater will no longer have the regular Orpheum programs as put out by the regular Or pheum circuit. The theater lost over $4,000 last season and was compelled to draw on the surplus of their Lyrto vaude ville and Wonderland picture houses in order to pay the deficit. The new Or pheum, when completed, will furnish the high-class vaudeville, and the present place will be made into a feature picture house. Anderson Alternate. D. L. Vevelone of Beatrice, candidate for delegate-at-large to the national re publican convention, has selected Walter Anderson of Lincoln at hie alternate delegate. kDGc.nl ON AND IVl Kt.LV It H TALK TO AURORA STUDENTS AURORA, Feb. 23. (Special.) The Au- rora . High school today celebrated Washington' birthday anniversary In a manner recommended by the state offi cers of the Sons of the American Revo lution. Some time ago H. M. Bushnell of Lincoln, president of the state organ ization, wrote Superintendent A. E. Fisher asking Mm to have a patriotic program at the high school on Wash ington's birthday. Mr. Bushnell at that time suggested that F. E. Bdgerton of this city, formerly of Lincoln, was a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, and recommended that he be asked to deliver the address. At the exercises yesterday S. R, MfcKelvle of Lincoln and F. E. Edgerton of this city were the speakers. Superintendent Fitdicr of the Aurora High schools presided. F " 1 HENRY WALLACE. PES MOINES, Feb. 23. Funeral serv ices for Henry Wallace, well known farm magazine editor and a member of Presi dent Roosevelt's counlry life comm'sslon, who died here suddenly last night, will be held hero Friday afternoon. Complete arrangements had not been niado today. RUMOR OF TRACTION LINE scorrs bluff to gering Today's the Time When Legislators Will Get Together (From a Staff 'correspondent.) LLnCi LN, Feb. :1 (Special Thurs day Is the grand event when statesmen of prehistoric Nebrnska ases connected with sessions of past IcBtslaturcs will gather In Lincoln and mingle as they used to do, Tlio name Richmond stamped upon the toast list Is a sufficient guaranty of Its quality, even If not found on the grape Juice, which will flow abundantly. The cabaret singers, who will come all the way from Omaha to lend their fascinat ing presence to the occasion, will be enough to make nil bald-headed ex-mem-bera travel miles and miles to be rresent. Tho Honorable Mr. Richmond Is "on to" the ways of modern entertainment and expects to give the members every opportunity to en.loy themselves. He has arranged to have the wives of the members hold their banquet far away from the "madding" world's Ignoble strife, and where they will not be dis turbed In their songs of cheer while they quaff the bubbling grape Juice and listen to the beautiful voices of sgme of Lin coln's most famous soloists. Carrier Want (iood Road. HASTINGS, Neo., Feb. 23. (Special Telegram.) onvict labor on the road, an efficient state good roads law and allowance from the government for horse hire were among tho reforms spoken of In the resolutions at the close of the Fifth district meeting of tho Rural let ter Carriers' association last night. The association will meet at Grand Island February 22. next. SCOTT'S BLUFF, Neb., Feb. 23.-(Spe- clal.) Negotiations are under way by which the Cross & lxobrts Electric com pany la to become the property of Wilk inson & Vandees of lenver. The Cross & Roberts company have a fine plant here and have been giving excellent service, and the new people will have to "go some" to bent It. About J.0,000 was spent in enlarging and Improving the plant the last year. The new owner ship has in contemplation somo exten sive work during the coming year, and it Is understood that they expect to put about $50,000 in extensions. Just what these extensions are Is not given out, but wise ones tell us that it means the connection of Scott's Bluff and tiering, with an interurban car service. CAN'T FIND DANDRUFF 1 Every bit of dandruff disappears after one or two applications of Danderlne rubbed well Into the scalp with the fin ger tips. Get a 23-cent bottle of Dander lne at any drug store and save your hair. After a few applications you can't find a particle of dandruff or any falling hair, and the scalp will never itch. Advertise ment. BULL MOOSERS JANGLE OVER T. R. PREPAREDNESS ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. Cattle Near Aurora Bitten by Mad Dog At'ROHA. Neb.. Feb. St.-(Speclal.) Unite a fear of rabies has arisen In the community lying to the southeast of Aurora. Several days bko a mad dog was discovered among tho cattle and other domestic anlniils on the farms of Lew Cruff, 1. R. Coffey and others. Sev eral valuable animals were bitten and have since died. T; . dog linn been killed, but It Is feared b the nciKhlwrs In thai community t'nat other tloiis have been Ml'ccted and that other nutureaks are to lo feared. The cattle belonging to these farms are being carefully watched, and when they sbow signs of tables are being killed. Ir. II. V. Nothomb. veterinarian of this city, examined the cattle which It Is claimed were afflicted with the disease and pronounced )l undoubtedly rabies. ICE DAMAGES BRIDGES CLOSE TO GRAND ISLAND GUANO 1SLANO. Neb.. Feb. 2:1 .--(Special Telegram. llllgh water and floating Ice have rendered two of the bridges across tho I'latte river In Hall county Impassable. About 2"0 feet of the bridge Immediately south of this city on the Hastings-Grand Island road, are com pletely out and In the river. Two small bridges oif what Is known im the ,lne Hrldges' road are out. and the Hamilton county bridge, between this city and rhllllps, Neb., was In danger today, dynamiting was done by the county, the llurllngton, and the St. Joseph Grand Island railroads. All trains are stopped, but the railroad bridges seem In no danger so far. ERWIN BROTHERS HOLD REVIVAL AT WYM0RE WYMOUK, Neb., Feb. 2.1. t Special. V Large crowds are attending the taber nacle meetings being held here tinder the leadership of tho Krwln brothers' evan gelistic party. Friday evening was "pub lic school night," at which the first call for converts was made. One hundred and fifty-one persons, many of them adults, "bit the trail." l'erhaps the strongest sermon Evangelist W. A. Krwln has de livered thus far is the ono on popular amusements entitled, "Selling the Christ." which he gave Sunday night to an audi ence of over I.Ms). The chorus of l. voices is being led by Trof. Horace F. Krwln, with Mrs. Krwln at the piano. Klre Department ftnnqnrt. HEATHICK. Neb.. Feb. 13. (Special ) The Reatrlre volunteer fire department held its annual banquet In firemen's hall last evening, which was attended by H5 people. 8lx firemen were presented with exemption certificates by Mayor Mayer, after which the banquet was served by tho women of I Sella Methodist church. lYesldent If. E. leech acted as toast master, and responses were made by the following: County Attorney Messmore. Rev. H. F. GaUlier, Chief Justice A. M. Morrlssey. John 8. Walker. J R. Kills and State Fire Commissioner Rldgell. who stated that Beatrice was the only volunteer department In the state owning"1 Its own building. Hjmorf'i Anniversary. UFA I RICK, Neb., Feb. 23. tSpeclal.l YVymore cttliens are making big. plans to celebrate the thirty-fifth anniversary of the founding of that town. The plat of the town was filed May 21. 1SS1. and within ninety days there wera sixty houses there. PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN FOR DYSPEPSIA, GAS, OR UPSET STOMACH Indigestion Goes Instantly! Ends Sourness, Acidity and all Stomach Misery-No Waiting-Get Some! lo some foods you eat hit back taste: good, but work badly; ferment Into stub horn lumps and cause a sick, sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or Mrs. l'yspcptlc, Jot thla down; Pape's I'lH'Pln digests everything, leaving nothing to sour and upset you. There never was anything s safely quick, so certainly effective. No difference how badly your stomach Is disordered oil will get happy relief In five minutes, but what pleases you most Is that It strengthens and regulates your fltomnch so you can eat your favorite foods without fear. Most remedies give yoj relief some times they are slow, but not sure. tapes inn pepsin is juick, positive and puts your stomach In a healthy condition so the misery won't come back, Vou feel different as soon as "rape's IMais'PsIn" comes In contact with the Ktomach distress Just vanishes your stomach gets ewect, no gases, no belch ing, no eructations of indigested food, your head clears and you feel fine. ,Go now, make the best Investment you ever made, by getting a largo fifty-cent case of Tape's Hlapepsln from any drug store. You realise In five minutes how needless it Is to suffer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomarh disorder. Don't be talked Into something els "Just as good." Get the genuine, no Imitation. -Advertisement. The Armour Oral never appear ex cept upon the best that Armour makes. Bttidct CltndaU 0o margarin: th Opal Labtl alio Idmntifitai Star ShKkiast Has, StarBaesa "Ssaea Par." Leal Lara DsToaskka Farm Saassf Anwar's Crape Jaica CWverUM Batter Aad rear 108 JjUJUTTmAu OLEOMARGARINE fs a scientifically correct combination of highest grade butter fat and pure nutritive oils. It comes to you packed in cartons, with Uncle Sam's endorsement of purity. The Oval Label is Armour's guarantee of quality. Glendale Is the delicious, econom ical spread for bread. Phone us your aeaier s name ir ne can't supply you. ARMOUBCOMPANY KOBT. BUD ATS, Mgr., 13th Jonas Its. Fbone X. 1055. Omaha, Meb, W, 1. Wilkinson, 89th Ik Q. Tel. So. 1740. 'sss.-sscj IP f is no (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 23. (Special.) Jt evident that the old parties have monopoly on factions. Now comes the bull moosers and jangle over preparedness., it was evident that many could not and would not subscribe to Mr. Hoosovelt's scheme for prepared ness. Several of the delegates, headed by Judge Wray of York, not only op posed any kind of preparedness, but voted against the resolution which em bodied a mild form of that Important question. The committee which selected delegates to the national convention also recom mended the name of Colonel Frank P. C'orrick for national committeeman. CHILD FALLS UPON KNIFE AND IS FATALLY WOUNDED HASTINGS. Neb., Feb. 23. (Special 'felegrain.) Carrying a big knife with which her mother was to help an uncle In the butchering, yesterday morning, Frances Jessie Ix-ach, 7-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry I.each of Olenvll, slipped on some ice, and falling on the point of the instrument gashed the Jugular vein on the right side of the neck. A blood clot formed during the day, stopping the circulation, and death at midnight was the result. I BANKERS WILL MEET AT FREMONT ON ARBOR DAY FUEMONT, Neb., Teh. 23. (Special.) Officers of group No. 2, Nebraska Bank era' association, met in Fremont yester day with a committee of local bankers to arrange the progress for the annual 1 meeting of the organization to be held J here Arbor day. Flans for the entertain ment of the largest crowd In the history of the association' are bing laid. F. J.' Klrchman of Wahoo la president. Dennts Killenn of Schuyler is vice president and J I or man Luedlke of Creston is secretary. Aarlroltaral Hoclrty Officers. BEATJUC7. Neb.. Feb. 23 (Special ) The Oage County Agricultural society held Its annual meeting here yesterday and elected these officers: President, ' lr. C. P. Fall; vice president, Peter Jan- tien; secretary, H. V. Rlesen; treasurer, i Charles Hughes. Dr. Fall suggested for! township organizations to aid the asso ciation, and this will probably be worked I out by the trMrd of managers, which in 0 eludes J. C. F.mery. W. W. Scott, F. W. Munmford, C. YV. Murray and C. H. Green. ran Strains Says :nino, februa rua 191 l w iv waiiuui uiuauo, jf fc. Kva mp if V Jr The thing we have been telling Omaha people is true. Read what "Nathan Straus," the great merchant, capitalist, philan bit jt Millr an1 SpQrlof Fmror v X v thropist and puMic welfare worker says about pasteurized milk. This telegram was received by TIIE . OMAIIA BEE Monday and published by The Bee with out tho knowledge of Alamito Dairy. That is the renson it is po valuable to us and so valuable to the people of Omaha. Alamito Dairy Pasteurizes Its Milk We recognize the danger that lurks inn-aw milk and haqe installed ex pensive machinery to pasteurize it and make it safe. You may have doubted up, but eurely you will not doubt Nathan Straus, a man rerognized everywhere as unselfish in his many enterprises for the good of humanity. Don't take chances, but Be sure your milk is pasteurized and your bottles have been scalded. Come to Our Dairy and Let Us Show You How We Make Milk Safe for You and Your Children. Milk andScarlet Fever (Telegram.)' Long BeaclC Calfcb: 20. To the Editor of The Bee: At an old friend of your paper, I take the liberty, of calling your at tention to the fact that epidemics of scarlet fever and also typhoid, diphtheria, iceptio tore throat and measles can almost invariably be traced to infected milk. This is also the main cause of tuberculosis in its various forms. My Wenty five years of labor combatfn milk infection by pasteurizaton has fully convinced me of this fact, which has since been sustained by physicians and bacteriologists all over the civ ilized world. I hope roy recommendation will prevail to' make investigations and, if verified, take proper measures for future prevention. Dairy interests usually object to such measures, but I trust those in your city and state are more enlightened. KATHAH STRAUS. w v Y Annua r Al amico, Phone Douglas 409. The "Milk-White" Dairy 26th and Leavenworth Sts., Omaha When in BOSTON Stay at thd HOTEL BRUNSWICK BOYL8TON 8T., COR. CLARENDON, Facino COFLKV OUrc A hign cUii. modem house, intelligent iervice. plnunt roomi, tupcrior cuinns. Lsdtet traveling slons ar soured of courteoul attention. tusoiin 'LAN. inaic Rooms, tt.so ur; with s)tm ftt.00 hp. Douilt 1.60 " " j. 00 tCN PLAN, 4.00 ( DAT US FSJCD C JONCS. POPJirO7 Electric Trucks in All Minds of Weather Spring is another severe test of your delivery system. There will bo ice and snow, slush, and mud to hinder and prevent horse haulage from delivering the goods, and yet you can't blame the horse he pulls his heart out. Horso, haulage ia simply the passing order. You Can Reduce Your Teaming Troubles Electric Trucks are the mod ern efficient way of making deliv eries economically and on time, in any sort of weather. Our Electric Vehicle Expert is ready to give you impartial advice about your delivery problems. Phone Douglaa 1062. Omaha Electric Light and Power Company GEO. U. HARRIES, President 5 7gj BE A SWAPPER Make swaps for profit. Look into the "Swappers' Column"