Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1916, Page 15, Image 15

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    T1IK BI,K: OMAHA, TlirislA Y, FK1U:AWV J4. l!Mi.
Detroit Concern Climbs to This
Prominent Position in Auto World
in But One Year's Time.
New buildings undrr construction at
trs plant of Dodjrn Hrothers. Detroit, will
hrlnit tho total amount of floor apace to
upproxlmatcly sixty and onp-hJf acre.
This will make the establishment one of
th target motor car pliints in the world.
The bulldinss are of steel, concrete
and brick, and constructed alonu latest
engineering plans with ample light and
Vf ntllation.
Few people have realised the Im
mensity of the Institution of Podge
.Brothers. Although the first Podfre
Brothers car was turned out only last
Xecemhor, and actual deliveries to
owners started In January, the concern
now ranks amonff the first six In auto
mobile production.
More than $.j,oooo worth of cars have,
alteady ben delivered and a large pro
duction Is scheduled for next year.
Some Idea of the magnitude of the
business can be gained from the follow-
t (i .
ink ileum
An average of IflO car loads of ma
t-rial and supplies are received dsllv
More than 4"0 tons of coni are required.
In Keneratlnp the steam used in the plant
and LVO gallons of fuel oil are used In
the heat treating and drop forire depart
ments. About 216.000 pounds of steel are
fabricated Into parts each day and the
foundries handle thirty-five tons of pi
iron, 30,000 pounds of braas and 1,000
pounds of aluminum.
A striking feature of this Immense
enterprise Is that the business Is owned
i ntircly by John F. and Horace E. Dodge.
Thla Is very Impressive when It la known
that only fourteen years ago Podge
Ilrothers opened their first machine shop
in Detroit in which they employed eleven
men and both worked at machine and
bench themselves.
They early established a reputation for
quality work, in the making; of auto
mobile parts and built up a wonderful
business in this line. But in JM1 they
brought all their contracts for parts to
a termination and turned their great
facilities to the making of Dodge Broth
ers motor cars.
Mas JMo tear tor
Coldest Months
Every motorist who operates his ear
In winter knows the annoyance of the
"warming up" period which must fol
low starting the engine after it has
stood overnight in a cold garage or for
several hours on the street. So the de
vice on the Cadillac Eight which facili
tates warming up la of interest to all
This device exercises a thermostatic
control over the the fluid In the collng
system and, like many other motor car
developments, was Inaugurated by the
Cadtllao company. The thermostats, of
which there are two one for each block
of cylinders operate in connection with
valves which open and close as the ther
mostats expand and contract with heat
and cold.
When the engine and radiator are cold,
the valves are closed and the water lo
the radiator is practically cut off from
that In the water jackets of the cylinders.
After the engine la started, the liquid
surrounding the cylinder rises in tem
perature and the thermostat valves open
slowly. Without the thermostat, all the
liquid In the cooling system would have
to be heated before the engine would run
well, whereas with the thermostats, only
a small quantity has to be warmed at
the outset, and the thermostat valves
admit the water from the radiator as
the temperature of the fluid rise.
The device la wholly automatic- la Its
action. It enables the engine to reach'
nip-n put arnr annv iist m as a miinir u
than would be possible If it were neces
sary to heat the entire voiume of circu
lating fluid before that efficiency were
Storage Room in
New Pierce Cars
In the series four Tierce-Arrow models!
the discriminating abserver will note the
care with which the comfort and con
veniences of the user has been considered.
The provision of ample storage room Is
typical Instance.
In the back of each front seat there is a
recess or compartment, the door of which
Is almost unnoticeable.
As the compartments are provided with
doors that lock, articles of value may be
safely left in them when leaving the car.
The left front door of each touring car
also has a compartment with a door on
the inside which locks. This compart
ment i.s arranged to receive the tools
which were formerly kept in the com
partment in the dash.
Auto Expert Buys
an Allen Machine
Dodge Roadster Shows Class
s- ,
Paige Company to
Stick Exclusively
To Six Cylinders
On general policy the ralge-Detrolt
MVitor Par company stands pat for the
new season in spite of all exceptional
conditions in the la or and material mar
ket, and unmoved by tendencies here and
there to experiment with fancies in de
sign and mechanics.
The Faige claim of a resounding hit In
the field of sixes seems Justified in view
of the popularity of this car and the
fact that six months ago rspidly ex
panding; business compelled the erection
of large additions to the new factory
that had .ust been entered, and prepa
rations for new manufacturing methods
and greater supplies of material.
The Pal go is confining itself exclu
sively to the six field, in which it has
made its overwhelming success, and this
company opens the year 191 with two
models, the five-passenger six "as,' sell
ing for $1,000, and the seven-passenger
six 46," selling for S1.21W. For the lat
ter chassis, however, there are several
additional body styles the caorlol" at
SI. 600, the coupe at S1.T00, the sedan at
II. 900 and the town car at $2,2W, also a
limousine soon to be added. This Is the
Paige line and the company's exhibits at
all automobile shows for the year will
be baaed on these models and body
styles. The announcement Is also made
that the company has figured on a pro
duction of shout 20,000 cars and Is guar
anteeing Us 1,600 dealers Immediate deliveries.
Cole-Eight Motor
Gets Interest of
English Engineer
The wide-spread Interest created
throughout England by the reoent pub
lication In "The Motor," England's fore
most motor car magaalne, of the address
on the eight-cyltnder engine, delivered by
Charles S. Crawford, chief engineer of
the Cole ASotor Car company, before a
meeting of the Indiana section of the
Society of Automobile Engineers, haa
been responsible for the purchase of one
of the new Cole 'eight's by R. A. Aother
mel, one of Lincoln's best known me
chanical and automobile experts. .
"With regard to the extracta from a
paper read by Charles S. Crawford, chief
engineer of the Cole Motor Oar company,
on the Oole "Eight," which recently ap
peared in The Motor, states the British
magazine In Its editorial columns, 'we
are informed that one of these cars has
been delivered by R. A. Rothermel and
Is expected to be on view at No. 6,
Great Marlborough street, W. Mr. Roth
ermel will be glad to show the oar to
any of pur readers who are interested In
eight-cylinder construction.'
As an example of eight-cylinder pro
duction, the Cole "Eight" holds the field.
It was one of the first two eight-cylinder
cars built in this country, and its re
markable road work at once stamped it
aa on of the most powerful and efficient
para that had ever been produced In
"Wo attribute the success of our prod
uct," said Low Traynor of Omaha, local
dealer of the Cole Motor Car company,
"to onr process of standardised motor
car building e system which is now
predominant In the Industry. We were
the first to employ and In the seven
years that the Cole company 'has devoted
to the building of quality cars. It has
meant a steady growth and Improvement
In our business, both from the standpoint
of sales and production.
"And another thing by standardising
our product we have been able to place
within the means of many, a car that. If
manufactured elsewhere, would be the
privilege of only a few. '
O. I. Davidson, associate editor and
automobile expeit of the Twentieth
Century Fanner, after looking over all
the different i-ar.i In competition with
the Allen, finally decided on and bought
an Allen for his own use.
jir. navinsnn secured nis 1 ar '
from the Standard Motor Car company j
of Omaha, which concern distributes j
Allen cars In the states of Nebraska, j
Mitchell Heads in
Omaha Are Given a
Dinner by Stewart
The Mitchell Motor company gave a
banquet to seventy-five dealers at the
Omaha club t noon. A number of the
head men of the Mitchell company are in
Omaha arid they are entertaining the
dealers w ho are In Omaha to attend the
Among the notables here are John W.
Hates, chief engineer and vice president;
O. C. Friend, general sales manager;
F. W. Pelton, president: O. W. Hippie,
merchandise counsel. All of these men
made talks at the banquet which de
velopcd into a "Mitchell" celebration.
Dick Stewart, local distributor for
Mitchell cars, Is one of the happiest boys
In town this week. Having the heads of
his company here and giving a spread to
the dealers besides attracting a lot of
attention at the show is keeping hill
Kolng" all the time.
Besides exhaustive tests, the super-six,
the latest creation of the Hudson Motor
far company, was given thousand! of :
miles of road and track trials before It '
wss offered to the public. First it was
driven 7.0u0 miles from Denver to San
Francisco and return. In this Journey
it plowed through mud roads, through 1
desert roads, through snows and over
mountains. On the Bheepahead Bay
speedway it did something like 1.B0O miles,
of which more than 1,300 were at a speed
tt seventy miles an hour or better.
Be Want Ads Firing- Result.
Tb.rn lis Left.
tie was telllrvK about all the thlnra h.
owned his piUd bulldog, his bungalow,
But yon don 1 seem interested,' he
"Yes. I am." responded the other rhan
"but I'm rather occupied today. Teli
"! what. You just mall me a stale me 11:
e' your fel and I II read it with a. I
lb bdmirdllon and awe you could po.
liilv destie." Ixiulsvtlle Courier-Journal.
American Colonies
In War-Swept Lands
Honor Washington
PARIS. Kt-b. 22-t'pward of 109 Ameri
cans dined tonight with a number of dis
tinguished Frenchmen and their rueU
on the occasion of Washington's birth
day. The French government was rep
resented by Denys Cochin, member of the
cabinet without portfolio and who is
known as the great cltisen of Paris. The
foreign office was represented by Count
Peretta De La Roeca, former secretary
of the French embassy at Washington.
LONDON. Feb. 22. The celebration
Washington birthday by the American
colony in Ixndon has been under the
auspices of the American Navy lea?U4
since the formation of the English branch
of that society.
One hundred Americana. Including all
the American officials representative
her, gathered at the league's tenth an
nual dinner tonight All the speeene
dealt with the question of preparedness.
Steers Car by Two
Bits of Ribbon Tied
To the Pilot Wheel
The story of a new kind of automobile
demonstration has Just arrived from
Oklahoma City. The new demonstration
was originated by W. W. Land, manager
of the Oklahoma Motor Pales company,
who wished to make a graphlo showing
of the easy steering qualities of the
Jeffery car. He did so by fastening a
piece of ribbon about ten feet long to
each side of the steering wheel and run
ning them back over the front seat. Mr.
Land sat In the rear seat and drove the
car through the downtown business sec
tion, where hundreds of people were at
tracted st his novel plan of driving and
wero surprised how easily this car was
Rnhe and! Rhnbarb.
A deputy sheriff who wss In Ijoulsvllle
to take back a prisoner told this story
on the Jailer In his town. The Jailer, al
though a well-meaning man, la illiterate
and spelling is a trifle difficult for him.
One day last sprlmt, pencil and paper
in hand, he went through the Jail to get
suggestions from the Inmates as to
changes In the dietary.
"We would like to have some rhubarb,"
suggested one prlsonor.
"You may have It." replied the Jailer,
who then commenced trying to record
the request. He began 'ru,' hastily ahsn
doned that for 'reu.' and then put 'roo'
and 'rheu' successively. Thoroughly ex
asperated at last, he fiercely exclaimed:
"Rhutmh be hanged! You'll get cab
bage." Ijoiilsvllle Times.
Pullman Car Holds
Crowds at Booth at
the Big Auto Show
The Pullman car Is attracting much at
trition at the Auto show. M Is built on
a standard chassis f r all models and Is
strong and durable. The bodies are grace
fill and attractive In design. They are
the roomiest In the market and. like the
Pullman coaches, are made to ride In
with the greatest comfort-always plenty
of leg space.
Features that are generally seen on rat s
that cost 12.000 are u be found In the
Pullman. The Coupe De l.uxe ha been
given a personal touch. It Is unurual In
design. Its interior but another lux
urious room In your ow n home. The t'-H
magnetic rear shift Insures safety in con
trol and delightful esse of operstlon-no
tuirsing at an awkward gear shift lever,
merely the touch of button to change
speeds. It Is a tailored car to answer
Vnllka the regular touring cars, this
body does not have a belt around the
urpor part, though the top cdtie rounds
In like the five and seven-psasenger cats.
This is a car that will especially appeal
to the man who wants to do his own d'l
Ing. The seats are lowered and the rake
of the steering wheel I about Ihe same
ss on the standard runabout. The whole
effect Is of low-built, graceful, dashing
composition of most advanced and strik
ing type. It has a lot of life and high
clnaa sportsmanship, hut everv detail is
restrained by the good taste characteris
tic of Pleroe-Arrow methods.
Omsh grain receipts were besvy. but
the market on wheat was bad. prices be
ing down 1 to .1 cents, due to the Inability
tf get shipments out of seaboard points.
The receipts were im tsrloads. selling at
1 tv ?il ins per bushel. j
The better prudes of corn were strong
ntul as much ns 3 cnts higher, while j
those that wore off on account of damp-
ness were unchanged. Fslr to good coin
sold all the way between 49 and .
cents per bushel, with the off stuff sell
ing ss low as SO cents. Receipts ert
1l carloads
(ets were t a rent up. selling at 7 I
tt 4i cents per bushel. The receipts
wore forty-two carloads.
Mayer HrraVt Thumb,
Wally Mayer of the White Hox broke
his thumb In a ltsxket lis II game Inst
Be Pretty! Turn
Gray Hair Dark
Look young! Nobody can tell if
you use Grandmother's sim
ple recipe of Sage Tea
and Sulpnur.
The Coaaark'a Plan.
It la said that after the great Turkish
defeat at Sarlkamysli a Huaxtan officer
met a party of 6 raptured Turks being
brought In by fifteen smiling (Vssacks.
There was something obviously the mat
ter with the prisoners; their Hands were
all mysteriously occupied.
The officer hailed the Cossack In charge
and asked:
"Have you got a dancing class there,
or whatt"
The Cossack grinned more broadly and
"Well, you see, excellency, there s more
than WO of them, and only fifteen of us,
so there was a chance they might le up
to something If we weren t careful. Ho
before we atiirled e srnt round and cut
off all their hooks, belts and trouser but
tons. Now they've got their hnnds full
srid It's uo use their trying to bolt."
London Mall.
Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea
and Sulphur. properly compounded,
brings bsck the natural color and lustra
to the hair when faded, streaked or gray:
also ends dandruff, itching scalp and
stos falling hair. Years ago the only
way to get this mixture was to make It
at home, which Is muesy and trouble
some. Nowadays, by asking at any drug
tore for "Wyeth's Saga and Sulphur
(impound." you will get a large bottl
of this famous old recipe for about fco
lon't stay gray! Try Itl No one can
possibly tell thst you darkened your
hair, as It does it eo naturally and
evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft
brush with It and draw this through
your hair, taking one email strand at a
time; by morning the gray hair dis
appears, and after another application
or two, your hair beoomca beautifully
dark, thick and glossy. Advertisement.
High Grade Sixes
Continental Motors
Delco Starters Standardized Throughout
Up-to-the-Minute in Design
Models 644, $1,475
Models 630, $1,195
Attractive $fi&&$ Proposition
Mr. C. E. Ensley
of the Moon Motor
Car Co. is in Omaha
during the show and
can be found at the
Fontenelle Hotel Call
and see him or tele
phone for an appointment.
As the thermometer
shifts you can change
from a cold to a warm
weather car or back
Siipo"f you havp a very
warm weok, ius in the early
lays of Kprinf last year.
Take off tlio Hide panels.
If the teraiKrature drops
sharply put them on again.
The tire nillMfa la hlii
The price of the Cloned Touring Car or Roadster
complete, Including; regular mohair top,
la $950 (f. o. b. Detroit.)
The price of the Touring Car or Roadster complete
la $TSC (f. o. b. Detroit.)
Moon Motor Car Co,
We feel sure that the best service is only to be had
when fidelity and loyalty are reciprocal in employer and
It is our ptrrpose to pay employees sufficient compen
sation to secure their best services and so they may live in
as comfortable circumstances as the men and women en
gaged in other lines of work.
We strive to assist worthy employees to accumulate
by making it easy for them to acquire a financial interest
in the business. Nearlv half of all the men employed by
this company are stockholders in the company.
We have endeavored to keep our working quarters
sanitary and comfortable, for without such conditions the
best work would not be possible.
With no expense to the employees, we provide for
sickness, disability, injury, old age and death in a broader
spirit than any corporation or government.
To make for the highest efficiency in our personnel,
we rigidly enforce the principle of advancement dependent
upon integrity, ability and meritorious work alone.
It will b wll worth your whiU to oxmmino
thit car mt ihm Show
Tyler 123. 1814-16-18 Farnam St
We've found that cheap lubricants
are the most expensive in the end
They are sure to cause engine troubles,
repair bills and general dissatisfaction. We
recommend Veedol, because we know that it
is the most highly refined, thoroughly filtered
paraffine base lubricant on the market.
Piatt & Washburn
Refining Company
Omaha, Neb.
. v r-v
Afeef Us at Fontenelle
e . .V i - 1 -
Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery in tha West.
Family Trade supplied by WM. JETTER, Distributor
2502 N St. Telephone Douglas 4231. South 863 or 863,