Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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Look at Child's
Tongue If Sick,
Cross, Feverish
Hurry, Motherl Remove pois
ons from little stomach,
liver, bowels.
Give "California Syrup of
Fijjs" at once if bilious
or constipated.
" r m
Oyer Seren Hundred Omahani At
tend Funeral Services for De
parted Jurist at St. Peter's.
scores or raiESTS take part
former secretary of interior
under Cleveland and at one
time governor of Missouri,
who is to be ambassador to
Commercial Club j Waiter Who Robbed
Makes Money When j Rooming House is
It Sells Its Cotton! Arrested in Iowa
lxok nt the tongue, mother! If coated,
It la a sure sign that your little one's
stomach, liver anil bowel need a gentle,
thorough cleansing- at once.
When peevish, cross, listless, pale,
doesn't ileep. doesn't eat or art naturally,
or la feverish, stomach aour, breath bad;
ha stomach-ache, sore throat, diarrhoea,
full of cold, niv a tcaapoonf ul of
California Kyrup of Flqs." and In a
few hour all the foul, ronstlpated waste,
.nd:ifriitd lood and aour bile gently
move out of the little howela without
griping, and you have a well, playful
child aEaln.
You needn't coax sick children to taka
tlna harmless ,-frult laxative;" they love
Ha delicious taste, and It alwaya makea
tliem feel splendid
That all Omaha la In mourning
over the death of District Judge
James P. English wan signified at the
funeral of the distinguished Ju-iat
at St. Teter's church. Twenty
eighth and Leavenworth atreeta,
yesterday, during which time no
courts were In session.
Many Judgee, attorneys, reprenen
tf live, business and professional men
joined with hundreds of friends and
Acquaintances In paying their last
' rubllc respects to the memory of
i dge English. The large church
v ia crowded to the doors and many
women and men stood tip during'
the entire service, and many score i
I fallowed the body to Holy Repulcher
cemetery, where It was placed in a
receiving vault.
Hold Solemn IHafc Maaa.
Twenty-five prleala of Omaha and
nearby towns participated In the solemn
tilth msss. which waa celebrated by a j
brother of Judge KnKbeh, Rev. John B
Knnllh of Iluhb.ird. I-arge delegations
of Judaea, attorneya and Knight of Co-V
lumbua attended In Iwwlles, and many ofT
them served aa active and honorary pall
bra rera.
Following the mass and the blessing
of the body by Kev. Father J. F. Mc
Carthy, pnator of the parish to which
Judge Kngllah belonged, the latter priest
delivered a alnrere and deeply Impressive
eulogistic sermon. He spoke In part aa
"Thousunds of ( are Borrowing
' '". ' ' y ' I
A profit of 112. iiO waa realized by the ,
Commercial club of the rue bale of H. OMilon, r.aiter in tlie horre of Mra
rotion the club purchased In Montgoni-j J. C. McKenrl". 4J4 Park avenue, waa
ery. Ala., during the '"Huy-a-Hale-of-Cot-i arrested at Marehalllow n, 1ft., and
ton' riiinpslun In 19M. when the wsr ! I rought bark to tmmha for the theft
blockade In Kurone hud thrown the cot
ton mnrket of the aoulh Into a wretched
atate nnd th planters were crying out
for a market.
The Commercial club paid 1X3.70 for the
five bales. Ftorage cbargea and Inaur-
iioni'V and ivraonal articles belonging; to
bachelor roomers nt the MrKcnsie place
Practically all of the attita were re
covered, and Crkhlnw mill bo arralgneit
In poll-r. rx.urt on the c'mrjre Thursday
morning. It waa through hla eendtn'i
ante w. re the principal Itema of expense j ffir, f rpn(1 ft .lor pjI). to ,;
connecter! wim me nomine oi ma coi
ton until It was aold recently. When
these chargca were paid off It waa round
that the club la 112.50 richer than It waa
before buying the cotton.
David jz foamc.
account of the funeral and and the city
council sepHon W'na postponed until after
noon. Federal court also adjourned during the
morning. Judge T. f Munger and othera
from the court attended the funeral.
Ask nur druggist for a S-rmt bottle I, n(1 BJ mpnlhlzlng. and gloom pcnadesl
of "California Hyrup of Figs.'' which haa
llrectlons for babies, children of all
agea and for grown-ups plainly on the
bottle. Iteware of counterfella aold here., sure you get the genuine, ask to
see that It Is made by "California Fig
Krup Company." Hrftisn any other kind
w Ith contempt. Advertisement,
Hume Miitfje Mixture Darkens
(ray Hair and Iteniovea
To a half pint of water add:
Kay Hum 1 01.
llarbo Compound a small box
Glycerine oi.
The, are all simple Ingredients that
you can buy from any druggist at very
little coat, and mix them yourself. Apply
to the scalp one a day for two weeka,
then once every other week until all the
mixture la used.
A half pint should be enough to darken
the gray hair, rid the1 head of dandruff
and kill the dandruff germs. It stops
the hair from falling' out, and relieves
HcliIng and scalp ill lease. .If p remotes
the growth of the hair and makea harsh
hair soft and glossy. Advertisement.
SlNCE its organization three
esrs ago, trie deposits of
Tlie State Bank
of Omaha
letksrW Heme
have averaged a daily increase of
ever $2,000.00.
This tteady growtk fias been an
expression of the confidence of.
our citixens in this bank as a cour
teous, efficient, tafa institution.
iYour money is tafa. All de
posits protected by the Deposit
ors' Guarantee Fund of the State
of Nebraska. ,
At count i InOitti
Of r'd en Saving
J IQ Accounts.
Smfrtg VnasM &
t J 00 s peer end tv
A Of T
T (0 Cert.)Utes.
H H M 4
n f w n
u li 11 w U U
This Trado Mark Guards
ojainst imitations
caul substitutions
WhenVou-Get Duff
and KeepYfeir-You krirjw
trtereisnotriirruit as good
have a successful Uvatment for
rtupture without resorting- to a painful
and uncertain surgical operation. We
are the vuly reputable puysiilne who
lll Uk euch cases upon a guarantee la
give satisfactory reaulta. VV have d.
voU-i mre tliau taenty yera to the ex
cluslke irealmrnt of Hupture, and w
have ierfct4 the beat treatment In ex
igence toly. We do not inject paraf.
line or wax. aa It Is dangerous. The ad
atiiKes vt our treatment are: No I use
an tiiiiH N detention from buslne.s.
Ko lunger from chloroform, shock and
tlood pu.son aJid no laying up in a bos-
l",''.v of Our HatlfiNl I'atieiits.
Mr I'eter Hlsh. Harvard. Neb.: Arnold
I Noifo'k. Neb.: V. M. aenxllngr,
I urr N. b J C. S. Judd. Avoci. Is .
M iJS-ver. B'alr. Neb.: C. M. Hsrils. Msl
,.r I.'; nmn Heed, Ogalalla. N.h.J
. rl.ii. Oakland. Neb : Kev. J. H.
t."nr.H. Ciica. Nrb .: John llohoe, Wla.
S.b ; .1 hn Coe. 61oux City, la : Iea
Murphy. 15f' Nrth J'h t., Omalia,
N.h.. sud bundle.) of ."'''"a
rail or wrln r. WAT , lCATXXsTT,
the city because of the loss of our com
mon friend, Judito KngCah li s audilen
dinth reminds us of she fact that dentil
la Inevitable, but that when, where and
how we die doea not matter, so long ns
we serve Cod and love our neighbor aa
our self, as Judge Fngllxh did.
Ye cannot understand (lod'a tnk'ng
away the head and provider of a family.
but there will be a hnppy reunion beyond
the grave of this family. In accordance
with the words, of Jesus in St. John's
gospel. xl 25: 'I am the resurrection
and the life: he that belleveth In me.
though he were dead, yet shall ho live.'
Life aa Opes llook.
The Judge's life was like an open
book. He waa subject to public scru
tiny In Ms office, and he measured well
up to expectatlona. Omaha lost a good
man and a valued asset with hla pass
ing, for his heart reached out, lie ha I
high Ideals, he helped hla fellow mun
and was a loyal servant and friend of
bis city, state, nation and religion.
"He had charity for all. his friendship
was of the best and ha waa a rrue hus
band and father. His life brings In
spiration and Is worthy of Imitation. In
the bosom of his family he taught hla
Children and loved and cared for them
with the solicitude of a wise end loving
father. , . . .
1 "Ha was weighed In tha balance and
found not to be wanting In worth, hon
esty, honor, morals and fidelity, by the
severe Judge, publlo opinion. A great
lesson of his life Is that he kept the
ten commandments; such men a re al
ways on tha road of rectitude and safety.
His Ufa can be summed up In two words,
for It waa that of a Christian gentle
man. "With his many virtues and dignified
mind, ha did good for socletv. A Just
Judge above will reward his fidelity, for
Judge English has foucht a good fight,
flnlahrj his cocree and Itnrp tho fnlth.
Well may Ood aay: 'Well done, thou
good and faithful servant.' "
, Many Priests Take Part,
In celebrating ths solemn high mass,
Judge F.ngllsh's brother, Hev. Father
F.ngllsh, was assisted by Kev.' Stephen
Dnwd of Holy Family church aa deacon;
Hev. J. Nelllg-an of 8t., Peter's church
ss sub-deacon, and Rev. rather McCar
thy as master of ceremonies.
These priests also occupied positions In
ths chancel and took part In the mass:
Right Rev, Monslgnor A. ' M. Colnnerl,
administrator of tha diocese of Omaha;
Rev. J. A. Hearne, 8t. Agnes church,
Houth Bide; Rev. F. X. McMenemy, a. J..
rector' of Crelg-hton university; Rev. T.
ODrlscoll. Ulslr; Rev. John Wallace.
Gretna; Rev. M. Shine, I'lattsmouth;
Rev. J. Carmody, Jackson; Rev. II. Har
rington, Rev. J. Sullivan, Rev. J. Fits
gerald and Rev. Hugh Qately, St. Ce
celia's parish; Rev. P. C. Gannon, editor
of the True Voice; Rev. J. Roach. St
James' Orphanage; Rev. F. McDald,
North Platte; Rev. i. A. Flanagan. Holy
Angela' church; Rev. J. H. Huckley,
lienaon, and Rev. Father McCarthy, 81
Peter's churoh.
Assisting In tha choir were Key. R
i Kimie of the church ot Ht. Mary Magda
lene, Rev. J. Whelan. 8. J., of Creighton
unlveralty, and Rev. K. J. Flanagan of
M. Patrick's church. Music was furn
ished by a choir representing most of the
parishes In the city. John B. Phanahan
of St. Patrick's church sang a solo.
Active pallbearers represented the
fourth degree. Knights of Columbus, and
the county attorney's office. Honorary
pallbearers included representatives o
the district and county bench, tha loug
laa County Bar association, business
activities and the municipal government
They were aa follows:
J A. C. Kennedy. W. J. Coed.
Paul Slelnwenuer. A. O. Khu-k.
lx)Ula I'laltl. Kditard T. Welch.
T. B. Redmond. Oeorse A. Maguey,
Ju:ee J mixes
WIUls 1. Rears. Charles Ialle.
A. C. Troup. 'William A. Hedh k
I'-e ri. Kstrlie. leorge A. Pay.
IFnr Pile
P. Pmalla that he was arretted.
The girl lives at rinttxmnuth and Is ;i
sister to (ieorre Iw yer, sentenced t
twenty days for having In liH po.vos.lon
a cigarette -n which was taken from
the McKenxie oM nnd which, he as
Ferts. Crlclilow pave him.
Yalo C-Holland, attorney, who t
All peraon having to pay Income who j cress suit when Crlchlow skipp-d out.
have not paid up by March 1 will b and Smalls had kept on the trull of tn
aubjected to a fine, announces Collector ! fellow and got In touch with him through
Lsiomls. he girl.
621 Residents of Nebraska
registered at Hotel Astor
during die past year.
1000 Rooms. 700 with Bath.
A cuisine which has made
the Astor New York's leading
Banqueting place.
Single Rooms, without bath, flxo to
Double ... j.oo to 4.00
Single Rooms, with bath, j 00 to 6.00
Double ... 4.00 to 7.00
Parlor, Bedroom and bath, 10.00 to 1 14.00
At Broadway, 44th to 45th Streets the center of New York's social
and business activities. In close proximity to all railway terminals.
Sample PaeKa
asja mt Iks
F a aa e m m
17 ra an Id Pllai
Trea t meaS
Now Offer
Free Prwva
What It Will
! far Yets.
Pyramid Pile;
T r titmint
f ives quick re
let, atopa Itch
I n sr. bleedlnar
nlles. Hemorrhoids and
all rectal troubles, In tha privacy of
your own home. 60o a box at all
druggists. A single box often cures.
Free aample for trial with booklet
mailed free In plain wrapper, if you
send us coupon below.
er protruding;
Hryce Crawford,
William T. Dtnm
T. J. FUsmorrts.
J. J. O'Connor.
I Hhlierneen.
J H kelsenney,
William Hslrd.
A. I. Sutton,
Frank Boyd.
Jaiuea W. Murphy,
n, John J. Sullivan,
U. K. klurphr,
V. J.Fawcett.
T. J. Mahonc),
C J Hmyth,
W. F. iurly.
John F. Ktout,
T F. Mulnlan.
Xan U. Butler
tm Pyramid Bldg, Marshall. Mich.
Kindly send me a Free sample of
Pyraaud PiUTreaUasaH, In plain wrapper.
Name r .
City.. state
1,000 SAY SO!
I Will Gladly Tell You
lon't Itt anvbolf tll you that Catarrh
la nt furmbl. It ran ha i-ured-l know It and I
hata prtrred It n4 will prove It to YOU Fit KB
of ci4 NOW. Nvr roiua nt ym'wm trta4.
or how mitnv tlma uu
nave ttn aimptttt
tA. 1 trlt-A aiul t'aHt
fur yfvra. (ired my
mn u I f r I r m
frtenrta HialT Ir.tnilB,
THOV HAN1H h a v
wrtti orJa of praw
tor atowltij tlivm tww
. rid thsinalvra or
itirrk auffertna:
Ijtht In thtlr on limu
-vlnittttg 0T travtlln.
Tlifi nutf ba
hiunt ron way.
but thrr ta ON In
uiiimt WAT. 1 want
tu to am" It AT iNrB FRKK.
Your 4HWklng. apltllui, niMfginax. nM blowing.
t.e4.hirii tri. c.lrl .lrtir-, nauaeav
...rrkal dllihttJU Of nNlrnM vanism. Ttrvsir
iintl bow ffraat or mrvgnit ths rrt)inl-a
iHjtr awm. It fan b rMuK. u m rum.
Vou dne l kae to use sal's, pastes. greaaM
loll Irs. lulliHis. olHluisnls. aprsn. siuiniian
,,ll.era electrli-IIT. !. TlhiSloo. sul
sry. (Iilns ta " er buiii Stt4 then Inhsia.
...1 liln. nr ill. Biiiti.
ihsl I is s wllllni t show eu hnw ts
(, rour i slHrrh siitferlns. ou certainly ouihl
to snts Sn'l iri ni .1. ,,'u.
stirfrml nior than 1 aid. I was a -lal
oulraslr-e aitwersble (allure, sn4 be.'aui 1 free
iniself I want It rre ou. in inim i rnr.w
1. wtu-r br far Iban s sift ot Burner !l
1, mm lieallh. Hunolneaa. tmrn
Catarrh Huffarlns thai frarful deeiun of disssai
eueslr. rH will sasil4 S Inn fnr s voatsl ts
gr thla truth Wnli. .'uat writs and my. ' tell
me hw 1 can ri ' " " 1 - -.-. --
rKKa." AadJas o ItlUHl MJW '.
SAM KATZ. Suite U771.
2909 Indiana Ave. Chicago. III.
Zemo for Dandruff
iterrteee at tsae.tery. .
At ths cemetery, swav. Father Kngllsh
and a group of priests conducted tha
burial and absolution, after which the
casket was placed In the vauw.
The following relatives of tljs departed
Judge attended the funeral with the wife
and Omaha children; William H. Knglish
of Chicago, brother; Mrs. Olive lloy
and Mrs. John Rice of Kensoha. W.s
sisters: John Knglish of Kansas City, son.
Mrft buo Wlckham ot Council HUff.i.
daughter; Mia Catherine Hoys of I)ulu:n.
Mini!., aunt: Mr. William Mcintosh o.'
Martin'a rry. O. sister-in-law, and
Mrs. btell'a Murphy of fooria. nUce.
No court waa held In the morning oa
Yo . d4 not want a slow treatment
when hair la falling and the dandruff
germ la killing the hair roots. Delay
means no pair.
Get at any drug store, a bottle of loino
for lie or II 00 for extra large aize. I'
as directed, for It doea tha work quickly,
It kills the dandurff germ, nourishes the
hair roots and lmiuedlatel." stopa Itching
scalp. It ts sure and safe, ts not greasy,
Is easy to use and will not stain. Buape
and shampoos are harmful, aa tbey con
tain alkali. The best thing to use
semo. for It la pure and also Inexpensive
Zemo, Cleveland.
"Ye Olde Whiskey Shop"
No Whiskey less than tn years old.
TIM aaUaOlk, Ma-r.
hj aim es4eimiei?ft
Aliiile learning is
a danfferatm tMnfS
When the New Yorker bought Hiram's farm, he rejected
Hiram's methods. He had theories of his own.
He got rid of the cows; pruned the orchard too heavily;
threw the farm all out of balance.
"The trouble with me," he says, "was that I knew too
much and not enough."
He has had four costly, nerve-racking years. Butatjast
he is winning. He knows now that his neighbors were
practical, and that he let his theories run away with him.
His case is not unusual. His story is a warning. He tells
it well Tenderfoot Farming todayin - v
Also m this isows
Green Manure Crops
in Michigan
Improving and restoring soils eco
nomically is a serious present-day
problem. This article gets right
down to business on how it's done
with legumes in Michigan.
Kansas, U. S. A.
Kansas has paid her debts. She's now
a three -billion -dollar state. Luck?
No. Bumper crops? Partly. For
the whole reason, read this second
installment (complete in itself).
Flood Control
There are four sides to the question
of draining a river's flood plain : the
effect on floods, on farming, on fish
ing, on navigation. It's all explained
in this article.
. Gumption is horse sense. We all
think we have our share. But here's
a case of two farmers, all charted out
In dollars and cents, that will sit you
down and set you to figuring.
And all these:
College Work in Illinois, pictorially
speaking ; more of Diana of the Moor
land, Louis Tracy's latest romance ;
. the how and when of Hotbed and
Cold Frame Crops ; Buying Bees by
the Pound, a new wrinkle ; a practi
cal talk on the Care of the Incubator ;
putting the Wood Lot on a paying
basis ; Dog Diseases and simple reme
dies; how to harvest Spruce Gum;
hints on Selling Vegetables direct to
the consumer ; The Cottage a way
to keep the teacher ; how to make a
Box Couch ; how Country Girls are
helping in Y. W. C. A. work; etc.
Thefce Regular Pages:
With the County Agents ; The Busi
ness of Dairying; Live Items about
Livestock; Good Methods in the
Field ; Round the Farm ; The Market
Garden; Commercial Fruit Growing;
Everyman's Garden; The Poultry
Calendar; My Child (for the Country
Mother); Good Times on the Farm;
Cooking; Sewing.
0 tfomafl?
'osi'JS dealer
or boy agent