Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- C7w& Doings
i ' i " ! f i
Rabbi Frederick Cohn will addresa the
frfmbtti and friends of th. B'lml Ami
club Hi their club room, SOI Lyric build
ing. Nineteenth and Farnam streets, on
thla .venlng at t an o'clock. Ilia .jb
Jert will ha "Americanism and Juda
ism." A musical program haa also been
A little surprise) la sprung by the in
nounrement of the marrlaae at Council
.Sliifr a week ago laat Friday of Mra. A.
B. Hunt. well known in Omaha, and Hr.
Charles Farey of Kngland. Mra. Hunt
haa been mora or I"" prominent In local
musical circle., which hrourht her the
arqiiajntanca of her present husband.
They are living In apartmcnta In tha
Roland, hut are allll to decide whether
they will make their home In Omaha or
In on of tha I irtflc roast atatca.
Se the Working' Model of the Dardanelles Now on the Third Floor
Motor Show Visitors Will Enjoy the Ad
vantages and Conveniences of This Store
Our eBtablinhmrnt is of sptvial intfrest and
eonYenirTiee to visitors, who may make line of
the bank, postoffloe, restaurants, entertain
ment, rest and writing rooms, check room, etc.
all a part of thin store' service.
New spring merchandise is arriving daily
and we invite you to inspect our various
showings. We call attention to the sale of
the great King-Peck $137,000 stock of men's
fine clothing and furnishings.
Special Display of New Skirts
S kit t$ are showing the influence of sport. Delts, pockets and trim
mings as well as materials radiate the out-door life of American women.
For the more dressy occasion you will find silks quite the thing, with
taffeta, gros grains and poplins as favorites. We shall make a special
display of these new spring skirts Wednesday.
The Silk Skirt
for early spring is an in
teresting feature of our
display, aa many beauti
ful new taffetas are be
ing shown in two-toned
plaids, stripes and checks
that' lend so greatly to
the effectiveness of the
new circular and pleated
models. Tunics also are
making their appearance,
either draped or pointed
in the dressier models.
Also the bands, graduat
ing from the extreme nar
row to very , wide, add
greatly when used on the
circular models.
Taffetas, . Orosgrains
and Poplins make these
especially attractive, and
'are shown at "
$10, $12.50,
$15 to $19
A new showing of Golfine and Chinchilla
Sport Coats, all desirable shades and whit, at
We are showing a" com
plete line of wonderful
novelties in the separate
skirts. Sport skirts are
particularly in demand
for early wear, with
many nobby coats being
shown. Plaids, stripes,
checks in varying sizes
and widths show their
tendency toward the de
mand for the unusual.
. Many are showing box
pleats with the stripes in
interesting arrangements.
A most complete line of
colon and materials, at
$5.98, $7.50,
$8.98 to $10
New Petticoats in attractive shades, all silk
or Jersey top models, messaline, taffeta or
$2.50, $3.98 to $5
Work of the Franco-Belgian Belief
Society Somewhat Changed to
Meet Conditions.
Hf MKUJCK I A February 2S.
The affair of today twin to have, a
patriotic significance, with emblcma of
Washington tha favorite decoration. But
the fatlgu. that showed Itaclf last week
at tha closing of the i-ine Arta society's
eshlblt at tha Fontenelle aeema (till to
hang on with a persistence which ia the
despair of the society editor.
There are many small affalra. It ia
true, a multitude of them, afternoon
bridge, of one table; but absolutely noth
ing that can be turned Into copy. One
might almost think I.ent already com
menced. Tha largest gathering of the day meet,
with philanthropic Intent, the all-day
session and luncheon of the Franco-Belgian
Relief society, at the home of Its
prealdent. Mra. Warren Rogers. After
thla. the society will meet Iwlce every
month, instead of once aa formerly was
the schedule.
Today", meeting of the relief workers
marka a change In the work of the so
clety. Hitherto the making of clothes
for refugeea and hemming bed linen for
hospitals haa been the principal work
accomplished. Today, meeting marka a
I a to a i. m. f
! Main Cafe I
(New Henshaw Hotel
, Instructor and Entertainers I
I Wednesday and Saturday
I rhone ReeerratJcma p. 1216. 1
New Horn Treatment
for Banishing Hairs
(Beauty Toplca)
With th. aid of a delatone paste, it ia
an easy matter for any woman to re
move erery trace of hair or fun from
face, neck and arms. Rnough of th.
powdered delatone and water I. mixed
Into a thick paat. and spread on the
hairy aurfaoa for about t mlnutea, then
rubbed off and the akin washed. This
completely remove, th. hair, but to avoid
i disappointment, get the delatone In an
original package. Advertisement.
departure and the society commence,
th. task of preparing aurgicel supplies.
One of the great Items of expense has
been the purchase of prepared bandagea.
na every one knowa who haa paid 15
rente for a yard of eesld and stertlitet
gause. The gauge itself, bought by the
bolt, Is the next cheapest thing to paper.
The relief workera expect today to get
four bolts of gause cut and rolled. One
f.f Me local hoepitals will undertake tht
terl-!t!on and big consignments of
l.sndaces for the French hosPltala may
he sent out at little cost, comparing
with the previous outlay for these arti
cles. In a way this work fits Into the gen
eral plan of preparation that la so advo
cntcd these days. It la fitting the women
of the country for their part If the
worst should ever come to our land.
One of the membera of the Franco-Bel
gian Relief society. Mrs. erbert Roger..
has had a hospital training, and under
her guidance the work can progres.
without the aid of a paid instructor or
a volunteer, mho is needed elsewhere.
For Mrs. Nicholson.
Mrs. Nicholson of Indianapolis. slnc
her coming to Omaha last week to visit
her brother and .later. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Thomaa Kountxe, haa had some
thing doing for her every few spare
hours of her time. Many of Mra. Nich
olson's friends who made plans for a
luncheon or a tea or a dinner and began
on a guest Hat discovered on consulting
the proposed honor guest that ahe did
not have the few hour, requisite to grace
the affair already In conatructlon for her.
The disappointment, of hostesses have
been many, and It haa been a case solely
of the early bird and the worm. Only
those who spoke firs and spoke quickly
got Mrs. Nicholson to honor an affair.
Mrs. Charles B. Keller la Mrs. Nichol
son's hostess today at a luncheon at the
Omaha club to twenty-three guests. The
party la emblematic of the anniversary
the calendar commemorates, with deco
ration, of cherries and flag, and Inspir
ing Insignia devoted to the memory of
General Washington.
Omnhans at Excelsior Springs.
Recent arrival, from Omana at the
Hotel Pnapp In Excelsior Spring, have
teen Messrs. E. A. Sullivan, W. E. Calla
han. W. A. Smith. W. C. Bullard, W. J.
Brennan, "V. M. Bushman and William
R. Burns.
Mr. and Mrs. O. n. Payne and Mrs.
E. R. I-ancy of Omaha are registered at
the Elm. hotel. Excelsior Spring., Mo.
High School Girls Entertain.
Th. Social Culture club of the High
School of Commerce gave a leap year
party Saturday evening In the Lyric
building. A musical and literary pro
gram. In which the Misae. Sadie Weiss,
Ruth Week., Dorothy Soyinsky, Ruth
Holmes, Doris Boardman, Ruth Elling
ton, Gertrude DeWaal and Leonard
McGrath took part, was given, and the
rest of the evening was .pent la dancing.
An added feature of Interest was a de
bate, In which membera of th. faculty
took part, Messrs. N. C. Wood. Knotts
and Knlpprath asalnst Misae. Edith
Halght, Charlton and Helen Drummond.
Those present were:
Erlna Cole,
Ruth Holmes.
Ioreta l-are-n,
Gladys Nl-klc.
fnrls Boardman.
!rothv Sovlnsriky
Margaretha Kngel-
All'p Ryan.
Ssdin Weiss.
Get rude I Waal,
Huth Stiles.
Irene Tnuchrn.
OIa Anderaon,
Clara Olsen,
Pea k e,
R. Burford.
J. Drummond.
i.Max Mofkovitf,
Milton Merbrh-k,
George Traver.
Harry Wlison,
Milton I.arsen,
Wilbur Wolf.
Wae Reeves.
Charles Htaats.
George Beraer. Harold Miller.
Charles conhlser.
Messrs. and MesTamea ,
Karl F. Adams, lursnd.
Striven, Mnrey,
Wood. Miller,
Knotts, " Knlpprath,
H. Clausen.
For Boston Guest.
Among the many affairs which wilt be
given In honor of Mra. James H. Learned
of Boston, who la visiting her slater.
Mra. Wilson lxw, will be a tea Friday
afternoon given at her home by Mr.. I-ow.
Mrs. F. A. Brogan glvea a bridge lunch
eon Wedneaday for Mr.. Learned-
Muriel Cummins.
I led n Drummond,
t owden.
Julia Fowler,
Bese Plank.
Tlnth F.lMngton.
Kdlth Tllton.
Esther Buckley.
Ruth Weeks.
K.lste Backstrom.
Glarlys Jackson.
Antoinette Philhrkk,
HeUn Crawford.
Leah Keith.
Flmer Luplnke,
Fred Sheets,
Karl Peterson.
Walter Chamberlain,
lonard McGratn,
Paul Carlisle,
Bert Crooke.
Zclesth Scrlver.
Stan'oy Herbrick,
Merle " Swope.
Robert Blackmore,
W alter R. Johnson.
then county attorney of Douglas eounty.
who waa adjusting his strides to that
of the tiny feet pattering beside hi.
It was Judge F.ngllsh.
The family said nothing, but after that
they smiled at one another each noon
when the little face brightened at th.
sound of the whistle snd the child rai
off saylnr, 'Now I must go and meet
my friend '
Personal Mention.
Miss Frances Nash Is expected home
the latter part of the month from a
trip to New Tork. Mr.. L. T. Crofoot,
her sister, is planning an eastern trip
later on.
Society at the Auto Show.
The Automobile show is especially
marked by smartness this year. For th.
first time in seven year, the show cornea
before Lent. Thursday evening th. show
will be th. .mart even of the day, with
dinner, preceding in number greater than
any ball or danc. of the aeaaon haa
brought out. Among those dining with
guest, before the show will be:
Messrs. and Mesdames
Joseph Barker. William T. Burn.
Chsrlea T. Stewart. F. P. Hamilton.
Council Bluffs: Charles T. Kountae.
T. J. Stewart. 2d.;
Washington Birthday Party.
Mra. Irving M. Elson gave a Washing
ton birthday party this afternoon at her
home in honor of Mr.. Eda.rd Engel
hardt of St. Louts, house guest of Mrs.
C. E. Knotts. Thosa present were:
T.oula Knettle,
Heck with.
Lloyd Magney,
Joseph Dugan,
Albert Blaufuss,
Louis Miller.
Gordon kans,
Silvia Lijilnsky,
Jeannett. Jessop,
Goldman. ,
Joseph Green,
Harry Ixard,
F. R. Dooley.
Herbert Johnson,
Charles Goff.
George Brown.
Louise Gregg.
tstsasmsamtimv mziBMsistawmiB.. miw i masBssasmxaBsemsBmsaaastasssmasmsssmsmsmmK.
New Nemo" Corset
For Slender and Medium
Good looks wait upon good health. To be healthy and good looking, you
must always stand erectly, breathe deeply and be free from any kind of pres
sure over your nerves, arteries and vital organs.
If you are slender, the corset that will do moRt to preserve your health
and good looks is the new Nemo "Military-Belt''--different from any other
corset you've ever seen.
k 333 f or ihort slender...... ff
' 333 for taller slender pUU
Tina white coutil. Sixes 20 to 30.
Expert fittings free.
Caramel Day Wed.
Pompeian Room
Our IIorae-Made Cream
Vanilla, Chocolate, Maple Flavor, Va-
nuia xsut, unocoiate XNut gv
and eocoanut. Special R m
per pound H - Hfi s
Merchants' Spring Market Week
Omaha, Feb. 28 to March 4
We want you to be sure to make arrangements to spend next week with us
at the Omaha Market We can Bafely say that we offer you greater and finer
oeks to select your new Spring Goods from than ever before. We have pro
vided entertainment that will make you and your family go home and boost
Omaha more than ever.
Bigger and Better Than Ever!
Tbree special occasions have beeu arranged for the entertainment of you
and your family. A theater jarty one evening; a dinner and dance at Omaha's
new million-dollar hotel The Fontenelle another evening; and a third evening
you will be invited to compete. for several hundred valuable prizes.
Bring the Family when You Come
Omaha Vholesalers, and Manufacturers' Assn.
3 ISth and Douglas Sts.
hits. "0ut-of-Town Visitor" Greeting !
Welcome to tlte Auto Show &nd to Oar Store
Too may not know It, bnt we
have bea anticipating your
visit, and when you finish
looking at the 1916 models in
autoa Just step three) blocks
down the street and let na
show you the new 191S
models In women's salts and
coats and dreaaea.
We're patting on a wonder
ful .how -and both style, and
prlcea are vitally Interesting.
New Cloth Spring Suits New Spring Dresses
$15.00 to $45.00 $12.50 to $35.00
Smart New Silk Suits Stylish New Spring Coats
$27.50 to $55.00 $15.00 to $39.50
Many women in your community who demand the
best in apparel depend entirely upon us for their
garments. If you have never visited our depart
ment, it's worth your while getting acquainted.
3& 33SFM&, &
aa xxxjci
Miss We art Guest of Honor.
Mis. Helm Gar-ln entertained a party
pt twelve at luncheon at her home this
afternoon for Mis. Ellen Weart of Cher
okee, la., who I. visiting her cousin. Miss
Dorothy Weller. Th. tabl. and living
rooma were decorated with red rosea,
cherries and emblem, of Washington
After luncheon th. party went to the
The children', afternoon dancing party,
announced for thla afternoon at th. horn.
of Mr. Edgar H. Soott, haa been post
poned until a date to b. determined upon
Tuesday fridge Clnb.
The Tuesday Bridge club wa. enter
tained thla afternoon by Mr.. John Mad
den. After luncheon, two table, played
with only th. member, of the club pres
Going-Away Luncheon.
air.. John A. Moore, mho I. leavlna
tomorrow for Mobile. Ala., and an e
tended visit to th. aouth. aave a luncheon
at the University club to twenty guests
Rose, decorated the table.
tie too long on the corner talking to my
On. day th. child', familv ilft.mi
to sea what llttl. girl wa. thla much-
prised friend, and, watching at tha win
dow, they aoon aaw the child Mmini
down th. .idewalk hand-ln-hand beside
th. tall, military looking figure of the
Girls of Fifty
Years Ago and
Girls of Today
A crowded house witnessed the pageant,
'Girls of Teatorday and Today," given
Tuesday evening at the Toung Women's
Christian association building In celebra
tion of the flfti.iit annlverasry of the
association. So larga a number of re
quests to see the presentation have come
in that the pageant will be repeated on
Thursday evening. "Girl, of Yesterday
and Today" wa. presented In the same
manner by T' association, all over tha
country pn Washington', birthday.
Locally pantomime, tableaux and beau
tiful costuming and lighting effect, were
used to carry out the Idea of the picture,
the only speaking part, being taken by
Miss Clara Drake, who represented tha
18 girl, th. year the association wa
organized, and Mis. Corlnn. Armstrong,
who wa. the 191A girl.
One hundred girl. In costume, of th.
five -decades which have Intervened took
part In the production. An orchestra led
br Will Hetherlnaton and Mlaa Helen
Avery playeal the musical accompani
ment, and vocal aoloa were rendered by
Mies Haiel Evans and Mis. Grace Poole.
Miss Louise Curtis, Toung Women's
Christian association secretary, directed
the pageant, with the assistance of Mrs.
C. A. Sherwood, chairman of the com
mittee. Mrs. Charle. R. Sherman col
lected from local women the costumes
of the period depicted in th. pageant.
Let Mi Provs Free Tbat You Cm Get Rid
of It Positively, Without Piln w Injury.
Free Coupon Bring. You Quick Help
,Z'J'S' ' ' tMcaos of a hldaous
.nrwth at Nupcrfltioua Hair. I k4 a ravular
- Afur skln( rHIM for run In am. I
I"?!!?,' """"f " "'i'' In tha Brltlah Arnir
a oloaalr-twdad aecrat of tha Hindoo Ralldoa
Judge English Had
Perfect Knowledge
of Childish Nature
In th. passing away of Jame. P. Iif
llsh, many anecdote, of the man aa a
lawyer and luriat are being told. To my
mind come, a llttl. Incident which show,
a peculiarly Intimate Insight Into Judga
English', social nature and it. sympathy
to understand children to th. point of
perfect fellowship with them.
Bom. year, ago a little girl about 4
year, old cam. to Omaha to vlal her
grandmother. She cam. from th. souta
and did not take kindly to th. west at
first. On. day ah. announced that ah.
waa glad ahe wa. in Omaha because ah.
had a friend now. It wa. the first time
ah. had used th. word "friend." and it
amused her family. Every day th. little
cne would wait for th. whistle at noon.
nq wncn svie unni n, ino wouiq Bay,
"Now I must go and meet my friend,"
and up th. block ah. would run.
Her grandmother naturally auppoaed
th. child wa. going to meet on. of th.
children of th. block coming home from
Sometime, it happened th. little girl
waa lata to her luncheon and ah. would
explain it by Baying, "Oh, I stayed a lit-
Umsr have
DHt BUMIflMnua Mi .
ii waa a sueoaaaful In mr an rasa fcit t
tha allahtaat tract of UuMrfluous
Hair and I ahall ba glad to
oo rroa to anrons. full In-
llnrm.tlfia mnA .1.1. I -
Vtloaa so tliat rou eaa follow
1 nr eiajnpla and oomplatalr
destroy all tracw without hv
ina to raaort ta tha tuinwu
letrt aoodl. Bo alop wast.
log roar saooor oa worthless
. tepllatorr prrDaratlona and wiito
jr 1 e today, glrlna your bum and
: V addreee. statins whether Mnm.
' ' ' or Mlaa. All I aak Is. that
I you arad bm a ie staaap
. 1 fr rwtura pnotage. Ad
1 idreea, Mrs. Fradarlea Und-
Wrlrf. Ml LSON 1
WhtM toldlr-HiwbandB
m c.
N r t k Hstin ttrMt,
AtUvbora. Mm.
THIS Fit EB COUPON, If Mftt wtU a So
Camvp for rtnurm imUi, ntltiosj sxuy wotna.a
c4 I hi- Ttclotty to Mrs. Hudm'i FY Id
tnactlovia t BnUh Hurfluou Hair. Good
f ir tmn-iiillin taM oaljr. (ut out coupoa aud
ptn to your lMtr. AHUrvaa aa below.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Mra. Hudson belongs to a
tltlad family, Hh In Knallih Morlec; aha la can
Bfctod with latiln offlciata t tiara and ia iba
vldaar of a rominaat offirr in tha Brltlah Army,
ao r oaa wrtta har with fntlr conftdanea. (-the
haa opanai) aa offica in Antaiica for tha baaafit
of aufferara from Hutrrluoua Hair. Har full ad
draaa to. Mrs Frdartr Hudaoa. Of flea !, C.
North Main StraaC. AUlrboro. Maaa,
n --AT
Space and room for samples will not permit us to place but a portion of
this big stock on our selling floors at one time, but Just as fast as the goods
are sold other lines and other samples will take their place. Do not delay.
Come as soon as you can. The sooner you come the better you will find the
Grandchild Comes
for Funeral; Dies
Funeral services for Mary Adam.,
aged 6 yeara, who died Saturday at hei
home, 1307 Hickory .treat after a ahort
lllnes., were held Tuesday afternoon at S
o'clock, from Janda'a parlor., with In
terment in th. Bohemian National ceme
tery. She ia survived by two daughter,
and on. .on.
Mrs. Jame. Koetecky of Dayton, on.
of th. .daughter, cam. to Omaha aeveral
day. ago, and yesterday her 1-year-
old daughter, Violet, who Contracted diph
theria here, died. Funeral services fot
th. child were held last evening at
o'clock from Janda'a.
Central Furniture
17th and Howard Sts.
A. A. Benton of New Tork City is
Omaha visiting bla parent.. Mr. and Mra.
A. II. Benton, residing at th. Meniani
II. i. her. because of th. critical Ill
ness of his mother and is registered al
th. Fontenelle hotel.
The young man ia a managing partner
of the banking department of Marwlck,
Mitchell. Feat Co.. New Tork City, a
big firm of chartered accountant, with
about twenty branch office. In thla coun
try and twenty mora In Europe.
Ha .poke Monday at th. banquet at
th. Westminster club in Minneapolis. H.
expect, to b. la Omaha two or thr.
C. W. Franc-la. Maxwell agent, has th.
conclusive proof that h. sold th. first
car during th. show. Francis registered
his sale with AaaUtant Secretary Mans
field and Mansfield say. Francis La th.
peed boy who turned th. trick.
Paul Bchreiber. II. e newly appointed su
perintend' ni. of the Welfare board. Will
addresa the France. Willard Women'.
Christian Temperance Union Wednesday
afternoon at th. born, ef Mra W. T.
Gagnebin, 1503 North Fortlslb. attJwM,